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酶制剂不仅会促进机体对营养物质的消化吸收,而且会影响肠道中特定微生物的发育;微生态制剂可调节动物肠道菌群动态平衡。酶菌复合物主要是指由特定的酶制剂与筛选的微生态组合而成的一类复合生物制剂,其对于幼龄动物生长发育有着非常重要的调节作用。本文就酶菌复合物对猪、家禽及反刍动物的肠道调节作用进行综述。  相似文献   

饲用蛋白酶具有提高饲料中营养物质消化率、改善生长性能等特点,成为饲料酶制剂中重要的一员。本文总结了饲用蛋白酶提高饲料中营养物质消化率、改善饲料转化率、促进动物生长、改变饲养动物血液生化参数、增强机体免疫功能、调节肠道微生物区系平衡、提高动物产品品质等的作用机理,并阐述了固定酶技术和饲用包衣蛋白酶在不同动物养殖中的应用,以期为饲用包衣蛋白酶在饲料工业及动物养殖中的高效使用提供科学依据。 [关键词] 饲用蛋白酶|饲用包衣蛋白酶|作用机理|应用  相似文献   

牧医所提出利用酶制剂调控肠道微生物群落新理论 近日,中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所饲用酶工程科技创新团队系统阐述了饲用酶制剂对肠道微生物群组成的影响,综合分析了酶在改善人类及动物健康应用领域的挑战及解决方案,提出了利用酶制剂调控肠道微生物群落的新理论,为合理选择和科学应用酶制剂奠定了理论基础.该综述文章发表在Cell...  相似文献   

饲用微生态制剂是根据生物学原理利用对机体有益的微生物或可以促进机体健康的物质经过发酵处理而制成的添加剂。饲用微生态制剂可以促进机体消化、吸收营养物质,调节免疫功能等,具有安全无污染、无药物残留、不易产生耐药性等特点,是良好的抗生素替代产品。饲用微生态制剂包括益生菌、益生元和合生元。文章简要概述了饲用微生态制剂的种类以及不同饲用微生态制剂的作用机制,同时对饲用微生态制剂在动物生产中的应用进行了总结。  相似文献   

本文针对早期断奶对仔猪肠道免疫及消化机能的影响因素,根据饲用酶制剂的营养性作用机理,着重阐述饲用酶制剂在仔猪早期断奶中的作用。  相似文献   

日粮纤维对猪肠道微生物影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肠道微生物不仅为宿主提供营养物质,也有利于维持肠道微生态的平衡,对保证肠道的健康发育至关重要。日粮纤维是肠道微生物发酵的底物之一,能够改善肠道微生物菌群结构。本文从日粮纤维对猪肠道微生物的功效及影响猪肠道微生物利用日粮纤维的因素展开综述,为日粮纤维在生猪生产实践及研究提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

饲用微生态添加剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饲用微生态添加剂具有对动物肠道微生物的特殊影响及其对动物抗病治病、提高畜禽生产性能的作用,无残留、无抗药性、无污染等特点,是近年来饲料添加剂研究和应用的热点,本文将就微生态添加剂的发展、应用概况、作用机理和发展趋势作一综述.  相似文献   

饲粮纤维影响猪肠道健康的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肠道健康包括有效的营养物质吸收、稳定的肠道微生物群落及健全的免疫功能等多个方面。肠道的健康状况决定了动物的健康状况。肠道健康取决于饲粮、肠道黏膜和肠道微生物群落3个主要方面。饲粮纤维是由纤维素、半纤维素、果胶和木质素等组成的成分和结构复杂的混合物,具有改善肠道营养物质吸收、降低肠道环境p H、改变有益菌与潜在致病菌比例、优化肠道微生物群落组成及加强黏膜屏障作用等功能。来源不同和理化性质相异的饲粮纤维对肠道健康的影响及作用机理并不一致。本文就饲粮纤维的分类、理化性质及其对肠道健康影响的研究进展进行综述,以促进饲粮纤维在猪饲粮生产上的进一步广泛合理利用。  相似文献   

肠道是动物消化吸收营养物质的主要场所,对动物具有重要的作用。饲粮纤维可以促进肠道的发育和维持肠道的健康状态。本文主要是从饲粮纤维对单胃动物肠道的发育、消化液的分泌、消化酶活性、微生态平衡和肠道粘液屏障等方面的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

微生态制剂作为动物有益外源微生物 ,可将有益微生物引入动物消化道 ,在肠道菌群异常情况下迅速恢复并有效维持肠道微生态平衡 ,抑制有害微生物的生长繁殖 ,提高机体抗体水平 ,降低死亡率。微生态制剂还通过降低胃肠pH值促进有益微生物繁殖 ,并激活一些酶或直接参与酶的形成 ,提高饲料利用率。酶制剂能消除饲料中的抗营养因子 ,补充动物内源酶的不足 ,刺激内源酶的分泌 ,从而增强营养物质的消化吸收 ,提高饲料利用率。乌骨肉鸡是我国人民喜食的保健食品之一 ,必须使用无污染、无残留有害物质的饲料添加剂以保证其产品对人体有益。微生态制…  相似文献   

功能性低聚糖是一种新型、绿色饲料添加剂,它能够增殖有益菌、抑制病原菌,从而调节肠道微生态系统;可被有益菌利用产生短链脂肪酸、维生素等,为动物提供营养;同时也能够改善脂类代谢和促进日粮中一些矿物质的吸收。本文对功能性低聚糖的种类、应用、作用机理、影响应用效果的因素、应用过程中存在的问题及推广应用前景进行了全面论述。  相似文献   

肠道菌群影响畜禽生长发育以及相关多个重要经济性状。就多种饲料添加剂调节畜禽肠道菌群及其生长性状的研究进展进行综述。从生物学机制出发,介绍了饲料添加剂对畜禽肠道菌群及其生长性状的影响和菌群移植影响宿主生长性状的研究进展,总结了通过饲料添加剂影响畜禽肠道菌群、改善畜禽生长性能的应用实践。  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to summarize the effectiveness, modes of action and commercial application of herbal plants and their derivatives as growth promoters for animal. Feed supplements are a group of feed ingredients that can cause a desired animal response in a non-nutrient role such as pH shift, growth, or metabolic modifier (Hutjens, 1991). Common feed additives used in animal diets include immunostimulators, antimicrobials, antioxidants, pH control agents and enzymes. Herbal plants, are a new class of growth promoters and in recent years this feed additives have gained extensive attention in the feed industry. They are a wide variety of herbs, spices, and products derived thereof, and are mainly essential oils. Although numerous reports have demonstrated antioxidative and antimicrobial and immune stimulation efficacy in vitro, respective experimental in vivo evidence is still quite limited. A limited number of experimental comparisons of herbal plants feed additives with antibiotics or organic acid have suggested similar effects on the animal gut microflora. Gut microflora has significant effects on host nutrition, health, and growth performance by interacting with nutrient utilization and the development of gut system of the host. In addition, some phytogenic compounds seem to promote intestinal mucus production. However, the future of using herbs in animal feeding will in great measure depend on the knowledge of chemical structure, their value and characteristics of practical herbs or their extract physiological needs and well-being of animal, and, above all on consumer’s preferences and expectations.  相似文献   

In poultry nutrition, most attention is given to protein products, due to the importance of protein as a major constituent of the biologically active compounds in the body. It also assists in the synthesis of body tissue, for that renovation and growth of the body. Furthermore, protein exists in form of enzymes and hormones which play important roles in the physiology of any living organism. Broilers have high dietary protein requirements, so identification of the optimum protein concentration in broiler diets, for either maximizing broiler performance or profit, requires more knowledge about birds' requirements for protein and amino acids and their effects on the birds' growth performance and development. It also requires knowledge about the protein sources available that can be used in poultry diets. The broad aim of this review is to highlight the importance of some of the available high-quality specialized protein products of both animal and plant origins which can be explored for feeding broiler chickens. Minimization of the concentration of anti-nutritional factors(ANFs) and supplementation with immunologically active compounds are the main focus of gut health-promoting broiler diets. These diet characteristics are influenced by feed ingredient composition and feed processing. The general hypothesis is that these protein products are highly digestible and devoid of or contain less ANFs. Feeding these products to broiler chicks, especially at an earlier age, can assist early gut development and digestive physiology, and improve broiler growth performance and immunity.  相似文献   

肠道微生物在调节宿主生理机能、代谢和免疫功能等方面发挥着非常重要的作用,是影响猪健康和重要经济性状表型的重要因素之一。近年来,人们对猪肠道微生物的研究和了解越来越深入,了解猪肠道微生物组成将有助于为从肠道菌群方向入手改善猪群健康和提高生产性能提供参考。作者首先综述了不同发育阶段、不同肠道部位以及主要商品猪和中国地方猪肠道核心菌群组成;其次系统总结了宿主遗传背景、饲粮种类、性别、环境以及抗生素、益生菌和饲料添加剂使用等因素对猪肠道微生物组成的影响;最后概述了猪肠道微生物主要功能及其对饲料利用率、脂肪沉积、宿主行为和免疫炎症等方面的影响。  相似文献   

Use of feed antibiotics as growth promoters for control of pathogens associated with monogastric food animal morbidity and mortality has contributed to the development of antimicrobial resistance, which has now become a threat to public health on a global scale. Presently, a number of alternative feed additives have been developed and are divided into two major categories, including 1) the ones that are supposed to directly and indirectly control pathogenic bacterial proliferation; and 2) the other ones that are intended to up-regulate host gut mucosal trophic growth, whole body growth performance and active immunity. A thorough review of literature reports reveal that efficacy responses of current alternative feed additives in replacing feed antibiotics to improve performances and gut health are generally inconsistent dependent upon experimental conditions. Current alternative feed additives typically have no direct detoxification effects on endotoxin lipopolysaccharides(LPS) and this is likely the major reason that their effects are limited. It is now understood that pathogenic bacteria mediate their negative effects largely through LPS interactions with toll-like receptor 4, causing immune responses and infectious diseases. Therefore, disruptive biological strategies and a novel and new generation of feed additives need to be developed to replace feed antibiotic growth promoters and to directly and effectively detoxify the endotoxin LPS and improve gut health and performance in monogastric food animals.  相似文献   

Poultry is widely produced and consumed meat global y. Its demand is expected to continue increasing to meet the animal protein requirement for ever-increasing human population. Thus, the chal enge that poultry scientists and industry face are to produce sufficient amount of poultry meat in the most efficient way. In the past, using antibiotics to promote the growth of poultry and manage gut microbiota was a norm. However, due to concerns over potential fatalistic impacts on food animals and indirectly to humans, their use as feed additives are banned or regulated in several jurisdictions. In this changed context, several alternative strategies have been proposed with some success that mimics the functions of antibiotics as growth promoters and modulate gut microbiota for their beneficial roles. These include the use of probiotics, prebiotics, organic acids, and exogenous enzyme, among others. Gut microbiota and their metabolic products improve nutrient digestion, absorption, metabolism, and overal health and growth performance of poultry. This paper reviews the available information on the effect of feed additives used to modulate intestinal microbiota of poultry and their effects on overal health and growth performance. Understanding these functions and interactions wil help to develop new dietary and managerial strategies that wil ultimately lead to enhanced feed utilization and improved growth performance of poultry. This review wil help future researchers and industry to identify alternative feed ingredients having properties like prebiotics, probiotics, organic acids, and exogenous enzymes.  相似文献   

The term growth promotion applies to the increase in performance or productivity achieved in food producing animals following the addition to their diet of feed antibiotics or growth promoters. Numerous methods are available for the different animal species. Steroidal substances are widely used in cattle whilst in pigs and poultry a wide range of substances are used to influence the gastro-intestinal microflora and thereby bring about a cost-effective improvement in productivity. Although certain antibiotics have been used for growth promotion for over three decades they are still highly effective and appear not to have reduced the value of other widely used antibiotics for the treatment of disease. The mechanisms by which growth promotion is produced are only poorly understood but it is now generally accepted that any improvement in performance is directly related to a variety of direct effects on the gut microbial flora and associated indirect effects on intestinal tissues. The direct effects include inhibition of bacterial growth, interference with bacterial cell wall development, induction of filament formation and interference with the metabolism of intestinal bacteria. The indirect effects include a reduction in the thickness of the intestinal mucosal layer and a decrease in the production of certain mucosal cell enzymes. Other effects seen in the gut of growth promoted animals and birds include a decrease in the prevalence of antibiotic resistance plasmids and a reduced frequency of plasmid transfer in enteric coliforms. It is clear from available data that conventional animals are depressed in performance and this depression can be alleviated by the administration of growth promoting agents in the diet of these animals. The lifting of this depression results in an improvement in performance especially daily live weight gain and feed conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

肠道微生态能够影响机体营养物质的摄入、储存及消耗,对动物生长发育影响较大。微生态的建立受出生方式、饲养模式、抗生素、疾病及周围环境等多种因素的影响。随着相关研究的不断深入,肠道菌群的作用正日益受到重视。宿主的健康生长需要一个动态平衡的肠道微生态环境。仔猪阶段平衡的肠道微生态环境尚未建立,易受外界因素影响,造成生长迟缓、饲料转化率低下甚至疾病的发生。调节肠道菌群被认为是可以减少动物疾病的发生并且提高饲料转化率的一种行之有效的技术手段。作者回顾了国内外关于仔猪肠道微生态的研究进展,从肠道微生态的组成与功能入手,从不同发育阶段仔猪肠道微生态建立的过程及调控手段展开论述,以期为研究仔猪肠道微生态的形成、成熟及微生态对仔猪生长发育的作用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The dosing of young chicks with cultures of normal gut flora has been termed "competitive exclusion" (CE). This study was undertaken to examine, under field conditions, the effect of CE treatment on counts of intestinal Clostridium perfringens (CP) and on the occurrence of CP-associated disease in broiler chickens. A farm having recurrent CP-associated health problems was selected as study site. The study comprised four broiler houses, with one treated and one untreated flock per house. Treated birds were sprayed with the CE product Broilact upon arrival at the farm. All flocks were offered feed containing the ionophorous anticoccidial agent narasin. The feed did not contain growth promoters. Treatment was associated with positive but statistically nonsignificant effects on gut health. Delayed intestinal proliferation of CP and delayed appearance of CP-associated gut lesions were found in CE-treated flocks. This delay was associated with improved production performance at slaughter.  相似文献   

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