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K-fertilization recommendation on the foundation of 81 experiments with small grains and sugar beets on ‘loes’soils in the southern part of Lower Saxony (West Germany) In no case was it possible to increase the grain yield of winter wheat and winter barley with K-fertilization. However, in the average of 24 experiments with sugar beets, K-fertilization increased significantly the sugar yield. The amount of K-fertilization necessary for sugar beets on the single fields could not be determined by the K soil analysis. Based on these results, which were received mainly on deep rootable and many years intensively fertilized ‘loess’soils, the following K-fertilization for a crop rotation of sugar beets and 2 × small grain is recommended: Independent of the K-content of soils for sugar beets 200 kg K2O/ha should be applied if the crop residues remain on the field. However, for small grains a mineral K-fertilization is not necessary. If the residues are not returned to the soil the amount of K contained in the residues must be additionally applied.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of the mineralogical composition of silt fractions of soils based on both, chemical analysis and application of Karl-Fischer-titration. I. Method This paper describes a method for calculating the mineralogical composition of the silt fractions of soils. The chemical analysis and the temperature dependence of water release are used for determining micas and feldspars, each in three components in a relatively short procedure. The release of water was measured by Karl-Fischer-titration at controlled temperatures. At temperatures above 550°C the water release of the particle size fractions correlates with their content of micas. The quantity of micas can be obtained from the amount of released water and the results of the chemical analysis. The influence of kaolinite, amphibole and the fluoride content on the calculation is described. By considering the potassium content of the mica fraction results of the chemical analysis are used to quantify feldspars.  相似文献   

Phaeozem Soils in some dry valleys of the Swiss Alps The term Phaeozem has been adopted as a soil unit in the legend of the FAO-Unesco Soil map of the world. This soil requires a diagnostic mollic A-horizon or a mollic epipedon, with definite properties with respect to structure, color, base saturation, organic-carbon content and thickness. Phaeozems take place in some low rainfall valleys of the Swiss Alps, between 600 m and 1700 m a.s.l. Within these limits of altitude its occurence is conform to the local climatic, geological, and geomorphological conditions. In Switzerland Phaeozem are developed in a continental like climate with warm and rather dry summers and cold winters, on mixed parent materials of glacial deposits, alluvium and colluvium. Since the ice age, the erosion on the steeps slopes in the Alpine valleys delayed the soil formation, therefore clearly developed profiles of Phaeozems are not very common.  相似文献   

Auf einem schluffigen Sandboden mit einem Corg‐Gehalt von 600 mg 100 g?1 Boden wurde ein einjähriger Freilandmodellversuch mit Winterroggen durchgeführt. Die Kleinparzellen (50×50 cm) wurden mit umgerechnet 120 kg ha?1 N als Ammonsulfatsalpeter einmalig bzw. in geteilter Gabe von 80+40 kg ha?1 N gedüngt. Die Gesamt‐ und Teilgaben des Mineraldüngers waren wechselseitig mit dem Stabilisotop 15N markiert und mit dem Nitrifikationsinhibitor 3,4‐Dimethylpyrazolphosphat (DMPP, Handelsname ENTEC®) formuliert.

Mit Beginn des Schossens setzte die Differenzierung des Biomassezuwachses gegenüber ungedüngt ein. Im Vergleich zum Standard 60 + 40 + 20 kg ha?1 N (=100%) war der Kornund Strohertrag der 0‐Variante nur 33 bzw. 37%. Ein signifikanter Mehrertrag erzielte das Prüfglied einmalige Gabe von 120 kg ha?1 N. Alle anderen Varianten haben sich biostatistisch nicht unterschieden.

Die Nitrifikationsverzögerung ist nach 6 Wochen beendet. Bei der 2. N‐Gabe wurde keine Wirkung durch DMPP erreicht. Der Inhibitor hat die apparente 15N‐Immobilisation erhöht, der DMPP‐Effekt betrug bis zu 24% der Dünger‐N‐Anwendung. In der Folge war zwischenzeitlich auch die Dünger‐N‐Ausnutzung bis 25% geringer. Schließlich war im N‐Entzug der DMPP‐Varianten der Anteil von Boden‐N relativ größer und in den DMPP‐freien Prüfgliedern der Anteil von Dünger‐N relativ höher.  相似文献   

Some remarks concerning the determination of the hydraulic conductivity with the auger hole method Values of hydraulic conductivity, achieved with the auger hole method, may depend on the calculation procedure that is used. In this paper, values obtained with the method of Ernst (1950) are compared with such of Boast and Kirkham (1971). It is found, that differences of 25 percent and more may occur. It is concluded that care should be taken when conductivities are calculated from auger hole measurements. The method of Boast and Kirkham (1971) appears to be superior.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of the mineralogical composition from silt-fractions of soils on the basis of the chemical analysis and by application of the Karl-Fischer-titration. II. Results obtained with soils from glacial sand, boulder marl and loess The contents of micas and feldspars were quantified in the silt-fractions from horizons of a podsolic brown earth developed on glacial sand and of lessives on loess as well as on boulder marl by using a method that has been described in detail in part I. Three components each of micas and of feldspars, namely muscovite (Ms), phlogopite (Phl), annite (Ann), orthoclase (Or), albite (Ab) and anorthite (An) were determined. The silt fractions of the three investigated soils are similar in their mineralogical composition. Feldspars are composed of equally high amounts of Or and Ab. Micas are dominated by the Ms-component. Apparently the mica content of the silt fractions is reduced during soil development, whereas no significant changes can be found for feldspars. The loss of micas is responsible for the decreasing potassium content of the silt fractions.  相似文献   

A Methodical Study on Soil Moisture Determination by the Neutron Scattering Method The use of the neutron scattering probe for the determination of soil moisture content in 60 plots in Dikopshof fertilisation experimental station for two years had required the study of some methodical aspects. One of the points is to get the standard curve. It was found that the standard curves taken from the model and from the field were nearly identical. Although regression analysis of the standard curve yield linear shapes, significance for non linear curves, was also obtained. The centre of sensitivity was more easily obtained by lowering the probe between two water filled containers than by the usual method.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Benennungssysteme für Kulturpflanzen und Wildpflanzen unterscheiden sich in wesentlichen Grundsätzen. Zu einigen Artikeln (15, 19, 26, 36) des Internationalen Code der Nomenklatur für Kulturpflanzen wird Stellung genommen.
Summary The naming systems for cultivated plants and wild plants are different in important principles. Some articles (15, 19, 26, 36) of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants are discussed.

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The transformation of mica-like layer silicates to expansible three-layer day minerals First of all a preliminary survey is given of those authors who have so far carried out investigations on certain minerals about transformations of layer-silicates to expansible three-layer clay minerals. It can be deduced from these investigations that the most important presupposition for a transformation, is the setting free of potassium and the reduction of the layer-charge. The knowledge of the presuppositions of a transformation was achieved mainly in model tests (deposit-clays), which also explain the running off of the exchanges of the intermediate layers. To demonstrate transformation processes with natural clay fractions of soils, requires an extensive clay fractionizing which is accomplished by means of centrifuges. Personal investigations with fractionized clays of a Chernozem have shown, that in soils, the transformation of illite into expansible three-layer-minerals occurs at the same time as the decrease in size of grain. Although the illites which are in the process of transformation reach an expansion up to 18 A from about 0,2 μ granular size, a qualitative difference exists (layer-charge, contraction tendency) to the genuine montmorillonites, that only becomes less at the finest fractions > 0,01 μ. The investigations with other soils (‘gray brown-soils’,‘acidic brown soil’) however, reveal that there is no suitable transformation scheme for all soils. Depending on the milieu in which the soil development has taken place, characteristic transformation sequences result. Because of the hitherto existing results three development-models were introduced and discussed, each of which led to different end-products.  相似文献   

Flußniederungen und Niedermoorgebiete sind produktive aber sensible Standorte der Agrarproduktion. Der Bodenschutz dieser Standorte setzt Kenntnisse der relativ dynamisch ablaufenden Bodenprozesse voraus.

Niedermoorböden und tonreiche Böden der Flußlandschaften reagieren vor allem auf mittel‐ und langfristige Störungen des Wasserregimes empfindlich. Moore sind substantiell gefährdet. Tonreiche Böden der Flußlandschaften ändern ihre Struktureigenschaften gravierend. Bodenentwicklungsprozesse stehen in enger Beziehung zum Wasserregime. Maßgebliche Instrumente des Bodenschutzes dieser Standorte sind die gute landwirtschaftliche Praxis und das Management des Wasserregimes. In Flußauengebieten ist der Hochwasserschutz eine Grundvoraussetzung für Bodennutzung und Bodenschutz.  相似文献   

The consistency limits of some volcanic ash soils of south Chile. Consistency limits of 15 different soils with high volcanic ash contents, located in Southern Chile, were tested by means of the DIN-18.122 procedure and the liquid limit also by the cone penetrometer method. The liquid limit of holocenic volcanic ash soils is profoundly influenced by carbon content, and the plastic limit by exchangeable cation capacity and carbon content. In pleistocenic volcanic ash soils, the liquid limit is determined by silt and carbon contents, the plastic limit by carbon content and the plasticity index only by clay content. No significant correlation was found between the Casagrande method and that of the cone penetrometer.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit einer Artikelfolge in der Zeitschrift Garten und Kleintierzucht wurden die Leser auf durch Verschwinden bedrohte Kulturpflanzenformen und Landsorten in der DDR aufmerksam gemacht und um Übersendung von kleinen Pflanz- und Saatgutproben dieser Sippen gebeten. Es wurden bisher insgesamt 604 Proben seltener Kulturen erhalten. Darunter sind Sippen mit wertvollen Eigenschaften (z. B. Klimaresistenz, Lagerfähigkeit usw.) zu erwarten, die für Züchtungsforschung und Züchtung Interesse finden könnten. Die Sammelaktion erbringt den Beweis, daß selbst in dicht besiedelten Ländern mit moderner Landwirtschaft noch indigenes Kulturpflanzenmaterial (besonders von Gemüse-, Gewürz- und Arzneipflanzen) gefunden werden kann. Eine ganze Reihe noch vor wenigen Jahrzehnten im Anbau befindlicher Arten konnte nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden, wodurch für unser Gebiet die Intensität der Generosion bei Kulturpflanzen dokumentiert wird.
A collection of indigenous cultivated plants from the territory of GDR
Summary By some contributions for a popular gardener's journal the readers' attention was drawn to relic cultivated plants and land-races of the GDR which may disappear from the cultivation soon and they were asked for sending seed material especially of different garden plants. Till now the institute received 604 samples, among them some which are supposed to possess important characters as climatic resistance, storage ability etc, which may be of interest for breeding research and plant breeding. This collection programme has proven that even in densely populated countries with a high-developed agriculture it is possible to find old indigenous material of cultivated plants especially of vegetables, spice and medical plants. A number of species which have been cultivated still a few decades ago are no longer detectable now thus demonstrating also for GDR the necessity for collecting and conservation of landraces and primitive forms of our cultigens.

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Herrn Prof. Dr. Drs. h. c.Hans Stubbe zum 75. Geburtstag gevidmet.  相似文献   

Effects of de-icing salts (NaCl) on the mineral status of lime-trees . The long time effect of de-icing salt on the mineral status of the roadside trees Tilia cordata and Tilia tomentosa are investigated after mild winters. Despite the low content of chloride in the soils injured trees contain high amounts of chloride and also sometimes soidum in leaves, bark and wood. There was a good correlation between the accumulation of sodium chloride or chloride alone and the degrees of visible injury of the leaves (chlorosis or necrosis), but no correlation exists for calcium, magnesium and potassium levels. However, in branches and stems increasing amounts of sodium chloride caused an decrease of potassium. An early recognition of salt injury in trees is possible by analysing the ion composition of the interior bark. Levels of more than 7.5 meq chloride or/and 5.0 meq sodium per 100 g dry bark substance are indicating salt injuries.  相似文献   

A proposal for the division of forest humus profiles developed on solide limestone in the Alps An improved classification of individual layers within forest humus profiles is proposed by means of macromorphological features and results of routine analyses. Symbols and important diagnostic properties of the horizons are: L-layer: litter residues 90–100 %, no roots; subhorizons: Ln (n = new): bright brown colours, no aggregation; high amounts of exchangeable K and Mg; Lv (v = varied, altered): lustreless brown colours, no aggregation, still to be moved by wind; Ld (d = dense): dense packages of litter, consisting of at least 5 individual leaf or needle layers which are densely compressed. O-layer: <90 % litter residues, roots can appear; subhorizons: Of (90–50 % litter residues), Ohf (50–30 % litter residues), Ofh (<30 % litter residues but still detectable), Oh (no litter residues detectable); Od (d = dense): densely aggregated O-subhorizon, i. e. material may be cut to sharp-edged solid fragments using a knife; in addition a Od-layer shows a pH <4,0, contains <50 μg/g EDTA-extractable Mn (MnE) and regarding the MnE-depth-function the subhorizon lies in an extensive MnE-minimum. Depending on the amount of litter residues, Odf, Odhf, Odfh, and Odh horizons may be distinguished further. Oh, Ca (Ca= calcium): the colour is black to very dark brown; the horizon contacts the inorganic parent material and shows an extensive maximum of mobile = oxalate-extractable organic matter; organically bound Ca shows a maximum, too.  相似文献   

Fruit Effect on Photosynthesis and Respiration Several investigations about fruit effects on photosynthesis and respiration, mainly of Citrus madurensis (Lour.) and Solanum melongena (L) plants are reviewed. Fruiting plants had higher photosynthetic rates (mg CO2 · dm?2 · h?1) than non fruiting ones, particularly during stages of most intensive fruit growth. The photosynthetic rates could be stimulated by increasing fruit temperatures. No differences in dark respiration rates of fruiting and non fruiting plants were observed. However photorespiration was considerably higher in non fruiting plants as compared to fruiting ones. Leaves of non fruiting plants accumulated more sugars and starch in the leaves during the light periods than fruiting ones. The gaseous diffusive resistance of leaves was higher in non fruiting as compared to fruiting ones. The higher photosynthetic efficiency of fruiting plants is probably controlled by several mechanisms, some of which were discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

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