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A series of curves of pH as a function of base exchange have been made as a first step in determining the sensitivity of the major soil types in the Latrobe Valley of Victoria, Australia, to acid precipitation. The method used was to convert the soils into the H form and then equilibrate them with differing amounts of sodium hydroxide up to the cation exchange capacity of the soil concerned. Six soil types, typical of the valley soils, were examined ranging from sandy soils to soils with clay content of almost 35%. In all cases, maximum buffering occurred in the region of 20 to 70% total exchange or base saturation. The curves are interpreted in terms of standard soil characteristics in order to produce some generalized conclusions about soil sensitivities.  相似文献   

Samples of six Polish and three Korean soils were acidified and alkalized with elevated concentrations of hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide from 0.001 to 1 mol dm—3. The pore system of the studied soils was investigated using mercury intrusion (”︁macropores”) and water vapor adsorption (”︁mesopores”) experiments. The characteristics of the pores and their surfaces were very sensitive against acid and alkaline treatments. The macropore volume and radii increased in general with increasing of the concentrations of the treatment solutions. The macropore surface of all the clay rich soils exhibited a fractal behavior. The ranges of fractal scaling differed for particular soils. Macropore surface fractal dimensions changed under both treatments. For a given soil, the macropore fractal dimensions changed in the same direction under the effect of acid as under alkali. Both treatments decreased the mesopore volumes of Polish and increased the mesopore volumes of Korean soils. However, this was not true for two of Korean soils after extreme alkali treatments. In general, the average mesopore radius increased under lower treatments concentrations and decreased under higher concentrations. The mesopores were also fractal. The range of their fractal scaling was different for the Polish and Korean soils and roughly the same within each group. The fractal dimension of the mesopores decreased after acid treatment showing a smoothing of the material porous surface. Alkaline treatment affected the mesopore fractal dimension to a lower extent. A slight rise of the mesopore fractal dimension was noted in most cases.<?show $6#>  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对土壤重金属镉形态转化的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
在模拟酸雨作用下,研究了酸雨对不同Cd污染程度下土壤重金属Cd释放和形态分布、转化规律的影响.结果表明,模拟酸雨浸泡土壤后,土壤pH值高于酸雨浸泡前的土壤pH值和模拟酸雨的pH值,表明土壤表面存在质子的消耗,这可能与硫酸根的专性吸附释放羟基和矿物表面的质子化有关.酸雨浸泡土壤能增加土壤活性态Cd的含量,酸雨酸度越大,土壤Cd含量越高,Cd的活化能力越大.当昆山土壤pH值平均由7.20下降到6.42时,Cd的活化率增加了0.34% ~ 3.29%,因此,在昆山土壤酸化严重的背景下,其土壤重金属Cd的活化趋势明显,由重金属Cd释放而对人类和生物造成的风险较大.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated nitrogen (N)deposition on soil exchangeable cations were studied in three forest types of subtropical China. Four N treatments with three replications were designed for the monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (mature forest):control (0 kg N ha-1 year-1), low N (50 kg N ha-1 year-1), medium N (100 kg N ha-1 year-1)and high N (150 kg N ha-1 year-1), and only three treatments (i.e., control, low N, medium N)were established for the pine and mixed forests. Nitrogen had been applied continuously for 26 months before the measurement. The mature forest responded more rapidly and intensively to N additions than the pine and mixed forests, and exhibited some significant negative symptoms, e.g., soil acidification, Al mobilization and leaching of base cations from soil. The pine and mixed forests responded slowly to N additions and exhibited no significant response of soil cations. Response of soil exchangeable cations to N deposition varied in the forests of subtropical China, depending on soil N status and land-use history.  相似文献   

A field-scale experiment arranged in a complete randomized block design with three N addition treatments including a control (no addition of N), a low N (5 g m^-2 year^-1), and a medium N (10 g m^-2 year^-1) was performed in each of the three typical forests, a pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) forest (PF), a pine-broadleaf mixed forest (MF) and a mature monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (MEBF), of the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve in subtropical China to study the response of soil fauna community to additions of N. Higher NH4^+ and NO3^- concentrations and a lower soil pH occurred in the medium N treatment of MEBF, whereas the NO3^- concentration was the lowest in PF after the additions of N. The response of the density, group abundance and diversity index of soil fauna to addition of N varied with the forest type, and all these variables decreased with increasing N under MEBF but the trend was opposite under PF. The N treatments had no significant effects on these variables under MF. Compared with the control plots, the medium N treatment had significant negative effect on soil fauna under MEBF. The group abundance of soil fauna increased significantly with additions of higher N rates under PF. These results suggested that the response of soil fauna to N deposition varied with the forest type and N deposition rate, and soil N status is one of the important factors affecting the response of soil fauna to N deposition.  相似文献   

In order to determine the effect of acid precipitation on the movement of Cd and Zn in metal-contaminated systems, Cd- and Zn-amended soil systems, with and without eastern white pine seedlings, were treated with solution at pH levels of 2, 3, 4, and 5.3 for a 10-week period. While the soil parameters measured were not significantly altered by the higher pH treatments, treatment at pH 2 decreased soil pH, base saturation, and leachate pH, and increased leachate metal content. The presence of the seedlings moderated the effects of the pH 2 treatment by a probable combination of root cation exchange capacity and plant uptake. Seedlings receiving the higher pH treatments exhibited the expected metal distribution pattern (roots ? stems = leaves), while the pH 2 seedlings exhibited a different pattern (roots = stems = leaves). Cadmium and Zn levels in the stems and needles of the pH 2 plants were significantly higher than levels in those of the higher pH seedlings, while levels in the roots treated with pH 2 solution were significantly lower. This unusual distribution pattern may be the result of root injury due to the highly acidic solution. Although metal distribution was clearly affected by the acid treatments, increased toxicity symptoms were not observed in seedlings subjected to soil applications of acidified solutions.  相似文献   

Permanent field plots containing a dominant ground cover of feather moss (Pleurozium schreberi) and the forage lichen, (Cladina), were established in mature, boreal forest jack pine stands to monitor the effects of simulated acid precipitation. For a five-year period commencing in 1981, bimonthly sprays (pH range 2.5 to 5.6) were given throughout the growing season. The feather moss wefts were extremely sensitive to simulated rains of pH 2.5 and 3.0; but loss of cover and frond blackening were also observed at pH 3.5. The pH 2.5 treatment killed almost all of thePleurozium, while the cover remaining in the pH 3.0 treatment after 5 years was reduced by 44%. In laboratory studies designed to compare the effects of H2S04, HN03 and a 2:1 mixture of both, microcosms sprayed with H2S04 alone (pH 3.0) were more significantly affected than fronds treated with HN03 alone or pH 5.6 sprays of any ratio. Although less sensitive thanPleurozium, field-sprayed lichens were also visibly damaged. At pHs less than 3.5,C. stellaris andC. rangiferina had reduced podetial height and dry weight; whileC. mitis was affected by a combination of the acid rain treatment and other associated factors. While ambient rains of pH 4.2 may not in themselves be harmful to the boreal ground flora, it is apparent that the feather mosses and lichens, lacking a cuticle and true roots, are very sensitive to occasional, extremely acidic rain events.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deposition to semiarid ecosystems is increasing globally, yet few studies have investigated the ecological consequences of N enrichment in these ecosystems. Furthermore, soil CO2 flux – including plant root and microbial respiration – is a key feedback to ecosystem carbon (C) cycling that links ecosystem processes to climate, yet few studies have investigated the effects of N enrichment on belowground processes in water-limited ecosystems. In this study, we conducted two-level N addition experiments to investigate the effects of N enrichment on microbial and root respiration in a grassland ecosystem on the Loess Plateau in northwestern China. Two years of high N additions (9.2 g N m−2 y−1) significantly increased soil CO2 flux, including both microbial and root respiration, particularly during the warm growing season. Low N additions (2.3 g N m−2 y−1) increased microbial respiration during the growing season only, but had no significant effects on root respiration. The annual temperature coefficients (Q10) of soil respiration and microbial respiration ranged from 1.86 to 3.00 and 1.86 to 2.72 respectively, and there was a significant decrease in Q10 between the control and the N treatments during the non-growing season but no difference was found during the growing season. Following nitrogen additions, elevated rates of root respiration were significantly and positively related to root N concentrations and biomass, while elevated rates of microbial respiration were related to soil microbial biomass C (SMBC). The microbial respiration tended to respond more sensitively to N addition, while the root respiration did not have similar response. The different mechanisms of N addition impacts on soil respiration and its components and their sensitivity to temperature identified in this study may facilitate the simulation and prediction of C cycling and storage in semiarid grasslands under future scenarios of global change.  相似文献   

Simulated H2SO4 rain (pH 3.0, 3.5, 4.0) or control rain (pH 5.6) was applied for 3.5 yr to large lysimeter boxes containing a sulfate-adsorbing forest soil and either red alder (Alnus rubra Bong) or sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) seedlings. After removal of the plants and the litter layer, soil samples were obtained at 15-cm intervals to a total depth of 90 cm. Elevated SO4 concentrations caused by the simulated H2SO4 rain were most pronounced for the top 15 cm, but extended down to 45 cm (maple) or 75 cm (alder). There were no effects on SO4 concentrations at a depth of 75 to 90 em. This confirmed the existence of a sulfate front between 20 cm and 100 cm, as postulated earlier on the basis of extracted soil solutions. Decreases in Mg and Ca concentrations, base saturation, and soil pH were limited to the uppermost 15 cm and, in most cases, to the pH 3.0 treatment. Concentrations of Mg and Ca for the pH 3.0 treatments were greater than control at a depth of 15 to 30 cm, indicating transport of these cations from the soil surface. Concentrations of Na and K, and cation exchange capacity, were not affected by simulated H2SO4 rain. Elevated concentrations of NO3 and extractable Zn throughout the alder systems indicated (1) either increased rates of symbiotic N-fixation or decreased rates of N immobilization; and (2) mobilization of Zn by all acid rain treatments.  相似文献   

Samples of the LFH and Bfh horizons of an Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol were analyzed for S components after irrigation with simulated acid rain solutions of pH 5.7, 3.5, and 2.0 for 720 days. Organic S was preponderant. In the LFH horizon, the mass ratio of ester sulfate: carbon-bonded S was approximately I : 1 for samples treated with solutions of pH 5.7 and 3.5; for the sample treated with the pH-2.0 solution, the ratio was about 2 : 1 and the concentrations of both inorganic sulfate and ester sulfate were markedly higher. In the Bth horizon, carbon-bonded S was the major form of organic S, except in the sample subjected to the high-acid (pH 2.0) simulated rain. The organic S components were further separated into chloroform-soluble, aqueous trifluoracetic acid-soluble, and residual fractions. Significant increases in inorganic sulfate, both water soluble and adsorbed were found after the pH-2.0 treatment.  相似文献   

《Soil biology & biochemistry》2001,33(12-13):1695-1702
Sieved soil and soil core experiments were performed to determine the potential sensitivity of forest soil CH4 oxidation to oxidised N, reduced N and oxidised S atmospheric deposition. Ammonium sulphate was used to simulate reduced N deposition, HNO3 oxidised N deposition and H2SO4 oxidised S deposition. The effects of NH4+, NO3, SO42− and H+ on soil CH4 flux were shown to be governed by the associated counter-anion or cation of the investigated ions. Ammonium sulphate, at concentrations greater than those that would be experienced in polluted throughfall, showed a low potential to cause inhibition of CH4 oxidation. In contrast, HNO3 strongly inhibited net CH4 oxidation in sieved soils and also in soil cores. In addition, soil CO2 production was inhibited and the organic and mineral soil horizons acidified in HNO3 treated soil cores. This suggested that the HNO3 effect on CH4 flux might be indirectly mediated through aluminium toxicity. Sulphuric acid only inhibited CH4 oxidation when added at pH 1. At concentrations more representative of heavily polluted throughfall, H2SO4 had no effect on soil CH4 flux or CO2 production from soil cores, even after 210 days of repeated addition. In contrast to HNO3 additions, acidification of the soil was not marked and was only significant for the mineral soil. The findings suggest that the response of forest soil CH4 oxidation to atmospheric acid deposition is strongly dependent on the form of acid deposition.  相似文献   

Global atmospheric nitrogen deposition has increased steadily since the 20th century, and has complex effects on terrestrial ecosystems. This work synthesized results from 54 papers and conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the general response of 15 variables related to plant root traits to simulated nitrogen deposition. Simulated nitrogen deposition resulted in significantly decreasing fine root biomass (<2 mm diameter; −12.8%), while significantly increasing coarse root (≥2 mm diameter; +56.5%) and total root (+20.2%) biomass, but had no remarkable effect on root morphology. This suggests that simulated nitrogen deposition could stimulate carbon accumulation in root biomass. The root: shoot ratio decreased (−10.7%) suggests that aboveground biomass was more sensitive to simulated nitrogen deposition than root biomass. In addition, simulated nitrogen deposition increased the fine root nitrogen content (+17.6%), but did not affect carbon content, and thus decreased the fine root C:N ratio (−13.5%). These changes delayed the decomposition of roots, combined with increasing of the fine root turnover rate (+21.4%), which suggests that simulated nitrogen deposition could increase carbon and nutrient retention in the soil. Simulated nitrogen deposition also strongly affected the functional traits of roots, which increased root respiration (+20.7%), but decreased fungal colonization (−17.0%). The effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on the plant root systems were dependent on ecosystem and climate zone types, because soil nutrient conditions and other biotic and abiotic factors vary widely. Long-term simulated experiments, in which the experimental N-addition levels were less than twofold of the average of atmospheric nitrogen deposition, would better reflect the response of ecosystems under atmospheric nitrogen deposition. These results provide a synthetic understanding of the effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on plant root systems, as well as the mechanisms underlying the effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on plants and the terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse, seven identical mini-ecosystems, simulating soft water ponds, were exposed to different types of artificial rain water. The effects of rain water containing H2SO4 and nitrate, and rain water containing ammonium sulphate on water quality and vegetation were studied and compared. Causal relations were established between rain water quality, water chemistry and changes in floristic composition. Ammonium sulphate deposition, particularly, strongly affected water quality and vegetation development. Although ammonium sulphate deposition was only slightly acid, due to nitrification it acted as an important acid source, causing acidification to pH=3.8. Under acidified conditions, ammonium sulphate deposition lead to a luxuriant growth ofJuncus bulbosus andAgrostis canina. In the mini-ecosystems, H2SO4 deposition with a pH of 3.5 only decreased the pH of the water to 5.1 within 1 yr. The acidification of water appeared to be coupled with changes in alkalinity, sulphate, Al, Cd, Ca, Mg, K and inorganic-N. It is concluded that in NH3-affected regions in The Netherlands, the high atmospheric deposition of ammonium sulphate probably contributes to a large extent in the acidification, eutrophication and floristic changes of oligotrophic soft waters.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of organic matter content and other soil properties on soil erosion in the Rogate area, West Sussex, UK, was assessed using a rainfall simulator. Thirty soil samples (Podzols, Brown sands, Brown earths, Alluvial gley and Podzolized brown sands) collected from eroded and uneroded fields were exposed to 50 mm/h and 70 mm/h simulated rainfall. The results show that organic matter content influences soil erosion, through its effect on the stability of aggregates.  相似文献   

A soil acidification model has been developed to estimate long-term chemical changes in soil and soil water in response to changes in atmospheric deposition. Its major outputs include base saturation, pH and the molar Al/BC ratio, where BC stands for divalent base cations. Apart from net uptake and net immobilization of N, the processes accounted for are restricted to geochemical interactions, including weathering of carbonates, silicates and Al oxides and hydroxides, cation exchange and CO2 equilibriums. First, the model's behavior in the different buffer ranges between pH 7 and pH 3 is evaluated by analyzing the response of an initially calcareous soil of 50 cm depth to a constant high acid load (5000 molc ha?1 yr?1) over a period of 500 yr. In calcareous soils weathering is fast and the pH remains high (near 7) until the carbonates are exhausted. Results indicate a time lag of about 100 yr for each percent CaCO3 before the pH starts to drop. In non-calcareous soils the response in the range between pH 7 and 4 mainly depends on the initial amount of exchangeable base cations. A decrease in base saturation by H/BC exchange and Al/BC exchange following dissolution of Al3+ leads to a strong increase in the Al/BC ratio near pH 4. A further decrease in pH to values near 3.0 does occur when the A1 oxides and/or hydroxides are exhausted. The analyses show that this could occur in acid soils within several decades. The buffer mechanisms in the various pH ranges are discussed in relation to Ulrich's concept of buffer ranges. Secondly, the impact of various deposition scenarios on non-calcareous soils is analyzed for a time period of 100 yr. The results indicate that the time lag between reductions in deposition and a decrease in the Al/BC ratio is short. However, substantial reductions up to a final deposition level of 1000 molc ha?1 yr?1 are needed to get Al/BC ratios below a critical value of 1.0.  相似文献   

Samples of organic (F/H) and mineral soil (to approximately 8 cm depth) were collected from three ‘ecologically analogous’ sites in a boreal forest at intervals of 2.8 km (site 1), 6.0 km (site 2) and 9.6 km (site 3) from a ‘sour gas’ plant emitting S02. The organic soil of site 1 was characterized by a lower basal respiration rate, smaller microbial biomass, and a longer time to attain the peak rate of CO2 efflux following enrichment with glucose or vanillin (0.15 and 0.1 g (15 g soil)?1, respectively). No significant differences were detected between the mineral soils of the 3 sites in terms of the rate or extent of glucose decomposition (0.1 g (100 g soil)?1), but there was a significant retardation in vanillin decomposition in the mineral soil of site 1 (0.05 g (100 g soil)?1). Concentrations of 0.075 and 0.1 g vanillin (100 g soil)?1 were decomposed in the mineral soil of sites 2 and 3, but not at site 1. Following incubation with vanillin, fewer bacteria were isolated from both the organic and mineral soils of site 1, and a greater proportion of these were spore formers and bisulfite-tolerant isolates compared with those from sites 2 and 3.  相似文献   

The effect of runoff generation on the erosion of gypsiferous soils under different experimental conditions was investigated by applying simulated rainfalls of 48 and 58 mm h−1 to experimental plots exhibiting representative characteristics of these soils. The 45 experiments indicate differing erosive behaviour as test conditions varied. Suspended gypsum yields ranged from 0-3.9 gm−2 h−1 the higher values occurring with the steeper slopes and dry soil conditions. The differences among the soils tested were mainly due to variations in underlying rock outcrop, whilst within each soil type, slope was the most important variable. Transport of suspended gypsum by runoff is inversely related to rock outcrop, and positively related to slope. The highest erosion rates are registered in Gypsic Calcisols, followed by Gypsic Calcisols (lithic phase), while production of suspended gypsum is not verified for Dystric Leptosols. By transporting gypsum particles down-slope, runoff is probably responsible for the dynamic evolution of gypsiferous hillslopes as well as the genetic evolution of the studied soils.  相似文献   

The liming effect of five organic manures when incubated with an acid soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A laboratory incubation experiment of 6 months duration was carried out to investigate the liming effects of five organic manures (poultry, pig, and cattle manure, soybean residues, and sewage sludge) when added to an acid soil at a rate of 10 mg g–1. Soils were sampled after 1, 7, 13, 19, and 25 weeks of incubation. For the animal manures and sewage sludge, soil pH was highest after 1 week incubation and it declined thereafter. However, for soybean residues, pH increased over the first 7 weeks of incubation after which it declined. The decreases in pH were accompanied by accumulation of NO ‐N in the soil. The addition of organic residues to the soil resulted in decreases in the concentrations of exchangeable Al and in both total (Alt) and monomeric (Almono) Al present in the soil solution. The effect was most marked for poultry manure, least marked for cattle manure, and more evident after 7 than 25 weeks incubation. Concentrations of soluble C in the soil solution were elevated in manure‐amended soils. Manure additions resulted in a decrease in the percentage of Alt present in solution as Almono, and this was attributed to complexation of Al by soluble organic matter originating from the manures. It was concluded that organic wastes can act as liming materials when added to acid soils and that the resulting increase in pH and decrease in Almono concentrations might provide a window of opportunity for establishment and early growth of crop plants.  相似文献   

A steady state soil chemistry model was used to calculate the critical load of acidity for forest soils and surface waters at Lake GÄrdsjön in S.W. Sweden. The critical load of all acid precursors (potential acidity) for the forest soil is 1.64 kmolc ha?1 yr?1, and 1.225 kmolc ha?1 yr?1 for surface waters. For the most sensitive receptor, the critical load is exceeded by 1.0 kmolc ha?1 yr?1, and a 80% reduction in S deposition is required, if N deposition remains unchanged. The critical load is largely affected by the present immobilization of N in the terrestrial ecosystem which is higher than the base cation uptake. The model, PROFILE, is based on mass balance calculations for the different soil layers. From measurable soil properties, PROFILE reproduces the present stream water composition as well as present soil solution chemistry. The model calculates the weathering rate from independent geophysical properties such as soil texture and mineral composition.  相似文献   

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