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Adrenocortical function was assessed in dogs given a single intramuscular dose of either prednisone or triamcinolone acetonide (TCA; or saline solution to controls) to determine the duration of adrenocortical suppression caused by 2 commonly used glucocorticoids. The glucocorticoids were administered at recommended therapeutic doses; therefore, dogs given prednisone received a greater amount of glucocorticoid activity than did in dogs given TCA. Basal and ACTH-stimulated plasma cortisol concentrations, as determined by radioimmunoassay, were obtained once a week. Total intravascular eosinophil concentration and skin responses to intradermally injected histamine phosphate were quantitated. Dogs given TCA showed suppressed basal and ACTH-stimulated plasma cortisol concentrations 1 week after injection; the latter change persisted 2 weeks after injection. Adrenocortical function in 1 of 4 dogs given TCA remained suppressed for 4 weeks. In contrast, prednisone did not significantly alter adrenocortical function. Although intravascular eosinophil concentrations did not vary among groups, skin responses to intradermally injected histamine phosphate were reduced 6 days after prednisone and TCA were given.  相似文献   

An immunosuppressive dose of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) was compared with a non-immunosuppressive dose using Cryptosporidium oocyst production as an indicator of immunosuppression. To be classified as immunosuppressive, the dose had to satisfy five criteria. First, the dose had to abrogate normal immune defenses allowing the propagation of an organism to which the host is normally resistant, i.e. Cryptosporidium parvum in adult mice. Second, the dose had to decrease overall circulating CD4 T-lymphocyte numbers by greater than 80%. Third, the immunosuppressive dose had to prolong the infection beyond the normal infection length, and fourth, increase the severity of an active infection. Lastly, after complete recovery from a C. muris infection, immunosuppression must suppress the naturally acquired post infection immunity and allow reinfection. In mice immunosuppression with 600 mgMPA/kg lasted approximately 14 days and satisfied all five criteria. Fecal oocyst production could be perpetuated by dosing at 10-day intervals. A 200 mgMPA/kg dose transiently lowered CD4 counts by over 80%, but failed to override the naturally acquired post infection immunity or allow infection with C. parvum. The immunosuppressed blood profile consisted of an immediate sharp rise of mature segmented neutrophils combined with a severe decrease in circulating T-lymphocyte numbers. The rise and fall of neutrophils proved to be a good indicator of the severity and duration of immunosuppression. The thymus and spleen likewise contracted and then expanded in accordance with the steroid effect. The metabolism of MPA resulted in the eventual recovery of immune function signified by the cessation of C. parvum oocyst production. The recovery blood profile was associated with circulating CD8 counts near control levels, continuing 80% depression of CD4 counts and a dropping total neutrophil count. This study shows that the 600 mg/kg MPA dose is a good model for immunosuppression, which satisfies all five criteria for immunosuppression with low morbidity and low mortality.  相似文献   

The effects of subconjunctivally administered methylprednisolone acetate on adrenocortical function and blood composition were studied in five dogs. Two 10 mg doses of methylprednisolone acetate were injected at an interval of 21 days. Plasma cortisol concentrations (COR), ACTH-stimulated cortisol concentrations and other blood components were determined regularly. The normal plasma COR (5.7 +/- 2.62 ng/ml) was one of the lowest reported in the literature for the dog, possibly because of the specificity of the high performance liquid chromatographic assay and the experimental environment. Plasma COR was depressed only after the first administration of methylprednisolone acetate. ACTH stimulated COR was significantly depressed nine and 20 days after the first and second subconjunctival injection respectively. Otherwise blood composition was unchanged.  相似文献   

Terbinafine is an allylamine antifungal prescribed for the treatment of mycoses in humans. It is increasingly being used in veterinary patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetic properties of terbinafine in dogs after a single oral dose. Ten healthy adult dogs were included in the study. A single dose of terbinafine (30–35 mg/kg) was administered orally, and blood samples were periodically collected over a 24 h period during which dogs were monitored for adverse effects. Two of 10 dogs developed transient ocular changes. A high‐performance liquid chromatography assay was developed and used to determine plasma terbinafine concentrations. Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using PK Solutions® computer software. Area under the curve (AUC) from time 0 to 24 h was 15.4 μg·h/mL (range 5–27), maximal plasma concentration (Cmax) was 3.5 μg/mL (range 3–4.9 μg/mL) and time to Cmax (Tmax) was 3.6 h (range 2–6 h). The time above minimal inhibitory concentration (T > MIC) as well as AUC/MIC was calculated for important invasive fungal pathogens and dermatophytes. The T > MIC was 17–18 h for Blastomyces dermatitidis, Histoplasma capsulatum and dermatophytes (Microsporum spp. and Trichophyton mentagrophytes), while the MIC for Sporothrix schenckii and Coccidioides immitis was exceeded for 9.5–11 h. The AUC/MIC values ranged from 9 to 13 μg h/mL for these fungi. Our results provide evidence supporting the use of terbinafine as an oral therapeutic agent for treating systemic and subcutaneous mycoses in dogs.  相似文献   

Objective-To determine the pharmacokinetics of methylprednisolone (MP) and the relationship between MP and hydrocortisone (HYD) concentrations in plasma and urine after intra-articular (IA) administration of 100 or 200 mg of MP acetate (MPA) to horses. Animals-Five 3-year-old Thoroughbred mares. Procedures-Horses exercised on a treadmill 3 times/wk during the study. Horses received 100 mg of MPA IA, then 8 weeks later received 200 mg of MPA IA. Plasma and urine samples were obtained at various times for 8 weeks after horses received each dose of MPA; concentrations of MP and HYD were determined. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic estimates for noncompartmental and compartmental parameters were determined. Results-Maximum concentration of MP in plasma was similar for each MPA dose; concentrations remained greater than the lower limit of quantitation for 18 and 7 days after IA administration of 200 and 100 mg of MPA, respectively. Maximum concentration and area under the observed concentration-time curve for MP in urine were significantly higher (approximately 10-and 17-fold, respectively) after administration of 200 versus 100 mg of MPA. Hydrocortisone concentration was below quantifiable limits for ≥ 48 hours in plasma and urine of all horses after administration of each MPA dose. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Pharmacokinetics of MP may differ among IA MPA dosing protocols, and MP may be detected in plasma and urine for a longer time than previously reported. This information may aid veterinarians treating sport horses. Further research is warranted to determine whether plasma HYD concentration can aid identification of horses that received exogenous glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The centrodistal (CD) and tarsometatarsal (TMT) joints are often injected individually with a corticosteroid to resolve lameness caused by osteoarthritis (OA). There are no data available regarding diffusion of methylprednisolone (MP) from the TMT joint to the CD joint. HYPOTHESIS: A therapeutic concentration of MP diffuses into the CD joint after methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) is administered into the TMT joint. OBJECTIVE: To measure the concentration of MP in the CD joint after MPA was administered into the TMT joint. METHODS: MPA was administered into a TMT joint of 16 horses. At different times, the ipsilateral CD joint of these horses was injected with a small amount of saline and recovered saline was measured for concentration of MP using high performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Six hours after administration of MPA into the TMT joint, a therapeutic concentration of MP was found in all 10 CD joints sampled at this time. CONCLUSIONS: Horses with pain arising from the distal 2 joints of the hock can be treated by administering MPA into the TMT joint alone. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Administering MPA into the TMT joint only, to treat OA of the distal 2 hock joints, reduces the difficulties and risks associated with centesis of the CD joint.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Therapeutic use of corticosteroids has been implicated in a variety of serum biochemical abnormalities in dogs; however, the effects in cats are less well characterized. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this brief communication is to report serum biochemical changes in response to methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) in adult cats. METHODS: Serum biochemical profiles were performed on 11 cats with dermatologic diseases at baseline, 3-6 days, and 16-24 days after a single intramuscular dose of 5 mg/kg MPA. RESULTS: Median serum albumin and bicarbonate concentrations and amylase activity were increased compared to baseline at both post-treatment time points; aspartate aminotransferase activity and magnesium concentration were increased at 3-6 days post-treatment only; and alkaline phosphatase activity and total calcium concentration were increased at 16-24 days post-treatment only. Median serum creatinine concentration was decreased compared to baseline at both post-treatment time points. Examination of data from individual cats revealed significant variability in serum biochemical changes in response to MPA. No adverse clinical reactions to the drug were reported. CONCLUSIONS: A single dose of MPA results in significant changes in some serum biochemical values in cats, although individual responses will vary.  相似文献   

Synovial fluid and plasma kinetics of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) and methylprednisolone (MP) after a single intra-articular administration of MPA at a therapeutic dose (111 mg in toto) was measured in five horses. MPA was detected in synovial fluid for two to six days post injection and MP, which results from synovial MPA hydrolysis, was present in pharmacologically significant concentrations for 4.8 to 39 days, depending on the horse. MPA synovial concentration was maximal (289 +/- 284 micrograms/ml) at the first sampling time (2 h after administration) and MP synovial concentration was maximal (from 58.9 to 379.5 micrograms/ml) at the first or second sampling time (2 to 10 h after administration). Thereafter, both MP and MPA declined rapidly. From time of administration to about five days later, MP synovial fluid concentration fell progressively with a half-time of 9.95 h. Subsequently, the MP synovial fluid concentration decreased more slowly with an apparent half-time of 115 h. During the first 24 h following MPA administration, trace amounts of MP (less than 5 ng/ml) were detected in plasma. Plasma hydrocortisone levels were depressed for three to four days after administration but adrenal responsiveness to adrenocorticotrophic hormone tests remained unaffected.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old ovariohysterectomized Chow Chow was referred because of dermatologic lesions diagnosed as pemphigus foliaceus. Intolerance to orally administered corticosteroids necessitated the use of methylprednisolone pulse therapy. One week after treatment, diabetes mellitus was diagnosed on the basis of blood and urine test results. For 3 years after treatment, the dog has remained a well-regulated diabetic. Complete remission of pemphigus foliaceus is maintained by alternate-day, orally administered prednisone (0.5 mg/kg of body weight).  相似文献   

Eight mature horses with no prior signs of joint disease or history of intra-articular therapy were treated with 8 weekly intra-articular injections of methylprednisolone acetate. Treatments were given at a dose of 120 mg/joint into the right radiocarpal and intercarpal joints, with the left joints as untreated controls. Articular cartilage samples were obtained at necropsy 1, 4, and 8 weeks after the last injection. Compared with controls, cartilage from injected joints had a loss of hematoxylin basophilia and decreased intensity of staining in safranin O fast green dye. Chondrocyte necrosis and hypocellularity were observed in all samples of cartilage from treated joints. Proteoglycan content and its rate of synthesis were reduced. There was a progressive loss of proteoglycan content, whereas proteoglycan synthesis increased somewhat 4 and 8 weeks after treatment. Collagen content was unchanged, but its rate of synthesis was markedly inhibited. Collagen synthesis did not recover, but remained decreased at 5 to 15% of the values from untreated cartilage. Water percentage was increased, but fibronectin content was not significantly different. A single injection of methylprednisolone acetate was also given into the right metacarpophalangeal joints of 3 of the 8 horses in this group, with the left joints serving as untreated controls. Sixteen weeks after the treatment, cartilage of the treated joints had a loss of histochemical staining and proteoglycan content was reduced to 50% of control values. The mean rate of proteoglycan synthesis and mean fibronectin content were increased, but the differences were not statistically significant (P greater than 0.05). Other variables were essentially unchanged.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of diltiazem were determined in eight healthy horses. Diltiazem HCl, 1 mg/kg i.v., was administered over 5 min. Venous blood samples were collected at regular intervals after administration. Plasma concentrations of diltiazem and desacetyldiltiazem were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. A second, putative metabolite was detected, but could not be identified due to the lack of an authentic standard. Data were analyzed by nonlinear least-squares regression analysis. The median (minimum-maximum) peak plasma concentration of diltiazem was 727 (539-976) ng/mL. Plasma diltiazem concentration vs. time data were best described by a two-compartment model with first-order drug elimination. The distribution half-life was 12 (6-23) min, the terminal half-life was 93 (73-161) min, the mean residence time was 125 (99-206) min, total plasma clearance was 14.4 (10.4-18.6) mL/kg/min, and the volume of distribution at steady-state was 1.84 (1.46-2.51) L/kg. The normalized ratio of the area under the curve (AUC) of desacetyldiltiazem to the AUC of diltiazem was 0.088 (0.062-0.179). The disposition of diltiazem in horses was characterized by rapid distribution and elimination and a terminal half-life shorter than reported in humans and dogs. Because of the reported low pharmacologic activity, plasma diltiazem metabolite concentrations were not considered clinically important.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mechanisms by which corticosteroid administration may predispose cats to congestive heart failure (CHF). ANIMALS: 12 cats receiving methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) for the treatment of dermatologic disorders. PROCEDURE: The study was conducted as a repeated-measures design. Various baseline variables were measured, after which MPA (5 mg/kg, IM) was administered. The same variables were then measured at 3 to 6 days and at 16 to 24 days after MPA administration. Evaluations included physical examination, systolic blood pressure measurement, hematologic analysis, serum biochemical analysis, thoracic radiography, echocardiography, and total body water and plasma volume determination. RESULTS: MPA resulted in a substantial increase in serum glucose concentration at 3 to 6 days after administration. Concurrently, RBC count, Hct, and hemoglobin concentration as well as serum concentrations of the major extracellular electrolytes, sodium and chloride, decreased. Plasma volume increased by 13.4% (> 40% in 3 cats), whereas total body water and body weight slightly decreased. All variables returned to baseline by 16 to 24 days after MPA administration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These data suggest that MPA administration in cats causes plasma volume expansion as a result of an intra to extracellular fluid shift secondary to glucocorticoid-mediated extracellular hyperglycemia. This mechanism is analogous to the plasma volume expansion that accompanies uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in humans. Any cardiovascular disorders that impair the normal compensatory mechanisms for increased plasma volume may predispose cats to CHF following MPA administration.  相似文献   

The prophylactic efficacy of desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) on diabetes insipidus (DI) after hypophysectomy was investigated in the dog. In the control group, hypernatremia with a plasma level of 155 mEq/l or higher persisted for 12 hr from the 4th to the 16th hour after hypophysectomy, and symptoms of DI developed within five days after surgery. In the DDAVP treatment group, these changes were not observed, showing that administration of DDAVP (4 microg, installation, twice daily) effectively prevented hypernatremia that develops immediately after surgery and DI-like symptoms that persists for about one week after surgery.  相似文献   

Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism (or iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome) is an adrenal disorder that may result from long-term administration of glucocorticoids for therapeutic purposes, most often given to treat allergic or immune-mediated disorders. Prolonged treatment with synthetic glucocorticoids can suppress hypothalamic corticotrophin releasing hormone and plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), thus causing a functional inactivity of the adrenal cortex. The result is a clinical syndrome of hyperadrenocorticism but with basal and ACTH-stimulated plasma cortisol concentrations that are consistent with spontaneous hypoadrenocorticism (Addison's disease).Whilst iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism is relatively frequent in dogs, the diagnosis of iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism in cats is very uncommon because this species has been found to be remarkably resistant to prolonged administration of glucocorticoids. To the author's knowledge, there are only two published clinical cases of feline iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome. This report describes a case of iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism in a cat, and shows how normalisation of the adrenal function was achieved with supportive treatment and withdrawal of glucocorticoid administration.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of ofloxacin (OFLX) was investigated after intravenous administration of 3, 10 and 30 mg/kg of body weight in pigs. Plasma OFLX concentration-time course collected from the highest dosage showed a convex decline, indicating a capacity-limited process in drug elimination (Michaelis-Menten elimination). Dose-normalized area under curve (AUC/Dose) and mean resident time (MRT) were dose-dependent, indicating a classical pattern of non-linear elimination pharmacokinetics. Based on simultaneous curve fitting from three doses, non-linear pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows: 0.87 mg/h/kg for maximum velocity, 2.20 microg/mL in Michaelis-Menten constant and 2.06 L/kg for apparent volume of distribution. Based on a model-independent analysis, the apparent volume of distribution at steady-state (Vdss) was dose-independent whereas total body clearance (CLtot) was dose-dependent, mainly contributed by renal clearance (CLr) with the regression line of CLtot=1.14xCLr+0.09 (r=0.92). The intercept of the regression line indicates non-renal clearance (CLnr), corresponding to the value of observed CLnr without dose-dependency. Because of a higher CLr compared with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in spite of drug reabsorption, the CLr must contain the renal active tubular secretion. With increasing dosage, the level of saturation of tubular secretion of OFLX decreased the CLr, resulting in the decrease in CLtot. The plasma protein binding to OFLX was dose-independent: mean free fraction (fp)=0.73, with probably no influential effect on OFLX disposition. In conclusion, the degree of saturation in the renal active tubular secretion of OFLX could be a major causal factor in the alteration of CLr in an increasing dosage of OFLX. Accordingly, the alteration of CLr could directly induce the non-linear pharmacokinetics of OFLX in pigs, an important consideration in clinical therapeutics.  相似文献   

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