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An acetolactate synthase (ALS)‐resistant Amaranthus retroflexus biotype was collected in a soyabean crop after repeated exposure to imazethapyr and thifensulfuron‐methyl in north‐eastern Italy. Studies were conducted to characterise the resistance status and determine alternative post‐emergence herbicides for controlling this biotype. Whole‐plant bioassay revealed that the GR50 values were 1898‐ and 293‐fold higher than those observed for the biotype susceptible to imazethapyr and imazamox respectively. The biotype also displayed high cross‐resistance to sulfonylureas. Molecular analysis demonstrated that a single nucleotide substitution had occurred in domain B (TGG to TTG at position 574), conferring a change from the amino acid tryptophan to leucine in the resistant biotype. However, herbicides with other modes of action (PSII, 4‐HPPD and PPO inhibitors) provided excellent control. The GR50 ratios for metribuzin, terbuthylazine and mesotrione were close to 1 and treatments with fomesafen gave 100% control of both susceptible and resistant biotypes at the recommended field dose. This study documents the first case of an imidazolinone and ALS‐resistant biotype in European crops and identifies the post‐emergence herbicide options available for managing this troublesome weed in soyabean crops. Alternative management strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

反枝苋的生物学特性及防治   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
反枝苋是世界性分布的一种恶性杂草.了解其生物学特性将有助于对其进行有效防治。本文从反枝苋的分布与危害、生长发育和繁殖等几个方面,详细综述了反枝苋的的生物学特性和防除措施,包括物理防治、化学防治及生物防治,并对综合治理反枝苋提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

The mutual effects of redroot pigweed ( Amaranthus retroflexus ) on corn ( Zea mays ) were evaluated in an experiment conducted in 2005 at the Iranian Plant Protection Research Institute at Qazvin, considering the different densities of redroot pigweed against four different corn densities. Redroot pigweed, at 0, 35, 50, 65, and 80 plants m−1 row−1, was arranged factorially with corn at four, five, six, and seven plants m−1 row−1 in a randomized complete block design. Crop–weed competition resulted in a reduction in the total dry matter, Leaf Area Index, and crop growth rate of corn. Furthermore, an increasing weed density ≤65 plants m−1 row−1 reduced the corn grain yield and biological yield. Overall, six corn plants m−1 row−1 was suggested as the optimum density of this crop in competition with redroot pigweed.  相似文献   

Leaf optical properties can play an important role in determining the red/far‐red light ratio, a signal of impending competition, in plant canopies. Knowledge of leaf optical properties and factors affecting them is important in understanding of the impacts of red/far‐red ratio in agroecosystems. Effects of leaf position on the plant stem on their optical properties at 660 and 730 nm were studied in tomato and two weeds Chenopodium album and Amaranthus retroflexus. Leaf position on stem strongly influenced leaf optical properties. Reflectance and transmittance were generally lower for the C. album and Aretroflexus leaves at higher positions on the stem, except for reflectance at 730 nm in C. album, which did not change. Reflectance was not affected in tomato. Transmittance generally decreased for leaves at higher positions. Red/far‐red ratios of reflected (Rratio) and transmitted (Tratio) light generally decreased in all species, except Rratio in tomato, where it increased slightly at higher positions. These effects were greater in A. retroflexus compared with C. album and tomato. Changes in these ratios were partly explained by chlorophyll content and leaf mass per area. The results show that leaf position on plant stem influences leaf optical properties in tomato and two weeds and this effect differed between species. These influences and the differences among species could modify red/far‐red ratios in canopies comprising these species, which could influence their growth and inter‐plant interactions.  相似文献   


During the last century increasing human trade networks have interacted with other global changes – such as land use and climate change – to accelerate the range expansion of pest species worldwide. In this special issue, we present a series of articles that model the risk of establishment and spread of non-native harmful species, as well as shifts in the distribution of native pest species. We also provide a state-of the art review of the available literature on species distribution models for pests, weeds, and pathogens. Recent advances in modelling approaches have allowed us to significantly improve our abilities to predict changes in species distribution, and these tools have been widely used to enhance biosecurity planning and pest management. We expect that this special issue contributes toward and integration of the scientific knowledge and the development of novel approaches to model pest species distribution, as well as to better understand the factors that influence their expansion in the context of a rapidly changing world.  相似文献   

光梗蒺藜草在内蒙古主要分布在通辽,分布面积为816 924.9 hm2,占通辽市总面积的13.72%。赤峰、兴安盟和巴彦淖尔市也有分布。主要通过放牧、牲畜的流转以及车辆携带沿公路铁路线扩散。在内蒙古光梗蒺藜草可能进一步侵入和扩散的地区有乌兰布和沙地、毛乌素沙地、库布其沙漠、锡林浩特境内的浑善达克沙地、呼伦贝尔沙地、退化的沙质草场。  相似文献   

刺苋和反枝苋在广西各地农田均有分布,综合运用培养皿种子检测法、整株生物测定法对广西4个不同地点的刺苋和反枝苋种群进行草甘膦敏感性测定。结果表明,桂林灵川的刺苋和桂林兴安的反枝苋对草甘膦表现出敏感性下降的情况。同时,使用生化指标测定法检测的植株体内莽草酸含量变化情况与其敏感性变化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

苋属4种外来有害杂草在中国的适生区预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑卉  何兴金 《植物保护》2011,37(2):81-86
[目的] 明确反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus)、凹头苋(A. lividus)、刺苋(A. spinosus)、皱果苋(A. viridis)4种有害杂草在中国的适生区,为有效制定检疫措施和防治决策提供依据。[方法]基于4种苋属杂草已有的分布点数据,使用GARP和Maxent两个生态位模型对其在中国的适生区进行预测。[结果] 对4种苋属植物适生区影响最大的环境因子主要为雨日频率、海拔、极端低温、水汽压、坡度。模型评价表明,Maxent和GARP两模型对4种杂草的分布均能较好地进行预测,Maxent的结果稍好于GARP。以Maxent为主,GARP作参考,得出苋属4个种在中国的适生区主要集中在华东地区、华北的部分地区、西北和东北的少数地区、除西藏和四川西部以外的西南地区以及中南的大部分地区。[结论] 建议相关部门对4种杂草适生区域及其周边做好相应的预警和治理工作。  相似文献   



Amaranthus palmeri is an aggressive annual weed native to the United States, which has become invasive in some European countries. Populations resistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors have been recorded in Spain and Italy, but the evolutionary origin of the resistance traits remains unknown. Bioassays were conducted to identify cross-resistance to ALS inhibitors and a haplotype-based genetic approach was used to elucidate the origin and distribution of resistance in both countries.


Amaranthus palmeri populations were resistant to thifensulfuron-methyl and imazamox, and the 574-Leu mutant ALS allele was found to be the main cause of resistance among them. In two Spanish populations, 376-Glu and 197-Thr mutant ALS alleles were also found. The haplotype analyses revealed the presence of two and four distinct 574-Leu mutant haplotypes in the Italian and Spanish populations, respectively. None was common to both countries, but some mutant haplotypes were shared between geographically close populations or between populations more than 100 km apart. Wide genetic diversity was found in two very close Spanish populations.


ALS-resistant A. palmeri populations were introduced to Italy and Spain from outside Europe. Populations from both countries have different evolutionary histories and originate from independent introduction events. ALS resistance then spread over short and long distances by seed dispersal. The higher number and genetic diversity among mutant haplotypes from the Spanish populations indicated recurrent invasions. The implementation of control tactics to limit seed dispersal and the establishment of A. palmeri is recommended in both countries. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Field experiments were made in 1998 and 1999 to determine the influence of tillage and soyabean (Glycine max) row width on predispersal weed seed predation in Amaranthus retroflexus L. (redroot pigweed) and Chenopodium album L. (common lambsquarters). Soyabean was planted in wide (76 cm) and narrow (19 cm) rows with conventional or conservation tillage. Additional control plots without soyabean were also established. The two objectives were to determine (1) whether predispersal seed predation occurs in A. retroflexus or C. album, and (2) whether disturbance (soil tillage) or microclimate (planting pattern) influence predation level. Mean rates of seed predation were 26% and 4% in A. retroflexus and C. album, respectively. Although these levels were low at the population level, individual plants of both species had predation levels ranging from 0% to 80%, however, very few individuals of C. album had levels of predation above 10%. Differences among tillage and row width treatments occurred for A. retroflexus, but not for C. album. Amaranthus retroflexus and C. album growing within the soyabean crop received less light than those in the no‐crop plots, and produced less above‐ground biomass, smaller terminal inflorescences, and fewer seeds per inflorescence. Plant height, terminal inflorescence weight, and total seeds were correlated with predation in both weed species.  相似文献   

黑龙江省大豆田反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus对ALS、PPO抑制剂类除草剂产生了严重抗性, 为明确化学防除失败的反枝苋对咪唑乙烟酸、氟磺胺草醚的抗性机理, 采用整株生物测定法测定了反枝苋抗性及敏感种群对除草剂的敏感性, 克隆了抗性和敏感种群的ALS、PPO基因(质体型PPX1及线粒体型PPX2), 查找突变位点, 将突变基因转入拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana验证其功能, 明确抗性机理。结果显示:反枝苋抗性种群对咪唑乙烟酸、氟磺胺草醚抗性倍数分别为55.29倍和17.51倍, 抗性植株ALS存在Ala205Val或Ser653Asn突变, PPX2存在Arg128Gly突变。将抗性种群的PPX2转入拟南芥, 可导致拟南芥对氟磺胺草醚产生高水平抗性(10.3倍)。综上, 东北大豆田反枝苋对咪唑乙烟酸、氟磺胺草醚产生了高水平多抗性, ALS、PPO基因突变是导致此类抗性的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

恶性入侵杂草长芒苋Amaranthus palmeri S.Watson对农业生产和生物多样性造成严重威胁。预测其潜在适生区对粮食安全和生物多样性保护至关重要。不同模型由于算法不同对长芒苋潜在适生区的预测结果存在差异。本研究综合4种生态位模型(MaxEnt、GARP、BIOCLIM和DOMAIN)预测长芒苋在我国的潜在适生区以提高预测准确性。结果表明,4种模型的平均AUC值均大于0.85。MaxEnt和DOMAIN的平均Kappa值大于0.81;BIOCLIM和GARP的平均Kappa值大于0.69。MaxEnt的预测精度和稳定性要略胜一筹。BIOCLIM和MaxEnt的预测结果较为收敛,DOMAIN和GARP预测的适生区范围较广,由此预测的长芒苋潜在适生区分别占我国陆地总面积的20.66%和32.38%,48.39%和49.76%。综合预测结果,长芒苋在我国的适生区主要集中在中东部地区,西北和东北地区则是长芒苋存在的边缘环境地区。  相似文献   

Based on satellite images and historical vegetation maps, Phragmites australis (common reed) in the Liaohe Delta, in north-east China, has expanded from 78 078 ha in 1984 to 91 262 ha in 2006, averaging over 600 ha year−1. This study also attempted to elucidate the reason for this expansion, using both historical documents and field surveys. The results suggested that the expansion of P. australis was driven mainly by human activities. Freshwater irrigation reduced soil salinity; irrigation of land blocks divided by canals and ditches (square-land irrigation) maintained optimal temperature, water and oxygen for the growth of P. australis ; deep freshwater irrigation and seawater irrigation eliminated some weeds; combined irrigation and burning eliminated an insect pest. These examples in the Liaohe Delta showed that water, salinity, oxygen, temperature and insect pests were important ecological factors that affected the growth of P. australis . By harmonising these ecological factors, optimal conditions were created for the natural expansion of P. australis and promoted the formation of monospecific stands of P. australis .  相似文献   

新德里番茄曲叶病毒(tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, ToLCNDV)是双生病毒科菜豆金色花叶病毒属病毒,由烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci以循环持久性方式传播,能对茄科和葫芦科等多种作物造成毁灭性的危害。近年来,ToLCNDV不断扩散蔓延至新的国家和地区。我国于2021年在浙江的温室番茄上发现了ToLCNDV的危害。本文综述了ToLCNDV的发生分布、基因组结构与进化、传播方式和寄主范围,提出了防范ToLCNDV在我国进一步传播和危害的防控建议。  相似文献   

基于MAXENT模型和ArcGIS预测豚草在中国的潜在适生区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析有害入侵杂草豚草Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.在中国的潜在适生区,基于其在中国的分布数据,结合气候、高程、土地利用类型等环境数据,利用最大熵模型(MAXENT)与ArcGIS软件相结合模拟豚草在中国的潜在适生区,运用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析法进行验证,并运用刀切法分析影响豚草分布的主要环境变量。结果表明,中国东部大部分地区都属于豚草适生区,其适生面积为2.31×10~6km~2,占全国陆地总面积的24.10%。辽宁省东部、安徽省中部、江苏省南京市、浙江省杭州市、湖北省东部、湖南省东部、江西省及两广中部为豚草高适生区(适生值0.5)。ROC曲线分析法得出下面积AUC值为0.955,表明预测结果可靠。刀切法分析显示,最冷季度平均湿度和最湿季度湿度对豚草在中国的分布状况影响最大,贡献率分别为30.89%和27.86%;最暖季度平均温度、温度变化方差、昼夜温差与年温差比值和土地利用类型有一定影响,贡献率依次为14.19%、8.05%、6.30%和5.93%;最冷月份最低温和坡向对豚草分布影响较小,贡献率分别为0.78%和0.20%。  相似文献   

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