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顾杰  韩振冲 《植物检疫》2003,17(4):236-236,248
在检疫进口刚果奥古曼原木时 ,发现不少直径 6~ 7mm的蛀孔 ,凿开边材 ,表层下纵深 2~ 3cm范围内大面积布满粉末状蛀屑 ,进而发现大型蠹虫 ,并采集到完整的 3种虫态 ,经室内鉴定为毛额奸狡长蠹 (Apatefo moralisFahraus)。目前我国尚未有分布记录。过去曾有其成虫的简要描述 ,现将所观察到该虫的 3个虫态的形态特征描述如下 ,供检疫参考。1 成虫长 1 4~ 1 7mm ;头、前胸黑褐色 ,触角、鞘翅深红褐色 ,翅端近黑色 ;翅基略宽于前胸背板基部。眼卵形 ,显凸 ,小眼细密 ;前额密被发状金黄色长毛丛 ;触角 1 0节 ,第 8~ 1 0节栉齿状 ,末节顶端…  相似文献   

钻孔奸狡长蠹为非洲地区重要的林木害虫,也是近年来我国口岸进口木材中截获频次较多的昆虫种类。本文重点描述了钻孔奸狡长蠹雌虫和雄虫的形态特征并从背面、侧面、前面、后面和腹面图示了钻孔奸狡长蠹的性二型性,另外也提供了钻孔奸狡长蠹雌性和雄性生殖系统解剖结构和雌雄虫形态特征区别表,为进口木材中对钻孔奸狡长蠹的检疫鉴定提供了较详细的参考依据。  相似文献   

刘昊  吴立平  朱宏斌 《植物检疫》2007,21(2):132-132
2006年3月9日,张家港局检验检疫人员在对自中国台湾进境设备的木包装进行现场检疫时,发现在集装箱底板和铺垫材料上有虫为害的迹象,经仔细查找后截获3头害虫。寄送江苏检验检疫局植检实验室鉴定,  相似文献   

2006年4月24日,中山检验检疫局中山港办事处检验检疫人员在对来自莫桑比克的斯图崖豆木进行检疫时,现场发现原木虫孔众多,解刨木材后共抓获102头活体成虫,通过形态学及解剖学鉴定并经专家复核,确定为国内尚未分布的棕异翅长蠹[Hetrobostrychus brunneus(Murray)]。  相似文献   

2006年9月,北京市丰台区林业保护站工作人员对王佐镇南宫恒达苗圃进行产地检疫时,在黄山栾(Koelruteria bipinnata uar.integrifoliola)苗木上发现钻蛀性害虫活体,后经深圳出人境检验检疫局陈志粦高级农艺师鉴定为红艳长蠹[Xylothrips religiosus(Boisduval)]。在其后的调查中,发现调人的2批合欢(Albizzia julibrissin)和青桐(Firmiana simplex)也遭到此虫为害。发现苗木受害后,相关单位已及时进行了销毁处理。目前已证实,受害苗木分别自河南省潢川市和浙江省温州市调入北京。  相似文献   

2008年5月14日,苏州检验检疫局园区办事处从美国入境的木质包装中截获一种林木钻蛀性有害昆虫,经江苏省出人境检验检疫局植检实验室鉴定和复核为尖齿锯木长蠹(Xyloprista hexacantha Fairmaire),为国内首次截获.  相似文献   

近两年张家港出入境检验检疫局多次从来自澳大利亚的桉树上截获大唇乳白蚁(Coptotermes frenchi,Hill),此种我国未有分布,其他口岸未见截获报道。现将大唇乳白蚁的鉴定特征简单描述如下。  相似文献   

2007年4月,张家港检验检疫局的检疫人员在对一批来自喀麦隆的集装箱运原木进行现场检疫时,在该批木材上截获到较多的双棘长蠹属害。经形态学鉴定,其中一种为检疫性有害生物圆双棘长蠹(sinoxylon circuitum L.),这是张家港口岸在国内首次截获到该种有害生物。  相似文献   

长林小蠹的识别鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长林小蠹(Hylurgus ligniperda)属鞘翅目,小蠹科,切梢小蠹族。该虫危害松属树种,食性广泛,所到之处的所有松树均能危害;且具有很强的自然传播能力,成虫飞行距离可达数概,并可随木材、木质包装及铺垫材料的交通货运作远距离的传播。1985-1994年间,美国口岸检疫机构从进口木材中截获该虫169批次。该虫原产地为欧洲南部及非洲北部地中海沿岸,但由于本种适应力极强,近几年随着世界性的交通货运,除北美洲外,本种已传至世界各大洲。我国尚无该种发生的报道,因此应作为重要的检疫害虫看待。为了准确地识别此虫,提高检出率,本文比较详细地介绍了长林小蠹的识别鉴定,供口岸检验检疫人员参考。  相似文献   

2005年8月12日,南海检验检疫局人员在南海九江口岸对来自美国樱桃木原木进行检疫时,截获害虫10余种,其中1头经南海局国家级林木种苗与盆景检疫重点实验室鉴定并由广州局植检实验室复核确认为马铃薯甲虫(Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)),这也是广东省口岸首次截获国家禁止进境一类危险性害虫,同时截获还有脊虎天牛属、鳃角小蠹属等近10种害虫活成虫.南海局立即按规定对该批货物进行熏蒸除害处理.  相似文献   

After about 25 years of intensive research a substantial moment of information has accumulated on the basic biology of Prostephanus truncatus in stored products. This article reviews the literature on the geographical distribution, biotypes, symbiotic associations, mating and flight behaviour, oviposition, and development on both agricultural and non-agricultural hosts. The current knowledge about the nutritional biology (including the role of symbionts) and host finding behaviour (including the inter-linked roles of plant chemicals and the insect's own pheronones) are highlighted as research areas which deserve future attention. In addition, few studies have been conducted to determine the extent to which the biology of P. truncatus permits it to survive and reproduce in non-agricultural environments. These areas of study should be pursued as possible routes to providing more effective integrated pest managements strategies for the larger grain borer.  相似文献   

Methods for detecting and for monitoring Prostephanus truncatus(Horn) are crucial components in phyto- sanitary control, research programmes and pest management against this beetle. P. truncatus is unusual in that its populations are distributed widely between natural habitats and stores holding maize grain and dried cassava roots, which necessitates a similarly wide range of sampling methodologies. This review considers successful and unsuccessful approaches to sampling the pest populations in both stores and the natural environment and concludes with a consideration of how monitoring could contribute to integrated pest management for P. truncatus.  相似文献   

Biological control was first considered shortly after the accidental introduction of Prostephanus truncatus in Africa in the early 1980's. This article reviews first the history of the biological control efforts with a focus on the results and recommendations of the initial international meetings and foreign exploration projects, followed by a discussion of the more important biocontrol agents, in particular the histerid Teretrius nigrescens. Since the release of T. nigrescens in Africa a number of techniques have been employed by different research groups to measure the effect of the natural enemy on P. truncatus, including pheromone trapping, field experiments, gut analysis grain store surveys, simulation modelling, and statistical and economic analysis the conclusions of these various studies have been largely equivocal, and the results of studies with recent data suggest that uncertainty is growing. Further resources and time are needed both for a proper evaluation and for the further development of control strategies compatible with biological control.  相似文献   

In October 2014 samples were collected from olive trees growing in South‐Eastern Sicily (Italy) that were showing wilting symptoms. In the field, clear signs of flagging appeared on young twigs and lateral shoots, and many leaves had fallen to the ground. Initial laboratory examinations of attacked twigs revealed the presence of a large number of adults of Rhyzopertha dominica (F., 1792). Sampling was repeated during the following 2 years, and while an outbreak of the pest did not occur, continuous damage was observed. In 2016, exclusively using pheromone‐baited traps in olive trees, a large number of adults were captured. The main local climatic parameters were monitored from 2014 to 2016 and compared with the population levels. The incidence of damage and survival of R. dominica in an environment different from its usual one (stored grain) deserves attention, especially considering that climate change could greatly affect pest demographics and put olive trees in this area and further afield at risk of increased damage.  相似文献   

The effects of uneven application of an azadirachtin-enriched neem extract to wheat grain on the reproduction and feeding behaviour in Rhyzopertha dominica (F) were investigated. The evenness of distribution amongst individual wheat grains during grain treatment was not important in ensuring its effectiveness as an anti-feedant or as an insect growth regulator, provided that, overall, the grain was treated with an effective level of azadirachtin. The effect of azadirachtin on reproduction was not improved when the diluent application rates were increased from 0.5 ml kg−1 to 5 ml kg−1. Treating 10% of the grain was shown to provide the same level of protection as treating 100% of the grain. The anti-feedant effect of azadirachtin on the beetle was also unaffected by unevenness of treatment, provided that 50% of the grain was treated. The fact that azadirachtin remains effective even when application to grain is uneven may be advantageous in field situations where uniform distribution of insecticides is difficult to achieve. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The establishment of P. truncatus in Africa has highlighted the inherent weakness of phytosanitary measures against exotic pests. Consideration is given to the need for phytosanitary measures and how patterns of international trade affect phytosanitary control. To prevent the spread of pests such as P. truncatus, large grain shipments can be subject to stringent pest control procedures. However, a significant proportion of grain movement in Africa, both within countries and across borders, occurs informally by both illicit, commercial movement of multiple truckloads of grain and legally by individuals carrying headloads via bush paths or small parcels on public transport. Attempts to locate and inspect the small lots would be impractical. Some recommendations are given on how the spread of P. truncatus in large-scale international trade can be slowed but otherwise it is accepted that in the long-term the prevention of further spread of P. truncatus in Africa is wholly unrealistic.  相似文献   

除危害各种储藏物 ,虱属昆虫也可随活体植物、木材、木质包装、废纸、土壤等进行远距离传播。为便于口岸检疫人员及时、准确鉴定所截获的虱属昆虫 ,本文记述了该属 2种中国新记录 ,即鲍氏虱liposcelisbouilloniBadonnel和地虱L .edaphicaLienhard ,并对其进行了再描述  相似文献   

In this article, we review studies of the ecology of the larger grain borer, Protephanus truncatus, both outside and within the maize storage systems. Laboratory studies have shown that P. truncatus can breed on a wide range of woody substrates (branches, roots, and seeds). Pheromone trap catches in different habitats strongly suggest that P. truncatus is well-established in certain non-agricultural environments, presumably breeding in dead or dying wood. In Meso-America, West and East Africa, P. truncatus reproduction in the field has been documented in branches ring-barked by cerambycid beetles. Within a maize store, P. truncatus densities can increase from very small initial colonies of probably less than 200 individuals to densities in excess of 1000 beetles per kg after about 4–6 months of storage. Insect parasitoids are very often found in smallholders' grain stores attacked by P. truncatus, but they do not contribute significantly to population regulation. Declines in maize store population levels in Benin from 1993 to 1996, and in adult abundance in pheromone traps in the natural environment in Kenya, have been attributed to predation by the introduced predator, Teretrius nigrescens, but in recent years pheromone trap catches in West Africa suggest that the situation may be complex. Several environmental factors, notably temperature, humidity, and daylength, and their interactions, have been correlated with P. truncatus flight activity, as well as, in West Africa, the emptying of maize stores. Laboratory experiments have shown food quality also affects flight activity. Factors terminating dispersal and flight are most likely attraction to the male-released aggregation pheromone. Short range attraction to plant volatiles has also been recorded. In Africa the highest densities of P. truncatus tend to occur in humid lowlands, which contrasts with the situation in meso-America where P. truncatus tend to occur in greatest numbers in cooler upland regions. Pheromone trap catches can be significant predictors of the risk of stores becoming infested. Coupled with the development of a rule-based model of flight activity, these studies may offer the prospect of predicting the risk of store infestation based upon temperature and humidity measurements.  相似文献   

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