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为减少猪粪水贮存过程中氮素损失,提高还田安全性,采用酸化贮存技术,以磷酸为酸化剂,比较了不同初始pH对猪粪水酸化贮存过程及氮素损失的影响。结果表明:试验用猪粪水中重金属浓度大小顺序为:Cu>Pb>Zn>Cd>As,贮存后重金属浓度均降低,符合《农用沼液:GB/T 40750-2021》标准,但贮存180 d后猪粪水氮素损失率达68.55%,贮存后猪粪水中氮素以氨氮为主,占比达51.73%;酸化pH与酸化剂用量的相关性公式为:y=-3.3113x + 22.999,R2=0.985;酸化贮存大幅减少了猪粪水氮素损失,损失率较CK降低了5.98-62.77个百分点,且贮存后氨氮占总氮占比大幅提高24个百分点以上,保氮效果与pH呈反比;磷酸酸化提高了猪粪水总磷和水溶性磷浓度,增加幅度与磷酸用量呈正比;酸化贮存后猪粪水EC、Cd和Pb浓度偏高,抑制根和茎生长,其负面效应与贮存pH呈反比;酸化贮存降低了猪粪水Cu浓度,Cu浓度与pH呈正比,对As和Zn的作用无明显规律。综上所述,建议将猪粪水pH调至6.0后贮存,酸化剂成本为13.89元·吨-1。 相似文献
中国猪粪尿NH3排放因子的估算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
畜禽粪尿导致的NH3挥发及其沉降所带来的环境污染已成为全球关注的热点问题,并逐渐成为环境外交的重要议题.确定各种畜禽养殖生产过程NH3排放因子和数量是制定减少NH3排放措施的重要步骤.针对中国养猪业占主要地位的生产实际,该文以猪粪尿NH3挥发为研究对象,在查阅文献资料和实地调研的基础上,运用养分流及RAINS模型的理念,以"猪舍-储藏-农田施用"为链条,初步研究了中国不同养殖方式和粪肥管理模式下不同猪种粪尿NH3排放因子与挥发特征.旨在为中国今后确定畜禽粪尿NH3排放因子及NH3排放量提供方法及数据依据.结果表明:1)中国农户散养猪NH3排放因子,育肥猪在"沼气模式"(即将猪粪尿进行沼气池发酵处理)和"堆积模式"(即将猪粪尿进行露天堆积处理)下分别为4.75~4.93和7.36~7.50 kg·(头·a)-1,成年母猪分别为8.64~8.97和13.38~13.64 kg·(头·a)-1;集约化养殖下,育肥猪、成年母猪、幼猪NH3排放因子分别为3.13~3.29、5.76~6.12、0.57~O.60 l(g·(头·a)-1;2)不同养殖方式下,各环节NH3挥发特性有所不同.集约化养殖与农户散养"沼气模式"下,猪舍NH3挥发量最大,而农户散养"堆积模式"下,储藏过程NH3挥发量最大;3)与国外NH3排放因子相比,中国农户散养育肥猪NH3排放因子"堆积模式"下略高于联合国欧洲经济委员会(UNECE)数据,"沼气模式"略低于UNECE数据;而母猪、集约化养殖各猪种NH,排放因子均较国外数值小. 相似文献
为探索连续施用酸化粪水对土壤养分淋溶及重金属累积情况的影响,采用新鲜粪水和酸化粪水,开展土柱淋溶试验。试验分别设置1个对照组、新鲜粪水和3个不同pH值(6.5、6.0和5.5)的酸化粪水,每个处理分别设置6次粪水淋溶。结果表明:施用新鲜粪水和酸化粪水均能增加土壤养分,施用新鲜粪水、pH值6.5、pH值6.0和pH值5.5的粪水后土壤总养分(N、P、K)的增长幅度分别为1%~40%、15%~66%和5%~21%,重金属Cu和Zn的增长幅度为4%~48%和4%~11%,重金属Cd和Pb的增长幅度为2%~14%和1%~18%;连续施用酸化粪水会使土壤pH降低、土壤电导率值升高以及土壤重金属不断累积,这也是导致土壤环境遭到破坏的风险因素,实际应用过程中应特别注意;建议每两季作物施用一次pH值为6.5的粪水;每三季作物施用一次pH值为6.0的粪水;每四季作物施用一次pH值为5.5的粪水。该研究通过对比分析连续施用新鲜粪水和不同pH值的酸化粪水后土壤养分和重金属浓度的变化,探讨了酸化粪水的还田效果,为连续施用酸化粪水的研究提供技术支撑。 相似文献
利用统计数据和实地调研数据,借鉴国内外研究方法,系统地估算了河北省各地区规模化养殖和农户散养模式下的畜禽粪尿资源数量与粪尿农田负荷量。研究结果表明,2004年,河北省的畜禽规模养殖粪尿量比例达到49.6%,基本接近农户散养比例。廊坊和石家庄的规模养殖产生的粪尿比例在河北省位于前列,分别为72%和59%;河北省畜禽养殖对于农田的污染风险主要以规模养殖为主,规模养殖下农田负荷量为114.1t·hm^-2,该模式下单位面积农田氮负荷量为0.56t·hm^-2,磷为0.17t·hm^-2,高于全国平均水平。 相似文献
不同温度下施入尿素后土壤短期内pH的变化和氨气释放特性 总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22
在湖南3种土壤中施入尿素后,对土壤短期内pH变化和氨气挥发进行了研究,结果表明:在常温25℃下,3种土壤尿素水解速度次序为:冲积菜园土>红菜园土>茶园土;pH变化是先上升达到峰值,然后下降;氨气挥发趋势也是慢慢变大出现峰值,然后降低,在3种土壤中氨气挥发强度次序为:冲积菜园土>红菜园土>茶园土。冲积菜园土中,随着温度的升高尿素水解速度加快;pH升高幅度速度变大,峰值提前;氨气挥发强度变大,也是峰值提前。引起各处理差异的原因与土壤本身pH、CEC、有机质、尿酶活性以及外界条件—温度相关。 相似文献
稻麦轮作体系养殖肥水灌溉对产量、氨挥发和 氧化亚氮排放的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
稻麦轮作体系进行养殖肥水灌溉可能导致氮(N)素的氨挥发(NH3)和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放增加。本文通过土柱模拟试验,定量评价了稻麦轮作体系推荐施N量(稻季225 kg/hm2,麦季150 kg/hm2)下,不同N浓度养殖肥水灌溉对水稻、小麦籽粒产量以及NH3挥发和N2O排放的影响。试验处理为:1无N检出的清水灌溉(CK),2低N浓度肥水灌溉(SI-L),3中N浓度肥水灌溉(SI-M)和4高N浓度肥水灌溉(SI-H)。稻季结果表明,NH3挥发与N2O排放量随灌溉肥水N浓度的提高而增加,其决定系数(R2)可达0.895与0.998。与清水对照相比,不同N浓度的肥水灌溉使NH3挥发增加19.7%~40.8%;SI-H处理N2O排放显著增加68.8%;不同N浓度肥水灌溉没有显著增加水稻产量。麦季结果亦表明,NH3挥发与N2O排放量随灌溉肥水N浓度的提高而增加,其决定系数(R2)可达0.939与0.980。与清水对照相比,SI-H处理使NH3挥发显著增加20.2%;SI-M与SI-H处理N2O排放分别显著增加64.9%和120.3%;SI-H处理小麦产量显著提高46.7%。利用稻田生态系统消纳养殖肥水中N时,须考虑肥水灌溉导致的NH3挥发和N2O排放所造成的环境影响,合理地进行水肥调控。 相似文献
两种硝化抑制剂对不同土壤中氮素转化的影响 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
采用实验室人工气候箱培养的方法,研究了两种硝化抑制剂双氰胺和硫代硫酸钾在两种碱性土壤中对土壤pH值变化、氨挥发特性及铵态氮转化的影响.实验结果表明,各处理在两种碱性土壤中的pH值都是先上升到一个峰值,然后下降,且速率先快后慢.硫代硫酸钾处理和对照处理的pH值约在实验第4天出现峰值,双氰胺处理pH值出现峰值的时间较硫代硫酸钾处理及对照处理土壤推迟了3天左右.整个实验期间,双氰胺处理的pH值一直处于较高水平,硫代硫酸钾处理的次之,对照处理的最小.氨挥发强度与土壤pH值同步,各处理氨的挥发量一般在第7天达到最大值,此时双氰胺处理氨的挥发量最大,硫代硫酸钾处理的次之,对照处理的最少.在晋城菜园土中,双氰胺和硫代硫酸钾处理的土壤比未添加硝化抑制剂的对照土壤中氨挥发的总量分别增加523.0%,33.6%,在北京菜园土中,双氰胺和硫代硫酸钾处理的土壤比未添加硝化抑制剂的对照土壤中氨挥发的总量分别增加575.8%,125.0%.土壤中铵态氮含量与土壤pH值的变化趋势相似,先快速上升到一个峰值,然后开始缓慢下降.硝化抑制剂的添加能使两种碱性土壤中铵态氮的释放时间延长3天左右. 相似文献
不同施肥处理对碱性设施土壤酸化的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
为深入了解设施栽培中几种常见的施肥处理对碱性土壤酸化的影响,开展了长期定点试验。三茬试验结束后,各处理pHw(去二氧化碳水浸提测定)、pHCa(0.01 mol/L CaCl_2浸提测定)均显著降低,土壤发生酸化。U(底肥为尿素、过磷酸钙和硫酸钾,追肥为尿素)与CF(底肥为硝基复合肥(15-15-15)、尿素和硫酸钾,追肥为尿素)处理(两处理施入氮磷钾量相等)氮吸收量与超量阳离子吸收量总体无差异,使得U与CF处理两者间的pH(pHw与p HCa)总体无差异。有机肥添加可促进作物氮与超量阳离子吸收,使得10~20 cm土壤p H下降幅度显著增大,加强土壤酸化。由于土壤为碱性,酸化有助于改良土壤,目前无需采取措施抑制土壤酸化。 相似文献
氨挥发是稻田氮素损失的一个重要途径,有效控制稻田氨挥发对水稻增产减排具有重要意义。界面阻隔材料具有环境友好性和低成本的特点,可以作为一种截然不同的氨挥发减排方法。本研究比较分析了3种界面阻隔材料对水稻产量、氮肥利用率和氨挥发排放的影响,以期为水稻降本增效及减少环境污染提供技术支持。通过在稻田喷施表面分子膜材料和覆盖稻糠,比较了两种表面分子膜材料——聚乳酸(PLA)和卵磷脂(LEC)及稻糠(RB)施用后水稻产量及其构成、稻田田面水pH和铵态氮及硝态氮含量动态、稻田氨挥发及氮肥吸收利用的变化特征。结果表明, 3种界面阻隔材料均显著增加了水稻产量,与常规施肥对照(CKU,无添加界面阻隔材料)相比增幅分别为13.0%(RB)、21.0%(PLA)和24.1%(LEC)。增产主要是因为有效穗数的增加,其中RB和PLA处理与CKU处理差异达显著水平;每穗粒数和结实率均无显著差异。LEC处理显著提高了氮肥利用率(19.0%),但RB处理氮肥利用率显著低于CKU。与CKU处理相比,3种界面阻隔材料的添加减少12.3%~19.9%的氨挥发量。PLA处理氨挥发减排效果最佳,达显著水平;其次为LEC处理。氨挥发减排可能与界面阻隔材料添加导致的田面水pH、铵态氮浓度变化和土壤铵态氮含量的增加有关。与CKU处理相比,所有处理均增加了田面水铵态氮浓度,但同时降低了田面水pH,且在水稻分蘖期影响较明显。其中PLA处理还提高了土壤铵态氮含量。本研究表明,稻田施加界面阻隔材料是稻田氨挥发减排以及增产增效的另一种可行的技术途径。 相似文献
A recent study has raised doubts about the ammonia emission reduction achieved in the Netherlands when applying manure to grassland by means of low‐emission techniques such as narrow band and shallow injection. The critics claim that percentages of ammonia released to the atmosphere associated with low‐emission techniques might even overlap with that from surface broadcast spreading given the large alleged experimental uncertainties in measurements. Consequently, the rationale behind the regulations to which farmers are exposed is questioned. In this study, it is shown that the alleged large uncertainties were obtained by means of an erroneous statistical method and that the real uncertainties are much smaller. It is also shown that, even when there is a large uncertainty in individual measurements, previous conclusions about differences in emission between different manure application techniques are still valid. It is further argued in this study that uncertainty in the percentage of applied ammonia emitted is implicitly taken into account in any comparative statistical analysis conducted in the past. 相似文献
畜禽粪便管理系统中甲烷的产排特征及减排对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
畜禽粪便厌氧发酵过程中产生的甲烷(CH4)是大气CH4的重要人为源,其排放量会随着畜禽养殖规模的不断扩大而持续增加。为了更好地实现畜禽粪便的资源化利用,同时减少粪源CH4排放,迫切需要立足于畜禽粪便管理系统,研究不同粪便管理模式下的CH4产排特征,在此基础上有效地实现减排。鉴于此,本文介绍了粪便管理系统的组成;阐明了粪便管理系统中CH4的产生和影响排放的因素,常见管理系统中CH4排放量的计算方法;阐述了国内外关于畜禽粪便管理系统CH4排放的研究进展;并基于我国畜禽粪便管理现状提出了针对养殖规模优化粪便管理模式,针对管理模式提升管理技术的甲烷减排对策。 相似文献
规模化猪场机械通风水冲粪式栏舍夏季氨日排放特征 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
选取长三角地区典型机械通风水冲粪模式养猪场,针对不同生长阶段的肥猪栏舍和不同类型的母猪栏舍排放口氨排放进行同时监测(其中,育肥猪按质量分保育(24 kg)、育肥-Ⅰ(24~60 kg)、育肥-Ⅱ(60~120 kg)3个阶段,母猪分为妊娠猪与分娩猪2种类型),估算各栏舍氨排放通量,分析各栏舍氨排放特征,探讨各生长阶段对氨排放贡献。研究结果表明,保育、育肥-Ⅰ、育肥-Ⅱ、妊娠、分娩栏舍氨质量浓度分别为(0.97±0.40)、(3.37±0.70)、(5.45±2.30)、(2.19±1.06)、(1.44±0.48)mg/m3;各栏舍氨排放具有显著的日变化过程,早晨氨排放呈波动增大趋势,午后开始降低,至夜间保持低值排放;小时氨排放速率与温度呈极显著正相关,与湿度呈显著负相关;各生长阶段氨排放存在差异,保育、育肥-Ⅰ、育肥-Ⅱ、妊娠、分娩栏舍日排放速率分别为0.85、6.53、8.20、10.39和13.86 g/(头·d);保育、育肥-Ⅰ和育肥-Ⅱ阶段对肥猪氨排放的贡献率分别为3.64%、26.11%和70.25%,妊娠猪与分娩猪对母猪氨的贡献率分别为75.32%和24.68%,母猪的氨排放速率是肥猪的1.87倍。 相似文献
Zejiang Cai Changfu Yang Alison M. Carswell Lu Zhang Shilin Wen Minggang Xu 《Soil Use and Management》2023,39(1):441-455
Lime (calcium oxide), animal manure and crop straw soil treatments have been shown to ameliorate soil acidity, yet their effectiveness at concurrently enhancing soil fertility status and improving crop yields is less well understood. In this study, an acidic nutrient deficient red soil (Ferralic Cambisol) received these treatments at various dosage rates (% of DW soil) in pot experiments with maize plants. Lime was applied at four dosage rates (0.05%, 0.10%, 0.15% and 0.20%), pig manure at three rates (0.50%, 1.00% and 1.50%), maize straw or milk vetch at two rates (0.50% and 1.00%) and combinations of lime (0.10% or 0.15%) with maize straw (0.50%) and/or pig manure (0.50%). Soils treated with and without chemical fertilizers were also included as controls. Measurements of soil pH, exchangeable acidity, plant available nutrients and maize shoot biomass were recorded. Maize shoot biomass increased by 4.7–7.6 times under pig manure treatments, 1.1–1.6 times under milk vetch, 0.4–1.5 times under lime and 1.1–6.2 times under combination treatments, compared with the control. Soil pH increased by 0.5–0.9 units under lime, by 0.2–0.4 units under pig manure and by 0.7 pH units under the combination treatment relative to the control. Variance partitioning analysis showed that on an individual basis, soil acidity amelioration (pH, exchangeable H+ and Al3+) or nutrient input (C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn) explained only 4.3% and 5.6% of improved maize growth, respectively. Whereas, their interaction explained 85.9% of the variation. We also report that the over-application of pig manure could lead to P saturation and negative impacts on aquatic systems in the wider environment. Therefore, we recommend a combination of lime, pig manure and straw provides an optimal solution for addressing soil acidity and limiting P saturation in acid soils. 相似文献
连续施用不同比例鸡粪氮对水稻土有机质积累及土壤酸化的影响 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
【目的】土壤酸化是自然过程。随着农业集约化发展,土壤酸化在部分农田呈加速趋势,而施肥是目前农田土壤酸化加速的重要诱因,研究有机肥和化肥对土壤酸化的作用差异及机理,对合理指导施肥及耕地保育有重要的意义。【方法】通过测定不同施肥处理的不同组分有机质含量及酸碱缓冲容量,探明不同施肥处理的酸化影响,从土壤有机质和盐基累积角度对有机-无机肥料不同比例配施条件下土壤酸化特征进行了研究。【结果】① 连续5年在等氮量(N 270 kg/hm2)且有机-无机肥料不同配施比例的处理中,水稻产量以有机肥比例为25%~50%的处理最高,其平均产量比单施化肥处理提高了5.1%,比对照提高44.9%。但处理间无显著性差异;② 土壤各活性有机质及总有机质等指标中仅总有机质含量随鸡粪施用比例的增加而持续增加,不同比例有机无机肥配合施用后,土壤的高活性有机质及低活性有机质均高于CK和纯化肥氮处理,但随着有机肥投入比例的升高,除中活性有机质和水稻产量之间呈显著的正相关外(P=0.0067**),高活性有机质、活性有机质及总有机质含量与水稻产量之间的相关性不显著(对应的概率值分别为P=0.192,P=0.208,P=0.160);③ 施肥提高了土壤的碳库管理指数(CPMI),且其随有机肥施用比例的上升呈增加趋势。增施鸡粪提高土壤的交换性盐基离子(Ca2+、 Mg2+、 K+、 Na+)含量,导致阳离子代换量(CEC)和pH随鸡粪施用比例的提高而升高。供试土壤酸碱缓冲容量为2.07~2.36 cmol/kg,随鸡粪施用比例的上升而增加,其与土壤阳离子代换量及有机质含量呈显著正相关。表明增施鸡粪可使土壤pH及酸碱缓冲容量上升,与鸡粪使土壤盐基累积量及有机质含量的提高有关。【结论】连续有机-无机肥施用下,土壤pH上升和酸碱缓冲容量的提高可能与该试验点下盐基离子和有机质含量随鸡粪施用比例上升有关,但其最终上升幅度及平衡点尚需进一步研究。鸡粪氮替代化肥氮比例为25%~50%时,土壤性质最优,水稻产量最高。 相似文献
Previous reports indicated that the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) when manure compost pellets (MCP) were applied to soil was greater than when ordinary manure compost or inorganic fertilizer was applied, but that applying pellets of nitrogen-enriched manure compost, a by-product of deodorizing manure during composting, resulted in N2O emission rates less than those from MCPs. To investigate the mechanism by which N2O emission rates and cumulative emissions were reduced in nitrogen-enriched manure composts pellets (N+MCP), we studied the impact of pellet pH on N2O emission, because pH is different between MCP (pH 8.6) and N+MCP (pH 5.3). In an incubation experiment, the pH of pellets was adjusted to five levels (5.3, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and 8.6) with acid or alkaline solutions, and the pellets were incubated without soil in a beaker at 30°C for 90 d (MCP) or 42 d (N+MCP). A large peak in N2O emission rate was observed soon after beginning the incubation (within 1–3 d) in the neutral and alkaline treatments for both MCP and N+MCP, and these peaks corresponded to a rise in the pellet nitrite contents. Thus, this N2O emission peak might have been generated by the denitrification of nitrite in the pellets. In the acid treatments of MCP, the N2O emission was distributed more in the later incubation period (14–90 d), when the reduction of nitrate in MCP occurred. This led to a significant increase in cumulative N2O emission as compared with the alkaline treatments for MCP. Regarding the mechanism by which N2O emission was reduced in N+MCP, although larger cumulative N2O emission rates in the earlier stage (0–14 d for MCP and 0–7 d for N+MCP) were observed when the pellet pH was adjusted close to 7.0, lowering the pH of MCP to 5.3 (the pH of N+MCP) did not demonstrate a significant decrease in cumulative N2O emission as compared with the original pH treatment (pH 8.6). These results indicate that pellet pH might not relate directly to the mechanism by which N2O emission was reduced in N+MCP. 相似文献
Soil oxygen (O2) availability influences nitrification and denitrification, the major biological processes responsible for nitrous oxide (N2O) production and emissions from soil. In this study O2-specific planar optodes were used to visualise O2 distribution with high spatial and temporal resolution in soils in which the same amount of solid fraction of pig manure had been distributed in three different ways (mixed, layered, single patch) and which were maintained at a water potential of −5 kPa (corresponding to 91% of water-filled pore space). In parallel, the greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CO2 and CH4) from soil at high temporal resolution were monitored. At the end of the incubations, vertical profiles of mineral nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate) in the soil matrix were quantified. The optode results revealed that anoxia rapidly developed in zones with manure addition and gradually expanded to the entire soil during the 66-h experimental period. The anoxia in the soil developed more quickly as the heterogeneity of manure distribution decreased (from single patch to layered to mixed). The single patch distribution of manure solids delayed peak emission rates of both N2O and CO2, but stimulated the cumulative N2O emissions and reduced the cumulative CO2 fluxes. The faster the anoxia developed, the less the nitrification process appeared to contribute to N2O emissions. No treatment effects on CH4 emissions were observed. Combined high resolution imaging of O2 dynamics and measurements of N2O emission rates are essential to get a detailed understanding of how O2 availability regulates the distribution and coupling of denitrification and nitrification activity in soil. Such unique information on soil O2 dynamics could be used for further modelling and quantification of processes producing greenhouse gases from soil ecosystems. 相似文献
Kentaro HAYASHI Atsushi HAYAKAWA Hiroko AKIYAMA Kazuyuki YAGI 《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》2009,55(4):571-581
The present study aimed to elucidate ammonia (NH3 ) volatilization loss following surface incorporation (0–15 cm mixing depth) of nitrogen (N) fertilizer in an upland field of light-colored Andosol in central Japan. A dynamic chamber technique was used to measure the NH3 effluxes. Poultry manure, pelleted poultry manure, cattle manure, pelleted cattle manure and ammonium sulfate were used as N fertilizers for basal fertilization to a bare soil with surface incorporation. All three experiments in summer and autumn 2007 and in summer 2008 showed negligible NH3 volatilization losses following the application of all N fertilizers with the same application rate of 120 kg N ha−1 as total N; these negligible losses were primarily ascribed to chemical properties of the soil, that is, its high cation exchange capacity (283 mmolc kg−1 dry soil) and relatively low pH(H2 O) (5.9). In addition, the surface incorporation, the very small ratio of ammoniacal N to total N for the manure, and the decrease in soil pH to ≤5.5 following applications of ammonium sulfate were also advantageous to the inhibition of NH3 volatilization loss from the field-applied N fertilizers. 相似文献