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Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, causal agent of white mould, is the most destructive and widely distributed soilborne pathogen of common bean during the autumn–winter season in Brazil. Nevertheless, little is known about the genetic structure of the pathogen population. Microsatellite (SSR) markers and mycelial compatibility groups (MCGs) were used to characterize 118 isolates collected from 20 bean fields located in the most important growing regions of Minas Gerais State (MG). Additionally, the genetic variability among 10 isolates obtained from a single sclerotium was investigated in 10 different sclerotia. Seventy SSR haplotypes and 14 MCGs were identified among the 118 isolates. The genetic differences within bean growing areas accounted for most of the genetic variation (72%). Despite the relatively high genotypic diversity, the SSR loci were at linkage disequilibrium. Moreover, 70% of the isolates were assigned to only two MCGs, and haplotypes of a given MCG were closely related. The discriminant analysis of principal components revealed five groups. There was strong genetic differentiation between isolates collected in one municipality in southern MG when compared to other regions. Common bean resistance to white mould should be assessed with representative isolates of the five genetic groups and, if possible, of the different MCGs detected in the present study. One to five haplotypes were detected among the 10 isolates obtained from a single sclerotium. Therefore, in order to ensure genetic identity of an isolate, hyphal tip or monoascosporic isolates should be used.  相似文献   

The effects of ozone on the susceptibility of leaves ofPhaseolus vulgaris toSclerotinia sclerotiorum andBotrytis cinerea have been investigated. Seedlings of one ozone-sensitive (Pros) and five relatively ozone-insensitive cultivars (Gamin, Precores, Groffy, Narda, Berna) were exposed to different ozone concentrations (0, 120, 180 and 270 g m–3) for 8 h. One day after the exposures, primary leaves were detached and immediately inoculated with spores of either pathogen suspended in water or in a 62.5 mM KH2PO4 (Pi) solution. Visible ozone injury differed between the cultivars and increased with increasing ozone concentration. On the leaves of non-exposed plants, spores of the pathogens suspended in water caused very few lesions, whereas fungal pathogenicity was stimulated by addition of Pi to the inoculum. Ozone-injured leaves of all cultivars exhibited lesions after inoculation of the leaves with the pathogens suspended in water, and the number of lesions was positively correlated with the level of ozone injury for either pathogen and cultivar. The increase in susceptibility of bean leaves in response to increasing ozone concentrations was greater forB. cinerea than forS. sclerotiorum when spores were suspended in water, but was similar when the spores were suspended in Pi.In general, the number of lesions following inoculation with spores in Pi increased with increasing ozone concentration. However, the number of lesions in the ozone-insensitive Groffy was reduced by an exposure to 120 g m–3 but increased with higher concentrations. This pattern of susceptibility response to the pathogens was not found in the other ozone-insensitive cultivars and, thus, did not appear to be related to the inherent ozone-insensitivity in bean.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a necrotrophic fungus that causes a devastating disease called white mould, infecting more than 450 plant species worldwide. Control of this disease with fungicides is limited, so host plant resistance is the preferred alternative for disease management. However, due to the nature of the disease, breeding programmes have had limited success. A potential alternative to developing necrotrophic fungal resistance is the use of host‐induced gene silencing (HIGS) methods, which involves host expression of dsRNA‐generating constructs directed against genes in the pathogen. In this study, the target gene chosen was chitin synthase (chs), which commands the synthesis of chitin, the polysaccharide that is a crucial structural component of the cell walls of many fungi. Tobacco plants were transformed with an interfering intron‐containing hairpin RNA construct for silencing the fungal chs gene. Seventy‐two hours after inoculation, five transgenic lines showed a reduction in disease severity ranging from 55·5 to 86·7% compared with the non‐transgenic lines. The lesion area did not show extensive progress over this time (up to 120 h). Disease resistance and silencing of the fungal chs gene was positively correlated with the presence of detectable siRNA in the transgenic lines. It was demonstrated that expression of endogenous genes from the very aggressive necrotrophic fungus S. sclerotiorum could be prevented by host induced silencing. HIGS of the fungal chitin synthase gene can generate white mould‐tolerant plants. From a biotechnological perspective, these results open new prospects for the development of transgenic plants resistant to necrotrophic fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) of oilseed rape (OSR, Brassica napus), caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a serious problem in the UK and worldwide. As fungicide‐based control approaches are not always reliable, identifying host resistance is a desirable and sustainable approach to disease management. This research initially examined the aggressiveness of 18 Sclerotinia isolates (17 S. sclerotiorum, one S. subarctica) on cultivated representatives of B. rapa, B. oleracea and B. napus using a young plant test. Significant differences were observed between isolates and susceptibility of the brassica crop types, with B. rapa being the most susceptible. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates from crop hosts were more aggressive than those from wild buttercup (Ranunculus acris). Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates P7 (pea) and DG4 (buttercup), identified as ‘aggressive’ and ‘weakly aggressive’, respectively, were used to screen 96 B. napus lines for SSR resistance in a young plant test. A subset of 20 lines was further evaluated using the same test and also in a stem inoculation test on flowering plants. A high level of SSR resistance was observed for five lines and, although there was some variability between tests, one winter OSR (line 3, Czech Republic) and one rape kale (line 83, UK) demonstrated consistent resistance. Additionally, one swede (line 69, Norway) showed an outstanding level of resistance in the stem test. Resistant lines also had fewer sclerotia forming in stems. New pre‐breeding material for the production of SSR resistant OSR cultivars relevant to conditions in the UK and Europe has therefore been identified.  相似文献   

Brassica crops are of global importance, with oilseed rape (Brassica napus) accounting for 13% of edible oil production. All Brassica species are susceptible to sclerotinia stem rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a generalist fungal pathogen causing disease in over 400 plant species. Generally, sources of plant resistance result in partial control of the pathogen although some studies have identified wild Brassica species that are highly resistant. The related pathogen Ssubarctica has also been reported on Brassica but its aggressiveness in relation to S. sclerotiorum is unknown. In this study, detached leaf and petiole assays were used to identify new sources of resistance to S. sclerotiorum within a wild Brassica ‘C genome’ diversity set. High‐level resistance was observed in B. incana and B. cretica in petiole assays, whilst wild B. oleracea and B. incana lines were the most resistant in leaf assays. A B. bourgeai line showed both partial petiole and leaf resistance. Although there was no correlation between the two assays, resistance in the detached petiole assay was correlated with stem resistance in mature plants. When tested on commercial cultivars of B. napus, B. oleracea and B. rapa, selected isolates of S. subarctica exhibited aggressiveness comparable to S. sclerotiorum indicating it can be a significant pathogen of Brassica. This is the first study to identify B. cretica as a source of resistance to S. sclerotiorum and to report resistance in other wild Brassica species to a UK isolate, hence providing resources for breeding of resistant cultivars suitable for Europe.  相似文献   

The plant‐pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum has a broad host range and a worldwide distribution. Boscalid, an inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase in the electron transport chain of fungi, is highly effective in controlling sclerotinia stem rot caused by S. sclerotiorum. The current study characterized the S. sclerotiorum boscalid‐resistant (BR) mutants obtained by fungicide induction. Among the bioactive fungicides against S. sclerotiorum, cross‐resistance was not detected between boscalid and dimethachlon, fluazinam or carbendazim; positive cross‐resistance was detected between boscalid and carboxin; and negative cross‐resistance was detected between boscalid and kresoxim‐methyl. Compared to their parental isolates, BR mutants had slower radial growth, no ability to produce sclerotia, lower virulence and oxalic acid content but higher mycelial respiration and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity. Moreover, BR mutants had decreased sensitivity to salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) but not to oxidative stress. All the results indicated that the risk of resistance to boscalid in S. sclerotiorum is low to moderate. DNA sequence analysis showed that all of the BR mutants had the same point mutation A11V (GCA to GTA) in the iron sulphur protein subunit (SDHB). Interestingly, expression of the cytochrome b (cytb) gene was reduced to different degrees in the BR mutants, and this might be correlated with the negative cross‐resistance between boscalid and kresoxim‐methyl. Such information is vital in the design of resistance management strategies.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is an important pathogen of many crop plants which also infects wild hosts. The population structure of this fungus was studied for different crop plants and Ranunculus acris (meadow buttercup) in the UK using eight microsatellite markers and sequenced sections of the intergenic spacer (IGS) region of the rRNA gene and the elongation factor 1‐alpha (EF) gene. A total of 228 microsatellite haplotypes were identified within 384 isolates from 12 S. sclerotiorum populations sampled in England and Wales. One microsatellite haplotype was generally found at high frequency in each population and was distributed widely across different hosts, locations and years. Fourteen IGS and five EF haplotypes were found in the 12 populations, with six IGS haplotypes and one EF haplotype exclusive to buttercup. Analysis of published sequences for S. sclerotiorum populations from the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Norway showed that three of the IGS haplotypes and one EF haplotype were widely distributed, while eight IGS haplotypes were only found in the UK. Although common microsatellite and IGS/EF haplotypes were found on different hosts in the UK, there was evidence of differentiation, particularly for one isolated population on buttercup. However, overall there was no consistent differentiation of S. sclerotiorum populations from buttercup and crop hosts. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum therefore has a multiclonal population structure in the UK and the wide distribution of one microsatellite haplotype suggests spatial mixing at a national scale. The related species S. subarctica was also identified in one buttercup population.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia trifoliorum, an important pathogen of cool season legumes, displays both homothallism and heterothallism in its life cycle, unique among members of the genus Sclerotinia. Very little is known about its genetic diversity and population structure. A sample of 129 isolates of S. trifoliorum from diseased chickpea in California was investigated for genetic diversity, population differentiation and reproductive mode. Genetic diversity was estimated using mycelial compatibility (MCG) phenotypes, rDNA intron variation, and allelic diversity at seven microsatellite loci. Genetic analysis revealed high levels of genotypic diversity demonstrated by high genotypic richness (0·88). Similarly, high levels of gene diversity (mean expected heterozygosity HE = 0·68) were observed at the microsatellite loci. Geographic populations of S. trifoliorum were highly admixed as evident from low FST values (0–0·11), suggesting high contemporary or historical gene flow. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance showed that more than 92% of the genetic variation occurred among isolates within populations. Bayesian clustering analysis identified four cryptic genetic populations that were not correlated to geographic location, and index of multilocus association was non‐significant in each of the four genetic populations. However, the presence of identical haplotypes within and among populations indicates clonal reproduction. The high levels of haplotype diversity and population heterogeneity, a lack of correspondence between MCG and microsatellite haplotype, and low levels of population differentiation suggest that populations of S. trifoliorum in chickpea have been undergoing extensive outcrossing and migration events probably shaped by human‐mediated dissemination, the underlying diverse cropping systems, and chickpea disease management practices.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) is a serious disease in oilseed Brassica crops worldwide. In this study, temperature adaptation in isolates of S. sclerotiorum collected from differing climatic zones is reported for the first time on any crop. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates from oilseed rape (Brassica napus) crops in warmer northern agricultural regions of Western Australia (WW3, UWA 7S3) differed in their reaction to temperature from those from cooler southern regions (MBRS‐1, UWA 10S2) in virulence on Brassica carinata, growth on agar, and oxalic acid production. Increasing temperature from 22/18°C (day/night) to 28/24°C increased lesion diameter on cotyledons of B. carinataBC054113 more than tenfold for warmer region isolates, but did not affect lesion size for cooler region isolates. Mean lesion length averaged across two B. carinata genotypes (resistant and susceptible) fell from 4·6 to 2·4 mm for MBRS‐1 when temperature increased from 25/21°C to 28/24°C but rose for WW3 (2·35 and 3·21 mm, respectively). WW3, usually designated as low in virulence, caused as much disease on stems at 28/24°C as MBRS‐1, historically designated as highly virulent. Isolates collected from cooler areas grew better at low temperatures on agar. While all grew on potato dextrose agar between 5 and 30°C, with maximum growth at 20–25°C, growth was severely restricted above 32°C, and only UWA 7S3 grew at 35°C. Oxalate production increased as temperature increased from 10 to 25°C for isolates MBRS‐1, WW3 and UWA 7S3, but declined from a maximum level of 101 mg g?1 mycelium at 20°C to 24 mg g?1 mycelium at 25°C for UWA 10S2.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli (Fop) is a devastating pathogen that can cause significant economic losses and can be introduced into fields through infested Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) seeds. Efficient seed health testing methods can aid in preventing long‐distance dissemination of this pathogen by contaminated seeds. In order to improve detection of Fop in seed, a rapid, accurate and sensitive real‐time PCR assay (qPCR) protocol was developed for detection of Fop in common bean seeds. Seed lots of seven cultivars with infection incidence ranging from 0·25 to 20% were prepared by mixing known amounts of Fop‐infected seeds with Fop‐free seeds. Direct comparisons between SYBR Green and TaqMan qPCR methods were performed using primers based on the Fop virulence factor ftf1. The primers developed in this study produced a 63 bp product for highly virulent strains of Fop but did not produce an amplicon for nonpathogenic or weakly pathogenic isolates of F. oxysporum from P. vulgaris or other hosts. Under optimized conditions, both qPCR assays detected Fop infection at low levels (0·25%); however, the results suggest the TaqMan assay was more reliable at quantification than the SYBR Green assay. Linear regression models were fitted to the relationships between results of qPCR assays and infection incidence, but the models differed among cultivars. Fungal biomass per seed differed among cultivars and was related to seed size. The results indicate that the TaqMan assay developed in this study is a useful tool for the detection and quantification of Fop in bean seeds.  相似文献   

Choy sum (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis), leafy mustard (Brassica juncea) and pak choi (B. rapa var. chinensis) are highly nutritious components of diets in Taiwan and other Asian countries, and bacterial black rot caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) is a major biotic constraint in these crops. As very little was known about the Xcc strains from these crops in these regions, including their cross‐pathogenicity and aggressiveness on different hosts, Xcc strains were obtained from cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), choy sum, leafy mustard and pak choi crops in Taiwan. Two previously published PCR‐based assays reliably distinguished the Xcc strains from other Xanthomonas species and subspecies. Phylogenetic analysis based on repetitive sequence‐based PCR assays placed the Xcc strains in a clade distinct from other Xanthomonas species, and also showed host specificity. Although all of the Xcc strains from the different host species were pathogenic on all five Brassica test species in both a detached leaf assay and an intact plant assay, in the intact plant assay they showed differences in virulence or aggression on the different test hosts. The Xcc strains from leafy mustard and pak choi were consistently highly aggressive on all the test host genotypes, but the strains from choy sum and cabbage were less aggressive on leafy mustard and choy sum. The intact plant assay proved more discriminating and reliable than the detached leaf assay for comparing the aggressiveness of Xcc strains on different host genotypes, and so, with the new Xcc strains isolated in this study, will be useful for screening leafy brassica germplasm accessions for resistance to black rot.  相似文献   

Wheat blast of wheat (Triticum aestivum), caused by Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype triticum (MoT; anamorph Pyricularia oryzae) is a destructive disease in the South American countries of Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. In Argentina, the fungus was recently recorded on wheat and barley plants in the northeast part of the country, Buenos Aires and Corrientes Provinces, with a potential for spreading. This work aimed to study, for the first time, the morphocultural and pathogenic characteristics of Magnaporthe isolates collected from wheat and other herbaceous species in Argentina and three neighbouring countries (Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia) and determine their aggressiveness on wheat varieties. Statistical differences among isolates, culture media, and development conditions were found for conidia colour, growth rate, size and sporulation rate. Pathogenicity tests performed on seedlings with 19 isolates of Magnaporthe spp. under greenhouse conditions showed a maximum disease severity of 55.3% and 66.7% for varieties BIOINTA 3004 and Baguette 18, respectively. Weed and grass isolates were infectious on wheat, demonstrating their potential epidemiological role on the disease. Spike disease severity was 34.6% for the host × pathogen interaction of BIOINTA 3004 × PY22. Observed symptoms included partial or total spike bleaching, and glume and rachis discolouration. The 1000‐grain weight was significantly reduced to 38.5% and 63.1% for cultivars BIOINTA 3004 and Baguette 18, respectively. The disease affected grain germination, which fell to 65.9% for seeds infected with the PYAR22 isolate. Symptoms observed in infected grains were partial spotting, grain softening, and rot symptoms with the presence of a greyish mould.  相似文献   

The success of the necrotrophic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is largely dependent on its major virulence factor, oxalic acid (OA). Virulence is lost in transgenic plants that express OA degrading enzymes, e.g. oxalate oxidase (OxO). The histopathology of Ssclerotiorum infection and OA accumulation was examined in a transgenic soybean line over‐expressing OxO (OxO‐OE) and its isogenic parent (WT). In situ flower inoculation showed that the OxO‐OE plants were highly resistant to the pathogen while the WT parents were susceptible. This difference in resistance was not apparent in the floral tissues, as aggressive hyphal activity was similar on both hosts, showing that high OxO activity and low OA accumulation in OxO‐OE was not a deterrent. However, the process of fungal infection on excised leaf tissue differed on the two hosts. Primary lesions developed and showed similar severe ultrastructural damage on both hosts but rapid lesion expansion (colonization) proceeded only on the WT, concomitant with OA accumulation. Oxalic acid rose in OxO‐OE 1 day post‐inoculation and did not change over the following 3 days, showing that colonization can be blocked by maintaining low levels of OA. However, OxO degradation of OA did not deter initial host penetration and primary lesion formation. This shows that OA, the major virulence factor of S. sclerotiorum, is critical for host colonization but may not be required during primary lesion formation, suggesting that other factors are contributing to the establishment of the primary lesion.  相似文献   

A total of 57 Ilyonectria liriodendri isolates were identified by a combination of species‐specific PCR and DNA sequencing from a collection of 174 Ilyonectria‐like isolates recovered from 101 diseased grapevine samples. These samples were representative of the national vineyard, comprising material contributed by 49 grape growers across seven grape growing areas. This species was predominant, representing 33% of the recovered isolates, and has been reported as a major pathogen of grapevines in other countries. The genetic diversity of the 57 New Zealand isolates was compared to that of isolates from Australia and South Africa using universally primed polymerase chain reaction (UP‐PCR). A total of 66 informative loci distinguished 52 genotypes, of which five contained up to four clonal isolates. Four main clades were identified in a neighbour‐joining (NJ) tree. The international isolates (Australia and South Africa) were placed in a clade that did not include New Zealand isolates. There was a high level of intra‐ and inter‐vineyard genetic variation indicating the free movement of isolates between regions. A subset of nine isolates from different branches of the NJ tree produced two vegetative compatibility groups and hyphal fusion was observed between non‐self pairings. Pathogenicity tests using isolates from different genetic groups inoculated onto either detached roots or 1‐year‐old potted vines showed variability in virulence; however, no correlations were detected.  相似文献   

Root rots (RR) are the main cause of declining bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) production in southwestern Uganda. Here, beans are mainly intercropped/rotated with maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and garden peas (Pisum sativum). These crops also suffer from RR and bean RR pathogens have been isolated from some of these crops. This study aimed to determine the extent of RR on maize, sorghum and peas, and their potential to contribute to the survival of bean RR pathogens. Therefore, experiments were carried out in bean RR‐infested farmers’ fields as well as soils inoculated with bean RR pathogens (Pythium spp. and Fusarium spp.) under screen house conditions and a susceptible bean cultivar served as a control. High RR incidence/severity scores were recorded in beans and sorghum in both farmers’ fields and screen house experiments. The high field RR incidence/severity in sorghum correlated with the screen house scores. This study shows that RR is also a problem to other crops, especially sorghum, warranting attention. The findings also imply that sorghum plays a potential role as an alternate host to bean RR pathogens, increasing inoculum density of bean RR pathogens and potentially negatively impacting the bean RR problem. Intercropping or rotating beans with sorghum in this region is not recommended. However, maize was RR‐resistant and therefore appropriate as an intercrop/rotational crop to beans in the system. A holistic rather than commodity approach is recommended for managing RR in this cropping system.  相似文献   

The biological and molecular characterization of six isolates of a new Cowpea mild mottle virus strain (CPMMV; Carlavirus, Betaflexiviridae) are reported. Soybean plants with mosaic and stem necrosis were collected in Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. Complete genomes of the CPMMV isolates are 8180–8198 nucleotides (nt) long, excluding the 3′‐polyadenylated tail, and have 67–68% nt sequence identity with a Ghana isolate of CPMMV, the only CPMMV isolate for which the genome has previously been sequenced. The replicase has only 60–61% nt sequence identity with the Ghana CPMMV isolate, and the coat protein (CP) is highly conserved (79% nt sequence identity and 95–96% amino acid sequence identity). The high CP identity and the phylogenetic analyses supported the classification of the Brazilian isolates as CPMMV. Biological and molecular differences with the Ghana CPMMV isolate were found and indicated that the six isolates represent a distinct CPMMV strain denominated as CPMMV‐BR. Furthermore, it is shown that recombination occurred mainly in the polymerase gene, and may occur less frequently in other regions of the CPMMV genome.  相似文献   

Several formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum are capable to produce disease in tobacco plants. Different authors have classified those isolates as a forma specialis or a race within on the basis of the severity of disease and host specificity. Fusarium wilt of tobacco plant in Extremadura (central Spain) tobacco fields have been recorded in the last years and F. oxysporum was isolated from symptomatic plants. The aim of our study was to characterize these F. oxysporum populations. For this purpose, the in vitro spore production and growth and the virulence (severity of disease) have been tested. Although all isolates behaved as pathogen, the virulence of isolates was different. The differences in growth could not be correlated with other characteristics but the two isolates with scarce spore production have also behaved as the weakest pathogen. We have analyzed intergenic spacer (IGS) region polymorphism of ribosomal DNA and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to assess the genetic diversity within F. oxysporum isolates. These molecular analyses showed two major groups with different physiological capabilities that could reflect two different lineages. One group was characterized by medium–high sporulation, high virulence and the same IGS-RFLP pattern. The other group was more heterogeneous featuring low–medium sporulation and variable virulence and growth. This first experimental approach to pathogen population could be a good starting point for further studies including non-pathogenic isolates and a larger number of pathogen that could clarify if there are two or more genetic lineages.  相似文献   

Potato mop‐top virus (PMTV) causes necrotic flecks inside and on tubers in temperate countries. In South America, these symptoms have not been observed, although the presence of the virus has been confirmed in the Andes and in Central America. To characterize PMTV isolates from the Andes, soil samples were taken from the main potato‐producing regions in Colombia and virus was recovered by planting Nicotiana benthamiana as bait plants. The complete genomes of five isolates were sequenced and three of the isolates were inoculated to four different indicator plants. Based on sequence comparisons, three types of RNA‐CP (RNA2) and RNA‐TGB (RNA3) were found. The isolates from the centre of the country (CO3 and CO4) were similar to isolates from Europe. The genomes of CO1, CO2 and CO5 differ from other PMTV isolates, placing them in a separate clade in phylogenetic trees. The three Colombian isolates (CO1, CO2 and CO5) only induced slightly different symptoms in the indicator plants. However, the isolate from the northwest of the country (CO1) induced stronger symptoms in N. benthamiana including severe stunting. A correlation between the genotype of the isolates and the symptoms they induced on indicator plants was not found.  相似文献   

Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) isolates from Malus domestica, Ribes rubrum, Rubus idaeus, Rumex obtusifolius and Vaccinium darrowii were characterized based on nucleotide sequences of a 371 bp fragment of the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of their genomic RNAs, symptoms in the herbaceous hosts, Chenopodium amaranticolor, Chenopodium quinoa, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana occidentalis and Nicotiana tabacum, and seed transmission in N. occidentalis. The different isolates induced a range of localized and systemic disease symptoms, of varying severity, in the herbaceous hosts. The isolates from M. domestica, R. rubrum, R. obtusifolius and V. darrowii all showed greater than 80% seed transmission in Noccidentalis, but no seed transmission was observed for the R. idaeus isolate. Based on symptoms and seed transmission, the isolates appear to be biologically distinct strains of CLRV. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences from the 3′ UTR, commonly used to detect CLRV, showed that four isolates from M. domestica, R. rubrum, R. idaeus and V. darrowii were almost identical but an isolate from R. obtusifolius exhibited a pairwise nucleotide difference of up to 5·4% when compared to these isolates. There was no obvious correlation between sequence differences and symptomatology.  相似文献   

Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), belonging to the family Potyviridae, is a serious pathogen of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) causing considerable economic losses owing to seed, sap and aphid transmissibility. The viral nature of the test isolates and identity of the virus as BCMV were confirmed by mechanical transmission and DAS-ELISA using BCMV antiserum. Pathogenic variability studies in BCMV infecting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Jammu and Kashmir (a northwestern Himalayan state of India), revealed the existence of three pathogroups – PG-I, PG-II and PG-VII, accommodating five strains (NL-1, NL-1n, NL-4, NL-7 and NL-7n). Comparative sequence analysis of coat protein gene revealed that the strains NL-1, NL-4 and NL-7 shared more than 90% amino acid sequence homology with other BCMV isolates from other countries. DAG motif as well as BCMV specific conserved motif MVWCIDN were present in all the three strains. Phylogenetic analysis of coat protein also clustered them in the BCMV group. This study confirmed the occurrence of BCMV and its strains on common bean in Kashmir.  相似文献   

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