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Echinochloa colona is the most common grass weed of summer fallows in the grain‐cropping systems of the subtropical region of Australia. Glyphosate is the most commonly used herbicide for summer grass control in fallows in this region. The world's first population of glyphosate‐resistant E. colona was confirmed in Australia in 2007 and, since then, >70 populations have been confirmed to be resistant in the subtropical region. The efficacy of alternative herbicides on glyphosate‐susceptible populations was evaluated in three field experiments and on both glyphosate‐susceptible and glyphosate‐resistant populations in two pot experiments. The treatments were knockdown and pre‐emergence herbicides that were applied as a single application (alone or in a mixture) or as part of a sequential application to weeds at different growth stages. Glyphosate at 720 g ai ha?1 provided good control of small glyphosate‐susceptible plants (pre‐ to early tillering), but was not always effective on larger susceptible plants. Paraquat was effective and the most reliable when applied at 500 g ai ha?1 on small plants, irrespective of the glyphosate resistance status. The sequential application of glyphosate followed by paraquat provided 96–100% control across all experiments, irrespective of the growth stage, and the addition of metolachlor and metolachlor + atrazine to glyphosate or paraquat significantly reduced subsequent emergence. Herbicide treatments have been identified that provide excellent control of small E. colona plants, irrespective of their glyphosate resistance status. These tactics of knockdown herbicides, sequential applications and pre‐emergence herbicides should be incorporated into an integrated weed management strategy in order to greatly improve E. colona control, reduce seed production by the sprayed survivors and to minimize the risk of the further development of glyphosate resistance.  相似文献   

Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is one of the most difficult annual weeds to control in cultivation systems worldwide, especially in temperate regions. The widespread use of herbicides in the past two decades has selected resistant biotypes of ryegrass in crops in Southern Brazil. Ryegrass seeds are dormant when disseminated and germination can be staggered over time (crop‐growing season). Knowledge of the germination behavior of seeds from herbicide‐resistant plants has been little studied, but it would be very useful in integrated weed management. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the dynamics of the soil seed bank of two biotypes of L. multiflorum, one glyphosate‐resistant and the other glyphosate‐susceptible, under a no‐tillage system. The treatments were arranged in a bifactorial scheme, using seeds from biotypes (glyphosate‐resistant and glyphosate‐susceptible) with monthly periods of removal from field (one to 12 months). Seeds of each biotype were placed on the soil surface and covered with soil and straw to simulate no‐till conditions. The percentage of germinated, dormant, and dead seeds was evaluated every 30 days. The ryegrass seed bank of glyphosate‐susceptible and glyphosate‐resistant biotypes was reduced to 11 and 15% of dormant seeds, respectively, at the end of 12 months. However, there was no variation in germination, dormancy, and seed mortality between susceptible and glyphosate‐resistant ryegrass. Seeds of glyphosate‐resistant biotype and susceptible showed germination behavior with similar dynamics in the soil over a period of 12 months.  相似文献   

A Collavo  M Sattin 《Weed Research》2014,54(4):325-334
In Europe, glyphosate‐resistant weeds have so far only been reported in perennial crops. Following farmers' complaints of poor herbicide efficacy, resistance to glyphosate as well as to ACCase and ALS inhibitors was investigated in 11 populations of Lolium spp. collected from annual arable cropping systems in central Italy. Field histories highlighted that farmers had relied heavily on glyphosate, often at low rates, as well as in a non‐registered crop. The research aimed at elucidating the resistance status, including multiple resistance, of Lolium spp. populations through glasshouse screenings and an outdoor dose–response experiment. Target‐site resistance mechanism was also investigated for the substitutions already reported for EPSPs, ALS and ACCase genes. Three different resistant patterns were identified: glyphosate resistant only, multiple resistant to glyphosate and ACCase inhibitors and multiple resistant to glyphosate and ALS inhibitors. Amino acid substitutions were found at position 106 of the EPSPs gene, at position 1781, 2088 and 2096 of the ACCase gene and at position 197 and 574 of the ALS gene. Not all populations displayed amino acid substitutions, suggesting the presence of non‐target‐site‐mediated resistance mechanisms. After 39 years of commercial availability of glyphosate, this is the first report of multiple resistance involving glyphosate selected in annual arable crops in Europe. Management implications and options are discussed.  相似文献   

This review focuses on proactive and reactive management of glyphosate‐resistant (GR) weeds. Glyphosate resistance in weeds has evolved under recurrent glyphosate usage, with little or no diversity in weed management practices. The main herbicide strategy for proactively or reactively managing GR weeds is to supplement glyphosate with herbicides of alternative modes of action and with soil‐residual activity. These herbicides can be applied in sequences or mixtures. Proactive or reactive GR weed management can be aided by crop cultivars with alternative single or stacked herbicide‐resistance traits, which will become increasingly available to growers in the future. Many growers with GR weeds continue to use glyphosate because of its economical broad‐spectrum weed control. Government farm policies, pesticide regulatory policies and industry actions should encourage growers to adopt a more proactive approach to GR weed management by providing the best information and training on management practices, information on the benefits of proactive management and voluntary incentives, as appropriate. Results from recent surveys in the United States indicate that such a change in grower attitudes may be occurring because of enhanced awareness of the benefits of proactive management and the relative cost of the reactive management of GR weeds. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Glyphosate‐resistant Ambrosia trifida is a competitive and difficult‐to‐control annual broad‐leaved weed in several agronomic crops in the Midwestern United States and Ontario, Canada. The objectives of this study were to compare treatments for control of glyphosate‐resistant A. trifida with tillage followed by pre‐emergence (PRE) and/or post‐emergence (POST) herbicides in glyphosate‐resistant maize and to determine the impact of A. trifida escapes on maize yield. Field experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 in grower fields infested with glyphosate‐resistant A. trifida. Tillage prior to maize sowing resulted in 80–85% control compared with no tillage. Tillage followed by PRE application of saflufenacil plus dimethenamid‐P with or without atrazine resulted in 99% control compared with ≤86 and 96% control with PRE herbicides alone at 7 and 21 days after application respectively. Tillage or POST‐only herbicides resulted in 4–14 A. trifida plants m?2, whereas a PRE and POST programme had <3 plants m?2. Maize yield was greatest (13.1–14.2 tonnes ha?1) with tillage followed by PRE and POST herbicide programme. The relationship between maize yield and late‐season density of A. trifida escapes showed a 50% maize yield reduction irrespective of control measures when A. trifida density was 8.4 plants m?2. It was concluded that the combination of tillage with PRE and/or POST herbicides reduced A. trifida density and biomass accumulation early in the season and provided an integrated approach for effective management.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glyphosate drift from aerial application onto susceptible crops is inevitable, yet the biological responses to glyphosate drift in crops are not well characterized. The objectives of this research were to determine the effects of glyphosate drift from a single aerial application (18.3 m swath, 866 g AE ha?1) on corn injury, chlorophyll content, shikimate level, plant height and shoot dry weight in non‐glyphosate‐resistant (non‐GR) corn. RESULTS: One week after application (WAA), corn was killed at 3 m from the edge of the spray swath, with injury decreasing to 18% at 35.4 m downwind. Chlorophyll content decreased from 78% at 6 m to 22% at 15.8 m, and it was unaffected beyond 25.6 m at 1 WAA. Shikimate accumulation in corn decreased from 349% at 0 m to 93% at 15.8 m, and shikimate levels were unaffected beyond 25.6 m downwind. Plant height and shoot dry weight decreased gradually with increasing distance. At a distance of 35.4 m, corn height was reduced by 14% and shoot dry weight by 10% at 3 WAA. CONCLUSIONS: Corn injury and other biological responses point to the same conclusion, that is, injury from glyphosate aerial drift is highest at the edge of the spray swath and decreases gradually with distance. The LD50 (the lethal distance that drift must travel to cause a 50% reduction in biological response) ranged from 12 to 26 m among the biological parameters when wind speed was 11.2 km h?1 and using a complement of CP‐09 spray nozzles on spray aircraft. Published 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Repeated use of ACCase‐ and ALS‐inhibiting herbicides in northern Greece has resulted in the evolution of a population of Lolium rigidum resistant to diclofop and chlorsulfuron. The biotype from Athos was highly resistant to diclofop and also exhibited differential cross‐resistance to clodinafop, fluazifop, tralkoxydim and sethoxydim. Assay of ACCase activity confirmed that the resistant biotype was tenfold more resistant to diclofop than the susceptible biotype, suggesting that the resistance mechanism could involve an altered target site. The diclofop‐resistant biotype has also exhibited multiple resistance to chlorsulfuron and the mechanism for this is unknown. Seed‐bioassay was found to be a rapid, cheap and reliable method to identify populations of L rigidum resistant to ACCase inhibitors and chlorsulfuron. Moreover, root elongation in the seed bioassay was more sensitive to ACCase inhibitors and chlorsulfuron than shoot elongation. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Lolium rigidum (annual or rigid ryegrass) is a widespread annual weed in cropping systems of southern Australia, and herbicide resistance in L. rigidum is a common problem in this region. In 2010, a random survey was conducted across the grain belt of Western Australia to determine the frequency of herbicide‐resistant L. rigidum populations and to compare this with the results of previous surveys in 1998 and 2003. During the survey, 466 cropping fields were visited, with a total of 362 L. rigidum populations collected. Screening of these populations with the herbicides commonly used for control of L. rigidum revealed that resistance to the ACCase‐ and ALS‐inhibiting herbicides was common, with 96% of populations having plants resistant to the ACCase herbicide diclofop‐methyl and 98% having plants resistant to the ALS herbicide sulfometuron. Resistance to another ACCase herbicide, clethodim, is increasing, with 65% of populations now containing resistant plants. Resistance to other herbicide modes of action was significantly lower, with 27% of populations containing plants with resistance to the pre‐emergent herbicide trifluralin, and glyphosate, atrazine and paraquat providing good control of most of the populations screened in this survey. Ninety five per cent of L. rigidum populations contained plants with resistance to at least two herbicide modes of action. These results demonstrate that resistance levels have increased dramatically for the ACCase‐ and ALS‐inhibiting herbicides since the last survey in 2003 (>95% vs. 70–90%); therefore, the use of a wide range of integrated weed management options are required to sustain these cropping systems in the future.  相似文献   

Reliable in‐season and in‐field tools for rapidly quantifying herbicide efficacy in dicotyledonous weeds are missing. In this study, the maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) of susceptible and resistant Papaver rhoeas and Stellaria media populations in response to treatments with acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors were examined. Seedlings (4–6 leafs) were transplanted into the field immediately after the application of the ALS inhibitors florasulam, metsulfuron‐methyl and tribenuron‐methyl. The Fv/Fm values were assessed 1–7, 9 and 14 days after treatment (DAT). Based on the Fv/Fm values of all fluorescing pixels in the images of herbicide‐treated plants, discriminant maximum‐likelihood classifiers were created. Based on this classifier, an independent set of images were classified into ‘susceptible’ or ‘resistant’ plants. The classifiers’ accuracy, false‐positive rate and false‐negative rate were calculated. The Fv/Fm values of sensitive P. rhoeas and S. media plants decreased within 3 DAT by 28–43%. The Fv/Fm values of the resistant plants of both species were 20% higher than those of the sensitive plants in all herbicide treatments. The classifier separated sensitive and resistant plants 3 DAT with accuracies of 62–100%. False‐positive and false‐negative classifications decreased with increasing DAT. We conclude that by the assessment of the Fv/Fm value in combination with the classification sensitive and resistant P. rhoeas and S. media populations could be separated 3 DAT. This technique can help to select effective control methods and speed up the monitoring process of susceptible and resistant weeds.  相似文献   

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