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四川是榛子资源的一个重要分布区,国内野生榛子资源至少有7种在本区有分布.本研究使用9个SSR标记分析了川榛(Corylus?heterophylla var.sutchuenensis)、滇榛(C.yunnanensis)、刺榛(C.ferox)、毛榛(C.mandshurica)与欧榛(C.avellana)资源的群...  相似文献   

为给香花油茶分类地位的确认提供一定的参考,采用ISSR分子标记对11份山茶属植物的亲缘关系进行了研究,利用DPSv3.01进行聚类分析。结果表明:7个引物共扩增出77条带,其中有52条多态带,多态性比例为67.5%。根据ISSR聚类分析结果,在遗传距离为0.42时,11份山茶属植物可分为4类,第1类为5个普通油茶的无性系,即:湘林27、桂无5号、赣190、岑软2号和岑软24号;第2类为宛田红花油茶;第3类为陆川大果和博白大果油茶;第4类为香花油茶。根据研究结果可以推测香花油茶不属于普通油茶。  相似文献   

利用RAPD标记技术对桦树种间亲缘关系的分析   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
桦木属(Betula)在我国约有30种,主要分布于东北、华北、华中、西南以及西北等广大地区.其中能被开发利用的乔木有23种,这些树种的生长特性、抗性及木材物理性质差异很大,每一树种各有其优缺点(中国植物志第十一卷,1979).如果开展杂交育种研究,可以综合两个或多个树种的优良特性.由于种间杂交更容易发生在亲缘关系较近的种间,为此,对桦树种间亲缘关系的分析,是进行种间杂交的前提(王明庥,1988).本文应用RAPD技术,在DNA水平上鉴定几种桦树的亲缘关系,为开展种间杂交亲本的选配,充分挖掘基因资源提供科学依据.  相似文献   

曲进 《林业月报》1991,(1):25-25

桦树液资源的开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

对福建山樱花、11份日本樱花品种和6份选优材料进行了标记,通过筛选出来的12条引物进行聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增。结果显示,共获得144个位点,多态性位点135个,多态性占93.75%。选取引物UBC808和UBC835构建指纹图谱,简单重复序列间扩增(ISSR)分子标记能有效地对18份樱属材料进行区分和鉴定。供试材料间的遗传相似系数在0.4532~0.8333之间,平均0.6337;遗传距离在0.1823~0.7651之间。通过非加权组平均法(UPGMA)进行聚类分析,在遗传相似性系数为0.5899时,可将18份樱属材料划分为4大类,其中选优材料与福建山樱花或日本樱花亲缘关系较近,但在花色、花期等方面有一定差异,且能区分和鉴定供试材料的亲缘关系。研究结果能为国内樱花新品种鉴定、优选和商品化等提供参考依据。  相似文献   

桦树液浓缩研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对采集的新鲜桦汁,利用真空低温浓缩设备进行多次浓缩试验,得出浓缩工艺过程为桦树原汁→粗过滤→贮存→精过滤→贮存→通过浓缩设备浓缩→放料(浓缩液)→冷藏处理。浓缩倍数为5、10、15三个级別。经浓缩的桦树液方便保存,利于加工,可直接用于生产。并且通过对浓缩液理化和毒理分析得知,浓缩后营养成份没有损失,无毒无害,食用安全。这就为桦树液的开发利用创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

桦树液的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桦树液,是从桦树上流出来的液体。它作为天然保健饮料,营养价值很高,富含人体易于吸收的碳水化合物、各种有机酸和多种矿物元素。为了开发利用桦树液资源。从1985年开始,在有关单位的支持下,进行了桦树液的采集、贮存和保鲜等试验。并利用天然桦树液和林区浆果为主要原料试制成功系列饮料产品,获得较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

日本桦树育种研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桦属在日本有9个种,主要分布在本洲北部,其中日本白桦、日本岳桦和棘皮桦3种桦树最为重要,研究的也较多。自1958年以来主要研究了桦树的抗野兔、野鼠特性,以及桦属种间杂交的后代抗野兔、野鼠性的差异,桦属种间杂交和种内杂交其杂交方式不同对种子产量和成活率等的影响;日本白桦、棘皮桦种源试验;日本白桦无性系的测定与早期选择;棘皮桦材质材性的研究。制定了日本桦树的育种战略。  相似文献   

用随机引物扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对白术的3个居群进行基因组DNA多态性分析,从100个随机引物中筛选出20个10bp随机引物,共扩增出187个DNA片段,片段大小在200bp~2800bp之间,其中多态性谱带为135条,表现出了丰富的RAPD多态性(占72.2%),根据遗传距离,利用UPGMA构建了居群亲缘关系柱状图。结果表明:於术86和於术76的亲缘较近,而於术86和白术天台之间的亲缘关系较远。就单个样本来看,於术86的15个样都聚在了一起,表明了於术86较强的同源性,於术76的14个样也聚到了一起,也表明了於术76的同源性。而於术76第14个样与白术天台聚到了一起,表明了於术76与白术天台有一定的同源关系。  相似文献   

Genetic relationship of 12 species of Section Strobus was analyzed with ISSR markers. 117 loci were detected with 12 ISSR primers. Percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) varied from 5.93% to 19.92%. P. pumila had the highest levels of genetic differentiation and P. flexilis had lowest. Total genetic diversity (Hr) of 12 species in Section Strobus was 26.21%, of which intraspecific genetic diversity (Hs) was 7.66%, and interspecific genetic diversity (DST) was 18.55%, and the genetic variation in interspecies accounted for 70.78% of the total genetic diversity. According to the cluster results of genetic distance, the 12 species were classified into two groups. The first group included P. griffithii, P.armandi, P. fenzeliana, P. kwangtungensis, P. strobus, P. monticola and P. wangii. The second group included P. albicaulis, P pumila, P. flexilis, P. sibirica and P koraiensis.  相似文献   

利用ISSR标记对12种五针松亲缘关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用ISSR 标记技术,对12 种五针松的亲缘关系进行分析。利用筛选出的12 个ISSR 引物共检测到117 个位点,多态条带比率(PPB)在9.40%~33.33 %之间,遗传分化最高的是偃松,最低的是柔枝松。12 种五针松的基因多样性(Ht)为26.21%,其中种内基因多样性(Hs)为7.66%,种间基因多样性(Dst)为18.55%,五针松种间变异占总变异的70.78%。遗传距离聚类,将12 种五针松分为2 个类群,第一类群包括乔松、华山松、海南五针松、华南五针松、北美乔松、山白松和云南五针松;第二类群包括美国白皮松、偃松、、柔枝松、西伯利亚红松和红松。图1 表3 参6。  相似文献   

Apple scab caused by Venturia inaequalis is the most destructive disease of apple worldwide. In this study, genetic diversity of 101 V. inaequalis isolates from cultivated apples and ornamental crabapples in Pennsylvania (PA, USA) was characterized using 14 microsatellite markers. A total of 157 alleles ranging from 5 (Vitg9/99) to 26 (Vica10/154) per locus were detected. Regardless of the host of origin, isolates were grouped into five clusters, which were largely supported by STRUCTURE and principal coordinate analysis. Cluster analyses based on genetic distances and population structure analysis suggest very small differentiation (PhiPT ranging from 0.016 to 0.103, depending on the population comparison) between apple and crabapple isolates of V. inaequalis. Pairwise comparisons among populations from different locations showed very low differentiation, and POPGENE analysis indicated frequent migration of alleles (Nm = 1.47). In pathogenicity tests using a detached leaf assay, isolates of V. inaequalis from crabapple caused characteristic scab symptoms on apple and were highly virulent. Results of the study indicate that scab lesions in crabapple trees in close vicinity to apple orchards could serve as reservoirs for spread of the pathogen. Movement of inoculum among locations and between hosts may be responsible for the limited population structure observed. Understanding the population structure of V. inaequalis isolates is significant for apple scab management as crabapples are often used as pollinizers and rootstock in apple orchards, and as ornamental trees.  相似文献   

The molecular variation and genetic relationships among five populations of the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea Drury) in China were assessed using microsatellite technology. Ten microsatellite primers, producing polymorphic bands, were used across 300 samples. The percentage of polymorphic loci (PPB) was 98.36%; the percentage of polymorphic loci in five populations ranged from high to low in the following order: Cangzhou population, Yantai population, Qinhuangdao population, Dandong population, and Shijiaz...  相似文献   

木荷为我国亚热带地区主要的珍贵优质阔叶用材树种和生态防护树种.利用筛选的14对多态性强的SSR引物,对木荷1代育种群体中来自15个产地133个亲本进行遗传多样性分析,为其优异种质资源保存、杂交亲本选配及新种质创制提供科学依据.结果表明:14对引物共扩增86个位点,每对引物检测到的等位基因数(Na)变异范围为2~11个,平均等位基因数(Na)为6.14个,平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为3.23个,平均观察杂合度(Ho)为0.572 0,平均Shannon信息指数(I)和平均Nei's基因多样性指数(Nei)分别为1.224 7和0.599 0,说明木荷1代育种群体具有丰富的遗传多样性,其中,福建建瓯产地遗传多样性最高,浙江遂昌产地遗传多样性最低.木荷1代育种群体中成对亲本间遗传距离为0.023 3~1.633 8,平均为0.6067.不同产地遗传多样性与纬度呈显著的负相关关系(r=-0.5162,p=0.048 9).通过UPGMA聚类,可将133个育种亲本分成3个类群,其中,类群3又分为4个亚类群.木荷亲本选配时,应充分考虑优树的产地来源.  相似文献   

The molecular variation and genetic relationships among five populations of the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea Drury) in China were assessed using microsatellite technology. Ten microsatellite primers, producing polymorphic bands, were used across 300 samples. The percentage of polymorphic loci (PPB) was 98.36%; the percentage of polymorphic loci in five populations ranged from high to low in the following order: Cangzhou population, Yantai population, Qinhuangdao population, Dandong population, and Shijiazhuang population. The results showed that 34.38% of the total genetic variation of the fall webworm (GST) occurs among populations, while most variation (65.62%) exists within populations. Nei’s genetic distances ranged from 0.1386 to 0.3224. Using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA), Nei’s genetic distances were analyzed by a clustering technique and the dendrogram shows that population differentiation is closely related to the time and geographic origin of the invasion. The major factors impacting genetic diversity of fall webworm populations are longitude, the plain area ratio, annual precipitation, latitude and time of invasion. The formation of genetic structure is correlated with characteristics of the life history and invasion ecology of the species.  相似文献   

李ISSR反应体系的优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以李品种杏梅(hybrid)和斯顿莱(Prunus domestica)为试材,研究了PCR反应体系的主要成分及退火温度对李ISSR扩增结果的影响。结果表明:在20μl的反应体系中,模板DNA含量对扩增结果影响不大,在10—80ng均能得到较好的扩增;椰用量对扩增无明显影响;而Primer、Mg^2 的最适浓度分别为0.25μmol/L、0.25mmol/L;Taq酶在0.5~1.0U均能得到好的扩增条带;退火温度在50-52.1℃范围内均能得到清晰的条带。  相似文献   

广东鼎湖山3个树种在不同群落演替过程中的遗传多样性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用扩增片段长度多态性 (AFLP)方法对木荷、锥栗、厚壳桂在广东省鼎湖山 3个不同群落 :针叶林群落 ,针阔叶混交林群落 ,常绿阔叶林群落中的遗传多样性进行了研究。其中木荷和锥栗样品分别在上述 3个群落中采集到 ,总样品数都为 4 8个 ;厚壳桂样品只在针阔叶混交林群落和常绿阔叶林群落中采集到 ,总样品数为 4 0个。研究中把各物种同一群落中的所有个体视为一亚种群。木荷的AFLP分析结果表明 ,4组引物对分别扩增出 2 4、2 7、4 0和 2 7条带 ,其中分别有 1 5、2 3、2 3和 1 6条是多态性带 ,其 3个亚种群的平均遗传多样性分别是 0 35 3、0 336、0 30 4 ;锥栗的AFLP分析结果为 4组引物对分别扩增出 2 7、2 0、33和 39条带 ,其中分别有 1 5、1 5、1 8和 2 6条是多态性带 ,其3个亚种群的平均遗传多样性分别是 0 1 97、0 2 97、0 31 1 ;厚壳桂的AFLP分析结果为 4组引物对分别扩增出 2 3、30、4 2和 31条带 ,其中分别有 1 2、1 9、37和 1 8条是多态性带 ,其 2个亚种群的平均遗传多样性分别是 0 2 85、0 2 95。上述结果的产生既是这 3个物种的生物学特性的反映 ,也是不同群落微环境不同的反映。  相似文献   

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