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Nine juvenile mink with hind-limb paresis/paralysis from 2 Ontario farms were submitted for necropsy. Diagnostic tests revealed spinal compression and severe thoracic diskospondylitis with intralesional Gram-positive coccoid bacterial colonies. Streptococcus canis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, and hemolytic Staphylococcus spp. were isolated from vertebral lesions.  相似文献   

葡萄球菌广泛分布于自然界中 ,可引起多种动物化脓性疾患、脓肿、脓毒败血症等。当污染食物时 ,可引起食物中毒。乌骨鸡、猪、中华竹鼠、骆驼等动物葡萄球菌病均有报道 ,但小灵猫葡萄球菌病尚未见报道[1~ 4 ] 。我院实验动物养殖场 1999年 8月从外地购入 10只野生小灵猫曾发生一起疫病 ,经确诊为葡萄球菌感染 ,现将报告如下。1 材料和方法1.1 病 料 本院实验动物养殖场饲养的 8只发病小灵猫。1.2 实验动物  4只健康家兔 ,2~ 3Kg ,由本院实验动物养殖场提供。1.3 流行病学、临床及病理学观察 按常规进行。1.4 病原分离鉴定1.4 .…  相似文献   

In the familial form of hyperlipoproteinaemia type I of mink (Mustela vison), mesenteric lipogranulomas are common findings in longstanding cases. Patho-morphological studies of early stages indicated that these lipogranulomas arose from stagnant chyle. The composition of fatty acids of a newly formed mesenteric granuloma was determined, together with fatty acids in liver, plasma and the feed. The results supported the pathological observations, as the fat of the granuloma differed from that of the liver and plasma, and contained only small amounts of the endogenous arachidonic acid, while the exogenous eicosenoic acid was present in amounts comparable with the dietary fat.  相似文献   

Severe nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis associated with Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) infection was observed in adult ranch mink. Brain lesions included severe, locally extensive to coalescing lymphoplasmacytic meningoencephalitis with accompanying gliosis, satellitosis, and mild extension of inflammation into the leptomeninges. ADV was identified in mesenteric lymph node, spleen, brain, and liver of affected mink by polymerase chain reaction techniques. Sequences of the ADV isolate (TH5) revealed 2 unique residues in the region of the viral genome that determines pathogenicity. These findings suggest that certain strains of ADV may preferentially cause disease in the nervous system. ADV infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of neurologic disorders in mink.  相似文献   

Pathology of Aujeszky's disease in mink   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lesions in 21 mink which died of Aujeszky's disease included hemorrhages in lungs, heart, mediastinum, thymus, diaphragm, gastric wall, pancreas, and enteric wall. Microscopically, hyalin and fibrinoid degeneration and necrosis of vessel walls were present in cardiac muscle, brain, gastrointestinal wall and occasionally elsewhere in the body. Hemorrhages, exudation of plasma proteins and necrosis were associated with the angiopathy. Inflammation was minimal or absent. Other findings were congestion and extravasation of blood (lungs, liver), necrosis of lymphoid cells, and hemoglobinuric nephrosis. Aujeszky's disease virus was isolated from all but three animals. After experimental infection of three mink, similar though less pronounced lesions were found to those observed in the field cases.  相似文献   

An outbreak of tularemia in farm raised mink is reported. Twenty-six of approximately 5000 mink succumbed within a 10 day period. Prodromal signs were minimal. Necropsy revealed necrotic nodules scattered in the parenchyma of the lungs, liver, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes. Francisella tularensis was isolated from spleens, livers and lungs.  相似文献   

Spleen samples from 14 mink that were trapped in 4 counties of Nova Scotia were tested for the presence of the Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) by polymerase chain reaction. Viral DNA was not detected in samples from Kings County (n = 2), but was detected in all the mink sampled from Colchester (n = 2) and Halifax (n = 6) counties, and 3 of 4 mink from Yarmouth County. The high level of AMDV-infected mink in Colchester and Halifax counties may pose a serious threat to the captive mink and wild animal populations. Because treatment of infected free-ranging mink is not an option, AMDV control strategies for the captive mink should be primarily focused on bio-security to protect clean ranches.  相似文献   

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