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Mesopelagic species are the principal constituents of larval fish assemblages inhabiting the southerly California Current region. Seasonal larval abundance is influenced by circulation of the California Current and subtropical Countercurrent, including regional changes of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics during the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation. This study examines the mesopelagic fish larvae distribution and abundance patterns between seasons and years, with the aim of describing the mesopelagic larval assemblages during dynamic environmental changes induced by El Niño (1997–1998) and the rapid transition to La Niña (1998–2000) along the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula (25–31°N). Despite large oceanographic variability, larval assemblages varied principally on a seasonal basis, related to reproductive periods and the north–south gradient influenced by the seasonal pattern of the California Current. An increased diversity, number of species, and abundance of tropical species was noticeable during the northward expansion of warm‐water taxa during El Niño, principally in the northern areas (Ensenada and Punta Baja). After El Niño, population adjustments and rapid recovery occurred during La Niña conditions, which reflected seasonal differences in the mesopelagic community structure that are closely related to the seasonal pattern of oceanic currents.  相似文献   

The Peru‐Humboldt Current system (HCS) supports the world's largest pelagic fisheries. Among the world's eastern boundary current systems, it is the most exposed to high climatic stress and is directly affected by El Niño and La Niña events. In this volatile ecosystem, fish have been led to develop adaptive strategies in space and time. In this paper, we attempt to understand the mechanisms underlying such strategies, focusing on the El Niño 1997–98 in Peru from which an extensive set of hydrographic, capture and acoustic survey data are available. An integrated analysis of the data is crucial, as each has substantial shortcomings individually; for example, both catch data and acoustic surveys may easily lead to wrong conclusions. Existing hypotheses on anchovy and sardine alternations lead us to a ‘habitat‐based’ synthetic hypothesis. Using our data, an integrated approach evaluated how fish responded to habitat variation, and determined the consequences in terms of fish‐population variability. Various factors occurring at a range of different spatio‐temporal scales were considered: interdecadal regime (warm ‘El Viejo’/cool ‘La Vieja’ decadal scale); strength and the duration of the El Niño Southern Oscillation event (interannual scale); population condition before the event (interannual scale); fishing pressure and other predation (annual scale); changes in reproductive behaviour (intra‐annual scale); presence of local upwelling (local scale). During El Niño 1997–98, anchovy was able to exploit a small‐scale temporal and spatial ‘loophole’ inside the general unfavourable conditions. Moreover, sardine did not do better than anchovy during this El Niño and was not able to take advantage of the ‘loophole’ opened by this short‐term event. Our results question the traditional view that El Niño is bad for anchovy and good for sardine.  相似文献   

Mangalore coast is well known for its multi‐species and multi‐gear fisheries and the fishery and oceanographic features of this region is a true representation of the Malabar upwelling system. Ten years of study (1995–2004) of oceanographic parameters has been carried out from the inshore waters off Mangalore to understand their seasonal and interannual variations and influences on the pelagic fishery of the region. Attempt has been also made to understand the influence of local and global environmental conditions on the alternating patterns of abundance between the Indian mackerel and oil sardine from the area. Field‐ and satellite‐derived oceanographic data have shown that coastal upwelling occurs during July–September with a peak in August resulting in high nutrient concentrations and biological productivity along the coast. Nearly 70% of the pelagic fish catch, dominated by oil sardine and mackerel, was obtained during September–December, during or immediately after the upwelling season. Catches of scombroid fishes were significantly related to cold Sea Surface Temperature, while such relationships were not observed for sardines and anchovies. Significant positive correlations were observed between the ENSO events (MEI) and seawater temperature from the study area. The extreme oceanographic events associated with the cold La Niña, which preceded the exceptional 1997–98 El Niño event, were responsible for the collapse of the pelagic fishery, especially the mackerel fishery along the southwest coast of India (Malabar upwelling system). Coinciding with the collapse of the mackerel fishery, oil sardine populations revived during 1999–2000 all along the southwest coast of India. Tolerance of oil sardine to El Niño / La Niña events and the low predatory pressure experienced by their eggs and larvae due to the collapse of mackerel population might have resulted in its population revival.  相似文献   

1. This paper sets out to: (1) review previous ecological studies and analyse recent trends of the Peruvian bay scallop fishery in order to better understand and to model the species’ temporal and spatial (meta) population dynamics along the South Pacific coast; (2) develop a fisheries model to protect the stock from overexploitation and optimize the annual yield of the pulse fishery in Independence Bay, the centre of the scallop diving fishery in Peru. 2. Natural stock fluctuations are very pronounced in this species and are positively correlated with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). During such an event, habitat conditions for the Peruvian bay scallop are improved either regionally or locally, such that populations proliferate and larval production and dispersal are greatly increased. Extinct beds and new habitats are recolonized during these periods (producing a strong pulse of metapopulation biomass), although most become extinct very shortly thereafter. 3. For management purposes, two considerations are fundamental: (1) heavy overfishing or extinction of the main scallop source populations would endanger the metapopulation as a whole; (2) rates of growth and survival greatly increase (and with them the potential yield of the scallop stock) locally over an El Niño cycle in a way that can be roughly estimated from past experience, including the most recent El Niño event (1997–1998). 4. We suggest a fisheries management regime capable of adapting to natural changes and propose a procedure for calculating both the optimal yield and the respective fishing effort under normal upwelling and El Niño scenarios, considering changes in the size at first capture (Lc) and fishery mortality (F). Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recruitment of Strangomera bentincki (common sardine) and Engraulis ringens (anchovy) and the relationships with oceanographic conditions in the upwelling ecosystem of central-south Chile were investigated from 1990 to 1998, with emphasis on the 1997–1998 El Niño. Time series of recruitment, biomass, local sea surface temperature, and a coastal upwelling index were used to explore relationships during the spawning (July–August) and pre-recruitment (August–December) periods. The 1997–1998 El Niño caused physical changes in the small pelagic fish habitat off central-south Chile. Anomalous sea surface temperatures (SST) and upwelling indexes began to be detected from May 1997 and persisted into 1998. Recruitment of common sardine showed significantly negative relationship with SST anomalies during the pre-recruitment period, as well as with the upwelling index during the peak of spawning. However, the recruitment of anchovy did not seem to be affected by the environmental changes observed in the 1990s. Instead, the recruitment rate of anchovy showed negative relationship with the recruitment rate of common sardine. We conclude that the conditions of the 1997–1998 El Niño off central-south Chile affected the survival of common sardine offspring, and that the recruitment success of anchovy could be determined by less-abundant cohorts of common sardine through a biological mechanism of interaction.  相似文献   

  1. Dosidicus gigas is an ecologically and economically important squid species extensively distributed in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Its habitat is extremely sensitive to climatic and environmental variability.
  2. The relationship between habitat pattern of D. gigas and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO, divided into the El Niño, ENSO-neutral, and La Niña events) was assessed from 1950 to 2015, using a habitat suitability index (HSI) modelling approach including two crucial environmental variables: sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height anomaly (SSHA).
  3. On the basis of cross-correlation analysis, it showed that both SST anomaly and SSHA were significantly positively related to the ENSO index. Moreover, a significantly negative association was found between the HSI values and the ENSO index.
  4. Due to the El Niño events, SST off Peru became higher and sea level rose, resulting in contracted areas of suitable SST and SSHA; consequently, suitable habitats for D. gigas dramatically decreased. In contrast, during the ENSO-neutral and La Niña years, the extent of suitable SST and SSHA increased due to the colder water and lower sea level, and suitable habitat for D. gigas expanded.
  5. Moreover, the latitudinal gravity centre of HSI was significantly positively associated with the ENSO index. Relative to the ENSO-neutral and La Niña years, a southward movement of the monthly preferred SST isotherm for D. gigas during the El Niño years could explain the occurrence of more suitable habitats in southern waters off Peru.
  6. These findings suggested that the ENSO event plays an important role in regulating environmental conditions off Peru and further affected the spatio-temporal distribution of D. gigas habitat.

We assessed growth in subyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) during the 1998 El Niño and 1999 La Niña in the Gulf of the Farallones, a region of the continental shelf off central California seaward of the Golden Gate and the southernmost ocean entry point for the species in North America. Juvenile salmon demonstrated greater growth during this strong El Niño, when water temperature anomalies of more than +3°C were recorded at local buoys, than during the similarly strong 1999 La Niña. Slopes of regressions of weight on length, length on age, and weight on age were all significantly greater for juvenile salmon during the 1998 El Niño compared with those in the 1999 La Niña. Daily otolith increment widths, an estimator of somatic growth, corroborated population data. Between June 1 and August 9, mean increment widths for juvenile chinook salmon in 1998 were 3.54 ± 0.03 μm, significantly larger than the 3.13 ± 0.03 μm found in juveniles during the same time interval in 1999. Condition factor for juvenile chinook salmon entering the ocean at the Golden Gate was the same in both years, but became significantly greater in ocean fish during the 1998 El Niño than in ocean fish during the 1999 La Niña. Energy storage was significantly greater in ocean juvenile salmon during the 1998 El Niño as well. Mean triacylglycerol/cholesterol ratios increased following ocean entry in 1998, whereas they declined in ocean juveniles during 1999. Thus, not only was growth better in the El Niño period compared with La Niña, but lipid accumulation was also better. Oceanographic data for 1998 indicated elevated temperatures, lower salinity, greater freshwater outflow from San Francisco Bay, northerly flowing coastal currents, and positive upwelling index anomalies. This combination of environmental factors resulted in greater zooplankton productivity that, in conjunction with higher temperatures, allowed metabolic processes to enhance growth. Although El Niño events have certainly produced large-scale, and often adverse, effects on ecosystems, the results of this study emphasize the importance of local oceanographic conditions to growth and other physiological and ecological processes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of climate and marine variability on the catches of Lutjanus purpureus in three sectors of the Amazon Continental Shelf. Remote sensing data were compared with landings (CPUE) between 1997 and 2007 and analyzed for partial influence obtained through the Generalized Additive Model. Additionally, significant variables were analyzed through Wavelet Cross-Spectrum, and periods of high correlation between variables in space and time were identified. The results indicated a high coherence between catch per unit effort (CPUE) and environmental variables on an interannual scale, suggesting that Red Snapper fishing is mainly influenced by the seasonal effects of oceanographic variables. These results suggest that fluctuations in Red Snapper catches between 1997 and 2007 may be the result of natural processes that occur in the Amazon Continental Shelf every year in synergy with environmental variables, which are also indirectly affected by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) pattern.  相似文献   

  1. In the south‐eastern Pacific Ocean, few studies of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) exist. In Peru, the northern coast has been identified as the area with the highest presence of whale sharks, yet their ecology in this area is poorly defined.
  2. This study predicts the spatial distribution of whale sharks off coastal northern Peru (03°00′S–04°30′S) during La Niña and El Niño seasonal conditions, utilizing maximum entropy modelling. Between 2009 and 2018 (except for 2011), 347 whale sharks were geo‐referenced in northern Peru with greatest data recordings in the austral summer and spring during La Niña events.
  3. Depth was the most important predictive variable for spatial distribution of whale sharks, followed by chlorophyll‐a. Sharks were predicted in shallower coastal waters in which chlorophyll‐a values are higher.
  4. Habitat suitability was higher in the northern coastal part of the study area. Spring presents the most suitable environmental conditions for whale sharks, both during La Niña and El Niño conditions. The probability of whale shark presence in the north of Peru increases at higher chlorophyll‐a and sea surface temperature values. Therefore, whale sharks appear to aggregate seasonally in northern Peru, potentially exploiting rich foraging grounds.
  5. In these areas of high suitability, whale sharks are susceptible to fisheries, bycatch, ship collisions, unmanaged tourism, and pollution; thus, management actions should focus in these areas.
  6. This study represents a first step to understand the distribution and habitat suitability of whale shark in Peruvian waters. Further studies should identify suitable habitat for whale sharks in offshore areas. Also, these should focus on the connectivity of these aggregations with other localities in the south‐eastern Pacific in order to contribute to regional strategies for the conservation of this iconic species in this particular region.

Off southern‐central Chile, the impact of spring upwelling variability on common sardine (Strangomera bentincki) recruitment was examined by analyzing satellite and coastal station winds, satellite chlorophyll, and common sardine recruitment from a stock assessment model. In austral spring, the intensity of wind‐driven upwelling is related to sea surface temperature (SST) from the Niño 3.4 region, being weak during warm periods (El Niño) and strong during cold periods (La Niña). Interannual changes in both spring upwelling intensity and SST from the Niño 3.4 region are related to changes in remotely sensed chlorophyll over the continental shelf. In turn, year‐to‐year changes in coastal chlorophyll are tightly coupled to common sardine recruitment. We propose that, in the period 1991–2004, interannual changes in the intensity of spring upwelling affected the abundance and availability of planktonic food for common sardine, and consequently determined pre‐recruit survival and recruitment strength. However, the importance of density‐dependent factors on the reproductive dynamic cannot be neglected, as a negative association exists between spawning biomass and recruitment‐per‐spawning biomass. Coastal chlorophyll, upwelling intensity, and SST anomalies from the Niño 3.4 region could potentially help to predict common sardine recruitment scenarios under strong spring upwelling and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)‐related anomalies.  相似文献   

Seasonal assemblages of mesopelagic fish larvae and changes related with environmental factors (plankton biomass, sea surface temperature anomaly, upwelling, and the multivariate El Niño index) were investigated. From 1982 to 1987, 16 oceanographic cruises were carried out along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Larvae of 42 mesopelagic fish taxa were collected. Larval abundance was highly variable during the studied period, but summer months coincided with higher abundance (>200 larvae under 10 m2). Larval assemblages were dominated by three of the most common species of tropical (Vinciguerria lucetia, Diogenichthys laternatus) and subtropical affinity (Triphoturus mexicanus). A group of species of tropical affinity (Diplophos proximus, Diaphus pacificus, Benthosema panamense) was useful for distinguishing the 1982–84 El Niño event, and an assemblage of larvae of temperate affinity (Symbolophorus californiensis, Melamphaes lugubris, Bathylagus ochotensis, Leuroglossus stilbius, Protomyctophum crockeri) characterized ‘normal’ years (mid‐1984 to mid‐1987).  相似文献   

We present a novel adaptation of the classic discrete delay-difference model, a continuous delay-differential model (cDDM), which can adequately represent population dynamics of stocks that turn over rapidly and continuously over time (e.g., small pelagic fish, small tunas, and shrimps). We used the Northern-Central Peruvian anchoveta stock (Engraulis ringens, Engraulidae) as a case study for implementing the cDDM and conducted a management strategy evaluation (MSE) through stochastic optimization in policy space (SOPS). Our results showed that cDDM integrated with SOPS efficiently searches optimum and near-optimum harvest control rules (HCR) and is an alternative to pre-setting arbitrary HCRs as in traditional MSE. The cDDM showed comparable stock biomass and recruitment estimate reconstructions to more complex stock assessment models described for anchoveta. We concluded that the anchoveta stock is sustainably managed and is an example of adaptive fisheries management under high ocean-climate variability and uncertainty. Contrary to fishery textbooks, the anchoveta's collapse was not entirely due to the 1972 El Niño (EN) but a recruitment failure preceding EN. Our reconstructions revealed that low recruitment (or recruitment failure) could still occur at high stock biomass. Anchoveta's stock biomass is larger than pre-collapse, likely due to favourable environmental conditions (a cooling trend) and management, despite more frequent and stronger EN events. SOPS quickly revealed that harvest strategies with large base biomass (>5 mmt) lead to higher interannual stock variability and would not produce substantial increases in long-term yield. Alternative HCRs with lower base biomass, while adjusting for productivity regimes, have similar long-term yields without affecting the long-term average stock.  相似文献   

Larval and early juvenile fishes were sampled from the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) shelf during summer from 1996 to 2000. Data from these collections were used to examine spatial and temporal patterns in species assemblage structure and abundance. Cluster analyses based on Bray–Curtis dissimilarity coefficients were used to group species and stations according to similar abundance and species composition. Ordination techniques were used to verify groupings, and a non‐parametric stepwise procedure using a Spearman correlation coefficient (BIO‐ENV) was used to relate groupings to predominant environmental variables. These approaches revealed a pattern of station groupings that were generally related to bathymetry in 1996, 1997, 1999, and 2000, although no obvious relationship to geographic boundaries was observed in 1998. Significant differences in species associations were observed in 1997 and 1998, and depressions in abundance were also noted among many species between 1997 and 1999. A regional, full primitive equation model was used to simulate float trajectories on the EBS shelf in each year to better relate fish distributional observations to prevailing current patterns. Model results indicated general variations in flow in several years, although 1998 stood out with stronger northeast flow than in any of the other years examined. Observed disruptions of larval and early juvenile fish assemblages could be related to the strong El‐Niño event of 1997–98 in the EBS. If this idea is confirmed, our study suggests that larval and juvenile fish are sensitive and respond relatively quickly (1–2 yr) to environmental perturbations, and as such, may be timely indicators of environmental change.  相似文献   

A generalized additive model (GAM) was constructed to separate and quantify the effects of fishery‐based (operational) and oceanographic parameters on the bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) catch rates at Palmyra Atoll in the central Tropical Pacific. Bigeye catch, the number of hooks per set, and set location from 4884 longline sets spanning January 1994 to December 2003 were used with a temporally corresponding El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indicator built from sea surface height (SSH) data. Observations of environmental data combined with the results from the GAM indicated that there is an increase in bigeye catch rates corresponding to an increase in eastward advection during the winter months of El Niño events. A seasonal pattern with higher bigeye catch rates from December to April and a spatial pattern with higher rates to the northeast and northwest of the atoll were observed during this study period. It is hypothesized that the combination of the eastward advection of the warm pool coupled with vertical changes in temperature during the winter months of El Niño events increases the availability of bigeye tuna in this region. This increase in availability may be due to a change in exploitable population size, location, or both.  相似文献   

We analysed the influence of climatic oscillations [based on the Indian Oscillation Index (IOI)] on monthly catch rates of two tropical tuna species in the equatorial Indian Ocean. We carried out wavelet analysis, an efficient method of time series analysis to study non‐stationary data. Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of bigeye tuna was computed from Japanese longline statistics from 1955 to 2002 in the equatorial Indian Ocean and CPUE of yellowfin tuna was derived from industrial purse seine statistics from 1984 to 2003 in the Western Indian Ocean. Wavelet analyses allowed us to quantify both the pattern of variability in the time series and non‐stationary associations between tuna and climatic signals. Phase analyses were carried out to investigate dependency between the two signals. We reported strong associations between tuna and climate series for the 4‐ and 5‐yr periodic modes, i.e. the periodic band of the El Niño Southern Oscillation signal propagation in the Indian Ocean. These associations were non‐stationary, evidenced from 1970 to 1990 for bigeye, and from 1984 to 1991 and then from 1993 to 2001 for yellowfin. Warm episodes (low negative IOI values) matched increases of longline catch rates of bigeye during the 1970–1990 time frame, whereas the strong 1997–1998 warm event matched a decrease of purse seine catch rates of yellowfin. We discussed these results in terms of changes in catchability for purse seine and longline.  相似文献   

Samples from the southern California sector of the California Current System were examined to test for changes in abundance, reproduction, recruitment and naupliar survival of the planktonic copepod, Calanus pacificus, coincident with the 1993 Californian El?Niño, relative to 1992 (also El Niño conditions) and to 1989–1991 (defined as `normal'). In 1993, as in 1992, females were rare in both winter and spring, but per capita reproduction was less, food limitation was greater and biomass of chlorophyll was reduced only in winter. Recruitment was more variable than was naupliar survival. Recruitment increased in both El Niño springs, but survival of older naupliar stages decreased. The mesoscale distributions of larval anchovy, relative to eggs and nauplii of Calanus, did not result in efficient use of the reduced supply of this source of food, and the abundance of larval anchovy did not cause measurable variation in the survival of naupliar Calanus.  相似文献   

Surface water in the North Equatorial Current (NEC) is composed of southern low‐salinity water diluted by precipitation to less than 34.2 psu and northern, high‐salinity tropical water greater than 34.8 psu. Analyses of 27‐year historical data, observed in winter and summer along the longitude 137°E by the Japan Meteorological Agency, shows that an obvious salinity front (34.5 psu) generated by the two water masses was usually located around 15°N. However, the salinity front has been moving northward during the past three decades. El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected salinity in the surface layer, while temperature changed in the middle layer. The salinity front sometimes moved southward, mainly south of 5°N, and the movement was well correlated with the southern oscillation index (SOI). Because precipitation at Yap (9.5°N, 138.1°E) fluctuated with SOI, this spike‐like southward movement of the salinity front was probably affected by reduction of low‐salinity water during El Niño in the north‐western Pacific Ocean. However, ENSO only induced such large southward movements of the salinity front when the time lag between the low precipitation and low SOI was short (within four months). This salinity front is quite important for long‐distance migrating fish such as the Japanese eel because the eels spawn just south of the salinity front in the NEC. This behaviour suggests that the movement of the salinity front associated with ENSO may control the success of larval transport from the spawning ground in the NEC to the nursery ground in East Asia. In fact, catch of the Japanese eel larvae in Japan was well correlated with fluctuation of SOI and the location of the salinity front, and lower catch occurred during El Niño. The salinity front has moved from 13°N to 17°N during the past three decades. Considering that conditions of larval transport are worse north of 15°N, we suggest that decadal‐scale linear decrease of glass eel catch during the past three decades also can be explained by the displacement of the salinity front.  相似文献   

California market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens) support one of the largest and most valuable fisheries in California. However, market squid abundance varies greatly from year to year, ostensibly as a result of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, although the underlying mechanism is not known. Classic hypotheses suggest that the early larval stage may be the key to uncovering this mechanism. Here, we perform a time series analysis, length‐distribution analysis, and growth analysis to investigate the effects of ENSO on paralarval D. opalescens. In contrast to classic hypotheses, we find that ENSO does not drive early paralarval survival or growth. Instead, we find that the ENSO operates primarily on the late paralarval stage, with El Niño conditions associated with lower survival of late‐stage paralarvae. We also find that time series models which use ENSO conditions during the previous juvenile and adult stage outperform models that use ENSO conditions during the paralarval stage. Our results suggest that the population bottleneck for D. opalescens does not occur in the early paralarval stage, but instead lies later in the squid's life.  相似文献   

Relationships between albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) longline catch per unit effort (CPUE) and environmental variables from model outputs in New Caledonia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) were examined through generalized linear models at a 1° spatial resolution and 10‐day temporal resolution. At a regional (EEZ) scale, the study demonstrated that a large part of albacore CPUE variability can be explained by seasonal, interannual and spatial variation of the habitat. Results of the generalized linear models indicated that catch rates are higher than average in the northwestern part of the EEZ at the beginning of the year (January) and during the second half of the year (July–December). In the northwestern region of the EEZ, high CPUEs are associated with waters <20.5° in the intermediate layer and with moderate values of primary production. Longline CPUE also appeared to be dependent on prey densities, as predicted from a micronekton model. Albacore CPUE was highest at moderate densities of prey in the epipelagic layer during the night and for relatively low prey densities in the mesopelagic layer during the day. We also demonstrated that the highest CPUEs were recorded from 1986 to 1998, which corresponds to a period with frequent El Niño events.  相似文献   

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