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Landscape structure in the Eastern US experienced great changes in the last century with the expansion of forest cover into abandoned agricultural land and the clearing of secondary forest cover for urban development. In this paper, the spatial and temporal patterns of forest cover from 1914 to 2004 in the Gwynns Falls watershed in Baltimore, Maryland were quantified from historic maps and aerial photographs. Using a database of forest patches from six times—1914, 1938, 1957, 1971, 1999, and 2004—we found that forest cover changed, both temporally and spatially. While total forest area remained essentially constant, turnover in forest cover was very substantial. Less than 20% of initial forest cover remained unchanged. Forest cover became increasingly fragmented as the number, size, shape, and spatial distribution of forest patches within the watershed changed greatly. Forest patch change was also analyzed within 3-km distance bands extending from the urban core to the more suburban end of the watershed. This analysis showed that, over time, the location of high rates of forest cover change shifted from urban to suburban bands which coincides with the spatial shift of urbanization. Forest cover tended to be more stable in and near the urban center, whereas forest cover changed more in areas where urbanization was still in process. These results may have critical implications for the ecological functioning of forest patches and underscore the need to integrate multi-temporal data layers to investigate the spatial pattern of forest cover and the temporal variations of that spatial pattern.  相似文献   

Understanding how organisms respond to landscape heterogeneity is foundational to landscape ecology. We characterized seasonal scales of movement of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus viginianus) in an agricultural–forest matrix using first-passage time analysis (FPT) for 62 GPS-collared individuals. We investigated whether those scales were driven by demographic or landscape features. We found FPT for each individual across all seasons was typically dominated by a peak in variance of FPT/area at scales (radii) from 425 to 1,675 m. These peaks occurred at scales consistent with seasonal space use. We observed additional lower magnitude peaks at larger scales (3,000–6,000 m) and small scales (25–150 m). Peaks at larger scales were associated with seasonal migrations and dispersal events. Small scale peaks may represent resting or foraging behavior. Female movements were organized at smaller scales than males in the spring/summer season. Models relating landscape features to movement scales suggest that deer perceive and move within the landscape differently as the roles of dominant land-cover types shift seasonally. During winter, configuration (interspersion/juxtaposition) of land-cover types is more important to deer than during spring/summer and fall. During spring/summer and fall, movement behavior may be dictated by reproductive and harvest activities.  相似文献   



Ecological impacts of past land use can persist for centuries. While present-day land use is relatively easy to quantify, characterizing historical land uses and their legacies on biodiversity remains challenging. Southern Transylvania in Romania is a biodiversity-rich area which has undergone major political and socio-economic changes, from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to two World Wars, communist dictatorship, capitalist democracy, and EU accession—all leading to widespread land-use changes.


We investigated whether present-day community composition of birds, plants, and butterflies was associated with historical land use.


We surveyed birds, plants, and butterflies at 150 sites and classified those sites as forest, arable land, or managed grassland for six epochs using historical maps from the 1870s, 1930s, and 1970s, satellite imagery from 1985 to 2000, and field visits in 2012. Sites were labelled permanent if they had the same land use at all epochs and non-permanent otherwise. We used clustering and PERMANOVA based on community similarity to test for associations between community composition and land-use history.


We found significant differences (p = 0.030) in bird communities between permanent and non-permanent forest sites, and permanent and non-permanent grassland sites (p = 0.051). No significant associations were found among plants or butterflies and land-use history.


Bird communities were associated with historical land use, though plants and butterflies were not. Historical land-use change in our study area was likely not sufficiently intense to cross relevant ecological thresholds that would lead to legacy effects in present-day plant and butterfly communities.



Mountainous landscapes are characterized by strong spatial heterogeneity, leading to increasing geographical isolation and decreasing area with elevation. Consequently, the colonization rate decreases from the low to high elevation zone, while the extinction rate shows the opposite.


Due to such changes, we test whether (1) species occur at a declining number of sites (mountains) and have a less positive abundance–occupancy relationship (AOR) in a higher elevation zone; (2) a lower proportion of rare large-bodied species (less resistant to extinction) and a more positive abundance–body mass relationship (ABR) emerge in a higher elevation zone.


Using the data of small mammals from 20 elevational gradients in the Mountainous Region of Southwest China, we compared the AORs and ABRs among the low, middle and high elevation zones. The AOR and ABR were fitted with linear and polynomial regression models. We compared endemic ratios among the different elevation zones.


The AOR was best characterized by a linear model and positive in all elevation zones. Its slope decreased from the low to high elevation zone. The quadratic model performed the best in fitting the ABR in each zone. When fitted with linear models, both the R2 and slope of the ABR increased towards the high elevation zone. The endemic ratios were significantly higher in the middle and high elevation zones.


Both the AOR and ABR in mountainous landscapes are strongly elevation-dependent. The increasing geographical isolation and decreasing area with elevation can have a high impact on macroecological patterns and processes.



Multiple ecological drivers generate spatial patterns in species’ distributions. Changes to natural disturbance regimes can place early successional habitat specialists at an increased risk of extinction by altering landscape patterns of habitat suitability.


We developed a series of hypotheses to evaluate the effects of landscape structure, fire history, and site-level habitat quality on site occupancy by an early successional specialist, the eastern chestnut mouse (Pseudomys gracilicaudatus).


We obtained eight years of monitoring data from 26 sites in recently burned heathland in southeast Australia. We used generalised linear models to determine which explanatory variables were related to occupancy. We also explored predictability in patterns of small mammal species co-occurrence.


Landscape structure (patch area, landscape heterogeneity) was strongly related to site occupancy. Site occupancy was associated with dead shrubs in the understory and rock cover on ground layer, but was not directly influenced by recent or historical fire. Contrary to contemporary ecological theory, we found no predictable species associations in our early successional community.


We recommend surveys take account of landscape configuration and proximity to suitable habitat for optimal results. Fire regimes expected to promote eastern chestnut mouse population growth should encourage the retention of critical habitat features rather than be based on temporal rates of successional stages. For management to adequately account for post-disturbance patterns in early successional communities, a species-by-species, multi-scaled approach to research is necessary.



Landscape ecologists are often interested in measuring the effects of an environmental variable on a biological response; however, the strength and direction of effect depend on the size of the area within which the environmental variable is measured. Thus a central objective is to identify the optimal spatial extent within which to measure the environmental variable, i.e. the “scale of effect”.


Our objectives are (1) to provide a comprehensive summary of the hypotheses concerning what determines the scale of effect, (2) to provide predictions that can be tested in empirical studies, and (3) to show, with a review of the literature, that most of these predictions have so far been inadequately tested.


We propose 14 predictions derived from five hypotheses explaining what determines the scale of effect, and review the literature (if any) supporting each prediction. These predictions involve five types of factors: (A) species traits, (B) landscape variables, (C) biological responses (e.g. abundance vs. occurrence), (D) indirect influences, and (E) regional context of the study. We identify methodological issues that hinder estimation of the scale of effect.


Of the 14 predictions, only nine have been tested empirically and only five have received some empirical support. Most support is from simulation studies. Empirical evidence usually does not support predictions.


The study of the spatial scale at which landscape variables influence biological outcomes is in its infancy. We provide directions for future research by clarifying predictions concerning the determinants of the scale of effect.

Increasing fertiliser use in agricultural landscapes is likely to threaten the viability of remnant native vegetation in many parts of the world. Australia’s prime grain production landscapes have nutrient poor soils, which formerly supported semi-arid woodland. The ecological function and capacity for regeneration of these remnants may be particularly susceptible to nutrient enrichment. The key sources of nutrients are wind and water deposition from crop fertilisation, and manure and feed from sheep. We hypothesised that these sources would result in unequal deposition of nutrients within and among remnant vegetation patches. We surveyed soil nutrients (Total N, Available P and K, C:N ratio, and soil pH) in the edges and interiors of 60 remnant woodland patches of various sizes, and in adjacent cultivated paddocks. Nutrient load was negatively correlated with remnant size and patterns were particularly strong for available P. Small remnant patches (<3 ha) were accumulation zones for nutrients, with levels comparable or higher than within crop lands. The patterns are consistent with the hypothesis that small remnants are strongly enriched as a result of being used for livestock shelter. In larger remnants, the primary cause of enrichment is consistent with edge accumulation of nutrients due to wind and water movement. In large patches, remnant edges, particularly the windward edge, were elevated compared to interiors of large patches. In these semi-arid crop lands, current trends in intensification of cropping and a shift away from livestock may reduce the input of nutrients to small patches but increase the nutrient threat to larger remnants.  相似文献   

Contemporary landscape ecology continues to explore the causes and consequences of landscape heterogeneity across a range of scales, and demands for the scientific underpinnings of landscape planning and management still remains high. The spatial distribution of resources can be a key element in determining habitat quality, and that in turn is directly related to the level of heterogeneity in the system. In this sense, forest habitat mosaics may be more affected by lack of heterogeneity than by structural fragmentation. Nonetheless, increasing spatial heterogeneity at a given spatial scale can also decrease habitat patch size, with potential negative consequences for specialist species. Such dual effect may lead to hump-backed shape relationships between species diversity and heterogeneity, leading to three related assumptions: (i) at low levels of heterogeneity, an increase in heterogeneity favours local and regional species richness, (ii) there is an optimum heterogeneity level at which a maximum number of species is reached, (iii) further increase in spatial heterogeneity has a negative effect on local and regional species richness, due to increasing adverse effects of habitat fragmentation. In this study, we investigated the existence of a hump-shaped relationship between local plant species richness and increasing forest landscape heterogeneity on a complex mosaic in the French Alps. Forest landscape heterogeneity was quantified with five independent criteria. We found significant quadratic relationships between local forest species richness and two heterogeneity criteria indicators, showing a slight decrease of forest species richness at very high heterogeneity levels. Species richness–landscape heterogeneity relationships varied according to the heterogeneity metrics involved and the type of species richness considered. Our results support the assumption that intermediate levels of heterogeneity may support more species than very high levels of heterogeneity, although we were not able to conclude for a systematic negative effect of very high levels of heterogeneity on local plant species richness.  相似文献   

The conflict between conservation and timber production is shifting in regions such as Biscay (Basque Country, northern Spain) where planted forests are no longer profitable without public subsidies and environmentalist claim that public subsidies should be reoriented to the regeneration of natural forest. This paper develops an approach that integrates scientific knowledge and stakeholders’ demands to provide decision-making guidelines for the development of new landscape planning strategies while considering ecosystem services. First, a participatory process was conducted to develop a community vision for the region’s sustainable future considering the opportunities and constrains provided by the landscape and its ecosystems. In the participatory process forest management was considered an important driver for the region`s landscape development and forest multi-functionality was envisioned as a feasible attractive alternative. The participatory process identified a knowledge gap on the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon storage and how these depend on different forest types. Second, to study the existing synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon storage and disentangle the identified knowledge gap, a GIS-based research was conducted based on spatially explicit indicators. Our spatial analysis results showed that natural forests’ contribution to biodiversity and carbon storage is higher than that of the plantations with exotic species in the region. The results from the spatial analysis converged with those from the participatory process in the suitability of promoting, where possible and appropriate, natural forest ecosystems restoration. This iterative learning and decision making process is already showing its effectiveness for decision making, with concrete examples of how the results obtained with the applied approach are being included in planning and decision-making processes.  相似文献   



Policy decisions form a major driver of land use change, with important implications for socially and environmentally susceptible regions. It is well known that there can be major unintended consequences, especially where policies are not tailored to regionally specific contexts.


In this paper we assess the implications of 60 years of agricultural policies on soil erosion prevention (SEP) by vegetation, an essential regulating ecosystem service in Mediterranean Europe.


To assess these implications we produced and analysed a time series of land cover/use and environmental conditions datasets (from 1951 to 2012) in relation to changing agricultural policies for a specific region in the southern Portugal. A set of indicators related to SEP allowed us to identify that land use intensification as increased soil erosion in the last 60 years.


Particularly in the last 35 years, as a consequence of headage payments for cattle, the agricultural policy had a significant effect in the density and renewal of the tree cover, resulting in drastic effects for the provision of the SEP service. These are more significant after 1986, coinciding with the implementation of several Common Agricultural Policy instruments focused on increasing the modernization and productivity capacity of farm systems.


The results show some unintended effects of agricultural policy mechanisms on ecosystem service provision and highlight the need for context-based policies, tailored to the environmental constrains and potentials of each region.

AIM: To observe the role of zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) in the regulatory effects of protein kinase Cα (PKCα) and protein kinase Cε (PKCε) on calcium sensitivity during hemorrhagic shock(HS) in rats. METHODS: The skinned first class arborization of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) from HS rats were adopted to observe the influence of inhibitor of ZIPK on the effects of PKCα and PKCε agonists on calcium sensitivity after shock via measuring the contraction initiated by Ca2+ with isolated organ perfusion system, hypoxic vascualr smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) were adopted to measure the protein expression and activity of ZIPK after applying PKCα and PKCε agonists following hypoxia via Western blotting. RESULTS: (1) The calcium sensitivity of SMA was decreased after 2 h shock, and increased by agonists of PKCα and PKCε. Emax of Ca2+ was increased from 47.2%to 66.5% (P<0.01) and 66.3% (P<0.01) of normal control respectively as compared with 2 h shock group. The increasing effects of PKCα and PKCε agonists on calcium sensitivity of SMA after 2 h shock were weakened by the inhibitor of ZIPK. The cumulative dose-response curve of Ca2+ was shifted to the right, the Emax of Ca2+ was decreased to 42.6% and 47.5% of normal control (P<0.01), respectively. (2) The protein expression and activity of ZIPK in VSMCs were decreased after 2 h hypoxia, and were increased by the agonists of PKCα and PKCε following 2 h hypoxia. CONCLUSION: PKCα and PKCε regulate the calcium sensitization probably through changing the protein expression and activity of ZIPK following HS in rats.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation, patch quality and landscape structure are important predictors for species richness. However, conservation strategies targeting single species mainly focus on habitat patches and neglect possible effects of the surrounding landscape. This project assesses the impact of management, habitat fragmentation and landscape structure at different spatial scales on the distribution of three endangered butterfly species, Boloria selene, Boloria titania and Brenthis ino. We selected 36 study sites in the Swiss Alps differing in (1) the proportion of suitable habitat (i.e., wetlands); (2) the proportion of potential dispersal barriers (forest) in the surrounding landscape; (3) altitude; (4) habitat area and (5) management (mowing versus grazing). Three surveys per study site were conducted during the adult flight period to estimate occurrence and density of each species. For the best disperser B. selene the probability of occurrence was positively related to increasing proportion of wetland on a large spatial scale (radius: 4,000 m), for the medium disperser B. ino on an intermediate spatial scale (2,000 m) and for the poorest disperser B. titania on a small spatial scale (1,000 m). Nearby forest did not negatively affect butterfly species distribution but instead enhanced the probability of occurrence and the population density of B. titania. The fen-specialist B. selene had a higher probability of occurrence and higher population densities on grazed compared to mown fens. The altitude of the habitat patches affected the occurrence of the three species and increasing habitat area enhanced the probability of occurrence of B. selene and B. ino. We conclude that, the surrounding landscape is of relevance for species distribution, but management and habitat fragmentation are often more important. We suggest that butterfly conservation should not focus only on a patch scale, but also on a landscape scale, taking into account species-specific dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the protein expression of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT1, DNMT2, DNMT3A, DNMT3B and DNMT3L) in gastric cancer and the effects of DNMT inhibitor (5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine) on gastric cancer. METHODS: The method of immunohistochemistry was used to detect DNMT expression in 60 pairs of gastric cancer and corresponding non-cancerous tissues. The expression of DNMT in gastric cancer cells (SGC-7901 and MKN-45) and gastric mucosa cells (GES-1) was detected by immunofluorescence and Western blotting. The proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis in the cell lines of SGC-7901, MKN-45 and GES-1 were determined by MTT assay and flow cytometry with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine treatment. RESULTS: Both gastric cancer and corresponding non-cancerous tissues expressed 5 kinds of DNMT proteins, but the expression levels of DNMT1 and DNMT3A were significantly lower in gastric cancer than those in non-cancerous tissues (P<0.01). The expression levels of DNMT2 and DNMT3L were also lower in the cancer than those in non-cancerous tissues (P<0.05). No difference of DNMT3B expression level between cancer and non-cancerous tissues was observed (P>0.05). On the other hand, the cells lines of SGC-7901, MKN-45 and GES-1 also expressed DNMT proteins. Except DNMT3B, no difference of the other kinds of DNMT between gastric cancer cells and gastric mucosa cells was observed. DNMT inhibitor 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine did not have any effect on the growth rate, cell cycle distribution or apoptotic rate in gastric cancer cells and gastric mucosa cells. CONCLUSION: Gastric cancer expresses low levels of DNMT proteins than normal gastric mucosa. 5-Aza-2’-deoxycytidine is not useful for treating gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Environmental and genetic factors influence growth and bulb development of onions by affecting their physiology. Photoperiod plays critical a role in bulb development and determines the suitability of a cultivar for a particular region. Long days and high temperatures promote onion bulbing. Bulbing is regulated more by temperature than photoperiod, as determined by growing degree days. Far-red light promotes bulbing most effectively. High-temperature storage of sets (above 20–25°C) results in increased total bulb yields, while very high temperature (25.5–31°C) or temperature below 0°C depresses yield. Plant density has an impact on bulb size: the higher the plant density the smaller the bulb size. Onion is more sensitive to water stress during bulb formation and enlargement than during the vegetative stage. Nitrogen improves bulb development, but too much nitrogen promotes excessive vegetative growth and delays maturity. Growth hormones (gibberellins and ethrel) promote the growth and development of bulbs. Flowering and bulb formation in onion is regulated by different (Flowering Locus T) FT genes. Two antagonistic FT-like genes regulate bulb formation. AcFT1 promotes bulb formation, while AcFT4 prevents AcFT1 up-regulation and inhibits bulbing. There is a need to link our research with the genetics and physiology of onions, to enhance bulb yield.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on germination and days taken for germination was evaluated in Carica papaya cvs., ‘Pune selection-3’ and ‘Pusa Dwarf’. The highest average seed germination per cent was observed in the month of July (96.8 and 93.0?%), followed by August (94 and 88.5?%), whereas the lowest average seed germination was observed in the month of January (44.2 and 36.8?%) in ‘Pune selection-3’ and ‘Pusa Dwarf’, respectively. Minimum number of days (5.17 and 6.33) was observed for germination in the month of July, whereas the maximum number of days (29.5 and 31) was taken in the month of January in both the cultivars, respectively. The average highest germination and seedling height was observed at temperature 29.8 °C and 29.5 °C during July and August, respectively, whereas the lowest was observed at temperature 14 °C and 15.9 °C during January and December, respectively. The optimum time for nursery sowing was July to August for autumn season crop under subtropical conditions of India.  相似文献   

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