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心土培肥改良白浆土的研究Ⅱ心土对作物产量的贡献及磷、钙培肥心土的效果 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为明确心土对作物产量的贡献和P、Ca培肥心土的效果,采用盆栽试验与室内模拟试验相结合的方法,研究心土层对作物产量贡献和白浆土心土培肥的机理。结果表明:良好的心土层对作物产量影响十分明显。黑土厚度从20 cm增加到60cm,大豆增产40.4%;不同土层位置对大豆产量的贡献率分别为:20~40 cm土层10%以上,40~50 cm土层为4.57%;50 cm以下土层为1%。磷培肥后心土层吸附磷的能力降低、解吸率增加,土壤中有效磷含量提高;钙培肥后心土层土壤电导率和pH提高,但使土壤中磷的有效性降低;磷培肥后磷在土壤中主要转化为Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P和Ca10-P。 相似文献
白浆土心土间隔改良对土壤理化性状及作物产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了探索机械作业改良白浆土新途径,在原有改土原理"上翻20 cm,下混30~40 cm"的农艺参数下,自主设计了将白浆土"上翻20 cm,下混30~40 cm,同时间隔62 cm不混拌"的新农艺参数及配套机械,即所谓的心土间隔混拌。应用该犁在白浆土上作业,2 a后调查土壤理化性状:结果显示,20~60 cm混拌层土壤含水量提高,两地提高分别为2.25%~1.43%和3.70%~2.48%;硬度降低,幅度为300~1300 kPa;改善土壤三相比和容重,固相降低幅度为4.71%~2.63%,液相增加幅度为2.19%~1.67%,气相增加幅度为2.52%~0.96%,容重下降幅度为0.12~0.07 g cm-3;提高心土土壤速效养分和全量养分、pH和有机质含量。连续2a调查作物产量,种植大豆第1 a、第2 a改土区分别比对照区增产4.8%和4.9%;种植玉米增产20.4%和21.3%。研究结果可为低产土壤改良及作物高产提供技术支撑。 相似文献
心土培肥犁改良瘠薄土壤的效果 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
研究根据心土培肥的改土技术要求研制出心土培肥犁,并分别在瘠薄黑土和碳酸盐草甸黑钙土上开展大面积机械改土试验,明确自主研发的心土培肥犁改土后对土壤理化性质影响及对作物产量的效果,为其广泛应用到低产土壤改良提供机械及技术支持。试验设深松、心土培肥和常规对照耕作,采用大田对比方法。研究结果表明:心土培肥和深松在不同类型土壤上对土壤理、化性质,对作物产量及产量性状影响后效不完全一致;心土培肥降低土壤抗剪强度后效明显,碳酸盐草甸黑钙土10~30 cm土层土壤抗剪强度比对照降低6.65~12.16 k Pa,黑土比对照降低8.20~11.31 k Pa,碳酸盐草甸黑钙土改土后效果明显,黑土改土后效长,心土培肥改土效果优于深松;土壤容质量和硬度趋势同上;心土培肥提高土壤透气系数为2.78~14.28倍,饱和导水率为2.38~11.62倍;深松和心土培肥可提高下层土水分消耗比例,30~60 cm土层耗水量为心土培肥区深松区对照区,心土培肥耗水量比照高10%;心土培肥处理可提高土壤磷含量和供磷强度,20~30 cm和30~40 cm土层土壤供磷强度比对照分别提高4.19~5.17倍和4.96~17倍,碳酸盐草甸黑钙土高于黑土;心土培肥可提高玉米产量,碳酸盐草甸黑钙土上心土培肥增产幅度为6.82%~18.01%,黑土增产幅度为6.45%~11.18%,平均增产效果碳酸盐草甸黑钙土薄层黑土,但黑土持续增产效果好。 相似文献
秸秆心土混合犁改良白浆土效果 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
为将表层秸秆施入心土,改善贫瘠的心土层创造有利条件,该文设计了将白浆土"上翻20 cm,下混30~40 cm,同时将有机物料施入心土层"的秸秆心土混合犁。该研究通过设置秸秆心土混合区和浅翻深松区田间对比试验,调查机械作业后土壤理化性质,指示作物农艺性状以及产量指标等,明确秸秆心土混合的改土增产机理,进一步拓宽白浆土改良途径,为机械改土技术的广泛应用提供技术支撑。研究结果表明:与浅翻深松相比,秸秆心土混合改善心土层土壤物理性质,20~40 cm土层土壤含水率提高2.69~4.90个百分点;硬度降低44.45%左右,且没有出现峰值;改善土壤通透性,固相降低幅度为4.51~2.14个百分点,液相增加幅度为1.17~4.13个百分点,气相增加幅度为0.38~0.98个百分点,容重下降幅度为0.16~0.11 g/cm~3;提高心土层养分含量,碱解氮提高17.33%,有效磷提高116.39%,速效钾提高37.86%,有机质提高36.66%,同时提高心土层全量养分含量,缓解土壤酸性。连续2 a调查大豆产量,秸秆心土混合区比对照区增产15.77%~16.33%,一次改土后效时间长,增产效果显著。该研究结果可为白浆土及其同类低产土壤改良及作物高产提供技术支撑。 相似文献
三段式心土混层犁及其改良白浆土效果的研究 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
三段式心土混层犁为改造白浆土土体构型实现了“上翻20 cm,下混30~40 cm”的农艺要求,白浆层与淀积层的土壤混拌率Mx达到0.7,白浆层向淀积层的土壤转移率TAw→B达到了0.3。0~40 cm土层土壤物理性状明显改善,疏松透水,硬度下降,农田表涝现象得到缓解,效果持久稳定,连续4年测定,耕翻一次后至第4年其土壤硬度仍然明显低于常规耕作田块。1996年~1998年大面积示范试验,使用该犁耕翻地块作物增产达10%~27.9%。该犁作业幅宽50 cm,深度60 cm,总牵引阻力30~35 kN。 相似文献
深翻结合心土与不同改土物料混合改良白浆土的效果 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
该研究通过设置心土混拌配施改土物料区和浅翻深松区进行小区对比试验,调查心土混拌配施不同改土物料对白浆土心土理化性质的改良效果,进而进一步拓宽白浆土心土改良途径。试验共设置浅翻深松区(CK);心土混合区(SML);秸秆+心土混合区(S+SML);秸秆+心土混合区+磷肥(S+SML+P),秸秆+心土混合区+石灰(S+SML+L);秸秆+心土混合区+石灰+磷肥(S+SML+L+P)6个处理。研究结果表明:1)与浅翻深松(CK)相比,深翻结合心土与不同改土物料混合能够改善心土层土壤物理性质,20~40 cm土层土壤含水率提高幅度为2.11~6.11个百分点;硬度降低40%~50%,且没有出现峰值;提高土壤通透性,改善土壤三相比值,固相降低幅度为8.5~9.97个百分点,液相增加幅度为2.82~5.41个百分点,气相增加幅度为3.89~6.65个百分点,容重下降幅度为10.13%~17.09%。2)提高心土层养分含量,碱解氮提高82.75%~121.63%,有效磷提高190.91%~681.82%,特别是添加磷肥处理变化明显,是对照处理6.5~6.8倍,速效钾提高20.7%~40.74%。有机质提高157.14%~185.71%。缓解土壤酸性,加石灰处理p H值提高0.45~0.47个单位。提高土壤全量养分,全氮提高45.76%~52.54%,全磷提高108.14%~144.19%,全钾提高8.10%~26.34%。3)连续两年提高作物产量。与对照区相比,第1年大豆增产13.42%~24.46%,第2年玉米增产13.43%~19.17%,一次改土后效时间长,增产效果显著。研究结果认为,心土混合配施秸秆、石灰和磷肥是白浆土区比较理想的心土改良技术,可为白浆土及其同类低产土壤改良及作物增产提供技术支撑。 相似文献
松嫩平原西部盐碱土旱作改良研究进展与展望 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
土壤盐碱化已成为世界上重要的环境问题之一;同时,盐碱土也是一种重要的后备土壤资源。松嫩平原西部是世界上三大片苏打盐碱地集中分布地区之一。通过回顾松嫩平原西部盐碱土旱作改良发展历程,分析了旱作改良的主要措施与效果及存在的问题,并结合目前国内外相关研究的前沿和热点问题,提出了松嫩平原西部盐碱土旱作改良的展望。建议重点进行旱作改良后的盐渍化动态监测、评估与预警,生物与盐分互作机制,盐碱土障碍治理、修复与农业资源高效利用的优化管理和生态环境效应等方面的研究。 相似文献
土壤盐碱化是全球影响较大的一种土壤退化形式,对农业生产有着耕作困难、作物减产的影响,而有机物料作为一种可循环利用且副作用较小的资源,是应用于改良盐碱地的较为有效的修复方法。汇总了不同的有机物料(粪肥、植物残体、社会生活副产品和加工产品等)对于盐碱地的改良效果,包括土壤的物理性质(土壤容重、渗透性、孔隙等)、化学性质(土壤养分、pH值、阳离子交换量等)和生物性质(微生物活性、酶活性、微生物丰度等)方面的具体响应。为了进一步改善盐碱地的状况,防止土壤退化,综述了不同有机物料对盐碱地的具体改良效果并总结了物料的使用方法,以期为后续盐碱地改良的研究提供一定理论依据。 相似文献
Intact, unamended subsoil cores taken from two contrasting field sites were incubated in the laboratory at 12 °C under aerobic
(21% O2) and anaerobic (1.1–5.5% O2) conditions. Denitrification of 15N-NO3
– diffusing into the cores across a semi-permeable membrane was estimated by: (1) direct observation of 15N-labelled N2 and N2O, and (2) mass balance following sectioning at the end of the experiment. The in situ denitrification potential (rates where
the supply of NO3
– is not limited by diffusion) was estimated using a finite-difference approximation to a diffusion reaction equation based
on comparison of time and depth profiles of NO3
– and Br– in the incubated cores. Potentials between 0.2 and 2.5 mg N kg–1 day–1 were obtained under low O2 and natural C concentrations. These results indicate the potential for denitrification in glacial till subsoils to reduce
– leaching to ground or surface waters to levels unlikely to result in a pollution hazard. The major product of NO3
– reduction in these subsoils was observed to be N2, rather than the greenhouse gas and catalyst of stratospheric O3 removal, N2O.
Received: 31 October 1997 相似文献
下层土壤反硝化作用的研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
在夏玉米生长期间 ,采用乙炔抑制 -原状土柱培养方法研究了北京褐土下层 (15~ 6 0cm)土壤的反硝化作用 ,并探讨影响该层土壤反硝化作用的主要因素。试验结果表明 ,施氮量越高 ,反硝化量越大。随着土壤层次的加深 ,反硝化量呈直线下降 ,但在亚表层土壤 (15~ 30cm)反硝化值仍保持了较高的量 ,约相当于表层的 10 .7%~ 33.5 % ;下层土壤 (15~ 6 0cm)的总反硝化量约相当于表层土壤的 14%~ 51%。加入碳源无论对表层土壤还是下层土壤 ,其反硝化损失氮量大大增加 ,尤其是对下层土壤增加的趋势更为明显。在计算夏玉米季土壤反硝化损失氮量时 ,如果忽略下层土壤的反硝化作用 ,肯定会低估其数值 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(6):643-662
Abstract General agreement does not exist as to the most appropriate method to estimate plant available Mn in soils. In the current investigation soil and soil solution Mn were measured in limed and unlimed treatments of 11 acidic subsoil horizons and related to plant Mn concentrations, Mn uptake and growth of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L. cv. Mt. Barker) and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum cv. Cave‐in‐Rock). Manganese measurements were taken at planting and harvest and included: Mn extracted by 1M NH4OAc (pH 7), 0.01M CaCl2, 0.05M CaCl2, 0.033M H3PO4, 0.005M DTPA, 0.2% hydroquinone in 1M NH4OAc (pH 7), 0.01M NH2 OH.HCl 4 2 in 0.01M HNO3, total soil solution Mn and concentrations and 2+ activities of Mn2+ calculated from the GEOCHEM program. Measured and calculated values of soil solution Mn generally gave the best correlations with subterranean clover and switchgrass Mn concentrations and Mn uptake. Root Mn concentrations were highly correlated with soil solution Mn measurements taken at harvest with r=0.97 and r=0.95 (p<0.01) for subterranean clover and switchgrass respectively. The Mn extracted by 0.01M CaCl was also significantly correlated (p<0.01) with plant Mn concentrations and Mn uptake and proved to be better than the other extractants in estimating plant available Mn. Although Mn concentrations as high as 1769 mg/kg (shoots) and 8489 rag/kg (roots) were found in subterranean clover, Mn did not appear to be the major factor limiting growth. Measures of soil and soil solution Mn were not strongly correlated with yield. Both Al toxicities and Ca deficiencies seemed to be more important than Mn toxicities in limiting growth of subterranean clover and switchgrass in these horizons. 相似文献
水稻化感作用的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
综述了水稻化感作用的研究进展,包括水稻与其他植物相互间的化感作用、水稻化感物质的分离鉴定及其特征特性、水稻化感育种、水稻化感作用与农业可持续发展等方面进展。 相似文献
Aluminum toxicity is a major growth limiting factor for plants in many acid soils of the world. Correcting the problem by conventional liming is not always economically feasible, particularly in subsoils. Aluminum tolerant plants provide an alternative and long‐term supplemental solution to the problem. The genetic approach requires the identification of Al tolerance sources that can be transferred to cultivars already having desirable traits. Thirty‐five cultivars and experimental lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell) were screened for Al tolerance on acid Tatum soil (clayey, mixed thermic, typic Hapludult) receiving either 0 or 3500 mg CaCO3/kg (pH 4.1 vs. pH 7.1). Entries showed a wide range of tolerance to the acid soil. On unlimed soil at pH 4.3, absolute shoot dry weights differed by 5‐fold, absolute root dry weights by 6.5‐fold, relative shoot weights (wt. at pH 4.3/wt. at pH 7.1 %) by 4.7‐fold and relative root dry weights by 7‐fold. Superior acid soil (Al) tolerance of ‘BH‐1146’ from Brazil and extreme sensitivities of cultivars ‘Redcoat’ (Indiana, USA) and ‘Sonora 63’ (Mexico) were confirmed. Seven experimental (CNT) lines from Brazil showed a range of acid soil tolerance but were generally more tolerant than germplasm from Mexico and the USA. One line, ‘CNT‐1’, was equal to BH‐1146 in tolerance and may be useful in transferring Al tolerance to existing or new cultivars. Five durum cultivars (Triticum, durum, Desf.) were extremely sensitive to the acid Tatum subsoil at pH 4.3 compared with pH 7.1. 相似文献
P. SCHJØNNING M. LAMANDÉ T. KELLER J. PEDERSEN M. STETTLER 《Soil Use and Management》2012,28(3):378-393
Subsoil compaction is persistent and can affect important soil functions including soil productivity. The aim of this study was to develop recommendations on how to avoid subsoil compaction for soils exposed to traffic by machinery at field capacity. We measured the vertical stress in the tyre–soil contact area for two traction tyres at ca. 30‐ and 60‐kN wheel loads on a loamy sand at field capacity. Data on resulting stress distributions were combined with those from the literature for five implement tyres tested at a range of inflation pressures and wheel loads. The vertical stress in the soil profile was then predicted using the Söhne model for all tests in the combined data set. The predicted stress at 20 cm depth correlated with the maximum stress in the contact area, tyre inflation pressure, tyre–soil contact area and mean ground pressure. At 100 cm depth, the predicted vertical stress was primarily determined by wheel load, but an effect of the other factors was also detected. Based on published recommendations for allowable stresses in the soil profile, we propose the ‘50‐50 rule’: At water contents around field capacity, traffic on agricultural soil should not exert vertical stresses in excess of 50 kPa at depths >50 cm. Our combined data provide the basis for the ‘8‐8 rule’: The depth of the 50‐kPa stress isobar increases by 8 cm for each additional tonne increase in wheel load and by 8 cm for each doubling of the tyre inflation pressure. We suggest that farmers use this simple rule for evaluating the sustainability of any planned traffic over moist soil. 相似文献
J. A. M. Barej S. Pätzold U. Perkons W. Amelung 《European Journal of Soil Science》2014,65(4):553-561
Improving phosphorus (P) accessibility in subsoils could be a key factor for sustainable crop management. This study aims to explain the quantity of different P fractions in subsoil and its biopore systems, and to test the hypothesis that crops with either fibrous (fescue) or tap‐root systems (lucerne and chicory) leave behind a characteristic P pattern in bulk subsoil, biopore linings and the rhizosphere. The crops were cultivated for up to 3 years in a randomized field experiment on a Haplic Luvisol developed from loess. Aqua regia‐extractable P (referred to as total P) and calcium acetate lactate‐extractable P (PCAL) were assessed at 0–30 (Ap horizon), 30–45 (E/B horizon), 45–75 and 75–105 cm subsoil depths. In addition, sequential P fractionation was performed on different soil compartments between 45 and 75 cm depths. The results showed that total P stocks below the Ap horizon (30–105 cm) amounted to 5.6 t ha?1, which was twice as large as in the Ap, although the Ap contained larger portions of PCAL. Both PCAL and sequential P extractions showed that biopore linings and the rhizosphere at the 45–75 cm depth were enriched, rather than depleted, in P. The content of inorganic P (81–90% of total P) increased in the following order: bulk soil = biopores <2 mm ≤ rhizosphere ≤ biopores >2 mm. Biopores >2 mm and rhizosphere soil were clearly enriched in resin‐ and NaHCO3‐extractable Pi and Po fractions. However, we failed to attribute these P distribution patterns to different crops, suggesting that major properties of biopore P originated from relict biopores, rather than being influenced by recent root systems. The stocks of the sum of these P fractions in the bulk subsoil (182 kg ha?1 at 45–75 cm depth) far exceeded those in the biopores (3.7 kg ha?1 in biopores >2 mm and 0.2 kg ha?1 in biopores <2 mm). Hence, these biopores may form attractive locations for root growth into the subsoil but are unlikely to sustain overall plant nutrition. 相似文献