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梅花鹿半散放饲养技术主要表现在饲养场选择、种群培育、饲养技术指标、放养区域内森林资源可持续利用等方面.从黑龙江省濒危野生动物救助繁育中心梅花鹿半散放饲养实践中,对上述指标进行阐述.  相似文献   

随着林业产业结构的调整,船营区梅花鹿驯养业得到了迅速的发展,仅以船营区国有民主林场为例,截止到2009年末,梅花鹿存栏已达780头,占地4万m2,鹿舍8栋1万m2,建成鹿茸红外线加工车间120m2,累计投资已达400万元,年产值可达100万元的中型鹿场,现以形成具有规模的梅花鹿驯养场和鹿产品加工基地。就驯养方式而言,因各地区自然条件不同,大体可分为圈养、放牧、半散放三种方式。  相似文献   

采用人工授精方法改良半散放马鹿 ,经过改良的马鹿 ,1日龄内主要体尺体重指标优于同期自然繁殖马鹿 ,其中体重增加 17.34% ,体斜长增长 12 .2 6 % ,肩高增加 11.2 7% ,且有较强的抗病能力。公鹿产茸量增加明显 ,初角茸增加 4 4.4 4% ,头锯茸增加 5 2 .0 7% ,2锯茸 6 1.39% ,按鹿茸的生长规律 ,到 5锯时鹿茸产量可提高 1倍  相似文献   

笼养东北虎(Panthera tigiris altacia)的行为观察(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从1998年3月至2001年3月,采用全事件取样法和焦点动物取样法对哈尔滨动物园的4只笼养东北虎(1雄3雌)进行了系统的行为观察。笼养东北虎的行为可以分成5种主要的方式:运动、卧息、睡眠、取食和其他行为(饮水、排尿、修饰、嬉戏和站立)。在所有的行为类型中,睡眠和运动所占的比值很高(占整个时间分配的75.18%);而卧息、取食和其他行为仅占24.82%。除了取食,一只雄性和其中两种雌性东北虎的其他4种主要行为具有相似的活动规律,在白昼和夜晚各有一个活动高峰;而另外一只雌性东北虎在夜晚则具有两个活动高峰期。表2参16。  相似文献   

对孟加拉虎在北方严寒条件下饲养和行为进行了研究,比较行为的差异性。孟加拉虎已基本适应了所处的高纬度寒冷地带的气候,能够全年在室外进行半散放饲养。研究证明,笼养孟加拉虎的各种行为模式具有较强的规律性。其中,睡眠行为是笼养孟加拉虎的主要行为类型,其次是运动和卧息行为,取食和其它行为最少。  相似文献   

对个体心理因素对不安全行为的影响从六个方面进行了分析,梳理了国内外关于此项研究的成果并结合在供电企业的实践调查进行了研究。  相似文献   

刺五加繁殖生态学研究生殖配置(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在东北林业大学帽儿山生态站的天然次生林里(45°23′~45°26′N,127°36′~127°39′E)对刺五加的生殖配置进行研究,发现刺五加每年分配给有性繁殖的能量和无性繁殖的能量与植物总能量的百分比分别是年龄的幂函数,只是幂指数不同,b有性=0.8740,小于1;b无性=2.1992,大于1.这种关系表明在样本覆盖的年龄范围内(5~15年),刺五加分配给无性繁殖的能量逐年递增得较快,分配给有性繁殖的能量逐年递增得较慢.由此可以推测林下刺五加随着林分稳定性增加,逐渐以无性繁殖为主.根据研究结果,建议在天然次生林下对刺五加进行采挖时不要把根茎全部取走,应留下一部分,使其保持天然更新的能力.同时,对根茎需要适当切割,促进芽转化为无性小株,有利于更新  相似文献   

章对辽西半干旱区杏农、枣农复合模式中林木与农作物占地比例、系统组分构成以及空间结构特征进行了分析,并对复合模式树木生长状况、遮荫规律、根系分布、生物量等因子进行了测试分析,提出了梯田壁单行栽植大扁杏、坡耕地串芾栽植大枣为辽西半干旱区果农复合经营的最适宜模式。  相似文献   

本文主要利用艾虎(Mustila eversmanni)气味作为捕食风险源,于1997年4月至12月在中国科学院西北高原生物研究所生态学实验室,研究其对根田鼠(Microtus oeconomus)社会行为、觅食、繁殖和性激素的影响。结果表明,当暴露于艾虎气味中时,根田鼠产生繁殖迟滞,且交配行为的频率显著降低(P<0.01)。与对照组相比较,雌体亲密行为和两性一般动作的累积时间显著增加(P<0.01)。两性一般动作(P<0.01)、探究活动(雌体:P<0.05;雄体:P <0.01)和自我修饰(P <0.01)的频次显著降低。同时,根田鼠能量的摄入(P<0.05)和体重(P<0.01)都显著降低。雌体的卵巢指数和胎仔重量也显著降低(P<0.01),雄体的附睾精子数则极显著降低(P<0.01)。艾虎气味条件下,根田鼠雌体的血清孕酮显著增加(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

本研究介绍了运用细胞色素b基因和12s核糖体RNA基因部分序列的系统学和核甘酸距离分析来鉴别降解的梅花鹿和马鹿样品。采用PCR和直接测序技术获得了8份嫌疑样品402bp细胞色素b基因序列,并与来自GenBank数据库27份同源的细胞色素b基因序列进行比对。3份嫌疑样品与梅花鹿的核甘酸距离值相同(0.026±0.006),小于梅花鹿与东部马鹿间最小的核甘酸距离值(0.036)。并且梅花鹿和马鹿的系统学分析表明这些样品与梅花鹿聚为一枝,因此可以推测它们来源于梅花鹿。同样的方法得出另3份嫌疑样品来源于马鹿。该结果被387bp12s核糖体RNA基因序列的系统学和核甘酸距离分析进一步证实。该方法是有效的,花费的时间少,能帮助减少同类野生动物案件的发生。图2表1参13。  相似文献   

On the basis of 268 direct sika deer observations and 212 ratio locations of three individuals, the influence of snow on deer distribution was studied. During the period of snow absence or its shallow cover, the deer did not show any preferences towards slope aspect. However, when the snow coverage became deeper, the deer used westerly exposures (having shallower snow cover) more intensively. Later on, when the snow started to melt on the easterly slope aspects deer mostly used those exposures due to relatively abundant food resources.  相似文献   

Continuous body weight dynamics in supplementally fed free-ranging sika deer (Cervus nippon) during the three consecutive overwinters (from January to April), 1992–1994 were surveyed. Almost all individuals lost weight continuously throughout each winter (adult deer 5–13%; young deer 3–19%) and several deer lost weight even in April. Weight gain after loss began in the mid-April when ambient temperature increased and when plant growth began. Weight dynamics varied according to sex, age and reproductive status. Adult deer showed significant large weight loss than the young. Young deer lost weight (calves 18±11 g/day, yearling and two-year-olds 27±29 g/day) more slowly than the adults (65±23 g/day). Following this study of over-winter body weight dynamics, it seems that early springs are the most critical periods for the survival of free-ranging sika deer because of their poor nutritional condition. A portion of this report was presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1994).  相似文献   

Damage caused by sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) is a serious problem in commercial and environmental (non-harvested) forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Cafeteria tests in forests may be useful for evaluating the efficacy of chemical deterrents against bark stripping by deer. To develop a method for forest cafeteria tests in the continuous snow cover period, two experiments were carried out. In the experiments, logs were produced from tree trunks, and used as carriers of chemical deterrents. Carriers were installed in forests and fed to deer. The first experiment was to find suitable sites and installation methods for carriers. Criteria for the local suitability and the installation methods were as follows: a) Sites where deer are active should be selected; b) Carriers should be installed along actively used deer trails; c) Installation sites of carriers should be changed in response to deer movement; d) Carriers should be produced from tree species that deer naturally prefer; and e) Each carrier should be partially buried in the snow. The second experiment evaluated the feasibility of a cafeteria test method based on the results of the first experiment. The method was used for 13 sets of the cafeteria test, in which the deterrent effectiveness of 5 chemicals (wood tar, rosin, wood vinegar, and 2 pyroligneous liquors) was examined. We obtained results from all the sets. The chemicals tested did not deter bark stripping by deer. Nevertheless, the method used in the present study was practical for the cafeteria tests.  相似文献   

Resistance of the Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) (Lk), the Kurile larch (L. gmelinii var. japonica) (Lg), and their F1 hybrid (Lg × Lk) to bark stripping by sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) were studied in a forest in Hokkaido by cafeteria tests. Several sets of logs prepared from Lk, Lg, and Lg × Lk were fed to the deer. The stripped areas of logs significantly differed between the Lk/Lg set and the Lk/Lg × Lk set (P 0.05). The resistances of Lg and Lg × Lk to bark stripping was stronger than Lk. This result was similar to those of previous studies on gray-sided voles and mountain hares in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of bark stripping by sika deer, Cervus nippon, on forest regeneration in subalpine coniferous forests on Mt. Ohdaigahara and in the Ohmine Mountains of central Japan. Bark stripping by sika deer occurred in five major tree species: Abies homolepis; Abies Veitchii; Tsuga diversifolia; Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis; and Chamaecyparis obtusa. The percentage of damaged trees on Mt. Ohdaigahara was higher than in the Ohmine Mountains, probably because of the higher deer density. On Mt. Ohdaigahara, the DBH distributions of stems for P. jezoensis var. hondoensis, A. homolepis, T. diversifolia andC. obtusa were bell-shaped with fewer smaller and larger trees. On the other hand, in the Ohmine Mountains the distributions for P. jezoensis var. hondoensis and A. Veitchii showed a reverse-J shaped with more smaller trees. Larger overstory conifers on Mt. Ohdaigahara were killed by bark stripping when 100% barked, although in the Ohmine Mountains ca. 50% of the trees survived even when 100% barked. After the disappearance of the overstory conifers on Mt. Ohdaigahara, the dwarf bamboo, Sasa nipponica, expanded into the forest floor due to changes in light reaching the forest floor. Since S. nipponica is the main forage of deer in this area, this increase caused a corresponding increase in the deer population, which in turn, could cause a further decline in the coniferous forests.  相似文献   

近天然落叶松-云冷杉林树种竞争关系的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以4块落叶松-云冷杉间伐实验样地为对象,采用6个与距离无关的竞争指标,研究林木竞争状态在20年间(1986~2006年)的变化及间伐的影响。结果表明,落叶松为主要树种,竞争能力最强,其竞争压力主要来自种内,红松和其他阔叶树的竞争能力有逐渐增强的趋势,因此,随着林分生长,落叶松的竞争主体地位受到了来自其他针叶树云冷杉、红松及阔叶树种的威胁。该林分竞争关系近期相对稳定,但有从落叶松-云冷杉林向阔叶树及红松林发展的趋势。间伐影响种间竞争关系和林分平均竞争水平,影响程度与间伐对象的选择与间伐强度有关。林分竞争水平随间伐强度的增加而降低,但会逐渐恢复。  相似文献   

Deer expansion is a growing concern for forest ecosystem management. In Japan, upward expansion to subalpine and alpine areas has reached alarming proportions in recent years. We examined bark stripping by sika deer along an altitudinal gradient in the subalpine coniferous forest at three altitude ranges (1800-2000 m, 2000-2200 m, and 2200-2400 m) on the southern slope of Mt. Fuji. We tested differences in densities and diameter at breast height (DBH) of trees and those with bark-stripped stems of all tree species among the three altitude ranges. Then, we compared the relative densities of deer, based on pellet counts, to determine the impact of deer in relation to deer use and forest stand patterns across the altitudinal range studied. The results of the study show that differences in bark stripping by sika deer depended largely on the elevation and the species. Larger stems were sparsely distributed in the lowest elevation zone between 1800 and 2000 m. The relative density of deer was highest in the areas exhibiting high bark-stripping intensity on small regenerating trees of the dominant coniferous species, Abies veitchii, and on broadleaf species. In the highest elevation zone between 2200 and 2400 m, smaller stems were densely distributed, and the relative deer density was lowest where the bark-stripping intensity on small stems was lower for all three species studied. The damage to subalpine tree stems corresponded to the availability of palatable tree species with a small diameter, as reflected by the successional stage along the elevational gradient of subalpine forest on Mt. Fuji. These results suggest that the continuous impact of bark stripping on the dominant tree species might cause severe changes in forest succession.  相似文献   

Six ultimate factors (forage abundance, horizontal sheltering class, distance from human disturbance, snow depth, tree coverage, and edge effect) of Red deer (Cervus elaphus) were investigated in eastern Heilongjiang Province during winter from 1988 to 1991. On the basis of analysis of field data, we evaluated winter habitat conditions of Red deer. The results showed as follows: the wintering habitat quality of Red deer in poplar-birch stands was excellent in the Wanda Mountains, and was moderate in shrub-woods and Korean pine seed stands. According to habitat index (HI) values, the habitat quality in poplar-birch stands (HI=0.8185) was superior to that in shrub-woods (HI=0.4825) and in Korean pine seed stands (HI=0.4385). The wintering habitat quality of Red deer in the Wanda Mountains was superior to that of Dailing Forestry Region. According to the current situations of forestry areas in northeastern China, strengthening habitat management was important for the conservation and management of Red deer population in the next decades. This subject is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province. (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   

李宇新  任信在 《林业研究》2002,13(2):135-136
在南朝鲜于1999年的2月至12月间,根据有关文献,调查问卷和对原麝的种类,粪便,及其在有雪和无雪的季节里的野外踪迹的调查,作者概述了50年中原麝的数量和分布区的变化。结果表明:从50年代至1999间,原麝(Moschus moschiferus parvipes)的分布区呈明显缩减之势。由于在原麝分布区中大规模地进行公路及林道的建设,导致了其生境片断化和丢失。而且牟取利润的非法猎捕也是造成原麝的种群数量和分布区缩减的主要原因,在高海拔地区的林道也常被盗猎者所利用。为保护韩国原麝资源,急待严格禁止非法猎捕行为。原麝生活习性方面的研究,为合理的保护和管理原麝提供了重要的基础信息。图1参9。  相似文献   

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