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日本沼虾胚胎发育不同阶段主要生化成分的变化   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
李红 《水产学报》2003,27(6):545-549
为了解甲壳动物胚胎发育过程中主要营养物质消耗利用的规律,采用生物化学方法测定了日本沼虾胚胎发育过程中7个发育期的主要生化成分。结果表明,在日本沼虾胚胎发育过程中,水分含量在早期无显著变化.发育至溞状幼体期达到最高。蛋白质含量在早期略有升高,而从后无节幼体晚期开始下降。脂类含量则逐期下降,只是在前溞状幼体期有所升高。这表明在胚胎发育过程中,脂类和蛋白质不仅在构建组织器官过程中起到重要作用,且两者可能分别作为胚胎发育不同时期的主要能量来源。脂肪酸变化研究表明:DHA主要参与细胞和亚细胞结构形成。亚油酸和亚麻酸的含量在胚胎发育过程中下降,可能为胚胎发育提供能量,并合成部分DHA。∑ω-3HUFA在前溞状幼体期含量开始增加,主要用于胚胎发育后期细胞结构的形成。棕榈油酸在溞状幼体期含量骤然下降,主要作为能量物质被消耗。日本沼虾胚胎发育不同阶段主要生化成分的变化与其组织、器官的发育关系密切。  相似文献   

Larvae of two caridean shrimp species, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) and Palaemon elegans Rathke, were fed live and artificial diets. P. elegans larvae fed exclusively live Artemia salina (15 nauplii mL?1) developed into first postlarval stage (PL1) within 12 days at a temperature of 25°C and salinity 32.5 g L?1. Their survival and mean total length at this stage were 88.5% and 6.7 mm respectively. M. rosenbergii larvae fed on 15 Artemia mL?1 started to metamorphose into PLl within 24 days at 29–30°C and 12 g L?1. Attempts to completely replace live Artemia for rearing P. elegans during early stages failed, and only a partial replacement was achieved for the larvae of both species. P. elegans larvae survived (49%) solely on a microgranulated diet (Frippak PL diet) from stage zoea (Z) 4–5 to PL1. Similarly, a microencapsulated diet (Frippak CD3) also sustained M. rosenbergii larvae from Z5–6 to PL1 with a 28% survival. Development of the larvae of both species was retarded by 2–3 days and their survivals were lower than those fed on the live diet. The inability of the early larvae of these caridean species to survive on artificial diets is attributed to their undeveloped guts and limited enzymatic capabilities. Trypsin activity in the larvae was determined for all larval stages. It was found that the highest trypsin activity, at stage Z4–5 in P. elegans and at stage Z5–6 in M. rosenbergii, coincides with a rapid increase in the volume of the hepatopancreas and the formation of the filter apparatus. These morphological changes in the gut structure appear to enable the larvae to utilize artificial diets after stage Z5–6. Low larval trypsin activities may be compensated by the easily digestible content of their live prey during early larval stages (Z1–Z4/5) and by longer gastroevacuation time (GET) and almost fully developed guts during later stages.  相似文献   

日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)是中国分布范围广、经济价值较大的一种重要淡水虾类.随着养殖规模的不断扩大,如何保持养殖群体的遗传品质已引起了人们的重视.但迄今为止,养殖的日本沼虾均来自未经系统遗传选育的野生群体,而养殖病害的日趋严重和养成规格、品质的下降已严重影响到日本沼虾养殖产业的健康发展.研究野生群体的遗传结构和遗传分化,揭示其遗传多样性是制定合理有效的保护和管理策略的前提和基础.ISSR(Inter-simple sequence repeats,简单重复序列中间区域)标记技术具有实验重复性好、信息量大、多态性高等优点,是一种理想的检测群体遗传变异的分子标记.因此,本研究应用ISSR标记技术对日本沼虾5个地理群体进行了初步的遗传分析,以期为合理开发和利用日本沼虾天然资源,以及建立和保护日本沼虾种质资源库及基因库提供理论依据.本研究对采自江苏苏州、江西南昌、云南西双版纳、湖北宜都和新疆博湖的5个地理群体进行了初步研究.从50个ISSR引物中筛选出9个条带清晰、稳定性和重复性好,且产生相对较多条带的引物用于全部DNA样品的PCR扩增.对日本沼虾5个地理群体的群体遗传分析表明,在所有榆测到的清晰且可重复的142个有效位点中,多态位点有138个.物种水平上,多态位点百分率(PPL)、等位基因数(No)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、Nei's基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon信息指数(Ⅰ)分别为97.18%、1.972、0.312、0.120和0.323.而在群体水平上,5个地理群体的多态位点百分率为29.58%~61.97%;等位基因数(No)为1.296~1.620;有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.165~1.281;Nei's基因多样性指数(H)为0.098~0.172;Shannon信息指数(Ⅰ)为0.147~0.267.从各个地理群体看,江西南昌群体的遗传多样性最高(PPB:61.97%,No:1.620,Ne:1.281,H:0.172,I:0.267),而湖北宜都群体最低(PPB:29.58%,No:1.296,Ne:1.165,H:0.098,I:0.147).群体内遗传多样度(HS)和总基因多样度(HT)分别为0.135和0.201,根据遗传多样性水平在群体内(HS)和群体间(HT-HS)的分化,各个群体之间的Nei's基因分化系数[GST=(HT-HS)/HT]是0.327.AMOVA分析表明,群体间的遗传变异占总遗传变异的38.59%,而61.41%的遗传变异源于群体内,群体之间表现出较高水平的遗传分化.与其他群体相比,新疆博湖群体和江苏苏州群体差异最小(FST:0.1923,遗传距离D:0.0542),而新疆博湖群体与云南西双版纳群体差异最大(FST:0.5950,D:0.1559).采用UPGMA法构建的分子系统树显示,5个地理群体明显地聚为2个族群,来自新疆博湖和江苏苏州的日本沼虾群体聚为一支,而江西南昌、湖北宜都和云南西双版纳的群体聚在一起.本研究使用9条引物对5个地理群体进行了扩增,共检测到138个多态位点,各群体的多态位点百分率(PPL)为29.58%~61.97%.与其他相关研究结果进行比较,发现对日本沼虾而言,ISSR技术是一个理想的检测群体遗传变异的分子标记.与其他群体相比,新疆博湖群体和江苏苏州群体各遗传参数均相近,且UPGMA系统树亦显示新疆博湖群体和江苏苏州群体的亲缘关系较近,推测它们可能来自同一个祖先群体.与其他野生群体相比,江西南昌群体的遗传多样性最高,该群体采自江西省鄱阳湖,鄱阳湖是中国最大的淡水湖泊,它接纳赣江、抚河、信江、饶河、修河5大河及博阳河、漳田河、潼津河的来水经调蓄后由湖口注入长江,是一个过水性、吞吐型、季节型的湖泊.上游河流汇入鄱阳湖引起群体迁移使不同生态型的基因交流,增加了迁入地的遗传多样性.从遗传角度来讲,一个物种保持足够的遗传变异性是适应不同生境、生存和进化的首要保证.因此,较高水平的遗传多样性对于保护和利用野生群体具有重要意义.本研究表明,在日本沼虾的多样性研究方面,ISSR标记技术是一个非常有效的检测群体遗传变异的遗传标记.研究结果可以为合理开发和利用日本沼虾自然野生资源,以及建立和保护日本沼虾种质资源库及基因库提供基础资料.  相似文献   

The effect of different periods of starvation (0, 2, 4 and 8 days) followed by re-feeding on growth, feed utilization, oxygen consumption and some immune indexes [reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs), activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)] was evaluated over an 18-day experimental period in shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan) that had an initial body weight of 0.52 g. As a result of compensatory growth, indicated by an increase in specific growth rate (SGR), feeding rate (FR) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) after re-feeding, final body weight of shrimp starved for 2 days (0.63 g) and 4 days (0.65 g) did not differ ( P >0.05) from the control group (0.64 g), with feed withholding for 8 days presenting a significant lower value (0.63 g). Oxygen consumption rate (OCR) decreased during the starvation period in all groups, followed by a gradual increase to a similar ( P >0.05) value than found in the control group (0.47 mg kg−1 h−1) at the end of the experiment. Although ROIs and the activity of SOD and CAT fluctuated during starvation in the feed-deprived groups, values at the termination of the experiment were comparable ( P >0.05) to those found for the control group.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary cholesterol levels on growth, feed utilization, body composition and immune parameters in juvenile oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense. Six isolipid (80 g kg?1 crude lipid) and isoproteic (400 g kg?1 crude protein) diets, supplemented with 0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0 and 15.0 g kg?1 cholesterol, were evaluated. Growth performance and feed utilization of M. nipponense were improved as dietary cholesterol levels increased. Weight gain and specific growth rate were highest, and feed conversation ratio was lowest, when prawns were fed a diet supplemented with 9.0 g kg?1 cholesterol. However, final body weights and survival rates of juvenile M. nipponense were not affected significantly by dietary cholesterol. Body composition of prawns, including moisture, crude protein and crude lipid, was not significantly affected by changes in dietary cholesterol. The immune parameters measured in hepatopancreas, including total antioxidant capacity, and glutathione, catalase, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase activities, were at optimum levels in prawns fed with 9.0 g kg?1 dietary cholesterol. In summary, the best growth performance, lowest feed conversation ratio, and the most enhanced antioxidant capacity and immunity parameters were attained in juvenile M. nipponense when fed a diet supplemented with 9.0 g kg?1 cholesterol.  相似文献   

雌二醇对日本沼虾肝胰腺的脂肪酸含量及组织结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)肝胰腺为卵巢发育提供脂类等营养,日本沼虾肝胰腺中含有与卵巢发育有关的雌二醇,日本沼虾卵巢发育过程中,肝胰腺中脂肪酸的含量及组织结构会发生相应的变化,本文研究雌二醇对日本沼虾肝胰腺中脂肪酸的含量及组织结构的影响。实验设3个试验组和1个对照组,试验组日本沼虾肌肉分别注射5、0.5和0.05μg·g-1体重的雌二醇,对照组注射生理盐水,5 d注射1次,共注射2次,10 d后测定肝胰腺中脂肪酸的含量及其组织结构的变化,从而研究雌二醇对日本沼虾肝胰腺中脂肪酸含量及组织结构的影响。测定结果表明,日本沼虾肝胰腺中主要脂肪酸为C16∶0、C18∶1n9和C18∶12n6(亚油酸),且单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量较高,分别为39.05%±1.16%和42.71%±2.56%。注射雌二醇主要影响肝胰腺中C18∶10、C18∶1n9、C18∶1n7、C18∶12n6、C18∶13n6、C18∶14n、C20∶14n6、C20∶15n3、C22∶14n6和C22∶15n3的含量,注射5μg·g-1和0.05μg·g-1雌二醇显著降低肝胰腺PUFA总含量(P0.05),其中对C18∶14n、C20∶15n3、C22∶14n6和C22∶15n3降低作用显著(P0.05);注射0.5μg·g-1雌二醇显著降低肝胰腺MUFA总含量(P0.05),其中对C18∶1n9、C18∶1n7和C20∶12n降低作用显著(P0.05);注射0.5μg·g-1雌二醇显著提高肝胰腺中PUFA总含量(P0.05),其中对C18∶13n6、C18∶14n、C20∶14n6、C20∶15n3(EPA)、C22∶14n6、C22∶15n3提高作用显著(P0.05),但是对C18∶12n-6和C20∶12n却有显著地降低作用(P0.05)。注射雌二醇会促使肝胰腺B细胞的体积增大和数量增加,其中0.5μg·g-1作用最明显。  相似文献   

To determine the effects of linolenic acid (LNA, 18:3n‐3) in oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense), an 8‐week feeding experiment was conducted using six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic semi‐purified diets containing 0.07 g/kg (control), 7.3 g/kg, 16.6 g/kg, 20.2 g/kg, 27.3 g/kg and 36.3 g/kg LNA. The hepatopancreas lipid content decreased significantly when dietary LNA content was >20.2 g/kg. Fatty acid analysis revealed that the percentage of 18:3n‐3 in the hepatopancreas significantly increased with increasing dietary LNA levels, while 20:5n‐3, 22:5n‐3 and 22:6n‐3 levels in the hepatopancreas decreased in a curvilinear manner as dietary LNA increased. Additionally, qRT‐PCR results revealed that hepatopancreas mRNA expression of acetyl‐CoA carboxylase (ACC) decreased with increasing dietary LNA, while the greatest carnitine palmitoyl transferase‐1(CPT1) mRNA expression was observed in the 2.73 g/kg and 36.3 g/kg groups. Furthermore, hepatopancreas mRNA expression of acyl‐CoA delta‐9 desaturase (SCD) and fatty acyl elongase 6(elovl6) was downregulated when prawns fed the diets containing >20.2 g/kg LNA. These results indicate that dietary 18:3n‐3 could decrease lipid deposition through increased fatty acid β‐oxidation and modulated fatty acid synthesis, and alter fatty acid composition by regulating fatty acyl elongase and fatty acyl desaturase mRNA expression in the M. nipponense.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted for 135 days to observe the effect of different isonitrogenous (35% crude protein) and isocaloric (385 kcal) diets on the growth and carcass composition of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii ( De Man 1879 ). Three experimental diets (ED1, ED2 and ED3) were prepared using locally available ingredients. These diets differed mainly in terms of percent contribution of major protein sources such as fish meal, soybean meal, groundnut oil cake and mustard oil cake. Experimental diets were evaluated against a commercial diet, which served as the control (CD). Juveniles 1.87–2.44 g in size were stocked at a population density of 40 000 ha−1 and fed thrice daily at 10% in the beginning and reducing gradually to 7% and 5% of the body weight during the experimental period. No significant differences (P>0.05) in the growth performance were observed; however, a significantly (P<0.05) higher yield (721.9 kg ha−1 135 days−1) was recorded for prawn fed with control diet, followed by experimental diet 2 (676.5 kg ha−1 135 days−1, having soybean meal as a major protein source). The survival ranged between 63.8% and 77.7%, with different diets showing significantly higher survival. The apparent feed conversion ratio values of diets ranged between 3.15 and 3.49, with experimental and control diets showing non‐significantly lower AFCR values. At the end of the experiment, representative specimens from each treatment were collected and their carcass composition was measured. Analysis of variance showed that carcass protein and total carbohydrate contents were significantly (P<0.05) higher in prawns fed on a fish–soybean meal‐based diet (ED3) and a control diet. The total lipid contents of prawns, however, did not differ significantly among the various dietary treatments. The results of our study suggest that the experimental diets could be used effectively for M. rosenbergii without compromising growth and flesh quality.  相似文献   

Abstract. Larval Macrobrachium nipponense (de Haan) were subjected to a range of salinity between 0 and 15‰. The maximum survival and metamorphosis rate to post-larvae was between 7·5 and 12·5‰, although some survival was observed even in fresh water. The implications of these findings in relation to aquaculture and the evolutionary process of this genus is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the growth, osmoregulation and energy metabolism of the oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense, reared during 6 weeks with different salinities (0, 8, 14 and 22 g/L). The results showed that the haemolymph osmolality of M. nipponense increased with an increase in ambient osmotic pressure; the isosmotic point was 490 mOs/kg H2O. The prawns showed a higher survival rate, weight gain rate and hepatopancreas index in salinity 14 g/L. Digestive enzymes were all affected by salinity, and the highest activities were observed in the salinity 14 g/L. The mRNA expression of Na+‐K+‐ATPase in gills and p53 in hepatopancreas were the highest in salinity 22 g/L. The expressions of heat shock protein 90 and glutathione S‐transferase genes in hepatopancreas were significantly higher in the salinity 8 g/L. Lipid metabolism‐related genes in hepatopancreas were significantly expressed in the salinity 14 g/L. The glucose‐6‐phosphatase gene in hepatopancreas was highly expressed in the salinity 8 and 22 g/L, and the expression of the ecdysone receptor gene in hepatopancreas was significantly higher in the salinity 14 g/L. The results showed that salinity 14 g/L could promote the growth of M. nipponense. However, higher salinity conditions may cause physiological damage, which provides a theoretical basis for brackish water culture of M. nipponense.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of dietary vitamin E on growth, immunity and regulation of the hepatopancreas in male oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense. Shrimps were fed 0, 40, 80, 160, 320 or 640 mg vitamin E/kg for 60 days. The 80 mg/kg group had the highest weight gain rate, specific growth rate and lowest feed conversion rate while there were no significant differences in survival rate and hepatosomatic index. The highest crude fat and lowest crude protein content were observed in the 160 mg/kg group. In the hepatopancreas, lysozyme, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activities were highest in the 160 mg/kg group, while superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities decreased with increasing vitamin E levels. Malondialdehyde content initially decreased then increased with vitamin E levels, whereas the reverse was seen with total antioxidant capacity. Linoleic acid, DPA, DHA, total n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acid and total polyunsaturated fatty acid first increased then decreased, while EPA and total saturated fatty acid rose with vitamin E levels. Total n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acid content declined while there were no significant differences in linolenic and total monounsaturated fatty acid content. Following a toxicity test with Aeromonas hydrophila, hepatopancreas ultrastructure revealed that appropriate vitamin E levels promote an increase in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies, but excess vitamin E can damage cell structure. These results provide evidence that 80–160 mg/kg dietary vitamin E has a positive impact on growth, immunity and regulation of the hepatopancreas in male shrimp.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary lipid sources on the growth performance and fatty acid (FA) composition of juvenile shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Six isoenergetic and isonitrogenous semi‐purified diets containing casein, solvent‐extracted soybean meal and gelatin as protein sources, were supplemented with 60 g kg−1 of lipid sources. The lipid sources included: pollack fish oil (PO), pork lard (PL), soy oil (SO), peanut oil (PN), rapeseed oil (RO) and a mixture of pollack fish oil and soy oil (POSO 1 : 1 w/w). Each diet was fed to juvenile shrimp (0.10 g average weight) four times daily in triplicate tanks to apparent satiation (feeding ratio was about 8%) for 8 weeks. At the end of the experiment, weight gain, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio were significantly higher for shrimp fed the diet containing PO and the POSO mixture oil than the other lipid sources. The nutritional values of SO, RO, PN and PL were similar. Shrimp fed on PO, mixture oil of POSO and SO had better survival rates than the other lipid sources, and shrimp fed the PL had the lowest survival rate. There were significant differences in lipid contents of whole body and hepatopancreas amongst the dietary treatments; however, lipid contents of tail muscle were not significantly affected by the dietary lipid sources. Shrimps fed POSO diet had higher protein content in whole body than those fed the other lipid sources, and shrimp fed PO diet had highest crude protein content of the tail muscle. A high correlation was found between dietary FA composition and FA composition of whole shrimp. FA composition of the whole body was generally affected by dietary lipid sources, especially dietary unsaturated FA.  相似文献   

Abstract. At all onthogenesis stages of the Oriental river prawn. Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan), size heterogeneity has been traced within one egg clutch, at different developmental stages of larvae, young and adult individuals. The problem of predetermining heterogeneity is discussed. Uneven larval development of individuals from a single clutch is shown. Also, it is shown that the first to become adults are the individuals hatched from small eggs. Conclusion is made that in estimating development and growth heterogeneity the genetic factor has a primary nature. Available data accounting is essential for selective culturing of prawns under controlled conditions with the required growth characteristics.  相似文献   

All‐male monosex culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) has emerged as a popular practice in India, especially in the state of Andhra Pradesh. A study was conducted to compare the economics of all‐male, mixed and all‐female culture in 15 adjacent, rectangular ponds of 4000 m2 each by stocking juveniles previously reared in a nursery for 60 days. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design with three treatments; T1 (all male), T2 (mixed) and T3 (all female), and five replicates for a period of 5 months after the nursery phase. Statistical analysis showed highly significant (P<0.01) differences among the three types of culture. The cost of production was estimated and the economic feasibility of the culture methods was evaluated by cost‐return and partial budgeting analysis. The average weight, productivity and specific growth rate were the highest for all male culture, being 80.92±2.41 g, 1532 kg ha?1 and 1.97±0.02 respectively. All‐female culture registered significantly higher survival (89.16±0.77%) and the best apparent feed conversion ratio of 1.26±0.02. The economic analysis revealed that all‐male monosex culture of M. rosenbergii was 63.13% and 60.20% more profitable than mixed and all‐female cultures respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract. Allozyme variation at 32 protein genetic loci was studied in four populations of Macrobrachium nipponense (de Haan) from two contrasting habitats, wholly freshwater lacustrine sites and brackish water riverine areas from different parts of Asia (Hong Kong, Canton, Wuhan, Japan). The average values of observed heterozygosity were 7·45% for lacustrine and 12·30% for riverine sites, the percentage of polymorphic loci (0·99) was 32·5%. The freshwater/lacustrine populations had lower estimates of genetic variability than the river/brackish water populations. The average genetic similarity and genetic distance (Nei's) were 0·92 and 0·084 respectively. The results were compared with those of the only other study on this species. The implications of these results for this species are discussed.  相似文献   

间歇性饥饿对日本沼虾生长和几种消化酶的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李志华 《水产学报》2007,31(4):456-462
在(25.0±1)℃范围条件下,对日本沼虾进行了不同时间的饥饿处理后再投饵的恢复生长实验。对照组连续饱食投喂18d,处理组分别饥饿2、4、8d,再分别饱食投喂16、14、10d。实验结果显示:在恢复生长时期,处理组的特殊生长率、摄食率、食物转化率明显高于对照组,胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶的活性变化趋势相同,均随着先饥饿再饱食的顺序先下降再上升,但脂肪酶比蛋白酶变化趋势明显;而淀粉酶的变化趋势与之相反是先上升后下降。实验结果表明,日本沼虾继饥饿后再恢复喂食出现完全或部分补偿生长效应不仅由于增加食欲,提高摄食水平,同时改善了食物转化率。因此,补偿生长是这两种生理因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

3种淡水鱼肌肉脂质的组成及营养评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以拉萨河拉萨裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis younghusbandi)、拉萨裂腹鱼(Schizothorax waltoni)、双须叶须鱼Ptychobarbus dipogon)为材料,研究了其肌肉中脂质的组成和含量。结果显示:10种含量最丰富的脂肪酸分别是饱和脂肪酸16∶0和18∶0;单不饱和和脂肪酸16∶1n-9、18∶1n-9和18∶1n-7;n-3型多不饱和脂肪酸20∶5n-3,22∶5n-3和22∶6n-3和n-6型多不饱和脂肪酸18∶2n-6和20∶4n-6。结果表明拉萨河鱼类的脂肪酸模型跟深海鱼类相似,而且n-3型多不饱和脂肪酸的含量相对较高。  相似文献   

为探究不同生长时期养殖日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)体内氨基脲(Semicarbazide,SEM)的存在特征与变化规律,从养殖池塘采集不同生长时期日本沼虾样品,对各组织中SEM含量进行测定。结果表明:不同生长阶段日本沼虾样品中均有SEM检出,肌肉、甲壳、附肢、眼柄、鳃、肝胰腺中总SEM含量分别为(6.88±0.15)~(17.11±0.62)、(107.30±1.10)~(306.09±8.69)、(243.90±8.55)~(532.31±26.27)、(85.27±3.19)~(122.82±2.60)、(48.43±2.13)~(85.60±1.33)、(13.51±1.15)~(25.94±1.78)μg/kg,呈现:附肢>甲壳>眼柄>鳃>肝胰腺>肌肉的含量分布特征。SEM在肌肉和肝胰腺中主要以游离态形式存在,游离态SEM所占平均比例分别为67.35%和72.4%,在甲壳、眼柄、附肢、头胸部和鳃中主要以结合态形式存在,结合态SEM所占平均比例分别为89.50%、87.16%、85.68%、80.48%和73.30%。...  相似文献   

The efficacy of pharaoh cuttlefish ( Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg, 1831) liver lipid in the feed for juveniles of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man 1879) was tested by feeding five experimental diets prepared using clam meat, groundnut oil cake, wheat bran, tapioca powder, vitamin–mineral mixture and cellulose powder as the major ingredients. The test diets T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, containing five levels (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5%, respectively) of lipid, extracted from the liver of pharaoh cuttlefish, were fed to 30-day-old prawn juveniles for 60 days, in triplicates and compared against a control. Analysis of variance of the growth parameters showed that the juveniles fed with T2, containing 2% cuttlefish liver lipid with a total lipid content of 9.85% and lipid–carbohydrate ratio of 1 : 3.8, showed significantly better growth ( P  < 0.05) with the highest weight gain of 118%, greatest food conversion and protein utilization efficiency, and the highest body protein content, although the survival rates remained unaffected among treatments. Growth of the juveniles, however, declined at lipid levels >2%. Addition of cuttlefish liver lipid led to an increase of ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids in T2, the proportion of ω-6 being higher than the former. The crude lipid content of the body of test animals also increased with the increase in dietary lipid from 1.51% in T1 to 3.27% in T5. The present study indicates that cuttlefish liver lipid can be successfully used as a substitute for conventional lipid sources in rearing juveniles of giant freshwater prawn, an eco-friendly practice in recycling cuttlefish waste – a discarded fishery by-product.  相似文献   

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