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犬黑色素瘤是一种恶变率和转移率高的肿瘤,且多发生于口腔,由于疾病发展迅速,如果不尽早治疗,在疾病发展后期,患犬的生存期和生存质量会显著下降。另一方面,现有临床传统肿瘤治疗方法,如手术、化疗及放疗,对于犬黑色素瘤的治疗效果不尽如人意,且在实际应用中受限。论文通过结合人医和兽医黑色素瘤的研究进展,对目前关于犬黑色素瘤的免疫疗法、靶向治疗、细胞因子和溶瘤病毒等新型治疗方法进行总结及分析,期望能够对我国小动物临床应用和科研工作有所启发。 相似文献
1只雄性金毛寻回猎犬,10.6岁,四肢无力,共济失调、本体感觉减弱(左侧严重),双眼瞳孔对光反射正常。血细胞计数检查结果未见明显异常。血清生化指标检查结果显示,血糖含量为7.07 mmol/L(参考范围为3.30~6.10 mmol/L),轻微偏高,其他未见明显异常。心脏超声心动检查结果提示左心收缩功能减退。磁共振成像(MRI)检查结果提示右侧颞顶区存在T2高信号且肿块引起右侧脑室压迫和移位,使用造影剂后肿块均匀增强,且肿块边缘有清晰的“硬膜尾征”,提示为轴外肿物。行颅脑切开术切除肿物,病理组织学分析该肿物为脑膜瘤(脑膜内皮型,WHOⅠ级)。术后1周未见癫痫发作,预后良好。说明脑膜瘤早期的外科干预能有效控制患犬的神经症状。 相似文献
本研究旨在对临床上发现的1例肉鸡肝黑色素瘤进行病理学诊断。1羽25日龄AA肉鸡精神沉郁、极度消瘦,剖检发现其整个肝呈黑色。HE染色结果显示,病变肝内遍布大小不一、细胞核深染、细胞质内有大量黑色素颗粒沉积的异常细胞团。黑色素瘤诊断标志蛋白SOX 10和HMB-45抗体免疫组化染色均呈阳性。结合病理学检测和免疫组化结果,判定该病鸡肝患有恶性黑色素瘤。试验对病变肝进行胆色素染色和普鲁士蓝染色,结果均呈阴性,提示病变肝并非由胆红素或含铁血黄素淤积所致。综上表明,此例病鸡患有严重的肝恶性黑色素瘤,试验结果对禽类黑色素瘤的诊断与研究有参考价值。 相似文献
本研究为了探讨恶性黑色素瘤的临床诊断及鉴别诊断要点,通过组织病理学检查和免疫组织化学染色方法对两例犬恶性黑色素瘤进行诊断。组织病理学检查发现瘤细胞排列紊乱,细胞主要呈梭形和上皮样两种细胞形态,可见瘤巨细胞、核分裂相,肿瘤细胞胞质中可见色素颗粒,细胞异型性明显,核仁较大,有丝分裂活跃,属于恶性黑色素瘤典型的组织学表现。免疫组织化学染色发现六种肿瘤标记物结果显示为CK(-)、Vimentin(+)、S-100(+)、CD34(-)、SMA-α(-)、KI-67(+)。通过组织病理学检查和免疫组化染色结果可以诊断为恶性黑色素瘤。 相似文献
犬糖尿病是犬的常发疾病,其临床症状为多饮、多食、多尿、体重下降。持续的血糖升高导致机体代谢紊乱,出现如白内障、胰腺炎、肾上腺皮质机能亢进等继发症,对犬的生活质量及生命健康造成严重的威胁。论文对1例Ⅰ型糖尿病犬进行详细分析,通过测量血糖、尿糖确诊为糖尿病,并通过实验室检查包括血细胞计数、血清生化检测及血气分析,排除并发症。治疗过程与主人共同配合,使用外源性胰岛素结合食物疗法与运动疗法。目前该犬的血糖稳定并接近正常值,身体状况得到改善,生活质量提高,主人对治疗效果满意。持续治疗方法是根据犬的身体情况及血糖变化适当调整胰岛素的剂量。 相似文献
收集北京地区2015~2016年宠物医院的部分宠物犬肿瘤病例56例,采用组织病理学方法进行病理诊断,并对患病动物的品种、发生部位、年龄和性别与肿瘤发生关系进行了统计分析。结果发现,56个病例中有44例确诊为肿瘤,其中良性肿瘤21例,包括肛周腺瘤、皮脂腺瘤和肥大细胞瘤等;恶性肿瘤23例,包括乳腺癌、鳞状上皮细胞癌和肛周腺癌等。本次采集的病例中,大型犬与小型犬发病率持平,皮肤、肛周与乳腺部位肿瘤的发生率较高;7岁以后是肿瘤高发期;雌性犬皮肤和乳腺肿瘤的患病率高于雄性,雄性宠物犬肛周腺肿瘤的发生率高于雌性,肿瘤总患病率雄性与雌性持平。本研究为今后宠物犬肿瘤的流行病学及诊断提供了新的参考资料。 相似文献
WANG Jing-yuan WU Qiao-xing SHE Rui-ping LI Heng SHI Rui-han YANG Jin-ling HAO Wen-zhuo AN Jun-qing YUAN Xue-rui HU Feng-jiao 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(3):935-940
56 cases of suspected tumor materials from a pet hospital in Beijing were collected from 2015 to 2016, the histopathological method was used for tumor diagnosis, then the varieties of onset, sites, age and gender of tumors were statically analyzed. The results showed that among the 56 cases, 44 cases were diagnosed as tumors. There were 21 cases of benign tumor, including rianalgland adenomas, sebaceous adenoma,mast cell tumor and so on. There were 23 cases of malignant tumors, including breast cancer, squamous cell cancer, adenocarcinoma of anus and so on. The results indicated that skin, perianal and breast had a higher incidence. The tumor onset rate became higher after 7 years old. The skin tumors and breast cancer were more common in female pet dog, however, the anal gland peripheral tumor onset rate of male pet dogs was higher. This study provided a reference for the epidemiology and diagnosis of canine tumors in the future. 相似文献
Na-young Yi Shin-ae Park Soo-won Park Man-bok Jeong Min-soo Kang Joo-hyun Jung Min-cheol Choi Dae-yong Kim Tchi-chou Nam Kang-moon Seo 《Journal of veterinary science (Suw?n-si, Korea)》2006,7(1):89-90
A mongrel male dog of three years old was referred to the Seoul National University Veterinary Teaching Hospital following a one month history of glaucoma. On ophthalmic examination, hyphema, glaucoma, uveitis, iridal mass, and loss of vision were noted in the right eye. Ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed a mass with involvement of the entire uvea. Radiographic evaluation did not reveal any evidence of distant metastasis. The right eye was surgically removed because of the high likelihood of neoplasia. A histologic diagnosis of malignant uveal melanoma was made. 相似文献
A male Golden Retriever was born with a large area of abnormal skin and hair on the distal pelvic limb. A tumour arose from the proximal margin of this area at 5 years of age. Histopathological examination of the abnormal area of skin revealed an area in which follicles were surrounded by nodular accumulations of densely packed round to spindle-shaped cells with fine granular intracytoplasmic melanin. Similar cells were present within the subcutaneous fat, and clusters of densely pigmented melanocytes were scattered within the basal epidermis, follicular epithelium, and dermis. A diagnosis of giant congenital pigmented nevus (hamartoma) was made. The tumour from the proximal end of this area was composed of densely packed, moderately pleomorphic, poorly differentiated and pigmented, spindle-shaped to epithelioid melanocytes, and was diagnosed as malignant melanoma. Metastasis of the malignant melanoma to the stifle and inguinal regions occurred within 6 months. To date, the authors are unaware of prior reports of a canine giant congenital pigmented nevus (hamartoma) with transformation to a malignant melanoma. 相似文献