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The main objective of this investigation was to test the ‘always more aggressive’ hypothesis, often advocated to explain lineage replacements in clonal populations of the potato late blight oomycete Phytophthora infestans. To this end, genotypic and pathogenicity data on 1274 French isolates of P. infestans, collected over the period 2001–2008, were analysed. Overall, the populations sampled showed limited genetic diversity, with four multilocus lineages (1_A1, 2_A1, 8_A1 and 13_A2) accounting for over 80% of the isolates collected. As in other West European countries, drastic changes in these dominant clonal lineages were observed over the course of the 8 years, particularly in the appearance and propagation of the clone 13_A2. However, invasiveness of clones was not associated with higher aggressiveness; on the contrary, dominant clones had generally low or moderate aggressiveness relative to others present at the same time within the same populations. This finding challenges the link between invasive behaviour and increased aggressiveness often assumed for this biotrophic pathogen, and could reflect the existence of a trade‐off between intra‐season and inter‐season transmission. This would be consistent with the concept of inclusive fitness, which involves the abilities to both reproduce and survive.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogenPhytophthora infestans is the causal organism of late blight, one of the most devastating diseases of potato. In the past, various aspects of the potato-P. infestans interaction have been studied extensively. In this paper we briefly review the current knowledge of the molecular events associated with the interaction and in addition we discuss a new approach for analyzing the molecular basis of pathogenicity ofP. infestans.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogenPhytophthora infestans is the causal organism of late blight, one of the most devastating diseases of potato. In the past, various aspects of the potato-P. infestans interaction have been studied extensively. In this paper we briefly review the current knowledge of the molecular events associated with the interaction and in addition we discuss a new approach for analyzing the molecular basis of pathogenicity ofP. infestans.  相似文献   

Potato late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, is a major disease in potato production throughout the world. In southern Sweden, hairy nightshade (Solanum physalifolium), an alternative non-crop host to the pathogen, is an increasing weed problem. Single-lesion leaves infected by P. infestans were collected from potato and hairy nightshade to determine phenotypic and genotypic population differentiation of P. infestans between the two hosts. Genotypic variation was estimated using microsatellites as markers. The results showed no genotypic differentiation in the samples between the two hosts. Aggressiveness tests were performed using the sampled isolates to cross-inoculate potato and hairy nightshade. The proportion of infected leaves, latency period, lesion growth rate, and sporulation capacity were measured. For isolates from hairy nightshade, the odds of infection were higher on both hosts combined. When tested on potato leaves, isolates from hairy nightshade showed a significantly shorter latency period and higher sporulation capacity compared with isolates from potato. This indicates that an alternative host can filter populations of P. infestans toward a higher aggressiveness, which could lead to increasing problems in controlling potato late blight.  相似文献   

Asia is now the largest potato-producing region of the world and late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, is the most important pathogen limiting production. This review documents, in both the historical and the current context, the population structure of P. infestans in the major areas of potato production in Asia. Information from diverse sources regarding the stated or inferred clonal pathogen lineages present, population changes, and possible migration routes of the pathogen into the countries of this region have been reviewed to aid researchers and those involved in managing late blight in Asia. The single most important factor for population change and resultant epidemics in this region has been found to be migration of pathogen genotypes from Europe and the Americas. Reducing the impact of such migration in the future will necessitate putting in place improved phytosanitary measures. To achieve this, data sharing using global networks such as AsiaBlight and EuroBlight is imperative.  相似文献   

The biology of late blight of potato and tomato, caused by Phytophthora infestans, changed when sexual reproduction by the pathogen became possible in many parts of the world, including Europe. In northern Europe, especially Scandinavia, there is increasing evidence that the pathogen is reproducing sexually on a regular basis, although in other regions further south or to the west it appears to reproduce primarily in a clonal manner. The presence of both mating types, the production of viable oospores, and observations of fields with soilborne sources of inoculum are consistent with sexual reproduction. Studies with different marker systems have revealed a population structure without any dominating clonal lineages in Scandinavia, and that is most easily explained by sexual reproduction. Phytophthora infestans recovered from the soil can also be linked to parental genotypes using likelihood‐based methods when codominant markers are used. A synthesis of all the available data points to a second centre of sexual reproduction in northern Europe.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the Phytophthora infestans population structure in South Korea, 172 isolates were collected between 2009 and 2016 from four major potato cultivation areas. Fungicide (metalaxyl and dimethomorph) response, mating type, and microsatellite (SSR) genetic fingerprints were analysed to characterize these isolates. Ten isolates collected in Gyeongnam Province, which specializes in protected winter cultivation in polytunnels, were A2 mating type. All other isolates were A1 mating type. Overall, 42% of the isolates were resistant to metalaxyl, and 43% were sensitive. All isolates were sensitive to dimethomorph. From the SSR fingerprints, 45 distinct genotypes were identified, which could be clustered into four clonal lineages: KR_1_A1, KR_2_A2, SIB-1, and US-11. KR_1_A1 was the predominant Pinfestans genotype in South Korea. KR_2_A2 was only found in Gyeongnam Province; all isolates were A2 mating type and resistant to metalaxyl. SIB-1 was dominant until 2013 but its frequency has gradually decreased in more recent years. US-11 was first found in 2014, after which its frequency has increased to become codominant with KR_1_A1. The calculated standardized index of association (IA) suggests that the South Korean Pinfestans population is undergoing clonal reproduction. When compared with populations of Pinfestans from the Netherlands, it has less genetic diversity and the dominant Netherlands Pinfestans genotype, EU_13_A2 (Blue_13), was not found in South Korea. Such monitoring of the pathogen population contributes to a more efficient integrated pest management-based control strategy for potato late blight control in South Korea.  相似文献   

Strategic spatial patterning of crop species and cultivars could make agricultural landscapes less vulnerable to plant disease epidemics, but experimentation to explore effective disease-suppressive landscape designs is problematic. Here, we present a realistic, multiscale, spatiotemporal, integrodifference equation model of potato late blight epidemics to determine the relationship between spatial heterogeneity and disease spread, and determine the effectiveness of mixing resistant and susceptible cultivars at different spatial scales under the influence of weather. The model framework comprised a landscape generator, a potato late blight model that includes host and pathogen life cycles and fungicide management at the field scale, and an atmospheric dispersion model that calculates spore dispersal at the landscape scale. Landscapes consisted of one or two distinct potato-growing regions (6.4-by-6.4-km) embedded within a nonhost matrix. The characteristics of fields and growing regions and the separation distance between two growing regions were investigated for their effects on disease incidence, measured as the proportion of fields with ≥1% severity, after inoculation of a single potato grid cell with a low initial level of disease. The most effective spatial strategies for suppressing disease spread in a region were those that reduced the acreage of potato or increased the proportion of a resistant potato cultivar. Clustering potato cultivation in some parts of a region, either by planting in large fields or clustering small fields, enhanced the spread within such a cluster while it delayed spread from one cluster to another; however, the net effect of clustering was an increase in disease at the landscape scale. The planting of mixtures of a resistant and susceptible cultivar was a consistently effective option for creating potato-growing regions that suppressed disease spread. It was more effective to mix susceptible and resistant cultivars within fields than plant some fields entirely with a susceptible cultivar and other fields with a resistant cultivar, at the same ratio of susceptible to resistant potato plants at the landscape level. Separation distances of at least 16 km were needed to completely prevent epidemic spread from one potato-growing region to another. Effects of spatial placement of resistant and susceptible potato cultivars depended strongly on meteorological conditions, indicating that landscape connectivity for the spread of plant disease depends on the particular coincidence between direction of spread, location of fields, distance between the fields, and survival of the spores depending on the weather. Therefore, in the simulation of (airborne) pathogen invasions, it is important to consider the large variability of atmospheric dispersion conditions.  相似文献   

A collection of 101 isolates of Phytophthora infestans, obtained from seven sampling sites representing central, east and south-east Estonia during 2002 and 2003 were assessed for several phenotypic and genotypic markers. All 101 isolates were assessed for virulence and resistance to metalaxyl. Virulence to each of the 11 classic resistance genes was found among the tested isolates. The mean number of virulences per isolate was 6.3, with a very low frequency of virulence against resistance genes R5 (5%) and R9 (14%). The most common pathotypes were and, representing altogether 12% of the studied strains. In terms of metalaxyl resistance, 30 resistant, 52 intermediate and 19 sensitive isolates were found. A subgroup of 50 isolates was assessed for mating type, allozymes [glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (Gpi) and peptidase (Pep)], DNA fingerprints with probe RG57 and mtDNA haplotype. Of this subset, 30 were A1 and 20 were A2. Collections from three of the seven fields contained both mating types. Allozyme analysis did not reveal any polymorphism. However, 19 diverse RG57 fingerprints were detected, and two mitochondrial DNA haplotypes, Ia and IIa, were detected. By combining the mating type, mtDNA haplotype and RG57 fingerprint data, 26 multilocus genotypes were identified, of which 18 were detected only once. Genotypic diversity measured by the normalised Shannon diversity index was high (0.76). The large number of multilocus genotypes and the presence of both mating types in some fields indicate that sexual reproduction may take place in Estonian populations of P. infestans.  相似文献   

Leaf rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina, is the most common rust disease of wheat in wheat-producing areas worldwide. The Israeli population of P. triticina has been consistently monitored since 1993. A total of 784 single urediniospore isolates from Triticum aestivum were analysed during 2000–15. The structure of the pathogen population has changed to a large extent since 2000. The annual populations of P. triticina were separated into two distinct groups, 2000–11 and 2012–15, while populations of 2000–5 and 2006–12 were differentiated to a lesser extent. The change in the population originating from T. aestivum during the period 2000–15 is less significant compared to changes in the 1990s described previously. Diversity within the annual populations of P. triticina was rather stable during the period studied. Three new pathotypes, characterized by virulences on Lr3ka and Lr30 genes, became dominant between 2012 and 2015, while all but one prevailing pathotypes in 2000–11 were avirulent on these two genes. Significant changes in virulence frequencies on a number of Lr genes (Lr2c, Lr3ka, Lr15, Lr21, Lr23, Lr26, Lr30) and pairwise associations of virulences (mainly with Lr2c and Lr26) were registered in 2012–15 or earlier. It is postulated that the composition and pathotype structure of the P. triticina population in Israel is determined by wind-disseminated urediniospores from neighbouring regions, where the migration of P. triticina from the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and from the Horn of Africa seem to have the greatest influence.  相似文献   

Zebra chip, an emerging disease of potatoes, has recently been associated with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in New Zealand. The phloem-limited bacterium is known to be vectored by the tomato potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli). In this study, the role of tuber transmission in the spread of Ca. L. solanacearum was investigated by re-planting potato tubers infected with Ca. L. solanacearum in the absence of the psyllid. Nested PCR demonstrated that Ca. L. solanacearum could be transmitted from the mother tubers both to the foliage of growing plants and to progeny tubers, resulting in symptomatic and asymptomatic plants. Of 62 Ca. L. solanacearum-infected tubers four did not sprout symptomatic of zebra chip. A further two plants developed foliar symptoms associated with zebra chip during the growing season and died prematurely. Fifty-six of the infected tubers produced asymptomatic plants, although Ca. L. solanacearum was detected in the foliage of 39 of them indicative of transmission into asymptomatic progeny plants. At harvest, Ca. L. solanacearum was found in the daughter tubers of only five of the 39 asymptomatic plants, and only one of these plants was found to have zebra chip symptoms in the daughter tubers. Our results show that tuber transmission of Ca. L. solanacearum could play a role in the life cycle of this pathogen, providing a source for acquisition by Bactericera cockerelli and for movement of the pathogen to other regions of New Zealand via transport of seed tubers.  相似文献   

Grapevine leafroll disease (GLD) is caused by a number of viruses in the grapevine leafroll-associated virus complex (GLRaVs). GLRaV-3 is the most commonly found GLRaV and is transmitted by mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) and soft scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccidae). A series of investigations were conducted to understand spatio-temporal patterns of GLRaV-3 and mealybugs, and to examine management strategies of mealybugs under the environmental conditions of Virginia, USA. During the study, a rapid increase (185 % per year) of GLRaV-3 positive vines was observed at an experimental vineyard. Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE) indicated a mix of aggregated, random, and uniform distributions of GLRaV-3 within six surveyed vineyards, and a temporal association of GLRaV-3-positive vines over three years at the experimental vineyard. Results from a field experiment in 2009–2011 showed the effect of a delayed dormant application of acetamiprid (Assail, 0.182 L/ha) to be not significantly differing in mealybug abundance from the unsprayed check in 2010 and 2011. Moreover, an application of the contact insecticide beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid XL, 0.219 L/ha) resulted in significantly higher numbers of mealybugs counted in 2011. This study also demonstrated that GLRaV-3 was spread from mature vines to newly planted sentinel vines during the first growing season, with no apparent effect of prevailing wind direction. Results from another insecticide trial conducted in 2010–2011 demonstrated that both dinotefuran (Scorpion, 0.292 L/ha) and spirotetramat (Movento, 0.439 L/ha) treatments significantly reduced mealybug counts when mealybug populations were high, but only spirotetramat significantly reduced mealybug counts when mealybug populations were low.  相似文献   

Drought, which is one of the most frequently occurring severe hazards with long time scales and covering wide geographical areas, is a natural phenomenon resulting in significant economic losses in agriculture and industry. Drought is caused by an imbalance between the inputs of and the demand for water which is insufficient to meet the demands of human activities and the eco-environment. As a major arid and semi-arid area and an important agricultural region in Northwest China, North Xinjiang(NX) shows great vulnerability to drought. In this paper, the characteristics of inter-annual and seasonal drought were analyzed in terms of drought occurrence and drought coverage, by using the composite index of meteorological drought and the data of daily precipitation, air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and sunshine duration from 38 meteorological stations during the period 1961–2012. Trend analysis, wavelet analysis and empirical orthogonal function were also applied to investigate change trend, period and regional characteristics, respectively. In NX, annual and seasonal drought occurrence and drought coverage all showed a decreasing trend that was most significant in winter(with rates of –0.26 month/10 a and –15.46%, respectively), and drought occurrence in spring and summer were more frequent than that in autumn and winter. Spatially, drought was severe in eastern regions but mild in western regions of NX. Annual and seasonal drought occurrence at 38 meteorological stations displayed decreasing trends and were most significant in Shihezi-Urumqi-Changji, which can help to alleviate severe drought hazards for local agricultural production and improve human livelihood. NX can be approximately classified into three sub-regions(severe drought region, moderate drought region and mild drought region), which were calculated from annual drought frequencies. The cross wavelet transform suggested that SOI(Southern Oscillation Index), AOI(Arctic Oscillation Index), AAOI(Antarctic Oscillation Index), PAOI(Pacific/North American Oscillation Index) and NAOI(North Atlantic Oscillation Index) have significant correlation with the variation of drought occurrence in NX. To prevent and mitigate the occurrence of drought disasters in NX, agricultural and government managers should pay more attention to those drought events that occur in spring and summer.  相似文献   

Qo inhibitor (QoI) fungicides are used to control gray blight caused by Pestalotiopsis longiseta in Japanese tea cultivation. However, field isolates of P. longiseta highly resistant to QoI fungicides were found in 2008, resulting in failure of QoI fungicidal control. This resistance was attributed to a mutation in the cytochrome b gene (cytb) in which alanine was substituted for glycine at position 143 (G143A). In 2009–2010, we detected field isolates that had an intermediate reaction between sensitive and resistant isolates in a preliminary assay. These isolates showed intermediate sensitivity to azoxystrobin and kresoxim-methyl on PDA plates. The intermediate reaction to azoxystrobin was also confirmed on detached tea leaves. Consequently, they were considered moderately resistant to QoI fungicides. Nucleotide sequencing of cytb showed that moderate resistance correlated with a single point mutation; leucine was substituted for phenylalanine at amino acid position 129 (F129L). Sequence analysis also revealed two types of cytb, with or without an intron between codons 131 and 132, in P. longiseta. F129L and G143A mutations were detected in both types of cytb according to their QoI resistance. This result suggests that G143A and F129L mutations have each occurred at least twice in the P. longiseta population.  相似文献   

Microclimates play important roles in controlling water budgets and water vapor transportation, as well as vegetation growth characteristics. In order to understand the differences in meteorological parameters under different vegetation cover (VC) and terrain conditions, wind velocity, air temperature, relative humidity (RH), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and solar radiation were simultaneously monitored on shifting, semi-fixed and fixed sandy lands, and an oasis. The air temperature and RH differences among the four landscape types were obvious in the period from May to October. It was found that the higher elevations of semi-fixed sandy land can influence PAR and solar radiation during sand-blowing weather. The differences of air temperature and RH among the four sites during the dust-storm and rainy days were not obvious, but their differences during sand-blowing weather were greater than during rainy weather and less than during floating-dust and sunny weather. The differences of PAR and solar radiation among the four landscape types were most obvious during the dust-storm event. During most of the weather types studied, significant positive correlations were found between wind velocity and temperature, PAR, and solar radiation, as well as between temperature and PAR, and solar radiation. Meanwhile, significant negative correlations were found between RH and wind velocity, temperature, PAR, and solar radiation. VC and topography were found to be the main factors influencing the changes in meteorological parameters between desert–oasis ecotone and oasis.  相似文献   


Toxicities o1 12 chemical insecticides to wild‐caught tsetse flies, Glossina palpalis palpalis in Nigeria were measured by topical application. Median lethal doses (as ng per fly) at 48 h after application for older flies, males (females), were: DDT 331 (700), dieldrin 14 (46), endosulfan 8 (15), malathion 193 (273), fenitrothion 47, pirimiphos methyl 31 (45), tetrachlorvinphos 14 (33), sumicidin 28 (58), neopynamin 12 (15), sumithrin 10 (8), permethrin 4.4 (5.9), deltamethrin 0.45 (0.94). Lethality expressed as dose per whole fly can be termed effective toxicity/tolerance and those expressed as dose per weight unit of fly can be termed intrinsic (or true) toxicity/tolerance. Generally, effective tolerance was greater for females than males, especially for older flies. However, intrinsic tolerance was often about equal for the sexes or greater for males. Regardless of sex, effective tolerance increased with increasing fly age and intrinsic tolerance increased during later ageing but not during early ageing. This suggested that protecting mechanisms developed during ageing. Flies fed a few hours before treatment in 1979–1982 were more tolerant of three organochlorines and three organophosphates than flies fed the day before treatment in 1974–1975, probably due to diversion of poisons from sites of action into inert undigested blood. However, results and statistical analysis suggested a slight increase in true tolerance of males to DDT during the intervening years. Continued monitoring of tolerance in the fly populations is recommended.  相似文献   

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