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A size‐age modelling technique is presented for assessing the vital rates, stock and recruitment of eel populations in semi‐closed lagoons with fully monitored migration of silver eels. Data for yellow and silver European eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) were obtained in 2011 from the Comacchio lagoon (Italy). The analysis was performed in three steps: (i) correction of yellow eel data, which are affected by the fyke nets selectivity during samplings, (ii) estimation of survival curve, stock, recruitment and metamorphosis rates of the population (calibration using data from 2011) and (iii) validation of the model using the observed amount of silver eel migrating population of the next year. A bootstrap procedure was used to assess the level of uncertainty for each parameter using the 95% intervals of the highest posterior density distribution HPDD (Bayesian approach). The measured abundance of silver eels was 0.56 ind·ha?1, while the yellow eel abundance and recruitment were estimated by the model for 2011 at 8.77 ind·ha?1 and 5.99 ind. ha?1 respectively. The model performance during validation was satisfactory as the observed total mass of migrating population of 2012 (3777 kg) was inside the 95% HPDD intervals (3197–3839 kg) of model's predictions. The estimated stocks and recruitment were at least ten times lower from the respective estimations of previous studies of 1989 highlighting the crucial conditions of the population. The proposed modelling approach can provide significant information about eel population conditions, facilitating the evaluation of a range of management options in the context of eel conservation plans.  相似文献   

Migration patterns of 146 female silver eels on their way through fresh and brackish water stretches of the Warnow River into the Baltic Sea were studied using acoustic telemetry. The majority of eels (77%) regained their expected downstream migration behaviour after a median rehabilitation time of 2 days. Positive rheotactic behaviour was observed for 23% of tagged eels after release, probably influenced by experimental procedures. The observed silver eel escapement rate was 63%. Two migratory groups were classified by significantly different migratory speed, time of residence in brackish waters and biometric silvering characteristics. Although the classification of silvering stages is based on these measures, the proportions of these stages did not reflect the observed differences in migratory behaviour. In the context of a permanent silver eel descent in the freshwater part of the Warnow River, a permanent escapement was likewise occurring into the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), mortality was studied in a Belgian lowland canal after downstream passage through a large and small de Wit‐adapted Archimedes screw pump over a 12‐month period. The hypothesis tested was the minimisation of fish injuries with the de Wit adaptation. Simultaneously, downstream migration through a Dutch pool and orifice fishway alongside the pumping station (PS) was monitored. Nets were mounted on the outflow of the pumps, and a cage was placed in the fishway. Based on the condition of the fish and injuries sustained, the assessed maximum mortality rates ranged from 19 ± 4% for the large de Wit Archimedes screw pump to 14 ± 8% for the small de Wit Archimedes screw pump. The screw adaptations did not substantially minimise grinding injuries and overall mortality, and the fishway did not mitigate downstream eel migration. To achieve escapement targets set in the eel management plans, fish‐friendly pump designs and effective PS bypass solutions are needed.  相似文献   

Inspections by customs agents at Barcelona airport discovered 420 kg of contraband glass eels prepared for shipment to Hong Kong. After confiscation of these animals by police, they were transported to holding facilities to be maintained until after a judicial hearing. Upon arrival, they were separated into two groups and held under ambient flow‐through conditions in fresh water. During their captivity period, several peaks in mortality occurred and multiple bacterial strains were isolated from moribund animals. Sequencing of 16S rDNA was used to determine specific identity of the isolates. An initial isolation of Pseudomonas anguilliseptica was treated with oxytetracycline. A subsequent isolation of Delftia acidovorans proved resistant to oxytetracycline and was treated with gentamicin in combination with sulphadiazine–trimethoprim. Once the health condition of the animals was stabilized, they were partitioned into groups and subsequently released as part of a restocking effort for the species following the guidelines of Regulation (EC) 1100/2007 (Anon 2007). This represents the first record for both bacterial species in the host Anguilla anguilla in the Spanish Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Overwintering dormancy behaviour was studied in female silver eels in Lake Mälaren in Sweden between 2008 and 2010. Depth choices and movements in relation to temperature were analysed from pressure and temperature records for 13 eels with implanted data storage tags, covering 17 overwintering periods and three intervening summer periods. Dormancy commenced in October–November as temperatures fell below 4–12 °C. Eels tended to remain motionless throughout the winter, with some short periods of activity signalled by small changes in depth distributions. During dormancy, the eel shows a clear avoidance of shallow areas <5 m in favour of the 10–25‐m‐depth interval. Activity tended to resume 4–6 months later in April–May as temperatures rose above 3–7 °C and ice cover broke, and eels spent more time at shallower depths of <5–10 m. The majority of the eels were assessed as being in the silver eel stage at the time of tagging. During the autumn months, the diving behaviour, with frequent and large vertical excursions and periods at the surface, was similar to that seen in migrating eels in the Baltic and Atlantic Ocean. In spring and summer, the behaviour differed, being dominated by more gradual depth variations, implying that the eels reverted from silver eel migration behaviour to yellow eel foraging behaviour. Body weight declined during dormancy, but other studies of starvation over comparable time periods showed significantly higher average specific weight losses, implying that the Mälaren silver eels must have fed between the end of dormancy and recapture.  相似文献   

As Arapaima gigas is one of the most valuable species for the growing production of Amazonian aquaculture, knowledge of its reproductive behaviour and its application to increase reproduction success in captivity is of great importance as no hormonal spawning induction technique exists for this species. An acoustic positioning system (LOTEK Inc.) was used to observe the interactions of adult fish to better understand the formation of mating pairs. Fish were placed in a 4,500 m2 aquaculture pond over a 6‐month period in the IIAP field station of Pucallpa, Perú. This paper describes the methodological protocols used to set up and test the hydrophone array and presents the methodology used for the analysis of the huge amount of collected data. This methodology is illustrated by the analysis of a 6‐day period for a mating pair that showed a spawning event. The results indicated that male and female occupied mostly one preferential area in one pond edge where the nesting area is located. Different activity patterns were observed during the spawning event, with male and female being closer during the spawning day. The results also showed that male travelled less distance than female during the studied period. Finally these results demonstrated the suitability of such equipment to monitor fish interactions at fine spatial (sub meter) and temporal (5 s) scales in confined environments like aquaculture ponds.  相似文献   

Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) perform large‐scale oceanic migrations between their spawning ground and growth habitats in continental waters during life history. However, between these migrations, they spend most of time in growth habitats such as rivers. To investigate the diel and seasonal activities, homing behaviour and home range of yellow‐phase Japanese eels in the lower reach of the Tone River, we tracked them throughout a year using a fine‐scale positioning system (VPS) based on acoustic telemetry. The tracked eels were generally nocturnal, but not exclusively. They were mainly mobile from spring to autumn, with little or no activity observed during winter. A transport‐release experiment showed that most eels returned to their original capture area within 13 days after release. The eels had very small home ranges (mean ± SD = 0.085 ± 0.068 km2), core areas (0.014 ± 0.014 km2) and linear home ranges (744 ± 268 m). They also tended to be distributed on one particular side of the river (right or left bank) and in one particular shore type (revetment or vegetation), rarely moving from one to the other. This study provides evidence for nocturnal, dormancy, homing behaviours, limited habitat use and small home range size in Japanese eels. The eels clearly showed strong fidelity to a “familiar” site, which contrasts with the long distances travelled during upstream and downstream migration phases in the river, and during spawning migrations in the ocean.  相似文献   

Current knowledge about the downstream migration of sexually mature European eels (Anguilla anguilla) remains incomplete, particularly in still water habitats such as lakes and wetlands subject to water level management. However, for the management of this endangered species, it is important to understand migration dynamics, and contribution to the breeding stock. This study aimed to assess the parameters that trigger and guide the migration of silver eels in the largest floodplain lake and associated wetlands in France (the sluice regulated Grand‐Lieu Lake). A telemetry survey of 50 acoustic and PIT‐tagged female silver eels was performed during the 2015–2016 migration period. We deployed a novel telemetric approach, using receivers to delimit several restricted virtual boxes to determine the instantaneous location of individuals and to transform simple discrete telemetric data into presence/absence data. The low numbers leaving the lake centre are probably explained by the lack of orienting water flows or other environmental clues, but whilst the fate of 34% (17/50) of the tagged eels is unknown, 18% (9/50) were caught by commercial fishermen. Modelling showed that detections were not clearly associated with environmental factors typically involved in riverine migrations (e.g. current velocity, atmospheric pressure and temperature) but they were particularly associated with higher and increasing water levels and, for eels exiting the lake, a sharp increase when sluice gates were opened to an effective gap of >75 cm. It is concluded that management of water levels and sluice gate opening during the migration period might aid escapement of silver eels.  相似文献   

The pullet carpet shell Venerupis corrugata is an economically valuable species in several European countries, however, nowadays stocks are under high fishing pressure. Hatchery production of juveniles for release is a major contributor to strengthen the stock and consequently improve the sustainability of the natural stocks. This study aimed to determine the feasibility of rearing V. corrugata larvae with different larval densities (10, 40 and 200 larvae per mL) in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), compared with the traditional larval rearing methodology (Batch). The mean survival, growth and metamorphic rate of V. corrugata larvae in RAS was higher (11.1%; 71.3 μm; 21.6% respectively) than in the Batch system, in all tested densities. The larval growth was not affected by the initial density until 40 larvae per mL, however, 200 larvae per mL decreased the larval growth in length nearly 54 μm. The larval rearing time was shortened in 2 days in the RAS system. The physical, chemical and microbiologic parameters suggested that the tested densities were not excessive to disturb the biofilter stability of RAS. The V. corrugata larval rearing performed at high larval stocking densities in RAS system present a reduction in the operating costs to produce this species.  相似文献   

Anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, forms the basis of Italian small pelagic fisheries in the Adriatic Sea. The strong dependence of this stock on environmental factors and the consequent high variability makes the dynamics of this species particularly complicated to model. Weekly geo‐referenced catch data of anchovy obtained by means of a Fishery Observing System (FOS) from 2005 to 2011 were referred to a 0.2 × 0.2 degree grid (about 20 km2) and associated with the environmental parameters calculated by a Regional Ocean Modelling System, AdriaROMS. Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMM) with and without random effects were used to identify a relationship between abundance in the catch and oceanographic conditions. The outcomes of models with no random effects, with random vessel effects and with the random vessel and random week‐of‐the‐year effects were examined. The GAMM incorporating a random vessel and week‐of‐the‐year effect were selected as the best model on the basis of the Akaike information criteria (AIC). This model indicated that catches (abundance) of anchovy in the Adriatic Sea correlate well with low temperatures, salinity fronts and sea surface height, and allowed the identification of areas where high concentrations of this species are most likely to occur. The results of this study demonstrate that GAMM are a useful tool to combine geo‐referenced catch data with oceanographic variables and that the use of a mixed‐model approach with spatial and temporal random effects is an effective way to depict the dynamics of marine species.  相似文献   

The selection of aerators and correct numbers can play an essential role in reducing the cost of production in aquaculture. The new generation aerators, namely spiral leaf, air‐jet, submersible and impeller, used in aquaculture, were assessed for its aeration efficiency and energy cost compared with the commonly used paddle wheel aerator. Of the aerators tested, the impeller had the highest aeration efficiency of 2.098 kg O2/kW hr, followed by paddle wheel with 1.436 kg O2/kW hr at 20‰ salinity. The spiral and air‐jet aerators had maximum aeration efficiency of 1.326 and 1.419 kg O2/kW hr, respectively, at 35‰ salinity. The submersible aerator was not efficient as its maximum efficiency was 0.380 kg O2/kW hr. The water flow by paddle wheel was 3 ft/sec and also provides better coverage than other types of aerators. The efficiency of aerators was high in optimum salinities (20‰ and 35‰) than the low or high saline condition. The average energy cost of shrimp pond aeration per hectare was lowest for impeller, followed by paddle wheel aerator. The study provided economic comparisons of vannamei culture using different aeration systems by keeping a uniform set of economic assumptions. Shrimp farms with impellors can give 14%–25% high returns across salinities, whereas spiral leaf can provide 5% high returns at 35‰ salinity. The combination of the type of aerators and the calculated use based on the salinity of the culture systems can result in energy‐saving and also a reduction in the production cost.  相似文献   

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