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巨型艾美耳球虫(Eimeria maxima)早熟弱毒株的选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近 30年来 ,鸡球虫的免疫预防研究取得了令人鼓舞的进展。国外已有 4种球虫苗进入商品市场 ,国内也在积极开展免疫预防的研究。本教研组已研制出鸡球虫活苗 ,现正进行早熟苗的研制工作 ,已成功选育出 E.tenella,E.acervulina和 E.Brunetti的早熟弱毒株。本研究对致病性较强的 E.maxima进行早熟弱毒株选育 ,并对所选早熟株的生物学特性进行研究。1 材料与方法1 .1 实验动物 刚出壳蛋鸡公雏 ,购自中国农科院畜牧所 ,饲养于无球虫笼舍中 ,饲喂无抗球虫添加剂的无球虫污染的全价饲料 (由中国农科院畜牧所配制 ) ,饮水用自来水 ,试验前 ,检…  相似文献   

Seventy isolates of Eimeria tenella, obtained from commercial poultry farms worldwide and four reference laboratory strains were characterised by studies on the electrophoretic mobility of up to three enzymes. All populations possessed the same electrophoretic form of lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase and one of two forms of glucose phosphate isomerase. One isolate was characterised by both forms of glucose phosphate isomerase. Studies on several isolates indicated that there was no correlation between the form of glucose phosphate isomerase found and the pathogenicity of an isolate.  相似文献   

柔嫩艾美耳球虫山西株早熟系的免疫特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫山西株早熟系的免疫特性进行了研究。结果表明:该株的早熟系与亲本株具有相同的免疫原性,但致病性大大降低;其最佳免疫剂量和次数:首次免疫为1500个/只,14 d后以2000个/只二免,二免后免疫保护期可达90 d以上,免疫后鸡群的抗球虫能力与血清中特异性IgG的变化规律一致;提示该早熟系具备早熟疫苗株的免疫特性。  相似文献   

本实验采用单卵囊分离技术分离纯化球虫,并根据其临床病理变化、潜隐期、最短孢子化时间等指标综合判定其为柔嫩艾美耳球虫。用纯化所得球虫卵囊进行致病性试验,结果表明:该柔嫩艾美耳球虫致病力较强,半数致死量为7.52×104个/只。  相似文献   

An attenuated line (CP) of Eimeria maxima was obtained by selection for early development of oocysts. Despite a small reproductive potential the CP line was highly immunogenic against its parent but did not completely protect chickens against challenge with virulent heterologous strains. However, in combination with another attenuated line with similar characteristics, good protection was induced.  相似文献   

Precocious lines of Eimeria acervulina "Cu" and "I" strains were obtained after 25 passages of oocysts in chickens that showed a shortening of the prepatent period for first oocyst output from 96 h to 81 and 82 h, respectively. Both precocious lines were evaluated for pathogenicity using as criteria weight gain, lesion score and total oocyst production. Infection of the "Cu" precocious line in chickens showed a high weight gain, low lesion score and low oocyst production, when compared to parent strain infected chickens. However, the results did not show a significant difference in relation to the criteria used above for the E. acervulina "I" precocious line when compared to its parent strain. This suggests a low degree of attenuation for the "I" strain but good attenuation for the precocious "Cu" line. The histopathological observations of chickens infected with the E. acervulina "Cu" parent strain and precocious line, comparing life cycle and intestinal lesions, showed: (1) parasite stages only in the border cells of infected chicken intestinal villi, for the precocious line; (2) parasite stages in the border cells of the intestinal villi and submucosa cells near the Lieberkühn glands of the intestine; and (3) high degree of inflammatory cells around the parasites in chickens infected with the parent strain. The "Cu" strain was also characterized for sensitivity against eight anticoccidial drugs. Sensitivity was observed for four anticoccidial drugs and partial resistance for four other drugs, although the strain had never had previous contact with anticoccidial drugs, suggesting the presence of a natural resistance factor. This Brazilian E. acervulina "Cu" precocious line showed attenuation for pathogenicity in chickens, suggesting that it could be a suitable strain for use as a live vaccine in Brazil.  相似文献   

The application of attenuated vaccines for the prevention of chicken coccidiosis has increased exponentially in recent years. In Eimeria infections, protective immunity is thought to rely on a strong cell mediated response with antibodies supposedly playing a minor role. However, under certain conditions antibodies seem to be significant in protection. Furthermore, antibodies could be useful for monitoring natural exposure of flocks to Eimeria spp. and for monitoring the infectivity of live vaccines. Our objective was to investigate the chicken antibody response to the different parasite life cycle stages following infection with an attenuated strain of Eimeria tenella. Western blotting analysis of parasite antigens prepared from the lining of caeca infected with the attenuated strain of E. tenella revealed two dominant antigens of 32 and 34 kDa, apparently associated with trophozoites and merozoites that were present at high concentrations between 84 and 132 h post-infection. When cryosections of caeca infected with E. tenella were probed with IgY purified from immune birds the most intense reaction was observed with the asexual stages. Western blotting analysis of proteins of purified sporozoites and third generation merozoites and absorption of stage-specific antibodies from sera suggested that a large proportion of antigens is shared by the two stages. The time-courses of the antibody response to sporozoite and merozoite antigens were similar but varied depending on the inoculation regime and the degree of oocyst recirculation.  相似文献   

为了解柔嫩艾美耳球虫西宁株的生物学特性,采用费勒鹏氏法收集西宁某鸡场鸡粪中的球虫卵囊,经单卵囊收集和繁殖法扩繁柔嫩艾美耳球虫西宁株,并进行了该虫株卵囊形态、卵囊形状指数、孢子化时间、潜隐期和繁殖指数的观察和测定.结果表明,虫株卵囊为长卵圆形,平均大小为20.08 μm×16.55 μm,卵形状指数为1.21,最短孢子化时间为18 h,潜伏期为114 h,每个卵囊的繁殖指数为6.34.以平均增重、病变记分和死亡率为指标进行了该虫株的致病性研究,显示该虫株有致病性,感染组与不感染对照组的体重相比有显著差异(P<0.05),各感染组平均病变记分与不感染对照组的相比,差异极显著(P<0.01).  相似文献   

为确定使雏鸡获得良好免疫效果的最小巨型艾美耳球虫(E.maxima)早熟株接种量,分别于4日龄对免疫攻毒组以不同剂量进行首免,11日龄以首免2倍剂量对二次免疫攻毒组鸡进行二免。一次或二次免疫后7 d或10 d用同源亲本株进行攻毒,检测免疫攻毒鸡相对增重率、卵囊减少率、病变记分减少率(RLS)和抗球虫指数(ACI)。结果显示,一次免疫剂量≥400个孢子化卵囊/只或两次免疫的一免剂量和二免剂量≥100个孢子化卵囊/只和200个孢子化卵囊/只时,各免疫攻毒鸡的相对增重率≥85%,RLS≥70%,卵囊减少率≥75%,相对保护率≥90%,ACI≥170,均达到良好免疫效果。故将E.maxima早熟株的一次免疫最小免疫剂量定为400个孢子化卵囊/只,两次免疫最小免疫剂量定为一免100个孢子化卵囊/只和二免200个孢子化卵囊/只。  相似文献   

Resistance to arprinocid was developed in Eimeria tenella after seven serial passages in chickens given progressively greater concentrations of drug. Resistance to the quinolone decoquinate developed after eight passages. These results taken together with the observation that resistance to both drugs developed within a year of their introduction suggest that some indication of the likelihood of the emergence, in the field, of resistance to a given drug, may be obtained by comparing it with a standard reference drug in experimental studies.  相似文献   

Resistance to halofuginone has been developed by serially passaging the Houghton strain of Eimeria tenella in chickens medicated with progressively greater concentrations of drug. Attempts to develop resistance to 3 ppm (as recommended for use by the manufacturer) or higher concentrations, by the method of Weppelman et al., were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Eimeria parasites were isolated from Nanhai Guangdong province (southern China) and studied in chickens in wire cages to evaluate their drug resistance against commonly used ionophores: monensin (100 mg/kg of feed), lasolacid (90 mg/kg), salinomycin (60 mg/kg), maduramicin (5 mg/kg) and semduramicin (25 mg/kg). Chinese Yellow Broiler Chickens were infected with 40,000 crude sporulated Eimeria oocysts at 15 days of age and prophylactic medication commenced a day prior to infection. Drug resistance was assessed for each ionophore drug by calculating the anticoccidial index (ACI) and percentage optimum anticoccidial activity (POAA) based on relative weight gain, rate of oocyst production and lesion values. Results revealed that Nanhai Eimeria oocysts comprising of E. tenella, E. maxima and E. acervulina, were resistant to monensin, sensitive to both salinomycin and lasolacid and partially sensitive to maduramicin and semduramicin. By selection for early development of oocysts during passage through chickens, the prepatent time of E. tenella, E. maxima and E. acervulina were reduced by 49, 36 and 22 h, respectively. The precocious lines are less pathogenic than the parent strains from which they were selected and conferred a satisfactory protection for chickens against coccidiosis. These ionophore-tolerant precocious lines could have wider applications in the development of anticoccidial vaccines for sustainable control of coccidiosis.  相似文献   

鸡球虫病是由艾美耳属(Eimeria)的一种单细胞寄生性原虫引起的严重危害养禽业发展的重要疾病之一,遍及世界各地。感染鸡的艾美耳属球虫中,国外已报道在巨型艾美耳球虫(E.maxima),堆型艾美耳球虫(E.acervu-lina),毒害艾美耳球虫(E.necatrix)和布氏艾美耳球虫(E.brunetti)中发现了病毒粒子或病毒RNA。但是作为危害最严重的柔嫩艾美耳球虫是否有病毒感染,国内外迄今尚无报道。本研究首次在柔嫩艾美耳球虫中发现病毒并对其进行了鉴定。通过核酸分析、RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶(RDRP)活性和电镜形态观察对病毒进行鉴定。核酸酶的敏感性试验结果表明在柔嫩艾美耳球虫总核酸电泳图谱上观察到的大小分别为1.4、2.4和3.6kb的3条病毒带均不能被DNA酶(100mg/L)降解,但可被RNA酶(1.0mg/L)降解,表明这些核酸为RNA。另外,这些核酸不能被高盐浓度(0.3mol/L NaCl)RNase A(10mg/L)降解,但可被低盐浓度(0.015mol/L NaCl)RNase A(10mg/L)降解,并且采用α-32P标记的UTP掺入法测得该病毒样核酸具有RNA依赖RNA聚合酶(RDRP)活性,表明这些核酸为双链RNA(dsRNA)。利用蔗糖梯度离心和透射电镜技术对柔嫩艾美耳球虫病毒进行了分离和鉴定。电镜负染观察到柔嫩艾美耳球虫病毒粒子外观呈球形,二十面体,无囊膜,直径38nm。  相似文献   

柔嫩艾美耳球虫交叉抗药性试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以雏鸡为试验对象,以抗球虫指数(ACI)为判断指标,检测5 mg/kg马杜霉素,70 mg/kg盐霉素,1 mg/kg 地克珠利对抗盐霉素株、抗地克珠利株和实验室保存的敏感株的控制效果。结果表明,马杜霉素对3 个虫株都有很好的抑杀效果,地克珠利也可有效地控制抗盐霉素株,同时,盐霉素也可有效地控制抗地克珠利株,说明盐霉素和地克珠利2种药物之间没有交叉抗药性。  相似文献   

为探讨柔嫩艾美耳球虫杂交株对亲本株的免疫保护性,本研究用柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria tenella)杂交株及其亲本广州株、长春株、黑龙江株分别对AA肉鸡进行免疫和攻虫,通过OPG计数、粪便计分、盲肠病变计分、增重测定和保护率等指标评价免疫保护效果。结果表明E.tenella杂交株对其亲本广州株、长春株、黑龙江株的感染具有较强的免疫保护效果,保护率分别为83.9%、79.1%和81.2%;杂交株免疫肉鸡的盲肠病变计分和粪便计分显著低于广州株、长春株和黑龙江株(p0.05)。杂交株免疫后的肉鸡再用亲本株攻虫,采血进行CD4+T、CD8+T细胞检测,结果杂交株能引起两种T细胞数量增加,表明CD4+T、CD8+T细胞在球虫免疫中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

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