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《African Zoology》2013,48(2):406-412
Germinated and non-germinated cereals (paddy, Oryza sativa; pearl millet, Pennisetum typhoides; and ragi, Eleusine coracana) and pulses (green gram, Phaseolus aureus; black gram, Phaseolus mungo; and Bengal gram, Cicer arietinum) were evaluated to determine their suitability as a bait base for zinc phosphide and bromadiolone for controlling Rattus rattus. Two-choice and multiple-choice experiments were conducted using 10 animals of mixed sex for each experiment to compare bait preference of germinated and non-germinated grains. The results of the two-choice tests revealed that both germinated cereals and pulses were preferred to non-germinated by the test animals. The differences between the quantities consumed were statistically significant (P < 0.01). The results of Duncan’s post hoc multiple comparison tests of germinated grain consumption by R. rattus were categorized into three subsets. The first subset consisted of pearl millet, Bengal gram, ragi and paddy. The second and third subsets consisted of green gram and black gram, respectively. It is concluded that by considering the cost of all four grains (in the first subset) any one of the cheapest among them in the germinated form could be recommended or used as a bait base for any of the two rodenticides for the management of R. rattus. Based on these results, germinated paddy was chosen (as it is the cheapest among the grains) for the laboratory toxicity studies. The acute toxicity tests (2% zinc phosphide) resulted in 100% mortality of rats under both no-choice and two-choice (germinated paddy with poison versus plain non-germinated paddy bait) tests. A powder formulation of bromadiolone (0.005%)-treated bait yielded 100% mortality of rats in no-choice tests, but only 60% mortality in two-choice tests. These results suggest that the 2% zinc phosphide with germinated paddy as a bait base was preferred over a powder formulation of bromadiolone (0.005%). However, a field efficacy study is required before a final bait formulation recommendation is made.  相似文献   

应用组织化学方法及免疫组化技术对正常组和急性攻毒组大鼠生殖器官中肥大细胞的活性以及P物质表达水平的动态变化进行了研究.结果表明:攻毒后6小时子宫和卵巢炎性细胞、肥大细胞及其脱颗粒数量达到峰值,而后开始减少,48~72 h又开始回升,其中炎性细胞均极显著高于攻毒前(P<0.01);肥大细胞除子宫攻毒后12小时(P<0.05),其余均极显著高于攻毒前(P<0.01);肥大细胞脱颗粒数攻毒后6小时、72小时显著高于攻毒前(P<0.05),且在攻毒后72小时子宫内膜和6小时卵巢皮质的小血管内皮细胞均出现轻微脱落损伤;同时不同时相P物质表达的趋势与炎性细胞、肥大细胞及其脱颗粒数量变化相吻合,且P物质神经纤维与肥大细胞相关联.说明在乳腺炎中P物质、肥大细胞影响生殖.  相似文献   

Congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP) is a rare autosomal recessive condition that has been reported in humans and in some animals, in which uroporphyrin 1 is deposited in the bones, teeth and urine, resulting in pink coloration and fluorescence of the tissues and urine under long‐wave ultraviolet (UV) light. We observed red teeth in nine of 450 canefield rats (Rattus sordidus) captured in a small, isolated patch of sugarcane in Tully, north Queensland, Australia. The skeletons of these animals were excised and were found to be bright red under normal day light. Under UV light, the skeleton had a bright red fluorescence. It is plausible that the canefield rat population in this isolated patch of sugarcane is small and inbreeding might have occurred, resulting in incidences of the autosomal recessive genes that cause CEP. The canefield rat can be used as an animal model for research into porphyria.  相似文献   

The yak (Bos grunniens) is the most important livestock animal in high-altitude regions owing to its prominent adaptability to cold conditions, nutritional deficiencies and hypoxia. The reproductive organs exhibit different histological appearances and physiological processes at different reproductive stages. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) is the regulatory subunit of HIF-1 that crucially regulates the response to hypoxia in mammalian organisms. The goal of our study was to investigate the expression and distribution of HIF-1α in the primary yak reproductive organs at different reproductive stages. Samples of the ovary, oviduct and uterus of 15 adult female yaks were collected and used in the experiment. The expression and localization of HIF-1α proteins and mRNA were investigated using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), Western blot (WB) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). The results indicated that the expression of HIF-1α protein in the ovary was higher during the luteal phase than during the follicular phase and gestation period (p < .05). In the oviduct, HIF-1α protein was also more highly expressed during the luteal phase than during the follicular phase and gestation period (p < .01). However, in the uterus, the HIF-1α protein had stronger expression during the gestation period than during the follicular phase (p < .01) and luteal phase (p < .05). The expression of HIF-1α mRNA was similar to that of its protein. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed intense immunostaining of HIF-1α proteins in the follicular granulosa cells, granular luteal cells, villous epithelial cells of the oviduct, endometrial glandular epithelium and luminal epithelium, foetal villous trophoblast, and epithelia of caruncular crypts. This study showed that the expression of HIF-1α in the ovary, oviduct and uterus varies according to the stage of the reproductive cycle. This implies that HIF-1α plays an important role in regulating the stage-specific physiological function of yak reproductive organs under hypoxic environments.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to study the development of the reproductive organs in boars fed restrictively and fed ad libitum. A total of 120 boars were purchased by the experimental station at 20 kg live weight. Three groups of 4 litter mates were selected after each of 10 A.I. boars (7 Swedish Landrace and 3 Swedish Yorkshire). The dams were unselected sows from pigletproducing herds. Two boar pigs from each litter were allocated at random among 2 treatment groups. One group ( = N) was fed restrictively and the other group (=A) ad libitum. The boars were slaughtered at 90 kg or at 120 kg live weight. The reproductive organs were removed at slaughter and examined.The ad libitum fed boars were about 2 weeks younger at slaughter than those fed restrictively (16.5 and 13.7 days respectively for the 2 weight classes). The weights of the testes were somewhat higher for ad libitum fed than for restrictively fed boars. Out of 94 examined pairs of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and bulbo-urethral glands, the left was heavier than the right in 68%, 62%, 48%, and 36%, respectively. Fewer (4/23) ad libitum fed than restrictively fed boars (9/26) had reached puberty at 90 kg live weight. Age at puberty thus seems to be less variable than body size in boars.  相似文献   

Quercetin, a polyphenolic flavonoid with diverse biological activities including anti‐inflammatory and antiviral, inhibits lipid peroxidation, prevents oxidative injury and cell death. The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of quercetin on productive performance, reproductive organs, hormones and apoptotic genes in laying hens between 37 and 45 weeks of age, because of the structure and oestrogenic activities similar to 17β‐oestradiol. The trial was conducted using 240 Hessian laying hens (37 weeks old), housed in wire cages with two hens in each cage. These hens were randomly allotted to four treatments with six replicates, 10 hens in each replicate and fed with diets containing quercetin as 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 g/kg feed for 8 weeks. The results showed that dietary quercetin significantly increased (p < .05) the laying rate and was higher in group supplemented with 0.4 g/kg, and feed‐egg ratio was decreased (p < .05) by quercetin. Dietary quercetin has no effect (p > .05) on average egg weight and average daily feed intake. Compared with control, secretion of hormones, oestradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), insulin‐like growth factors‐1 (IGF‐1) and growth hormone (GH), was found to be significantly higher (p < .05) in quercetin‐supplemented groups. Also ovary index, uterus index and oviduct index were not significantly influenced (p > .05) by quercetin, whereas magnum index, isthmus index, magnum length, isthmus length and follicle numbers were significantly increased (p < .05) with quercetin supplementation. Additionally, expression of apoptotic genes was significantly (p < .05) up‐regulated or down‐regulated by quercetin. These results indicated that quercetin improved productive performance, and its mechanism may be due to the oestrogen‐like activities of quercetin.  相似文献   

The current paper describes aspects of local immunity in the ovary and oviduct, and the significance of immunity to reproductive functions in hens. The immunocompetent cell populations in the ovary and oviduct change with a positive correlation to sexual activity, and gonadal steroid is one of the key factors in the increase. Local immune responses mediated by major histocompatibility complex class II and T cell subsets occur in response to infection by Salmonella enteritidis, which may contaminate eggs. In the ovary, immunocompetent cells are also suggested to play roles in the regulation of ovarian functions. Macrophages and T cells are likely to enhance the regression of atretic follicles to maintain the ovarian tissue microenvironment. Autoantibodies to ovarian tissues appeared in the hens with low egg laying frequency, suggesting that the auto‐antibodies may be one of the factors in the decline of egg production. In the oviduct, local immunity possibly has a role in the selection of sperm, though the immunoreactions may also affect sperm survival leading to the decline in fertility. The concentration of yolk IgY, which plays a role in maternal immunity transmission, significantly decreases with the aging of birds, whereas it is significantly increased by estrogen. Therefore, the immune system plays significant roles not only in defense against infection, but also in the functions of reproductive organs. Investigations on the local immune system in the reproductive organs and factors affecting it are of importance for the production of sterile eggs and improvement of reproductive functions.  相似文献   

通过给不同月龄雄性W istar大鼠饮用添加1%牛磺酸或1%β-丙氨酸(牛磺酸转运抑制剂)的自来水,研究牛磺酸对不同月龄雄性大鼠体重、生殖器官指数及生殖激素分泌水平的影响。结果表明:牛磺酸对不同月龄大鼠体重、睾丸指数、前列腺指数没有明显的影响,但显著提高了14月龄大鼠的精囊腺指数;显著提高不同月龄雄性大鼠的血清睾酮水平(P<0.05),对血清促卵泡生成素(FSH)、促黄体生成素(LH)水平没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate group- and breed-specific genetic parameters for reproductive traits in Chinese Duroc, Landrace, and Yorkshire populations. Records for reproductive traits between April 1998 and December 2017 from 92 nucleus pig breeding farms, which were involved in the China Swine Genetic Improvement Program, were analysed. Due to weak genetic connectedness across all farms, connectedness groups consisting of related farms were used. Three, two and four connectedness groups for Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire were firstly established according to the genetic connectedness rating among farms. For each connectedness group a five-trait animal model was implemented, and via restricted maximum likelihood procedure the genetic parameters were estimated for five reproductive traits i.e., total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), litter weight at farrowing (LWF), farrowing interval (FI) and age at first farrowing (AFF). The average of heritabilities among connectedness groups ranged from .01 (for FI in Yorkshire) to .30 (for AFF in Duroc). Estimates of repeatability for litter traits ranged from .14 to .20 and were consistent for each breed, and for FI, the estimates varied from .01 to .11 across breeds and groups. The estimated genetic correlations among litter traits (i.e., TNB, NBA and LWF) were all significantly high (>.56) and similar across breeds. Averaged genetic correlations over three breeds were −.25, −.27, −.18, −.04, −.10, −.02, and .28 for FI-TNB, FI-NBA, FI-LWF, AFF-TNB, AFF-NBA, AFF-LWF and FI-AFF, respectively. The standard errors of the estimates were all very low (<0.01) in most situations. Results from this study suggest that selection based on TNB which is currently used in dam line selection index can improve NBA and LWF simultaneously. However, care should be taken on FI and AFF as they are both greatly influenced by non-genetic factors such as management and measurement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to define more precisely the role of Ureaplasma organisms in the aetiology of granular vulvovaginitis and balanoposthitis (GVVBP) of cattle. To contribute to this question the frequency and degree of infection with Ureaplasmas in two main groups of cattle was taken into account: (a) in cattle with symptoms of the mentioned disease, (b) in cattle without clinical symptoms. The samples of semen from 301 sires with symptoms of GVVBP and from 43 healthy sires as also vaginal mucus swabs from 96 cows with GVVBP and from 40 cows mated by the sire infected with Ureaplasma organisms and from 50 cows inseminated with semen which contained Ureaplasma organisms were taken for bacteriological examinations. The control group in relation to the above mentioned cows constituted of 22 heifers free from symptoms of GVVBP and neither inseminated nor mated naturally. It has been shown that on an average 78.1% of sires with pathological changes in the mucosa of the penis or prepuce and only 25.6% of healthy sires were infected with Ureaplasma organisms. The concentration of Ureaplasma organisms was also significantly higher in material obtained from sires with symptoms of the disease than in that from healthy animals. Ureaplasma organisms were demonstrated more frequently (72.7%) in cows with GVVBP than in cows without these symptoms (13.3%). Similarly, as in the material obtained from sires, in the material taken from cows with symptoms of the disease the concentration of Ureaplasma organisms was significantly higher than that in the material originating from the healthy cows. The obtained findings may indicate that Ureaplasma organisms play a role in the aetiology of GVVBP.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate variance and covariance components, in Iranian Cashmere goats, for birth weight (BWT) and weaning weight (WWT) performances of kids and total weight of kids weaned (TWW) per doe joined at first (TWW1), second (TWW2) and third (TWW3) parities by REML procedures using univariate and multivariate animal models. The analysis was based on 2313 records of kids and 940 records of does. Through ignoring or including maternal additive genetic or maternal permanent environmental effects, four different models were fitted for BWT and WWT performances. For TWW performances only two models (without or with service sire effect) were used. Models were compared using likelihood ratio test. Direct additive genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects had significant influence on BWT and WWT performances. These effects accounted for 9.4% and 15.6%, and 13.9% and 6.7% of phenotypic variation, respectively. No significant effect of service sire was observed on TWW. The estimates of heritabilities were 0.072, 0.109 and 0.082 for TWW1, TWW2 and TWW3, respectively. Direct genetic correlations among all performances were positive and low (for BWT with TWW) to high (for BWT with WWT and WWT with TWW). The corresponding estimates for phenotypic and residual correlations were moderate and lower than genetic correlations. The high genetic correlation among WWT and TWW suggests that direct selection on TWW1 or indirect selection on WWT would increase total weight of kids weaned per doe joined.  相似文献   

松嫩平原寸草苔种群生殖分株的种子生产与生殖分配策略   总被引:24,自引:12,他引:12  
在松嫩平原 ,寸草苔种群生殖分株种子生产数量 ,在休闲放牧场为 (15.2 5± 2 .78)粒 /穗 ,在割草场为 (11.4 4± 2 .2 4 )粒 /穗。籽粒千粒重休闲放牧场为 (1.5873± 0 .10 54) g ,割草场为 (1.4 6 4 6± 0 .2 333)g。生殖分株的生物量及其穗与籽粒各组分重量均为随着高度级的增加呈规律性增加 ,但穗重占全株重比率的生殖分配Ⅰ和籽实重占全株重比率的生殖分配Ⅱ均随着高度级的增加呈直线形式减少。不同生长状况的生殖分株对有限资源具有不同的分配策略。  相似文献   

Isolated environments are privileged settings to study transmission of infection. Montecristo is a small island where no wild or domestic carnivores are present. Invasive Black rats Rattus rattus (n = 78) were captured and tested by PCR for Leishmania infantum, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. We wanted to test, for these parasites, the existence of a sylvatic cycle independent of reservoir or definitive hosts. None of the rats tested positive by PCR for either T. gondii or N. caninum. We recorded a 15.5% prevalence (CI95% 8–26%) of L. infantum in the rats and Phlebotomus mascittii was captured in Montecristo, leading us to identify it as possible vector of the parasite.  相似文献   

A healthy population of captive Amur tigers might assist recovery of the wild population in Northeast China if individuals were properly prepared and considered suitable for release in the wild. We analyzed the breeding records of 68 female Amur tigers from 1995 to 2010 in the Hengdaohezi Felid Breeding Center of China and compared the reproductive parameters of this population to wild female Amur tigers. We found that the reproductive parameters of the captive population (the age of first parturition, length of gestation and litter survival rate) were not significantly different from those of wild Amur tigers. Differences in birth date and litter size between wild and captive populations may be caused by management protocols for the captive population or insufficient field data from the wild population. Reproductive parameters of females giving birth after losing a litter were similar to parameters of females that did not lose a litter, except for birth date. These results provide no indication of major problems in using captive females for a breeding program for release of cubs into the wild, but additional information is still needed to assess their suitability.  相似文献   

为了验证不同输精部位对情期受胎率的影响,在发情开始后的20h~24h内进行人工授精,分别对子宫颈内口、子宫体分岔处、滤泡发育侧的子宫角大弯处、滤泡发育侧的子宫角小弯处4个不同输精部位的情期受胎率结果进行统计,分别为43.339/6、50.00%、77.979/6、80.00%,各组间差异板显著(P〈0.01)。试验结果表明,距离精子和卵子结合部位(输卵管壶腹部)越近,情期受胎率越高。表明最佳的输精部位是在滤泡发育侧的子宫角大弯到小弯之间。  相似文献   

The Ryukyu long-furred rat, Diplothrix legata, is a large rodent distributed only on Amami-ohshima Island, Tokuno-shima Island and Okinawa-jima Island, Japan. This animal is endangered as a result of deforestation, predation by introduced carnivores and mortality caused by vehicles. We performed theriogenological examinations of 32 male and 25 female Ryukyu long-furred rats carcasses collected from wild populations on northern Okinawa-jima Island from December 2005 to September 2013. Adult males had remarkably large preputial glands. Seminiferous diameter of adult was significantly small (136 ± 28 µm, n=8) from April to August. Numerous spermatozoa were observed from September through February, and seminiferous diameter was significantly large (216 ± 27 µm, n=12) during this time in adults; testes length changed in a similar pattern. These findings indicate that the mating season may occur from September through February. Size (body length) at sexual maturity was estimated to be >560 mm in both sexes. From observation of corpora lutea and placental scars, litter size was estimated to range from 2 to 12 (average=6, n=4). These results provide fundamental knowledge that will be beneficial for in situ and ex situ conservation of this rare species.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨神经营养因子-4/5(neuroteophin-4/5, NT-4/5)在青年母猪卵泡期与黄体期卵巢、输卵管及子宫3种生殖器官中表达情况。采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR方法与Western blotting技术对青年母猪卵泡期与黄体期卵巢、输卵管及子宫中的NT-4/5 mRNA与蛋白质表达进行检测。结果表明,NT-4/5 mRNA与蛋白质在卵泡期与黄体期卵巢、输卵管及子宫中均有表达,且卵泡期卵巢、子宫NT-4/5 mRNA表达水平均显著高于黄体期(P<0.05),而卵泡期输卵管NT-4/5 mRNA表达水平显著低于黄体期(P<0.05)。试验结果为进一步研究NT-4/5参与青年母猪生殖道生理功能的调节奠定基础。  相似文献   

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