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A dynamic model was developed to simulate nitrogen (N) flows and fish production in seasonal wetland fish ponds (Fingerponds) based on organic manuring and natural food production. The model incorporates pond water depth, food availability, fish stocking densities, fish and fingerling weights at stocking, reproduction rate, manure type and application rates. The ponds were fertilized fortnightly with 1042 kg ha−1 chicken manure. The model captured the dynamics of hydrology, nutrients and fish and demonstrated that similar fundamental processes underlie fish production in these systems. The model predicted annual fish yields of up to 2800 kg ha−1. Simulated fish production, chlorophyll a and dissolved inorganic N concentrations were comparable with field measurements. Using the model, N budgets and estimates of all N flows were made. Most of the N input into the ponds (60–70%) accumulated in the bottom detritus of the pond and only 8–10% was converted into fish biomass, of which about half consisted of small fish. Fish production in Fingerponds was limited by turbidity induced light limitation and by nutrient limitation. Reduction of variability of fish production should come from reduced turbidity and sufficient nutrient input to minimize light limitation and maximize fish growth.  相似文献   

Fisheries policies often pursue multiple objectives, which may, in some instances, be in conflict or competition with each other. It may not be possible, for example, to create or maintain employment and generate increasing volumes of revenue for government whilst also sustaining stocks and biodiversity. Two approaches to fisheries management, one focused on capturing wealth and limiting access and the other on maintaining access for employment and providing community development and welfare, present contrasting policy advice, with different points of emphases and objectives. This article examines the case of Lake Victoria, where the three main commercial fisheries are seen to contribute to different objectives for the lake's fisheries. Insights from the debate between wealth‐based and welfare‐based approaches to fisheries management provide a framework for the analysis of fisheries policy and practice on the lake. From the analysis, it is concluded that whilst there is much rhetoric in support of a wealth‐based approach, this has not been followed through in implementation, reflecting the lack of political support for new taxation and limiting access. The welfare functions of the fisheries are significant, but could be substantially strengthened through greater investment in the provision of services to fisheries communities. The approaches are not mutually exclusive, but pursuing wealth‐based management must support livelihoods, employment and development, as well as fisheries management objectives. Without the incorporation of welfare objectives, fisheries policies will not be politically accepted or fully implemented, suggesting the need for a balance between wealth and welfare objectives and measures.  相似文献   

Recreational angling has been implicated in population declines of some marine and freshwater fish, but this activity is rarely considered as a threat or even halted when endangered species are targeted. Indeed, in some cases, anglers are drawn to fish for rare or endangered species. Conservation‐oriented behaviours such as catch‐and‐release are often practiced voluntarily due to the ethics of anglers, yet even in these cases, some fishing mortality occurs. Nonetheless, there are many indirect conservation benefits associated with recreational angling. Here, we present a series of case‐studies and consider whether catch‐and‐release angling for endangered fish is a conservation problem or a conservation action. If recreational angling activities contribute to population‐level consequences that are contrary to recovery strategies, then angling for endangered species would seem to be a poor option. However, as revealed by several case‐studies, there is much evidence that anglers are vocal and effective proponents of fish and habitat conservation, and for endangered species, they are often the only voice when other stakeholders are not engaged. Anglers may contribute directly to conservation actions via user fees (e.g. licences), philanthropic donations or by volunteering in research, education and restoration activities. However, it is important to quantify post‐release mortality as well as understand the full suite of factors influencing a given population or species to know the potential risks. A risk assessment approach outlined in the paper may be used by managers to determine when the benefits of angling for endangered species outweigh the risks.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates the mortality associated with the potential stressor effect induced by application of artificial photoperiods in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). After application of artificial photoperiods, high mortalities of trout subjected to this management were recorded (36% in LD 14:10 and 25% in LD 24:0) as compared to controls (7%). The recorded signology related to diseased trout included darkening, lethargy and erratic swimming. Among the morphological changes, skin lesions and ulcerative-type necrosis could be observed. Blood tests, histopathology and isolation of pathogens identified as Flavobacterium psychrophilum, associated with Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Saprolegnia sp., were performed. The application of artificial photoperiods suggests that fish may be more susceptible to opportunistic diseases; thus, it is advisable to emphasize preventive measures in fish subjected to this management.  相似文献   

A negative correlation between the degree of fine sediment deposition and the abundance of stream benthic fishes has often been reported, although the causal mechanisms for this effect are not fully understood. To better understand the influence of sedimentation, it is important to clarify whether it alters the habitat required by fish, or merely preferred by them. We conducted two enclosure experiments in the field to examine (i) whether an endangered benthic fish, Cobitis shikokuensis, prefers sediment‐free substrate and (ii) whether fine sediment deposition has negative effects on the physiological condition of C. shikokuensis. The first experiment, which used three types of substrates, ‘cobble’, ‘pebble’ and ‘mixture of fine sediment and pebbles’, showed that C. shikokuensis avoided the mixture. The second experiment, which compared the physiological condition of fish reared in enclosures with either a pebble or mixture substrate, showed that the condition of the fish in the latter group declined more quickly. These results suggest that, for C. shikokuensis, sediment‐free substrate is a habitat requirement, not merely a preference, and that excessive input of fine sediment due to human activities can cause a decline in the population of this species.  相似文献   

The aquarium hobby is popular worldwide, but it has positives and negatives for freshwater fish conservation. The most damaging impacts of the aquarium trade on ecosystems are overharvesting and invasive species. Consequently, many conservationists and academics have the perception that aquarium hobbyists are generally harmful to species conservation. Without overlooking these major drawbacks of the aquarium hobby, we aim to establish common ground between hobbyists and conservationists by correcting some misconceptions and showing the benefits of serious aquarium hobbyists in the conservation of freshwater fishes and their habitats. Our overview illustrates that the aquarium hobby is not insensitive to the pernicious effects of this enduring hobby on natural systems and that serious aquarists and their associations can directly assist and fund scientific research, increase conservation awareness among the general public and even participate in ex situ and in situ conservation programmes for native fish species at national or international levels. Whilst the relationship between conservationists and the aquarium hobby has often been antagonistic in recent years, ultimately most biologists and aquarists share a love of the species they study or maintain, and this common interest could be the basis for a more positive and productive relationship.  相似文献   

Behavioural thermoregulation enables ectotherms to access habitats providing conditions within their temperature optima, especially in periods of extreme thermal conditions, through adjustments to their behaviours that provide a “whole-body” response to temperature changes. Although freshwater fish have been detected as moving in response to temperature changes to access habitats that provide their thermal optima, there is a lack of integrative studies synthesising the extent to which this is driven by behaviour across different species and spatial scales. A quantitative global synthesis of behavioural thermoregulation in freshwater fish revealed that across 77 studies, behavioural thermoregulatory movements by fish were detected both vertically and horizontally, and from warm to cool waters and, occasionally, the converse. When fish moved from warm to cooler habitats, the extent of the temperature difference between these habitats decreased with increasing latitude, with juvenile and non-migratory fishes tolerating greater temperature differences than adult and anadromous individuals. With most studies focused on assessing movements of cold-water salmonids during summer periods, there remains an outstanding need for work on climatically vulnerable, non-salmonid fishes to understand how these innate thermoregulatory behaviours could facilitate population persistence in warming conditions.  相似文献   

The spawning success of lithophilic salmonids is strongly influenced by the fine sediment content (“fines”) of spawning substrates, yet knowledge on the impacts of fines on the spawning of non‐salmonid lithophiles remains limited, despite their ecological and socio‐economic importance in European rivers. Consequently, the aim here was to use an ex‐situ experiment to investigate the impact of sand content on egg survival and timing of larval emergence of the surface‐spawning cyprinid European barbel Barbus barbus. Thirty incubator boxes within a recirculating system were filled with one of five experimental sediment mixtures (0%–40% sand by mass) that each contained 300 fertilised eggs at a depth of 50 mm. Emerged, free‐swimming larvae were captured and counted daily to assess grain‐size effects on larval survival and emergence. Specifically, total proportion of emerged larvae, cumulative daily proportion of emerged larvae and time required to reach 50% emergence were measured during the study. Whilst the proportion of sand in the sediments did not have a significant impact on egg‐to‐emergence survival (mean survival per treatment 75%–79%), it significantly affected the timing of larval emergence to the water column; early emergence was detected in treatments with elevated sand content (on average, 50% emergence after 12–13 days versus 19 days in the control). Similar to findings from salmonid studies, these results suggest high sand content in spawning gravels can influence timing of larval emergence and potentially cyprinid lithophilic fish survival.  相似文献   

  • 1. Completely banning fishing from coral reefs is now accepted to have significant benefits for marine biodiversity and in many cases, fisheries. However, the benefits of regulating fishing on coral reefs, by restricting the methods used, or the total amount of fishing, are less well understood, even though such regulations are much more likely to be supported by fishermen.
  • 2. This study assesses whether banning illegal, destructive fishing methods and reducing the numbers of fishermen visiting from outside an area benefits a coral reef fishery, despite unregulated fishing by local fishermen using non‐destructive methods.
  • 3. The abundance, biomass, mean length, and species richness of nine commercially important fish families are compared across ten independent patch reefs inside and outside the 470 km2 Menai Bay Conservation Area in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
  • 4. Even after taking into account the effect of differences in habitat and the distance between reefs, 61% (±19.7%) more fish species were found in regulated than unregulated reefs. Fish abundance, biomass, and length were not affected, suggesting that banning destructive fishing may improve biodiversity, but that further regulations may be required to improve fish stocks.Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Among 1280 cultured and wild adult Mediterranean mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, collected over a 1 ‐ year surveillance period from the Slovene Adriatic Sea, 0.3% were histologically positive for the presence of Marteilia spp. The infection was concentrated in winter. Employing the molecular methods of PCR, cloning, DNA restriction and sequencing, only Marteilia refringens type M was detected in all the infected mussels. Although all life‐cycle stages of M. refringens severely infected digestive glands, only sporadic disruption of epithelial cells of digestive tubules and focal destruction of digestive tubules were observed in the infected mussels. This was the first detection of M. refringens in M. galloprovincialis from the Slovene Adriatic Sea with the lowest prevalence reported to date. In addition, our results highlight the need for sequencing to complement the established PCR‐RFLP analysis for correct parasite typing.  相似文献   

As a consequence of water re‐use and high stocking densities, Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) may lead to an accumulation of substances released by the fish into the water, e.g. cortisol and alarm pheromones. This study investigated the effect of stressing fish on the feeding motivation of other fish not subjected to stress but sharing the same water of stressed fish. Two identical RAS were used (operated at 30 L kg feed?1 day?1) and contained grouped (stressed fish) and individually (receiving water from stressed fish) housed Nile tilapia. A stress test was applied in grouped housed fish on days 17 and 55. Feeding behaviour (intake and latency) was recorded in the individually housed fish 3 days before, during and 3 days after the stress test. The results showed no effect on feeding behaviour in fish receiving the water from stressed fish. These results could be a consequence of insufficient cortisol/alarm cues' release by the stressed fish into the water or inactivity of such substances, either due to a trapping effect of humic acids or due to degradation in the nitrification and denitrification processes. Future research is needed to clarify how these processes may affect the water concentration of cortisol and alarm pheromones and should be extended by measuring other behavioural and physiological traits.  相似文献   

With constant innovation to find more efficient ways to find, catch and process fish, catchability in wild fisheries can increase. Catchability is a combination of resource abundance, fishing effort and fishing efficiency: any increase in fleet efficiency can lead to undesirable effects not only on stocks, but also on the ability to assess them. When using effort controls as part of management, it is necessary to adjust for the increase in catchability due to the increases in efficiency over time to avoid stock depletion. Accounting for changes in catchability can be problematic for pelagic stocks, due to the changes in fishing behaviour and the continual change in fishing efficiency. This study investigates the success in finding patches of fish for fleets operating within the western and central Pacific purse seine fishery between 1993 and 2012. Three indices, widely used in ecological research, were used to study how spatial variation in fisher behaviour for sets on fish aggregating devices (FADs) and free‐school sets was related to catchability. For free‐school set types, the diversity index was negatively correlated with Katsuwonus pelamis catchability. When this index was low, catch rates were at their highest and there was a reduction in the area fished. In contrast, for FAD sets, catches increase when the patchiness index was low, implying a degree of random behaviour, potentially due to advances in FAD technology. An improved understanding of the spatial allocation of effort can improve catchability estimates widely used for fisheries stock assessments and in indices of global biodiversity.  相似文献   

Considerable time and money are expended in the pursuit of catching fish with hooks (e.g., handlining, angling, longlining, trolling, drumlining) across the recreational, commercial and subsistence fishing sectors. The fish and other aquatic organisms (e.g., squid) that are captured are not a random sample of the population because external (e.g., turbidity) and underlying internal variables (e.g., morphology) contribute to variation in vulnerability to hooks. Vulnerability is the probability of capture for any given fish in a given location at a given time and mechanistically explains the population‐level catchability coefficient, which is a fundamental and usually time‐varying (i.e., dynamic) variable in fisheries science and stock assessment. The mechanistic drivers of individual vulnerability to capture are thus of interest to fishers by affecting catch rates, but are also of considerable importance to fisheries managers whenever hook‐and‐line‐generated data contribute to stock assessments. In this paper, individual vulnerability to hooks is conceptualized as a dynamic state, in which individual fish switch between vulnerable and invulnerable states as a function of three interdependent key processes: an individual fish's internal state, its encounter with the gear, and the characteristics of the encountered gear. We develop a new conceptual framework of “vulnerability,” summarize the major drivers of fish vulnerability, and conclude that fish vulnerability involves complex processes. To understand vulnerability, a shift to interdisciplinary research and the integration of ecophysiology, fish ecology, fisheries ecology and human movement ecology, facilitated by new technological developments, is required.  相似文献   

Soon after feeding, fish metabolism increases, resulting in high rates of oxygen consumption (OC) and ammonia excretion (AE). In intensive aquaculture, these peaks must be treated as they occur, requiring water-conditioning equipment of high installed capacity. Shaving off the peaks by more frequent feeding reduces the required capacity, but to do that properly, a dynamic prediction model of fish OC and AE is required. Recent experimental OC and AE data from the literature are used to fit a simple, four-compartment (four-state variable) mechanistic digestion–assimilation model to three feeding-frequency treatments. As the AE data are well correlated with the OC data, the dynamic model is used first to predict OC, and then the correlation is used to calculate the corresponding AE. The OC model is composed of a five-parameter, static submodel and a dynamic part with five additional parameters. The latter are fitted with the time-varying data. The resulting fit, to all treatments with the same set of parameters, is good. The dynamic model mimics properly the plateau evident in the once-per-day feeding treatment, as well as the curvatures of the ascending and descending segments. The static portion of the model, based mostly on daily totals, predicts a linear dependence of daily OC and AE on the size of the daily feed ration, in agreement with the data. Notation: Time unit in this list is day (d). Some of the rates in the text are presented per hour, for convenience. Components of the energy balance are presented here in kJ. In the text, they are evaluated in terms of oxygen equivalents. Temperature is specified here in K, but the empirical equations in the text require °C.  相似文献   

Fish live in complex volumetric habitats, and as such, face a challenging environment through which to navigate. This problem might be simplified if fish could monitor their depth and determine their position within the water column. One possible cue that they could use to ascertain their vertical position is hydrostatic pressure, which varies linearly with depth. Until recently it was assumed that fish were incapable of using hydrostatic pressure to measure depth as they do not possess a mechanism to sense absolute pressure. However, in a recent article by G. Taylor et al., we describe a novel mechanism whereby fish could determine their depth by using the rate in change of pressure mediated by changes in swim‐bladder volume, together with their vertical speed. This mechanism requires fish to be able to sense changes in pressure using their swim‐bladder. Here, we examine fish sensitivity towards hydrostatic pressure by reviewing the literature from behavioural and physiological experiments. This research suggests that fish are acutely sensitive to the magnitude and sign of hydrostatic pressure changes, via changes in the volume of the swim‐bladder. We argue that fish have the necessary physiological measurements to sense the rate in change of pressure, meaning they are able to use the mechanism proposed by Taylor et al. to determine their vertical location. This has profound implications for the study of navigation through volumes, by providing a reliable global cue that fish can use to determine their depth.  相似文献   

  • 1. Laguna Blanca, in Laguna Blanca National Park, is a lake in Patagonia which has been designated as a Ramsar site since 1971 because of bird diversity and abundance and importance for nesting, particularly for the black neck swan, Cygnus melanocoryphus. It is also valued for its populations of endemic amphibians, Atelognathus patagonicus and Atelognathus praebasalticus.
  • 2. Avian and amphibian populations have decreased dramatically in recent years. Percichthys colhuapiensis, Percichthys trucha (Pisces, Percichthyidae), Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Pisces, Salmonidae) were introduced into Laguna Blanca in 1965. Since 1986, no Atelognathus frogs have been found. The abundance of swans and coots, which are strongly associated with macrophytes for nesting and feeding, has diminished drastically, whereas piscivorous birds have increased.
  • 3. The fishless condition of some neighbouring small lakes with abundant pond weeds, aquatic birds and endemic amphibians, was assessed in order to compare the physical and chemical characteristics and the quantitative composition of the benthos among lakes. Fish presence at Laguna Blanca and its absence at El Burro, Antiñir and Jabón lakes, were confirmed. Compared with previous results, it seems that the abundance of Amphipoda (Hyalella), Copepoda and Cladocera at Laguna Blanca has decreased, while Acari has increased and Notostraca has disappeared. Water transparency has diminished in Laguna Blanca and now is lower than that of fishless lakes.
  • 4. P. colhuapiensis were captured only in Laguna Blanca, with the highest captures in the littoral zone. The population shows rapid individual growth in the early years and an absence of fish older than 6 years. The preponderance of benthos and the presence of macrophytes in the gut contents of adult P. colhuapiensis appear to indicate that they are important consumers of these resources.
  • 5. This paper concludes that fish introduction in Laguna Blanca led to a complex trophic cascade effect (fish predation on tadpoles, fish competition for avian food, bottom disturbance, zooplankton reduction) producing deleterious effects on the amphibian and bird populations.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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