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Resistance of coffee to race II ofHemileia vastatrix was tested in different environments at light intensities (LI) from 17 to 100% of total outdoor radiation. Nine treatments, in which three levels of LI before inoculation were combined with three levels of LI after inoculation, were applied to seedlings of the susceptible cv. Mundo Novo. Higher LI before inoculation induced a significant increase in lesion density, whereas the opposite was observed for treatments after inoculation. Maximum differences in lesion density were threefold. The interaction between pre-and post-inoculation treatments was also significant. Necrosis of lesions occurred under extremely high LI after inoculation.Genotypes of the Icatu population and ofCoffea canephora cv. Kouillou, which varied in disease level in the field, were tested in different environments, constant LI being applied before and after inoculation. Most genotypes were more resistant at low LI than at high LI, paralleling the results obtained for the control cv. Mundo Novo. With cv. Kouillou, sporulating lesion density, latency period and reaction type were significantly affected by LI and genotype. The interaction between LI and genotypes was significant for sporulating lesion density and reaction type, mainly because the most resistent genotype was not affected, or affected in opposite direction, by LI.Environment affected the expression of the resistance gene SH4. Observations on a segregating F2 population indicated dominant gene action in the greenhouse (low LI) and incomplete dominant to nearly recessive gene action in the nursery (high LI). Incomplete dominance was expressed by heterogeneous to susceptible reaction types of heterozygote plants (SH4sH4), under high LI.Some ecological and breeding aspects of the observed effect of LI on resistance to coffee leaf rust are discussed.Samenvatting Resistentie van koffie tegen fysio II vanHemileia vastatrix werd getoetst in milieus bij lichtintensiteiten (LI), die varieerden van 17 tot 100% van de totale instraling. Negen behandelingen, bestaande uit de combinaties van drie niveaus van LI vóór inoculatie en drie ná inoculatie, werden toegepast op zaailingen van het vatbareCoffea arabica ras Mundo Novo. Toenemende LI vóór inoculatie veroorzaakte een significante toename in lesiedichtheid, terwijl het tegenovergestelde werd waargenomen bij de behandeling na inoculatie. Maximale verschillen in lesiedichtheid waren drievoudig. De interactie tussen behandelingen vóór en ná inoculatie was ook significant. Bij extreem hoge LI ná inocultie trad necrose van de lesies op.Genotypen van de Icatu populatie en van hetC. canephora ras Kouillou, met verschillende ziektescores in het veld, werden beproefd in verschillende milieus, waarbij een constante LI voor en na inoculatie werd toegepast. De resistentie van de meeste genotypen kwam beter tot uiting bij lage LI dan bij hoge LI, wat ook waargenomen werd voor het controle ras Mundo Novo. Bij het ras Kouillou werden de dichtheid van sporulerende lesies, de latentieperiode en het reactietype significant beïnvloed door LI en genotype. De interactie tussen LI en genotype was ook significant voor dichtheid van sporulerende lesies en voor reactietype, voornamelijk doordat het meest resistente genotype niet, of in de omgekeerde richting, beïnvloed werd door LI.De expressive van het resistentiegen Sh4 bleek ook afhankelijk van het milieu. Waarnemingen aan een uitsplitsende F2-populatie duidden op een dominante genwerking in de kas (lage LI) en een incompleet dominante, of bijna recessieve, genewerking in de kwekerij (hoge LI). Deze incomplete dominantie uitte zich d.m.v. heterogene tot vatbare reactietypes van heterozygote planten (SH4sH4) onder hoge LI.Enkele ecologische en veredelingstechnische aspecten van de waargenomen invloed van LI worden besproken.  相似文献   

The influence of leaf age on incomplete resistance to race II of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix), which is the most common race in Brazil, was tested in the greenhouse and in the field. Three stages of leaf age were distinguished: young leaves which had just fully expanded and still had a shiny appearance on the day of inoculation, adult leaves of 1 to 4 months old, and old leaves of 6 to 12 months old which were formed in the foregoing growing season.The effect of leaf age varied with the coffee genotype. With the susceptibleCoffea arabica cvs Mundo Novo and Catuai no important effect of leaf age on latency period and reaction type was observed. Lesion density, depending on inoculation method, was affected to some extent, older leaves showing lower values. With genotypes of theC. canephora cv. Kouillou, which varied in level of incomplete resistance, adult leaves appeared to be more resistant than young and old leaves. This adult leaf resistance was expressed mainly by a lower lesion density, but also by a longer latency period and a lower reaction type.Within the hybrid populations Icatu and Catimor, genotypes with race-specific incomplete resistance were tested and others of unknown specificity. Resistance was expressed mainly by a low reaction type. Generally, resistance decreased with increasing leaf age, which was occasionally associated with a complete change in reaction type. Contrary to cv. Kouillou, in Icatu and Catimor no higher susceptibility of young leaves than of adult leaves was observed.The incomplete resistance to race I of the differential CIFC H152/3, heterozygous for SH4, was also better expressed in young leaves, older ones becoming gradually more susceptible.It is concluded that for screening incomplete resistance to coffee leaf rust leaves of different ages should be tested.Samenvatting Het effect van bladleeftijd op incomplete resistentie van koffie tegen fysio II van koffieroest (Hemileia vastatrix), het algemeen voorkomende fysio in Brazilië, werd getoetst in de kas en in het veld. Drie stadia in de bladleeftijd werden onderscheiden: jong blad dat net volgroeid was en nog glansde op de dag van inoculatie, volwassen blad van 1 tot 4 maanden oud en oud blad van 6 tot 12 maanden oud dat gevormd was in het voorafgaande groeiseizoen.Het effect van bladleeftijd varieërde met het koffiegenotype. Bij de vatbareCoffea arabica rassen Mundo Novo en Catuai werd geen belangrijke invloed waargenomen van bladleeftijd op latentieperiode en reactietype. Lesiedichtheid werd, afhankelijk van de inoculatiemethode, wel enigszins beïnvloed. Bij vijf genotypen van hetC. canephora ras Kouillou, die varieerden in niveau van incomplete resistentie, bleek volwassen blad veelal resistenter dan jong en oud blad. Deze resistentie uitte zich voornamelijk door een lagere lesiedichtheid maar ook door een langere latente periode en een lager reactietype.Van de hybride populaties Icatu en Catimor werden enkele genotypen met fysiospecifieke incomplete resistentie getoets alsmede genotypen waarvan de specificiteit van de resistentie onbekend was. Verschillen in resistentie uitten zich voornamelijk door verschillen in reactietype. Over het algemeen nam de resistentie af bij toenemende bladouderdom. Anders dan bij de cv. Kouillou werd bij Icatu en Catimor geen grotere vatbaarheid van jong ten opzichte van volwassen blad waargenomen. Bij sommige genotypen kwam resistantie zelfs alleen maar tot uiting in het jonge blad, terwijl het volwassen blad normaal vatbaar was. Een soortgelijk effect van bladleeftijd werd waargenomen bij inoculatie van de koffiedifferentieel CIFC H153/3, die heterozygoot is voor het resistentiegen SH4, met het incompatibele fysio I.Er wordt geconcludeerd dat voor het bepalen van incomplete resistentie tegen koffieroest bladeren van verschillende ouderdom getoetst dienen te worden.  相似文献   

Coffee leaf rust is the most limiting disease for coffee cultivation in Brazil. Despite its importance, relatively little is known about the genetic diversity of Hemileia vastatrix, the rust causal agent. In this work, the DNA from 112 monopustule isolates from different geographic locations and coffee genotypes were analysed by amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). The objectives were to assess the influence of the host and geographic origin on the diversity and population differentiation in H. vastatrix. The fungal population showed a low level of genotypic diversity. Gene diversity (h) was 0·027 and the hypothesis of random mating in the total population was rejected, but evidence for recombination was found for two subpopulations (São Paulo and Paraná). The analysis of molecular variance revealed that 90% of the genetic distribution of the pathogen occurs among isolates within the subpopulation (states or host of origin). There was no correlation between geographic and genetic distance (= ?0·024, = 0·74), which together with the high number of migrants and the low degree of differentiation in populations of Hvastatrix, is consistent with the fact that the inoculum is probably easily dispersed by wind over long distances, allowing dispersal of the pathogen among coffee growing areas in Brazil. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the durability of resistant sources to coffee rust. The recommendation for the breeding programmes is thus to incorporate multigenic resistance as a control strategy.  相似文献   

Urediospores ofPuccinia recondita f.sp.tritici were applied to wheat seedlings. Inoculated plants were placed in a growth chamber to expose the spores to dry periods from zero to nine days at near-optimal temperatures. The dry period was followed by a wet period varying from 2 to 24 hours for spore germination. Results were subjected to analysis of variance. The effects of dry period, wet period, and temperature on germination were highly significant. The dry period×wet period interaction was significant atP<0.1. The interaction implies that germinability of spores increased (ripening) or decreased (dying) according to the conditions. Postdetachment ripening of urediospores ofP. recondita is a real but erratic phenomenon, which is difficult to predict. The magnitude of the ripening phenomenon varied considerably, but on average it was small. Longevity of urediospores on dry wheat leaves at near-optimal temperatures was at least nine days. The epidemiological relevance of these indoor results is discussed.Samenvatting Uredosporen van de bruine roest van tarwe (Puccinia recondita f.sp.tritici) werden over het eerste blad van tarwekiemplanten verstoven. De aldus geïnoculeerde planten werden in een klimaatkamer geplaatst bij vrijwel optimale temperatuur gedurende nul tot negen dagen, teneinde de sporen aan een droge periode bloot te stellen. Deze werd gevolgd door een natte periode (met bladnat) variërend van 2 tot 24 uur om de sporen te laten kiemen. De kiemingsresultaten werden onderworpen aan een variantieanalyse. De effecten van droge periode, natte periode en temperatuur op de kieming waren zeer significant. De interactie tussen de droge periode en de natte periode was weinig significant (P<0.1). Deze interactie geeft aan dat de kiemkracht van de sporen stijgt (sporenrijping) of daalt (sporendood) al naar gelang de combinatie van uitwendige omstandigheden. Sporenrijping na losmaking uit het sporenhoopje is bij uredosporen van bruine roest een reëel maar grillig verschijnsel, dat zich moeilijk laat meten en voorspellen. De sporenrijping, uitgedrukt als toename van het kiempercentage, wisselt maar is meestal niet omvangrijk. De levensduur van uredosporen, droog en bij ongeveer optimale temperatuur bewaard op tarwebladeren, was ten minste negen dagen. De epidemiologische betekenis van deze resultaten, verkregen uit proeven in klimaatkamers, wordt besproken.  相似文献   

玉米大斑病菌孢子萌发和附着胞形成的影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 Factors of influence on conidium germination and appressorium formation of Setosphaeria turcica,such as light condition,conidial concentration,nutrient resources and pH value of conidial suspension were studied.There was no significant difference among light treatments.The optimal pH for conidium germination and appressorium formation was 5.0 to 7.0.The exogenous nutrient sources were not the indispensable factors for conidium germination,but 5% sugar solution were more favorable for appressorium formation than the others.Low conidial concentration in suspension (conidia ≤ 104/mL) was propitious to conidium germination and appressorium formation,which were inhibited significantly in higher concentration.It was suggested that the phenomenon was due to the self-inhibitor,a kind of lipophilic substance,existing in the site of conidium germination.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Temperature is a critical factor in plant disease development. As part of a research program to determine how specific environmental variables affect soybean rust, we determined temperature effects on urediniospore germination and germ tube growth of four isolates of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, one each from Brazil, Hawaii, Taiwan, and Zimbabwe, and an isolate of P. meibomiae from Puerto Rico, collected over a 25-year period. Also compared were the effects of temperature during a night dew period on initiation of disease by the P. pachyrhizi isolates. All variables were fit to a nonlinear beta function with temperature as the independent variable. Minimum, maximum, and optimum temperatures, along with shape parameters of the beta function for each variable, were statistically analyzed. All Phakopsora isolates behaved similarly as to how temperature affected urediniospore germination, germ tube growth, and initiation of disease. The results suggest that P. pachyrhizi has changed little in the past few decades with respect to how it responds to temperature and that previously collected research data continues to be valid, simplifying the development of soybean rust disease models.  相似文献   

The entomogenous fungus, Lecanicillium lecanii is hyperparasitic on Hemileia vastatrix , the cause of coffee leaf rust in the laboratory, and has frequently been observed attacking it in the field. The existence of a complex ecological web involving the spatially clustered mutualism of an ant ( Azteca instabilis ) with a scale insect ( Coccus viridis ), where the scale insect was infected by L. lecanii , prompted a search for a spatial correlation between the attack of L. lecanii on the scale insect and the incidence of rust in a commercial coffee crop. A weak but statistically significant effect of hyperparasitic control of coffee rust was observed on two distinct scales: in a 45-ha plot and on a scale of approximately 10 m. It was concluded that this effect was linked to an indirect effect of the ant–coccid mutualism, where L. lecanii was a parasite of the coccid.  相似文献   

大豆疫霉根腐病是由大豆疫霉菌(Phytophthora sojae)侵染引起的、危害极其严重的最具毁灭性的大豆病害之一.病原菌以卵孢子在土壤中越冬,在条件适宜时导致下一年大豆发生根茎腐烂.病原菌卵孢子也可以存在于患病种皮内,但其在病害循环中的作用还不清楚.卵孢子是大豆疫霉的主要传播方式.本研究中对大豆疫霉卵孢子的致死条件进行了筛选.结果表明,使用60℃湿热处理大豆疫霉卵孢子20min或80℃干热处理大豆疫霉卵孢子20min,其萌发率为0,且死亡率为100%.  相似文献   

The life cycle of a Portuguese Meloidogyne hispanica isolate on susceptible cv. Easypeel and resistant (Mi‐1.2 gene) cv. Rossol tomato plants was studied in growth chambers at constant temperatures (10–35°C). The development within the egg and hatching were compared to those of a Portuguese M. arenaria isolate. The base temperature was 10·11 and 8·31°C with 179·5 and 235·3 thermal units for M. hispanica and M. arenaria, respectively, suggesting better potential adaptation to low temperatures by M. arenaria than M. hispanica. No egg development occurred at 10 or 35°C. An increase in invasion of tomato roots by M. hispanica second‐stage juveniles (J2s) was correlated with an increase in temperature on both tomato cultivars. Tomato cv. Rossol limited M. hispanica development at 20, 25 and 30°C, but not at 35°C, indicating that these high temperatures blocked the resistance mechanism provided by the Mi‐1.2 gene. At 15°C, J2s penetrated tomato cv. Rossol roots, but failed to develop and establish feeding sites. On tomato cv. Easypeel, nematode development and reproduction occurred at 20, 25 and 30°C, but at 20°C the life cycle was 1·5 and 2·0 times longer than at 25 and 30°C, respectively. No egg production was observed at 15°C. The results of this study showed that M. hispanica is most suited to soil temperatures around 25°C. Predicted climate change might favour the spread of this nematode species into southern Europe and northwards. The thermal requirements for M. hispanica development are analysed and compared with those of M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. incognita and M. javanica.  相似文献   

One of the components of partial resistance of barley to leaf rust,Puccinia hordei, is a reduced infectibility. It was investigated whether this low infectibility may rest on a hampered appressorium formation of the leaf rust fungus. The appressorium formation on the primary leaves of 11 barley genotypes with an intermediate-to-low infectibility was compared with that on the highly infectible L94. The number of stomata per cm2 leaf area occupied by appressoria ofP. hordei was determined per genotype by means of fluorescence microscopy. No cosistent differences could be detected, indicating that the mechanisms causing a low infectibility of partially resistant barley seedlings act at a phase later than the formation of the appressoria. On the non-host wheat not fewer appressoria were formed than on L94, but no appressoria were found on a lettuce genotype. The latter probably lacks the stimuli that enable the fungus to find stomata.Samenvatting Eén van de componenten van partiële resistentie van gerst tegen dwergroest,Puccinia hordei, is een verminderde infectiedichtheid. Het mechanisme, dat hieraan ten grondslag ligt, is onbekend. Een experiment werd uitgevoerd om na te gaan of bij partieel resistente rassen een verminderde appressoriumvorming optreedt. Na inoculatie in een inoculatietoren en een zorgvuldig uitgevoerde incubatie werd het aantal huidmondjes per cm2 bladoppervlak bepaald dat bezet was door appressoria vanP. hordei. De elf weinig vatbare gerstlijnen uit deze studie bleken niet reproduceerbaar te verschillen van de zeer vatbare gerstlijn L94 in de mate van appressoriumbezetting. Dit wijst erop dat infectiedichtheidsverschillen t.g.v. partiële resistentie veroorzaakt worden door mechanismen die werken na de appressoriumvorming. In een tweede experiment werd aangetoond dat zelfs op de niet-waardsoort tarwe, waaropP. hordei geen symptomen veroorzaakt, niet minder appressoria worden gevormd dan op L94. Op een sla-genotype trad echter geen appressoriumvorming op. Op deze laatste niet-waardsoort ontbreken waarschijnlijk de stimuli die de schimmel in staat stellen huidmondjes te vinden.  相似文献   

为明确不同海拔对天水市小麦条锈菌Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici夏孢子萌发的影响,于显微镜下观察天水市低、中、高海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子在不同温度下的萌发及融合情况,并对与夏孢子萌发相关的温敏基因的表达水平进行测定。结果显示,低海拔和中海拔地区的小麦条锈菌夏孢子的最适萌发温度为9℃,萌发率分别为64.72%和54.21%,高海拔地区的小麦条锈菌夏孢子的适宜萌发温度在12~16℃之间,平均萌发率为59.09%;高海拔和低海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子都存在芽管融合和孢子融合现象,其中高海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子的异核率为6.13%,超过了其无性阶段变异的阈值1%。与夏孢子萌发相关的10个温敏基因在不同海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子中的表达趋势不同,其中,与能量代谢相关的葡萄糖转运蛋白基因和低亲和力磷酸转运蛋白基因在高海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子中的表达量高于低海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子,与毒性变异相关的易化因子超家族(major facilitator superfamily,MFS)转运蛋白基因在高海拔和低海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子中的表达模式均呈上升趋势。表明由于海拔...  相似文献   

Rhubarb leaf and petiole spot disease, caused by Ramularia rhei and Ascochyta rhei , has gradually become more noticeable in the UK field crop. Conidial germination and subsequent colony growth of R. rhei and A. rhei were investigated under in vitro conditions on potato dextrose agar and in vivo on leaf discs. Results indicated that the two fungi responded differently to temperature. Ramularia rhei was better adapted to temperatures ≤ 25°C, with an optimum around 20°C, whereas A. rhei was more adapted to temperatures ≥ 15°C, with an optimum > 25°C. Overall, conidia of R. rhei germinated and subsequent colonies grew at greater rates than those of A. rhei on leaf discs at temperatures ≤ 25°C. These results indicated that it is important to identify the causal agent of leaf and petiole spot diseases in rhubarb field crops in order to estimate disease risks accurately.  相似文献   

Several laboratory and glasshouse experiments were conducted to assess seed germination, seedling establishment and growth patterns of wrinklegrass (Ischaemum rugosum Salisb.) influenced by temperature and light regimes, and chemical media. Wrinklegrass was a positively photoblastic species, and seed germination was temperature‐dependent and light‐mediated. Seeds soaked in distilled water for 24 h, or oven‐dried at the respective temperature regimes of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40°C prior to treatment in distilled water and incubated in darkness, failed to germinate. Likewise, no germination prevailed when the seeds were exposed to similar temperature regimes and treated with 0.2 m KNO3, 5% H2O2 or 0.01 m HNO3, and incubated under continuous darkness. Seeds treated with 5% H2O2 at 30°C, or oven‐dried and treated with 0.01% M HNO3 at 35°C registered 10 and 20% germination. Approximately 75 and 90% of the light‐exposed seeds for all treatments germinated in the first three and six days at 25°C. No germination occurred at 15°C in the first three days after treatment. Seeds subjected to 40°C for six days after treatment recorded 36% germination. The optimum temperatures for seed germination were 25–30°C. Seed drying and soaking treatments widened the windows of the optimal temperatures for wrinklegrass germination. The acidic media of KNO3, H2O2 or HNO3 favored seed germination. Less than 5% of seed germination occurred with burial or water inundation at depths exceeding 2 cm. Seed burial or inundation at ≥2 cm depths inhibited seed germination. Seeds sown onto moist paddy soils registered ca. 50% germination. Free‐floating seeds on the water surface registered ca. 98% germination within the first six days after seeding. The mean number of seedlings that survived was inversely proportional to water depths, with close to 100% mortality at the 14 cm depths of inundation. Both plant height and seedling survival were linearly proportional to the amount of root mass of seedlings which penetrated the soil. The weed was a prolific seed producer (ca. 6000 seeds/genet or 18 000 seeds/genet per year). The vegetative and reproductive efforts of each wrinklegrass plant registered values of 0.68 and 0.32, respectively.  相似文献   

Ascospores of both A-group and B-group Leptosphaeria maculans germinated at temperatures from 5 to 20°C on leaves of oilseed rape. Germination of ascospores of both groups started 2 h after inoculation and percentage germination reached its maximum about 14 h after inoculation at all temperatures. Both the percentage of A-/B-group ascospores that had germinated after 24 h incubation and germ tube length increased with increasing temperature from 5 to 20°C. Germ tubes from B-group ascospores were longer than those from A-group ascospores at all temperatures, with the greatest difference at 20°C. Hyphae from ascospores of both groups penetrated the leaves predominantly through stomata, at temperatures from 5 to 20°C. A-group ascospores produced highly branched hyphae that grew tortuously, whereas B-group ascospores produced long, straight hyphae. The percentage of germinated ascospores that penetrated stomata increased with increasing temperature from 5 to 20°C and was greater for A-group than for B-group L. maculans after 40 h incubation.  相似文献   

Conidia ofUncinula necator inoculated on vine leaf disks were exposed to different irradiation conditions during various combinations of irradiation periods. In controlled experiments at constant leaf temperature spore germination and mycelial growth were negatively affected by the UV B doses, irrespective of the exposition duration. In semi-controlled condition experiments, conidia were exposed to shaded, sunny and sunny without UV B radiation conditions. Shaded conditions were always more favourable to spore germination and mycelial growth than sunny conditions. Under two different ranges of temperature (20–24 and 26–31 °C for shaded conditions), the effect of radiation on germination and mycelial growth differed. Thus, the effect of radiation on spore germination and mycelial growth seems to be affected by temperature. In general, radiation effects increased as the number of exposition periods increased, indicating that both spore germination and mycelial growth were reduced, but not totally stopped by the different exposures. Germination was most affected by exposures applied just after inoculation, whereas mycelial growth was most affected by exposures applied one day after inoculation. These results indicate that radiation is an important factor to consider for a better understanding of the relationships between climate and grape powdery mildew epidemics.  相似文献   

小麦叶锈病是小麦生产上的重要病害,防治该病害主要采用抗病品种和喷施化学农药,而探索生物防治是防治该病的一种新方法。本研究使用3株细菌菌悬液对小麦种子进行处理,于小麦一叶期接种叶锈病菌10d后调查其发病率和严重度。结果表明,在盆栽试验中,Sneb1462菌株菌悬液诱导小麦抗叶锈病的效果最好,可使发病率和严重度比对照分别降低27.54%和49.90%;Sneb1462还可促进小麦根部生长,施用后小麦根长和地下部鲜重分别比对照提高30.19%和29.03%。在大田试验中,用Sneb1462菌悬液处理小麦种子后叶锈病的严重度降低38.60%,小麦株高和穗重分别提高16.44%和34.98%,表明该菌株是一株优良的抗病促生菌。经透射电镜观察、16SrDNA序列分析及生理生化的检测,鉴定该菌株为多黏类芽胞杆菌Paenibacillus polymyxa。利用生防细菌Sneb1462进行种子处理防控小麦叶锈病将是一种新型的植保措施,具有重要的研究意义。  相似文献   

Cyanus segetum is an iconic, colourful weed in arable fields that provides ecological and societal services. To understand better both the infestation dynamics of C. segetum as an abundant, harmful weed and maintain sustainable populations where it provides beneficial services, we compared information on seed dormancy, seed longevity and germination conditions in two populations. Persistence of seeds buried in the soil was low, with <10% viable after 3 years. Periodic dormancy cycling was observed over the 4 years in the soil, with a maximum of dormant seeds in the spring and a minimum in the autumn; however, 20% of the seeds were non‐dormant all the time. Seeds of C. segetum were positive photosensitive, but light requirement varied among populations. Base water potential for germination was ?1 MPa. Base temperature ranged from 1 to 2°C. Optimum temperature for germination was about 10 to 15°C, but the mean thermal time varied greatly between populations, from 80 to 134 day °C. Photoperiod and temperature combinations had no effect on germination percentage, but both reduced the germination rate. Burial deeper than 2 cm greatly reduced germination and seedling emergence strongly decreased at depths >0.5 cm. No seeds buried deeper than 8 cm emerged. Low seed longevity and a wide range of germination conditions could partly explain the rapid disappearance of C. segetum populations after herbicide application began in western Europe. However, yearly sowing in restoration areas does not seem to be essential.  相似文献   

Wheat brown rust pathotype (pt) 104-2,3,(6),(7), 11 was first detected in Australasia in Victoria during 1984. Although it appeared similar to a pre-existing pathotype, 104-2,3,6,(7), detailed greenhouse test revealed nine pathogenic differences between the two rusts. Six differences involved contrasting virulence/avirulence for the resistance genes/specificitiesLr12, Lr27+Lr31 andLr16, and three uncharacterised genes, present in the wheat cultivars Gaza and Harrier, and in triticale cultivar Lasko. Differences in partial virulence between the pathotypes were found for the genesLr2a, Lr13 andLr26. A comparison of the phenotypes for 13 isozyme systems in the two pathotypes revealed two differences, including aPgm2 allele in pt 104-2,3,(6),(7),11 not found in other contemporary AustralasianPuccinia recondita f. sp.tritici pathotypes. On the basis of these differences, it was concluded that pt 104-2,3,(6),(7),11 was introduced into the Australasian region before or during 1984.Seven variants of pt 104-2,3,(6),(7),11, that differed by single virulences, were detected during 1984–1992. Pt 104-2,3,(6),(7),11 and a derivative pathotype with virulence forLr20 underwent rapid increases in frequency, largely displacing pathotypes which predominated before 1984. Although first detected in eastern Australia, both pathotypes spread to New Zealand, and the derivative pathotype appeared in Western Australia. The rapid spread and increase of these pathotypes could not be explained by host selection. Pt 104-2,3,(6),(7),11 and derivatives may therefore be more aggressive than other contemporary Australasian pathotypes.Abbreviations NSW New South Wales - Prt Puccinia recondita f. sp.tritici - Qld Queensland - SA South Australia - WA Western Australia  相似文献   

Colletotrichum coccodes is currently being investigated as a mycoherbicide against the weed velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti). Two isolates ofPseudomonas spp. (Ps2 and Ps5) reduced the percentage of germ tubes and increased appressorial formation ofC. coccodes on detached leaves of velvetleaf. A study was conducted to see whether this effect could be attributed to competition for nutrients or iron betweenC. coccodes andPseudomonas spp. Ps2 and Ps5 had no effect on early spore germination, but reduced the percentage of germ tubes at 24 and 30 h, compared to the nontreated control. This reduction was diminished by the addition of nutrients but not Fe3+. Ps2 and Ps5 stimulated the formation of dark-coloured appressoria without germ tubes (AWGT), but this stimulation was diminished by the addition of nutrients or Fe3+. Germ tube branching at 30 h was also inhibited by the bacteria, but was not diminished by the addition of nutrients or iron. EDTA stimulated conidial germination at 10 h, which was reduced by the addition of Fe3+. However, EDTA did not stimulate the formation of appressoria (AWGT). These results suggest that the reduction in the percentage of germ tubes and the increase in the percentage of appressoria induced by the bacteria may be due to the competition for carbon or nitrogen. Iron competition may also be involved in the stimulation of appressorial formation, but not in the reduction in germ tube percentage and branching. Phylloplane bacteria may compete for carbon, nitrogen and iron, limiting the saprophytic phase of the pathogen on the phylloplane and accelerating the development of the parasitic phase. This may enhance the field efficacy ofC. coccodes as a biocontrol agent against velvetleaf.  相似文献   

An isolate of Puccinia coronata f.sp. avenae with virulence against the oat crown rust resistance gene Pc94 was discovered in oat fields in Córdoba, Spain. In order to identify alternative sources of resistance to this virulent isolate, a collection of 159 Avena accessions, including 107 A. sativa and 29 A. byzantina landraces and 23 commercial A. sativa and A. strigosa cultivars, was screened. Eight resistant landraces and four cultivars were selected according to macroscopic assessment to further characterize the operative defence mechanisms. Histological studies showed a range of defence mechanisms, acting alone or in combination, which impeded fungal development at different stages. Some accessions allowed reduced fungal growth before mesophyll penetration. In others, the fungus was arrested at the penetration stage by mesophyll cell wall strengthening and/or papilla deposition. Mesophyll cells of several accessions were penetrated by the fungus, but then the hypersensitive response (HR) leading to cell death hampered fungal development. In some cases cell death was very fast and colonies aborted early, whereas in other cases necrosis was observed later and associated with numerous secondary hyphae, suggesting a slow HR. Characterization of defence mechanisms will be useful for breeding programmes and for further cellular and molecular studies to unravel the bases of resistance. Commonalities with the resistance of the same oat collection to powdery mildew are discussed.  相似文献   

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