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Objective To investigate whether events that may be stressful to young lambs, including simulated infection or social isolation, modulate pain experienced by lambs following castration and tail docking (C/D). Study design Randomised, controlled, prospective study. Animals Fifty male lambs born to 46 second‐parity Mule ewes. Methods Lambs were allocated randomly to one of four groups, experiencing either a potential stressor or handling on day 2 after birth, followed by C/D or handling only on day 3. Quantitative sensory testing (QST) data [mechanical nociceptive thresholds (MNT), Semmes Weinstein filaments (SW), response to cold] and serum cortisol concentration were measured at time points after application of treatments to lambs on days 2 and 3 after birth. The treatment groups were LPS, injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide IV on day 2, C/D on day 3; ISOL, isolation from the dam for 10 minutes on day 2, C/D on day 3; CAST, handling only on day 2, C/D on day 3; CONT, handled only on days 2 and 3. Results Castration and tail docking caused transient hypoalgesia as measured by MNT and SW. Simulated infection and isolation caused hyperalgesia 3 hours after application, indicated by a reduction in MNT, however they did not alter the pain response to C/D compared to lambs in the CAST group. Injection of LPS and C/D caused increased serum cortisol concentration. The magnitude of the cortisol response to C/D was not altered by prior exposure to either LPS or isolation. Conclusions and clinical relevance LPS and isolation did not modulate the response to C/D but did cause hyperalgesia. This highlights the importance of flock health management and husbandry techniques to reduce the incidence of either systemic infection or psychological stressors in young lambs.  相似文献   

The clinical signs and histopathological features of a primary extragenital canine transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) are described. Three subcutaneous round alopecic nodules were located on the anterior and caudal dorsal region and in the ventral area of the neck. Cytologically, tumour cells were intermediate in size with a moderate amount of cytoplasm, and the nuclei were immature with finely reticular chromatin. The cytoplasm was lightly to heavily basophilic and contained distinct small vacuoles at the periphery. On the basis of these characteristics, a diagnosis of TVT was made and confirmed by histological and ultrastructural investigations. Leishmania amastigotes were detected in the cytoplasm of macrophages and neoplastic cells of the tumoral mass. The presence of the parasite within neoplastic cells is consistent with a histiocytic origin of TVT.  相似文献   

In computed tomographic (CT) images of humans, decreased lung attenuation, bronchial dilation, and/or thickening, air trapping, cysts, and thickened interlobular septa have been associated with increasing age. To determine if there are differences in the CT appearance of the lungs of young and old dogs that could affect interpretation of diagnostic studies, pulmonary CT images of dogs with conditions unrelated to the thorax were reviewed retrospectively in a case–control study. Computed tomography studies of 42 young dogs (range 0.3–4.8 years) and 47 old dogs (range 9–15.1 years) were jumbled and reviewed by an observer blinded to dog age. Computed tomography was performed under sedation in 62 (70%) dogs and under general anesthesia in 27 (30%). Heterotopic bone was more prevalent (62% vs. 14%) in old dogs. Lung collapse was significantly associated with old age, greater body weight, and anesthesia. There were no significant differences in median lung attenuation or occurrence of ground glass pattern, cysts, bronchial thickening, bronchial dilation, or degree of tracheal calcification. No examples of reticular pattern, emphysema, pleural thickening, or septal thickening were observed in any dog. Despite previous studies describing age‐related changes in the radiographic appearance of the lungs of old dogs, it appears that there are minimal observable differences in CT images. Old dogs are more likely to have visible foci of heterotopic bone and may be more prone to lung lobe collapse than young dogs, but neither of these differences should contribute to misdiagnosis of pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

The metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke in human beings. The term has recently been applied to dogs that exhibit components of the human metabolic syndrome, specifically visceral obesity, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, hypertension and fasting hyperglycaemia. Obese dogs, like obese humans, are known to develop resistance to the glucose-lowering effects of insulin, and develop increased circulating concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol and blood pressure. Unlike humans, however, obese dogs do not develop fasting hyperglycaemia or atherogenic hyperlipidaemia. Importantly, there is no evidence that dogs develop type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke are rare and not known to be associated with obesity in dogs. On the basis of current knowledge, the use of the term ‘metabolic syndrome’ in dogs does not appear to have merit.  相似文献   

Objective To determine whether topical administration of the aldose reductase inhibitor Kinostat™ can ameliorate the onset or progression of cataracts in dogs with naturally occurring diabetes mellitus (DM). Materials and Methods A randomized, prospective, double‐masked placebo control pilot study was conducted with 40 dogs newly diagnosed with DM with no or minimal lens changes. Twenty‐eight dogs received Kinostat™ and 12 dogs received placebo. Procedures Owners administered the agent into both eyes three times daily for 1 year and compliance was monitored with log sheets. Complete ophthalmic examinations were performed on dilated eyes at the time of enrollment and 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months into treatment. Cataract severity was assessed on a scale of 0–3. At 12 months, full bloodwork, including HbA1C and blood KinostatTM levels were performed. Results After 12 months of treatment, the cataract score in the placebo group significantly increased with seven dogs (14 eyes) developing mature cataracts, two dogs (4 eyes) developing cortical opacities, and one dog (2 eyes) developing equatorial vacuoles with mild punctate cortical opacities. In contrast, the cataract score in the KinostatTM treated dogs was significantly less with seven developing anterior equatorial vacuoles, two developing incipient anterior cortical cataracts, and four developing mature cataracts. In fact, the cataract scores of the KinostatTM group at 12 months did not significantly increase from the score at the time of enrollment. The HbA1C values between the two groups after 12 months of treatment were similar, and no blood levels of KinostatTM were found in any enrolled dog. Conclusion The onset and/or progression of cataracts in dogs with DM can be significantly delayed by topical administration of Kinostat™.  相似文献   

In a study of 44 canine patients suffering from histopathologically proven urinary bladder tumour with a high incidence of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) (n = 35), a close relationship was found either between the disease-free period and the age (r = -0.40) of animals or between the survival times and the age (r = -0.62) of animals after treatment. In addition to the dog breeds known to be prone to have urinary bladder tumour, we found an additional potentially sensitive breed, the Hungarian Vizsla. The median survival times obtained by the applied treatment types were as follow: 'surgery and chemotherapy' (n = 8/44) 475 days, 'surgery alone' (n = 19/44) 240 days, 'chemotherapy alone' (n = 7/44) 31 days, and 'no treatment' (n = 10/44) 7 days (P < 0.001). According to the findings, chemotherapy combined with surgery completed in time is the most effective protocol in the treatment of urinary bladder tumour cases in dogs. A rational and more effective procedure for the assessment and treatment of urinary bladder tumour cases is presented.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effect of contamination of urine with 0–5% blood, varying in haematocrit and protein concentrations, on the urine protein to creatinine ratio (UPC) in dogs, and to determine whether the colour of urine can be used to aid interpretation of UPC results.

METHODS: Urine samples were collected by free catch from 18 dogs, all of which had UPC?<0.2. Venous blood samples were also collected from each dog, and the blood from each dog was added to its own urine to produce serial concentrations of 0.125–5% blood. The colour of each urine sample was recorded by two observers scoring them as either yellow, peach, orange, orange/red or red. Protein and creatinine concentrations were determined, and dipstick analysis and sediment examination was carried out on each sample. Based on colour and dipstick analysis, samples were categorised as either having microscopic, macroscopic or gross haematuria. A linear mixed model was used to examine the effect of blood contamination on UPC.

RESULTS: The uncontaminated urine of all 18 dogs had a UPC?<0.2. Adding blood to the urine samples resulted in an increase in UPC at all contamination concentrations compared to the non-contaminated urine (p<0.001). None of the 54 samples with microscopic haematuria had UPC?>0.5. For 108 samples with macroscopic haematuria the UPC was >0.5 in 21 samples (19.4 (95% CI=13.1–27.9)%), and for 54 samples with gross haematuria 39 (72 (CI=59.1–82.4)%) had a UPC?>0.5. No samples had a UPC?>2.0 unless the blood contamination was 5% and only 3/18 (17%) samples at this blood contamination concentration had a UPC?>2.0.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study showed that while blood contamination of ≥0.125% does increase the UPC, if the urine remains yellow (microscopic haematuria), then there is negligible chance that a UPC?>0.5 will be solely due to the added blood. In that scenario, attributing the proteinuria present to the haematuria in the sample would be inappropriate. However blood contamination that results in discolouration of the urine sample from yellow (indicating macroscopic or gross haematuria) could increase the UPC above the abnormal range and would need to be considered as a differential for the proteinuria. Thus knowledge of urine colour, even if limited to simple colour scores (yellow, discoloured, red) could be utilised to aid interpretation of the UPC in samples with haematuria.  相似文献   

The monitoring of anaesthetic depth is usually based on the subjective assessment of the patient. An objective assessment of anaesthesia has only recently become possible. The auditory-evoked response has predictable changes in response to increasing doses of anaesthetic agents. Recent advances have brought about a regression model with exogenous input of the auditory-evoked response, the A-line ARX-Index (AAI Index). The AAI Index is a dimensionless number between 0 and 100. This technology has been incorporated into the AEP (auditory-evoked potential) monitor that is utilised to assess anaesthetic depth in humans. This study was undertaken to determine if the AEP monitor was useful in dogs. Ten dogs were enrolled in the study. After a full clinical and otoscopic examination, dogs were premedicated with acetylpromazine and morphine. Anaesthesia was induced with thiopentone and maintained with halothane. End-tidal carbon dioxide, temperature, pulse oximetry, blood pressure and the electrocardiogram were monitored and recorded every 5 minutes. Anaesthetic depth was assessed as either being adequate or inadequate by the anaesthetist during surgery. An AEP monitor was attached to the patient and automatically collected AAI Index data. The anaesthetist was blinded to the AEP monitor. Following the completion of the surgical procedure, the patient was allowed to wake up with the AEP monitor attached. The AAI Index was analysed to compare adequate with inadequate anaesthesia during the period of surgery and awake with sleep data during recovery. All AAI Index values associated with inadequate anaesthesia were greater than 31 while adequate values were less than 35. The difference between the groups was statistically significant and the power was 0.97. Statistically, the awake and sleep values were significantly different with a power of 0.99. From this study it can be concluded that the AAI Index shows good prospect for the evaluation of anaesthetic depth in dogs undergoing surgery. A larger study is needed to confirm these results.  相似文献   

Cough has been historically reported as a major clinical sign of cardiogenic pulmonary oedema in dogs. However, recent evidence appears to contradict the traditional dogmatic approach that linked cough to congestive heart failure in dogs. Here we use a question‐based format to introduce and discuss the modern evidence regarding “cardiac cough” and the interpretation of this important but often misleading clinical sign.  相似文献   

In mammalian skin, the stratum corneum exerts a barrier function that protects from transepidermal water loss and the penetration of exogenous molecules, such as allergens, from the environment. Recently, skin barrier defects have been shown to be of prime importance in the pathogenesis of human atopic dermatitis. In this review, we summarize the latest research data pertinent to the stratum corneum and barrier function of dogs with atopic dermatitis. At the time of this writing, there is increasing evidence that a skin barrier defect likely exists in dogs with atopic dermatitis. This barrier dysfunction is characterized by abnormal intercellular stratum corneum lipid lamellae, abnormal stratum corneum morphology, reduced and abnormal ceramide content and, in some but not all dogs, abnormal filaggrin expression. In association with these changes, there is higher transepidermal water loss in atopic than in normal canine skin. Furthermore, atopic inflammation appears to worsen transepidermal water loss and filaggrin expression. It remains unknown, however, if the changes observed are primary (i.e. of genetic origin) or secondary to atopic inflammation that also exists even in clinically normal skin. Finally, whether or not a therapeutic intervention aimed at restoring a dysfunctional skin barrier is of any clinical benefit to atopic dogs has not yet been proven unequivocally.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine if routine haematological and biochemical screening is of benefit in dogs requiring anaesthesia and to establish the most useful tests for pre-anaesthetic risk assessment. ANIMALS: One thousand five hundred and thirty-seven client-owned dogs undergoing surgery at the University of Leipzig between January 2003 and April 2004. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After obtaining a standardized history and a physical examination, all dogs requiring anaesthesia were assigned to an ASA physical status group, their needs for pre-anaesthetic therapy determined and an anaesthetic protocol proposed. Haematological (haematocrit, red blood cell count, white blood cell count, platelet count and haemoglobin concentration) and serum biochemistry tests (plasma urea, creatinine, glucose, total protein, sodium and potassium concentration; serum alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and lipase activity) were then performed in all animals. The results of these were then used to: 1) re-define each dog's ASA physical status; 2) determine any altered requirement for pre-anaesthetic therapy; 3) re-determine the suitability of the dog to undergo surgery; and 4) re-examine the suitability of the original proposed anaesthetic protocol. RESULTS: The history and clinical examination in 1293 out of 1537 dogs (84.1%) revealed that haematological and biochemical tests would have been considered unnecessary under normal conditions. Of these, 63.9% were categorized as ASA 1, 28.5% as ASA 2, and 7.6% at higher risk. In some dogs, screening tests showed abnormal results: 16.7% of 1293 dogs had abnormal plasma urea levels, with 5.9% of values above the reference range. However, only 104 dogs (8%) would have been re-categorized at a higher physical status category had the laboratory results been available. Additional screening data indicated that surgery would have been postponed in 10 dogs (0.8%) additional pre-anaesthetic therapy would have been provided in 19 animals (1.5%) and the anaesthetic protocol altered in two dogs (0.2%). CONCLUSION: The changes revealed by pre-operative screening were usually of little clinical relevance and did not prompt major changes to the anaesthetic technique. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In dogs, pre-anaesthetic laboratory examination is unlikely to yield additional important information if no potential problems are identified in the history and on physical examination.  相似文献   

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