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Onchocercosis: a newly recognized disease in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A 5-year-old Holsteiner gelding from Germany was presented 2 months after a whitish discoloration of the left cornea was observed. Cytologic examination revealed intra- and extracellular globular structures, up to 4 micro m in size, consisting of a central spherical deeply basophilic body surrounded by an unstained halo. The structures were morphologically consistent with Histoplasma spp. Infection with Histoplasma organisms is not endemic in Europe. Topical use of fluconazole was successful in eliminating Histoplasma organisms within 10 days of initiation of treatment.  相似文献   

Five cases of canine keratomycosis were diagnosed and treated at a private Veterinary Ophthalmology Practice in Melbourne, Australia. Clinical presentations varied between dogs. Predisposing factors were identified in 4 of 5 cases. Diagnostic modalities utilized were corneal cytology and fungal culture. Corneal cytology confirmed the presence of fungal organisms in all five cases. Aspergillus, Scedosporium, and Candida were cultured from three cases, respectively. Specific antifungal treatment included 1% voriconazole solution or 1% itraconazole ointment. Keratectomy and conjunctival grafting surgery was performed in two patients. Resolution of infection and preservation of vision were achieved in 4 of 5 patients.  相似文献   

Idiopathic ocular and nasal granulomatous inflammatory disease in a dog   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A young female Akita presented for ocular and nasal lesions. Examination showed bilateral 360 degree limbal masses that extended onto the peripheral cornea. In addition, intranasal granulomatous masses were observed by rhinoscopy. Histopathologic examination with immunohistochemical staining showed that these masses were almost identical and were classified as an idiopathic, T-cell rich, granulomatous inflammation. The dog responded well to anti-inflammatory medication and the disease remains in remission 2 years after the initial presentation.  相似文献   

Six adult dogs were presented with an unusual bullous dermatosis affecting the glabrous skin of the ventral abdomen and medial thighs. Clinically, flaccid bullae were accompanied by erythema, ulceration, haemorrhage and hyperpigmentation in four of six dogs; the remaining two dogs had thin skin without grossly apparent bullae. Histologically, subepidermal bullae and clefting, vascular proliferation and dilatation (phlebectasia), and alteration in the density and staining of superficial dermal collagen were seen in all dogs. In all cases, corticosteroid-containing topical products had been applied to the affected areas prior to the development of the dermatosis; skin lesions resolved when topical corticosteroids were withdrawn. Follow-up biopsy of three dogs showed resolution of the previously abnormal collagen and subepidermal clefting. Residual lesions included phlebectasia, comedones and hyperpigmentation. The authors postulate that subepidermal clefting was due to local, corticosteroid-induced skin fragility. This is the first report, to our knowledge, of bullous skin disease in dogs resulting from topical corticosteroid therapy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of equine renal capsule preserved in 98% glycerine to repair lamellar corneal lesions in normal dogs. For this purpose, 12 dogs, divided into six groups ( n  = 2), were used to evaluate the 1st to 7th day, 15th day and 30th to 60th postoperative day. In order to perform the histologic study, the clinical procedures were analyzed, while the recipient's corneas were collected. The photophobia and blepharospasm also were more intense in the 1st to 7th postoperative day, and regressed in the 15th postoperative day. Therefore, the edema and the vascular events were both more frequent in the intermediary phases and regressed in the late periods. On the other hand, the morphological evaluation demonstrated an inflamatory exudate, also in the intermediary and late periods. These results suggested that the equine renal preserved capsule could be a useful alternative tissue to repair lamellar corneal lesions in dogs.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the changes in corneal thickness that occur during maturation of the canine eye over the first months of life. Animals studied Dogs of two different breeds with ages ranging from 14 days to 42 weeks of age. Procedures The central corneal thickness was measured by ultrasonic pachymetry every week for the first month after eyelid opening (around 14 days) and then every month until 42 weeks of age. Segmented regression was applied to capture the two phases observed in the central corneal thickness plotted against age. Breed, eye and gender were also included in the model. Results Mean central corneal thickness (CCT) values initially decreased following eyelid opening, with the lowest point being reached at around 6 weeks of age. Then CCT gradually increased as the dogs matured. Differences between left and right eye were not significant. Breed and gender effects were significant factors in the statistical model. Conclusions Following eyelid opening there is an initial decrease in corneal thickness until approximately 6 weeks of age, which presumably mirrors maturation of corneal endothelial cell function. After 6 weeks of age the CCT increases with age until approximately 30 weeks of age after which there was only a gradual increase over the remainder of the study period. A similar pattern of changes in corneal thickness in humans has been previously recorded.  相似文献   

Pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease are poorly understood in horses; the causes of such conditions are rarely identified. Equine herpesvirus 5 (EHV-5) is a gamma-herpesvirus of horses that has not been associated with disease in horses. Pathologic and virologic findings from 24 horses with progressive nodular fibrotic lung disease associated with EHV-5 infection are described and compared with 23 age-matched control animals. Gross lesions consisted of multiple nodules of fibrosis throughout the lungs. Histologically, there was marked interstitial fibrosis, often with preservation of an "alveolar-like" architecture, lined by cuboidal epithelial cells. The airways contained primarily neutrophils and macrophages. Rare macrophages contained large eosinophilic intranuclear viral inclusion bodies; similar inclusion bodies were also found cytologically. The inclusions were identified as herpesviral-like particles by transmission electron microscopy in a single horse. In situ hybridization was used to detect EHV-5 nucleic acids within occasional macrophage nuclei. With polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the herpesviral DNA polymerase gene was detected in 19/24 (79.2%) of affected horses and 2/23 (8.7%) of the control horses. Virus genera-specific PCR was used to detect EHV-5 in all of the affected horses and none of the control horses. EHV-2 was detected in 8/24 (33.3%) of affected horses and 1/9 (11.1%) of the control horses. This disease has not been reported before, and the authors propose that based upon the characteristic gross and histologic findings, the disease be known as equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis. Further, we propose that this newly described disease develops in association with infection by the equine gamma-herpesvirus, EHV-5.  相似文献   

Field observations on food tolerance have repeatedly shown that when fed an identical diet, large breed (>25 kg) dogs present softer and moister faeces than small breed ones (<15 kg). The purpose of this review is to highlight the findings of four PhD theses, carried out between 1998 and 2013, whose objectives were to investigate the anatomical and physiological peculiarities that would explain, at least in part, this observation, as well as their nutritional implication. This work showed that large breed dogs, in contrast with smaller breeds, present a highly developed caecum and colon, which could explain the relatively longer colonic transit time. A prolonged colonic transit time could explain higher colonic fermentative activity, as supported by higher faecal concentrations of fermentative by‐products. This effect would be reinforced by increased intestinal permeability and reduced sodium net‐absorption. Taken together, these elements could be a possible cause of higher digestive sensitivity in large breed dogs. When prescribing a diet to a small or large breed dog, several aspects of the formulation must be taken into account. For a large breed dog, the general goal is to limit any ingredient that could increase the level of fermentable undigested residues and, in fine, exacerbate colonic fermentation. Highly digestible sources of proteins and starches are therefore strongly recommended to maintain an optimal digestive tolerance. Fermentable fibre sources (i.e. beet pulp and FOS) must also be used in limited quantity in their diet. Conversely, the incorporation of non‐fermentable fibre (i.e. cellulose) appears useful to increase their stool quality. For a small breed dog, the general objective is to minimize any ingredient that could excessively limit colonic fermentation and induce in fine constipation. Purified starches and cellulose are therefore not really suitable for them. In contrast, cereals flours as well as non‐fermentable fibre provided by cereals are recommended.  相似文献   

A novel large Babesia sp. from an infected dog was cultivated in vitro by microaerophilous stationary phase culture methodology. A primary culture initiated in enriched RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 40% canine serum and incubated in a 2% oxygen environment supported parasite growth in vitro. Subsequent subcultures into enriched HL-1 medium with 20% fetal bovine serum also supported parasite propagation. Cultures were successfully introduced to 5% carbon dioxide in air atmosphere at passage 4. To date, the parasites have been continuously cultured through 35 passages, although the parasitemias are low, ranging from 0.2 to 0.3%. Parasites cultured in RPMI with canine serum were cryopreserved and successfully recovered from liquid nitrogen storage. The small subunit ribosomal rRNA gene sequence was identical in blood-derived and culture-derived parasites, differing in a single base position from the previously reported sequence for this Babesia sp. The ultrastructure of the parasite was consistent with that of other large Babesia spp., except that the spherical body contained numerous round particles unlike the inclusions previously described in Babesia spp.  相似文献   

Functional MRI as a tool to assess vision in dogs: the optimal anesthetic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a recent advance in neuroimaging that provides a picture of brain activity with excellent spatial resolution. Current methods used to evaluate canine vision are poorly standardized and vulnerable to bias. Functional MRI may represent a valuable method of testing vision in dogs if the impacts of anesthesia on fMRI are understood. Six dogs were scanned during visual stimulation, each under three different anesthetic protocols (isoflurane, propofol, fentanyl/midazolam) to address the questions: (1) Can visually evoked fMR signals be reliably recorded in anesthetized dogs? and (2) Which anesthetic agent permits the least suppression of visually induced fMR signal in dogs? This study confirms that visual stimuli reliably elicit neural activity and fMR signal change in anesthetized dogs. No significant differences in images acquired under the three anesthetics were found, and there was no significant relationship between anesthetic dose and brain activity, within the range of doses used in this study. Images obtained during isoflurane anesthesia were more consistent between dogs than those obtained with the other two agents. This reduced variation may reflect the fact that inhalant anesthesia is more easily controlled than intravenous anesthesia under conditions associated with high field fMRI.  相似文献   

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