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Eight ponies infected with Babesia equi were investigated for their serological response to B. equi schizont and piroplasm antigen with the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and complement fixation test (CFT). Piroplasm antigen was prepared from an infected splenectomized pony, while schizont antigen was produced from cultured lymphoid cells which contained B. equi macroschizonts. The IFAT detected a rise in antibody titres to schizont antigen as well as to piroplasm antigen, but differences were obtained in the duration of antibody detection. Significant antibody titres to piroplasm antigen were detectable for a longer period post infection than to schizont antigen. The complement fixation test was not effective in detecting specific antibodies to schizont antigen in contrast to piroplasm antigen. The schizont antibody titres were in general extremely low and not detectable in 3 horses. Neither test showed any serological cross-reaction with B. caballi and B. bigemina antiserum using schizont antigen.  相似文献   

A serum indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was compared with a Western blot (WB) and a modified Western blot (mWB) for diagnosis of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). Using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, the area under the curve of the IFAT was greater than the areaunder the curves of the WB and the mWB (P = 0.025 and P = 0.044, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference between the areas under the curves of the WBs (P > 0.05). On the basis of an arbitrarily chosen cut-off titer for a positive test result of 1:80 for the IFAT and interpreting weak positive WB results as positive test results, the sensitivities and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of all 3 tests were identical and equal to 88.9% (51.8-99.7%). The specificities and 95% CIs of the IFAT, WB, and mWB test were 100% (91-100%), 87.2% (72.6-95.7%), and 69.2% (52.4-83%), respectively. The overall accuracy of the IFAT was shown to be better than that of the WBs and, therefore, the test has potential for use in the diagnosis of EPM caused by Sarcocystis neurona.  相似文献   

Three hundred and forty-one sera from cattle in Western Australia and 106 sera from Mycobacterium paratuberculosis faecal culture positive cattle were used to evaluate the performance of two absorbed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) (one locally produced, the other a commercial test) and a complement fixation test (CFT) for the detection of Johne's disease in cattle. The diagnostic sensitivity (47.2%) of the local ELISA was significantly higher than that of the commercial ELISA (31.1%), and significantly higher than that for the complement fixation test (17.9%) and immunoblot (20.8%). Diagnostic specificity for the two ELISAs was 99.7% and 97.9% and similar for CFT and immunoblot (97.1% and 97.7%, respectively). The diagnostic sensitivity rose for both ELISAs and the CFT as the number of M. paratuberculosis isolated from the faeces increased. The ELISA antigen was characterised by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electrophoretic immunoblotting and was found to consist mostly of a carbohydrate-type macromolecule of 32-42 kDa. This macromolecule was identified as lipoarabinomannan (LAM) by using a LAM-specific monoclonal antibody in immunoblots and purified LAM in absorption experiments. By applying more complex antigen preparations in immunoblots, serum antibodies against proteins of 47, 37, 30, 24 and 21 kDa, and against the 32-42 kDa carbohydrate component were frequently found in infected cattle, and of these the 47 kDa protein and the 32-42 kDa antigen were immuno-dominant. Pre-absorption of the sera with M. phlei sonicate indicated that the protein antigens contributed markedly to non-specific serological cross-reactions, while the 32-42 kDa non-protein macromolecule appeared to be specific.  相似文献   

The performance of the serum complement fixation (CF) test was compared with that of a serum agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test on 74 subclinically infected and 154 uninfected cattle in 6 commercial midwestern dairy herds with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection and on 30 cattle in a herd that was free of infection. Infection status of cattle within herds was established by performance of a series of 3 or more fecal cultures and of ileocecal lymph node cultures of culled cattle. In cattle with subclinical infection detected by culturing, the sensitivity estimates of the CF and AGID tests were 10.8% (3.6% SE) and 18.9% (4.5% SE), respectively. In the cattle classified as disease free, the specificity estimates of the CF and AGID tests were 97.4% (1.3% SE) and 99.4% (0.6% SE), respectively. Neither set of estimates was significantly different. Negative test results obtained with the use of either test in apparently normal cattle from suspect herds should be interpreted with caution because both tests suffer from low sensitivities in subclinically infected animals. However, the AGID test may be more useful in regulatory situations in which the CF test is currently used because the AGID test is easier to perform and to interpret.  相似文献   

Both the complement-fixation test (CFT) and the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) were conducted on weekly serum samples from nine Arab geldings for 28 days before and 256 days after their exposure to Babesia equi of European origin. On an average the IFAT became positive 8 days before the CFT and showed higher relative serum titer increases. Both test procedures successfully detected infection and neither showed an appreciable drop in titer during this time frame, with the exception of the CFT, which showed a transient drop immediately following treatment with imidocarb. A test conducted 540 days after infection showed four of the eight surviving, and presumably infected, horses to be negative on CFT, where as all eight were still positive on IFAT. Comparisons made with the IFAT, on horse sera from B. equi infection of both European and North American origin, utilizing homologous and heterologous antigens, showed significantly higher titers with homologous antigens.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-one isolates of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae from Iowa and Illinois swine were characterized morphologically and biochemically and serotyped by rapid slide agglutination (RSA) and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) tests. Hyperimmune antisera were produced in rabbits using inactivated whole-cell suspensions of the reference strains for H pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1 to 7 and strain 202, representing the taxon "minor group." Cross testing of the reference strains and reference antisera indicated the antisera to be essentially serotype-specific, although reactivity of some antisera with heterologous strains was observed. Cultures of the 141 isolates formed adherent or smooth colonies or mixtures of these colony forms. Adherent and smooth colony types were found in all serotypes identified. Microscopic and biochemical characteristics of all isolates were typical of those previously described for H pleuropneumoniae. The overall incidence of H pleuropneumoniae serotypes was serotype 5, 55.3%; serotype 1, 34.0%; serotype 7, 7.8%; and nontypeable, 2.8%. Comparing the 2 test procedures, 87.2% of the isolates could be typed by RSA, and 66.0% could be typed by IFA. Cross-reactions between serotype 4 antisera and serotype 5 and 7 isolates were common with the IFA test. The reactions with serotype 7, but not serotype 5, were eliminated by cross adsorption of serotype 4 antisera. There was good correlation between the 2 test procedures, but RSA was judged to be more specific and sensitive than IFA.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare the performance of 6 serological tests using outer or internal antigens from Brucella for the diagnosis of Brucella ovis infection in sheep in an endemic area. Outer membrane antigens included a hot saline extract (HS) and the rough lipopolysaccharide (R-LPS) from B. ovis. Internal antigens were LPS-free total cytosolic proteins (CP) and an 18-kDa cytosolic protein (p18) from Brucella spp. Sera from 200 sheep from naturally infected flocks were assayed by agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) and by complement fixation test (CFT), both using HS, and by 4 ELISA using HS, R-LPS, CP, and p18, respectively. The percentage of positive results was 45.5% for ELISA with HS, 42.0% for ELISA with p18, 39.5% for CFT, 33.5% for ELISA with R-LPS, 29.0% for ELISA with CP, and 18.0% for AGID. Taking CFT as the reference test for calculating relative test parameters, the ELISA with HS had the best sensitivity (96.2%), while AGID and the ELISA with R-LPS had the best specificity (96.6%). The ELISA with CP was not more sensitive than the ELISA with p18 (67.1% vs. 79.7%) in spite of the higher number of antigens in CP. The lower relative sensitivity of tests using internal antigens might reflect a lack of antibodies to cytosolic proteins in some infected animals or a shorter persistence of these antibodies relative to antibodies to outer membrane components after recovery from infection.  相似文献   

Direct fluorescent antibody tests were used to detect Escherichia coli possessing K88 and 987P antigens. Identification of bacteria was accomplished on suspensions of organisms from clinical isolates, on frozen sections and impression smears from small intestine and on faecal smears. This assay makes possible the rapid identification of E. coli possessing K88 and 987P pilus antigens.  相似文献   

Three serological tests, i.e. complement fixation test, indirect immunofluorescent assay, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were compared for sensitivity in the detection and titration of murine cytomegalovirus antibody. The three tests were compared using sera from experimentally inoculated and naturally infected mice bled at intervals from 3 to 140 days postinfection. In the acute infection, complement fixation and indirect immunofluorescent assay tests were of comparable sensitivity for early detection of antibody, whereas the ELISA was less sensitive. In persistent infection, higher titers were recorded with ELISA. Since murine cytomegalovirus has been shown to exert significant effects on the immune response of infected mice, this antigen should be included routinely in viral antibody screening programs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnostic performance of a complement fixation test, an agar gel immunodiffusion test, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and a whole-blood interferon-gamma assay for paratuberculosis in 14 sheep experimentally infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Longitudinal study. RESULTS: The IFN-gamma assay detected more experimentally infected sheep, and earlier, than any of the serological tests. None of the antibody assays was able to detect all sheep with histologically confirmed paratuberculosis. CONCLUSIONS: The superior performance of the IFN-gamma assay in detecting infected sheep in this small experimental population warrants its further evaluation in a larger population of sheep naturally exposed to M a paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether cattle testing positive for Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis as determined by microbial culture of feces or antibody ELISA were more likely to have false-positive responses on the caudal fold tuberculin (CFT) test or interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) assay for Mycobacterium bovis than cattle testing negative for M paratuberculosis. ANIMALS: 1043 cattle from 10 herds in Michigan. PROCEDURE: Feces and blood samples for plasma were collected from cattle > or =24 months old on the day the CFT test was read. Fecal samples were submitted for microbial culture for M paratuberculosis. Plasma samples were tested for antibody against M paratuberculosis, and IFN-gamma after stimulation with purified protein derivative tuberculin from M bovis or M avium. RESULTS: Of 1043 cattle, 180 (17.3%) had positive CFT test results (suspects) and 8 (0.8%) had positive IFN-gamma assay results after stimulation with purified protein derivative tuberculin from M bovis. Forty-five (4.3%) and 115 (11.0%) cattle tested positive for M paratuberculosis as determined by microbial culture of feces and antibody ELISA, respectively. Cattle with positive responses for M paratuberculosis appeared to have an increased likelihood of false-positive results on the CFT test, although this association was not significant. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: No significant association was detected among cattle testing positive for M paratuberculosis as determined by microbial culture of feces and antibody ELISA and positive CFT test and IFN-gamma assay results for M bovis.  相似文献   

The indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test for Theileria equi was evaluated to assess test's suitability for the serological diagnosis of equine piroplasmosis, to provide performance parameters for the purpose of test validation, and to compare it with the complement fixation (CF) test. Using a protocol that included Evan's blue, the specificity of the IFA test was estimated at 99.0% for T. equi by the classical method of analysis, and 96.6% by the Bayesian method. The use of Evan's blue in the test protocol increased test specificity and contributed to an excellent test agreement between two collaborating laboratories (kappa = 0.96). Using Bayesian analysis, the sensitivity estimate for the IFA test was 89.2%. The CF test sensitivity and specificity estimates for T. equi were 63.1 and 96.4%, respectively, as determined by Bayesian analysis. The IFA test was more sensitive than the CF test but the specificity estimates were similar.  相似文献   

Two African swine fever virus (ASFV) antigens were tested for use in an ELISA to detect antibody to ASFV. Antigens used were the cytoplasmic soluble fraction (CS-P) of infected cells grown in the presence of porcine serum and the semipurified viral structural protein VP73 (SVP73). Both antigens were tested by ELISA against 72 sera obtained during several ASF field episodes and from ASFV-inapparent carriers. Of the 72 sera, only 2.8% has positive results by ELISA against CS-P antigen; 60% of positive-reacting sera (to both antigens) had higher ELISA values when the CS-P antigen was used. Samples (with positive results) that reacted only to CS-P antigen had results confirmed by immunoblot analysis. Such sera reacted against ASFV-infection proteins IP25, IP25.5, and IP30, but not against IP73. In time-course experiments to detect appearance of ASFV-antibodies in infected miniature pigs, antibodies were detected by immunoblot analysis on postinoculation day (PID) 8. At that time, only the polypeptides IP25, IP25.5 IP30, and IP31 were recognized; IP73 and IP12 were first detected 3 and 4 days later, respectively. In the same experiments, ASFV antibodies were detected by ELISA, using CS-P or SVP73 antigens, on PID 7 and 9, respectively. These results could explain the percentage of sera not having positive results by ELISA using SVP73 antigen, if the sera were obtained from ASFV-infected pigs during the first days of infection before induction of antibody response against the IP73 protein. This feature makes the use of CS-P antigen advantageous in early serologic detection of ASFV-infected pigs.  相似文献   

Macrophages are the preferential cell types to study various aspects of mycobacterial infection. Commonly used infection models for in-vitro studies are primary macrophages such as human monocyte derived macrophages (hMDMs) and macrophage like cell lines (THP-1). It is not clear if commercially available THP-1 cells can be used as hMDMs alternative for in-vitro M.tb infection experiments. We conducted a detailed investigation of the hMDM and THP-1 response to mycobacterial infection on a comparative basis and assess the most crucial aspects of infection which are most commonly studied. We assessed mycobacterial uptake and intracellular growth over time of a pathogenic drug-resistant and drug-susceptible M.tb strains (R179 and H37Rv) through colony forming units (CFUs). Both strains depicted similar uptake and intracellular growth in hMDMs and THP-1 macrophages over time (R179, p = 0.954) (H37Rv, p = 0.922). Cytotoxicity assays revealed a consistent viability up to day 16 post-infection across the strains in both THP-1 and hMDMs (R179, p = 0.271) (H37Rv, p = 0.068). Interestingly, both cell lines showed similar mycobacterial uptake and cellular viability in both susceptible as well as resistant M.tb strains. Cytokine/chemokine mRNA analysis through qPCR found no difference between cell types. Further, cytokine secretion measured through Luminex revealed no difference across the strains. Also, cytokine secretion analysis showed no difference in both cell lines across strains. In conclusion, our study shows that THP-1 and hMDMs bacterial uptake, viability and host response to drug-susceptible and drug-resistant mycobacterial infections are similar. Therefore, present study demonstrate that THP-1 cells are suitable substitutes for hMDMs for in-vitro M.tb infection experiments.  相似文献   

Methods used to prepare antigens from caprine syncytial retrovirus (CSR) for use in the agarose gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) or an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are described. Caprine and ovine sera were tested for antibody to CSR using the AGID test and ELISA incorporating a caprine system (CSR antigen and rabbit anti-goat IgG) or an ovine system (maedi-visna virus antigen and rabbit anti-sheep IgG). Good correlation was achieved in the results of the 3 tests when sera were devoid of antibody or were strongly positive. Variations in the results on weakly positive sera were considered to be more a matter of interpretation than due to basic differences in the reagents employed.  相似文献   

Twenty calves were orally infected with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis before weaning. Ten of these plus 4 non-infected controls were maintained on elevated dietary iron intake from 6 to 33 months of age. During this time, in which the majority of animals were bred, the influence of increased dietary iron upon tests of cellular and humoral immune responsiveness to antigens of the organism were monitored. Results were examined in relation to the organism's capacity to multiply and infect up to 7 portions of the intestinal tract. No significant differences were detected in the degree of intestinal disease or pattern of faecal excretion of M. paratuberculosis in iron supplemented and non-supplemented cattle. Cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to johnin PPD developed at 1 month and in-vitro lymphocyte and immunostimulatory activity (LS) to this antigen at 2 months after infection. LS indices were significantly reduced in magnitude in iron-supplemented cattle (p less than 0.01). Most ELISA antibody responses were positive 10 to 17 months after infection and preceded the fewer number of CF responses by several months. Neither of the antibody tests was affected by elevated iron intake. Generally, complete or partial resistance to paratuberculosis was associated with sustained positive monthly LS tests (index greater than or equal to 2.0), whereas antibody levels tended to be sustained only in the more severely affected cattle. Although neither test system was affected by pregnancy the ELISA failed to detect a significant proportion of cattle chronically shedding M. paratuberculosis in faeces.  相似文献   

Objective The ability of a new commercial ELISA to detect pigs with subclinical proliferative enteropathy (PE) was compared with the traditional indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Methods Serum samples were selected from pigs with known Lawsonia intracellularis infection status and clinical signs of PE, but the sample population consisted predominantly of pigs subclinically affected by PE. Results Significant association and agreement were shown between the ELISA and IFAT assays. ELISA results correlated well with the duration of L. intracellularis shedding as detected by polymerase chain reaction. Conclusion ELISA can be successfully used to monitor L. intracellularis infection in pigs.  相似文献   

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