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犬蠕形螨病又称犬毛囊虫病或犬脂螨病,是由于犬蠕形螨(Demodex Canis)寄生于犬毛囊或皮脂腺而引起一种顽固性寄生虫皮肤病。由于多种原因,犬蠕形螨病在我国发病率较高,并且全国各地都有流行,特别是幼犬发病率很高。临床上通常表现为毛囊炎和皮脂腺炎,患病犬皮肤剧烈瘙庠,被毛脱落。若不及时治疗或治疗不彻底会导致病情恶化,严重者可继发感染死亡,还会造成病原的扩散,易造成该病  相似文献   

浅谈犬螨虫病的鉴别诊治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
犬螨虫病又叫犬疥癣,俗称“癞皮病”。是由犬疥螨、犬耳痒螨或蠕形螨寄生所致,它们除了直接损伤宿主外,在寄生过程中还可以传播某些细菌性、病毒性疾病。犬患病后如果治疗不及时或不彻底,往往会长期不愈,病原扩散,在犬群中造成该病的流行。患有螨虫病的受训犬和工作犬,往往会影  相似文献   

犬螨虫病又称犬疥癣,俗称“癞皮病”,是由犬疥螨、犬耳痒螨或蠕形螨寄生所致,它们除了直接损伤宿主外,在寄生过程中还可以传播某些细菌性、病毒性疾病。犬患病后如果治疗不及时或不彻底,往往会长期不愈,病原扩散,在犬群中造成该病的流行。患有螨虫病的受训犬和工作犬,往往会影响训练和使用,甚至被淘汰,严重的可因继发全身性感染导致死亡;  相似文献   

犬螨虫病又叫犬疥癣,俗称”癞皮病”。是由犬疥螨、犬耳痒螨或蠕形螨寄生所致,它们除了直接损伤宿主外,在寄生过程中还可以传播某些细菌性、病毒性疾病。犬患病后如果治疗不及时或不彻底,往往会长期不愈,病原扩散,在犬群中造成该病的流行。[第一段]  相似文献   

正犬蠕形螨病又称毛囊虫病或脂螨病,是由蠕形螨寄生于犬皮脂腺或毛囊大量繁殖而引起的一种顽固性寄生虫性皮炎。临床上常见、多发、较难治愈。目前犬的蠕形螨病发病率持续保持较高水平,一旦受训犬和工作犬患蠕形螨病往往会影响其训练和使用,甚至被淘汰,严重者如得不到及时治疗,会因脓毒血症、自体中毒或高度衰竭死亡。因此,对犬蠕形螨病的防治要采取综合措施,做到抓早、抓好。  相似文献   

<正>犬螨虫病又叫犬疥癣,俗称"癞皮病",主要由犬疥螨、犬耳痒螨或蠕形螨寄生所致,其中由蠕形螨引起的螨虫病称为犬蠕形螨病,也称犬毛囊虫病或犬脂螨病。犬蠕形螨多寄生在犬的眼、耳、唇以及前腿内侧无毛处,形成与周围界限明显的红斑。主要表现为患部脱毛、皮肤肥厚发红。它们除了直接损伤宿主外,在寄生过程中还可以传播某些细菌性、病毒性疾病。犬患病后如果治疗不及时或不彻底,往往会长期不愈,病原扩散,在犬群中  相似文献   

多拉菌素浇泼剂对犬螨病的疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬螨病主要包括蠕形螨、疥螨、耳痒螨。蠕形螨病又名毛囊虫病或脂螨病,是由犬蠕形螨寄生于皮脂腺或毛囊而引起的一种常见而又顽固的皮肤病。犬疥螨病又称疥癣,俗称癞皮狗病,是由犬疥螨或耳痒螨寄生所致,以接触感染、患畜奇痒和皮肤炎症为特征。这些寄生虫侵染后会造成犬猫贫血、消  相似文献   

<正>犬蠕形螨病(Canine demodicidosis)又称犬毛囊虫病或犬脂螨病,是由蠕形螨科、蠕形螨属的犬蠕形螨(Demodex canis)寄生于犬的皮脂腺和毛囊内引起的一种犬皮肤寄生虫病,常伴随真菌和细菌混合感染,是一种顽固性的寄生虫病。蠕形螨进入皮脂腺或毛囊后引起脱毛、红疹、结痂、脂溢等症状,可以破坏皮肤正常结构,引起真菌和细菌继发感染。形成混合感染的皮肤病,严重时发展为全身性脓皮病,造成动物  相似文献   

<正>犬蠕形螨病又称犬毛囊虫病或犬脂螨病,是由于犬蠕形螨寄生于犬毛囊或皮脂腺异常增殖而引起的皮肤病。犬蠕形螨病的临床症状主要有两种表现形式,即局灶性蠕形螨病和全身性蠕形螨病。犬全身性蠕形螨病是一种由两种不同种属(犬脂螨和一种未命名的蠕形螨)引起的全身性皮肤病,多数人认为局部蠕形螨病的病变出现5处以上就可归纳为全身性蠕形螨病[1]。幼犬、成年犬以及老年犬均可感染,临床症状有所差异,常见局灶性或弥漫性的脱毛,伴有红斑、皮  相似文献   

犬蠕形螨病又称犬毛囊虫病或犬脂螨病,是由蠕形螨科、蠕形螨属的犬蠕形螨寄生于犬的毛囊或皮脂腺而引起的一种顽固性皮肤病.  相似文献   

Between 1997 and 1999, the prevalence of Demodex canis mites was determined in 150 dogs. In two dogs, we found two different species of mites; Demodex canis and another, unidentified, Demodex mite. The unidentified Demodex mite species had several different morphological features. First, it had a short opisthosoma and an obtuse end. In addition, the fourth coxisternal plate was rectangular and there was a band-like segmental plate between the fourth coxisternal plate and opisthosoma. Although all of the morphology and the development of male mites could not be investigated in this study, the location of the opisthosoma and the genital pore clearly differed from Demodex canis, suggesting that this unidentified mite is a new species.  相似文献   

Abstract— Infestation with short-tailed demodectic mites and Demodex canis was diagnosed in an 8-month-old male Chihuahua dog. Skin lesions were characterized by alopecia and scaling on the ventral aspects of the chest, all four limbs, the ventral aspect of the neck and around the eyes. Both Demodex canis and a short-tailed demodectic mite were observed on skin scrapings. After 4 months of amitraz dip treatments, skin scrapings were negative and hair regrowth appeared.
Résumé— Une infestation à Demodex (forme courte) et à Demodex canis est diagnostiquée sur un Chihuahua, mâle de 8 mois. Les lésions cutanées sont caractérisées par une alopécie squameuse du thorax, des quatre membres, du cou et autour des yeux. Les raclages cutanés montrent la présence de Demodex canis et de Demodex sp. (forme courte). Après 4 mois de traitement à l'amitraz, les raclages cutanés sont négatifs et une repousse des poils est observée. [Chen, C. A short-tailed demodectic mite and Demodex canis infestation in a Chihuahua dog (Infestation à Demodex canis et à Demodex (forme courte) chez un Chihuahua).  相似文献   

In order to screen the Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of Demodex canis, canine acariasis spirit was prepared by Foeniculum vulgare, Fructus cnidii and Bauhinia by water alcohol precipitation and distillation extraction methods. To observe the effect on Demodex canis, canine acariasis spirit was set to high, medium and low concentrations, the content of crude drug were 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5 g/mL, respectively. The experiment of killing Demodex canis was carried out by drop method. On this basis, 12 dogs inoculated with Demodex canis were treated. In order to verify the therapeutic effect, 45 clinically diagnosed dogs with Demodex canis were divided into three groups. The results showed that 3 doses of the traditional Chinese medicine canine acariasis spirit all had strong inhibition effect to kill mites, the high dose group could completely kill Demodex canis only 4 h after treatment, the action of 1% ivermectin control group was 8 h after treatment; 3 weeks later, a large number of new hair grew, rash and skin nodules disappeared, the skin lesion had healed in the affected area of high dose group, in 1% ivermectin treatment group, the dog skin improved, only a small amount of new hair grew, it couldn't cure standard; In the high and middle dose group, the average number of the ratio of skin scraping mites and the recurrence rate after drug withdrawal was 0 in one month later; The average number of mites proportion and recurrence rates of skin scrapings in 1% ivermectin treatment group were 10.63% and 9.17% in one month later; After 3 weeks of treatment, the total average eggs negative rate, cure rate and average cure days were 100.00%, 93.33% and 19.56 d in high dose traditional Chinese medicine canine acariasis spirit and 1% ivermectin combined treatment group, the results were better than the traditional Chinese medicine canine acariasis spirit and 1% ivermectin alone treatment group. The results showed that the effect of the high dose group self-made Chinese medicine canine acariasis spirit on killing Demodex canis in vitro, inoculation of Demodex canis and clinical therapeutic effect of natural infection cases were significantly better than 1% ivermectin control group, canine acariasis spirit as a traditional Chinese medicine preparation would have a good market development prospects.  相似文献   

为筛选具有显著治疗犬蠕形螨的中药制剂,试验将中药小茴香、蛇床子、羊蹄根采用水煮醇沉及蒸馏等提取方法制备成中药制剂犬螨灵,并观察其对犬蠕形螨的疗效。将犬螨灵设为高、中、低3个浓度,其生药含量分别为2.0、1.0和0.5 g/mL,采用点滴法进行体外抑杀蠕形螨试验,在此基础上对12只接种蠕形螨的试验犬进行治疗试验,为验证治疗效果,对临床上已确诊的45只患有蠕形螨的病犬分3组进行临床治疗试验。结果显示,中药犬螨灵3种剂量均有较强的体外抑杀螨虫作用,高剂量组作用后4 h即可完全抑杀蠕形螨,1%伊维菌素对照组则为作用后8 h;高剂量组在治疗3周后,患处有大量新毛生长,红疹结节和皮屑消失,患处皮肤已痊愈,1%伊维菌素治疗组患犬皮肤好转,仅有少量新毛生长,不能达到痊愈标准;高、中剂量组皮肤刮取物螨虫数量平均比例及停药1个月后复发率均为0,1%伊维菌素治疗组皮肤刮取物螨虫数量平均比例及停药1月后的复发率分别为10.63%和9.17%。高剂量中药犬螨灵与1%伊维菌素两种药物联合治疗组,对临床上患病犬进行3周治疗,其虫卵平均转阴率、治愈率与平均治愈天数分别为100.00%、93.33%和19.56 d,其效果均优于中药犬螨灵与1%伊维菌素单独治疗组。结果表明,高剂量自制中药制剂犬螨灵对犬蠕形螨体外抑杀作用、接种蠕形螨试验犬与临床自然感染病例均有显著的治疗效果,优于1%伊维菌素对照组,犬螨灵作为中药杀螨虫制剂具有较好的市场开发前景。  相似文献   

Short form of Demodex species mite in the dog: occurrence and measurements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A form of Demodex species mite shorter in length than Demodex canis was found in six consecutive cases of canine demodicosis. The mean length of the parasite was 122.6 microns (SD 12.0 microns, 39 mites counted), significantly shorter than either male or female forms of D canis (P < 0.0001). The proportion of short to long mites in each case varied from 0.5 to 22 per 100. In young dogs, skin signs associated with the presence of mites were first noted after about seven months, while in the oldest subject the disease became apparent at 10 years of age. This form of mite has now been found in four countries over three continents, the findings suggesting that it is not uncommon and is acquired in puppyhood, although it may be carried unnoticed for many years.  相似文献   

All life stages of Demodex cati are described and compared with D. canis. Presence of D. cati is reported for the first time from the external auditory meatus. In the two cases examined mites occurred in large numbers with little pathogenic effect.  相似文献   

Abstract Skin disease associated with the cutaneous commensal organisms Staphylococcus intermedius, Malassezia pachydermatis and Demodex canis is frequently encountered in veterinary medicine. In treatment the aim is elimination of the commensal, but recurrence of skin disease is not unusual. In this review, these potentially pathogenic commensals and their ecology are discussed with particular reference to skin biology and the surface ecosystem. The strategies employed by the micro-organisms for survival and the defence mechanisms of the host are considered. Disease occurs when the virulence of the commensal overwhelms the resistance of the host. It is hoped that an understanding of the complex nature of the skin and its commensals will lead to a better understanding of those diseases associated with commensals and in consequence more effective treatment. Résumé— Les dermatoses associées aux organismes commensaux cutanés Staphylococcus intermedius, Malassezia pachydermatis et Demodex canis sont fréquentes en médecine vétérinaire. Le traitement vise àéliminer le commensal, mais les récidives sont fréquentes. Dans cet article, les commensaux potentiellement pathogènes et leur écologie sont discutés avec une référence particulière à la biologie cutanée et à l'écosystème de surface. Les stratégies employées par les microorganismes pour survivre et les mécanismes de défense de l'hote sont présentés. La pathologie se développe lorsque la virulence du commensal outrepasse la résistance de l'hote. Il faut espérer que la compréhension de la nature complexe de la peau et de ses commensaux, permettent une meilleure compréhension des pathologies associées à ces commensaux et par conséquent un traitement plus efficace. [Mason, I. S., Mason, K. V., Lloyd, D. H. A review of the biology of canine skin with respect to the commensals Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis and Malassezia pachydermatis (Une revue de la biologie de la peau concernant les commensaux Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis et Malassezia pachydermatis). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 119–132.] Resumen En medicina veterinaria son frecuentes las dermatopatías asociadas a los microorganismos comensales Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis y Malassezia pachydermatis. El tratamiento busca la eliminatión del comensal, aunque no son raras las recidivas. En esta revisión se discute la ecología de estos comensales potencialmente patógenos, con especial énfasis en la biologia cutánea y el ecosistema superficial. Se tienen en cuenta las estrategias para la supervivencia utilizadas por los microorganismos y los mecanismos de defensa del huésped. La enfernedad se desarrolla cuando la virulencia del comensal supera la resistencia del huésped. Se espera que el mejor conocimiento de la naturaleza compleja de la piel y de sus comensales llevará a un mejor conocimiento de las enfermedades asociadas a los comensales y, consecuentemente, a un tratamiento más efectivo. [Mason, I. S., Mason, K. V., Lloyd, D. H. A review of the biology of canine skin with respect to the commensals Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis and Malassezia pachydermatis (Revision de la biologia cutánea con respecto a los comensales Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis y Malassezia pachydermatis). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 119–132.] Zusammenfassung— Hauterkrankungen in Verbindung mit den kutanen, kommensalen Organismen Staphylococcu intermedius, Malassezia pachydermatis und Demodex canis werden in der Veterinärmedizin häufig angetroffen. Das Ziel der Behandlung ist die Elimination der Kommensalen, aber die Rezidivierung der Hauterkrankung ist nicht ungewöhnlich. In dieser Übersicht werden diese potentiell pathogenen Kommensalen und ihre Ökologie mit speziellem Bezug zur Biologie der Haut und des Ober-flächenökosystems diskutiert. Die Überlebensstrategien dieser Mikroorganismen und die Abwehrmechanismen des Wirtes werden berücksichtigt. Eine Erkrankung tritt auf, wenn die Virulenz des Kommensal die Widerstandskraft des Wirtes übertrifft. Man hofft, daß das Verstehen der komplexen Natur der Haut und ihrer Kommensalen zum besserem Verständnis dieser mit den Kommensalen verbundenen Krankheiten und damit in der Folge zu wirksamerer Behandlung führt. [Mason, I.S., Mason, K.V., Lloyd, D.H. A review of the biology of canine skin with respect to the commensals Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis and Malassezia pachydermatis (Übersicht über die Biologie der Haut des Hundes mit Berücksichtigung der Kommensalen Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis und Malassezia pachydermatis). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 119–132.]  相似文献   

We demonstrated that Demodex canis was transferred to skin xenografts of a dog and a hamster onto severe combined immunodeficiency mice. After the transfer of mites, the number of eggs, larvae, nymphs and adult mites per gram of canine and hamster xenografts increased, whereas no live mites were detected on murine allograft. These results indicate that D. canis proliferates in hair follicles of dog and hamster skins but not in murine allograft. Therefore, D. canis may have host preference but not strict host-specificity.  相似文献   

Large-bodied Demodex mites were detected in 4 dogs. The mites were readily detected in material obtained via deep skin scrapings and were most commonly found on the trunk. The mites were distinguishable from D. canis, because adult males were approximately 100% longer and adult females were approximately 50% longer than adult male and female D. canis mites, respectively. The large-bodied mites were found in the hair follicles, sebaceous ducts, and sebaceous glands in histologic sections of skin from 2 dogs. All dogs had adult-onset generalized demodicosis. Two dogs had coexistent iatrogenic hypercortisolism, 1 dog had hypothyroidism, and 1 dog did not have coexistent disease. Infestations responded to miticidal therapy, control of the coexistent disease, or both.  相似文献   

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