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Understanding the drivers and mechanisms of the dynamics in grassland productivity is prerequisite for studying effective resource institutions and policies that can be used to govern grassland resources sustainably. We present a diagnostic analysis of the major drivers of the dynamics in grassland net primary productivity (NPP) across ecological zones on the Mongolian Plateau. We estimated a spatial panel data model for NPP (1986–2009) as a function of climatic and socioeconomic variables. Static and dynamic spatial panel models were estimated in each of the sub-regions, which were classified based on rural livelihoods and ecological models of grassland dynamics, to identify the major drivers of NPP dynamics. The statistical modeling results indicated that the major drivers of NPP dynamics vary across the six sub-regions. Grain output was the major predictor of NPP dynamics in the farming and farming-grazing zones of Inner Mongolia. Precipitation and livestock populations both had significantly positive relationships with NPP in the two grazing zones of Inner Mongolia. However, in Mongolia, livestock populations was the only significant predictor of NPP in the grazing zone with relatively stable climate, and precipitation was the only significant predictor of NPP in the grazing zone with highly variable climate. Human land-use activities and livestock management behaviors and the bidirectional causal relationships between livestock populations and NPP could explain the positive relationships between livestock population and grassland NPP. The heterogeneous drivers of NPP dynamics across space indicated the necessity of diverse resource polices and institutions for sustainable governance of grassland resources. 相似文献
We investigate the direct relationship between detailed urban land cover classes, derived from fine resolution QuickBird satellite data, and land surface temperatures (Celsius), generated from ASTER imagery, over Phoenix, Arizona. Using daytime and nighttime temperatures in both winter and summer and all observation points (n = 11,025), we develop linear, non-linear and multiple regression models to explore the relationship. Conventional wisdom suggests that all urban features result in increased temperatures. Rather, our results show that a mass of buildings is not necessarily or holistically responsible for extreme heat in desert cities. It is the construction of other impervious dark surfaces (i.e., asphalt roads) associated with buildings that result in extreme heat. Moreover, our results suggest that buildings, especially commercial buildings with high albedo roofs, actually reduce temperatures. The addition of trees and shrubs, as opposed to grass, around buildings can further mitigate extreme heat by providing more cooling during the summer and increasing nighttime temperatures in the winter. In conclusion, the compositional design of and avoidance of dark impervious materials in desert cities help mitigate extreme temperatures. It is important to note, however, that design choices that reduce extreme heat must be made within the broader context of tradeoffs and unintended consequences to ensure the sustainability of these cities. 相似文献
This study investigated the impacts of successive simulated droughts and floods on two plant species (Carex lurida and Liriope muscari) commonly installed in green-infrastructure (GI) sites built in the urban northeast USA. The instantaneous stomatal conductance, and belowground biomass growth (in a second drought experiment only) were used as metrics, since they are indicators of the ability of plants to provide ecosystem functions such as transpiration and carbon uptake. The results indicate that both species have greater tolerance for floods than for droughts. Signs of stress were only evident after a simulated flood exceeding the duration of 95% of all storms that occurred in this geographic region between 1950 and 2000. By contrast, simulated droughts had a more pronounced effect on both the instantaneous conductance measures during drought and the recovery following the cessation of drought in both species. Liriope subjected to drought treatments were all able to recover and to re-establish stomatal conductance levels similar to those displayed by a control group even after repeated drought treatments. By contrast, Carex showed reduced recovery after multiple droughts, in two separate rounds of experiments. However, regardless of moisture conditions and treatment, Carex generally displayed higher stomatal conductance than Liriope, indicating greater transpiration, and CO 2 uptake than Liriope. The belowground biomass results supported this finding, i.e. Carex gained more belowground biomass than Liriope during all experiments. At the end of the experiment, the Carex subjected to drought had less than one sixth the belowground biomass of the control treatment, whereas for Liriope this ratio was only 50% (drought to control). The drought treatments, therefore, reduced the biomass of Carex more than it did Liriope, when compared to the respective control plants. Nonetheless, both species survived repeated cycles of droughts and floods, suggesting that these particular species are both likely suitable for use in GI facilities, despite projected future increases in the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts in this geographic region. From a practical perspective, the results suggest no need for irrigation or potential replacement of plants in GI systems in a changed climate. 相似文献
Landscape changes in the Central Valley of California, USA, have been dramatic over the past 100 years. Irrigated agriculture has replaced natural communities of California prairie, riparian forest, tule marsh, valley oak savannah, and San Joaquin saltbrush. This paper addresses the implication of vegetation change on evapotranspiration as a consequence of these changes. It was found that an increase in irrigated agriculture and a 60% reduction in the aerial extent of native vegetation has not produced significant changes in the moisture transfer to the atmosphere. The apparent reason for this result is that irrigated agriculture has substituted one actively transpiring surface for another and, therefore, has not significantly altered the transpiration flux of the landscape. 相似文献
ContextClimate change has imposed tremendous impacts on ecosystem services. Recent attempts to quantify such impacts mainly focused on a basin or larger scale, or used limited time periods that largely ignore observations of long-term trends at a fine resolution, thereby affecting the recognition of climate change’s effect on ecosystem services. ObjectivesThis study conducts a detailed and spatially explicit recognition of climate change’s effect on ecosystem services and provides an intuitive map for decision-making and climate change adaptation planning. MethodsWe used long-term time series of ecosystem service assessments and various future climate scenarios to quantify the sensitivity and future exposure of ecosystem services to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau. ResultsCarbon sequestration (CS) and habitat quality experience significant growth, while water retention did not show any trend. Sensitivity patterns of these ecosystem services vary largely. For CS, more than half of the pixels showed a positive sensitivity to climate change, even though the degree of sensitivity is not high. There is substantial spatial heterogeneity in the exposure of ecosystem services to future climate changes, and high levels of future climate change increase the intensity of exposure. ConclusionsThis study illustrates the complex spatial association between ecosystem services and climatic drivers, and these findings can help optimize local response strategies in the context of global warming. For example, the existing protected areas have notable conservation gaps for disturbance of future climate change on ecosystem services, especially in the southeastern part of the study area. 相似文献
对吕梁市离石区的3个功能区吕梁学院、凤山、生态公园城市植被种子库与地上植被的耦合展开了研究。3个功能区地上植被和种子库中共有植物物种分别为26、8、8种,各功能区相似性指数分别为0.388、0.471、0.470,地上植被和土壤种子库表现出不同的耦合特征。 相似文献
Information on vegetation-related land cover change and the principle drivers is critical for environmental management and
assessment of desertification processes in arid environments. In this study, we investigated patch-level based changes in
vegetation and other major land cover types in lower Tarim River drainage area in Xinjiang, West China, and examined the impacts
of environmental factors on those changes. Patterns of land cover change were analyzed for the time sequence of 1987–1999–2004
based on satellite-derived land classification maps, and their relationships with environmental factors were determined using
Redundancy Analysis (RDA). Environmental variables used in the analysis included altitude, slope, aspect, patch shape index
(fractal dimension), patch area, distance to water body, distance to settlements, and distance to main roads. We found that
during the study period, 26% of the land experienced cover changes, much of which were the types from the natural riparian
and upland vegetation to other land covers. The natural riparian and upland vegetation patches were transformed mostly to
desert and some to farmlands, indicating expanding desertification processes of the region. A significant fraction of the
natural riparian and upland vegetation experienced a phase of alkalinity before becoming desert, suggesting that drought is
not the exclusive environmental driver of desertification in the study area. Overall, only a small proportion of the variance
in vegetation-related land cover change is explainable by environmental variables included in this study, especially during
1987–1999, indicating that patch-level based vegetation change in this region is partly attributable to environmental perturbations.
The apparent transformation from the natural riparian and upland vegetation to desert indicates an on-going process of desertification
in the region. 相似文献
The Golfe du Lion is mainly bordered by low and narrow sand dunes. Since about four decades, 1/3 of its shoreline has been receding, while 1/3 has been prograding and another 1/3 is stable. Several types of dunes may be described mainly depending on storms, high wind frequencies and sand grain size. Vegetation on dune system is distributed along a primary gradient according to sand stability and soil development, and a secondary gradient along slope of dune according to a seasonal cycle of fresh and salt phreatic water level.Global changes in climate may influence these geomorphological and biological structures mainly through:- Winter minimum temperatures changing the distribution of several plant species, especially in the middle part of the Golfe du Lion.- Frequent high storms which cause damages to the front of the dune systems and disrupt the shore. Changes in dune ecosystems will be cyclic so these tendencies will be obvious only upon a long term period. 相似文献
Late-Holocene climatic conditions in the upper Great Lakes region have changed sufficiently to produce significant changes in vegetation and fire regimes. The objective of this study was to determine how the vegetation mosaic and fire regimes on an oak ( Quercus spp .)- and pine ( Pinus spp .)-dominated sand plain in northwestern Wisconsin responded to climatic changes of the past 1,200 years. We used pollen and charcoal records from a network of sites to investigate the range of natural variability of vegetation on a 1,500-km 2 landscape on the southern part of the sand plain. A major vegetation shift from jack pine ( Pinus banksiana) and red pine ( P. resinosa) to increased abundance of white pine ( P. strobus) occurred between 700 and 600 calendar years before present (cal yr BP), apparently corresponding to more mesic conditions regionally. A decrease in charcoal accumulation rate also occurred at most sites but was not synchronous with the vegetation change. At some sites there were further changes in vegetation and fire regimes occurring ~500–300 cal yr BP, but these changes were not as strong or unidirectional as those that occurred 700–600 cal yr BP. Our results suggest that both the composition and the distribution of vegetation of the southern part of the sand plain have been sensitive to relatively small climatic changes, and that the vegetation at the time of European settlement was a transitory phenomenon, rather than a long-term stable condition. 相似文献
Land use changes operate at different scales. They trigger a cascade of effects that simultaneously modify the composition
or structure of the landscape and of the local vegetation. Mobil animals, and birds in particular, can respond quickly to
such multi-scalar changes. We took advantage of a long term study on the response of songbirds to land-use changes on four
Mediterranean islands in Corsica and Sardinia to explore the benefits of a multi-scale analysis of the relationships between
songbird distribution, vegetation structure and landscape dynamics. Field data and aerial photographs were used to describe
the vegetation at three different scales. Birds were censused by point counts. We used statistical variance decomposition
to study how bird distribution and vegetation at various scales were linked. We analysed multi-scale vegetation changes (floristic
composition, plot vegetation type, and landscape structure) and their consequences on bird distribution with multivariate
and non-parametrical tests. The distribution of most species was linked to at least two spatial scales. The weight of a given
scale was consistent with life-history traits for species whose biology was well-known. In the examples studied, vegetation
composition, vegetation type and landscape changes that resulted from land abandonment negatively affected birds depending
on open or heterogeneous areas. Our results emphasize that multi-scale analyses can greatly enhance our understanding of bird
distribution and of their changes. Management of these populations should take into account measures at various spatial scales
depending on the sensitivity of the species. 相似文献
The self-incompatible cultivar ‘Dashehari’ has a tendency to bear a very poor crop on the south-east to south-west sides of the tree. The panicles emerge rather early in the season (December–January) when they are usually damaged by frost. Their blooming period does not coincide with the other cultivars.Two years' observations have revealed that a single de-blossoming treatment, at budburst stage, results in a highly significant increase in yield compared to the control. The incidence of floral malformation, which is usually very high in the early panicles, was substantially reduced by this treatment. 相似文献
Recordings by the Danish Meteorological Institute show, that the mean temperature of Denmark has remained fairly constant and the mean precipitation in winter has increased very slightly during the last c. 100 years, and that the relative sea level rise in Danish waters amounted to between + 9 cm and -3 cm during the same period of time.For the W Baltic area a doubling of CO 2-level in the atmosphere is predicted to cause an increase in mean temperature by 3–4°C, an increase in length of growing season by c. 55 days, an increase in aridity, and a sea level rise of between 25 and 165 cm. Based on recent observations of morphology, soil and vegetation of a W Baltic dune system, possible effects of these changes upon vegetational composition, phytogeography, nutrient economy, stability, and ground water level of coastal dunes are discussed. 相似文献
Beds of size-sorted stones forming stripes perpendicular to the contour are conspicuous on hillsides of the Columbia Plateau. Stripes occur on terrain ranging from 0° to about 30° in steepness, often beginning among Mima-type mounds on mesa tops and extending downward onto steep, unmounded slopes. Four mechanisms of their origin have been hypothesized: 1) water erosion, 2) solifluction and soil creep, 3) weathering of rock outcrops, and 4) tunneling by pocket gophers. We measured characteristics of five stripes on slopes of differing exposure and steepness. These stripes were 58–124 m long, and widths showed a maximum range of 0.55–3.70 m. Data on physical and biotic characteristics of the stripes suggest that pocket gopher tunneling is a basic mechanism of stripe formation on gentle slopes, and that this mechanism is augmented by outcrop weathering and colluvial dynamics on steeper slopes, with erosion playing a secondary role. 相似文献
Assessing the causes of stream impairments is challenging without a clear understanding of the spatiotemporal interactions among human infrastructure networks and hydrologic systems. Landscape change is often characterized using simplistic metrics that lump changes into generalized categories, such as impervious cover. We examined the evolution of human infrastructure in Panther Hollow, a small watershed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to characterize the impacts of long-term (~100 years) landscape change on stream flow. Results show that impervious cover in the catchment grew from 3 % in 1900 to 27 % in 2010. Growth was non-linear, with 60 % of the development occurring between 1904 and 1930. We then compared two models that predict changes in annual water yield, one model based on watershed impervious cover and one based on human infrastructure arrangement. The model based solely on impervious cover predicts excessive amounts of surface runoff relative to the infrastructure model and monitored yield. This discrepancy occurs because the impervious model does not account for the diversion of 50 % of the watershed drainage through the combined sewer system to an adjacent basin. In the Panther Hollow watershed, hydrology is dominated by a reduction in water yield, contrasting typical hydrologic changes associated with urbanization. Our analysis reveals the value of quantifying additional landscape metrics, such as infrastructure pattern and connectivity, which provide a more complete understanding of how human development alters natural hydrology. 相似文献
Cities contain a diverse range of habitats that support plant establishment and persistence. This study focuses on a particular vertical artificial habitat: masonry retaining walls in Hong Kong. We explored the diversity and co-existence of different plant growth forms, synoptic assessment of habitat conditions, and relationship between habitat factors and vegetation occurrence. Some 270 walls with notable plant colonization in old districts were studied. We surveyed intrinsic wall fabric, extrinsic site condition, tree species and abundance, and other types of plant cover. The data were evaluated with the help of principal component and multiple regression analyses. A wide assemblage of species and growth forms have established spontaneously on walls. The tree flora is dominated by Moraceae (Mulberry family) members, genus Ficus (figs or banyans), and particularly Ficus microcarpa. Trees with strangler characteristics pre-adapted to grow on the vertical habitat are strongly favoured, followed by ruderals and garden escapees. Natives outnumber exotics by a large margin. Multiple wall attributes could be condensed into four factors, classified as water-nutrient supply, habitat connectivity, structure-maintenance, and habitat size. The action of habitat factors on vegetation occurrence hinges on plant growth form and dimension. The occurrence of diminutive lichen-moss is related to the fundamental sustenance water-nutrient factor. The bigger mature trees are more dependent on the larger-scale habitat size factor. The medium-sized plants, including herbs, shrubs and tree seedlings, are contingent upon the dual influence of water-nutrient and habitat connectivity. Spatial contiguity with natural ecosystem can secure continual supplies of seeds, water, nutrient, genial microclimate, and clean air to foster wall vegetation growth. The conservation of walls and their companion flora could avoid degrading or reducing these critical enabling factors. The urban ecological heritage deserves to be protected from unnecessary, misinformed and harmful impacts. 相似文献