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为探讨土壤施肥对烟粉虱种群的影响,在室内采用盆栽方法测定了11种氮、磷、钾施肥组合处理和对照处理的黄瓜苗上烟粉虱的发育历期、存活率、若虫大小、寄主选择、繁殖力及寿命等生命参数。结果表明,烟粉虱的发育历期受施肥影响显著;施肥对卵和低龄若虫存活率无显著影响,但对高龄若虫存活率及各龄若虫大小影响显著;成虫较喜欢在氮肥施用量适中且不施用钾肥和磷肥的黄瓜植株上取食和产卵,而不喜好氮肥施用量大且施用钾肥和磷肥的植株;烟粉虱的寿命及繁殖力在单独施用磷肥的黄瓜植株上低于对照处理的植株,在其他施肥处理上均高于对照。在氮肥施用量大且施用钾肥和磷肥的植株上,一个世代后烟粉虱种群增殖最大,达74.4倍;在单独施用磷肥时增殖最小,仅17.2倍。  相似文献   

烟粉虱是棉花、蔬菜和花卉等植物的主要害虫之一,寄主范围广,适应性强,通过取食植物汁液、分泌蜜露、传播病毒会引起植物生理异常。基于此,主要介绍了烟粉虱的为害及综合防治措施。  相似文献   

烟粉虱是黄瓜的主要害虫,利用非化学措施控制烟粉虱对于黄瓜绿色生产具有重要意义。为探讨光驱避对设施蔬菜烟粉虱的控制作用,应用RGB值与虚拟波长的关系在计算机上模拟不同波长的颜色,根据烟粉虱对不同光质的选择率,筛选出对烟粉虱有驱避作用的敏感光质,在此基础上,调查该光质处理下设施黄瓜烟粉虱种群的变化情况以及该光质与多种光质联合使用对烟粉虱的控制作用。结果表明,RGB值为0,0,255(波长为470nm的蓝色)的颜色对烟粉虱成虫的驱避率最高。黄色和绿色对烟粉虱有较强的诱集作用,烟粉虱的选择率分别为54%和42%;但在黄光和绿光打开的环境中再加入蓝光后,烟粉虱对黄光和绿光的选择率分别提高到68%和56%。在黄光和绿光共存的环境中加入蓝色光,可以加速烟粉虱从绿色区域向黄色区域的迁移。在大棚黄瓜田,蓝光照射后烟粉虱的种群数量迅速下降,并且随着光照射时间的延长,黄瓜上烟粉虱数量下降幅度增大,光照射6 d后烟粉虱的校正虫口减退率达92.76%。蓝光和黄光联合使用,在开启蓝光前先打开黄光,可以增强对黄瓜烟粉虱种群的控制作用,处理10 d、20 d、30 d后,黄瓜叶片上烟粉虱校正虫口减退率较不开黄光分别提高13.80%、18.17%、15.10%。研究发现,蓝光照射对烟粉虱有强烈的驱避作用,蓝光和黄光配合使用可以提高对烟粉虱的控制作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨烟粉虱取食对辣椒体内营养物质和抗性物质的影响,选择抗虫辣椒品种(‘新一代三鹰椒’、‘新苏椒五号’)和感虫品种(‘苏椒13号’、‘苏椒15号’)各2个,每株辣椒分别接烟粉虱成虫0头(对照)、30头(低密度)、60头(中密度)和120头(高密度),取食24 h后测定辣椒叶片中叶绿素、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白以及酚类、黄酮类化合物含量。结果发现,低密度的烟粉虱取食后,辣椒叶片叶绿素含量显著上升,随着虫口密度的提高,叶绿素含量有所下降,但仍高于对照;感虫辣椒品种的叶绿素含量增加幅度高于抗虫品种。低密度和高密度的烟粉虱取食后,辣椒叶片中可溶性糖含量出现明显下降趋势,抗虫品种的下降幅度大于感虫品种。低密度和中密度的烟粉虱取食后,辣椒叶片中可溶性蛋白含量显著下降,但高密度烟粉虱取食后辣椒叶片中可溶性蛋白含量明显上升;抗虫品种的变化幅度明显高于感虫品种。烟粉虱取食后,叶片中酚类化合物含量明显上升,感虫品种的上升幅度较抗虫品种上升幅度大;随着虫量的增加,辣椒叶片中酚类化合物含量呈明显上升趋势,但高密度烟粉虱取食后酚类化合物含量出现明显下降趋势。烟粉虱取食后,感虫辣椒品种‘苏椒15号’叶片中黄酮类化合物含量明显上升;其他3个品种在中等以下密度的烟粉虱取食时,黄酮类化合物与对照差异不显著,但在高密度烟粉虱取食时,黄酮类化合物明显高于对照。研究表明,烟粉虱取食可引起辣椒营养物质和抗性物质含量向着有利于提高抗虫性的方向改变,但不同虫口密度下不同辣椒品种的改变幅度不同。研究结果为进一步揭示寄主植物与烟粉虱之间的防御和反防御机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

蚬木曲脉木虱经鉴定为一新种。此害虫常以若虫群集于嫩芽、嫩叶上为害,在日均温度28.8℃时,卵期最短为5天,最长6天,平均5.24天。若虫期17天,脱皮4次;每雌产卵量212粒,产卵前期5~6天,产卵期8~14天,卵聚产或散产。其一生可交尾多次;完成一个世代约需30天,世代重迭,无明显越冬现象。虫口密度年消长与抽梢密切相关,春梢虫口密度达全年最高峰,与降雨量呈负相关,但不达显著。  相似文献   

不同栽培方式菜田耕层土壤重金属状况   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
【目的】评价不同栽培方式(温室、大棚和露地)菜田土壤重金属状况,为菜田土壤质量改善和蔬菜高效安全施肥提供一定的理论依据。【方法】针对我国北方3个区域(东北、黄淮海、西北地区)和南方4个区域(华中、西南、华东、华南地区)主要蔬菜种植区不同栽培方式的典型菜田耕层土壤展开调查,选择的主要菜区不同栽培方式的菜田均为远离城郊的未受到工业“三废”、汽车尾气等污染的农村菜田,取样时间是2013年作物收获后或蔬菜施肥前或生长后期,共采集503个土壤样品,对温室、大棚和露地三种栽培方式下土壤重金属状况进行了研究。【结果】1)采样区设施(温室和大棚)菜田土壤重金属Cu、Zn和Cd总量总体上均高于露地菜田土壤,较露地菜田土壤平均分别高12.2%、21.7%和30.4%。2)随着种菜年限的增加,菜田土壤重金属Cu、Zn和Cd总量呈显著增加的趋势。不同栽培方式菜田土壤中均可能存在几种重金属同时污染的复合污染现象,土壤Cu、Zn、Cd等之间的相关性均达到极显著水平。3)采样区不同栽培方式菜田土壤Cd的二级超标率在19.2%~22.3%之间,温室、大棚和露地菜田土壤Cd的单项污染指数平均分别为0.97、0.98和0.70;土壤Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、As和Hg的二级超标率在0~14.6%之间,单项污染指数在0.06~0.52之间。【结论】设施菜田N、P2O5和K2O总量及有机肥用量均显著高于露地菜田,可能是造成设施菜田土壤中重金属Cu、Zn和Cd积累显著高于露地菜田的重要原因。采样区设施(温室和大棚)菜田土壤Cd总体上处于污染警戒级状态,露地菜田土壤总体上未受到Cd的污染;设施和露地菜田土壤Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、As和Hg总体上均未构成对土壤的污染。  相似文献   

12月份有大雪和冬至两个节气。12月的气温显著下降,天气寒冷,冬小麦、油菜等处于越冬生长期.生长逐渐缓慢。(1)加强油菜苗期管理。应根据底肥与苗情,适当补施苗肥,促使冬前形成壮苗,增加抗寒力,顺利越冬。同时,做好油菜苗期蛴螬、蚜虫、菜青虫等的防治,及时清除杂草。(2)做好大棚蔬菜和露地蔬菜的防冻保暖工作。12月一般会有多次冷空气南下,引起较大幅度降温.种植户应及时检查各类大棚是否破漏.防止冷空气进入大棚内.同时棚内搭建塑料中棚或小棚.并可覆盖草帘或无纺布等来增温,棚外要及时增加覆盖物,对露地蔬菜等农作物,可浮面覆盖稻草、遮阳网等来防冻。晴天,大棚要注意揭膜通风降湿。(3)严寒冬季,鱼类养殖要精心管理,定期检查水质、水色、池鱼活动情况。适时注水增氧。如有积雪(冰)封闭池塘水面,要及时清雪破冰,提高水体内的光合作用。(本刊辑)  相似文献   

不同叶面肥对番茄植株生理生化及烟粉虱种群生态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
施肥可以影响植物的生长和营养状况,从而影响植食性昆虫的生长发育、繁殖和为害等。在室内条件下[(25±1)℃,L∶D=14 h∶10 h,70%~80%RH]研究了氨基酸叶面肥、植物营养素和支链氨基酸3种肥料叶面喷施对番茄植株生长及烟粉虱生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明,施氨基酸叶面肥处理能明显促进番茄植株生长,株高、叶片展幅、叶面积显著高于对照,其次为施植物营养素处理。不同叶面肥处理影响番茄叶片矿物质及营养物质含量(N和糖含量没有显著差异),P、蛋白质和游离氨基酸含量与番茄生长指标株高、叶片展幅、叶面积基本呈正比,而K则相反;不同处理间的叶片叶绿素和水含量基本无显著差异。不同叶面肥处理番茄植株上烟粉虱生长发育及生殖表现存在差异,发育历期在氨基酸叶面肥处理番茄上最长(22.95 d),其次为植物营养素处理(22.83 d),最短的为对照处理(21.78 d),显著短于氨基酸叶面肥和植物营养素处理;存活率总体受叶面肥影响不大;烟粉虱1龄若虫体型在支链氨基酸处理番茄上较大,对照上较小,但随着龄期的发育,氨基酸叶面肥处理番茄上的4龄若虫体型达到最大,对照上的仍为最小。烟粉虱雌成虫寿命在支链氨基酸处理番茄上最长(26.64 d),植物营养素上的最短(16.92 d),两者差异显著;产卵量在支链氨基酸处理番茄上最高(190.55粒),对照上的最低(119.91粒),差异达到显著水平。烟粉虱内禀增长率在植物营养素处理番茄上最高(0.474 9),而在氨基酸叶面肥处理上,内禀增长率与对照相比并没有明显提高(分别为0.406 4和0.405 4)。施肥在促进作物生长的同时,也为植食性昆虫提供了良好的营养条件,作物产量的增加和害虫为害造成的损失两者之间的平衡是获得收益的关键。本研究中氨基酸叶面肥能明显促进番茄生长,对烟粉虱取食产卵有利,但同时会延长烟粉虱的发育历期,且氨基酸叶面肥处理番茄上的烟粉虱雌成虫寿命和生殖力并非最高,抵消了营养对烟粉虱的有利作用。同时,氨基酸叶面肥不会提高烟粉虱的内禀增长率,也就是不会促进烟粉虱的种群增长,在生产中有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

温室蔬菜栽培对土壤DTPA浸提态铁锰铜锌含量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
姜勇  梁文举  张玉革 《土壤通报》2006,37(6):1184-1187
对沈阳市大民屯镇蔬菜生产基地温室番茄栽培条件下0~30 cm土层土壤DTPA浸提态微量元素含量的调查表明,温室土壤DTPA浸提态Mn、Cu、Zn含量高于相邻的露地菜田,0~20 cm土层DTPA-Fe含量低于露地土壤。与露地菜田相比,高量施肥条件下温室土壤DTPA-Zn富集是微量元素变化的一个主要特征,11年和5年温室土壤0~20 cm土层DTPA-Zn平均含量分别是露地菜田的4.0和4.8倍。温室栽培条件下高量施用有机肥、土壤pH降低及土壤Eh变化是引起土壤DTPA浸提态微量元素变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

全程机械化生产对双季稻病虫草发生及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探索不同翻耕栽植方式对双季稻病虫草发生和产量的影响,对旋耕-机插、旋耕+牛耕-机插、牛耕-机插、旋耕-手插等4种翻耕栽植方式进行了比较试验。结果表明,未施药区4种翻耕栽植方式早稻主要病虫草为纹枯病(Rhizoctonia solani)、稻纵卷叶螟(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis)、鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)和稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli),晚稻主要病虫草为纹枯病、稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱(Sogatella furcifera,Nilaparvata lugens)、鸭舌草和稗草。在肥水管理相同的条件下,早、晚稻纹枯病病情指数孕穗期分别为8.25~13.31和17.60~23.10,乳熟期分别达13.75~20.90和20.02~23.76,其中旋耕-手插方式重于旋耕-机插方式,牛耕-机插方式重于旋耕-机插方式。早稻二代稻纵卷叶螟发生较重,卷叶率为15.03%~16.67%;晚稻四代和五代稻纵卷叶螟发生较重,卷叶率分别为29.67%~33.48%和60.09%~65.45%,4种翻耕栽植方式早、晚稻稻纵卷叶螟发生量差异不显著。晚稻稻飞虱前期虫口密度偏低,齐穗期为425~550头/百丛,至乳熟期达1 200~1 600头/百丛,其中以旋耕-手插处理虫口密度最高,旋耕-机插虫口密度最低。早稻稻田杂草有鸭舌草、稗草、矮慈姑、千金子、水竹叶等,均以鸭舌草和稗草为优势种群,分别占总草的68.00%和29.70%;晚稻稻田杂草有鸭舌草、稗草、节节菜、千金子、香附子、空心莲子草等,均以鸭舌草和稗草为优势种群,分别占总草的69.60%和17.40%。早、晚稻以牛耕-机插处理杂草发生量最大,其次分别为旋耕+牛耕-机插和旋耕-机插处理,旋耕-手插处理杂草发生量最小。测产对比方差分析表明,4个种翻耕栽植方式产量差异不显著。在病虫草发生初期,选用适当的农药可有效控制不同翻耕栽植方式病虫草发生,早、晚稻平均增产10.00%和7.88%。该研究为双季稻区水稻全程机械化生产病虫草防治技术的推广提供参考。  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine selenium (Se) uptake by sulfur‐accumulating vegetables. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis), Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla) and collards (Brassica Oleracea var. acephda) were grown in a soil mix to which 4.5 mg of selenate or selenite had been added per kg of soil. Plants were grown to maturity, separated into plant organs, and the tissues analyzed for Se and sulfate (SO4). Vegetables grown in selenate laden soil significantly (P<0.05) accumulated higher concentrations of Se than plants grown in selenite laden soil. The highest concentrations of Se and SO4 were found in the broccoli floret and vegetable leaf tissues.

A second greenhouse experiment examined the uptake of Se and SO4 in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) grown hydroponically with increasing Se concentrations. Treatments consisted of three Se concentrations (2, 6, and 15 mg of selenate, added as Na2SeO4/L to a synthetic water solution, including SO4). Solution samples were taken weekly and analyzed for Se and SO4. The removal or uptake of both Se and SO4 by broccoli was positively related (P<0.05) with time at each Se concentration. After 6 weeks in Se treatments, uptake responses of Se and SO4 were significantly different (P<0.05) based apon analyses of covariance. Composite leave samples were also taken from the broccoli plants and analyzed for Se and SO4. Selenium concentrations were negatively correlated (P<0.08) with SO4 concentrations in the leaf tissue.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine Brassica oleracea cultivars, belonging to five botanical varieties, were evaluated for microsatellite (SSR) polymorphisms using 11 database sequence derived primer pairs. The cultivars represented 12 broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), ten Brussels sprouts (B. o. var. gemmifera), 21 cabbage (B. o. var. capitata, including the groups white and red cabbage), six savoy cabbage (B. o. var. sabauda), and ten cauliflower (B. o. var. botrytis) cultivars from 13 seed suppliers. The 11 primer pairs amplified in total 47 fragments, and differentiated 51 of the cultivars, whereas the remaining eight cultivars were differentiated from the rest in four inseparable pairs. All SSR markers, except one, produced a polymorphic information content (PIC value) of 0.5 or above. The average diversity for all markers within the tested material was 0.64. There was no major difference in the diversity within botanical varieties and groups. The cluster analysis and the resulting dendrogram showed that the cultivars tended to group within these taxonomic units. The present study substantiates the use of microsatellite markers as a powerful tool for cultivar differentiation and identification in vegetable brassicas.  相似文献   

Brassica oleracea L. is an important species that originated in the eastern Mediterranean area. From there, B. oleracea L. subsp. capitata (L.) DC. convar. botrytis (L.) Alef. var. italica Plenck (broccoli) was introduced into Italy where considerable diversification took place. Several landraces of broccoli, which are highly appreciated by local people for their organoleptic traits, are presently cultivated in both large fields and home gardens. In this study, 10 landraces, 4 synthetics derived from landraces and 4 of the most used F1 hybrids were characterised for morpho-physiological and molecular traits with the principal aim of feeding information into the landrace protection schemes being developed in Italy and into breeding programs. The landraces and derived synthetics are well differentiated from each other and from the F1 hybrids for important agronomic and genetic traits. The principal component analysis based on analysis of morpho-physiological traits showed that overall the 2 main components accounted for 67.74 % of the total variation. The neighbour joining tree, based on 23 microsatellite markers, grouped accessions into 2 main clusters. One includes one synthetic variety and 2 F1 hybrids, while the other cluster includes all the other accessions. There were also several sub clusters. Most of the materials examined showed within-accession diversity. The information gathered in this study can be used to protect landraces through the schemes presently being developed in Italy and to register them in the European common catalogue of “conservation varieties”. In situ (on-farm) conservation of landrace diversity is discussed with reference to landrace use.  相似文献   

“Mugnoli”, a neglected race of Brassica oleracea L., is described from Southern Italy (Salento, Apulia). In this race, the young inflorescences together with a few leaves are harvested for use as a cooking vegetable. “Mugnoli” might be considered as an early step in the evolution of broccoli (B. oleracea L. var. italica Plenck).  相似文献   

This study was conducted in Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.), Canada to characterize the levels of B, Mo, and Se in the various plant parts of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica Plenck.), Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera Zenker), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.), and rutabaga (Brassica napobrassica Mill). The three micronutrient anions were consistently highest in the leaves and lowest in the stems. The lower halves of the vegetable crops usually contained close to the highest amounts of B and Mo. In forage legumes, the B concentration was higher in the bottom than in the upper leaves, but B was lower in the bottom than upper stems. Since leaves consistently contained the highest amounts of B and Mo, it is recommended that most recently matured leaves in the Brassica species, and young leaves in forage legumes be sampled to characterize the B and Mo status of these crops. Selenium is of significance to livestock, but not in plant nutrition; therefore, only the parts fed to animals, e.g. the whole vegetative tops of forage legumes, should be used to determine the crop Se status.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt is an increasing problem in European cauliflower production. In this study, several crop residues were screened for their ability to reduce the viability of microsclerotia when incorporated into soil. In addition, the role of fungitoxic volatiles and lignin in the crop residue-mediated reduction in microsclerotia viability was studied.Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), cauliflower (B. oleracea var. botrytis), Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and corn (Zea mays) were incorporated in naturally infested soil samples collected from two cauliflower fields in Belgium, labelled Is1 and S3. The effectiveness in reducing the viability of microsclerotia depended on the soil sample and on the type of residue. In the Is1 soil, broccoli, cauliflower and ryegrass incorporation significantly reduced the inoculum level by more than 90%, while Indian mustard significantly reduced numbers of viable microsclerotia by 50%. In the S3 soil, broccoli, cauliflower and Indian mustard were not effective, whereas ryegrass and corn incorporation reduced the microsclerotia level by 50% or more. In conclusion, incorporation of ryegrass and corn was more effective than incorporation of crucifer residues.In the conditions tested, fungicidal volatile compounds did not play an important role in Verticillium microsclerotia reduction in soil. Volatiles from broccoli and cauliflower did not affect microsclerotia viability in an in vitro bioassay, whereas the volatiles from Indian mustard killed the microsclerotia. Indian mustard incorporation in soil, however, only had a minor effect on microsclerotia viability.In the S3 soil, 1% (w/w) Kraft pine lignin, a waste product of the paper industry, had to be added to observe a significant reduction on the viability of microsclerotia, whereas in the Is1 soil, a significant effect was observed when 0.1% (w/w) Kraft pine lignin was added. Acid-insoluble lignin was extracted from all crop residues previously tested. Crop residues with high lignin content seemed to be more effective than crop residues with low lignin content. The reduction of Verticillium microsclerotia viability depended on lignin type and on crop structure, since lignin extracted from cauliflower leaves was more effective than lignin extracted from cauliflower stems and corn leaves were more effective than corn roots. Microsclerotia reduction was higher after fresh residue incorporation than after incorporation of their extracted acid-insoluble lignin, indicating that the effect of crop residue incorporation on microsclerotia viability cannot be explained solely by the effects of lignin.Incorporation of lignin-rich substrates in soil may open up new perspectives for integrated control of Verticillium.  相似文献   


Metolachlor (2‐chloro‐N‐(2‐ethyl‐6‐methylphenyl)‐N‐(2‐meth‐oxy‐1‐methylethyl)acetamide) is being considered for control of eastern black nightshade (Solarium ptycanthum Dun.) in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata), broccoli (B. oleracea L. var. Botrytis) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). We have developed a rapid, sensitive method to determine metolachlor residues in these commodities to ensure its absence in the edible tissue. The crop material was extracted with methanol, the extract partitioned with hexane, then passed through a silica cartridge and analysed for metolachlor by GC/MSD in selected ion mode at m/z 161. Recovery of metolachlor from fortified plant material was greater than 84%. The method detection limit was calculated to be 0.6 ppb for tomato, 1.1 ppb for cabbage, and 4.2 ppb for broccoli. Metolachlor residues were below the detection limit in all commodities harvested from treatments which received 2 or 3 kg metolachlor/ha.  相似文献   

Intercropping and residue retention contribute to high yield and quality of crops. However, their coupled effects on rhizospheric microbial communities under a continuous vegetable cropping system have not been adequately addressed. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects on soil microbial community and yields of waxy maize(Zea mays L.) intercropped with or without residue retention in a continuous broccoli(Brassica oleracea L.) cropping system, i.e., relay intercropping of broccoli and waxy maize(B/M-B), relay intercropping of broccoli and waxy maize with residue retention(B/MR-B), and broccoli monoculture(B-B). The biomass yields of spring and autumn vegetables in B/MR-B were 16.3%–32.5% and 30.1%–46.1% higher than those of B-B,respectively. Autumn vegetable economic yields of B/MR-B were 28.2%–40.3% higher than B-B. The average well color development followed the order: B/MR-B B/M-B B-B. The Shannon index, Simpson index, and Mc Intosh index were higher in B/MR-B than under monoculture. A principal component analysis showed that microbial communities of B/MR-B soils differed from those of B/M-B and B-B soils. Carbon(C) sources utilized by the rhizosphere microorganisms were mainly carbohydrates, carboxylic acids, amino acids, and polymers; however, the C sources for the soil microbial community differed between intercropping and monoculture. The communities from B/MR-B preferred amino acids and polymers. Available nitrogen(N), potassium(K), and phosphorus(P) had an obvious impact on soil microbial community. Additionally, the C source utilization by microorganisms was significantly affected by p H and available K and P. Cropping system diversification through relay intercropping and residue retention effectively improved the functional diversity of the soil microbial communities and increased the yields of vegetables.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were conducted using potted soil (Fe-deficient Typic Ustochrept) to study the influence of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM), Glomus macrocarpum and G. fasciculatum, on the mobilisation of Fe in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) in the presence of pyrite and farmyard manure (FYM). Individual applications of either VAM or pyrite with NPK fertiliser significantly enhanced both the Fe2+ content in leaf tissue and total uptake of Fe and resulted in increased curd and straw yields of broccoli compared to those observed with NPK alone. Though the application of FYM decreased the Fe2+ content in leaf tissue relative to plants supplied NPK alone, this result was not statistically significant. The available Fe content in soil, after harvest of broccoli, was found to be lower in the presence of VAM than in the control. Received: 18 June 1997  相似文献   

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