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Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a highly contagious, acute respiratory disease of chickens, of worldwide distribution, that affects growth and egg production and leads to significant economic losses during periodic outbreaks of the disease. Live attenuated vaccines (chicken embryo origin [CEO] and tissue-culture origin [TCO]) have been widely used to control the disease in the United States. It is believed that most of the outbreaks in the United States are caused by vaccine-related isolates that persist in the field and spill over into na?ve poultry populations. The objective of this study was to utilize the previously developed polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis to genotype recent ILT virus (ILTV) isolates from commercial poultry. Forty-six samples were collected during January 2006 to April 2007 from five poultry production regions of the United States and were characterized within PCR-RFLP groups III-VI. Sixty-three percent of the samples analyzed were categorized as closely related to the vaccine strains (groups III-V), whereas 33% were categorized as group VI viruses that differed in six and nine PCR-RFLP patterns from the CEO and TCO vaccines; a mixture of group IV and V viruses was detected in two samples (4%). In general, groups V and VI were the most prevalent viruses, found in 52% and 33% of the samples tested respectively. Both types of viruses were detected in vaccinated and nonvaccinated flocks. Although genetically different, both viruses produced severe disease in the field.  相似文献   

Three infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) isolates, CU82792, CU82805, and CU82808, were recovered from sentinel chickens placed with three different layer flocks of a large commercial poultry farm in New York State. The three isolates were classified as members of the DE072 serotype on the basis of 1) their S1 genes could be amplified with only a modified primer designed for the DE072 serotype and 2) their restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns, after digestion with endonucleases HaeIII, BstyI and XcmI, were indistinguishable from that of DE072 virus. Additional characterization of one of the isolates, CU82805, revealed that its S1 gene bears approximately 96% identity at the nucleotide level and 94% identity at the amino acid level with DE072. Yet, in an in vitro reciprocal virus neutralization test, only a one-way neutralization was observed, i.e., antiserum to CU82805 neutralized DE072, whereas CU82805 was not neutralized by DE072 antiserum. Implications of these findings with regard to IBV diagnosis and immunization are discussed.  相似文献   

Korean field strains of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) were analyzed by comparison of nucleotide sequences of thymidine kinase (TK) and glycoprotein G (gG) genes and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) patterns. Main differences among TK gene sequence were found in both amino acid at 252 and mRNA polyadenylation signals. In virulent strains, amino acid 252 of TK gene was methionine but was threonine in low virulence and vaccine strains. The mRNA polyadenylation signals of TK gene were identified at 24bp downstream from the stop codon in virulent strains, but not in low virulence and vaccine strains. The gG gene of all virulent strains showed the same nucleotide sequence except for N87278 which had a gG gene sequence identical to that of vaccine strains. The virulent ILTV strains differed from low virulence and vaccine strains in PCR-RFLP patterns of TK and gG genes. The RFLP patterns of TK and gG genes of low virulence ILTV strains were identical to those of vaccine strains. In the case of N87278, the PCR-RFLP patterns of TK and gG genes were identical to those of virulent and vaccine strains of ILTV, respectively. From these results, ILTV field strains were classified into three groups according to sequences of TK and gG genes and PCR-RFLP, and the virulent ILTV strains could be discriminated from low virulence and vaccine strains by PCR-RFLP of TK gene. And it was suspected that N87278 might be produced by in vivo recombination between virulent and vaccine strains of ILTV.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers complementary to the 16S rRNA genes was used to detect avian mycoplasmas. A primer pair designed for the detection of human and rodent mycoplasmal species was examined for its ability to detect the most important avian mycoplasmas. After testing the respective reference strains, we found that Mycoplasma iowae, Mycoplasma meleagridis and Mycoplasma synoviae could be detected by PCR with this primer pair, and distinction could be made among them by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assay with two restriction enzymes (BamHI and RsaI). For the detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum by PCR, we needed species-specific primers. The results of the PCR- and RFLP-based identification procedures of 17 different field isolates agreed with those obtained by conventional methods.  相似文献   

Two ferrets with spontaneous Aleutian disease (AD) were found in Japan. The diagnosis was verified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of part of the capsid gene specific to AD virus (ADV). The nucleotide sequences (365 bp in length) of the amplified fragments from the 2 ferrets differed by a single nucleotide, producing an amino acid alteration. Compared with other types of ADV, these isolates had 96% sequence similarity to a published ferret ADV (FADV) in contrast to <91% homology to various types of mink ADV (MADV). The phylogenetic tree of ADVs indicates that these 2 isolates and the published FADV belong to the same genetic group and definitely are divergent from MADVs. The predicted amino acid sequence of the hypervariable segment in the capsid gene was conserved among the 3 types of FADV. These results indicated that the 2 isolates found in Japan were new DNA types of FADV and could have been derived from FADV(s). A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method to distinguish the ferret types of ADV from the mink types of ADV was developed on the basis of differences in their nucleotide sequences. Digestion of the PCR products with Afal or ScaI provided different cleavage patterns for FADV and MADV. This PCR/RFLP analysis of the ADV capsid gene will be a valuable asset for diagnosis of this virus infection in ferrets.  相似文献   

The cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of the most wide-spread Italian species of Oestridae larvae causing myiasis (Gasterophilus spp., Hypoderma bovis, Hypoderma lineatum, Oestrus ovis and Przhevalskiana silenus) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using conserved primers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of amplicons was also carried out and their restriction profiles compared. A clear genetic difference between the Oestridae larvae examined was demonstrated by using Taq I, Hinf I, Rsa I and Hpa II enzymes. No intra-specific variation in RFLPs was detected between the two species of Hypoderma. The results highlight the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships among larvae belonging to the different subfamilies, and thus offer additional diagnostic and epidemiological instruments.  相似文献   

Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) has been identified in most countries around the world and remains a threat to the intensive poultry industry. Outbreaks of mild to moderate forms of ILT are common in commercial layer flocks, while sporadic outbreaks of ILT in broiler flocks have also been recognized as an emerging problem in several countries. Examination of viral isolates using restriction fragment length polymorphism of polymerase chain reaction (PCR-RFLP) from individual ILTV genes has suggested that some of these outbreaks were caused by vaccine strains. In this study, PCR-RFLP of a number of ILTV genes/genomic regions including gE, gG, TK, ICP4, ICP18.5, and open reading frame (ORF) B-TK was used to examine a number of historical and contemporary Australian ILTV isolates and vaccine strains. PCR-RFLP of gE using restriction endonuclease EaeI failed to distinguish between any of the isolates including the vaccine strains. PCR-RFLP of gG, TK, and ORFB-TK using restriction endonucleases MspI and FokI, respectively, divided all the isolates into two groups. PCR-RFLP of ICP18.5 and ICP4 using restriction endonuclease HaeIII separated the isolates into three different groups with some field isolates only able to be distinguished from vaccine strains by PCR-RFLP of ICP18.5. A combination of groupings including gG, TK, ICP4, ICP18.5, and ORFB-TK PCR-RFLP classified the ILTV isolates under investigation into five different groups with most isolates distinguishable from vaccine strains. Results from this study reveal that to achieve reliable identification of strains of ILTV, the examination of multiple gene regions will be required, and that most of the recent ILT outbreaks in Australia are not being caused by vaccine strains.  相似文献   

Han MG  Kim SJ 《Avian diseases》2003,47(2):261-271
The efficacy of four different commercial live vaccines (vaccines A, B, C, and D) against the infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) was assessed in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens. SPF chickens were vaccinated intraocularly at 6 wk old with ILTV live vaccines and were challenged intratracheally with the N91B01 strain of virulent Korean ILTV 2 wk after vaccination. The immunity against ILTV live vaccines was assessed by the incidence of latent infection by the challenge virus in the chickens' tracheas and trigeminal ganglia, the reisolation rate of the challenge virus, and the clinical signs in the chickens challenged with the N91B01 strain of ILTV. The latent infection in chickens was assessed by nested polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Our data showed that the clinical signs and challenge virus isolation were negative in all chickens receiving four difference commercial ILTV live vaccines. The viral DNA of the vaccine strain, but not that of the challenge virus, was detected in chickens vaccinated with vaccine A by nested PCR-RFLP. The viral DNAs of both the vaccine and challenge strains were detected from chickens vaccinated with vaccines B, C, and D. This study showed that only vaccine A can protect chickens from latent infection with the field virulent ILTV. We speculate that the efficacy of infectious laryngotracheitis live vaccines to protect chickens from latent infection with virulent ILTVs can be assessed by nested PCR-RFLP analysis.  相似文献   

Restriction deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragment profile analysis coupled with immunogenic protein profile analysis has provided useful information in determining the differences between vaccine strains and field isolates of fowlpox virus (FPV). The DNA of strains examined in this study clearly fell into 3 minor groups of restriction patterns similar but distinct from one another: restriction patterns exhibited by the vaccine strains except 1 vaccine strain, Vac-82; restriction profiles indicated by Vac-82 and field isolates FI-38 and FI-42; and restriction patterns indicated by field isolates FI-43, FI-51, FI-54, and FI-56. Furthermore, when the strains were analyzed and compared by immunoblotting analysis, they showed group differences similar to the differences in restriction profiles. Both techniques provided high sensitivity in verifying differences between vaccine strains and field isolates of FPV. The disparity found in restriction fragments or immunogenic protein profile between vaccine strains and field isolates does not exclude the appreciable high degree of DNA sequence conservation and homology. However, the minor disparity observed in these strains suggests a molecular basis for why vaccinated commercial flocks could have continually been infected by variant strains of FPV. A rapid and sensitive polymerase chain reaction method, which amplified a product from the 4b core protein gene of the FPV genome, was developed for identification and differentiation of members of the genus Avipoxvirus. Whereas total DNA from either vaccine strains or field isolates was used as template for amplifying a predicted product of 578 or 1409 bp, only cleavage of the amplified product (1409 bp) represented an additional detection technique for species differentiation. An attempt to distinguish between strains on the basis of amplification product was partially successful.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of the bovine pathogen Tritrichomonas foetus is sometimes complicated by the presence of other trichomonadid protozoa in clinical samples. A highly specific and reproducible approach for differentiating 3 common types of bovine trichomonadid protozoa found in the bovine preputial cavity, T. foetus, Pentatrichomonas hominis, and a Tetratrichomonas species, was developed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Universal trichomonadid protozoa primers, TFR1 and TFR2, were used to amplify the 5.85 rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer regions (ITSRs), and the products were digested with the restriction enzyme HpyCH4IV. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was performed on 55 trichomonad isolates from bovine preputial washing and scraping samples. The RFLP results correlated 100% with 5.85 rRNA gene and ITSR sequence resultsand PCR results with primers specific for T. foetus. The results of this study demonstrate that PCR and RFLP analysis can be used in lieu of DNA sequencing to identify the specific trichomonadid protozoa isolated from the bovine preputial cavity.  相似文献   

In view of the importance of venereal transmission of bovine leptospirosis, the objective of the present study was to apply the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to 26 serovars of Leptospira interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, L. santarosai, L. noguchii and L. biflexa, to determine the detection threshold in semen samples and to evaluate the possibility of differentiation among serovars using 19 restriction endonucleases. The results showed that all serovars were amplified and the detection threshold in semen samples of a bull was 100 bacteria/ml. Using endonucleases we could classify the 26 serovars into eight groups. The present results show that PCR is a method of great potential for the detection of Leptospira spp. at bovine artificial insemination centers.  相似文献   

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