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<正>芦竹(Arundo donax L.)为禾本科芦竹属多年生丛生草本植物。其茎干直立挺拔,高可达2~6m,粗1~3cm,可分枝。叶片宽大扁平呈鲜绿色,宽2~5cm,形似芦苇又像竹,秋末冬初顶端抽出淡黄色的圆锥状花絮。芦竹具有粗而多节的根茎, 其主要的繁殖方式也是通过地下根茎进行的,繁殖能力较强。而且生长在污水地带还可以净化污水。芦竹的纤维长度1.28mm,宽14.6μm,长度和宽度处于芦  相似文献   

2005年春从黑龙江省农科院浆果研究所引进35000株绥棱1号、绥棱2号无刺大果沙棘幼苗,在黑龙江省鹤岗市岭北矿露天排矸区,经过6年风化的矸石堆上采用了"一垫二培三覆土"的方法栽培了20hm~2沙棘,成活率达到96%以上。  相似文献   

首次报道八角在赣南引种情况和主要栽培技术.  相似文献   

辽宁鹏林科技示范园经过两次的引种实践,证明引进胸径6 cm绒毛白蜡大苗的成活率可以达到95%,而且苗木缓苗快,生长旺盛,收到了很好的效果。整个苗木引种的操作方法也可以借鉴到其它树种和可适宜引种的地区。  相似文献   

北方树莓引种栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
引进树莓品种(系)19个,经过3年引种栽培试验,筛选出美红22、奥洲红、中林42等5个具有品质优良、产量高等优良特性的新品种(系)。并提出整地、栽植、抚育管理等丰产栽培配套技术措施。  相似文献   

沾化冬枣原产于山东省沾化县,自2003年引入信阳市固始县以来,其表现出了成熟期晚,果实肉质饱满,细嫩多汁,皮薄欲胀等特点。通过近3年的跟踪记录和研究总结出了一套适合在信阳市固始县的沾化冬枣栽培技术。  相似文献   

雷竹引种试验与栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷竹引种、栽培试验结果表明:雷竹引种成活率达95.46%;种植当年有32%母竹已出笋,第3年100%母竹出笋,第4年母竹平均出笋12.3个,最多的出笋28个。并介绍了雷竹栽培中的主要技术措施。  相似文献   

对湘中紫色页岩区芦竹的生物量和养分分布进行初步研究.结果表明:当年生芦竹杆(含叶)养分含量高于多年生,因此不宜砍伐利用当年生芦竹杆;根茎养分含量较高,是系统中良好的养分贮存库.一年生、二年生、五年生、八年生芦竹的生物量分别为293.00、5258.29、6746.87和480.86 kg.hm-2.  相似文献   

针对花垣县梨果业发展中存在的问题,进行金秋梨引种栽培示范,取得了明显的社会、经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

种植方式和越冬保护措施对芦竹成活率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
芦竹(Arundo donax Linn.)为禾本科芦竹属多年生高大禾草,是极具应用潜力的生物质能源作物[1,2]和理想的造纸原料[3].芦竹适应范围广,抗涝能力强,还抗瘠薄、耐盐碱和耐干旱[4];对重金属污染水体有较好的修复作用,因此,可用作改良盐碱地和紫色页岩,防止水土流失[5,6].另外,芦竹株形优美,淡紫色的圆锥花序,碧绿的条形叶片,丰富了北方水体和庭院的景观.芦竹在北方虽有引种历史[7],但由于越冬表现不良,很少产生有活力的种子[8],因而在北方干旱地区少有种植.  相似文献   

芦竹快速繁殖技术研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
以芦竹腋芽作外植体,在MS+2~5mg/L6-BA+0.5~1mg/LIBA的培养基上,每个腋芽可以诱导3.2—4.5个嫩芽,最多的可达7.0个,继代半年后一个腋芽可以产生562个嫩芽。两个连在一起的嫩芽作为继代培养物具有较强的增殖能力,经过4次继代以后,嫩芽仍然粗壮,而剪除嫩芽的腋芽继代4次以后,嫩芽纤细,且不易生根。用于生根的嫩芽,高度以3.5~4.5cm为宜。用珍珠岩或细河沙作移栽基质均可,但菜园土不宜采用。  相似文献   

An average value (n=22) of Youngs modulus in the axial direction of woodwind reed grade Arundo donax has been determined from 10-5 s to 104 s, at room temperature in both the ambient-dry and saturated-wet states, using ultrasonic to creep measurements. A broad relaxation in the modulus occurs between 10-3 s and 10-1 s, in keeping with results obtained by others in previous experiments at 0.034 s in flexural resonance bar measurements. The modulus-versus-time results are fitted to a Maxwell–Weichert phenomenological model. This model allows the room temperature viscoelastic properties to be predicted as a function of frequency. The model predicts the measured damping quite well in the relaxation region.Measurements at the ultrasonic frequency of 60 kHz were made over the temperature range –35 to +35°C to seek other relaxations. The so-called -peak found at low frequencies (0.05 to 110 Hz) by other researchers appears to have been observed at the ultrasonic frequency.  相似文献   

春秋季取芦竹腋芽和带腋芽茎段,接种于含有不同激素种类及激素浓度的MS培养基上,进行芽的诱导和生根试验.结果表明,在一个培养周期内,每个腋芽平均可以分化出嫩芽3.6个,而每个茎段只能产生1个嫩芽,IBA,IAA最适合茎段腋芽的生长,2,4-D,NAA则较差,茎段在MSA 0.5~4mg/L6-BA+0.3~1.0mg/LIBA上生长均较好,附加0.05,0.5mg/LIBA,NAA,IAA的(1/2)MS培养基均能促进幼苗生根.  相似文献   

The storage modulus and the mechanical loss tangent of untreated, extracted, and sugar- impregnated canes (Arundo donax L.) were measured over a temperature range of –150° to 0°C at low frequencies. Two relaxation processes, labeled and , were detected in the ranges –60° to 0°C and –120° to –100°C, respectively. The and processes shifted to lower temperatures with increasing moisture content. The process was detected only in the canes containing sugar. The magnitude of its loss peak increased with an increase in sugar content. It was speculated that the process was due to some interactive molecular motions of the adsorbed water and sugar. The process, detected in all of the canes, was attributed to the motion of the adsorbed water in the amorphous cell wall substances.  相似文献   

To improve the drying method in the manufacture of woodwind reeds, green canes (Arundo donax L.) were dried under various humidity–temperature conditions and the intensity of cell collapse was evaluated from the swelling due to steaming during the recovery of collapse. At 30°C, the intensity of collapse was increased by slower drying. It was considered that: (1) slower drying resulted in higher sample temperature in the early stage of drying and acted to increase the collapse; (2) rapid drying stiffened the surface of the sample and such a shell prohibited the following collapse; (3) slower drying i.e., longer loading of liquid tension caused more remarkable and/or frequent viscoelastic yields of cells. Consequently, the intensity of collapse increased when the cane was dried from its waxy outer surface or in the presence of node: both of them retarded drying. On the other hand, higher drying temperature caused greater intensity of collapse in spite of faster drying. It was suggested that the thermal softening of cane cells leads to easier yielding of the cell wall, and at the same time the rapid drying does not allow the recovery of collapse after the disappearance of free water. These results indicated that faster drying at lower temperature is preferable for drying cane with less collapse.  相似文献   

棕榈树作为一种经济树种在长江沿岸及长江以南栽培较广泛。由于其抗寒性较差,在山东省南部的微山湖区以往多是盆栽室内越冬,作为居室和庭院的观叶植物来栽培。为扩大栽培范围,丰富微山湖区绿化树种资源,美化湖区环境,从 1982年起先后几次引进种子及苗木,现将引种情况初报如下。 1微山湖区自然地理与气候、气象情况   微山湖区位于山东南偏西部,地理坐标为东径 116° 34′~ 117° 24′,北纬 34° 27′~ 35° 20′,土壤深厚肥沃, pH值在 7. 5左右。   微山湖区属暖温带季风型大陆性气候,特点是:四季分明,阳光充足,降雨…  相似文献   

在昆明市宜良县千亩杨树种植基地内,依据完全随机区组试验设计,设置美洲黑杨3组造林密度试验。通过对5年生引种美洲黑杨不同造林密度幼林的生长指标观测与分析,结果表明,造林密度对美洲黑杨幼林的胸径、树高和冠幅均有极显著影响,胸径、树高和冠幅随着造林密度的减小而极显著地增加,低密度的造林有利于美洲黑杨树木的生长。  相似文献   

麻黄草为草本状小灌木 ,具有较强抗寒、耐旱和萌蘖能力 ,麻黄草富含麻黄碱 ,有治疗风寒感冒、咳喘水肿、抗肿瘤及抑制关节炎等作用 ,经济价值极高。因此 ,人工培育麻黄草极为重要  相似文献   

介绍了东北角蕨人工栽培技术。包括有性繁殖和无性繁殖。有性繁殖主要是通过孢子繁殖。无性繁殖即营养体繁殖,用根状茎分枝来实现。在栽培时将根状茎挖起,切成一定长度的短段,经培植促进隐芽萌发。并对其栽培技术进行了详细的说明。  相似文献   

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