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Multiple Allium accessions (garlic, and wild and ornamental Allium species) were screened for resistance using Penicillium allii and A. sativum (positive control). Single accessions of A. aflatunense, A. atroviolaceum, A. stipitatum, and Allium sp. remained asymptomatic. Single accessions of A. roseum and A. senescens, two accessions each of A. acuminatum and A. ampeloprasum and a single accession of A. moly displayed lesion expansion rates not exceeding 22%, 26%, 46%, 50%, 61%, 67% and 67%, respectively, of positive controls. Single accessions of A. sativum var. ophioscordon and A. scorodoprasum displayed rates not exceeding 68% and 55%, respectively, of positive controls with deep wounding, but did not consistently differ with shallow wounding. Accessions of A. canadense, A. sativum or A. longicuspis did not differ, differed inconsistently, or differed insubstantially from positive controls. Lesion expansion rates for A. acuminatum, A. ponticum and A. scorodoprasum were significantly less than in positive controls, but their small bulbs often rotted completely. Results document publicly available germplasm possessing significant resistance to P. allii. 相似文献
芝麻资源核心收集品的建立 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
通过对预选出的884 份芝麻资源核心收集品农艺性状的进一步鉴定核查和修正之后,采用离差平方和法分组进行系统聚类分析,依据决选核心收集品数量为预选核心品的50% 的原则、并考虑组间遗传多样性差异,随机挑选出453 份核心资源,建立了中国芝麻资源核心收集品。对453 份核心收集品代表性分析结果表明:核心资源的株型、花色等10 个非数值型性状共35 种表现型各占比例与预选核心品基本一致,含油量、千粒重等4 个数量性状的均值,标准差等6 个特征值与预选品相近 相似文献
为鉴定评价我国向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)种质资源在南方地区的表现,筛选构建向日葵核心种质,以422份向日葵种质为材料,在进行2年鉴定观察的基础上,采用描述性统计、相关性分析、主成分分析等方法对11个表型农艺性状进行分析评价。结果表明,原始群体的这些农艺性状具有较大的变异幅度,其变异系数(CV)为3.60%~83.32%,平均变异系数为20.93%,其中分枝株率(0%~62.5%)、单株粒重(9.70~232.35 g)、百粒重(4.60~14.92 g)、叶片数(14.40~48.38个)和株高(103.75~260.00 cm)变异幅度较大;性状间表现出显著的相关性,主成分分析表明,影响性状的4个主要成分解释了总方差的71.72%。采用QGAstation 2.0软件构建了72组核心种质候选群体,并根据均值差异百分数(MD)、方差差异百分率(VD),极差符合率(CR)和变异系数百分率(VR),获得组获得1组包含84份材料的最佳核心种质群体。聚类分析将84份核心资源分为5大类,与原群体相比,所选核心种质均值无显著差异,方差显著提高,能最大限度代表原始油葵种质资源保存和利用。 相似文献
Ming-Hsuan Chen Christine J. Bergman Shannon R.M. Pinson Robert G. Fjellstrom 《Journal of Cereal Science》2008,48(3):781-788
Associations between RVA pasting properties and three single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sites in the Waxy gene intron 1, exon 6, and exon 10 were determined using rice genotypes of diverse geographic origin. A total of four SNP-haplotypes (combination of SNP alleles) were identified that explained high proportions of the variation in RVA pasting properties (R2 = 0.574–0.704). A haplotype containing DNA sequence variation in exon 10 (exon 10 cytosine nucleotide) was exclusively found in high-apparent amylose content (AAC) genotypes with a higher RVA viscosity profile compared to the high AAC genotypes with a different haplotype. The exon 10 SNP explained variances in coolpaste and setback (coolpaste–hotpaste) to 0.642 and 0.499, respectively. Across three haplotypes, which contained exon 10 adenine nucleotide, AAC was correlated with peak, hotpaste, breakdown and setback (coolpaste–hotpaste) at r = −0.85, −0.75, −0.79, and 0.49, respectively. Therefore, the exon 10 SNP differentiates high AAC types with a strong RVA profile and thus can be used by molecular breeding programs focused on quality improvement. Additionally, characterizing genotypes by their functional SNPs allowed us to better understand the relationship between the Waxy gene, its chemical product (i.e., AAC) and the functionality created by the product (i.e., pasting properties). 相似文献
湖北地方茶树种质资源中酯型儿茶素含量研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以26份湖北地方茶树种质资源为供试材料,采用高效液相色谱分析检测其春、夏、秋茶中CG、ECG、GCG、EGCG等4种主要酯型儿茶素组分含量。结果表明,CG、ECG、EGCG和酯型儿茶素总量在不同季节中的平均含量顺序为夏茶春茶秋茶,GCG的顺序为春茶夏茶秋茶;在春、夏、秋茶中,绝大部分茶树种质资源酯型儿茶素组分含量间表现出的变化趋势为EGCGGCGECGCG。各茶树种质资源春、夏、秋茶中酯型儿茶素的变异系数在13.21%~36.99%之间,季节间的变辐较小,个体间的变幅较大。基于酯型儿茶素的年均含量聚类分析显示,第2类群中CG和ECG含量高,第4类群中GCG和酯型儿茶素总量含量高。鄂茶7号、五峰310、五峰602、宣恩65等4个资源的夏茶和五峰108的夏茶、秋茶、年平均EGCG含量均在9.0%以上,可视为高EGCG茶树种质资源,可在今后育种和生产中加以利用。 相似文献
采用叶片电解质外渗法和匍匐茎恢复生长试验法,对37份国产海雀稗种质资源和6份海雀稗引进品种进行抗寒性鉴定。电解质渗出率测定结果表明,在0~-8℃之间的低温胁迫下,随着温度的降低,电解质渗出率快速地升高;在-8~-12℃之间,电解质渗出率上升比较缓慢,在-12~-16℃之间,上升非常缓慢,逐渐趋于稳定。不同材料间的抗寒性LT50存在较大的遗传变异,变异范围为-0.09~-7.24℃,国产海雀稗种质资源中P049、P042、P013、P018-2和P058的LT50低于-5℃,其中P049的LT_(50)最低(-7.24℃),低于所有引进的对照品种。匍匐茎恢复试验的测定结果表明,-16℃低温胁迫后,所有参试材料都不能恢复生长。0~-12℃低温处理后,不同材料的恢复生长能力也存在较大的遗传变异,总萌芽率的变异范围为10%~46.7%。其中P055(1)在0~-12℃低温处理后都能恢复,抗寒性最好;其次为P033,在0~-8℃均可以恢复,且恢复生长率均在75%以上,总萌芽率最高。P055(1)和P033的恢复生长百分率高于所有引进对照品种。 相似文献
东北大豆种质资源株型和产量性状的生态特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为明确东北大豆产量相关性状(地上部生物量、产量、表观收获指数、主茎荚数)和株型相关性状(株高、主茎节数、分枝数目、倒伏程度)生态特性及各亚区改良方向,本研究采用1916-2012年间搜集或育成的东北地区代表性资源361份,于2012-2014年在东北4个生态亚区的9个代表性地点进行试验研究(Ⅰ亚区:北安、扎兰屯,Ⅱ亚区:克山、牡丹江、佳木斯、长春,Ⅲ亚区:大庆、白城,Ⅳ亚区:铁岭)。(1)将品种在所有环境下的平均值作为该品种的综合值,用以作为与生态区值比较的标准。结果表明:东北大豆群体及各熟期组在各生态区产量和株型性状的差异虽达到显著水平,但绝对差异并不大。第Ⅰ亚区主要包括黑龙江和内蒙古北部地区,东北大豆群体在该亚区的特点是植株高大主茎荚数偏低(仅为其它亚区值的一半左右);第Ⅱ亚区主要包括黑龙江中南部至吉林省长春地区,东北大豆群体在该亚区的特点是株型高大但倒伏问题突出;第Ⅲ亚区包括黑龙江西南至吉林省东北部缺水地区,东北大豆群体在该亚区的特点是植株矮小,主茎节数降低,但产量、主茎荚数和表观收获指数均较好;第Ⅳ亚区主要包括辽宁省大部地区,东北大豆群体在该亚区的特点是植株矮小,表观收获指数偏低、产量略低的特点。(2)通过将大豆按照产量高低分为3组(低产、中产、高产),讨论不同亚区不同产量类型大豆改良的方向及该亚区改良进展及理想的高产株型。结果表明:产量改良应通过改良地上部生物量来实现,不同亚区不同产量类型改良的方向略有不同。第Ⅰ亚区将中产型改良为高产型应重视主茎节数的增加,本地区高产品种应注意改良地上部生物量和主茎荚数,本群体在这两个性状优势有限;第Ⅱ亚区各产量类型改良均应注重主茎节数和株高的改良,中产型改良为高产型应重点关注主茎节数;第Ⅲ亚区改良与地上部生物量相关的株高、主茎、分枝性状均能改良各产量类型;第Ⅳ亚区应注意改良当地品种表观收获指数。根据各亚区内群体高产品种及当地适宜熟期组高产品种的株型特点,提出了不同亚区的高产株型,同时筛选出一批各生态亚区内高产品种供育种利用。 相似文献
Ming-Hsuan Chen Christine Bergman Shannon Pinson Robert Fjellstrom 《Journal of Cereal Science》2008,47(3):536-545
Apparent amylose content (AAC), the key determinant of rice end-use quality attributes, is primarily controlled by the Waxy gene which codes for granule bound starch synthase (GBSS). We examined the combination of sequence variation in the Waxy gene and environmental effects, and their associations with AAC using 171 rice accessions originating from 43 countries. The combination of two single-nucleotide-polymorphism (SNP) markers in the Waxy gene allows for the identification of three marker haplotypes in this gene. The first SNP is at the leader intron splice site (In1 SNP), and the second polymorphism is in exon 6. The haplotypes explained 86.7% of the variation in AAC and discriminated the three market classes of low, intermediate and high AAC rice from each other. The environment affected the AAC of all haplotypes. Higher air temperature during grain development associated with a decrease in AAC of low and intermediate AAC-types, but with an increase in AAC of high AAC-type. The association of AAC with several Waxy RM190 microsatellite-(CTn) alleles in combination with the In1 SNP was also examined. In conclusion, the Waxy haplotypes studied appear to be useful markers for selecting the AAC of breeding lines developed from the world's rice germplasm. 相似文献
Yellow mosaic disease (YMD) of black gram is an important production constraint in India. Black gram germplasm, consisting of 344 accessions, originally collected from different geographic regions of India and conserved in National Gene Bank at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, India, were evaluated for their response against YMD. None of the accessions tested was found to be immune, however, considerable variation in disease response was observed among them. Of the 344 accessions, 32 showed resistance in the field during the rainy season (June–September) 2010 as assessed by coefficient of infection (CI) and area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). These accessions were re-evaluated during rainy season (June–September) 2011 and 2012 for their disease resistance along with yield-associated characters. Eight accessions that exhibited consistently highly resistant (HR) or resistant (R) reaction (CI ≤ 9) along with lower AUDPC value (≤650), were further evaluated following inoculation with whiteflies or via agroinoculation. Along with the resistant trait, these eight accessions were also found either similar or even better in their yield potential as compared to check. After artificial inoculation using viruliferous whiteflies under glasshouse, of the eight field-resistant accessions, response of two (IC144901 and IC001572) were categorized as HR as <10% plants exhibited minute yellow specks after 17–22 dpi. Two accessions viz. IC011613 and IC485638 showed <20% incidence with bright yellow specks or spots after 15–20 dpi and were grouped into R category. The resistance of these four accessions was further confirmed through agroinoculation of the infectious cloned viral DNA under controlled conditions. In resistant accessions low accumulation of viral DNA was observed over a period of time. These four accessions could be used in future breeding programmes to develop black gram cultivars resistant to YMD or could be used directly as varieties to manage YMD after adaption to various agro-climatic regions. 相似文献
高酯型儿茶素含量的茶树资源筛选研究 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
以福建省茶树品种园780份资源为试验材料,依外部形态特征初步筛选出45份较有希望的品种或株系。用等度高效液相色谱法,分析检测这45个品种或株系的春梢、夏梢、秋梢酯型儿茶素含量,筛选高酯型儿茶素含量的茶树特异资源。结果表明:新梢酯型儿茶素含量在不同品种、株系间差异很大;春梢、夏梢、秋梢的酯型儿茶素含量变化范围分别为5.21%~24.03%、3.05%~20.31%、2.89%~19.66%,平均值分别为16.08%、14.73%、9.96%,变异系数分别为22.26%、24.10%、40.76%。同一品种或株系新梢的酯型儿茶素含量呈季节性变化,大多数(约71.11%)表现为:春梢>夏梢>秋梢。有5个品种、株系(033、505、509、524、1005),春、夏、秋三季,酯型儿茶素平均含量高于19%,为超常规水平的高酯型儿茶素茶树特异资源,可作为品质遗传改良或直接应用于提取酯型儿茶素的重要材料。有8个品种、株系[033、505、509、510(1)、510(2)、524、1001、1005]新梢酯型儿茶素含量在儿茶素总量中所占比例高达80%以上(一般品种为68%),可作为提取茶多酚、儿茶素的特种材料。 相似文献
优质稻核心种质绿珍占8号及其衍生系统的株型和品质理想模式研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
分别对青六矮1号→绿珍占8号→绿源占衍生系统早季性状和晚季性状进行综合分析,结果表明:1)早季产量和食味品质与15项农艺性状和9项品质性状均不存在显著相关,着粒密度与垩白度、直链淀粉含量、不完善粒率呈极显著负相关,与胶稠度、粒型呈极显著正相关;2)晚季产量与结实率、穗长和剑叶长均呈极显著正相关,与倒2叶长和倒3叶长呈极显著负相关,与倒2叶宽和倒3叶宽呈极显著正相关。食味品质与垩白粒率和垩白度呈显著负相关,与胶稠度呈极显著正相关。主成分分析表明:1)早季垩白度因子对食味品质有极显著负线性关系;2)晚季穗长因子对产量有极显著正线性关系;整精米率因子对食味品质有极显著负线性关系。综合分析结果表明,华南籼稻早晚兼用型品种(系)同一套品种(系)早季种植和晚季种植时,大多数性状及其相互关系有显著差异,同一套育种材料在早季和晚季的株型和品质理想模式有显著不同。讨论了供试材料品种改良的综合育种指标。 相似文献
M K Biswas M Hossain R Islam 《中国马铃薯》2005,19(6):321-325
In vegetatively propagated crops,once system ati-cally infected w ith a viral disease,the pathogen canpassed from one generation to the next[1].Especially inpotato,contam ination by a pathogen can severely re-duce the total yield of the crop[2].Traditionally,potatovarieties have been and still m aintained in a fieldgene bank.M aintenance of potato germ plasm in thefield is a m ajor consum er of tim e,m anpower andspace aside from diseases and environm ental stresses.The m ajor disadvantage of … 相似文献