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From 1989 through to and including 1994 extensive premature defoliation of black locust ( Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was observed in a progeny test plantation in Greene County, in the Georgia Piedmont. During July 1991 and 1992, all observed trees suffered greater than 50% defoliation. Leaflets of black locust showing symptoms of leaf spotting began abscising as early as mid-June following wet springs. Onset and progress of defoliation was followed on 50 trees in two plots in 1993 and 1994. In both years, sample trees were cut at the base and allowed to regrow from sprouts. A protectant fungicide, chlorothalonil (Daconil WDG 1.5 g/l water) was applied to run-off weekly to one-half of the growing sprouts beginning 17 April through 22 August 1994 by backpack sprayer. Air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, and leaf wetness were monitored. Abscission of unprotected leaflets in 1993, a dry, hot year, began in mid-July and averaged 36% by late August; abscission of unprotected leaflets in 1994, a wet, cool year, began in mid-June and averaged 80% by late August; whereas, abscission of protected leaflets in 1994 began in late June and averaged 70% by late August. The Gompertz model described the increase of leaflet abscission with time. The estimated rate of leaflet abscission for unprotected leaflets in 1993 was significantly slower ( k = 0.056/wk) compared to the rate of abscission of unprotected leaflets in 1994 ( k =0.070/wk). Estimated rates of leaflet abscission were not significantly different between protected ( k = 0.063/wk) and unprotected trees ( k =0.070/wk) in 1994. Cumulative hours of leaf wetness of 600 h were associated with initial leaf spotting and defoliation in 1993 and in 1994. Delay in leaflet abscission of protected trees indicates that fungal infection may have contributed to premature defoliation of black locust with onset related to moisture conditions favourable for infection.  相似文献   

The structure of the columnar cells, goblet cells and peritrophic membrane was studied in the midgut of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) caterpillars fed with a suitable (Quercus cerris L.) or an unsuitable (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) host. Columnar cells in the midgut of caterpillars fed onR. pseudoacacia leaves were elongated with small nuclei, partial loss of microvilli and vacuolated cytoplasm. The number and height of goblet cells and their nuclei were greater in caterpillars fed onQ. cerris leaves in comparison with larvae fed onR. pseudoacacia leaves. Peritrophic membranes were thin and delicate in the midgut of caterpillars fed onR. pseudoacacia leaves. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 8, 2005.  相似文献   

JIAO Lei  LU Nan 《干旱区科学》2016,8(4):604-617
Black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia)is widely planted throughout the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China.The spatial distribution of this species at different ages is highly heterogeneous due to restoration and management practices.In this study,we aimed to compare the transpiration levels between different aged black locusts at the tree and stand scales,clarifying the physiological status of this species with different ages.Black locust trees with two representative age classes(12 and 28 years)were selected in the Yangjuangou catchment on the semi-arid Loess Plateau.Sap flux density(F_d)and environmental variables(solar radiation,air temperature,relative humidity and soil water content)were simultaneously monitored throughout the growing season of 2014.Tree transpiration(E_t)was the product of Fd and sapwood area(A_S),and stand transpiration(E_c)was calculated basing on the stand sap flux density(J_s)and stand total sapwood area(A_(ST)).Stomatal conductance(g_s)was measured in a controlled environment and hydraulic conductance was estimated using the relationship between transpiration rate and vapor pressure deficit(VPD).Our results showed that Et and Ec were higher in the 28-year-old stand than in the 12-year-old stand.The gs and hydraulic conductance of 28-year-old trees were also higher than those of 12-year-old trees,and the two parameters were thus the causes of variations in transpiration between different age classes.After rainfall,mean Fd increased by 9% in 28-year-old trees and by 5% in 12-year-old trees.This study thus suggests that stand age should be considered for estimating transpiration at the catchment and region scales in this area.These results provide ecophysiological evidences that the older black locust trees had more active physiological status than the younger ones in this area.These findings also provide basic information for the management of water resources and forests on the semi-arid Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

以盆栽两年生剌槐苗木为材料,测定了干旱及复水处理条件下剌槐苗木水分运输过程参数.结果表明:1)干旱胁迫对刺槐苗木体内水分运输过程影响显著;2)复水24h后,刺槐苗木体内水分运输过程参数有不同程度恢复.恢复度与苗木生理活性水平和干旱胁迫程度直接相关;3)复水24h后,刺槐苗木水分运输过程存在明显补偿现象.故应加强在干旱胁迫条件下林木的补偿效应研究,这对于节水林业和生态环境的保护都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

提要:利用56株解析木,分析了不同密度、坡向、坡位刺槐林生长分化特征。研究表明:不同密度、坡向、坡位的林分生长量、速生期长短不一,导致了林木分化。分化过程主要表现在分级木的相互转换中。刺槐林以树高、胸径表述的转换率分别为:35.7%,21.4%。将坡向按转换率从高到低的排序为:阳坡、半阳坡、阴坡。不同坡向以树高、胸径表...  相似文献   

晋西黄土区林草复合系统刺槐根系分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究晋西黄土区林草复合系统树木根系分布特征,采用钻土芯法对刺槐×天然草复合系统0-100 cm土层中刺槐根系生物量、根长和根表面积进行了测定和分析。研究结果表明:同一坡向上刺槐根系生物量、根长和根表面积分布具有相似的特征,在垂直方向上,根系生物量、根长和根表面积均随土层深度的增加呈指数减少,且集中在0~60 cm的土层中;在水平方向上,离树行越近,刺槐根系生物量、根长和根表面积均越大。不同坡向刺槐根系差异显著,相同径级、相同位置阳坡刺槐根系生物量、根长和根表面积均小于阴坡,但根系消弱系数表明阳坡刺槐细根深层土壤生物量分布比例较阴坡多。  相似文献   

Solacol®, a formulation of the antibiotic validamycin, at 0.33% in 2% malt extract agar, reduced the spread of fungi on dilution plates drastically and allowed twice as much incubation time before subculturing; this resulted in an elevated number of species isolated. Using pure cultures of 62 common soil fungi, it was shown that all fast-growing species (exceptPythium ultimum) were efficiently inhibited but not completely suppressed. Inhibition was comparable to that by 0.5% oxgall, though, while this substance completely suppressed several species, Solacol very strongly inhibited onlyGaeumannomyces graminis, Gerlachia nivalis, Harzia acremonioides, Verticillium biguttatum andRhizoctonia solani. In a further experiment each separate constituent of Solacol was tested against 22 fungi at equivalent concentrations. Validamycin strongly inhibitedChaetomium globosum and two Basidiomycetes, though hardly more than the non-ionic detergent which mainly inhibited the other fungi. A few species were, however, more inhibited by Solacol than by the detergent alone. Solacol at 0.33% is a suitable aid in dilution plating of soil fungi, by increasing the number of colonies and species observed.Samenvatting Solacol®, een formulering van het antibioticum validamycine, remde de groei van schimmels in verdunningsplaten met een concentratie van 0.33% in 2% moutagar en maakte het mogelijk de periode tot afenten met een factor 2 te verlengen; daardoor was het aantal geïsoleerde soorten duidelijk toegenomen. Met reincultures van 62 algemene grondschimmelsoorten werd aangetoond, dat alle snelgroeiende soorten (met uitzondering vanPythium ultimum) voldoende geremd, maar niet volkomen onderdrukt werden. Het remmingspercentage was vergelijkbaar met dat van 0.5% ossegal, hoewel dit laatste sommige soorten volkomen onderdrukte; Solacol remde alleenGaeumannomyces graminis, Gerlachia nivalis, Harzia acremonioides, Verticillium biguttatum enRhizoctonia solani zeer sterk. In een volgend experiment werden de componenten van Solacol t.o.v. 22 fungi apart getoetst in concentraties equivalent aan 0.33% Solacol. Validamycine remde alleenChaetomium globosum en twee basidiomyceten behoorlijk, maar nauwelijks meer dan de niet-ionische uitvloeier, die in hoofdzaak de overige remeffecten veroorzaakte. Enkele soorten werden echter door het complete Solacol veel sterker geremd dan door de uitvloeier alleen. Solacol in een verdunning van 0,33% wordt aanbevolen bij verdunningsplaten voor het isoleren van grondschimmels ten einde het aantal kolonies en soorten te verhogen.  相似文献   

为探寻具有杀螨潜力的生防真菌,采用喷雾法测定分析玫烟色虫草Cordyceps fumosorosea IF-1106菌株和球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana BB-1339菌株对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus和二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae卵、幼螨及雌成螨的致病力。结果表明,感染玫烟色虫草IF-1106菌株和球孢白僵菌BB-1339菌株后螨类的形态特征不一致,感染IF-1106菌株后形成棉絮状菌丝,而感染BB-1339菌株后则形成羊毛状菌丝。IF-1106菌株和BB-1339菌株对朱砂叶螨和二斑叶螨卵的LC50分别为2.38×107、8.26×107CFU/mL和4.48×107、1.21×108CFU/mL,对朱砂叶螨和二斑叶螨幼螨的LC50分别1.97×107、8.26×107CFU/mL和7.65×106、8.99×105...  相似文献   

A survey was carried out at nine locations in the Dutch coastal foredunes to identify the species of soil borne fungi and nematodes associated withAmmophila arenaria (Marram grass).Ammophila arenaria is a sand binding grass that is very important for the stabilization of coastal foredunes. Degeneration of the plants occurs at stabilized sites and is supposed to be caused by a combination of soil-borne fungi and nematodes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) were used to examine which fungal and nematode species usually coexist in the rhizosphere of vigorous and early declining stands ofA. arenaria. In total, 47 species of fungi and 10 genera of plant-parasitic nematodes were found. According to CCA, the community of soil organisms of stands that were more than 10 years old was significantly different from recently established stands of 3 years old. Also, the community of soil organisms isolated from calcareous locations differed significantly from that of lime-poor locations. No relationship between the vigour of the plants (vigorous vs. early declining) and the soil borne species composition was found, although in roots of vigorous stands, the number of nematodes was higher than that of early declining stands. A relatively large group of soil organisms occurred generally. This group possibly contains an ubiquitous pathocomplex that cause the growth reducing effects of biotic origin which generally occur inA. arenaria. Analysis of this group of nematodes and fungi by TWINSPAN resulted in 9 different combinations of concurring soil organisms of which 5 combinations were present at all investigated locations. Two of the latter combinations contained both nematodes and fungi. The first contained three endoparasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne maritima, Heterodera spp. andPratylenchus sp.) that concurred with the fungusMucor hiemalis. The second group containedHeterodera spp.,Telotylenchus ventralis, Filenchus sp. together with the potentially plant-pathogenic fungiMicrodochium bolleyi and Fusarium culmorum, as well as the fungiMortierella sp. andTrichoderma harzianum, all in relatively high numbers.It is concluded that both CCA and TWINSPAN are valuable exploratory techniques, especially when used in combination, to detect possible combinations of soil organisms which may be involved in the degeneration ofA. arenaria. Further identifications of harmful organisms should be obtained from experiments.  相似文献   

A survey identified viruses infecting garlic, leek and onion crops and wild Allium species in Greece. Virus identification was based on ELISA, immunoelectron microscopy, and occasionally on RT-PCR. Samples of cultivated Allium species were collected from five districts, whereas samples of twenty-seven wild Allium species were also collected from all over Greece. Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) and Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) were identified in 98.5% and 83.7% of all samples, respectively, and were found in all regions. Allexiviruses were also detected in all regions and their incidence ranged from 62.5% to 70.5% (depending on region and type of allexivirus). Garlic common latent virus (GCLV) was detected in samples from Arcadia (97.6%) and Evia (18.0%) and in one field in Larissa (23.0%). Shallot latent virus (SLV) was found only in two areas (Evros and Theva) and in fields planted with imported propagative material, from Iran and China. The incidence of virus-like symptoms in leek crops ranged from 10.0% to 90.0% in different regions and fields and all symptomatic plants were found to be infected by LYSV. Onion yellow dwarf virus was only found in seven symptomatic onion samples from southern Greece. Allium ampeloprasum spp. ampeloprasum and Allium flavum, were the only wild Allium species found to be infected with LYSV. Finally Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) was found in A. sphaerocephalon, A. guttatum, A. subhirsutum, and A. neapolitanum.  相似文献   

为有效防控新入侵我国的重大农业害虫草地贪夜蛾 Spodoptera frugiperda,采用浸叶法测定球孢白僵菌 Beauveria bassiana菌株Bb1237、 Bb201017、 Bb20091317及金龟子绿僵菌 Metarhiziumanisopliae菌株Ma189和莱氏绿僵菌 M. rileyi菌株MrCDTLJ1对草地贪夜蛾3龄幼虫的致病力,筛选对草地贪夜蛾3龄幼虫有较强致病力的菌株,并测定该菌株对草地贪夜蛾3龄幼虫的致病力和对其天敌的致死率。结果显示,球孢白僵菌Bb20091317和莱氏绿僵菌MrCDTLJ1对草地贪夜蛾3龄幼虫的累计校正死亡率显著高于其他菌株,分别为95.59%和97.06%,致死中时LT50分别为3.42 d和5.72 d, LC50分别为7.05×106个/mL和2.25×105个/mL。2种菌在高浓度1×108个/mL下对草地贪夜蛾天敌夜蛾黑卵蜂 Telenomus remus和玉米螟赤眼蜂 Trichogramma ostriniae成蜂的致死率也仅介于15%~20%之间。表明球孢白僵菌Bb20091317和莱氏绿僵菌MrCDTLJ1不仅对草地贪夜蛾有高致病力,同时与夜蛾黑卵蜂和玉米螟赤眼蜂有较好的相容性。  相似文献   

蝗虫微孢子虫Antonospora locustae是蝗虫生物防治过程中的重要病原微生物.本文主要讨论蝗虫微孢子虫基因组的研究进展,明确蝗虫微孢子虫基因组独特的压缩特征,了解蝗虫微孢子虫获取能量的途径.此外,本文对蝗虫微孢子虫在我国蝗虫的防治中的应用现状进行综述,并探讨未来基于基因组测序技术开发的治蝗新方法.  相似文献   

Inoculum density, temperature, leaf age, and wetness duration were evaluated for their effects on the development of black streak (Itersonilia perplexans) on edible burdock (Arctium lappa L.) in a controlled environment. The effect of relative humidity (RH) on ballistospores production by I. perplexans was also evaluated. Symptoms of black streak on leaves increased in a linear fashion as the inoculum density of I. perplexans increased from 102 to 106 ballistospores/ml. Rugose symptoms on young leaves were observed at densities of ≥104 ballistospores/ml. Disease severity of I. perplexans in relation to leaf age followed a degradation curve when the leaves were inoculated with ballistospores. Disease severity was high in newly emerged leaves up to 5 days old, declined as leaf age increased to 29 days, and was zero when leaf age increased from 30 to 33 days. Disease development of edible burdock plants exposed to ballistospores of I. perplexans was evaluated at various combinations of temperature (10°, 15°, 20°, 25°C) and duration of leaf wetness (12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 h). Disease was most severe when plants were in contact with the ballistospore sources at 15° or 20°C. The least amount of disease occurred at 25°C regardless of wetness duration. Ballistospores required 24–36 h of continuous leaf wetness to cause visible symptoms by infection on edible burdock. Ballistospores production in infected lesions required at least 95.5% RH.  相似文献   

陕北黄土丘陵区不同立地条件下刺槐群落的土壤质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以陕北黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域不同立地条件下的刺槐林为对象,采用综合评价法对其土壤质量进行评价。结果表明:24 a刺槐林的土壤含水量、酶活性大于14 a刺槐林;14 a刺槐林的土壤有机质、全氮、速效养分含量大于24 a刺槐林。阴坡刺槐林的土壤含水量、有机质、全氮、酶活性大于阳坡,但阳坡刺槐林的速效养分含量大于阴坡。随土层深度增加,刺槐林土壤含水量、全氮、速效养分以及酶活性降低,土壤p H升高。土壤质量综合指数为:24 a阴坡24 a阳坡14 a阳坡14 a阴坡,表明林龄越大,土壤质量越好。选择土壤生态环境较好的立地营造植被,更有利于生态恢复。  相似文献   

Two naphthalenone pentaketides (scytalone and isosclerone) and α-glucans (pullulan) are produced in vitro and in planta by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (Pch) and Togninia minima (Tmi), two tracheiphilous fungi associated with the ‘esca’ disease of grapevines. The possible role of such fungal metabolites in inducing symptoms on leaves and berries was studied in a vineyard of Vitis vinifera cv. Italia located in southern Italy. During early spring, pruning off two to four branches per vine allowed samples of xylem sap to be collected. Vine bleeding, assessed as ml day−1 vine−1, reached its maximum at bud burst and stopped within 28 days. The total amount of sap collected from healthy vines was about a quarter of that from esca-affected vines. During the same period, the leaf water potential of diseased vines increased progressively (i.e. showed less negative values), indicating a dysfunction in water and nutrient supply to the new growth. Both fungi were isolated from the xylem sap and from the woody tissue of branches and the trunk of diseased vines. Conidia isolated from the sap showed a high germination rate (>90%). Bioactive concentrations of the two pentaketides were detected in xylem sap, leaves and berries at various stages of seasonal growth. Exopolysaccharides, including pullulan, were found in the xylem sap. Absorption of culture filtrates of Pch and Tmi, as well as weak solutions of purified preparations of scytalone, isosclerone or pullulan, on detached leaves and berries caused symptoms similar to those shown by the esca-affected vines in the field.  相似文献   

During the last three years, a new disease was observed in northwestern Greece on Minneola trees, hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit. On May small brown necrotic leaf spots surrounded by yellow halo areas of various sizes appeared and covered a major portion of the leaves with extension of necrosis into the veins. On young fruits small, slightly depressed black spots were the first symptoms, which later became 2–7 mm in diameter. Brown spots were observed on the leaves and fruits in several orchards in the same area, causing leaves and fruits to drop. In some orchards over 50% of the fruits were affected. From the fruit and leaf spots the typical small-spore species Alternaria alternata was isolated. Pathogenicity tests were performed by artificially inoculating fruits of Minneola, common mandarin and Clementine. The symptoms of the disease were reproduced only on fruits of Minneola hybrids by the specific strain of the fungus Alternaria alternata pv. citri. Different citrus susceptibility tests indicated that mandarins Minneola, Nova and Page were very susceptible to tested isolates while Clementine SRA and Poros Clementine were not. All lemons and lime Seedless were not susceptible. Grapefruit New Hall was not susceptible, while the Star Ruby was. Orange Lane Late, Navel Late, Oval Poros, Olinda, Navel Athos were not susceptible and only Moro showed reaction being slightly susceptible only to one isolate.  相似文献   

Isolates of Phytophthora from pepper, produced in Tunisia, were characterised according to molecular and pathogenicity criteria. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of the ITS1 region in the ribosomal DNA resulted in different sized fragments. The pepper isolates and P. nicotianae yielded a fragment of 310bp that distinguished it from P. capsici with a fragment of 270bp. The ribosomal RNA gene amplicons of both internal transcribed spacers and the 5.8 S of the pepper Phytophthora and P. nicotianae were digested with 8 endonucleases. The patterns generated, with the 2 enzymes that cut, were identical for both taxa. This molecular analysis corroborated the morphological and biological characteristics and suggests strongly that the isolates of Phytophthora from pepper belong to the species P. nicotianae. Inoculation of pepper, tomato, eggplant and tobacco plants with the isolates of P. nicotianae from pepper showed they were highly pathogenic on pepper but not on tobacco, while their pathogenicity was weak on tomato and eggplant and was associated with atypical symptoms not observed in the field. These pathogenicity tests suggest that pepper isolates of P. nicotianae are particularly adapted to their host and may thus constitute a forma specialis of P. nicotianae.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the in vitro growth rates and pathogenicity of a European Fusarium collection consisting of isolates of Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum, F. avenaceum, F. poae and Microdochium nivale was examined. Irrespective of geographic origin, the optimum temperature for the growth of F. graminearum, F. culmorum and F. poae was 25 °C, while that for F. avenaceum and M. nivale was 20 °C. In general, the growth rates of F. graminearum, F. culmorum and F. poae increased between 10 and 25 °C and those of F. avenaceum and M. nivale increased between 10 and 20 °C. Pathogenicity tests were carried out by examining the effect of the five species on the in vitro coleoptile growth rate of wheat seedlings (cv. Falstaff). Irrespective of geographic origin, the temperature at which F. avenaceum, F. culmorum and F. graminearum caused the greatest retardation in coleoptile growth ranges 20–25 °C (>89.3% reduction), whilst for F. poae and M. nivale it was 10–15 °C (>45.6% retardation), relative to uninoculated control seedlings. In general, F. culmorum and F. graminearum were the most pathogenic of the five species, causing at least a 69% reduction in coleoptile growth at 10, 15, 20 and 25 °C. General linear model analysis (GLIM) showed that species accounted for 51.3–63.4% of the variation in isolate growth and from 19.5% to 44.3% of the variation in in vitro pathogenicity. Country of origin contributed from 22.6% to 51.9% to growth rate variation and from 0.73% to 7.61% to pathogenicity variation. The only significant correlation between in vitro growth and pathogenicity was that observed for M. nivale at 15 °C (r = -0.803, P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Research on root rot pathogens of peas in the Netherlands has confirmed the prevalence ofFusarium solani, F. oxysporum, Pythium spp.,Mycosphaerella pinodes andPhoma medicaginis var.pinodella. Aphanomyces euteiches andThielaviopsis basicola were identified for the first time as pea pathogens in the Netherlands. Other pathogens such asRhizoctonia solani andCylindrocarpon destructans were also found on diseased parts of roots. F. solani existed in different degrees of pathogenicity, and was sometimes highly specific to pea, dwarf bean of field bean, depending on the cropping history of the field.A. euteiches was specific to peas, whereasT. basicola showed some degree of physiological specialization.  相似文献   

Nine populations of Meloidogyne spp. from Greece have been identified as M. javanica or M. incognita using either isozyme phenotypes or the sequence characterized amplified region-polymerase chain reaction (SCAR-PCR) technique. Virulence against the Mi resistance gene was assayed by pot experiments in controlled conditions and revealed the ability of five populations of M. javanica and one population of M. incognita to reproduce on tomato cultivars containing that gene. A resistance-breaking population of M. incognita is reported for the first time in the country; the M. javanica populations constitute new records for the Greek mainland.  相似文献   

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