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The effect ofDendrolimus superans on growth of trees was investigated after the breakout in Shibazhan forest area in 1990. Stem analysis was conducted for determining the tree increment loss. The result showed that the current annual increment for extreme heavily damaged, heavily damaged, moderately damaged and lightly damaged stands is 14%, 39.8%, 64% and 82% of that of the control forest respectively. (Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai)  相似文献   

2008年1-2月南岭遭遇百年一遏的特大雨雪冰冻灾害,给森林生态系统造成了极大的破坏,使南岭国家级自然保护区位于南岭林区海拔500~600m的树木园内林木折断、倒伏及包括昆虫在内的野生动物大量死亡,其中眼蝶科灾后(2008年)种数比灾前2年(2006-2007年)的平均值降低50%、个数降低67.12%。灾后采取及时清理枯落物等恢复措施,有利于地面新生植物的萌生、预防森林火灾和可能引发的次生病虫害。经过5a的恢复期,林分及其生物多样性同步获得恢复。冰灾后形成的林窗萌生各种植物后,改善了林分结构,使森林生态系统得到修复和重建,也使植物种类比冰灾前更为丰富,生长势旺盛;眼蝶科种数比冰灾当年增加62.5%,个数比冰灾当年增加266.67%。可见,虽然冰冻灾害对森林生态系统产生严重影响,只要恢复措施得当,灾后的生态系统会逐渐优化。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of invastion by pine wood nematode (PWN), this study analyzed severalfunctional indices, i.e., the increment in DBH and stand volume and biomass, in the damaqed stands with various mixedpercentages of Pinus massoniana and P. thunbergii and with different levels of damage. According to the results of rate of change in increment of DBH and stand volume, the forest ecosystem resistance against PWN increased with a reduct on n the m xed ratio of pine. The resistance was highest with a mixed percentage of 50%. The invasion of PWN hanged the corresponding relationship of increment between DBH and stand volume (pure stands 〉 7:3 conifer and roadleaf 〉 6:4 conifer and broadleaf 〉 5:5 conifer and broadleaf) among the P. thunbergii stands when there is no amage, but for P. massoniana stands this phenomenon did not occur. For the increment rate of DBH and stand volume, is significant change in P, thunbergii forest indicates that the resistance of pure P. thunbergii forest was higher than at of P. massoniana. The invasion of PWN accelerates the succession from pure stands to mixed stands and then tohe broadleaf evergreen stands.  相似文献   

选择林相较好的12年生天然次生阔叶林,通过择伐更新和皆伐人促更新两种经营方式定向培育食用菌原料林。结果表明:择伐经营的经济效益较高,且有利于群落的快速恢复,经过7a的封育,林分蓄积量已达到择伐前当年的水平。皆伐人促更新获得的食用菌材虽较择伐利用高出40%左右,但因经营强度过大,保留的幼树受损严重而不利于伐后林木的生长与恢复,封育期内蓄积增长量分别为择伐更新和对照未经营区的64.7%和73.4%。动态监测结果显示,采用择伐和皆伐人促更新措施后,群落恢复较快。疏伐后因透光度的急剧增加,阳性和中性树种大量侵入,地面芽植物和1年生植物的比例增高。到第7年时,高位芽植物的比例已接近未经营区的状态,乔、灌、草各层的物种多样性指数高于未经营的天然阔叶林,物种均匀度则与其相近。研究还发现,两种更新经营方式对土壤养分的损失较小,经过7a的恢复,林地土壤肥力已基本达到原有天然林水平。  相似文献   

在云南森林自然中心林区受损银荆林带设置标准地和样方,通过外业调查和实验分析,从银荆生物学生态学特性、防火林带受损率、受损规律以及林下可燃物的变化4个方面对银荆林带的阻火效能进行研究。结果表明:银荆防火林带平均受损率为65.79%,受损银荆的胸径略大于存活银荆;未清理过林下可燃物的受损银荆防火林带林下可燃物含水率为10.38%,单位面积可燃物重量为0.80 kg/m2,且燃烧速度快、火焰及温度高、火势蔓延迅速、烧损率大,已不具备防火阻隔性能,反而会成为火灾蔓延的通道;清理过林下可燃物的银荆防火林带林下可燃物少,能有效阻隔火势的蔓延,虽受损但仍具有一定的防火效能。依据当下防火形势,提出加大宣传力度,提高群众防火意识,加大森林防火基础设施的建设力度,及时修复受损的生物防火隔离带,加大森林防火投入、引进新技术等森林防火的建议。  相似文献   

福建柏混交林生态效益研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对30年生福建柏马尾松混交林、福建柏火力楠混交林与福建柏纯林生长量、林下植被多样性和土壤理化性质的比较分析,进行福建柏不同林分类型生态效益研究。结果表明:福建柏马尾松混交林和福建柏火力楠混交林中福建柏与福建柏纯林相比,树高、胸径和单株材积分别提高了14.6%、13.9%、46.9%和19.2%、11.1%、45.9%,林分总蓄积量增加了70.4%和57.9%,而且生长量和蓄积量的差异达到显著和极显著水平。混交林和纯林植物多样性指数接近。混交林土壤比纯林土壤疏松透气,持水性强,肥力高。  相似文献   

本研究在汪清林业局选定4块样板林,分别对采育林后续经营、低质低效林改造、红松果材林培育、珍贵树种大径级材林培育4种经营模式进行检测和分析.结果表明:采育林后续经营样地平均胸径增长量比对照高0.23 cm,公顷蓄积增长量高3.70 m3,平均年生长量高1.85 m3;低质低效林改造经营样地平均胸径增长量比对照高0.20 ...  相似文献   

To assess the sustainability of forest use for woodfuel, above ground biomass increment must be examined against woodfuel consumption. However, reliable data on the biomass increment of tropical forests are very limited. In this study, we estimated above ground forest biomass increment in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia, using two consecutive measurements of 32 permanent sample plots in 1998 and 2000, and forest inventory data of 540 plots collected in 1997. The permanent sampling plot data were used to determine the relationship between initial biomass and subsequent biomass increment over a 2-year period. This relationship was applied to the inventory data to obtain a robust estimate of biomass increment across the major forest types for the entire province. The weighted average annual above ground biomass increment for the whole province was 4.77Mg/ha, or 2.3% of biomass. Woodfuel consumption was estimated to be about 2% of biomass increment for the province, suggesting that deficiency of woodfuel may not occur in this province. However, localized variation needs to be taken into account and there is a need to examine the effects of stand age and factors such as soil type, microtopography, and species composition on biomass increment and to consider woodfuel collection rate in specific forest areas with respect to accessibility for firewood collection.  相似文献   

清华洞林场云南松母树林子代展示林初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南省祥云县清华洞林场采用保山林场、古永林场和白马河林场3片部省合建的云南松母树林种子营建于代展示林,以全省和当地商品种造林作对照,对6年生的幼林进行早期观测分析表明云南松母树林具有较高的实际增益,保山林场、古永林场和白马河林场母树林树高的实际增益分别为33.71%、89.89%和55.06%,地径的实际增益分别为-5.60%、28.71%和22.38%。  相似文献   

次生阔叶林改建为食用菌原料林后的群落恢复和林分生长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选择12年生林相较好的天然次生阔叶林,通过择伐更新和皆伐人促更新2种经营方式定向培育食用菌原料林。研究发现,择伐经营的经济效益较高,且有利于群落的快速恢复,经过7a的封育,林分蓄积量已达到择伐前的水平。皆伐人促更新获得的食用菌材虽较择伐利用高出40%左右,但因经营强度过大,保留的幼树受损严重而不利于伐后林木的生长与恢复,封育期内蓄积增长量分别为择伐更新和对照未经营区的64 7%和73 41%。动态监测结果显示,采用择伐和皆伐人促更新措施后群落恢复较快。疏伐后因透光度的急剧增加,阳性和中性树种大量侵入,地面芽植物和1年生植物的比例增高。到第7a时,高位芽植物的比例已接近未经营区的状态,乔、灌、草各层的物种多样性指数高于未经营的天然阔叶林,物种均匀度则与其相近。研究还发现,2种更新经营方式对土壤养分的损失较小,经过7a的恢复,林地土壤肥力已基本达到原有天然林水平。  相似文献   

从2003年至2012年,为加强林业有害生物防控,采取样方调查的方法,开展防控技术研究.调查全区病、虫、鼠害发生面积4 400.Ohm2,发生率为17.6%.其中病、虫害各2 000.0 hm2,鼠害400.0 hm2.危害重点是落叶松球蚜危害人工落叶松林,云杉八齿小蠢等5种危害杨桦次生林.防治食叶、蛀干、病害、鼠害危害面积6 666.7 hm2;开展了中华鼢鼠等4种主要有害生物防控技术研究,提出了加强监测测报,营造混交林等防控对策.  相似文献   

In deciduous forests, tree seeds and seedlings are frequently exposed to high predation by small rodents, and this predation can have an important effect on forest regeneration. However, damage to large trees by small rodents has not been studied, except for damage observed during timber production. To determine factors affecting damage to large trees by the grey red-backed vole (Myodes rufocanus bedfordiae), the characteristics and spatial patterns of tree damage by voles at vole wintering sites were examined over 3 years in a deciduous forest in Hokkaido. This study found that the location of damaged trees was related to vole wintering sites. Vole damage was affected by tree species. Damaged trees were heavily concentrated in small areas. Leaning trees and trees that had suffered previous damage were more likely to be damaged. However, the diameter at breast height was not significantly related to vole damage. These differences in susceptibility to vole damage may result in different tree mortality.  相似文献   

瘠薄河滩地整地质量的优劣,不仅影响林木的当年成活,而且还影响林木成活后的生长发育和连年生长量。通过采取不同整地规格和不同的回坑土类型造林后林木生长情况调查研究,结果表明:采用0.8m×0.8m×0.8m立体方型大坑整地,客土填坑造林,成活率达到了99%~100%,胸径平均生长量最大。林分的各项指标基本达到速生丰产标准。  相似文献   

The effect of a single night frost during late spring on the current year production of two clones of Salix viminalis was determined in two monoclonal stands that displayed a gradient from virtually undamaged plants, shielded from outgoing radiation by a neighbouring spruce forest, to heavily damaged plants in the unshielded parts. Compared with the undamaged stand parts, frost caused production losses of 47% and 60% in the two clones during the first year of the second cutting cycle. The clone‐specific allometric relationship between shoot dry weight and diameter was changed by the frost in one clone, showing lower shoot weights in damaged shoots compared with undamaged shoots of the same diameter. In the other clone, allometric relations were not affected by the frost. The relative variation in weight between the stools did not differ systematically with frost damage intensity, and therefore it could not be concluded that frost in monoclonal stands would enforce a competitive hierarchy. It was inferred that the single night frost indirectly can have a negative effect on the production of the stands during the years to come.  相似文献   

The research site, Wingst Compartment 123B, is a 68-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (Karst.)) stand located in the coastal area of northern Germany. This area receives high atmospheric inputs of ammonium and also has relatively high ozone concentrations (0.061 mg m−3).Ten trees were categorized as healthy to slightly damaged (3–29% needle loss) or severely damaged (49–71% needle loss). Apparent net photosynthetic rates were measured on detached branches at light saturation (1000 μE m−2 s−1). Needles were analyzed for chlorophyll, N, C, Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Mn and Fe.When compared to the healthy-to-slightly-damaged trees, the severely damaged trees tended to have higher rates of net apparent photosynthesis in the 1 and 2-year-old needles and similar rates in the current-year needles. All three needle ages from the severely damaged trees had higher average stomatal conductances to water vapor (gs. Although the damaged trees had significantly less total chlorophyll in all needle ages sampled, there was no statistically significant difference in the chlorophyll a:b ratio between the healthy and severely damaged trees.Nitrogen contents of the current-year needles were slightly lower in the severely damaged trees. Carbon and calcium levels did not significantly differ between the damage classes, although the average Ca content of all younger needles was generally under the recommended sufficiency levels. The current-year needles of the severely damaged trees had significantly less magnesium (0.42–0.46 mg Mg g−1) than those of the healthy trees, and all trees had Mg values in the deficiency range (< 0.7 mg g−1). The severely damaged trees also had lower average potassium levels in the older needles.The annual volume increment per unit crown surface area declined with increasing crown damage. Trees with a 50% needle loss showed a 62% loss of volume increment.Soil investigations revealed conditions of high soil acidity and poor nutrient capacity. The low pH values (pH < 3.8) in 64% of all samples indicated a high risk of acid toxicity for plant roots in the investigated area.The significance of these results relative to the current ideas concerning forest decline is discussed.  相似文献   

杉木综合科技示范林调查初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对杉木综合科技示范林的5年连续调查表明,示范林杉木的历年生长量均超过杉木速生丰产林部颁标准和尤溪县项目造林平均生长量。其生长量比杉木速生丰产林标准提高10%-15%,起到了示范和样板作用。  相似文献   

生长量是评估立地条件及经营措施效果好坏的重要指标。正确研究分析林木生长规律以及采取相应的经营管理措施,对改善林分状况,森林环境和提高林木生长量具有重要的意义,研究表明,强度为10%的抚育措施,可使西营河试验区树木胸径定期平均生长量提高84.85%,相当于22%,的强度抚育措施使哈溪试验区树木胸径定期平均生长量提高69.20%,材积定期平均生长量提高65.33%,经F0.05检验,两试验区胸径生长与  相似文献   

杨树是我国低山丘陵半干旱区河滩地重要的防护用材林树种之一,探讨其生长量与气候因子的定量关系,可为该地区河滩地杨树防护用材林集约栽培及其低产林的更新改造提供科学依据。本文以该地区大、小凌河两岸河滩地为典型试验区,经多年连续观测,通过林木调查和树干解析,应用多元逐步回归和灰色系统理论与方法,建立了杨树生态防护用材林高生长量与气候环境因子的回归模型,气候环境因子对其生长量影响程度的灰色关联顺序为光>水>气>热,即可认为影响杨树高生长的主导因子是光照因子,其次是水分因子,再次是热量因子。表2参17。  相似文献   

To demonstrate the effect of excess soil moisture on the decline of a coastal Pinus thunbergii stand in Oshamanbe, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan, soil moisture content was monitored for 4 years. The saturated hydraulic conductivities (K S) of different soil types (coastal sand, supplied topsoil, and buried concreted andosol) and the distribution of the buried concreted andosol layer were investigated. We also examined needle length to verify the real-time response of P. thunbergii to excess soil moisture. Soil moisture content at the heavily damaged site was more heterogeneous than that at the slightly damaged site, and a sensor near the ground always reported a higher soil moisture content at the heavily damaged site than at the slightly damaged site. The buried concreted andosol layer was always found at the heavily damaged site. The K S of the andosol layer was 10−5, suggesting that this layer is less permeable to water, leading to excess soil moisture at this site. P. thunbergii needles from the heavily damaged site were shorter than those from the slightly damaged site, possibly because of water stress. Together with other symptoms observed at the study sites, i.e., crown dieback and intense lateral growth, this information leads us to conclude that the decline of P. thunbergii stands at the heavily damaged site in Oshamanbe was caused by excess soil moisture due to the less permeable buried concreted andosol layer.  相似文献   

岷江上游亚高山暗针叶林的生物量碳密度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用森林资源连续清查的样地数据,基于生物量与蓄积量之间的关系模型,估测岷江上游亚高山暗针叶林地上部分生物量碳密度、碳密度年增长率及其随林龄、海拔和坡向变化的分布规律.结果表明:岷江上游暗针叶林的成熟林、过熟林生物量碳密度较高,中龄林、幼龄林生物量碳密度较低,成熟林、过熟林生物量碳密度高于全国平均水平,而中龄林和近熟林低于全国平均水平,幼龄林与全国平均水平相近;中龄林生物量碳密度年增长率最大,为1.3%,其次为过熟林,生物量碳密度年增长率为0.8%,幼龄林生物量碳密度年增长率最小,为0.7%;海拔3600~3800m处生物量碳密度最大,明显高于其他海拔区段;海拔3000~3400m处生物量碳密度年增长率最高,为1.03%;半阴坡和半阳坡的生物量碳密度高且年增长率最大,其次是阴坡,阳坡生物量碳密度低,年增长率最小;过去20多年,岷江上游暗针叶林生物量碳密度呈现逐年增加的趋势,1997-2002年,生物量碳密度年平均增长率为1.15%,高于其他调查期间碳密度年增长率.  相似文献   

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