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Mixed farming systems constitute a large proportion of agricultural production in the tropics, and provide multiple benefits for the world’s poor. However, our understanding of the functioning of these systems is limited. Modeling offers the best approach to quantify outcomes from many interacting causal variables in these systems. The objective of this study was to develop an integrated crop-livestock model to assess biophysical and economic consequences of farming practices exhibited in sheep systems of Yucatán state, Mexico. A Vensim™ dynamic stock-flow feedback model was developed to integrate scientific and practical knowledge of management, flock dynamics, sheep production, partitioning of nutrients, labor, and economic components. The model accesses sheep production and manure quantity and quality data generated using the Small Ruminant Nutrition System (SRNS), and interfaces on a daily basis with an Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) model that simulates weather, crop, and soil dynamics. Model evaluation indicated that the integrated model adequately represents the complex interactions that occur between farmers, crops, and livestock.  相似文献   

The Yucatán Peninsula has the largest reserve of water in Mexico. It is generally believed that groundwater is of good quality although its agricultural quality has been scarcely studied. The aims of this study were to identify and characterize zones with distinctive groundwater qualities for agricultural use in Yucatán. Water samples were collected at 113 supply wells. The concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3, SO42−, NO3, Cl and the electric conductivity (EC) were determined. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), potential salinity (PS) and effective salinity (ES) were also calculated. A geostatistical analysis by kriging interpolation was performed. ES, PS and SAR as well as Na+, EC, Cl, SO42−, and Ca2+ were selected to make maps, in accordance with the values of semivariogram and values of cross-validation. The map of the ES was taken as the base to make the map of zones of agricultural quality groundwater. The quality of karstic groundwater in the state of Yucatán cannot be recommended for agriculture in Zones I (EC and ES), II (EC, Chlorides, PS and ES) and III (EC, sulfates and ES); in Zones IV and V the water is of medium quality and in the Zone VI, water is considered good for agricultural use. This information will be relevant in decision-making for government's agricultural and environmental planning.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to simulate the uptake concentrations (weights of ion per volume of water absorbed) of Na+ and Cl in hydroponic tomato crops as a function of the NaCl concentration in the root zone. An empirical model was calibrated and validated, which can be incorporated into on-line operating decision support systems aimed at optimizing the nutrient supply and minimizing the discharge of drainage solution in tomato crops grown in closed-cycle hydroponic systems. Three experiments were conducted, of which one was carried out to calibrate the model using irrigation water with NaCl concentration ranging from 0 to 14.7 mol m−3 while the other two experiments were commissioned to validate the model within either a low (0.5-2 mol m−3) or a high (1.2-12 mol m−3) concentration range. The model could successfully predict the uptake concentration of Na+, but Cl could not be simulated by this model at external Cl concentrations lower than 10 mol m−3. The results indicate that Na+ is excluded actively and effectively by the tested tomato cultivar even at low external Na+ concentrations, while Cl is readily taken up at low concentrations, particularly during the initial growing stages. Due to the efficient exclusion of Na+ by tomato, the Na+ concentration in the root environment increased rapidly to extremely high levels even when the Na+ concentration in the irrigation water was relatively low. These results indicate that tomato genotypes characterized by high salt-exclusion efficiency, require irrigation water with a very low NaCl concentration, if they are grown in closed hydroponic systems and the drainage water is not flushed periodically. To maintain Na+ at levels lower than 19 mol m−3 in the root zone of the tomato hybrid ‘Formula’ in closed hydroponics, a maximum acceptable Na+ concentration of 0.53 mol m−3 was estimated for the irrigation water.  相似文献   

The growing demand for maize (Zea mays L.) in intensive livestock and other industries has opened up fresh opportunities for further expansion of the maize industry in Australia, which could be targeted in relatively water rich semi-arid tropical (SAT) regions of the country. This crop simulation study assessed the potential productivity and water requirements of maize peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) rotations for the SAT climatic zone of Australia using the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) model. APSIM was configured to simulate maize (Pioneer hybrid 3153) either in the dry (May-October) or wet season (November-April) and peanut (cv. Conder) in the following season for three soils found at Katherine (14.48°S, 132.25°E) from 1957 to 2008. The simulated mean total yield potential of the dry season maize and wet season peanut (DMWP) rotation (15-19.2 t/ha) was about 28% greater than the wet season maize-dry season peanut (WMDP) rotation because of the higher yield potential of maize in the dry season compared to in the wet season. These high yields in the DMWP rotation have been achieved commercially. The overall simulated irrigation water requirement for both rotations, which varied from 11.5 to 13.8 ML/ha on different soils, was similar. The DMWP rotation had 21% higher water use efficiency. Similar yield and water use efficiency advantages of the DMWP rotation were apparent for eight other agriculturally important locations in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland. The simulations for Katherine also suggested that the irrigation requirement of the two rotations could increase by 17.5% in El-Nino years compared to La-Nina years for only a small gain in yield, which has implications for climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Crops grown in semiarid rainfed conditions are prone to water stress which could be alleviated by improving cultural practices. This study determined the effect of cropping system, cultivar, soil nitrogen status and Rhizobium inoculation (Rz) on water use and water use efficiency (WUE) of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in semiarid environments. The cultivars Amit, CDC Anna, CDC Frontier, and CDC Xena were grown in no-till barley, no-till wheat, and tilled-fallow systems and under various rates of N fertilizer (0, 28, 56, 84, and 112 kg N ha−1) coupled with or without Rz. The study was conducted at Swift Current and Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, from 2004 to 2006. On average, chickpea used about 10 mm of water from the top 0-15 cm soil depth. In the tilled-fallow system, chickpea extracted 20% more water in the 15-30 cm depth, 70% more in the 30-60 cm depth, and 156% more in the 60-120 cm depth than when it was grown in the no-till systems. CDC Xena had WUE of 5.3 kg ha−1 mm−1 or 20% less than the average WUE (6.6 kg ha−1 mm−1) of the three other cultivars, even though these cultivars used the same amounts of water. Water use efficiency increased from 4.7 to 6.8 kg ha−1 mm−1 as N fertilizer rate was increased from 0 to 112 kg N ha−1 when chickpea was grown in the no-till barley or wheat systems, but chickpea grown in the tilled-fallow system did not respond to changes in the fertilizer N rates averaging WUE of 6.5 kg ha−1 mm−1. In the absence of N fertilizer, the application of Rz increased WUE by 33% for chickpea grown in the no-till barley system, 30% in the no-till wheat system, and 9% in the tilled-fallow system. Chickpea inoculated with Rhizobium achieved a WUE value similar to the crop fertilized at 84 kg N ha−1. Without the use of Rz, chickpea increased WUE in a linear fashion with increasing fertilizer N rates from 0 to 84 kg N ha−1. Cropping system, cultivar, and inoculation all had greater impact on WUE than on the amount of water extracted by the crop from the soil. The improvement of cultural practices to promote general plant health along with the development of cultivars with improved crop yields will be keys for improving water use efficiency of chickpea in semiarid environments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that (1) the tree Acacia senegal competes for water with associated agricultural crops, and the soil water content would vary spatially with tree density and type of management; (2) the microclimate created by trees would favourably affect the soil water content and improve the growth of associated agricultural crops. Trees were grown at 5 m × 5 m or 10 m × 10 m spacing alone or in mixture with sorghum or sesame. Soil water content was measured using a neutron probe at three depths, 0–25, 25–50 and 50–75 cm; and at different stages of crop development (early, mid, and late). Crop growth and yield and the overall system performance were investigated over a 4-year period (1999–2002). Results showed no significant variation in the soil water content under different agroforestry systems. Intercropping also resulted in a higher land equivalent ratio. No significant variation was found between yields of sorghum and sesame when these crops were grown with or without trees. The averages crop yields were1.54 and 1.54 t ha−1 for sorghum; and 0.36 and 0.42 t ha−1for sesame in intercropping and pure cultivation, respectively. This suggests that at an early stage of agroforestry system management, A. senegal has no detrimental effect on agricultural crop yield. However, the pattern of resource capture by trees and crops can change as the system matures. There was little competition between trees and crops for water suggesting that in A. senegal agroforestry systems with 4-year-old trees the clay soil has enough water to support the crop growth over a whole growing season up to maturation and harvest.  相似文献   

In Queensland the subtropical strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) breeding program aims to combine traits into novel genotypes that increase production efficiency. The contribution of individual plant traits to cost and income under subtropical Queensland conditions was investigated, with the overall goal of improving the profitability of the industry through the release of new strawberry cultivars. The study involved specifying the production and marketing system using three cultivars of strawberry that are currently widely grown annually in southeast Queensland, developing methods to assess the economic impact of changes to the system, and identifying plant traits that influence outcomes from the system.From May through September P (price; $ punnet−1), V (monthly mass; tonne of fruit on the market) and M (calendar month; i.e. May = 5) were found to be related (r2 = 0.92) by the function (±SE) P = 4.741(±0.469) − 0.001630(±0.0005)V − 0.226(±0.102)M using data from 2006 to 2010 for the Brisbane central market. Both income and cost elements in the gross margin were subject to sensitivity analysis.‘Harvesting’ and ‘Handling/Packing’ ‘Groups’ of ‘Activities’ were the major contributors to variable costs (each >20%) in the gross margin analysis. Within the ‘Harvesting Group’, the ‘Picking Activity’ contributed most (>80%) with the trait ‘display of fruit’ having the greatest (33%) influence on the cost of the ‘Picking Activity’. Within the ‘Handling/Packing Group’, the ‘Packing Activity’ contributed 50% of costs with the traits ‘fruit shape’, ‘fruit size variation’ and ‘resistance to bruising’ having the greatest (12-62%) influence on the cost of the ‘Packing Activity’. Non-plant items (e.g. carton purchases) made up the other 50% of the costs within the ‘Handling/Packing Group’. When any of the individual traits in the ‘Harvesting’ and ‘Handling/Packing’ groups were changed by one unit (on a 1-9 scale) the gross margin changed by up to 1%. Increasing yield increased the gross margin to a maximum (15% above present) at 1320 g plant−1 (94% above present). A 10% redistribution of total yield from September to May increased the gross margin by 23%. Increasing fruit size increased gross margin: a 75% increase in fruit size (to ≈30 g) produced a 22% increase in the gross margin.The modified gross margin analysis developed in this study allowed simultaneous estimation of the gross margin for the producer and gross value of the industry. These parameters sometimes move in opposite directions.  相似文献   

Excessive amounts of irrigation water and fertilizers are often utilized for early potato cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. Given that water is expensive and limited in the semi-arid areas and that fertilizers above a threshold level often prove inefficacious for production purposes but still risk nitrate and phosphorous pollution of groundwater, it is crucial to provide an adequate irrigation and fertilization management. With the aim of achieving an appropriate combination of irrigation water and nutrient application in cultivation management of a potato crop in a Mediterranean environment, a 2-year experiment was conducted in Sicily (South Italy). The combined effects of 3 levels of irrigation (irrigation only at plant emergence, 50% and 100% of the maximum evapotranspiration - ETM) and 3 levels of mineral fertilization (low: 50, 25 and 75 kg ha−1, medium: 100, 50 and 150 kg ha−1 and high: 300, 100 and 450 kg ha−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) were studied on the tuber yield and yield components, on both water irrigation and fertilizer productivity and on the plant source/sink (canopy/tubers dry weight) ratio. The results show a marked interaction between level of irrigation and level of fertilization on tuber yield, on Irrigation Water Productivity and on fertilizer productivity of the potato crop. We found that the treatments based on 50% ETM and a medium level of fertilization represent a valid compromise in early potato cultivation management. Compared to the high combination levels of irrigation and fertilization, this treatment entails a negligible reduction in tuber yield to save 90 mm ha−1 year−1 of irrigation water and 200, 50 and 300 kg ha−1 year−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, with notable economic savings for farmers compared to the spendings that are usually made.  相似文献   

The use of treated sewage effluent in agriculture has been a current practice in several countries. However, in Brazil, there are few studies about this subject. This research work aimed at evaluating the potential utilization of secondary-treated sewage effluent (STSE) as an alternative source of water and nitrogen (N) for Tifton 85 bermudagrass pasture. A field experiment was carried out at Lins, State of São Paulo, Brazil, for 2 years, using a randomized complete block design, with four replications and five treatments, as follows: (i) T1 (control) – irrigation with potable water and addition of mineral-N fertilizer (MNF) – 520 kg N ha−1 year−1; (ii) T2–T5 – irrigation with STSE (31.9 mg total-N L−1) and addition of MNF – 0, 171.6, 343.2 and 520 kg N ha−1 year−1, respectively. Potable water and STSE characteristics were monitored monthly; above ground grass dry matter yield (DM) and crude protein content (CP) were determined bimonthly. Increases in DM and CP were observed for the high MNF rates associated with irrigation with STSE. STSE irrigation can efficiently substitute potable water for irrigation of Tifton 85 bermudagrass pasture and, simultaneously, save 32.2–81.0% of the recommended N rate without loss of grass DM and CP yield.  相似文献   

The model predicts the selection of herbage from pastures containing green and dry clover and grass, intake of digestible organic matter and nitrogen, and changes in liveweights and wool growth in Merino wethers. Details of the prediction relationships and their derivation are given. Sensitivity analyses were done and the reason for poorer predictions on clover dominant pasture found and corrected.  相似文献   

This study was performed to test three methods based on the FAO-56 “dual” crop coefficient approach to estimate actual evapotranspiration (AET) for winter wheat under different irrigation treatments in the semi-arid region of Tensift Al Haouz, Marrakech (center of Morocco). The three methods differ in the calculation of the basal crop coefficient (Kcb) and the fraction of soil surface covered by vegetation (fc). The first approach strictly follows the FAO-56 procedure, with Kcb given in the FAO-56 tables and fc calculated from Kcb (No-Calibration method). The second method uses local Kcb and fc values estimated from field measurements (Local-Calibration method) and the last approach uses a remotely-sensed vegetation index to estimate Kcb and fc (NDVI-Calibration method). The analysis was performed on three fields using actual (AET) measured by Eddy Correlation systems. It was shown that the Local-Calibration approach gave best results. Accurate estimates of Kcb and fc were necessary for FAO-56 “dual” crop coefficient application. The locally derived Kcb for winter wheat taken at initial, mid-season, and maturity crop growth were 0.15, 0.90 and 0.23, respectively. The Kcb value at the mid-season stage was found to be considerably less than that suggested by the FAO-56.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research was to evaluate the potential of the dual approach of FAO-56 for estimating actual crop evapotranspiration (AET) and its components (crop transpiration and soil evaporation) of an olive (Olea europaea L.) orchard in the semi-arid region of Tensift-basin (central of Morocco). Two years (2003 and 2004) of continuous measurements of AET with the eddy-covariance technique were used to test the performance of the model. The results showed that, by using the local values of basal crop coefficients, the approach simulates reasonably well AET over two growing seasons. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between measured and simulated AET values during 2003 and 2004 were respectively about 0.54 and 0.71 mm per day. The basal crop coefficient (Kcb) value obtained for the olive orchard was similar in both seasons with an average of 0.54. This value was lower than that suggested by the FAO-56 (0.62). Similarly, the single approach of FAO-56 has been tested in the previous work (Er-Raki et al., 2008) over the same study site and it has been shown that this approach also simulates correctly AET when using the local crop coefficient and under no stress conditions.Since the dual approach predicts separately soil evaporation and plant transpiration, an attempt was made to compare the simulated components of AET with measurements obtained through a combination of eddy covariance and scaled-up sap flow measurements. The results showed that the model gives an acceptable estimate of plant transpiration and soil evaporation. The associated RMSE of plant transpiration and soil evaporation were 0.59 and 0.73 mm per day, respectively.Additionally, the irrigation efficiency was investigated by comparing the irrigation scheduling design used by the farmer to those recommended by the FAO model. It was found that although the amount of irrigation applied by the farmer (800 mm) during the growing season of olives was twice that recommended one by the FAO model (411 mm), the vegetation suffered from water stress during the summer. Such behaviour can be explained by inadequate distribution of irrigation. Consequently, the FAO model can be considered as a potentially useful tool for planning irrigation schedules on an operational basis.  相似文献   

The ex ante assessment of innovative agro-ecological innovations is a key step in the development of more sustainable crop management systems. To this end, models are useful tools because they make it possible to rapidly assess numerous innovations in different contexts. Whereas many farm optimisation models focusing on the farmer’s strategic decision to adopt new crop management systems have been published, little attention has been given to the ex ante modelling of the dynamic operational impacts of innovation adoption at the farm level. BANAD, a mechanistic model for such applications, is proposed. It allows the ex ante assessment of innovative management systems including new agro-ecological techniques, while taking into account different farming contexts and policy and market conditions. It includes three components: (i) a crop management system model, (ii) a crop model (SIMBA) and (iii) a farming system model. Our results applied to the ex ante assessment of six innovative banana management systems for three contrasted farm types in Guadeloupe showed that the impacts of agro-ecological innovations, which include rotations, improved fallow, intercropping, pest-resistant cultivar, and an integrated organic system, can vary considerably according to (i) the farm type in which the innovation is integrated, (ii) the nature of the agro-ecological innovations, and (iii) the criteria considered and the temporal horizon of the assessment. Innovative intercropping systems that were effective at the field level in terms of the yield improvement and decreased pesticide use could be problematic at the farm level because they increased the workload and decreased income. The adoption of rotations or improved fallow seemed to be relevant for smallholders but could induce a critical period of 1.5-2.5 years during which income decreased drastically. Under certain conditions of markets and subsidies, very environmentally friendly innovations that are less productive can however be economically effective.  相似文献   

The present study examines the need for irrigation in pear trees (Pyrus Communis, cv. ‘Conference’) under low evaporative demand conditions, like in Belgium, in order to maintain a consistent fruit yield and high fruit size. To determine the sensitivity of the pear yield under low evaporative demand conditions three different orchards were monitored. The study shows that a Ψsoil of −60 kPa during shoot growth has no effect on fruit yield but lower Ψsoil values induced a decline in both fruit size and total yield. Just as for arid environments a Ψstem of −1.5 MPa is related to negative yield responses. In dry conditions lower Ψsoil and Ψstem values were observed in root pruned trees compared to not root pruned trees in the same irrigation treatment, however without yield decline. In one orchard a biannual bearing tendency was observed after root pruning. Furthermore intensive Ψsoil measurements show a high variation in Ψsoil between orchards, and within an orchard. This underlines the need for irrigation management on a parcel level and the need for new irrigation scheduling techniques which take the spatial variation in the orchard into account.  相似文献   

The impact that different regulated-deficit irrigation (RDI) treatments exert on a 12-year-old orange orchard (Citrussinensis L. Osbeck, cv. salustiano) was studied from 2004 to 2007. The experiment consisted of a control irrigation treatment which was irrigated at 100% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) values for the whole season, and three deficit treatments imposed as a function of the water-stress index (WSI), which is defined as the ratio of the actual volume of water supply to the ETc rate. In our case, these WSI values were 0.75, 0.65, and 0.50, respectively. The stem-water potential at noon (ΨStem) was used as a parameter to estimate the water status of the plant. Yield and fruit quality was evaluated at harvest in each treatment (taking into account the temporal variability of the results due to the climatic characteristics of each of the years of this study) and an overall analysis was made using the whole dataset. Significant differences were found in fruit quality parameters (total soluble solids and titrable acidity), which also showed significant regression coefficients with the values of the integrated stem-water potential. These results led us to conclude that in mature orange trees grown under these conditions, regulated-deficit irrigation has important and significant effects on the final fruit quality, but the effects are not so clear-cut in tree yield, where the differences in the case of reducing a 50% of the crop ETc, were not considered to be statistically significant despite an approximate 10% decrease in fruit yield. A global rescaled distance cluster analysis was performed in order to summarize the main relationships between the variables evaluated and to establish a different correlation matrix. Finally, a classification tree was derived and principal-component analysis was undertaken in order to identify and evaluate the variables which had the strongest effect on the crop response to different irrigation treatments.  相似文献   

The introduction of cover crops in vineyards is being tested as it mitigates some undesirable environmental impacts of these cropping systems, such as surface runoff and soil erosion. In some cases, it could even reduce an excessive vegetative vigour of grapevine. However, most of time, wine growers are worried that severe competition for soil resources between the intercrop and grapevines could impair grape yield and quality. WaLIS (Water baLance for Intercropped Systems), a simple model simulating the water resource partitioning in such an association was designed to evaluate and optimize the water regime in intercropped systems.The model is presented and evaluated in this paper in three situations: the same grapevine cultivar (cv. Aranel) with either bare soil, or a temporary intercrop (barley) or a permanent intercrop (tall fescue). All three situations are located in the south of France. It is based on an existing model, designed to simulate the water regime of a bare soil vineyard, which was adapted to take into account the specific features of intercropped systems. Hence it includes a two-compartment representation of the soil particularly adapted to row crops. The simulation of a grass cover growth and its transpiration were added. Finally, particular importance was dedicated to the simulation of surface runoff which was the main source of the original model deviation during the winter period and made difficult multi-year simulations. Now, the model appears to be able to evaluate perennial cropping systems and provide decision support.The WaLIS model simulated the water available for both grapevine and intercrop well, and it proved to be efficient in most of the tested situations and years. The modelling of the water stress experienced by both crops was also generally good and all water fluxes simulated by the model were realistic. The main observed deviation in the simulation of the water soil content occurred during winter, i.e. outside the grapevine growth period. It was very likely due to the use of a constant parameter value for the surface runoff which did not take into account of changes in the soil surface and their effects on water infiltration.Finally, the analysis of sensitivity made on the WaLIS model showed that it is robust and sensitive to a few parameters, which drive the maximal grapevine transpiration and soil evaporation or are linked to the surface runoff simulation. The work also revealed how a good estimate of the total soil water available for each crop is crucial. This model, easy to use and parameterise, can provide sound management advice for designing valuable intercropped cropping systems.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation after harvest has been proven to be a more profitable strategy for producing loquats due to its effects on promoting earlier flowering and harvest date next season. To determine water savings which most advance flowering and harvest dates, an experiment was established to compare phenology, fruit quality and yield in ‘Algerie’ loquats over two consecutive seasons. In this experiment some trees were programmed to receive 50%, 25% or 0% of the water applied to controls (RDI50%, RDI25%, and RDI0%, respectively) from mid-June to the end of July (6 weeks). Fully irrigated trees acted as first controls while trees undergoing previously tested postharvest deficit irrigation (25% of water applied to controls; RDILong) from early June up to the end of August (13 weeks of RDI total) acted as second controls. All deficit irrigation treatments promoted earlier flowering when compared to fully irrigated trees; the greatest advancement in full bloom date (27 days) was achieved with severe short term RDI (RDI0% and RDI25%). The trees suffering an extended period of water stress advanced full bloom date but to a lesser extent (13 and 18 days; 2004/2005 and 2005/2006, respectively). Earlier bloom derived in an earlier harvest date without detrimental effects on fruit quality and productivity. In this regard, the most severe RDI (RDI0%) advanced mean harvest date the most (7 and 9 days, depending on the season), and increased the percentage of precocious yield to the highest extent. Productivity was not diminished by reduced irrigation in either season. Fruit size and grading was enhanced thanks to RDI in both seasons. Earliness and better fruit class distribution under RDI also improved fruit value and gross revenue enabling farmers both to increase earning and economize on water.  相似文献   

The DSSAT-CSM-CERES-Wheat V4.0 model was calibrated for yield and irrigation scheduling of wheat with 2004–2005 data and validated with 13 independent data sets from experiments conducted during 2002–2006 at the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) farm, Ludhiana, and in a farmer's field near PAU at Phillaur, Punjab, India. Subsequently, the validated model was used to estimate long-term mean and variability of potential yield (Yp), drainage, runoff, evapo-transpiration (ET), crop water productivity (CWP), and irrigation water productivity (IWP) of wheat cv. PBW343 using 36 years (1970–1971 to 2005–2006) of historical weather data from Ludhiana. Seven sowing dates in fortnightly intervals, ranging from early October to early January, and three irrigation scheduling methods [soil water deficit (SWD)-based, growth stage-based, and ET-based] were evaluated. For the SWD-based scheduling, irrigation management depth was set to 75 cm with irrigation scheduled when SWD reached 50% to replace 100% of the deficit. For growth stage-based scheduling, irrigation was applied either only once at one of the key growth stages [crown root initiation (CRI), booting, flowering, and grain filling], twice (two stages in various combinations), thrice (three stages in various combinations), or four times (all four stages). For ET-driven irrigation, irrigations were scheduled based on cumulative net ETo (ETo-rain) since the previous irrigation, for a range of net ETo (25, 75, 125, 150, and 175 mm). Five main irrigation schedules (SWD-based, ET-driven with irrigation applied after accumulation of either 75 or 125 mm of ETo, i.e., ET75 or ET125, and growth stage-based with irrigation applied at CRI plus booting, or at CRI plus booting plus flowering stage) were chosen for detailed analysis of yield, water balance, and CWP and IWP. Nitrogen was non-limiting in all the simulations.Mean Yp across 36 years ranged from 5.2 t ha−1 (10 October sowing) to 6.4 t ha−1 (10 November sowing), with yield variations due to seasonal weather greater than variations across sowing dates. Yields under different irrigation scheduling, CWP and IWP were highest for 10 November sowing. Yields and CWP were higher for SWD and ET75-based irrigations on both soils, but IWP was higher for ET75-based irrigation on sandy loam and for ET150-based irrigation on loam. Simulation results suggest that yields, CWP, and IWP of PBW343 would be highest for sowing between late October and mid-November in the Indian Punjab. It is recommended that sowing be done within this planting period and that irrigation be applied based on the atmospheric demand and soil water status and not on the growth stage. Despite the potential limitations recognised with simulation results, we can conclude that DSSAT-CSM-CERES-Wheat V4.0 is a useful decision support system to help farmers to optimally schedule and manage irrigation in wheat grown in coarse-textured soils under declining groundwater table situations of the Indian Punjab. Further, the validated model and the simulation results can also be extrapolated to other areas with similar climatic and soil environments in Asia where crop, soil, weather, and management data are available.  相似文献   

Production of halophytes using saline waters and soils and feeding them to livestock is one of the most sustainable methods of conservation in desert ecosystems, in addition to accomplishing food production for the people living in these areas. Therefore, to study the possibility of irrigating Kochia (Kochia scoparia L. Schrad) with minimum quantities of highly saline water for use as a fodder crop in arid environments stretching across saline waters, two experiments were carried out in the Research Farm of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. In the salinity experiments, two populations of Kochia, including the Sabzevar and Indian genotypes, were irrigated with ground water having electrical conductivity (EC) of 5, 15, and 20 dS m−1. In the irrigation-treatment experiments, two local populations of Kochia, including Sabzevar and Borujerd, were subjected to four irrigation regimes as follows: complete irrigation (100%), 80%, 60%, and 40% of the water requirements using a saline ground water with EC = 5 dS m−1. Because, the Indian genotype is preferred as an ornamental plant, it is not suitable for increased dry-matter production under high-salinity irrigation water compared to the local genotype (Sabzevar), which is suitable for forage. The Sabzevar genotype produced a large amount of dry matter (7530 kg ha−1), even when irrigated with 20 dS m−1 saline water. The best time for harvesting Kochia for fresh feeding is at the end of flowering (88 days after sowing or DAS), when the biomass is relatively high (6500 kg ha−1) and the leaf-to-shoot ratio, as a quality index, is approximately 50%. The highest green-area index was observed at 15 dS m−1 and decreased at high levels of salinity. Photosynthesis and transpiration rate did not decline significantly with increasing external salinity four weeks after salinization, but increased in both genotypes at 15 dS m−1, indicating that the salinity-tolerance threshold of Kochia for both photosynthesis and transpiration reduction is above this salinity level. The Indian genotype also showed a very low seed yield (210 kg ha−1) at low levels of salinity, whereas Sabzevar produced 1120 kg ha−1 seed under the same conditions. Different irrigation regimes had a significant effect on the biomass and seed production of Kochia. The highest forage yield was obtained from complete irrigation, with 11.1 Mg ha−1 dry material. Sabzevar local population represented a better performance in terms of all characteristics, except accumulation of inflorescence dry matter, and no significant effects were recorded. In conclusion, Kochia's high foliage production capacity in the presence of salinity and limited irrigation make this plant suitable for use as an alternative forage crop in harsh environmental conditions. There is a wide range of intraspecific variation in K. scoparia, but more investigation is needed to introduce it as a cash crop.  相似文献   

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