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The bacterial and fungal flora of the external ear canal of dogs with otitis externa and of healthy dogs were studied. The most frequently isolated microorganism from otitic ears was Staphylococcus intermedius (58.8%), followed by Malassezia pachydermatis (30.9%), Streptococcus canis (29.9%), Proteus spp. (14.4%) and Escherichia coli (10.3%). A statistical analysis of our results showed that the prevalence of these microorganisms is significant in dogs with otitis externa. Furthermore, the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of isolated strains were determined. Majority of all bacterial isolates were most susceptible to gentamicin. Malassezia pachydermatis, the most prevalent yeast in this study, showed an excellent level of susceptibility to all antifungal agents tested.  相似文献   

A total of 67 strains of coagulase positive staphylococci isolated from healthy dogs and dogs suffering from otitis externa were studied. Twenty-two isolates were from healthy dogs (five from hound dogs and 17 from companion dogs) and 45 from dogs suffering otitis externa (14 from hound dogs and 31 from companion dogs). Presumptive identification was attempted using the following tests: production of acetoin, anaerobic utilization of mannitol, acid production from mannitol, presence of beta-galactosidase, and growth on P agar supplemented with different concentrations of acriflavine. Susceptibility of staphylococci to 16 antibiotics was determined. Most effective antibiotics were imipenem, amoxycillin/clavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, tobramycin, gentamicin and marbofloxacin. Penicillin, ampicillin and polymyxin B showed the lowest activity. There were no significant differences in antimicrobial susceptibility among isolates from healthy dogs and dogs suffering from otitis externa.  相似文献   

An alternative technique to ablate the vertical segment of the external auditory meatus, applicable to dogs and cats, is described. The results of this surgery in 11 dogs and one cat are compared with those in seven dogs using the traditional ablation procedure.  相似文献   

The bacterial and fungal flora of 1118 ears of dogs with otitis externa and 100 ears of healthy control dogs were studied in order to isolate the causative agents. The yeast Malassezia pachydermatis (56%) was by far the most common organism in otitic dogs followed by the bacteria Staphylococcus intermedius (23%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12%), Proteus spp. (6%) and Streptococcus canis (5%). A statistical analysis of observed results showed that the incidence of these organisms is significant in otitic dogs. Many strains of S.intermedius, P.aeruginosa and Proteus spp. are resistant to antimicrobial agents commonly used to treat otitis externa. Therefore an antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed using "Cobas Bact" for these bacterias. Furthermore, 80 strains of M.pachydermatis were submitted to identification-kits (API 20 CAUX, API STAPH, Cobas Micro). The observed results showed that an identification with these tests was not possible.  相似文献   

Otic exudate was obtained from 33 dogs with otitis externa for cytopathology and culture. Two samples were taken from the same location in the external ear canal, for a total of 100 samples. Thirty-six (36%) samples isolated only a single organism, of which 21 (21%) were Malassezia spp. Two organisms were present in 23 (23%) of the samples. Cultures of the two samples agreed in 40 (80%) of the 50 pairs. Cytopathology agreed with culture results only 68% of the time. Cytopathology and culture may not be as definitive as previously assumed because of apparent variability of the microbial population within the external canal.  相似文献   

Ear canal ablation combining bulla osteotomy and curettage was performed on 44 dogs (n = 72 ears). Indications for the procedure included one or more of the following: chronic nonresponsive otitis externa and/or media (n = 71), tumor in the horizontal portion of the ear canal (n = 1), failed lateral ear resection (n = 11), ossified auricular cartilages secondary to chronic otitis externa (n = 22), failed previous total ear canal ablation (n = 1), and otitis interna (n = 1). In 40 dogs, the surgery was successful in alleviating all clinical signs of otitis externa and media. During the immediate postoperative period, 2 dogs died of causes unrelated to otitis. Complications related to the surgery developed in 9 of the surviving 42 dogs. Ultimately, 95% (40 of the surviving 42) of the dogs were cured by use of this procedure. Surgery successfully resolved the original problems in 97% (66 of 68) of the surgically treated ears of these dogs.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is considered a primary pathogen of canine skin and soft tissue infections, and the rapid emergence of methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius worldwide is a major issue. In the current study, genotypic and phenotypic correlates associated with S. pseudintermedius causing canine otitis externa were evaluated using 41 S. pseudintermedius strains isolated from dogs with otitis externa (n = 26) and healthy dogs (n = 15). The S. pseudintermedius strains were subjected to a comparative analysis of (i) genotypes (multilocus sequence typing, agr, and spa types), (ii) methicillin resistance and SCCmec types, (iii) multidrug resistance (MDR), (iv) biofilm formation, and (v) susceptibility to canine cathelicidin (K9CATH). A high degree of genetic diversity was observed in both groups of S. pseudintermedius strains, regardless of methicillin resistance. Almost all methicillin-resistant strains (>95%) harbored SCCmec V and displayed MDR. Although there was no difference in biofilm formation, S. pseudintermedius strains derived from otitis externa exhibited enhanced resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptide (K9CATH) compared with strains from healthy dogs. The high degree of heterogeneity in MLST, agr, and spa types prevented the identification of correlations between any specific genotype and virulence phenotype in otitis externa caused by S. pseudintermedius, These findings provide an important basis for monitoring and treating canine skin and soft tissue infections in Korea.  相似文献   

BackgroundContemporary research has increasingly explored the clinical applicability of next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) technologies in veterinary medicine, which has provided new and practical opportunities for rabbit otitis externa clinical interventions. The objectives of this study were to characterize the normal external ear canal microbiome of clinically healthy rabbits compared to otitis externa presenting rabbits, and to assess the diagnostic viability of NGS in aural veterinary medicine.MethodsSwabs from the external ear canal of 34 clinically healthy rabbits and 16 rabbits diagnosed with otitis externa were collected. Alongside bioinformatic analysis, library preparation was performed targeting the V1-V3 region of the 16S rRNA bacterial gene and the ITS-2 region for fungal DNA analysis.ResultsIn the clinically healthy group, the bacterial species with the highest relative abundances were an uncharacterized Phytoplasma from the family Acholeplasmataceae (8.74%) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (5.56%), while in the otitis group the species with the highest relative abundances were Staphylococcus aureus (12.59%), Corynebacterium lactis (9.27%), and Corynebacterium mastitidis (7.92%). Fungal species with the highest relative abundances in the healthy group were a species from the genus Cladosporium (14.46%), while in the otitis externa group the fungal species with the highest relative abundances were a species from the genus Cladosporium (9.89%) and Malassezia restricta (4.76%). Additionally, there was a significantly higher number of different bacterial and fungal species in the clinically healthy group compared to the otitis group (P = 0.00 and P = 0.00, respectively).Conclusions and clinical relevanceThis study provided evidence that the rabbit aural microbiome profile is distinctly different between a clinically healthy and an otitis state. It also highlighted new bacterial and fungal organisms of note in rabbits diagnosed with otitis externa compared to those previously thought to be the primary disease-causing organisms. Understanding the microbial population dynamics in the rabbit aural microbiome is particularly critical for helping clinicians recognize, prevent, or revert the progression of otitis.  相似文献   

Different mite species generally found on animals may temporarily also infest humans. Consequently, these arthropods may be responsible for pruritic skin reactions that are often misdiagnosed. Mite dermatitis caused by the tropical rat mite Ornithonyssus bacoti occurs in several small mammals and rodents under tropical and temperate climatic conditions. According to various observations in Germany, O. bacoti appears in wild rodents more frequently than previously thought. In most cases, symptoms of mites are recognized only when they attack humans, but the diagnosis of rat mite dermatitis requires identification of the parasite, which is more likely to be found in the environment than on the hosts' skin itself. Here, five different outbreaks from Bavaria are reported. A clinical example is the case of a 23-year-old medical student and several other residents inhabiting a rat- and mouse-infested house in Munich. The arthropods originally came from an Italian restaurant and surrounding facilities. Mites were found in large numbers in the students' flat. The patient was suffering from severe itching and papular urticaria. He consulted a dermatology clinic complaining of a pruritic dermatitis of 2-weeks duration. Dermatitis was misdiagnosed as allergy and treatment with an anti-inflammatory agent was unsuccessful. Eradication of rodents and treatment of the house with a pyrethroid were performed to prevent reinfestation. Ornithonyssus bacoti is a periodic haematophageous parasite and spends a relatively short time on the host. Causal therapy with antiparasitic agents on human patients is not necessary. If indicated, treatment should be symptomatic.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

A review of otitis externa in dogs and cats is presented. Aetiology, includes primary causes: ectoparasitoses, allergic diseases, endocrine disorders, pyodermas, trauma and irritation, contact dermatitis, auto-immune skin diseases, drug eruption, keratoseborrhoeic skin disease, tumours and pseudoneoplastic lesions, as well as secondary causes: bacteria and yeasts. Clinical aspects are variable but a practical classification distinguishes two forms: erythematoceruminous otitis externa and suppurative otitis externa. Diagnosis is made in five steps which are clinical examination, direct examination of cerumen (erythematoceruminous otitis externa) or bacterial culture and sensitivity testing (suppurative otitis externa), direct impression smears, cleaning and otoscopy, and diagnosis of underlying skin disease. Medical therapy includes cleaning of the external ear canal and local therapy (acaricides, antifungal agents, antibiotics, corticosteroids, other topical agents, the appropriate selection of an optic preparation being essential). Treatment of underlying skin disease is always necessary. Otitis externa is in fact a dermatological disease complex (like pododermatitis). Although local secondary infections (bacterial and fungal) must be managed in every case, there are grounds for including otitis externa in a larger frame.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a preparation (Oterna—Glaxo Laboratories Ltd) for use in the treatment of otitis externa in small animals has been assessed bacteriologically. The aetiology of the disease was studied in 133 ears of cats and dogs; normal ears were examined by comparison. Pityrosporum canis and staphylococci were the organisms most commonly isolated; their incidence was much higher in clinically affected ears than in normal ears. Gram-negative organisms were found only in diseased ears. Seventy-three clinical cases of otitis in dogs and cats were treated with a preparation containing neomycin, monosulfiram and betamethasone. Bacteriological and clinical evaluations were made before and after treatment and the organisms isolated were tested for sensitivity to the antimicrobial constituents of the preparation. There was a 92 % correlation between the bacteriological and clinical results. A ‘good’ or ‘very good’ bacteriological response was recorded for 71% of the ears treated. Résumé. On a évalué bactériologiquement l'efficacité d'une préparation (Oterna—Glaxo Laboratories Ltd) pour l'usage dans le traitement de l'otite externe de petits animaux. L'étiologie de la maladie a été étudiée dans 133 oreilles de chats et chiens; des oreilles normales ont été examinées pour comparaison. Le Pityrosporum canis et des staphylocoques ont été les microorganismes le plus souvent isolés; leur incidence était beaucoup plus élevée dans les oreilles affectées cliniquement que dans les oreilles normales. Des micro-organisms Gram-négatifs ont été seulement trouvés dans les oreilles malades. Soixante-treize cas cliniques d'otite chez les chats et les chiens ont été traités avec une préparation contenant de la néomycine, du monosulfiram et du bétaméthazone. Les évaluations bactériologique et clinique ont été faites avant et après le traitement et les micro-organismes isolés ont été vérifiés pour la sensibilité aux constituants antimicrobiens de la préparation. Il y avait une corrélation de 92% entre les résultats bactériologiques et cliniques. On a enregistré une réaction bactériologique ‘bonne’ ou ‘très bonne’ dans 71% des oreilles traitées. Zusammenfassung. Die Wirksamkeit eines Präparats (Oterna—Glaxo Laboratories Ltd) für die Behandlung von äußerer Otitis bei kleinen Tieren ist bakteriologisch bestimmt worden. Die Ursachenforschung dieser Krankheit wurde an 133 Ohren von Katzen und Hunden durch-geführt. Zum Vergleich wurden normale Ohren untersucht. Pityrosporum canis und Staphylokokken waren die am häufigsten abgesonderten Lebewesen. Ihr Vorkommen war bei klinisch betroffenen Ohren viel größer als bei normalen Ohren. Gram-negative Lebewesen wurden nur in kranken Ohren vorgefunden. Dreiundsiebenzig klinische Fälle von Otitis bei Hunden und Katzen wurden mit einem Präparat behandelt, das Neomycin, Monosulfiram und Betamethasone enthielt. Bakteriologische und klinische Bewertungen wurden vor und nach Behandlung durchgeführt, und die abgesonderten Lebewesen wurden auf Empfindlichkeit gegen mikrobenbetreffende Bestandteile des Präparates geprüft. Zwischen den bakteriologischen und klinischen Ergebnissen bestand eine 92 prozentige Wechselbeziehung. Eine “gute” oder “sehr gute” bakteriologische Reaktion wurde an 71% der behandelten Ohren festgestellt.  相似文献   

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