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A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to estimate whole-farm greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from beef production in western Canada. The aim was to determine the relative contributions of the cow-calf and feedlot components to these emissions, and to examine the proportion of whole-farm emissions attributable to enteric methane (CH4). The simulated farm consisted of a beef production operation comprised of 120 cows, four bulls, and their progeny, with the progeny fattened in a feedlot. The farm also included cropland and native prairie pasture for grazing to supply the feed for the animals. The LCA was conducted over 8 years to fully account for the lifetime GHG emissions from the cows, bulls and progeny, as well as the beef marketed from cull cows, cull bulls, and progeny raised for market. The emissions were estimated using Holos, a whole-farm model developed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Holos is an empirical model, with a yearly time-step, based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change methodology, modified for Canadian conditions and farm scale. The model considers all significant CH4, N2O, and CO2 emissions and removals on the farm, as well as emissions from manufacture of inputs (fertilizer, herbicides) and off-farm emissions of N2O derived from nitrogen applied on the farm. The LCA estimated the GHG intensity of beef production in this system at 22 kg CO2 equivalent (kg carcass)−1. Enteric CH4 was the largest contributing source of GHG accounting for 63% of total emissions. Nitrous oxide from soil and manure accounted for a further 27% of the total emissions, while CH4 emissions from manure and CO2 energy emissions were minor contributors. Within the beef production cycle, the cow-calf system accounted for about 80% of total GHG emissions and the feedlot system for only 20%. About 84% of enteric CH4 was from the cow-calf herd, mostly from mature cows. It follows that mitigation practices to reduce GHG emissions from beef production should focus on reducing enteric CH4 production from mature beef cows. However, mitigation approaches must also recognize that the cow-calf production system also has many ancillary environmental benefits, allowing use of grazing and forage lands that can preserve soil carbon reserves and provide other ecosystems services.  相似文献   

Water-related investment projects affect downstream water availability, and therefore should account for these externalities. Few projects do, however, owing to lack of awareness, lack of data and difficulty in linking upstream investments to downstream effects. This article assesses the downstream impacts of rainwater harvesting in a semi-arid basin in Southern India, focusing on the trade-offs that arise when crop water use is re-allocated from a downstream surface water irrigation system to groundwater irrigated agriculture upstream. The results indicate that the downstream impacts are considerable and that net benefits are insufficient to pay back investment costs. Further research is required to reduce the uncertainties in the water balance of irrigation systems at basin level, to account for the inter-annual variability of crop water availability and to elaborate the wider welfare effects.  相似文献   

The importance of farmer participation in system design and management has been emphasized in previous studies. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting farmer participation in irrigation management using survey research. The study was conducted in Doroodzan Dam Irrigation Network in Fars province, Iran. Multistage stratified random sampling was used to collect data from 270 farmers as the research sample. Results reveal that farmers’ attitudes toward participation in irrigation management, attitudes toward personnel of the State Water Authority and the Agricultural Extension Service Centers (AESCs), family size, the problem perception, dependence on the dam for water, and educational background have influenced their participation in irrigation management. By contrast, contact with information sources, animal units, sociability, age and agricultural experience did not affect farmers’ participation. Moreover, based on farmers’ perspectives, unequal water distribution among farms, dissatisfaction with Water Authority operators and high water fees and charges were the main problems and obstacles toward farmer participation in irrigation management.  相似文献   

The use of measured water in controlling flows for the irrigation of sugarcane was found to be vital for the rehabilitation and management of surface irrigation on a 5000 ha sugarcane project. Methods of water delivery, measurement and control at Inyoni Yami Swaziland Irrigation Scheme (IYSIS) are described. Improvements to the irrigation, using existing methods of water measurement, were carried out over a period of four years. The lessons gained in this programme of improvements confirmed the benefits of using modulus gates which allow a constant, measured, discharge of water.  相似文献   

In many countries today, irrigation systems have been transferred to the water user associations (WUAs). Accordingly, it is believed that the performance of the irrigation systems is dependent on the performance of the WUAs.In this study, the performance of participatory irrigation management (PIM) over time is assessed with regard to the Kestel WUA serving a wide area of Turkey's Aegean coast. Data relating to the WUA is obtained from both the State Hydraulic Works and WUAs’ own records. In addition, two surveys have been carried out with the members of the WUA with an 8-year interval between them. Data have been analyzed within the framework of selected irrigation performance criteria and indicators. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the perceptions of the farmers on the WUA at different survey periods. A Logit model was estimated to evaluate the relationship between the irrigation problems and the level of satisfaction from the WUA.The performance of the WUA with the indicators of utility, productivity, sustainability and financial efficiency was found to be positive; while the performance of adequacy was identified as poor. The farmers were generally satisfied of the WUA's operation, with their level of satisfaction improving over time. On the other hand, the farmers were not fully convinced that they had input with the system management. The initial design of the channel system and its maintenance were identified to be the key factors affecting user satisfaction.Overall, the Kestel WUA may be considered a successful example, thus supporting a promising future for PIM. Yet improved control and farmer education is needed for a superior performance of all indicators; and further enhanced farmer participation in management should be achieved in order to raise the level of farmer satisfaction.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the impact of the removal of operating subsidies to the Philippine National Irrigation Administration on the management performance of a small canal irrigation system in Southern Luzon. It shows that in this case the creation of financial autonomy of the agency did not fully engender the often assumed positive effects regarding both accountability relationships and irrigation management performance. The conclusions specify a number of issues related to the theory of financial autonomy which require further study.  相似文献   

A crucial, yet little understood, element in the economic studies of irrigation is the role played by companies who manage the supply of water. Many of these companies are publicly managed as they have the potential to act as monopolists. Possibly as a consequence of their ownership structure, analysts have questioned the economic viability and management of these firms. The case is made that many of these companies do not run profitably, that they rely on government subsidies to survive, that they do not spend enough on maintenance and that they run down their capital base. The purpose in this paper is to specify the measures that allow analysts to examine the financial viability of a publicly owned irrigation management companies and to apply these to a scheme in Vietnam. Of concern and contention in any irrigation scheme is the price that a company should charge for water in order to recover costs in the short-run. It was found that the company under investigation could not operate without subsidies and did run down their assets. It was found that a great disparity exists between what the consumers were charged for water and what the company received for supplying it. To ensure the sustainability of the Irrigation Management Companies in long term, they may have to increase the water fee by 3.75 times the current rate set by the provincial government (US$ 20 per ha).  相似文献   

Most published research concerning the environmental impacts of broiler poultry production is limited to assessments of on-farm gaseous and nutrient emissions. Here, ISO-compliant Life Cycle Assessment was used to predict the broader, macroscale environmental impacts of the material and energy inputs and emissions along the US broiler supply chain. It was found that feed provision accounts for 80% of supply chain energy use, 82% of greenhouse gas emissions, 98% of ozone depleting emissions, 96% of acidifying emissions and 97% of eutrophying emissions associated with the cradle-to-farm gate production of broiler poultry. On-farm inputs and emissions, largely related to heating and ventilation contribute on average only 9% of these impacts. These results underscore the fallacy of “landless farming” and the importance of full supply-chain environmental management for improving sustainability in the US poultry industry.  相似文献   

刘银辉 《湖南农机》2009,(4):73-74,92
目前学校档案管理工作中存在的一些问题亟待解决,档案管理工作的基本原则包括整体性原则、服务性原则和社会化原则,学校的档案管理工作唯有创新才有出路,重点应加强观念创新,技术创新和知识创新。  相似文献   

In recent years, the traditional concept of an irrigation project has been changing. From just a physical structure for the storage, conveyance and distribution of water, it is now being regarded as a more complex system, including farmers' participation. This implies an improved management in all phases, from reservoir operation to farm management, and therefore the change from simple operation and maintenance to operation, maintenance and management.To face this new challenge, existing projects must be modernized. The Sorraia Irrigation Project is one of those projects. In this paper major problems are identified and it is showed how research (namely through modelling) can be oriented towards an improved management, regarding the conveyance and distribution systems as well as the on-farm systems.Finally it becomes evident that beyond the technical problems to be solved, the involvement and participation of farmers must be improved at all levels of management. Hence, there is also a need for implementing programs on education, training and extension.  相似文献   

随着我国科学的不断规范,建筑工程档案管理要与时俱进.文章主要阐述了加强建筑工程档案管理基础工作,提高干部队伍素质,才能适应新形势的需要.开创档案管理工作,不断地提升一个城建单位的管理水平,实现档案管理工作的自身价值,可以为经济发展和社会进步做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

The use of peatlands in the humid tropics requires drainage to remove excess rainfall. The design principles for the drainage systems currently being implemented on peatlands are the same as for mineral soils. The objective of such systems is the timely removal of excess rainfall by surface runoff. For peatlands, with their different soil-hydraulic characteristics, these systems have resulted in poor watertable control and high rates of irreversible subsidence. Concerns about this rate of subsidence and the level of sustainability of the present land use have prompted a study to develop a new water management system. This new system includes a shift from a drainage system that focuses on discharge of excess water towards a system that combines drainage and water conservation. In the new two-step design, the drain spacing and corresponding drain discharges are obtained with a steady-state approach. These outputs are used to calculate the capacity of the drains, including control structures, using an unsteady-state approach. The new system results in a shallower but more narrowly spaced drainage system and maintains a more constant but relatively high watertable and reduces subsidence. It should be remembered however, that even with the improved water management, subsidence cannot be arrested; it is the price one has to pay for the use of tropical peatlands.  相似文献   

The development of a role playing exercise for training of irrigation professionals in the management of small holder irrigation schemes is described. The exercise places participants in the position of either agency staff or farmers. As farmers participants are dependent on irrigation water supplies from the agency managed run-of-the-river irrigation system. As agency staff participants are responsible for water allocation between competing demands on the main system. The exercise develops interaction between the participants as they trade in water and negotiate for irrigation supplies.The exercise develops an understanding of the issues involved in managing an irrigation system, though not only on technical matters such as water allocation policy, yield response to water and performance assessment. The exercise also creates an awareness of the whole system, in particular the importance of communication between agency staff and farmers, and between farmers themselves.The Irrigation Management Game is the copyright of the author, Professor Ian Carruthers of Wye College, University of London and consulting engineers Mott MacDonald, Cambridge, UK.  相似文献   

The non-uniformity of soils, weather, fields, cropping pattern and canal systems in most surface irrigation schemes makes irrigation water management complex, but optimum performance is important particularly in irrigation schemes with limited water supply. This paper focuses on the performance of irrigation water management during the area and water allocation with a case study of an irrigation scheme in the semi-arid region of India. Often the irrigation managers or authorities of these heterogeneous irrigation schemes also need to deal with different allocation rules. The allocation plans and the corresponding water delivery schedules during the allocation process were estimated with the help of a simulation–optimisation model for different allocation rules based on cropping distributions (free and fixed), water distributions (free and fixed-area proportionate), irrigation depth (full, fixed depth and variable depth irrigation) and irrigation interval (from 14 to 35 days). The performance measures of productivity (in terms of net benefits and area irrigated), equity (in water distribution), adequacy and excess were assessed for these different allocation plans and schedules. These were further compared with the performance measures of the existing rule (fixed depth irrigation at a fixed interval). The analysis revealed that these performance measures are in some cases complimentary and in other cases conflicting with each other. Therefore, it would be appropriate for the irrigation managers to understand fully the nature of the variation in performance measures for different allocation rules prior to deciding the allocation plans for the irrigation scheme.  相似文献   

The Murrumbidgee River catchment is a major region of both dryland and irrigated agricultural production in eastern Australia. The salinity of water in the lower reaches of the river is the subject of concern; changing land management upstream is one option to minimise accessions of salt to the river but this must be done in a way that provides an adequate quantity of water for downstream users and the environment.

We examined 30 years of sporadic data on the ionic composition of water for 7 subcatchments contributing to the mid-Murrumbidgee River and for 2 gauging stations on the river itself. Despite the common local presumption that salinity, measured as electrical conductivity (EC), is primarily due to NaCl from cyclic marine salt, we found that NaCl was the dominant salt in only some streams. The presence of HCO3's of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in all streams, and their dominance in 2 streams, indicates that mineral weathering is also a major contributor to the salt load of water in the catchment. However, Ca2+ and Mg2+ bicarbonates have limited solubility and so their concentrations will not become a cause of osmotic stress when the water is used for drinking or irrigation. Therefore, in our efforts to prioritise lower order catchments of the Murrumbidgee River for changed land management, it will be necessary to examine the nature of the salts they discharge, not just EC. By distinguishing between Cl/Na+ dominated streams and Ca2+, Mg2+/HCO3 dominated streams we can refine our search for sources of osmotic stress which might potentially worsen with time. This will enable us to target particular land management units so as to obtain the maximum reduction in downstream salinity with a minimal decrease in flow volume and minimal area of land undergoing changed landuse.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2006,89(2-3):429-450
Despite the extensive investment in developing computer based decision aids over many years, farmers have failed to utilise other than relatively simple systems, such as accounting and budgeting packages, to any great extent. Another approach to improving farming efficiency, which could well be more successful, is the development of training packages designed to improve farmers’ management skills. These skills get used every day, many on an intuitive basis. The first task in developing this approach involves determining the skills farmers believe are important, and, therefore, need developing. This study provides answers, at least in the New Zealand setting, by reporting information from a large number of randomly selected farmers, as well as professional consultants. The results show both groups believe a wide range of skills are important, and that the set is largely common across all farm types, age spectrums, educational backgrounds, as well as across the full range of ‘managerial styles’ used by the farmers. Similarly, variations in objectives do not influence the ranking of the important skills. The conclusions can be summarised by noting the farmers believe selecting and managing people is a critical skill, as are the components of information gathering and the use of the information in planning, including risk management. Effective implementation of the plans is also regarded as being critical through skills such as anticipation, ‘looking ahead’, and accurate and complete observation, resisting panic, and acting decisively. Devising automatic systems to improve these skills is the next challenge.  相似文献   

During the past two decades with farmer participation in irrigation management moving to center stage, the traditional view of having a centralized control over the water resources for better management has changed. Nevertheless, success of irrigation management transfer depend on a whole set of institutional arrangements or the rules-in-use and the willingness of the users to comply and enforce and/or change the rules in the light of changing circumstances. There are many institutional analyses of water sector, much of them touch on law, policy and administration, and characteristics of the users. The present paper is based on the study carried out to examine the institutional arrangements in one of the water users association that was first in the Maharashtra state. It focuses on the institutional arrangements governing water use and distribution and attempts to elicit the perceptions of the members regarding the rules-in-use. The findings reveal that the WUA has been successful in devising and enforcing the rules for water distribution, fee collection and conflict resolution for over a decade. However, current socio-economic developments such as political heterogeneity have required explicit conflict resolution mechanisms. These issues have now become issues demanding immediate attention and may be use of existing courts or legal institutions to help the WUA sustain in future.  相似文献   

Two field studies were conducted on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley of California to demonstrate the potential for integrated management of irrigation and drainage systems. The first study used a modified cotton crop coefficient to calculate the irrigation schedule controlling the operation of a subsurface drip system irrigating cotton in an area with saline groundwater at a depth of 1.5 m. Use of the coefficient resulted in 40% of the crop water requirement coming from the groundwater without a loss in lint yield. The second study evaluated the impact of the installation of controls on a subsurface drainage system installed on a 65 hectare field. As a result of the drainage controls, 140 mm less water was applied to the tomato crop without a yield loss. A smaller relative weight of tomatoes classified as limited use, was found in the areas with the water table closest to the soil surface.  相似文献   

陈刚 《湖南农机》2011,(5):222-223
城市道路平面交叉口是城市路网中重要的节点,也是事故频发和造成交通延误的瓶颈点。概述了接入管理技术的概念和设计原则,介绍了在城市道路平面交叉口中典型的接入管理技术。对改善城市道路平面交叉口交通安全及促使城市可持续发展具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the conceptual evolution of watershed management within the context of an action research program operating in the highlands of eastern Africa, as informed by both theory and practice. Following a review of the watershed management literature, and brief program and methodological overviews, the paper explores in detail the concepts of “participation” and “integration” in watershed management. Conceptual and methodological dimensions of the terms are discussed in the context of a watershed implementation process, clarifying how “watershed issues” are defined by local users, how “stakeholders” are defined with respect to those issues, and how participation and integration may be operationalized in practice. Data are selectively chosen from different pilot sites to illustrate how concepts underlying watershed management have been refined, and methods improved. It is clear that “participation” in problem diagnosis and program implementation must move beyond community-level fora to socially-disaggregated processes and explicit management of trade-offs to diverse groups. Secondly, integration does not come about through implementation of parallel interventions, but rather through an explicit analysis of potential trade-offs and synergies of interventions to diverse system components, and strategies to define and reach systems-level goals. Each approach requires attention to ways to optimize returns to diverse social groups and system components while minimizing negative spin-offs. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for agricultural research and development in the eastern African region.  相似文献   

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