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This investigation was conducted to determine the elemental composition of effluents from three anaerobic swine waste lagoons and one aerobic swine waste lagoon and to evaluate effects of effluent application on growth of corn (Zea mays L.) Wide variation occurred in the elemental composition of effluents among the four lagoons and among four sampling dates from each lagoon. Use of these effluents as irrigation water would lead to application of a wide range in amounts of nutrients to soil. Effluent application increased corn grain yield on a Woodstown loamy fine sand. This yield increase was attributed to alleviation of moisture stress and to correction of N deficiency.  相似文献   

Industrial effluents alter both the microphysical properties that regulate the rate of production of precipitation and the location and strengths of density and velocity perturbations that regulate the dynamical development of clouds. Therefore, physical mechanisms exist through which industrial activities can modify local weather elements such as cloudiness and rainfall. Snow falling from large cooling tower plumes and the cloudiness spawned by heat rejection are the most obvious manifestations of this control. The extent to which industrial effluents exert control over local weather and climate remains controversial and difficult to quantify. As industrial activity becomes more concentrated, anomalous weather effects could become a problem that will require consideration when planning new facilities. This is particularly true for processes that modify the dynamical properties of the atmosphere by rejecting heat directly to the atmosphere.  相似文献   


A capillary rise experiment was conducted by passing different organic industrial effluents [liquor distillery effluent (DE), cotton seed delinting plant effluent (CD), and sewage water (SW)] through soils with two different textures. The validity of Poiseuille's law was verified in the first time segment by a straight line relationship between wetting front rise velocity dz/dt and the inverse of the wetting front rise I/Z. The soil geometrical and transmission characteristics (e, G, r, X, and k) were estimated by a quick capillary rise (QCR) approach. The liquor distillery effluent was found to have the lowest flow velocity through both types of soils due to its lower surface tension higher viscosity and density than those of ordinary water. Due to the acidic nature, CD could not be used for irrigating the fields, whereas, SW was not found to have any harmful effects on its flow behavior in the soils.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical industrial waste was collected from Ghaziabad (Cooper Pharma Ltd.) and analyzed for color, odor, specific gravity, turbidity, pH, total solids, suspended solids, dissolved solids, volatile solids, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), organic and inorganic nitrogen, sulfur, chlorides, sulfates and phosphates. The detrimental effects of industrial waste on microorganisms were studied in the system with lower and higher volumes of the wastes (0.5–12 ml) using glucose substrate as a source of carbon for microorganisms. The cultures of saprophytic and nitrifying bacteria were grown from sewage and pea gravel, respectively, and tested for their nature.  相似文献   



This study was aimed to investigate the potential of biochar (BC), a waste byproduct of a bioenegy industry, Sri Lanka, as a soil amendment to immobilize and reduce the phytotoxicity of Cr in tannery waste-polluted soil (TWS).

Materials and methods

The TWS and bioenergy waste BC were characterized for physio-chemical parameters. A pot experiment was conducted by adding three BC application rates, 1, 2.5, and 5 % (w/w) to investigate the immobilizing capacity and bioaccumulation of chromium (Cr) in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). Soils and plants were digested via microwave digestion and analyzed for total Cr. Further, sequential extraction was conducted to assess the fractionation of Cr before and after the application of bioenergy waste BC on TWS.

Results and discussion

The total Cr concentration in TWS was 12,285 mg/kg. The biomass of tomato plants grown in the 5 % BC amendment doubled compared to the biomass in BC-unamended soil. Bioaccumulation of Cr in plants grown in 5 % BC-amended TWS showed a decrease by 97 % compared to that of the BC-unamended soil. The CaCl2 extractability of Cr indicated that the bioavailability of Cr in the 5 % BC amendment has decreased by 68 % compared to the control. Sequentially extracted Cr in the exchangeable fraction decreased by 98 % in the 5 % BC amendment.


Pore diffusion, and adsorption via π-π electron donor-acceptor interactions were the primary mechanisms to be involved in the Cr retention in BC. Results suggested that the addition of BC to TWS reduces the mobility, bioavailability, and phytotoxicity of Cr in tomato plants.

堆肥种子发芽指数测定方法与敏感性种子筛选   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
种子发芽指数(Germination Index,GI)作为评价堆肥腐熟度的权威指标,被广泛应用于评价堆肥产品植物毒性等方面,但对于GI测定方法和供试种子类型仍缺少统一标准,导致不同堆肥研究的GI结果缺乏可比性。为此,该研究通过设置不同毒性梯度的堆肥试验、选取不同类型种子,详细介绍了GI测定方法,规定根长为0和1 mm的计量标准以及根长起始测量位置,并系统分析了表征堆肥腐熟度指标与种子发芽之间响应关系。结果表明:最终产品GI以纯猪粪(26.54%~80.49%)、纯羊粪(16.71%~92.98%)、猪粪+秸秆(28.28%~110.74%)、羊粪+秸秆(43.38%~119.69%)的顺序递增。综合分析不同堆肥处理理化指标(温度、氧气、pH值、碳氮比)和植物毒性因子(电导率、铵根、有机酸和有机质)与不同种子GI(黄瓜、萝卜、白菜、油菜)相关性关系,发现萝卜种子响应度最高(r=0.96),在综合表征堆肥腐熟度和植物毒性上最具科学性和代表性。以上结果可为种子发芽指数测定、有机肥标准制定以及堆肥农田安全施用提供参考。  相似文献   

The radioactive liquid waste (RLW) system in Ontario Hydro's pressurised heavy water reactors collects drainage from a variety of sources ranging from floor drains to laundry waste. RLW effluent was intermittently toxic to rainbow trout andDaphnia magna during the first phase of Ontario's Municipal Industrial Strategy for Abatement (MISA) Program, apparently as a result of the interaction of a variety of known and unknown organic and inorganic compounds. Accordingly, we employed a tmatment-based approach to reducing its toxicity, supplemented by chemical analysis. Two series of toxicity reduction tests were conducted. The fast series explored the potential for sorption of the possible toxicants, while the accord series incorporated a wider variety of treatments. Of the 24 samples in the first test series, 17 were toxic (D. magna mortality ≥ 50%). Of the toxic samples, only 7 of 17 were still toxic after passage through an activated carbon column, but 5 of 6 samples tested remained toxic after passage through a metal chelating resin column. In the second series, at least one of the treatments was effective in reducing toxicity of all samples which were initially toxic (16 of 24 samples), but no one treatment was effective for all toxic samples. Three treatments (UV/H2O2 photo-oxidation with prior pH adjustment, or passage through a column of either a non-functioalized (N-F) resin or a mixture of N-F resin and a weak base (W-B) anion exchange rain), were effective in reducing the toxicity of more than 50% of the toxic samples; yet roughly 25% of these samples remained toxic after treatment O2 sparging, UV/H2O2 photo-oxidation without prior pH adjustment, and passage through a column of the W-B Resin were less effective, as more than 50% of the samples remained toxic after treatment. Filtering was not effective, as all of the treated samples (9/9) retained their toxicity. There was no obvious correspondence between toxicity and the concentrations of metals (Cu, Zn, Fe, Al and Cd) nor were any simple relationships apparent between toxicity and Total Organic Carbon or NH3 concentrations. At stations where radioactive liquid wastes are segregated, toxicity was also segregated, suggesting that we may be able to address the problem at source through a combination of Best Management Practices and smaller scale treatment facilities.  相似文献   


An analysis of dye and match industrial effluents revealed, that they are highly polluted. A study of the impact of these effluents on the growth and metabolism of Phaseolus mungo L., showed that percent germination and seedling length decreased with an increase in concentration of these effluents. There was a reduction in fresh weight and biomass accmulation (dry weight) that paralleled a decline in pigment content of the plant. This may be due to the degradation of chlorophyll caused by increased peroxidase activity. The soluble protein and in vivo nitrate reductase activity followed a declining trend, while the level of L‐proline showed an increasing trend with an increase in concentration of these effluents. The increase in leaf nitrate content at higher concentrations of effluents may be due to the high nitrate content in these effluents. Comparing these two industrial effluents, the effluent from the dye industry was found to be more toxic to the plant than that of the effluent from the match industry.  相似文献   

The characteristics are given of the prokaryotic complex participating in the processes of the primary soil formation on nepheline-containing waste and depending on the time of the waste disposal and degree of reclamation. The total population density of the bacteria determined with the method of fluorescent microscopy in “pure” sand ranged within 0.34—0.60 billion CFU/g soil; in the reclaimed sand under different vegatation communities, from 2.6 to 7.2 billion CFU/g soil. Gram-positive bacteria dominate in the prokaryotic complex of the nepheline sands, whereas the Grarrmegative ones dominate in the zonal soils. The bacteria predominating in the nepheline sands were classified on the basis of the comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences in the 16S rRNA genes within the Actinobacteria class (Arthrobacter boritolerans, A. ramosus, Rhodococcusfascians, Micrococcus luteus, and Streptomyces spp.). The evolution of the microbial community in the nepheline sands in the course of their reclamation and in the course of their overgrowing by plants proceeds in way toward the microbial communities of the zonal soils on moraine deposits.  相似文献   

Seed germination and early growth were unexpectedly resistant to Hg-vapor at air saturation levels (14 μg L?1). Among 15 species and cultivars tested, inhibition of shoot or root growth in excess of 50% was not seen, but occasional stimulation was noted. During extended (70 to 75 days) cultivation at Hg-vapor saturation, inhibitory effects on growth increased with time, and later effects on abscission and necrosis were more severe. Seven days exposures confirmed juvenile resistance at air saturation levels and mature plant sensitivity, expressed by massive abscission at 0.05 μg L?1. It is suggested that Hg-vapor accelerates senescence-related processes via elevated ethylene production. Evidence suggests that elemental Hg, not ionic Hg, is the active toxicant. An ecophysiological role for Hg-vapor in volcanically active regions is suggested.  相似文献   

Sorghum is one of the water- and nutrient-use efficient crops raised in dry regions worldwide. A 3 × 3 split-plot experiment in randomized complete block design was conducted to study the effects of petroleum refinery waste aqueous ammonia (NH3) on irrigated fodder sorghum for two consecutive growing seasons. The main plots consisted of 0 (control), 40, and 80 kg N ha?1, respectively, and the injection depths (surface 15 cm, and 20 cm depth) were assigned to sub-plots. A significant effect of NH3 on both fresh and dry biomass production was observed where the highest yield was recorded from the 80 kg N ha?1 than the control and 40 kg N ha?1, respectively. Sorghum biomass yield increased most when NH3 was injected at 20 cm depth as compared to other depths. Biomass nutrient content and nitrogen-use efficiency were increased when 80 kg N ha?1 was applied as compared to the control. The critical limit of K:(Ca+Mg), above which the tetany risk increases, did not exceed in sorghum biomass by NH3 fertilization. Results suggested that industrial waste NH3 equivalent to 80 kg N ha?1 injected at 20 cm depth can be a sustainable approach to fertilize irrigated sorghum growing as a forage crop.  相似文献   

Total S concentrations in Scots pine (Pine sylvestris L.) needles and the lichen Hypogymnia physodes collected from the vicinity of an oil refinery in southern Finland and a steel works in northern Finland were used as a bioindicator for SO2 deposition. The mean total S concentration in the youngest pine needles decreased by 22% (p <0.001) and that of the second youngest needles by 28% (p < 0.001) as emissions from the oil refinery were reduced by nearly 50% from 1980 to 1985. Total S concentration in both needles and lichens were higher in the vicinity of the oil refinery due to the greater influence of long-range transport S deposition in southern Finland. The two industrial plants had approximately equal SO2 emissions in 1985. The results suggest that the total S concentration in pine needles is a better indicator of SO2 changes in the ambient air, while that in Hypogymnia physodes seems to be a better bioindicator of total S deposition, past and present.  相似文献   

生物质能与节能减排及低碳经济   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
生物质(Biomass,原意生物量)一词出自生态学,现已成为生物质能和生物基材料的惟一可再生性原料的专用词.生物质可部分替代化石能源,减少化石能源使用产生的温室气体及污染物.我国农业和农村在节能减排中应有所作为.农业是惟一生产生物质的产业,在我国的节能减排及向低碳经济战略转型中,生物质能可发挥重大作用,也能成为生态农业的新内涵.  相似文献   

The thaxtomin phytotoxins (1 and 2) from scab-producing Streptomyces pathogens of the potato are 2,5-dioxopiperazines consisting of modified l-tryptophanyl and l-phenylalanyl units. Thaxtomin A (1) is hydroxylated at C-14, the alpha carbon of the modified l-phenylalanyl moiety. Refluxing thaxtomin A in acidified MeOH, EtOH, and i-PrOH afforded C-14 thaxtomin A methyl- (3a and 3b), ethyl- (4a and 4b), and isopropyl- (5a and 5b) ethers, respectively, in both the 11S,14R (3a, 4a, and 5a) and 11S,14S (3b, 4b, and 5b) configurations. Crystal structures were determined for 3a and 4a. Extensive NMR as well as other spectroscopic data supported structural assignments for all of the derivatives. The 11S,14R-configured derivatives were slightly less potent than the natural products (1 and 2) as inhibitors of lettuce seedling root growth, whereas the activity of the 11S,14S epimers was much reduced, indicating that the configuration at C-14 found in the naturally occurring thaxtomins is essential for biological activity. Among the 11S,14R-configured compounds, potency decreased with an increasing size of the substituted alkoxy group.  相似文献   

Among the pesticides, soil fumigation (3, 5), particularly with chlorinated and brominated chemicals, is widely used for soil sterilization, chiefly for killing nematodes and root-rot fungi. Besides having nematocidal action, the fumigants interact chemically (1) and biologically (4) with soil components with beneficial and sometimes adverse results. Several mechanisms (2) of fumigant damage to roots and interference with availability of nutrients have been reported, While considerable information is available on the individual effects of fertilizers and fumigants on plants, not much is known about the interactions of the fumigants with fertilizers as measured by nutrient availability in soil, growth of plants, and phytotoxicity, A study, therefore, was undertaken to evaluate the effects of 1, 2 dibromo-3-chloropropane, commonly known as nemagon, and the more commonly used fertilizers on the growth of tomato plants.  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected from a field with a long‐term (10 yr) oily wastewater application history, containing 70 mg g–1 of oil and grease and an accumulation of heavy metals, and also from a short‐term (1 yr) wastewater application involving different rates of waste, tillage, and nitrogen (N) fertilization. Prior to ATP extraction, the soils were incubated at 22 °C and a water potential of –60 kPa for 21 d and 2 d for the long‐ and short‐term trials, respectively. The light emitted from the bioluminescence reaction was partly quenched in the extract of steam‐sterilized long‐term waste‐treated soil, and curvilinearly responded to the addition of ATP at concentrations higher than 4 ng ATP per assay in contrast to the linear response from the pure extractant and the extract of control soil. Calibration curves developed from the extracts of steam‐sterilized soils were used for calculating ATP in that given soil. ATP determined in the long‐term treated soil was as high as 3201 ng (g soil)–1. Still, residual oil to ATP concentration ratio was about an order of magnitude higher in the long‐ than in the short‐term waste‐treated soil, reflecting the accumulation of recalcitrant material. In the short‐term treated soils, ATP ranged from 355 to 760 ng (g soil)–1 and responded to the rate of waste application, tillage, and fertilization. The use of ATP measurement has potential for assessing land management effects and developing tillage and fertilization recommendations for enhanced biodegradation of the oil waste.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope  Environmental pollution caused by arsenic (As) is a major ecological problem. There has been intense worldwide effort to find As-hyperaccumulating plants that can be used in phytoremediation—the green-plant-assisted removal of chemical pollutants from soils. For phytoremediation, it is natural to prefer cultivated rather than wild plants, because their agriculture is well known. This study was conducted to evaluate the tolerance of common sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.) and sugar sorghum(Sorghum saccharatum Pers.) for soil-As contents of 10–100 mg As kg-1 soil, with sodium arsenite as a model contaminant. Methods  Plants were grown in a growth chamber for 30 days. Microfield experiments were conducted on experimental plots. To study the phytoremediation effect of the auxins indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), we treated 1- and 3-day-old plant seedlings with water solutions of the auxins (concentrations 10-5, 10-7, and 10-9 g l-1). The soil and plant-biomass samples were analyzed for total As by using the color reaction of ammonium molybdate with As. Results and Discussion  Phytotoxicity studies showed that 100 mg As kg-1 soil poisoned sunflower and sorghum growth by 50%. There was a linear correlation between soil-As content and As accumulation in the plants. Laboratory experiments showed that the soil-As content was reduced two- to threefold after sunflower had been grown with 10–100 mg As kg-1 soil for 30 days. Treatment of sunflower and sorghum seedlings with IAA and 2,4-D at a concentration of 10-5 g l-1 in microfield experiments enhanced the phytoremediation two- to fivefold as compared with untreated control plants. The best results were obtained with 3-day-old seedlings. Conclusion, Recommendation and Outlook  (a) Sunflower and sorghum are good candidates to remediate As-polluted soils. (b) Phytoremediation can be improved with IAA or 2,4-D. (c) Mixed cropping of sorghum and sunflower may be another way of improving phytoremediation.  相似文献   

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