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配种前的饲料调整对母猪妊娠早期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在配种前不同阶段饲喂不同的营养水平、成分影响卵泡发育和卵母细胞质量及随后妊娠早期胚胎存活.对于后备母猪,配种前的发情周期饲喂高营养水平、高纤维含量同样提高胚胎成活.因而需要设计后备母猪配种前不同的饲料调整策略,包括饲粮的饲喂时间、饲喂量和组成成分.调整所带来的影响的具体情况,详述如下.  相似文献   

饲粮中能量、脂肪、粗蛋白质和纤维会影响到卵泡发育、发情周期、激素水平、胚胎附植和产仔数。卵母细胞质量是决定哺乳动物繁殖性能的关键因素,影响优质胚胎的数量和怀孕率。卵母细胞质量受到糖类、氨基酸和脂肪等营养物质的调节,营养物质代谢异常会降低卵母细胞质量。本文就最新关于营养物质对母猪卵母细胞成熟和早期胚胎发育及繁殖性能的影响的研究进行综述,为通过营养调控提高母猪卵母细胞发育潜能和繁殖性能的研究与实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>高纤维日粮的应用不仅可以改善母猪对纤维饲料的利用率,还对其生产和繁殖性能产生一定的影响。另外还可减少母猪的刻板行为和应激反应。(接上期)6高纤维日粮对后备母猪体成熟和性成熟的积极影响6.1初产母猪和经产母猪对纤维饲料的营养物质利用率存在差异饲喂高不溶性纤维饲粮,尽管不影响母猪排卵率,但可降低胚胎存活率。另外,不同纤  相似文献   

本文从纤维的理化性质,母猪利用纤维的生理基础,高纤维饲粮对妊娠母猪繁殖性能和哺乳期的影响,高纤维饲粮评价指标及高纤维饲粮影响妊娠母猪繁殖性能可能的机理等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮纤维水平对妊娠母猪繁殖性能、激素分泌及仔猪器官发育的影响.选用399头日龄、体况相近的长白×约克杂交的后备母猪,随机分为3组,妊娠1~90 d分别饲喂含10.8%(n=132)、15.8%(n=132)和20.8%(n=135)中性洗涤纤维(NDF)的饲粮,妊娠91 d至分娩及泌乳期各处理饲喂相同饲粮...  相似文献   

<正>后备母猪营养需要解决的关键问题包括启动初情期;二、三情期发情率,发情的整齐度;卵巢和子宫健康、卵母细胞质量;配种率和骨骼发育。2后备母猪营养方案(见表1)3后备母猪的饲1后备母猪营养需要解决养管理技术的关键问题3.1后备母猪饲喂策略(见  相似文献   

吴德  卓勇  花伦 《动物营养学报》2022,(9):5441-5451
碳水化合物占母猪饲粮比例超过65%,是饲粮能量的主要来源,分为可消化和不可消化碳水化合物两大类。饲粮中占比最大的可消化碳水化合物是淀粉,被动物胃肠道分泌的内源酶消化,产生葡萄糖;不可消化碳水化合物主要是非淀粉多糖,被肠道微生物代谢,产生短链脂肪酸。葡萄糖和短链脂肪酸在调控卵母细胞成熟、胚胎附植与发育、泌乳力等方面效应不同,但又相互协同,共同调控母猪的繁殖生理。本文将综述不同类型碳水化合物及其代谢信号对母猪在后备、妊娠、泌乳阶段繁殖活动的调控效应及机制,为母猪饲粮精准利用碳水化合物资源提供参考依据。  相似文献   

选择90头母猪,随机分为3组,每组30头,分别饲喂含4%、6%及8%粗纤维的饲粮,以探讨不同纤维水平对母猪繁殖性能的影响,试验表明,含6%纤维的饲粮组与含4%纤维的饲粮组相比,前者显著提高了母猪产仔数,但各组间仔猪初生重无显著差异。不同的饲粮纤维水平对母猪及仔猪的血清生化指标没有明显影响。  相似文献   

48头浙江中白后备母猪按窝别、体重分成4组,在6~8月龄和配种后至第二胎分娩后20天期间,分别饲喂菜籽粕(含硫代葡萄糖苷 3.7mg/g)替代饲粮中豆饼蛋白质0、25、50和75%的4种后备母猪饲粮和繁殖母猪饲粮,以研究饲粮菜籽粕水平对青年母猪繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,饲粮菜籽粕水平对母猪采食量、初孕年龄、头胎断奶至第二胎怀孕间隔时间、一次情期受胎率、平均妊娠天数、总产仔数、产活仔数、仔猪初生重、60日龄育成数、后备母猪日增重和饲料报酬均无显著影响(P>0.05),但母猪初孕年龄和断奶再怀孕间隔时间有随饲粮菜籽粕水平增高而延长的趋势,产活仔数和育成仔数有下降趋势。后备母猪增重成绩以25%菜籽粕替代组较优。仔猪20和60日龄平均体重菜籽粕组显著低于豆饼对照组(P<0.05),60日龄平均体重,50%菜籽粕替代组显著低于25%替代组(P<0.05)。由此可见,母猪饲粮中菜籽粕用量,按补充蛋白质计,以不超过25%为宜。  相似文献   

母猪营养状况对生殖机能有着重要影响,初情期启动与饲粮能量状况、后备母猪的最低体脂储备是其进入初情期的前提条件.通过科学的营养调控措施,有效满足母猪对饲粮能量的需求,是确保母猪发情正常启动及其后的繁殖周期正常的基本条件.本文主要对母猪发情机制进行阐述,立足调控饲粮中的能量水平和来源2个方面,综述了饲粮能量状况对母猪发情的...  相似文献   

Decreased fertility in pigs is a common occurrence during summer months. An objective of the current experiments was to evaluate if elevated ambient temperature altered the oocyte plasma membrane including potential receptors for sperm. This would potentially contribute to reduced fertilizability. Treated gilts were exposed in vivo to 32°C for 12 h per day and 20°C for the remaining 12 h per day for 7 days; control gilts were exposed to 22°C for 12 h and 20°C for the remaining 12 h each day. Cumulus–oocyte complexes were also aspirated from ovaries obtained from gilts maintained at thermoneutral ambient temperature and matured in vitro at 38.5°C or 40°C. Relative abundance of a porcine oocyte membrane protein was examined by intensity of immunolabelling of the in vivo and in vitro matured oocytes evaluated with confocal microscopy; fertilizability of the in vitro matured oocytes was evaluated in in vitro fertilization assays. Oocytes obtained from gilts exposed to elevated ambient temperature for 7 days had reduced immunolabelling compared with oocytes from control gilts (p < 0.05). Similarly, oocytes matured in vitro for 44 h at elevated ambient temperature had reduced immunolabelling and reduced fertilizability compared with oocytes matured at 38.5°C (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05). These results suggest porcine oocyte quality is reduced by elevated ambient temperature and immunolabelling of oocytes with antibodies to specific membrane proteins may be effective to evaluate some aspects of oocyte quality.  相似文献   

A total of 120 pigs [Duroc × (Landrace × Large White); initial average BW: 100.3 ± 2.5 kg] were used to investigate the effects of sex (barrows and gilts) and dietary total Lys restriction (7.0, 6.5, and 6.0 g·kg(-1)) on growth performance and carcass, meat, and fat characteristics. Pigs were intended for high-quality dry-cured ham from Spain (called Teruel ham), and a minimum fat thickness at the gluteus medius muscle (GM) is required (16 mm) for carcasses to be acceptable. Animals were slaughtered when they reached 129.0 ± 3.6 kg of BW. There were 6 treatments arranged factorially (2 sexes × 3 dietary Lys concentrations) and 4 replicates of 5 pigs per treatment. Barrows consumed more feed (P = 0.001) and tended to have less G:F (P = 0.06) than gilts. Carcasses from barrows were fatter (P = 0.001) and had heavier main trimmed lean cuts (P = 0.008) than gilts. A greater proportion of final acceptable carcasses for Teruel ham (P = 0.001) was observed in barrows than in gilts because of the greater percentage of carcasses that fulfill the minimum fat depth at GM required (P = 0.001). Meat from barrows had greater content of intramuscular fat (P = 0.02) than meat from gilts. Also, subcutaneous fat from barrows had less proportion of PUFA than fat from gilts (P = 0.02). A reduction in dietary Lys concentration decreased ADG (P = 0.004) and ADFI (P = 0.001) in pigs. In addition, backfat depth (P = 0.007) and fat at GM (P = 0.07) increased as dietary Lys decreased. The proportion of carcasses that fulfilled the minimum fat depth at GM required for Teruel ham increased as dietary Lys decreased in feed, but this effect was greater in gilts than in barrows (sex × Lys, P = 0.02). Meat and fat quality was not influenced by dietary treatment. We conclude that different feeding programs with different dietary Lys concentrations may be needed for barrows and gilts intended for production of dry-cured hams where a minimum carcass fat depth is required.  相似文献   

Polyspermic fertilization and embryo quality are important issues for the in vitro production of pig embryos. We hypothesized that oocyte donor (prepubertal gilt vs. sow) affects polyspermy and blastocyst development in vitro and that the sexual maturity of the oocyte donor affects the response to sperm concentration in the fertilization medium. In Exp. 1, oocytes of sows and gilts were mounted and stained 12 h after insemination to provide fertilization data. In Exp. 2, putative embryos were developed in vitro to 144 h post-insemination before mounting. In both experiments, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) were collected from ovaries of prepubertal gilts and adult sows. Sperm were added after maturation of COC for 40 to 44 h. Sperm from two boars at 0.5 to 5.0 x 10(6) sperm/mL was used for insemination. More (P < 0.01) monospermic fertilizations were observed in oocytes derived from gilts than for oocytes from sows. There were fewer (P < 0.02) penetrated sperm per fertilized oocyte in oocytes from gilts compared with sows. There were effects of semen donor (boar) on the percentage of monospermic (P < 0.01) and polyspermic (P < 0.002) fertilizations, and on the number of penetrated sperm/fertilized oocyte (P < 0.02). In Exp. 2, cleavage and blastocyst formation was evaluated at 2 and 6 d postinsemination, respectively. More (P < 0.001) blastocysts developed from sow-derived oocytes than from gilt-derived oocytes. More (P < 0.05) total cells per blastocyst were observed in embryos from sow-derived oocytes than from gilt-derived oocytes. Semen donor affected the percentage of oocytes cleaving (P < 0.02), and a boar x sperm concentration interaction affected (P < 0.05) the incidence of blastocyt formation. Results indicate that sexual maturity of the donor is not responsible for the high incidence of polyspermy in porcine in vitro fertilization. However, blastocyst development is improved by the use of oocytes from sows rather than from prepubertal gilts.  相似文献   

Thirty-two gilts were used to evaluate the effects of increased dietary energy and CP during late gestation on mammary development. On d 75 of gestation, gilts were assigned randomly in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement to adequate (5.76 Mcal ME/d) or increased (10.5 Mcal ME/d) energy and adequate (216 g CP/d) or increased (330 g CP/d) protein. On d 105 of gestation, gilts were slaughtered and total mastectomies were performed. Mammary tissue was separated into mammary parenchymal and mammary extraparenchymal stromal tissue and analyzed for DNA, RNA, protein and lipid. No interactions between dietary energy and protein level were detected (P greater than .20). When adjusted for number of mammary glands and maternal BW (weight of the sow less the weight of the fetuses), mammary parenchymal weight was 27% greater (P less than .03) in gilts fed adequate energy than in gilts fed increased energy, but mammary extraparenchymal stroma weight was unaffected by dietary energy level. Total mammary parenchymal DNA was 30% greater in gilts fed adequate energy than in gilts fed increased energy (P less than .03). Total mammary parenchymal RNA (P less than .02) and total mammary parenchymal protein (P less than .02) also were greater in gilts fed adequate energy than in gilts fed increased energy. Dietary protein level did not affect mammary variables measured, except that increased dietary protein tended to reduce mammary extraparenchymal stromal weight (P less than .09). Increased dietary protein between d 75 and d 105 of gestation did not benefit mammary development, but increased dietary energy was detrimental to development of mammary secretory tissue.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine how oocyte maturation and fertilization influence zygotic diversity in swine. In the first experiment, the distribution of oocyte maturation was compared to that of zygotic development. Oocytes were aspirated from follicles of 31 gilts and classified into stages of meiosis. Zygotes were flushed from oviducts of 19 additional gilts and classified into stages of meiosis and fertilization. The second experiment examined whether the time from ovulation to fertilization was constant among all oocytes. To test this premise, four to six oocytes from follicles of 10 mated gilts were aspirated just before or during ovulation, stained and transferred back into the oviducts of these same gilts. Zygotes were recovered 10 h later to determine whether the first oocytes ovulated were the more developed zygotes and, conversely, whether the last oocytes to be ovulated represented the lesser developed contemporaries. The skewed (P less than .05) distribution of oocyte maturation was similar to that of zygotic development. Regression of the frequency distribution describing early oocyte maturation resulted in a line with a slope (.59) that was similar to the slope (.58) of the regressed distribution of zygotic development. Likewise, the order of ovulation and order of subsequent stages of zygotic development were similar. These data suggest that variation in zygotic development in swine was due to variability in oogenesis; the time from ovulation to fertilization appeared to be constant.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine effects of increased gut fill and diverse developing environments on pregnant gilts' behavior and physiology. Gilts were cross-fostered at 1 d of age and transferred to either an indoor or outdoor production unit. Littermate gilts remained in their different environments during development and were moved into individual gestation crates in an indoor gestation unit. Of the 42 gilts, 19 were fed a control diet of fortified sorghum-soybean meal and 23 were fed the same diet with 25% beet pulp (high fiber). Control sows ate 2.0 kg/d and high-fiber sows ate 2.67 kg/d in a large pellet (thus resulting in approximately equal energy intake and differing total dietary intakes). Pregnant gilts had behavior and immune measures sampled at 30, 60, and 90 d of gestation. The day x diet interaction was significant (P = 0.01) for duration of standing: sows fed high-fiber diets stood less on d 30, but on d 60 and 90 they and the control sows stood for a similar duration. Sham chewing duration and frequency showed significant (P < 0.05) effects of gestation stage x diet x environment. Gilts reared outdoors and fed high fiber increased sham chewing over gestation, whereas all other treatment groups decreased this behavior over time. Outdoor-reared gilts had greater (P < 0.05) frequency and duration of drinking behavior than indoor-reared gilts. White blood cell numbers were higher (P < 0.05) for gilts fed high-fiber diets than for gilts fed the control diet. Immune (humoral and cellular systems) and reproductive measures (farrowing rate and litter size) and plasma cortisol concentrations were generally not influenced (P > 0.10) by diets and rearing environments, suggesting that in spite of significant changes in behavior and feed intake gilts' immune systems were not suppressed or enhanced. Behavioral data alone suggested that indoor-reared gilts showed fewer behavioral adaptations to the crates than outdoor-reared gilts. However, immune measures did not indicate that any treatments resulted in physiological effects indicative of stress.  相似文献   

试验测定了10头100kg杜洛克母猪不同胴体部位的肉质参数。结果提示,胴体部位对某些肉质参数有显著影响,与后腿肌肉相比,前肩肌肉系水力较好,肌纤维较细,肌内脂肪含量较高,剪切力值较低。  相似文献   

Thirty-seven pigs with an initial live weight of 60 kg were used to investigate the effects of daily exogenous porcine somatotropin (pST) administration at two dose levels (0 and 100 micrograms.kg-1.d-1) for a 31-d period on muscle fiber characteristics and meat tenderness of boars, gilts and barrows. Excipient boars and gilts had more alpha W and fewer alpha R fibers than did those receiving pST. The percentage of muscle fiber type for barrows was not affected by pST treatment. The administration of pST resulted in an increase in muscle fiber size for all three fiber types in all three sexes, but these changes were of greater magnitude in barrows (31.8%) and gilts (27.8%) than in boars (9.3%). Somatotropin negated the intrinsic sex effect differences in fiber area of the pigs. There was no difference in tenderness among excipient boars, barrows and gilts; however, with the inclusion of pST, shear force decreased in boars and gilts and increased in barrows. A high proportion of the pST-treated pigs contained giant fibers in the longissimus muscle. Furthermore, a small proportion of the pST-treated pigs exhibited pale, soft, exudative muscle. Whether the giant fiber anomalies occurred through increased muscle activity or from fibers undergoing degenerative changes was not determined.  相似文献   

The potential conflict between reproductive functions and the drive to deposit body protein may impair productive performance in modern gilts of lean genotype. To study the response of the gilt to this conflict, a choice-feeding experiment was carried out to measure the nutrient intake selected by breeding gilts and responses in reproductive and lactation performance. Using a 2 × 2 factorial design, gilts of two different genotypes (24 of NPD 402, expected higher body protein/lipid ratio (L) or 24 of Camborough 23, expected lower body protein/lipid ratio, (F)) were either choice-fed (C) by offering both a low (120 g crude protein (CP)/kg) and a high protein (218 g CP/kg) feed during rearing and pregnancy or fed conventionally (R) single feeds, ad libitum during rearing and restricted during pregnancy. Choice-fed gilts selected mainly the low protein feed (0.92 of total feed intake) regardless of genotype and had lower protein intakes than R gilts prior to puberty. However, in pregnancy, due to higher feed intakes, C gilts had higher dietary protein and energy intakes than R gilts. C gilts were heavier, and had greater back-fat and eye muscle depth at farrowing than R gilts, but had smaller litter sizes (P < 0.01). During lactation, dietary treatments were reallocated so that gilts received either a low (LE, maintenance + 45 MJ/day) or a high (HE, maintenance + 67 MJ/day) digestible energy intake. Litter size was standardised within 2 days of farrowing. LE gilts had greater decreases in weight and back-fat and eye-muscle depth during lactation than HE gilts, but dietary lactation treatment had no effect on litter performance. The choice-feeding regime which resulted in heavier gilts with greater back-fat and eye-muscle depth at farrowing did not produce any advantage in terms of partitioning of nutrients towards milk production, as indicated by litter performance, irrespective of gilt genotype. F gilts had greater piglet growth rates than L gilts and also had a higher milk protein concentration. A greater number of L than F gilts failed to complete the experiment for health reasons. Treatment effects on glucose tolerance at day 13 of lactation were not significant. Choice-feeding was therefore not found to be suitable for determining nutrient requirements of modern lean-genotype gilts which would improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of substituting a more available dietary carbohydrate (CHO) for portions of corn or fat in the diet on growth performance, carcass traits, meat quality, and serum or plasma metabolites in growing-finishing pigs. A three-phase feeding program was used with corn-soybean meal diets formulated to provide 105% of the Lys requirement for barrows or gilts gaining 325 g of lean daily in Exp. 1 or gilts gaining 350 g of lean daily in Exp. 2. Diets were isoenergetic within experiments. All other nutrients met or exceeded suggested requirements. In Exp. 1, pigs were allotted to three dietary treatments (0, 7.5, or 15.0% sucrose), with three replications of barrows and three replications of gilts, and with three or four pigs per replicate pen; average initial and final BW were 25.2 and 106.7 kg. In Exp. 2, gilts were allotted to two dietary treatments (waxy [high amylopectin] or nonwaxy [75% amylopectin and 25% amylose] corn as the grain source), with five replications of four gilts per replicate pen; average initial and final BW were 37.7 and 100.0 kg. In Exp. 1, ADG and gain:feed ratio increased linearly (P < 0.02) as dietary sucrose increased. Minolta color scores, a* and b*, and drip loss (P < 0.06) also increased linearly with added sucrose. In Exp. 2, ADG, carcass weight and length, and the Minolta a* value were greater for pigs fed waxy corn (P < 0.08) than for those fed nonwaxy corn. Feed intake, longissimus muscle area, 10th-rib and average backfat thickness, dressing percentage, fat-free lean, percentage of lean and muscling, lean gain per day, total fat, percentage fat, lean:fat ratio, serum or plasma metabolites (Exp. 1: serum urea N; Exp. 2: serum urea N, and plasma nonesterified fatty acids, triacylglycerols, total and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, insulin, and total protein), pH of the longissimus muscle, and subjective muscle scores (color, firmness-wetness, and marbling) were not affected by diet in either experiment. In summary, increasing availability of dietary CHO in growing-finishing pig diets improved growth performance, but it did not affect carcass traits.  相似文献   

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