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Guayule is a new crop being commercialized for hypoallergenic latex production. Because natural processes that occur in the plant following harvest, notably dehydration, result in rapid loss of latex and immediate processing of guayule shrub for latex on a commercial scale is not feasible, storage conditions that maintain latex concentration and yield need to be established. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of different storage conditions on the extractable latex, total rubber, resin, and guayulin A and B contents, and extractable latex, total rubber, and resin yields in harvested guayule shrub. The experiment was established using plants transplanted into the field at the University of Arizona Maricopa Agricultural Center, Maricopa, AZ, USA, on 22 March 2001. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. Two germplasm lines (11591 and AZ-2) were used for this experiment. Twenty plants of each line were harvested six times (November 2002, March 2003, July 2003, November 2003, March 2004, and July 2004) from each field plot. Two plants of each line were randomly assigned to each of 10 storage treatment combinations reflecting wet, dry, or wet alternated with dry conditions prior to chipping for latex extraction. Extractable latex content, total rubber content, resin content, and guayulin A and B contents were determined after storage and compared with freshly harvested shrub. Plant biomass, latex yield, rubber yield, and resin yield were also determined and compared with fresh harvested shrub. AZ-2 was significantly lower in latex, rubber, and guayulin A content than 11591, and significantly higher in biomass, latex yield, rubber yield, resin content, resin yield, and guayulin B content. The results from this study show that moist storage of harvested shrub prior to dry chipping allows a higher yield of latex. Storing the shrub under moist conditions may allow more flexible harvesting and processing schedules, by limiting post-harvest latex losses and increasing the time interval between harvesting and processing.  相似文献   

Plant breeding in guayule, a rubber and latex producing plant, has not been as effective as predicted or desired. A surprisingly large amount of variability has been reported in this apomictic crop for traits such as plant height, width, resin, rubber, and latex contents. This study was designed to calculate the proportion of the total measured variability due to the environment and the proportion due to genetic influences within and between three-released germplasm lines. Plant heights were measured at 1, 2 and 3-years-of-age; plant width, and latex contents at 2 and 3-years-of-age; and resin and rubber content at 2-years-of-age. Broad-sense-heritabilities were estimated for each trait and year by dividing the genotypic by the total variance. To estimate the genetic component of the measured variance for each trait, the environment effects (variance from clonally propagated plants) were subtracted from the total variance (variance from open-pollinated (OP) seed propagated plants). In general, the variances of the means for the measured traits were lower in the clonally propagated plants compared with the apomictic OP seed propagated plants. The heritability estimates calculated for each trait differed from year to year. For instance, heritability for plant height was estimated in line AZ-2 to be 0.84 at 1 year of age; 0.47 at 2 years of age; and 0.0 at 3 years of age. These values imply that a large portion of the observed variation in this line is attributed to genetic effects in the first 2 years of growth. As the plant grows over several seasons, the environment effects compound, masking the genetic effects, making effective selection choices more difficult. Heritability for latex content for the same line was estimated to be 0.97 for the second year and 0.55 for the third year. Selections for the measured traits in this study appear to be most effective during the first and second years of growth, with effectiveness diminishing during the third year. Most selections previous to this study were performed between 3 and 5 years of growth, thus suggesting one reason for the lack of significant progress in most breeding programs.  相似文献   

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray), a native of the Chihuahuan desert, produces the majority of its rubber during the winter months. Increased rubber production is thought to be induced by cold night temperatures, but the factors involved in rubber induction are not completely understood. The purpose of this study was to answer three questions about rubber production in the winter: (1) how do immature plants (<180 days) respond to cold night temperatures?; (2) how is rubber production in mature plants (≈1 year) related to night temperature?; and (3) what is the relationship between carbon exchange and rubber production under cold night temperatures? Plants were grown in differentially heated enclosures over three consecutive winters. The warm-night plants were exposed to simulated summer night temperatures and the cold-night plants to ambient winter night temperatures. Plant responses to different night temperatures were monitored by measuring growth, carbon exchange, fresh and dry weight, and resin and rubber production. Immature plants exposed to cold nights had higher rubber concentration than the warm-night plants only in the first year, which had the lowest night temperatures. For the mature plants, dry weight was not significantly different between treatments, but rubber concentration and yield were significantly greater in the cold-night than the warm-night plants. Plants in both treatments had similar carbon exchange rates. Therefore, the similarity in dry weight between treatments was most likely due to increased growth in the warm-night plants and increased rubber deposition in the cold-night plants. Rubber concentration was significantly related to night temperature in both mature and immature plants and appears to be stimulated most by temperatures below 10 °C.  相似文献   

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is a source of high quality low-allergenic natural rubber. It is a relatively new crop in Australia and optimum plant density for seed production has not been established. The objective of the current experiment was to examine whether seed yield, mass and size are affected by plant population. The effect of plant population on seed yield, mass and size was investigated by planting guayule (AZ-2) at 4444, 8300, 12,500 and 25,000 plants/ha. Data were collected at 16 and 28 months after planting. Seed was harvested manually multiple times over 4 weeks each year following the main flowering period in spring. Harvested seed was threshed and clean seed yield was compared among different plant populations. Seed quality attributes were also compared in terms of 1000-seed mass and seed size. Lowest plant population of 4444 plants/ha provided the highest yield at 28 months but was the lowest yielding at 16 months because the plants had not yet reached full size to compensate for the wider spacing. However, at both ages this treatment produced heavier and larger seeds. The difference in yield or seed mass and size between plant populations ranging from 8300 to 25,000 plants/ha was not significant. Overall results of the study demonstrated that seed yield and seed size, which is important in direct seeding could be affected by plant population.  相似文献   

A 4 year study was conducted to determine the effect of planting date, spacing and potassium on the incidence of hollow heart in Norgold Russet. Hollow heart occurred in 3 of the 4 years; ranging from 5.7 to 45.9% in 1965, 8.2 to 24.1% in 1966 and 0.3 to 3.9% in 1968. depending on treatment. Based on the 4-year averages close spacing, early planting and potassium reduced hollow heart when weather conditions werefavorable for development. Of these treatments close spacing was the most effective control, and planting date was the least consistent in its effect of the factors sudied. In two of the years there was an association between increased numbers of tubers, increased yields and a lower percentage of hollow heart.  相似文献   

We estimated potential irrigation requirements for potato production in Aroostook County, Maine. These requirements were computed from a Plant Water Deficit (PWD) index based on readily available streamflow and climatic parameters. Actual evapotranspiration (AET) figures for specified time periods were assumed to equal the differences between rainfall and runoff. Runoff was computed from differences between streamflow and baseflow for the Aroostook River. Potential evapotranspiration (PET) was computed by the Thomthwaite method. The PWD was established as the difference between PET and AET. The yearly PWD index was then equal to the accumulation of 5-day average values for the PET-AET for each of 30 years of data. Similar computations were made for 10-and 20-day intervals. A yearly temperature index based on Growing Degree Day (GDD) units was also computed. Potato yields were then compared to PWD and GDD values. Results show PWD figures ranging from 11.74 cm to 25.78 cm. There was a highly significant negative correlation existing between PWD and potato yield.  相似文献   

Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum Sendt.) production is often constrained by prevailing sub-optimal temperature conditions. The treatments that enhance earliness and extend availability period may substantially increase value of the crop. This two-year study (2010–11 and 2011–12) was conducted to investigate the comparative effect of two growing environments (open field vs. polyhouse), three planting dates (15 October, 30 October, and 15 November), and four mulch treatments (black polythene, clear polythene, paddy straw, and no-mulch) on growth and yield of bell pepper. The highest fruit number, fruit weight, early yield, marketable yield, and total yield were obtained when the crop was planted in the polyhouse on 30 October under black polythene mulch. Thus, the use of polyhouse and black plastic mulch, when combined with appropriate planting date, improves early and total yields of bell pepper in areas where the production is constrained by sub-optimal temperature conditions.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2001,71(3):183-193
Light attenuation within a row crop such as maize is influenced by canopy architecture, which has to be defined in terms of the size, shape and orientation of shoot components. Cultural practices that improve the efficiency of light interception affect canopy architecture by modifying such components. Our objectives were to: (i) determine the nature and timing of leaf growth responses to plant population and row spacing; (ii) analyze light attenuation within fully developed maize canopies. Field experiments were conducted at Pergamino (33°56′S, 60°34′W) and Salto (34°33′S, 60°33′W), Argentina, during 1996/1997 and 1997/1998 on silty clay loam soils (Typic Argiudoll) that were well watered and fertilized. Four maize hybrids of contrasting plant type were grown at three plant populations (3, 9 and 12 plants m−2) and two row spacings (0.35 and 0.70 m). Plant population promoted larger changes in shoot organs than did row spacing. As from early stages of crop growth, leaf growth (V6–V8) and azimuthal orientation (V10–V11) were markedly affected by treatments. Modifications in shoot size and leaf orientation suggest shade avoidance reactions, probably triggered by a reduction in the red:far-red ratio of light within the canopy. An interaction between hybrid and plant rectangularity on leaf azimuthal distribution was determined, with one hybrid displaying a random azimuthal leaf distribution under most conditions. This type of hybrid was defined as rigid. The other hybrids showed modified azimuthal distribution of leaves in response to plant rectangularity, even at very low plant populations. These hybrids were defined as plastic. Once maximum leaf area index (LAI) was attained light attenuation did not vary among hybrids and row spacing for plant populations ≥9 plants m−2 (k coefficient: 0.55 and 0.65 for 9 and 12 plants m−2, respectively). A more uniform plant distribution increased light attenuation (k coefficient: 0.37–0.49) only when crop canopies did not reach the critical LAI.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank and Kennebec potatoes were evaluated over 5 years at 3 planting dates, 3 plant spacings, and 3 nitrogen rates. Delayed planting significantly reduced Russet Burbank yield, but did not effect Kennebec yield. Both varieties exhibited reduced specific gravity of tubers with delayed planting. Spacings between 38 and 56 cm for Russet Burbank and 20 and 38 cm for Kennebec had no significant effect on yields of “A” size tubers, but wider spacing reduced specific gravity of tubers. No yield advantage occurred with nitrogen application greater than 134 kg N/ha. Increased nitrogen application reduced specific gravity of tubers. Significant differences in the N, P, and K levels of leaves, petioles, and tubers were observed due to some treatments.  相似文献   

Summary Powdery scab incidence and severity was examined on six potato cultivars planted at two different dates in a naturally infested field. There were two sub-plots; one where seed was exposed prior to planting to spores ofSpongospora subterranea from scabby peels, which were then added to the furrow at planting, and another where seed was exposed only to natural inoculum within the field. The later planting data reduced incidence and severity, but there were no differences between sub-plots. All cultivars became infected, but ‘Rosa’ was the most susceptible and ‘Katahdin’ the most resistant. Contribution No. 1720, Department of Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station. Authorized for publication September 22, 1988 as Journal Series Paper No. 8007.  相似文献   

The influence of soybean (Glycine max) planting date on seasonal epidemics of frogeye leaf spot caused by Cercospora sojina and on grain yield, was evaluated during the 1991 and 1992 cropping seasons. Two susceptible (Samsoy 1 and TGx 849-313D) and one resistant (TGx 996-26E) soybean cultivars were used in field trials at Zonkwa, in the southern Kaduna state of Nigeria. Four field plantings were made at 14-day intervals from late May to mid0July. For each planting date, half the plots received foliar applications of benomyl at R1 and R3 growth stages, and the other half was untreated. Frogeye disease severity ratings were taken for all plots at R4 to R5 growth stages, and grain yield for each plot was measured at harvest. There was a significant (p < 0.05) increase in disease severity between the first and third plantings on the two susceptible cultivars in 1991, and on TGx 849-313D only in 1992. Corresponding yield reductions for the two susceptible cultivars averaged 13 and 31% for the treated and untreated plots, respectively, with each 2-week delay beyond the first planting date in 1991, and 5 and 6%, respectively, in 1992. There was no significant difference in disease among all treatments on the resistant cultivar, TGx 996-26E. Under Nigerian conditions, an increase in frogeye leaf spot severity can be expected with delayed planting of soybean after 1 June, and this can result in a corresponding loss of crop yield.  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an annual crop currently being investigated for biofuel production in the arid southwest United States (U.S.). Sweet sorghum is an ideal candidate because it can be grown under reduced inputs (water, fertilizer) and responds more efficiently to stresses than traditional crops. Many varieties have been bred for high sugar, syrup, and forage production, but much biodiversity still remains to be utilized.Studies performed in 2006 and 2007 found that high biomass and percent juice extracted were the best predictors of potential ethanol yield per area. This investigation was undertaken to determine what effects planting dates have on overall sugar and predicted ethanol yields.Four varieties (Dale, M81E, Theis, and Topper) were planted in April, May, June, and July of 2008. They were harvested at physiological maturity, with dates ranging from August 26 to December 2. Biomass, juice weight, and Brix of the juice were recorded in the field. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for fructose, glucose, and sucrose.Theoretical ethanol yields were calculated based on biomass, juice weight, and percent sugar. These were compared to actual yields obtained from laboratory-scale fermentations of the harvested juice, which ranged from 7.4% to 11.2% (58.1-88.6 g L−1). Since our predictive model uses the maximum conversion rate of sugar to ethanol and this was not reached in the lab, the predicted yields were always higher than the actual yields. However, the model can be a useful tool for estimating ethanol yield per area.Total sugars and predicted ethanol production were influenced by planting date, but the degree of the effects depended on the cultivar planted. Overall a May planting date at this location is preferable due to consistently higher values for the yield components analyzed, and Theis is not recommended due to its high susceptibility to heat. Sweet sorghum juice has been successfully fermented into ethanol, which indicates this crop may be able to play a transitory role in the emerging biofuel market.  相似文献   

Crop management plays an important role in the transition from a deepwater rice to a flooded rice production system but information about optimum management strategies are currently lacking. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of planting date and variety on flooded rice production in the deepwater area of Thailand. Two experiments were conducted at the Bang Taen His Majesty Private Development Project in 2009 and 2010 to represent conditions prior to flooding (early rainy season) and after flooding (dry season). The early rainy season crop covered the period from May to October 2009, while the dry season crop covered the period from November 2009 to April 2010. The experimental design was a split plot with four main plots and three sub plots replicated four times. The treatments for the main plot were various planting dates, while the treatments for the sub plots were rice varieties. The dates of the critical developmental phases of rice were recorded and biomass was sampled during the growing period. The collected data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and treatment means were compared to identify the appropriate plating date and the best variety for the area. The highest average yield was obtained for variety PSL2 across transplanting dates from June 19 to July 23, with an average yield of 3898 kg ha−1. The dry season crop showed that both biomass and yield were affected by the interaction between planting date and variety. The highest yield was obtained for variety PTT1 transplanted on November 9. The research showed that the variety PSL2 is the most suitable variety for early rainy season production with a transplanting date ranging from June 19 to July 23, while the variety PTT1 planted on November 9 was the best management practice for the dry season crop. However, a high yielding flooded rice variety that has a short growth duration is still needed for this area.  相似文献   

Narrow brown leaf spot (NBLS) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) is caused by Cercospora janseana (Racib). O. Const. (Synonyms: Cercospora oryzae Miyake, Passalora janseana Racib. U.). Experimental studies were conducted at Rice Research Station, Louisiana State University, and Agricultural Center, Crowley, to manage NBLS by fungicide application of propiconazole at different growth stages of rice cultivars having different susceptibility levels to NBLS in different planting dates. Results of these studies revealed that April (early) had less NBLS severity as compared to May (late) planting. Very susceptible cultivars, CL131 and Cheniere, had the highest and resistant cultivars, Della and Presidio, had the lowest NBLS severity at both the planting dates. Propiconazole application significantly reduced the NBLS severity in comparison to untreated. Fungicide application at panicle initiation was the most effective time to manage NBLS on the very susceptible and susceptible cultivars at both planting dates. NBLS on moderately susceptible cultivars was best managed by applying fungicide either at panicle initiation or early boot stage in early planting but panicle initiation was the best time to apply fungicide in late planting. Resistant cultivars did not need fungicide in April planting but did need in May planting. Rice yield was determined to be higher in April than May planting. Fungicide application at early boot stage protected the yield by 9.4% in April planting and 34.2% when applied at panicle initiation in May. Susceptible cultivar, Cheniere, exhibited the greatest yield and resistant cultivars had lowest yield in both the planting dates regardless of its susceptibility level to NBLS. Yield of very susceptible to susceptible cultivars was reduced in late planting but no effect was observed on yield of moderately susceptible and resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that field greening of potato tubers can be minimized by planting seedpieces at an appropriate depth along with sufficient hilling to minimize exposure to sunlight. The appropriate planting depth and hilling practices to minimize field tuber greening have not been determined for newer cultivars. Two separate studies, each conducted for three years, are reported here. The first measured the effect of seedpiece planting depth on the yield, quality, and field greening tuber yield of ‘Russet Burbank’, ‘Frontier Russet’, and ‘Shepody’ potatoes. Seedpieces were handplanted in pre-formed hills at 8, 15, or 23 cm measured from the top of the seedpiece to the top of the hill. Planting at 23 cm resulted in significantly lower total yield compared with the 8- and 15-cm depths for Russet Burbank and Frontier Russet, but planting depth did not affect total yield of Shepody. U.S. No. 1 yield of Russet Burbank was not affected by planting depth, but U.S. No. 1 yield of Frontier Russet was significantly less at the 23-cm depth. For Shepody, the 8-cm depth caused a significant reduction in U.S. No. 1 yield compared with the 15-cm depth. Field greening tuber yield of Russet Burbank was significantly less at the 23-cm planting depth compared to 8 cm. For Frontier Russet and Shepody, planting at 15 or 23 cm resulted in significantly less field tuber greening compared to the 8-cm depth. The second experiment examined the effects of planting depth and hilling practices on yield, quality, and field tuber greening of Russet Burbank and Gem Russet potatoes. Six planting depth and hilling treatment combinations were used. Seedpieces were planted at a depth of either 8 or 15 cm, then hilled to either 15 or 23 cm at emergence or after plants had formed a rosette of leaves approximately 10 cm in diameter (post-emergence hilling). At-emergence hilling treatments had no effect on total or U.S. No. 1 yields of Russet Burbank compared with the 15-cm planting depth, non-hilled control. However, all post-emergence hilling treatments significantly reduced Russet Burbank total and U.S. No. 1 yields. Planting Russet Burbank at 8 cm and hilling to 23 cm at emergence, or planting at 8 or 15 cm and hilling to 23 cm post-emergence reduced field tuber greening of Russet Burbank. The effects of planting depth and hilling on Gem Russet total and U.S. No. 1 yields were less definitive than for Russet Burbank, and no treatments significantly reduced field tuber greening yield compared with the control.  相似文献   

N. Ioannou 《Potato Research》1989,32(3):331-339
Summary Field experiments during 1984–6 tested the effects of planting date on the development of aphid infestations and the spread of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) in rogued or unrogued plots of potatoes, cv. Spunta. Plantings were made each month from December to April, the customary time for planting being February. Aphid infestation in early-planted plots was severe throughout the growing season; plots planted in February were also severely infested early in the growing season but the populations later gradually declined to undetectable levels. Nevertheless, the incidence of PLRV in the latter plots was as high as in those planted in December-January. Late-planted crops escaped aphid infestation and PLRV infection, either in part (March planting) or completely (April planting). Such crops, however, were uneconomical due to poor yields and heavy losses from potato tuber moth infestation. Roguing significantly reduced the spread of PLRV in all years but its interaction with planting date was insignificant.  相似文献   

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