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A homothallic Phytophthora species was found to be consistently associated with a rot of mature fruits of two local cultivars of olive (Olea europaea) in Calabria, southern Italy. The phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 region and cox1 gene enabled its identification as a new species of clade 2, with a basal position compared to previously described subclades. The new species is described formally with the epithet Phytophthora oleae, referring to the natural matrix from which it was isolated. A unique combination of molecular and morphological characters clearly separates P. oleae from other already described Phytophthora species. This new species produced semipapillate, occasionally bipapillate, persistent sporangia on simple sympodially branching sporangiophores as well as globose and smooth‐walled oogonia, paragynous antheridia and spherical, plerotic oospores. The pathogenicity of P. oleae was confirmed in inoculation trials on fruits of three olive cultivars, including the two local cultivars from which the pathogen had been isolated.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt (VW) in olive is best managed by an integrated disease management strategy, of which use of host resistance is a key element. The widespread occurrence of a highly virulent defoliating (D) Verticillium dahliae pathotype has jeopardized the use of commercial olive cultivars lacking sufficient resistance to this pathogen. However, the combined use of resistant wild olive rootstocks and Trichoderma spp. effective in the biocontrol of VW can improve the management of VW in olive. In vivo interactions between D V. dahliae and Trichoderma harzianum were studied in olive and wild olive plants displaying different degrees of resistance against this pathogen using confocal microscopy. This multitrophic system included wild olive clones Ac‐4 and Ac‐15, olive cv. Picual, and the fungal fluorescent transformants T. harzianum GFP22 and V. dahliae V138I‐YFP, the latter being obtained in this study. In planta observations indicated that V138I‐YFP colonizes the roots and stems of the olive and wild olive genotypes, and that GFP22 grows endophytically within the roots of them all. YFP fluorescence signal quantifications showed that: (i) the degree of root and stem colonization by the pathogen varied depending upon the susceptibility of the tested wild olive genotype, being higher in Ac‐15 than in Ac‐4 plants; and (ii) treatment with T. harzianum GFP22 reduced the extent of pathogen growth in both clones. Moreover, root colonization by strain GFP22 reduced the percentage of pathogen colonies recovered from stems of olive and wild olive plants.  相似文献   

Since 2006, verticillium wilt of olive induced by Verticillium dahliae has caused considerable economic losses in olive orchards in Tunisia. The genetic structure of V. dahliae isolates collected from different olive growing regions was investigated using virulence tests, vegetative compatibility grouping (VCG) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. In total, 42 isolates of V. dahliae from diseased olive trees were tested. Cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis revealed that geographic origin was the main factor determining the genetic structure of V. dahliae populations and both methods indicated a genetic separation between the central and coastal isolates. Isolates were divided into two major groups: the AFLP‐I group included all isolates from Sidi Bouzid, Kairouan, Kasserine and Sfax (centre of the country) and the AFLP‐II group included isolates from Monastir, Zaghouane, Sousse, Mahdia (coastal region), and two isolates from Sfax. Analysis of the molecular variance (amova ) indicated a significant level of genetic differentiation among (76%) and within (23%) the two populations. Analyses of both the defoliating (D) and non‐defoliating (ND) pathotypes and VCG markers indicated that most of the isolates belong to VCG 2A and 4B/ND pathotype. The disease severity was highly variable among the isolates tested (< 0·05) with no evidence of association between aggressiveness and geographical origin of the isolates. Overall, results of this study revealed a clear association between the genetic diversity of the isolates and their geographic origin, but not between genetic diversity and virulence patterns.  相似文献   

Although much is known about the effect of climatic conditions on the development of peacock leaf spot of olive, field‐operational models predicting disease outbreaks are lacking. With the aim of developing such models, a 10‐year survey was conducted to relate leaf infection to climate parameters that can be easily monitored in the field. As outbreaks of disease are known to be linked to rain, models were evaluated for their ability to predict whether infection would occur following a rain event, depending on air temperature and duration of relative humidity above 85%. A total of 134 rain events followed by confirmed leaf infection and 191 rain events not followed by detectable infection were examined. The field data were adequately fitted (both specificity and sensitivity >0·97) with either a multilayer neural network or with two of six tested regression models describing high boundary values of high humidity duration, above which no infection occurred over the temperature range, and low boundary values below which no infection occurred. The data also allowed the selection of a model successfully relating the duration of latent period (time between infection and the first detection of leaf spots) as a function of air temperature after the beginning of rain (R2 > 0·98). The predictive abilities of these models were confirmed during 2 years of testing in commercial olive orchards in southern France. They should thus provide useful forecasting tools for the rational application of treatments and foster a reduction in fungicide use against this major disease of olive.  相似文献   

Developing verticillium wilt resistant genotypes is currently a major objective in olive breeding. In this study, 6017 genotypes derived from 48 crosses obtained by open pollination and crosses between olive cultivars, wild olive genotypes and other Olea species and Olea europaea subspecies were individually evaluated for verticillium wilt resistance. More than 800 genotypes were identified as resistant to the disease based on the absence of symptoms. High genetic variability and wide segregation in resistance were observed. The inheritance of resistance was studied, and the best parents and crosses to breed resistant genotypes were identified. According to the results, verticillium wilt resistance in olive appears to be a quantitative trait. The results obtained by comparing the level of resistance between different crosses as well as by estimating heritability suggest that it is possible to breed for verticillium wilt resistance in olive.  相似文献   

Biological control of plant diseases using soil amendments such as animal manure and composted materials can minimize organic waste and has been proposed as an effective strategy in crop protection. In this study, 35 organic amendments (OAs) and 16 compost mixtures were evaluated against Verticillium dahliae by assessing both the antagonistic effect on the mycelial growth of two representative isolates of V. dahliae and the effect on the reduction of microsclerotia viability of the pathogen in naturally infested soil. Eleven OAs and five compost mixtures showed a consistent inhibition effect in in vitro sensitivity tests, with solid olive‐oil waste compost one of the most effective. Therefore, a bioassay with olive plants was conducted to evaluate the suppressive effect against V. dahliae of these selected OAs and compost mixtures. Significant reduction in the severity of the symptoms of V. dahliae indicates the potential use of grape marc compost (100% disease severity reduction) and solid olive‐oil waste, combined with other OAs. Microorganism mixtures and dairy waste OAs had a potential suppressive effect when they were combined with compost, showing a 73% and 63% disease severity reduction, respectively. A mixture of agro‐industrial waste with other biological control agents is a promising strategy against verticillium wilt of olive. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report on the effectiveness of compost extracts (compost teas) on the inhibition of natural microsclerotia of V. dahliae, and also on verticillium wilt suppression in olive with solid olive‐oil waste.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae is one of the most threatening diseases of olive worldwide. For pre‐planting and post‐planting control of verticillium wilt in olive trees, availability of a rapid, reliable and non‐destructive method for detection of V. dahliae is essential. For such a method, suitable and easily performed sampling and efficient processing of samples for extraction of DNA are necessary. In this study, the suitability of young twig and leaf samples of olive trees, which are easy to collect and extract DNA from, were assessed for the detection of V. dahliae in routine procedures. The lower (about 50 cm from the tip) and top parts (about 5 cm from the tip) of twigs, as well as leaves from infected olive trees were screened for V. dahliae infection and distribution using real‐time PCR. The biomass of V. dahliae detected in individual twigs was highly variable, but there was no significant difference between mean quantities of V. dahliae DNA detected in top and lower parts of twigs. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that analysis of combined samples containing DNA extracted from five twigs of an infected tree accurately detected the presence of the pathogen. Similarly, testing combined samples of 5–10 leaves enabled reliable detection of the pathogen in an infected tree. The development of this assay enables reliable detection of V. dahliae in infected olive trees that can aid in management decisions for the implementation of integrated disease management.  相似文献   

For efficient integrated management of verticillium wilt in olive (VWO), it is important to establish whether irrigation treatments (with Verticillium dahliae‐free water) that mitigate the disease in V. dahliae‐infested soil, also reduce the levels of more and less persistent propagules of the pathogen in the soil. Effects of irrigation on VWO and V. dahliae propagules were evaluated under natural environmental conditions. Potted plants were irrigated (pathogen‐free water) to two ranges of soil water content (RWC; high and low) at three surface drip‐irrigation frequencies (daily, weekly, and daily during some periods and otherwise weekly). VWO and total inoculum density (ID), density of less persistent micropropagules (MpD) and more persistent sclerotia in wet soil (SwD), and sclerotia density for air‐dried soil (SdD) were monitored. A logistic model (multiple sigmoid) of disease incidence revealed the lowest parameter values in treatments irrigated daily. Daily frequency of irrigation showed significantly lower disease incidence (39.2%) and disease intensity index (43.9%) and MpD (88.0%) values as areas compared with other frequencies, regardless of the RWC. High RWC significantly reduced (70.8–84.9%) ID, SwD and SdD as areas, but significantly increased (18.0%) the incidence of infected plants (IIP), regardless of the irrigation frequency. The disease incidence was not correlated with temperature. Daily irrigation to low RWC mitigated the VWO and the IIP, kept soil to the lowest MpD and resulted in the lowest SdD level at the end of the trial. Results suggested that less persistent propagules could have played a part in the disease development.  相似文献   

Knowing the population structure of a pathogen is fundamental for developing reliable phytosanitary legislation, detection techniques, and control strategies based on the actual aggressiveness and distribution of the pathogen. Currently, four populations of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) have been described: Psa 1, Psa 2, Psa 3 and Psa 4. However, diagnostic assays specific for Psa populations do not detect Psa 4, the less virulent (LV) strains isolated in New Zealand. Similarly, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of housekeeping genes, or broad Psa strain genome comparisons, revealed that Psa 4‐LV strains clustered separately from other Psa populations. In order to examine whether the placement of Psa 4 in the pathovar actinidiae was appropriate, various tests were carried out. It was shown that the Psa 4‐LV strains induced leaf and shoot wilting in Prunus cerasus, extensive necrotic lesions in Capsicum annuum fruits, and no significant symptoms in Actinidia deliciosa. Moreover, repetitive‐sequence PCR fingerprinting, type III secretion system effector protein genes detection and colony morphology clearly indicated the distinctiveness of Psa 4‐LV strains from the other three Psa populations. Rep‐PCR molecular typing revealed a high similarity of the Psa 4‐LV strains with members of Pseudomonas avellanae species. The Psa 4‐LV strains, most probably, belong to a new, still unnamed pathovar. It was concluded that the Psa 4‐LV strains isolated in New Zealand do not belong to the pathovar actinidiae, and, consequently, three Psa populations pathogenic to Actinidia spp. should currently include Psa 1, Psa 2 and Psa 3.  相似文献   

Pseudocercosporella capsellae (white leaf spot disease) is an important disease on crucifers. Fifty‐four single‐conidial isolates collected from Brassica juncea (Indian mustard), B. napus (oilseed rape), B. rapa (turnip), and Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish) across Western Australia were investigated for differences in pathogenicity and virulence using cotyledon screening tests, genetic differences using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, and growth rates on potato dextrose, V8 juice and malt extract agars. All isolates from the four crucifer hosts were pathogenic on the three test species: B. juncea, B. napus and R. raphanistrum, but showed differences in levels of virulence. Overall, isolates from B. juncea, B. napus and B. rapa showed greatest virulence on B. juncea, least on R. raphanistrum and intermediate virulence on B. napus. Isolates from R. raphanistrum showed greatest virulence on B. juncea, least on B. napus and intermediate virulence on R. raphanistrum. Growth and production of a purple‐pink pigment indicative of cercosporin was greatest on malt extract agar and cercosporin production on V8 juice agar was positively correlated with virulence of isolates on B. juncea and B. napus. ITS sequencing and phylogenetic analysis showed that isolates collected from B. napus, B. juncea and B. rapa, in general and with few exceptions, had a high degree of genetic similarity. In contrast, isolates from R. raphanistrum were clearly differentiated from isolate groups collected from Brassica hosts. Pseudocercosporella capsellae reference isolates from other countries generally grouped into a single separate cluster, highlighting the genetic distinctiveness of Western Australian isolates.  相似文献   

Understanding pathogenic variation in plant pathogen populations is key for the development and use of host resistance for managing verticillium wilt diseases. A highly virulent defoliating (D) pathotype in Verticillium dahliae has previously been shown to occur only in one clonal lineage (lineage 1A). By contrast, no clear association has yet been shown for race 1 with clonal lineages. Race 1 carries the effector gene Ave1 and is avirulent on hosts that carry resistance gene Ve1 or its homologues. The hypothesis tested was that race 1 arose once in a single clonal lineage, which might be expected if V. dahliae acquired Ave1 by horizontal gene transfer from plants, as hypothesized previously. In a diverse sample of 195 V. dahliae isolates from nine clonal lineages, all race 1 isolates were present only in lineage 2A. Conversely, all lineage 2A isolates displayed the race 1 phenotype. Moreover, 900‐bp nucleotide sequences from Ave1 were identical among 27 lineage 2A isolates and identical to sequences from other V. dahliae race 1 isolates in GenBank. The finding of race 1 in a single clonal lineage, with identical Ave1 sequences, is consistent with the hypothesis that race 1 arose once in V. dahliae. Molecular markers and virulence assays also confirmed the well‐established finding that the D pathotype is found only in lineage 1A. Pathogenicity assays indicated that cotton and olive isolates of the D pathotype (lineage 1A) were highly virulent on cotton and olive, but had low virulence on tomato.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on olive plants in controlled environments to determine the effect of conidial concentration, leaf age, temperature, continuous and interrupted leaf wetness periods, and relative humidity (RH) during the drier periods that interrupted wet periods, on olive leaf spot (OLS) severity. As inoculum concentration increased from 1·0 × 102 to 2·5 × 105 conidia mL?1, the severity of OLS increased at all five temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C). A simple polynomial model satisfactorily described the relationship between the inoculum concentration at the upper asymptote (maximum number of lesions) and temperature. The results showed that for the three leaf age groups tested (2–4, 6–8 and 10–12 weeks old) OLS severity decreased significantly (P < 0·001) with increasing leaf age at the time of inoculation. Overall, temperature also affected (P < 0·001) OLS severity, with the lesion numbers increasing gradually from 5°C to a maximum at 15°C, and then declining to a minimum at 25°C. When nine leaf wetness periods (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h) were tested at the same temperatures, the numbers of lesions increased with increasing leaf wetness period at all temperatures tested. The minimum leaf wetness periods for infection at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C were 18, 12, 12, 12 and 24 h, respectively. The wet periods during early infection processes were interrupted with drying periods (0, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 h) at two levels of RH (70 and 100%). The length of drying period had a significant (P < 0·001) effect on disease severity, the effect depending on the RH during the interruption. High RH (100%) resulted in greater disease severity than low RH (70%). A polynomial equation with linear and quadratic terms of temperature, wetness and leaf age was developed to describe the effects of temperature, wetness and leaf age on OLS infection, which could be incorporated as a forecasting component of an integrated system for the control of OLS.  相似文献   


Fusariosis, one of the phytosanitary problems found in rubber producing areas in the northwest of the state of São Paulo, is a disease that affects the bark of the adult plants, affecting the exploitation of latex. The typical symptoms appear as cracks in the bark that expand from the rootstock towards the tapping panel, causing a drying of the latex flux in the injured region, impeding latex tapping. Due to the recent incidence of this disease in rubber plantations, the goal of this study was to characterize the Fusarium associated with symptomatic rubber tissue in three different locations in the state of São Paulo. In order to identify Fusarium species, pathogenicity, morphological, cultural and molecular studies were carried out. A total of 51 isolates were obtained and separated into three groups based on macroconidium morphology, presence or absence of sporodochia, types of chlamydospores, formation of phialides and conidiogenesis of microconidia and mesoconidia, mycelial growth rate and coloring of the colonies. These groups were corroborated using DNA sequence information for five different genetic loci, and were subsequently recognized as Fusarium oxysporum, F. incarnatum and F. decemcellulare. Our results further showed that all 51 of the Fusarium isolates recovered were pathogenic to rubber tree seedlings of RRIM 600 standard clone. This study also reports for the presence of F. oxysporum and F. incarnatum in rubber plantations in the state of São Paulo and in Brazil.


Rust, caused by Puccinia dracunculina, is the main foliar disease of open‐field tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) crops in Israel. As not much is known about the biology or epidemiology of this pathogen, the long‐term objective of the current study was to accumulate the knowledge needed to develop an effective, environmentally friendly means of adequately managing the disease. Puccinia dracunculina is an autoecious brachy‐form pathogen, but it is not known whether the life cycle is completed under field conditions in Israel. Field observations and greenhouse studies revealed that although the telial stage is produced, the pathogen overwinters in the uredinial stage. In vitro experiments were used to quantify the temperature and wetness requirements for urediniospore germination and to calculate the daily duration of conducive weather (DDCW); DDCW was defined as the number of hours during which temperature ranged between 15 and 25°C and RH was >90%. Cumulative DDCW values (CDDCW) were a good predictor of disease under natural conditions in two growing seasons. Disease onset occurred when CDDCW values reached a level of 10 and the relationship between log CDDCW values and season‐long severity values (in logit) was highly significant, explaining 90·6% of the variation.  相似文献   

Colletotrichum kahawae is an emerging fungal pathogen, which has recently undergone a speciation process from a generalistic ‘C. gloeosporioides species complex' background by acquiring the unique capacity to infect green coffee berries, thus causing coffee berry disease. This is a severe and widespread disease in Africa and an imminent threat to Arabica coffee cultivation in Asia and America, if the pathogen enters those continents. Genetic diversity within C. kahawae is low but notorious differences in pathogen aggressiveness have been described. This work characterized two cytogenomic traits (genome size and minichromosome profiles) of a collection of C. kahawae isolates, representing the breadth of its genetic diversity and distinct aggressiveness classes, along with closely related taxa. The results obtained constitute the first flow cytometry‐based genome size estimation in the genus Colletotrichum and show a c. 8 Mb genome size expansion between C. kahawae (79·5 Mb on average) and its closest relatives (71·3 Mb), corroborating evidence indicating that C. kahawae (i.e. the coffee berry disease pathogens) should remain as a distinct species. Results have also shown the presence of two to five minichromosomes in C. kahawae, suggesting a positive relationship between the number of minichromosomes and the level of aggressiveness of the different isolates analysed, while no correlation could be established between aggressiveness and whole genome size. Overall, these results may be the basis for the identification of pathogenicity/aggressiveness‐related factors in such minichromosomes, and may provide clues to the characterization of specific markers for aggressiveness classes.  相似文献   

Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) isolates from Malus domestica, Ribes rubrum, Rubus idaeus, Rumex obtusifolius and Vaccinium darrowii were characterized based on nucleotide sequences of a 371 bp fragment of the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of their genomic RNAs, symptoms in the herbaceous hosts, Chenopodium amaranticolor, Chenopodium quinoa, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana occidentalis and Nicotiana tabacum, and seed transmission in N. occidentalis. The different isolates induced a range of localized and systemic disease symptoms, of varying severity, in the herbaceous hosts. The isolates from M. domestica, R. rubrum, R. obtusifolius and V. darrowii all showed greater than 80% seed transmission in Noccidentalis, but no seed transmission was observed for the R. idaeus isolate. Based on symptoms and seed transmission, the isolates appear to be biologically distinct strains of CLRV. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences from the 3′ UTR, commonly used to detect CLRV, showed that four isolates from M. domestica, R. rubrum, R. idaeus and V. darrowii were almost identical but an isolate from R. obtusifolius exhibited a pairwise nucleotide difference of up to 5·4% when compared to these isolates. There was no obvious correlation between sequence differences and symptomatology.  相似文献   

Bacterial canker of kiwifruit, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), is a disease that is spreading rapidly in several kiwifruit‐producing countries, causing significant economic losses. In 2011, it was detected for the first time in Spain, in the south of Galicia (northwest Spain). Kiwifruit orchards were therefore inspected and sampled in 2011 and 2012 to determine the pathogen distribution, and the isolates obtained were characterized by morphology, fatty acids profile, biochemical tests and molecular techniques. Isolates were obtained from Actinidia deliciosa ‘Hayward’ (from leaves, canes, flower buds, fruits and roots), from A. deliciosa ‘Summer’, from Actinidia chinensis ‘Jin Tao’ (from canes and leaves) and from A. chinensis pollinator ‘Belén’ (from canes). Results of the analysis of the cfl gene (phytotoxin production‐related), the tox–argK gene cluster and phylogenetic analysis of the cts gene demonstrated that all Psa isolates from northwest Spain correspond to the Psa3 population, which includes strains of haplotype 2. This is the first record of Psa3 and haplotype 2 in Spain.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum (Xcm) is the causal agent of banana xanthomonas wilt, a major threat to banana production in eastern and central Africa. The pathogen is present in very high levels within infected plants and can be transmitted by a broad range of mechanisms; therefore early specific detection is vital for effective disease management. In this study, a polyclonal antibody (pAb) was developed and deployed in a lateral flow device (LFD) format to allow rapid in‐field detection of Xcm. Published Xcm PCR assays were also independently assessed: only two assays gave specific amplification of Xcm, whilst others cross‐reacted with non‐target Xanthomonas species. Pure cultures of Xcm were used to immunize a rabbit, the IgG antibodies purified from the serum and the resulting polyclonal antibodies tested using ELISA and LFD. Testing against a wide range of bacterial species showed the pAb detected all strains of Xcm, representing isolates from seven countries and the known genetic diversity of Xcm. The pAb also detected the closely related Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vasculorum (Xav), primarily a sugarcane pathogen. Detection was successful in both naturally and experimentally infected banana plants, and the LFD limit of detection was 105 cells mL?1. Whilst the pAb is not fully specific for Xcm, Xav has never been found in banana. Therefore the LFD can be used as a first‐line screening tool to detect Xcm in the field. Testing by LFD requires no equipment, can be performed by non‐scientists and is cost‐effective. Therefore this LFD provides a vital tool to aid in the management and control of Xcm.  相似文献   

Phoma koolunga is a recently recognized pathogen in the ascochyta blight complex of field pea (Pisum sativum). Unlike the other three ascochyta blight pathogens, survival of P. koolunga is poorly understood. Survival of this fungus was examined on field pea stubble and as pseudosclerotia on the surface of, and buried in, field soil. Pseudosclerotia were formed in plates containing potato dextrose agar (PDA) mixed with sand or amended with fluorocytocin. After 1 month, P. koolunga was recovered on amended PDA from 93% of stubble sections retrieved from the soil surface, 36% of buried stubble sections and 100% of pseudosclerotia buried in field soil, pasteurized or not. The frequency of recovery of P. koolunga decreased over time and the fungus was not recovered from stubble on the soil surface at 15 months, nor was it recovered from stubble buried in soil at 11 months or later, or from pseudosclerotia buried for 18 months. In a pot bioassay, most ascochyta blight lesions developed on plants inoculated with stubble retrieved from the soil surface after 1 month. Infectivity of the inoculum decreased over time. Disease on plants inoculated with stubble that had been buried or left on the soil surface for up to 6 and 5 months, respectively, and pseudosclerotia retrieved at 14 months and later from field soil did not differ from the non‐inoculated control. These results suggest that field pea stubble may play a role in survival of P. koolunga, especially if it remains on the soil surface. In addition, pseudosclerotia were able to persist in soil and infect field pea plants into the next season.  相似文献   

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