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Objective To evaluate the effect of a single dose of topical 1% tropicamide on tear production as measured by the Schirmer tear test (STT) in the normal dog and cat. Material and methods Twenty‐eight dogs and 32 cats received 50 µl : l of 1% tropicamide in one eye and the opposite eye served as the control. STTs were performed immediately before instillation of tropicamide and then at 1, 4, 8 and 24 h post drug instillation. STT results were compared between the control and treated eyes at the different times. Results Aqueous tear production in dogs, measured by STT, was not significantly reduced. The mean ± SEM STTs for the baseline time for control and tropicamide‐treated eyes were 19.9 ± 0.8 and 20.3 ± 0.8 mm wetting/min, respectively. For the control eyes, the subsequent mean ± SEM STT levels were 20.3 ± 0.9 (1 h), 21.1 ± 0.8 (4 h), 20.1 ± 0.9 (8 h), and 18.7 ± 0.7 (24 h). For the tropicamide‐treated eyes, the subsequent mean ± SEM STT levels were 19.4 ± 0.9 (1 h), 19.3 ± 0.9 (4 h), 20.0 ± 0.9 (8 h), and 18.4 ± 0.8 (24 h). Aqueous tear production of both eyes was significantly reduced in cats at 1 h but returned to baseline by 4 h post tropicamide instillation. The mean ± SEM STT levels for the baseline time in cats for control and tropicamide‐treated eyes were 14.9 ± 0.8 and 14.7 ± 0.8 mm wetting/min, respectively. Subsequent mean ± SEM STT levels for the control eyes were 6.4 ± 1.1 (1 h), 11.9 ± 1.0 (4 h), 13.9 ± 0.8 (8 h), and 16.4 ± 1.0 (24 h). For the tropicamide‐treated eyes, the subsequent mean ± SEM STT levels were 5.3 ± 0.8 (1 h), 10.2 ± 0.8 (4 h), 14.7 ± 1.0 (8 h), and 16.6 ± 1.0 (24 h). Conclusion Single dose 1% tropicamide does not significantly lower tear production rates, as measured by the STT, in normal dogs. However, in normal cats single doses of 1% tropicamide in one eye cause significant reductions in tear production of both eyes at 1 h that recovered to baseline levels by 4 h.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this retrospective study was to summarize the most frequent clinical signs, ultrasonographic, and histological findings accompanying scleral rupture as a result of blunt trauma in dogs, cats, and horses. ANIMALS STUDIED AND PROCEDURES: Thirty small animals and three horses diagnosed with scleral rupture resulting from blunt trauma. B-mode ultrasonography was performed on 20 animals. Histopathology was carried out on 18 enucleated globes. RESULTS: In small animals, 80% presented hyphema, 60% subconjunctival hemorrhage, and 53% eyelid and conjunctival swelling. In horses, 100% presented eyelid and conjunctival swelling, 67% hyphema, subconjunctival hemorrhage, and collapsed anterior chamber. Ultrasonographic findings were an area with ill-defined scleral margins (90%), echoic/hyperechoic contents in the anterior and posterior chamber (55%) and in the vitreous (80%). In small animals, scleral rupture location noted on gross examination was: at the posterior pole (4), close to the optic nerve (3), near the limbus (2), and in the dorsal aspect of the globe (1). In horses, the lesion was located at the limbus (3). In small animals, histopathology showed presence of hemorrhage in the anterior, posterior chamber, and vitreous (94%), retinal detachment (94%), choroidal edema and hemorrhages (88%), and choroidal detachment as a result of suprachoroidal hemorrhage (88%). The same lesions were found in the globes of two horses. In small animals, rupture location noted on histopathology was: at the posterior pole (8), close to the optic nerve (4), near the limbus (1), near the ciliary body (1). CONCLUSIONS: The most frequent clinical signs observed were hyphema, subconjunctival hemorrhage, and eyelid and conjunctival swelling. Ultrasonographic findings suggestive for scleral rupture were ill-defined scleral borders and/or echoic/hyperechoic material in the cavities of the globe. On histopathology, lesions severely altering the anatomy of the eye structures were: hemorrhage into the chambers of the globe, subretinal and suprachoroidal hemorrhage leading to retinal and choroidal detachment, respectively. In small animals, the most frequent locations for scleral rupture were the posterior pole and close to the optic nerve, whereas in horses it was the limbus.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum is endemic throughout most of the United States with a high prevalence of infections in the Midwest and South. Histoplasmosis is the second most common systemic fungal disease in cats that may be more susceptible than dogs. Infection occurs by inhalation of conidia from the mycelial phase, which subsequently convert to the yeast form. Histoplasma capsulatum is phagocytized and harbored by cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Infection may be subclinical or cause clinical pulmonary granulomatous disease or dissemination. Disseminated disease predominantly affects the liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, bone and bone marrow, integument, and eyes. Primary gastrointestinal histoplasmosis also occurs. Clinical signs of histoplasmosis often are nonspecific, including chronic wasting, fever, anorexia, respiratory signs, and lameness. Gastrointestinal signs (eg, diarrhea with hematochezia or melena) are common in dogs. The definitive diagnosis is made by identification of the yeast in tissue samples. Itraconazole is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

The most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism in dogs and cats is a solitary adenoma involving an extracapsular parathyroid gland. The prognosis is excellent if the affected parathyroid gland is removed. Nonsurgical methods are discussed, although there are no current data to support any benefit over conventional surgery. The common postoperative complication to consider is hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia can be successfully managed in these animals if it is anticipated and treated promptly.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Campylobacter enteritis was the most frequently notified infectious disease in Australia in 1996 and Campylobacter species have been associated with extra-intestinal infections such as purulent arthritis and Guillian-Barré syndrome. Dogs and cats are known to carry campylobacteria and contact with household pets have been implicated as possible sources of human infection. OBJECTIVE: To provide information on the species of campylobacter carried by cats and dogs in South Australia. METHODS: Faecal samples were collected from stray and owned cats and dogs and feral cats. Campylobacter-like organisms were isolated using selective media and filtration methods. They were then characterised by biochemical tests, antibiotic resistance and growth patterns under various conditions. Husbandry factors that could have influenced the carriage rates were examined both as single variables and in a multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Campylobacter upsaliensis and C jejuni were found in 11% and 4% of cats, respectively, whereas 34% dogs carried C upsaliensis, 7% C jejuni and 2% C coli. Intensive housing and open drains were found to be significant risk factors and increased the carriage rate by 2 and 2.6 times, respectively. CONCLUSION: Dogs and cats are a potential reservoir for human enteric infections with campylobacters.  相似文献   

Blastomycosis is one of the most common systemic fungal diseases in dogs in North America, but it is rarely diagnosed in cats. The typical route of infection is inhalation of aerosolized conidia of Blastomyces dermatitidis. From the respiratory tract, the developing yeast form may disseminate throughout the body and affect multiple organ systems, most commonly the lymphatic, skeletal and central nervous systems, eyes and skin. Disseminated disease often is associated with nonspecific signs of illness including lethargy, inappetence and fever, as well as signs referable to specific organ systems like chronic cough and dyspnea, peripheral lymphadenopathy, endophthalmitis, and central nervous signs. Diagnosis is typically made by detection of Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast in affected tissues by fine-needle aspiration cytology or histopathology. The treatment of choice is itraconazole. Prognosis is fair in dogs without central nervous disease and guarded in cats.  相似文献   

Holter monitoring is a valuable noninvasive tool for the monitoring of the cardiac rhythm over a prolonged period during normal daily activities. The advent of this diagnostic test has demonstrated that the incidence of serious arrhythmias is much greater than previously determined using routine electrocardiography. A resting electrocardiogram is typically recorded for several seconds to several minutes and is likely to miss or underestimate the underlying arrhythmia. This article will present the clinical indications, equipment, technical application, and assessment of holter monitoring.  相似文献   

Objective Guinea pigs have a very low threshold of corneal sensitivity and at the same time nearly no reflex tearing compared to dogs, cats, and horses. The question arose whether there is a general correlation between corneal sensitivity and the quantity of reflex tearing. Animals studied Totally 160 animals of 8 different species (20 animals per species) were investigated. Procedures The corneal touch threshold (CTT) was measured with a Cochet–Bonnet esthesiometer. The palpebral fissure length (PFL) was measured with a calliper ruler. The Schirmer tear test (STT) was modified by adapting the width of the STT strip to the PFL of every species. For the STT II, 0.4% oxybuprocaine was applied. Results Corneal touch threshold: Cows (1.67 g/mm2), horses (1.23 g/mm2), sheep (1.13 g/mm2), goats (1.44 g/mm2), dogs (2.16 g/mm2), and cats (1.33 g/mm2) show similar CTT values. In contrast, rabbits (6.21 g/mm2) and guinea pigs (7.75 g/mm2) show a significantly lower CTT. Tear Production Difference STT I ? STT II: Rabbits have the greatest decline in tear production with 38.4%, followed by sheep (33.3%), dogs (31.1%), cats (24.7%), cows (23.7%), horses (18.0%), and goats (14.0%). Guinea pigs have no decline, but a slight increase of ?16.0%. Correlation CTT and STT II ? STT I Difference: Pearson’s correlation coefficient shows a small, but significant correlation. The coefficient of determination can only forecast a value with 7.1% certainty. Conclusions The high variance and low reproducibility of results suggest that the measuring devices are inappropriate to assess the evaluated parameters. Therefore, no assured correlation between the corneal sensitivity and the quantity of reflex tearing could be found.  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum in cats and dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this article is to review the therapeutic options available for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum in cats and dogs. The techniques of complete and partial nasal planum resection in the cat are described in detail. Surgical treatment offers the greatest chance of cure, although several options are available for early, less invasive lesions.  相似文献   

Therapy, control and prevention of flea allergy dermatitis in dogs and cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reviews contemporary concepts underlying the design of control strategies for the management of flea allergy dermatitis in dogs and cats. The limitations of palliative symptomatic approaches are noted, as is the fundamental requirement to differentiate simple pulicosis from true hypersensitivity. In the latter case, eradication of fleas from the affected animal and its surroundings has to be an essential aim. The different biological properties offered by modern chemotherapy are defined and the range of techniques for applying active compounds to the animal and its environment described. Factors for consideration when formulating control strategies and selecting chemotherapeutic agents are discussed in the context of the complexities of the flea life-cycle, the host-parasite relationship and client concerns.  相似文献   

Abdominal lymphadenopathy in dogs and cats is routinely investigated with ultrasound. As the determination between benign and neoplastic etiologies of lymphadenopathy affects patient management, specific sonographic characteristics associated with both benign and neoplastic lymph nodes have been suggested. However, a significant overlap between these characteristics exists, necessitating a cytologic or histopathologic diagnosis in most instances. The objectives of this retrospective, cross‐sectional study were to evaluate whether echogenicity of perinodal fat could be a discriminator between benign and neoplastic abdominal lymphadenopathy and to assess if additional sonographic features associated with malignancy could be identified in lymph nodes with hyperechoic perinodal fat. Small animal patients (257 dogs and 117 cats) with sonographic evidence of abdominal lymphadenopathy and a cytological or histopathological diagnosis were evaluated for differences in the proportions of sonographic features between benign and neoplastic groups. Greater maximum long axis diameter (in dogs and cats) and a greater number of abnormal lymph nodes (in cats) were associated with malignancy in lymph nodes with hyperechoic perinodal fat. Canine lymph nodes with round cell neoplasia were significantly more likely to have hyperechoic perinodal fat. Lymph nodes affected with other neoplasia or with lymphadenitis were equally likely to have normal or hyperechoic perinodal fat. Reactive lymph nodes were significantly less likely to have hyperechoic perinodal fat in both species. These results suggest that though echogenicity of perinodal fat is a nonspecific finding, abdominal lymph nodes with hyperechoic perinodal fat are less likely to be reactive and sampling of these lymph nodes may be indicated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess postoperative surgical site infection (SSI) rate and to identify associated predictive factors. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Dogs and cats that had surgery (1010 interventions) during 58 weeks from April 1999 to June 2000. METHODS: Data sheets were completed by clinicians. Patients were controlled for clinical evidence of SSI at suture removal. Two definitions of SSI ("infection" and "infection/inflammation") were developed specifically for this study and used for statistical analysis. Logistic regression models were built in order to identify significant predictive factors for SSI. RESULTS: Wounds with "infection/inflammation" occurred in 5.8% and "infected" wounds in 3% of patients. The outcome "infection" was associated with 3 major risk factors (duration of surgery, increasing number of persons in the operating room, dirty surgical site) and 1 protective factor (antimicrobial prophylaxis). The outcome "infection/inflammation" was associated with 6 significant factors (duration of anesthesia, duration of postoperative intensive care unit stay, wound drainage, increasing patient weight, dirty surgical site, and antimicrobial prophylaxis). CONCLUSIONS: SSI frequency in companion animals is comparable with the frequency observed in human surgical patients. Several significant predictive factors for SSI in small animals surgery were identified. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Baseline information for SSI surveillance in our hospital and for comparison with other studies was defined. The factors identified may help to predict infections in surgical patients and to take adequate preventive measures for patients at risk.  相似文献   

Objective  To evaluate the effect of acepromazine or xylazine on Schirmer tear test 1 results in clinically normal cats.
Animals  Sixteen healthy cross-breed cats.
Procedure  The animals were randomly divided into two groups of eight cats each. The first group was sedated with acepromazine alone (0.2 mg/kg) and the second group received only xylazine (2 mg/kg). All cats had Schirmer tear test (STT) readings taken prior to sedation and at 15 and 25 min postsedation.
Results  Sedation with acepromazine or xylazine in cats with normal pre-sedation STT 1 values caused a statistically significant decrease in mean values of tear production in both groups. In acepromazine group the mean ± SEM STT at T15 and T25 were 4.31 ± 0.98 ( P  < 0.001) and 5.18 ± 1.07 ( P  = 0.002). The post-treatment mean ± SEM values in xylazine group were 2.18 ± 0.97 ( P  < 0.001) and 2.62 ± 1.17 ( P  = 0.001) at 15 and 25 min respectively. Comparison between T15 and T25 in acepromazine group ( P  = 0.49) and xylazine group ( P  = 0.56) revealed no significant differences.
Conclusion  These observations indicate that both acepromazine or xylazine significantly reduced tear production in clinically normal cats. In cats, clinicians should measure STT values prior to utilizing acepromazine or xylazine as sedatives in order to accurately assess the results. Moreover, sterile ocular lubricant or tear replacement should be used as a corneal protectant during sedation with these drugs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the attitudes of French veterinarians to pain, and their provision of analgesia to animals, with that reported from other countries. STUDY DESIGN: Epidemiological study. METHODS: In June 1999, 379 French veterinarians were surveyed to ascertain their views on pain evaluation and control in dogs and cats, and their use of analgesics in daily practice. Survey results are expressed as a percentage of responses. RESULTS: The questionnaire was returned by 189 veterinarians (49.9%). The response rate was influenced by age (younger veterinarians were more likely to respond) but not gender. A majority (99.5%) expressed moderate to extreme concern over pain in their patients. Pain evaluation was based on the animal's attitude (88.3% dogs, 82.5% cats), interaction with the caregiver, response to palpation of the painful area (66.5% dogs, 62.7% cats) and inappetence (29.3% dogs, 46.3% cats, p < 0.001). Only 14.3% of respondents considered their knowledge of pain recognition to be inadequate. Many (58.8%) considered their methods of pain quantification and control (47% dogs, 59% cats) to be inadequate. Difficulties in recognizing pain (58.3%), a lack of knowledge in the appropriate use of analgesics (41.7%) and fear of drug side effects (30%) were used to explain inadequate provision of analgesia. Only 16.1 and 8.1% used opioids in dogs and cats, respectively. This low level of use resulted from the imposition of French narcotic legislation (79.9%) and lack of knowledge of opioid pharmacology (73.7%). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids were the most commonly used analgesics in both species (100% (dogs) and 96.7% (cats)). The most popular NSAID used in France was tolfenamic acid, followed by meloxicam (dogs), ketoprofen, nimesulide (cats) and carprofen (dogs). The type of surgery performed influenced the use of analgesics, from 17.2% for castration to 83.7% for orthopaedic procedures. Nonsurgical conditions believed to warrant analgesia included osteoarthritis (97.8%), trauma (97.3%) and bone neoplasia (93.4%). Female veterinarians were more likely than males to evaluate pain and provide analgesia. CONCLUSION: French practitioners demonstrate a level of interest in analgesia, which appears to be at least equivalent to that reported from English-speaking countries. The signs used to indicate the presence of pain do not, in general, appear to differ. Excessive confidence in their ability to recognize pain (despite a general ignorance of the subject), the minor role of animal health technicians in pain management and misconceptions about analgesics (mainly opioids) are French pecularities.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo perform preliminary evaluations into the ocular analgesic effect of topical 1% morphine in a clinical setting and to determine onset, duration and complications.Study designProspective, randomised, blinded clinical study.AnimalsTwenty six dogs and seventeen cats, all client‐owned.MethodsDogs and cats with corneal ulceration requiring medical treatment or corneal conditions requiring surgery were included and randomly assigned to receive one drop of topical morphine (group M) or base solution (group B). Recordings were made prior to application and at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes, then 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. Corneal aesthesiometry, blink rates and scores for blepharospasm (BLEPH), conjunctival hyperaemia (CH) and lacrimation (LAC) were recorded. Statistical analyses used anova,t‐tests and Mann–Whitney U tests as relevant.ResultsNo significant effect of treatment group on any recordings was found at any time point in either dogs or cats. Adverse effects of increased BLEPH, CH or blink rate were observed in six animals (three cats from group M and three dogs from group B), occurring within 5 minutes of drop application and lasting for between 10 minutes and 6 hours.Conclusions and clinical relevanceTopical ocular morphine showed no measurable analgesic effect against corneal pain in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

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