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The objective of this study was to investigate hepatocyte apoptosis in dairy cows during the transition period. Four clinically healthy, pregnant dairy cattle were used. The cows had no clinical diseases throughout this study. Blood samples were collected and livers were biopsied from the cows at 3 different times: 3 weeks before expected partition (wk −3); during parturition (wk 0), and 3 weeks (wk +3) after parturition. The damage to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) caused by hepatocytes was evaluated by comet assay. The apoptotic features of hepatocytes were examined by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopic analyses. The hepatic triglyceride content markedly increased at wk 0 and wk +3 compared with the values at wk −3. The results of the comet assay showed increases in the mean tail moment values of hepatic cells after parturition in all cows, which suggested increased DNA damage. Histopathologically, the hepatocytes began to contain lipid droplets at wk 0 and were severely opacified at wk +3. Caspase-3-positive and single-stranded DNA-(ssDNA)-positive cells were first detected in the liver after parturition. Condensation of nuclear chromatin, a typical sign of apoptosis, was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy after parturition. These results suggest that apoptosis is induced in hepatocytes of dairy cows around parturition and may result from lipotoxicity in hepatocytes.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine the effect of estrus on the daily milk yield in Holstein cows and to investigate the chance of using the possible milk yield changes in determining the estrus. During the 3-year period of the study, 103 dairy cows were observed 4 days before and 4 days after daily milk yield of 240 estruses and a total of 2174 daily milk yields were evaluated. Variance analysis was used to determine the factors affecting the daily milk yield, and the LSD test was used for multiple comparisons. Insemination year, insemination season, number of lactation, milk yield group, and daily milk yield of lactation period were found to be significant (P?<?0.01). On the other hand, the effect of estrus days on milk yield was insignificant. In the days of estrus, the least square mean of milk yield is 31.0 kg, while the lowest and highest milk yields are 10.2 kg and 62.9 kg. The daily milk yield in the estruses decreased by an average of 300 g, which decreased to 400 g by continuing 1 day after the estruses. The next day, however, it increased rapidly by 600 g, and then dropped again, probably due to the effect of metestrus. It was found that, among all estruses, 31.3% of cows decreased their milk yield, whereas 26.5% of cows increased their milk yield. However, 42.2% of cows both decreased and increased their milk yield in different estruses. The interval between birth and the first insemination after were found to be longer (97.5 days and 92.9 days) at high milk-yielding cows compared to the low milk-yielding cows. According to the results of this study, daily milk yield changes could not be used as an estrus indicator.


Multivariate procedures are used for the extraction of variables from the correlation matrix of phenotypes in order to identify those traits that explain the largest proportion of phenotypic variation and to evaluate the relationship structure between these traits. The reproductive traits (days from calving to first estrus [CFE], days from calving to last service [CLS], calving interval [CI] and gestation length [GL]) and milk production traits (milk yield at 305 days of lactation [MY305], peak yield [PY] and milk yield per day of calving interval [MYCI]) of 5,217 Holstein females (primiparous and multiparous) were measured. Principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis of the correlation matrix were used to estimate the correlation between traits. Analysis grouped the seven traits into three principal components and four latent factors that retained approximately 81.5% and 88.9% of the total variation of the data, respectively. The production variables exhibited positive phenotypic correlation coefficients of high magnitude (>.67). The phenotypic correlation estimates between the productive and reproductive traits were low, ranging from .13 to .22. A strong association (.99) was observed between CLS and CI. Our results indicate that multivariate analysis was effective in generating correlations between the traits studied, grouping the seven traits in a smaller number of variables that retained approximately 81% of the total variation of the data.  相似文献   

为评估种公牛对荷斯坦杂种牛繁殖性能的遗传改良效果,以荷黄低代杂种、荷黄高代杂种和纯种荷斯坦牛3种奶牛群体共计293头奶牛为研究材料,利用北美荷斯坦验证种公牛对不同奶牛群体进行杂交改良。根据系谱信息追踪各群体的后裔,统计整理空怀天数(DO)、产后第一次配种天数(DFB)和初产月龄(AFC),用最小二乘法分析群体、世代、配种年份、母本和胎次与繁殖性能的相关性。结果表明,高代杂种和低代杂种的DO显著低于纯种(P005);低代杂种DFB显著低于纯种(P005),高代杂种在数值上有低于纯种的趋势。1世代,高代杂种和低代杂种DFB显著低于纯种(P005);高代杂种AFC显著低于低代杂种(P005),高代杂种在数值上低于纯种。配种年份效应和母本效应显著影响繁殖性能(P005)。高代杂种在现有生产体系下实现最佳的遗传环境匹配,适宜在北方农区生产体系中推广养殖。  相似文献   

In mammals, embryo implantation is an essential step in reproduction. Implantation is a phenomenon that involves crosstalk between the blastocyst and the maternal endometrium. However, the molecular basis of the connections between the blastocyst and endometrium is not yet fully understood. Amphiregulin is a member of the epidermal growth factor family and is known to be expressed in the luminal epithelium of the mouse uterus on 3.5 days post coitum (dpc). Thus, to clarify the mechanism of amphiregulin at fetomaternal interface, we analyzed the expression pattern of amphiregulin mRNA in the oviducts and uteri of pregnant and psuedopregnant mice by means of real-time PCR. Amphiregulin expression in the pregnant uterus dramatically increased on 2.5 dpc, peaked on 3.5 dpc, and declined by 5.5 dpc. Furthermore, to analyze the effect of the presence of an embryo on amphiregulin expression, we determined the expression pattern of amphiregulin mRNA in the uterus after embryo transfer on 0.5 and 1.5 dpc. A previous study showed that the expression of amphiregulin mRNA depends on the concentration of progesterone. However, our present results indicate that amphiregulin mRNA is upregulated by the presence of fertilized eggs in the lumen of the oviduct on 0.5 dpc.  相似文献   

Reproductive efficiency is major determinant of the dairy herd profitability. Thus, reproductive traits have been widely used as selection objectives in the current dairy cattle breeding programs. We aimed to evaluate strategies to model days open (DO), calving interval (CI) and daughter pregnancy rate (DPR) in Brazilian Holstein cattle. These reproductive traits were analysed by the autoregressive (AR) model and compared with classical repeatability (REP) model using 127,280, 173,092 and 127,280 phenotypic records, respectively. The first three calving orders of cows from 1,469 Holstein herds were used here. The AR model reported lower values for Akaike Information Criteria and Mean Square Errors, as well as larger model probabilities, for all evaluated traits. Similarly, larger additive genetic and lower residual variances were estimated from AR model. Heritability and repeatability estimates were similar for both models. Heritabilities for DO, CI and DPR were 0.04, 0.07 and 0.04; and 0.05, 0.06 and 0.04 for AR and REP models, respectively. Individual EBV reliabilities estimated from AR for DO, CI and DPR were, in average, 0.29, 0.30 and 0.29 units higher than those obtained from REP model. Rank correlation between EBVs obtained from AR and REP models considering the top 10 bulls ranged from 0.72 to 0.76; and increased from 0.98 to 0.99 for the top 100 bulls. The percentage of coincidence between selected bulls from both methods increased over the number of bulls included in the top groups. Overall, the results of model-fitting criteria, genetic parameters estimates and EBV predictions were favourable to the AR model, indicating that it may be applied for genetic evaluation of longitudinal reproductive traits in Brazilian Holstein cattle.  相似文献   

The high energy demands of dairy cows during the transition period from late gestation into early lactation can place them at an increased risk for the development of metabolic and infectious diseases. Modification of the dry period diet has been investigated as a preventive means to minimize the detrimental aspects of metabolic shifts during the transition period. Studies investigating the impact of dry period diet on lipid parameters during the transition period have largely focused on markers of lipolysis and ketogenesis. Total cholesterol declines during the periparturient period and increases in early lactation. The impact total energy in the dry period diet has on the ability of the cow to maintain total serum cholesterol, as well as its natural high‐density lipoprotein‐rich status, during this metabolically challenging window is not clear. The impact of lipoproteins on inflammation and immune function may have a clinical impact on the cow's ability to ward off production‐related diseases. In this study, we hypothesized that the provision of adequate, but not excessive, total metabolizable energy, would better allow the cow to maintain total cholesterol and a higher relative proportion of HDL throughout the transition period. Cows were allocated to one of three dry period dietary treatment groups following a randomized block design. Total serum triglycerides, cholesterol and lipoprotein fractions were measured on a weekly basis from approximately 7 weeks pre‐calving to 6 weeks post‐calving. The cows on the high energy diet maintained total serum cholesterol as compared to the cows provided a lower energy diet, but there was no significant increase in the LDL fraction of lipoproteins between diet treatment groups.  相似文献   

Dry period and early post-partum management are decisive factors for fertility in lactating dairy cows. Previous studies have shown that decreased dry matter intake (DMI) and increased non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) negatively affect fertility and subsequent milk production. The traditional dry period decreases DMI prior to parturition, resulting in a decrease in energy intake. A negative energy balance increases NEFA concentration, and increased NEFA may impair the immune system, especially by decreasing neutrophil function prior to parturition. Earlier studies have shown that post-partum health disorders, including retained placenta and metritis, were correlated with periparturient neutrophil function. In addition, decreased DMI is also linked to a reduced body condition score (BCS) in dairy cows. These events in the periparturient period negatively affect fertility. Some manipulation, such as shortening the dry period, may be a solution to increased DMI in the periparturient period, preventing post-partum disorders and subsequent fertility issues. This article aims to explain the effects of shortening the dry period on reproduction and early post-partum treatments to improve fertility. In addition, timed artificial insemination protocols will be discussed for use during the post-partum period to improve fertility in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Health problems occurring during the transition period in dairy cattle are of utmost importance as they can decrease the animal’s reproductive performance and favor the development of various metabolic diseases with resultant significant reproductive disorders. Among the commonly reported metabolic diseases occurring during that time, hyperketonemia is the most prevalent and could provoke a significant economic impact. The failing of a dairy cow to transit optimally between pregnancy and lactation is economically very relevant and should be considered. Until now, the role of insulin resistance (IR) in the etiology of subclinical ketosis (SCK) in dairy cattle is not clearly understood. This review aims to shed some light on the role of IR and oxidative stress in dairy cows with SCK during the transition period. The data presented in this review demonstrates that dairy cows could be vulnerable to the development of negative energy balance during transition. Moreover, the transitional cows could succumb to both IR and oxidative stress; however, the exact role of IR in cows with SCK needs further investigations. It is imperative to elaborate a suitable nutritional strategy to facilitate an easy transit of cows through this critical period and to minimize health problems and improve productivity during lactation.  相似文献   

Garcés  C. N.  Vela  D.  Mullo  A.  Cabezas  V.  Alvear  A.  Ponce  C. H. 《Tropical animal health and production》2019,51(2):477-480
Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of spirulina supplementation on oxidative stress, immunity, and productive performance during...  相似文献   

In 11 German Holstein cattle with black and white or red and white coat colour short tails could be observed. All affected animals were born in different farms. A clinical examination could not reveal further congenital anomalies of other organs. The parents of the affected animals showed no abnormalities of the tail. The pedigree data showed that all short tailed animals were related with each other and this fact provides evidence that brachyury is an inherited congenital anomaly. The coefficients of relationships were between 0.20 and 25%. The pedigree indicated a monogenic or oligogenic autosomal recessive inheritance. Environmental factors causing short tails in these animals were not obvious.  相似文献   

Background: Beef cattle breeding programs in Brazil have placed greater emphasis on the genomic study of reproductive traits of males and females due to their economic importance. In this study, genome-wide associations were assessed for scrotal circumference at 210 d of age, scrotal circumference at 420 d of age, age at first calving, and age at second calving, in Canchim beef cattle. Data quality control was conducted resulting in 672,778 SNPs and 392 animals.Results: Associated SNPs were observed for scrotal circumference at 420 d of age(435 SNPs), followed by scrotal circumference at 210 d of age(12 SNPs), age at first calving(six SNPs), and age at second calving(four SNPs). We investigated whether significant SNPs were within genic or surrounding regions. Biological processes of genes were associated with immune system, multicellular organismal process, response to stimulus, apoptotic process, cellular component organization or biogenesis, biological adhesion, and reproduction.Conclusions: Few associations were observed for scrotal circumference at 210 d of age, age at first calving, and age at second calving, reinforcing their polygenic inheritance and the complexity of understanding the genetic architecture of reproductive traits. Finding many associations for scrotal circumference at 420 d of age in various regions of the Canchim genome also reveals the difficulty of targeting specific candidate genes that could act on fertility; nonetheless,the high linkage disequilibrium between loci herein estimated could aid to overcome this issue. Therefore, al relevant information about genomic regions influencing reproductive traits may contribute to target candidate genes for further investigation of causal mutations and aid in future genomic studies in Canchim cattle to improve the breeding program.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of fat supplementation during the transition period on pre and postpartum body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), non‐esterified fatty acids (NEFA), glucose and leptin concentrations in Holstein cows. Holstein cows (n = 15) received a low fat diet (LF; 1.61 Mcal net energy for lactation (NEL)/kg of dry matter [DM]), moderate fat diet (MF; 1.68 Mcal NEL/kg DM) or a high fat diet (HF; 1.74 Mcal NEL/kg DM) for 4 weeks prior to calving. All cows were fed similar lactation diets ad libitum (1.74 Mcal NEL/kg DM) for 30 days after calving. Increasing diet energy density during transition period had no effect on prepartum DMI, BCS, BW, glucose and NEFA concentrations (P > 0.05); but leptin concentrations and energy balance (EB) were affected by treatments (P < 0.05). Animals fed HF had less plasma leptin prepartum. After parturition, BW, milk production, milk fat, protein, urea nitrogen and plasma glucose concentrations were affected by prepartum diets (P < 0.05). Fat supplementation prepartum did not affect postpartum NEFA. In conclusion, prepartum fat supplementation decreased leptin concentration prepartum.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of key parameters (donor parity, milk production, post-parturient day, season and milk recording data) associated with efficiency of embryo recovery (ER) in Holstein cattle. Elite Holstein cows and heifers were selected for ER, while Holstein heifers were used as recipients. The numbers of transferable embryos (TEs) produced were not significantly different when analyzed in terms of donor parity, milk production, postparturient day and season. However, the numbers of TEs were significantly increased when the milk protein (%; P)/fat (%; F) ratio was over 0.95 and/or the milk urea nitrogen (MUN) was between 12 and 18 dl/ml. The results from ET showed no differences in pregnancy rates among Holstein heifers receiving other types, developmental stage codes and quality grades of embryos. The mean interval from ER to artificial insemination was 60.6 days. Moreover, 19 offspring that had milk recording data showed a similar milk yield performance to that of the donor cows. In conclusion, this study showed that in Holstein cows, embryos were recovered and transferred and resulted in production of viable calves. Furthermore, P/F ratio and MUN could be candidate indicators for selection of high-efficiency donor cows.  相似文献   

This work aims to study the relationship between variations of the Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) and the parameters of reproduction especially the first conception rate (FCR) and to determine the threshold THI value where cows’ fertility rate dropped in 12 Holstein dairy herds raised in the arid climatic conditions of Tunisia. THI values were calculated over 22 years (1996–2018), and the mean monthly temperature and relative humidity data were obtained from the Meteorological Institute of Tunisia. A total of 20,396 individual records (Insemination and calving dates) were extracted from the Livestock and Pasturing Office (OEP, Tunisia) with regard to the highest THI before breeding, on the breeding day, and after breeding. Statistical analysis was performed using the GLM procedure of SAS software. Results point to the fact that a summer heat stress exists in southeast Tunisia and lasts for 4 months starting from June until September with THI values fluctuating between 73 ± 2.38 and 79 ± 3.01 exceeding, therefore, THI threshold of 72. Increased THI from ≤70 to ≥80 units was associated with drops in conception rate (CR) and fertility rate (FR) of 49% and 45% giving a correlation with the THI of (r = −.72, p < .05) and (r = −.74, p < .05), respectively. When cows were inseminated on extremely hot days (THI ≥ 80) preceded by cooler temperatures, pregnancy by service (P/AI) was 7% points higher than for other cows that were exposed to high temperatures before breeding. The average number of insemination was higher (p < .05) from THI ≤ 70 (2.01) compared to THI ≥ 80 (3.41). Cows calving during an absence of heat stress (THI ≤ 70) have the shortest average calving intervals (CI: 420 ± 15.1 days). Contrastly, calving in the condition of heat stress (THI ≥ 80) has the longest CI (487 ± 12.8 days). For each point increase in the THI value above 67, there is a decrease in the first conception rate by 1.39%. In this particular arid environment, high-yielding Holstein cows’ breeding success is strongly affected by heat stress that takes place just before or after breeding.  相似文献   

We used four pregnant Holstein cows to delineate ruminal adaptations as cows transitioned from one lactation to the next. Cows were fed typical diets through far-off and close-up dry periods and lactation. We measured ruminal characteristics on day 72 (late lactation), 51 (far-off dry), 23 and 9 (close-up dry) prepartum and on days 6, 20, 34, 48, 62, 76 and 90 postpartum (early lactation). Measurements included: ruminal fill (weight of actual contents), ruminal capacity (volume of rumen when fully filled), digestibilities and ruminal passage rates. Ruminal capacity tended to increase linearly during early lactation but was stable during dry and transition periods. Both total and liquid fill decreased linearly during the dry period, increased across parturition, and increased linearly through early lactation. Dry matter fill decreased as cows were fed the close-up diet at day 23 prepartum then increased near parturition and continued to increase across early lactation. Solid passage rate was greatest when cows were fed the close-up diet, and decreased throughout the transition period. In lactation, solid passage rate responded quadratically with peak at day 48 followed by decreases through day 90 postpartum. Liquid passage increased linearly across the transition period. Total tract organic matter digestibilities increased linearly over the dry period with significant increases prior to or immediately after parturition, then they remained relatively stable over early lactation until they increased at day 90. Fibre digestibilities demonstrated quadratic responses over early lactation, being higher on day 6 and day 90 than at other times. Starch digestibilities decreased linearly across both the dry and transition periods with decreases in lactation until day 62 followed by increases until day 90. High producing lactating dairy cows go through a multitude of ruminal adaptations, in terms of digestion, passage, capacity and fill, as they transition from one lactation to the next.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of suckling on reproductive performance and metabolic status of obese (mean body condition score of more than 4.0 on a scale of 1-5) maternal Japanese Black cows during early postpartum period. We used 7 postpartum Japanese Black cattle. Four cows were suckled ad libitum (suckled) until completion of their first artificial insemination (AI), while 3 cows were not suckled at all because they were separated from their calves immediately after parturition (non-suckled). Body weight and plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones were measured from wk 1 to 9 postpartum. Ovarian activity was detected using plasma progesterone concentration, and all cows received their first AI after application of the Ovsynch protocol at approximately 4 months postpartum. Although body weights of non-suckled cows increased during experimental period (P<0.05), those of suckled cows remained unchanged. Plasma concentrations of glucose of non-suckled cows were higher at wk 2 postpartum (P<0.05) and their levels of non-esterified fatty acid tended to be lower at wk 1 and 2 postpartum compared with suckled cows (P<0.1); however, these differences between groups were not observed with progression of postpartum period. In addition, plasma insulin concentrations of non-suckled cows were higher than those of suckled cows during experimental period (P<0.05). During sampling period (wk 0 to 9 postpartum), onset of normal ovarian cycle was observed in all non-suckled and 2 of 4 suckled cows, and it was delayed in other 2 suckled cows compared with non-suckled cows; however, 3 suckled cows conceived at the first AI after application of the Ovsynch protocol; none of non-suckled cows conceived at this time. Overall, we suggest that suckling seems to reduce increase of body weight after parturition, although it does not improve obesity, and influences conception despite delay in resumption of normal ovarian cyclicity in obese Japanese Black cows.  相似文献   

Effects of heat stress during the last third of gestation on reproductive changes postpartum were studied in Holstein cows. Cows and heifers 160 to 190 d of gestation were assigned in June 1978 to shade (n = seven cows and two heifers) or no shade (n = eight cows and two heifers) management treatments. After parturition, all cows (n = 19) were moved to the milking herd and managed uniformly. On the day of calving and on each Monday, Wednesday and Friday thereafter until d 50 postpartum, jugular blood samples were collected. Beginning approximately 7 d postpartum, the reproductive tract of each cow was examined rectally after collection of blood samples. Estrus was monitored twice daily and cows were inseminated after d 45 postpartum. Prepartum heat stress increased 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM) concentrations postpartum and increased the rate of uterine involution. Regardless of prepartum treatment, progesterone concentrations indicated that luteal phases had begun by d 12.4 +/- 1.3 postpartum, which was about 3 d before PGFM was basal. The first luteal phase lasted only 10.7 +/- .9 d. First estrus was not detected until d 32.3 +/- 4.8 postpartum. The previously gravid uterine horn had a negative effect on ovarian volume, diameter of the largest follicle and percentage of ovaries with a corpus luteum. However, prepartum heat stress attenuated this effect. This study indicates that heat stress prepartum had residual effects on postpartum reproductive changes, and that the previously gravid uterine horn exerted some control, which was attenuated by heat stress, over ovarian recrudescense. Even though heat stress prepartum affected sensitive measures of postpartum reproductive function, it did not alter days to first estrus, days open (102.3 +/- 13.1) or services/conception (2.5 +/- .3).  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a class of pattern recognition receptors that play a pivotal role in the innate and adaptive immune systems. Studies have shown that TLR variants play roles in various human infectious diseases. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the functional genetic variations at positions C632T, G1409A, A1475C, G1550A and G1596A in TLR1 and at A2700G and A3156G in TLR9 confer susceptibility or resistance to bovine tuberculosis (bTB). Genotyping of the TLR1 and TLR9 gene polymorphisms was performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) in 586 Chinese Holstein cows (154 infected with bTB, 432 non-infected). The frequencies of the GH and HH genotypes at TLR1-G1596A differed significantly between bTB-infected and non-infected animals [p=0.001 for both GH and HH; GH odds ratio (OR)=2.43 95% confidence interval (CI) (1.47-4.03); and HH OR=1.49 95% CI (0.85-2.62)]. There was a trend toward an increased relative risk of tuberculosis (TB) incidence in the CD genotype at the TLR1-A1475C locus [p=0.056, OR=1.59 95% CI (0.98-2.58)]. The present study suggests that variants in the TLR1 gene are associated with susceptibility to bTB, whereas no significant association can be inferred from the polymorphisms in the TLR9 gene.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) has been identified as a novel hormonal factor involved in the regulation of metabolic adaptations during energy deprivation. The present study aimed to investigate the expression of the FGF21 gene in the liver of dairy cows during the transition from pregnancy to lactation. Therefore, the relative mRNA abundance of FGF21 in liver biopsy samples of 20 dairy cows in late pregnancy (3 weeks pre‐partum) and early lactation (1, 5, 14 weeks post‐partum) was determined. It was observed that hepatic mRNA abundance of FGF21 at 1 week post‐partum was dramatically increased (110‐fold) compared to 3 weeks pre‐partum (p < 0.001). With progress of lactation, mRNA concentration of FGF21 was declining; nevertheless, mRNA abundance at 5 and 14 weeks post‐partum remained 25‐ and 10‐fold increased compared to 3 weeks pre‐partum (p < 0.001). Using a gene array technique, it was found that many genes involved in fatty acid oxidation, gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis were up‐regulated during early lactation compared to late pregnancy. Moreover, there were positive linear correlations between hepatic mRNA concentration of FGF21 and mRNA concentrations of genes involved in ketogenesis as well as carnitine synthesis and carnitine uptake at various time‐points during lactation, indicating that FGF21 could play a role in ketogenesis and carnitine metabolism in the liver of dairy cows (p < 0.05). In overall, the present study shows that expression of the FGF21 gene is strongly up‐regulated during the transition period. It is assumed that the up‐regulation of FGF21 might play an important role in the adaptation of liver metabolism during early lactation in dairy cows such as in other species.  相似文献   

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