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Organic farming (OF) is considered a promising solution for reducing environmental burdens related to intensive agricultural management practices. The question arises whether OF really reduces the environmental impacts once lower yields and all the changes in farming methods are taken into consideration. This question is addressed in a comprehensive study of Swiss arable cropping and forage production systems comparing OF to integrated production (IP) systems by means of the life cycle assessment (LCA) method.The LCA study investigated the environmental impacts of two long-term farming system experiments: the DOC experiment comparing bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional/integrated farming and the “Burgrain” experiment encompassing integrated intensive, integrated extensive and organic production. All treatments received similar amounts of farmyard manure. The system boundary encompasses the plant production system; storage and application of farmyard manure is included in the system boundary, the animal husbandry is not included. The Swiss Agricultural Life Cycle Assessment method (SALCA) was used to analyse the environmental impacts.In the overall assessment OF was revealed to be either superior or similar to IP in environmental terms. OF has its main strengths in better resource conservation, since the farming system relies mainly on farm-internal resources and limits the input of external auxiliary materials. This results in less fossil and mineral resources being consumed. Moreover the greatly restricted use of pesticides makes it possible to markedly reduce ecotoxicity potentials on the one hand, and to achieve a higher biodiversity potential on the other. This overall positive assessment is not valid for all organic products: some products such as potatoes had higher environmental burdens than their counterparts from IP.The main drawbacks identified for Swiss OF systems are lower yields. As a consequence some production factors are used less efficiently, thus partly negating the advantages of OF. Furthermore, the different manure management strategy leads to relatively high nutrient losses in relation to yield. These two points were shown to be the main priorities for the environmental optimisation of OF systems. The differences between the bio-organic and the bio-dynamic farming systems consisted in a slightly higher input of organic matter, a few applications of mineral fertilisers and copper applications in the former.The eco-efficiency analysis led to the conclusion that the optimisation of OF is mainly output-driven, i.e. that higher yields of good quality should be achieved with the available (limited) resources. On the contrary, optimisation of IP was found to be input-driven; the inputs should be used in a quantity and manner which minimise the environmental burdens per unit produced. The study showed that despite the efforts of recent years, there is still considerable room for the environmental optimisation of Swiss farming systems.  相似文献   

The activities associated with raw milk production on dairy farms require an effective evaluation of their environmental impact. The present study evaluates the global environmental impacts associated with milk production on dairy farms in Portugal and identifies the processes that have the greatest environmental impact by using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The main factors involved in milk production were included, namely: the dairy farm, maize silage, ryegrass silage, straw, concentrates, diesel and electricity. The results suggest that the major source of air and water emissions in the life cycle of milk is the production of concentrates. The activities carried out on dairy farms were the major source of nitrous oxides (from fuel combustion), ammonia, and methane (from manure management and enteric fermentation). Nevertheless, dairy farm activities, which include manure management, enteric fermentation and diesel consumption, make the greatest contributions to the categories of impact considered, with the exception of the abiotic depletion category, contributing to over 70% of the total global warming potential (1021.3 kg CO2 eq. per tonne of milk), 84% of the total photochemical oxidation potential (0.2 kg C2H4 eq. per tonne of milk), 70% of the total acidification potential (20.4 kg SO2 eq. per tonne of milk), and 41% of the total eutrophication potential (7.1 kg eq. per tonne of milk). The production of concentrates and maize silage are the major contributors to the abiotic depletion category, accounting for 35% and 28%, respectively, of the overall abiotic depletion potential (1.4 Sb eq. per tonne of milk). Based on this LCA case study, we recommend further work to evaluate some possible opportunities to improve the environmental performance of Portuguese milk production, namely: (i) implementing integrated solutions for manure recovery/treatment (e.g. anaerobic digestion) before its application to the soil as organic fertiliser during maize and ryegrass production; (ii) improving manure nutrient use efficiency in order to decrease the importation of nutrients; (iii) diversifying feeding crops, as the dependence on two annual forage crops is expected to lead to excessive soil mobilisation (and related impacts) and to insignificant carbon dioxide sequestration from the atmosphere; and (iv) changing the concentrate mixtures.  相似文献   

This study analysed a future hypothetical organic farm self-sufficient in renewable tractor fuel. Biomass from the farm was assumed to be transported to a central fuel production plant and the fuel returned to the farm, where it was utilised in fuel cell powered tractors. The land use, energy balance and environmental impact of five different scenarios were studied. In the first two scenarios, straw was used as raw material for production of hydrogen or methanol via thermochemical gasification. In the third and fourth scenarios, short rotation forest (Salix) was used as raw material for the same fuels. In the fifth scenario, ley was used as raw material for hydrogen fuel via biogas production.The straw scenarios had the lowest impact in all studied environmental impact categories since the Salix scenarios had higher soil emissions and the ley scenario had comparatively large emissions from the fuel production. The energy balance was also favourable for straw, 16.3 and 19.5 for hydrogen and methanol respectively, compared to Salix 14.2 and 15.6. For ley to hydrogen the energy balance was only 6.1 due to low efficiency in the fuel production.In the Salix scenarios, 1.6% and 2.0% of the land was set aside for raw material production in the hydrogen and methanol scenarios respectively. In the straw scenarios no land needed to be reserved, but straw was collected on 4.3% and 5.3% of the area for hydrogen and methanol respectively. To produce hydrogen from ley, 4% of the land was harvested.The study showed that the difference in environmental performance lay in choice of raw material rather than choice of fuel. Hydrogen is a gas with low volumetric energy density, which requires an adapted infrastructure and tractors equipped with gas tanks. This leads to the conclusion that methanol probably will be the preferred choice if a fuel cell powered farm would be put into practice in the future.  相似文献   

The disciplinary nature of most existing farm models as well as the issue specific orientation of most of the studies in agricultural systems research are main reasons for the limited use and re-use of bio-economic modelling for the ex-ante integrated assessment of policy decisions. The objective of this article is to present a bio-economic farm model that is generic and re-usable for different bio-physical and socio-economic contexts, facilitating the linking of micro and macro analysis or to provide detailed analysis of farming systems in a specific region. Model use is illustrated in this paper with an analysis of the impacts of the CAP reform of 2003 for arable and livestock farms in a context of market liberalization. Results from the application of the model to representative farms in Flevoland (the Netherlands) and Midi-Pyrenees (France) shows that CAP reform 2003 under market liberalization will cause substantial substitution of root crops and durum wheat by vegetables and oilseed crops. Much of the set-aside area will be put into production intensifying the existing farming systems. Abolishment of the milk quota system will cause an increase of the average herd size. The average total gross margin of farm types in Flevoland decreases while the average total gross margin of farms in Midi-Pyrenees increases. The results show that the model can simulate arable and livestock farm types of two regions different from a bio-physical and socio-economic point of view and it can deal with a variety of policy instruments. The examples show that the model can be (re-)used as a basis for future research and as a comprehensive tool for future policy analysis.  相似文献   

Dairy systems in southern Australia rely on grazed feed from pasture to supply between 50% and 70% of total herd feed requirements on an annual basis. However, the dominant pasture type in the region, which is based on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), commonly results in feed deficits in summer which must be filled with supplements purchased off-farm, and feed surpluses in spring which must be conserved. Both of these strictures impose costs on farm businesses. It is likely, therefore, that additional grazeable feed available to dairy herds in southern Australia may have different economic value when interactions between season, stocking rate, calving date, and locality are taken into account. The analysis reported in this paper aimed to estimate, using the farm systems simulation model UDDER, the effect of these interactions on the efficiency with which extra feed can be converted to extra milk production, and therefore the possible gross economic value of the additional feed.‘Base’ farm simulations for ‘average’ and ‘top 10%’ farms (ranked according to farm profitability) in two localities (Terang: average annual rainfall 796 mm, 8 month growing season; and Ellinbank: average annual rainfall 1085 mm, 9-10 month growing season) were created to mimic the physical production and profitability of these farms as seen in regional farm benchmark datasets. These simulations were then altered to add the equivalent of 10% of the total annual herbage accumulation used in the Base simulation either on a pro-rata basis all year round, or in autumn only, in winter only, in spring only, or in summer only. The additional feed amounted to 620 and 780 kg DM/ha for Terang average and top 10% farms respectively, and 735 and 905 kg DM/ha for Ellinbank average and top 10% farms respectively. The management policies used in the Base simulations were then adjusted to harvest as much of the extra feed as possible, either by direct grazing or through silage conservation, while keeping the key system state indicators of cow condition score and average farm pasture cover within the limits known to result in long-term sustainable production.The efficiency with which extra feed was utilised was greatest in summer in all scenarios (80-100% of the extra feed supplied was harvested, all by direct grazing). This translated into consistently high gross economic returns of between $0.26 and $0.34 per kg DM of extra feed added to the model. Utilisation efficiency was lower in all other seasons and/or required marked increases in silage conservation, both of which resulted in lower gross economic returns per kg DM of additional feed. The impact of interactions between locality, season, stocking rate (higher in top 10% farm simulations than average farm simulations) and calving date (earlier at Terang than at Ellinbank) were clearly captured in the model. These interactions have very large effects on the profitability of growing extra feed at different times of the year. Agronomic research for the southern Australia dairy industry should focus on low-cost ways for supplying additional grazeable feed in summer, since current forage species options for this time of year are limited.  相似文献   

Extensive or low-input farming is considered a way of remedying many problems associated with intensive farming practices. But do extensive farming systems really result in a clear reduction in environmental impacts, especially if their lower productivity is taken into account? This question is studied for Swiss arable cropping and forage production systems in a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) study.Three long-term experiments (DOC experiment comparing bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional farming, the “Burgrain” experiment including integrated intensive, integrated extensive and organic systems and the “Oberacker” experiment with conventional ploughing and no-till soil cultivation, are considered in the LCA study. Furthermore, model systems for arable crops and forage production for feeding livestock are investigated by using the Swiss Agricultural Life Cycle Assessment method (SALCA).The analysis covers an overall extensification of cropping systems and forage production on the one hand and a partial extensification of fertiliser use, plant protection and soil cultivation on the other. The overall extensification of an intensively managed system reduced environmental impacts in general, both per area unit and per product unit. In arable cropping systems medium production intensity gave the best results for the environment, and the intensity should not fall below the environmental optimum in order to avoid a deterioration of eco-efficiency. In grassland systems, on the contrary, a combination of both intensively and extensively managed plots was preferable to medium intensity practices on the whole area. The differences in yield, production intensity and environmental impact were much more pronounced in grassland than in arable cropping systems.Partial extensification of a farming system should be conceived in the context of the whole system in order to be successful. For example, the extensification solely of fertiliser use and soil cultivation resulted in a general improvement in the environmental performance of the farming system, whereas a reduction in plant protection intensity by banning certain pesticide categories reduced negative impacts on ecotoxicity and biodiversity only, while increasing other burdens such as global warming, ozone formation, eutrophication and acidification per product unit. The replacement of mineral fertilisers by farmyard manure as a special form of extensification reduced resource use and improved soil quality, while slightly increasing nutrient losses.These results show that a considerable environmental improvement potential exists in Swiss farming systems and that a detailed eco-efficiency analysis could help to target a further reduction in their environmental impacts.  相似文献   

啤酒生产生命周期评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用生命周期评价方法对啤酒生产进行案例分析,全面评价啤酒生产资源、能源消耗以及对环境的排放,并对由此产生的环境影响潜值进行量化估算。把啤酒生产系统分成酿造、包装和蒸汽生产3个子系统进行评价。结果显示,啤酒生产环境潜在影响大小依次是富营养化、全球变暖、粉尘和烟尘、酸化和工业固废排放;各子系统对环境潜在影响大小依次是酿造、蒸汽生产和包装。根据评价结果,提出对酿造过程和蒸汽生产过程进行技术改造及相关配套设施的建设来降低啤酒生产对环境的影响。  相似文献   

The dairy industry in southern Australia relies on perennial ryegrass pasture to supply 60–70% of the diet of lactating cows. Improvements in the amount and quality of home-grown forage used for dairy cow feeding are critical for further productivity gains in the industry. A modeling approach was used to estimate the effects of changing the forage system on farm business profit. Base models (using 100% of farm area in perennial ryegrass pasture) were constructed for above-average (Top 40%) and high performing (Top 10%) farm types typical of two locations: Terang in southwest Victoria and Ellinbank in Gippsland, eastern Victoria. These models were then re-simulated using different forage base options such as: oversowing annual ryegrass, winter crops (annual ryegrass monoculture, winter cereal grown for whole crop silage), summer crops (grazing brassicas, maize), combinations of these (double cropping), or summer shoulder pasture (notionally based on tall fescue) on between 10% and 100% of farm area.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate systems making organic farms self-sufficient in farm-produced bio-based fuels. The energy balance and environmental load for systems based on rape methyl ester (RME), ethanol and biogas were evaluated using a life cycle perspective. Complete LCAs were not performed. Important constraints when implementing the systems in practice were also identified.  相似文献   

本文利用生命周期评价的方法分析了苹果修剪枝条堆肥处理模式的环境影响,并分析其肥料化潜力与经济效益,对枝条处理各环节进行污染物排放评估,为苹果修剪枝条肥料化处理工艺的改进提供参考。研究结果表明:苹果修剪枝条堆肥处理过程中,每处理功能单位苹果枝条产生的污染物总量为76.0219kg,其中CO2的排放量占总排放量的96.79%,全球变暖对环境的影响高于酸化与富营养化;粉碎包装、熟化灭菌、粉碎、堆肥阶段产生的污染物气体排放量分别占总排放量的38.26%、27.22%、21.04%、10.85%;功能单位苹果修剪枝条堆肥处理的生产成本为515元/t,经济效益为285元/t,可替代尿素、过磷酸钙、硫酸钾的量分别为61.30、120.00、13.20kg。  相似文献   

A dairy cattle simulation model for pastoral systems that considers how dairy cow genotypes respond to different environments is described. The dairy cow is represented by five modules for maintenance, pregnancy, growth, body energy reserves and lactation with the influence of environmental factors on processes included within each module. Feed intake is predicted based on the requirements for maintenance, growth and pregnancy, and the dairy cow’s potential for yields of milk, fat and protein and body fat change in a given environment. The effects of various temporary environmental factors such as cow body condition score, climate, feed quality and the stage of pregnancy are all considered when predicting yields of milk, fat and protein, energy and dry matter intake. The model was evaluated using information from a prior experimental study with 1990s Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle of North American/European or New Zealand origin managed in a pasture-based system in early to peak lactation. The model was able to predict, to a high degree of accuracy, mean values for yields of milk, fat and protein, and concentrations of fat and protein. However for individual cows, feed intake and live weight change were less reliably predicted. The major source of error was a lack of simulated variation, rather than any systematic bias. The major advance of the model is its ability to predict performance from genetic and environmental sensitivity information for particular breeds, and its ability to predict feed intake and yields of milk, fat and protein concurrently.  相似文献   

In four communities in the Peruvian Andes, 56 farmers were interviewed every three months over a period of one year. Information linked to milk and cattle production such as activities, inputs (labour, means of production, capital) and outputs (milk, cheese, animals) were recorded using a closed-ended questionnaire. The communities were divided into two groups with low (LC) and high (HC) level of dependence on income from milk and animal sales. The survey results showed that cattle production on the LC farms was based on less land and a smaller herd (3.32 ha/farm, 1.06 lactating cows) than on HC farms (10.28 ha/farm, 4.19 lactating cows). The data from the survey and the results of the nutritional analyses of 74 feed samples were introduced into a model that applied linear programming techniques in order to estimate the farm household income under the current production systems and evaluate the economic impact of improved forage varieties for hay production. Furthermore, the economic viability of other changes in fodder and herd management was tested. Both groups were characterised by a dual-purpose system generating a gross income from the sale of both, milk and live animals in the amount of -21 (LC) and +1057 US$/farm and year (HC). Due to higher production costs for forages and better access to markets, LC communities were characterised by an integrated crop–livestock system whereas in the HC group income was mainly based on livestock. Introduction of improved and fertilized barley for hay production, was estimated to increase the annual farm income to 127 and 1257 US$ for LC and HC, respectively. This increase was accompanied by an increment of the animal number. Maintaining the animal number but increasing the milk production/cow by feeding additional forage was a less profitable option generating 50 and 1221 US$ of income per farm and year for LC and HC, respectively. The production of hay was limited by high costs (external labour) in LC communities and the restricted availability of family labour in the HC group. A scenario based on the use of improved cow genotypes led to the highest estimated annual farm income for HC communities (1280 US$) but was less favourable for LC. The modelling results showed that the best development strategy depends on various factors such as production costs, access to the markets and to irrigation and availability of different feed resources.  相似文献   

The problems of agriculture in many tropical countries are gradually becoming more intense due to increasing food demand led by population growth, stagnation in farm productivity, mounting yield losses due to multiple pests, increasing vulnerability to global environmental changes and the need to reduce emission of greenhouse gases. Tools and techniques are needed to assist in developing strategies that can lead to higher food production, prevent crop production losses, and ensure minimal greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining soil fertility. Several dynamic models have been developed in recent past but most of these are generally strong either in soils and crops, or in greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. Pest induced yield losses, a critical issue in the tropics, is not addressed in most models. InfoCrop, a generic dynamic crop model, has been developed to meet these specific requirements. It provides integrated assessment of the effect of weather, variety, pests, soil and management practices on crop growth and yield, as well as on soil nitrogen and organic carbon dynamics in aerobic as well as anaerobic conditions, and greenhouse gas emissions. The model considers the key processes related to crop growth, effects of water deficit, flooding, nitrogen management, temperature and frost stresses, crop–pest interactions, soil water and nitrogen balance and (soil) organic carbon dynamics. Its general structure relating to basic crop growth and yield is largely based on several earlier models, especially SUCROS series, and is written in Fortran Simulation Environment (FSE) programming language. The model has been validated for dry matter and grain yields of several annual crops, losses due to multiple diseases and pests, and emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in a variety of agro-environments. To increase the applications of model in research and development, an extremely simple menu driven version of InfoCrop has also been developed. The users of this version do not need any background in programming.  相似文献   

This research presents an analysis of the agricultural information systems and communication networks for organic and conventional hazelnut producers in the Samsun province of Turkey. Structured interviews were used to collect data from 64 randomly selected conventional and all 39 organic hazelnut producers living in the study area. Information systems for organic and conventional producers were found to be different. Organic producers benefited from more information sources than conventional producers. In addition, the contract farming approach to organic agriculture had initially isolated organic producers from conventional producers. Furthermore, dissatisfaction from the organic marketing company and its organic production project resulted in further separation among organic producers and led some of them to establish their own union. The lack of access to information and support from the organic project-related sources, professional institutions and mass media sources was evident. This resulted in the development of social sources to exchange information among the producers within their villages. However, this information is mainly based on traditional practices rather than scientific applications. Thus, more functional cooperation and professional communication between personal and institutional information sources are needed to enhance the diffusion of information and technology among farmers.  相似文献   

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