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Objective-To evaluate hemodynamic effects in dogs after IM administration of dexmedetomidine (7.5 μg/kg, butorphanol (0.15 mg/kg), and tiletamine-zolazepam (3 mg/kg [DBTZ]) or dexmedetomidine (15 μg/kg), butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg), and ketamine (3 mg/kg [DBK]). Animals-5 healthy adult mixed-breed dogs. Procedures-Each dog received DBTZ and DBK in a randomized crossover study with a 48-hour interval between treatments. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with sevoflurane in 100% oxygen while instrumentation with Swan-Ganz and arterial catheters was performed. Following instrumentation, hemodynamic measurements were recorded at 3.54% (1.5 times the minimum alveolar concentration) sevoflurane; then sevoflurane administration was discontinued, and dogs were allowed to recover. Six hours after cessation of sevoflurane administration, baseline hemodynamic measurements were recorded, each dog was given an IM injection of DBTZ or DBK, and hemodynamic measurements were obtained at predetermined intervals for 70 minutes. Results-DBTZ and DBK induced hypoventilation (Paco(2), approx 60 to 70 mm Hg), respiratory acidosis (pH, approx 7.2), hypertension (mean arterial blood pressure, approx 115 to 174 mm Hg), increases in systemic vascular resistance, and reflex bradycardia. Cardiac output, oxygen delivery, and oxygen consumption following DBTZ or DBK administration were similar to those following sevoflurane administration to achieve a surgical plane of anesthesia. Blood l-lactate concentrations remained within the reference range at all times for all protocols. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-In healthy dogs, both DBTZ and DBK maintained oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption to tissues and blood lactate concentrations within the reference range. However, ventilation should be carefully monitored and assisted when necessary to prevent hypoventilation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize cardiorespiratory effects for a combination of medetomidine, butorphanol, and midazolam and to compare magnitude of cardiorespiratory depression with that induced by a commonly used inhalation anesthetic regimen (acepromazine-butorphanol-thiopental-halothane). ANIMALS: 10 clinically normal dogs (2 groups of 5). PROCEDURE: In treated dogs, medetomidine was administered (time, 0 minutes); midazolam and butorphanol were administered when effects of medetomidine were maximal (time, 20), and atipamezole was administered subsequently (time 60). In control dogs, drugs were administered after allowing effects of each agent to be achieved: acepromazine was given at time 0, butorphanol and thiopental were administered at time 35, and halothane was administered from time 45 until 110. Various cardiorespiratory and hematologic variables were measured or calculated. RESULTS: Respiratory rate, arterial and venous pH, venous oxygen content, oxygen consumption, and oxygen delivery decreased significantly below baseline values for treated dogs; end-tidal CO2, arterial and venous P(CO)2, and O2 extraction increased significantly above baseline values. Compared with data obtained after anesthesia, arterial HCO3- concentration, venous P(O2) and S(O2), cardiac output, oxygen extraction, and oxygen delivery appeared more modified in treated dogs. Oxygen consumption and physiologic shunt fraction were less modified in treated dogs than control dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Medetomidine-butorphanol-midazolam combination induced respiratory depression, comparable in magnitude to that induced by a widely used inhalation anesthetic regimen. Respiratory variables remained within acceptable limits during anesthesia; however, those associated with cardiovascular function were more severely affected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine if chronic selegiline HCl administration affects the cardiopulmonary response to medetomidine, oxymorphone, or butorphanol in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective randomized experimental study. ANIMALS: Twenty-eight adult, random source, hound dogs weighing 21-33 kg. METHODS: Dogs were assigned to the following treatment groups: selegiline + medetomidine (MED; n = 6); placebo + MED (n = 6), selegiline + oxymorphone (OXY; n = 6); placebo + OXY (n = 6); selegiline + butorphanol (BUT; n = 7) or placebo + BUT (n = 6). Nine dogs were treated with two of the three pre-medicants. Dogs were treated with selegiline (1 mg kg(-1) PO, q 24 hours) or placebo for at least 44 days prior to pre-medicant administration. On the day of the experiment, arterial blood for blood gas analysis, blood pressure measurements, ECG, cardiac ultrasound (mM-mode, 2-D, and continuous wave Doppler), and behavioral observations were obtained by blinded observers. An IV injection of MED (750 micro g m(-2)), OXY (0.1 mg kg(-1)) or BUT (0.4 mg kg(-1)) was given. Cardiopulmonary and behavioral data were collected at 1, 2, 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes after injection. RESULTS: Selegiline did not modify responses to any of the pre-medicant drugs. Medetomidine caused a significant decrease in heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), and fractional shortening (FS). Mean arterial pressure (MAP), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and central venous pressure (CVP) were increased. Level of consciousness and resistance to restraint were both decreased. Oxymorphone did not affect MAP, CO, CVP, or SVR, but RR and PaCO(2) were increased. Level of consciousness and resistance to restraint were decreased. BUT decreased heart rate at 1 and 5 minutes. All other cardiovascular parameters were unchanged. BUT administration was associated with decreased arterial pH and increased PaCO(2). BUT decreased level of consciousness and resistance to restraint. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although pre-medicants themselves altered cardiopulmonary and behavioral function, selegiline did not affect the response to medetomidine, oxymorphone, or butorphanol in this group of normal dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between bispectral index (BIS) and minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) multiples of isoflurane after IM injection of medetomidine or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution in anesthetized dogs. ANIMALS: 6 dogs. PROCEDURE: Each dog was anesthetized 3 times with isoflurane. First, the MAC of isoflurane for each dog was determined by use of the tail clamp method. Second, anesthetized dogs were randomly assigned to receive an IM injection of medetomidine (8 microg x kg(-1)) or an equal volume of isotonic saline (0.9% NaCl) solution 30 minutes prior to beginning BIS measurements. Last, anesthetized dogs received the remaining treatment (medetomidine or isotonic saline solution). Dogs were anesthetized at each of 4 MAC multiples of isoflurane. Ventilation was controlled and atracurium (0.2 mg/kg followed by 6 microg/kg/min as a continuous infusion, IV) administered. After a 20-minute equilibration period at each MAC multiple of isoflurane, BIS data were collected for 5 minutes and median values of BIS calculated. RESULTS: BIS significantly decreased with increasing MAC multiples of isoflurane over the range of 0.8 to 2.0 MAC. Mean (+/- SD) MAC of isoflurane was 1.3 +/- 0.2%. During isoflurane-saline anesthesia, mean BIS measurements at 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 MAC were 65 +/- 8, 60 +/- 7 52 +/- 3, and 31 +/- 28, respectively. During isoflurane-medetomidine anesthesia, mean BIS measurements at 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 MAC were 77 +/- 4, 53 +/- 7, 31 +/- 24, and 9 +/- 20, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: BIS monitoring in dogs anesthetized with isoflurane has a predictive value in regard to degree of CNS depression. During isoflurane anesthesia, our results support a MAC-reducing effect of medetomidine.  相似文献   

A pharmacokinetic study of a commercial florfenicol-tylosin (2:1) combination product was conducted in six beagle dogs after intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) administration at doses of 10 mg/kg (florfenicol) and 5 mg/kg (tylosin). Serum drug concentrations were determined by a validated high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using UV detection. A rapid and nearly complete absorption of both drugs with a mean IM bioavailability of 103.9% (florfenicol) and 92.6% (tylosin), prolonged elimination half-life, and high tissue penetration with steady state volume of distribution of 2.63 l/kg (florfenicol) and 1.98 l/kg (tylosin) were observed. Additional studies, including pharmacodynamic and toxicological evaluation are required before recommendations can be made regarding the clinical application of the product in dogs.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the sedative effects of intravenous (IV) medetomidine (1 μg kg?1) and butorphanol (0.1 mg kg?1) alone and in combination in dogs.Study designProspective, blinded, randomized clinical trial.AnimalsSixty healthy (American Society of Anesthesiologists I) dogs, aged 6.2 ± 3.2 years and body mass 26 ± 12.5 kg.MethodsDogs were assigned to four groups: Group S (sodium chloride 0.9% IV), Group B (butorphanol IV), Group M (medetomidine IV) and Group MB (medetomidine and butorphanol IV). The same clinician assessed sedation before and 12 minutes after administration using a numerical scoring system in which 19 represented maximum sedation. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate, pulse quality, capillary refill time and rectal temperature were recorded after each sedation score assessment. Sedation scores, sedation score difference (score after minus score before administration) and patient variables were compared using one-way anova for normally distributed variables and Kruskal–Wallis test for variables with skewed distributions and/or unequal variances. Where significance was found, further evaluation used Bonferroni multiple comparisons for pair-wise testing.ResultsBreed, sex, neuter status, age and body mass did not differ between groups. Sedation scores before substance administration were similar between groups (p = 0.2). Sedation scores after sedation were significantly higher in Group MB (mean 9.5 ± SD 5.5) than in group S (2.5 ± 1.8) (p < 0.001), group M (3.1 ± 2.5) (p < 0.001) and group B (3.7 ± 2.0) (p = 0.003). Sedation score difference was significantly higher in Group MB [7 (0–13)] than in Group S [0 (?1 to 4)] (p < 0.001) and Group M [0 (0–6)] (p < 0.001). HR decreased significantly in Groups M and MB compared with Group S (p < 0.05).Conclusion and clinical relevanceLow-dose medetomidine 1 μg kg?1 IV combined with butorphanol 0.1 mg kg?1 IV produced more sedation than medetomidine or butorphanol alone. HR was significantly decreased in both medetomidine groups.  相似文献   

This study aimed to define the pharmacokinetic profiles of dexmedetomidine and methadone administered simultaneously in dogs by either an oral transmucosal route or intramuscular route and to determine the bioavailability of the oral transmucosal administration relative to the intramuscular one of both drugs, so as the applicability of this administration route in dogs. Twelve client‐owned dogs, scheduled for diagnostic procedures, were treated with a combination of dexmedetomidine hydrochloride (10 μg/kg) and methadone hydrochloride (0.4 mg/kg) through an oral transmucosal route or intramuscularly. Oral transmucosal administration caused ptyalism in most subjects, and intramuscular administration caused transient peripheral vasoconstriction. The results showed reduced and delayed absorption of both dexmedetomidine and methadone when administered through an oral transmucosal route, with median (range) Cmax values of 0.82 (0.42–1.49) ng/ml and 13.22 (2.80–52.30) ng/ml, respectively. The relative bioavailability was low: 16.34% (dexmedetomidine) and 15.5% (methadone). Intramuscular administration resulted in a more efficient absorption profile, with AUC and Cmax values for both drugs approximately 10 times higher. Dexmedetomidine and methadone administered simultaneously by an oral transmucosal route using injectable formulations were not well absorbed through the oral mucosa. Nevertheless, additional studies on these drugs combination using alternative administration routes are recommended.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare the haemodynamic effects of three premedicant regimens during propofol-induced isoflurane anaesthesia.Study designProspective, randomized cross-over study.AnimalsEight healthy purpose-bred beagles aged 4 years and weighing mean 13.6 ± SD 1.9 kg.MethodsThe dogs were instrumented whilst under isoflurane anaesthesia prior to each experiment, then allowed to recover for 60 minutes. Each dog was treated with three different premedications given intravenously (IV): medetomidine 10 μg kg?1 (MED), medetomidine 10 μg kg?1 with MK-467 250 μg kg?1 (MMK), or acepromazine 0.01 mg kg?1 with butorphanol 0.3 mg kg?1 (AB). Anaesthesia was induced 20 minutes later with propofol and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen for 60 minutes. Heart rate (HR), cardiac output, arterial blood pressures (ABP), central venous pressure (CVP), respiratory rate, inspired oxygen fraction, rectal temperature (RT) and bispectral index (BIS) were measured and arterial and venous blood gases analyzed. Cardiac index (CI), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), oxygen delivery index (DO2I), systemic oxygen consumption index (VO2I) and oxygen extraction (EO2) were calculated. Times to extubation, righting, sternal recumbency and walking were recorded. The differences between treatment groups were evaluated with repeated measures analysis of covariance.ResultsHR, CI, DO2I and BIS were significantly lower with MED than with MMK. ABP, CVP, SVRI, EO2, RT and arterial lactate were significantly higher with MED than with MMK and AB. HR and ABP were significantly higher with MMK than with AB. However, CVP, CI, SVRI, DO2I, VO2I, EO2, T, BIS and blood lactate did not differ significantly between MMK and AB. The times to extubation, righting, sternal recumbency and walking were significantly shorter with MMK than with MED and AB.Conclusions and clinical relevanceMK-467 attenuates certain cardiovascular effects of medetomidine in dogs anaesthetized with isoflurane. The cardiovascular effects of MMK are very similar to those of AB.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the quality of anaesthesia and some of the haemodynamic effects induced by a combination of thiopental, medetomidine, butorphanol and atropine in healthy beagle dogs ( n  = 12). Following premedication with atropine (ATR, 0.022 mg/kg intravenously (i.v.)) and butorphanol (BUT, 0.22 mg/kg i.v.), medetomidine (MED, 22 μg/kg intramuscularly (i.m.)) was administered followed in 5 min by thiopental (THIO, 2.2 mg/kg i.v.). Heart rate, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and mean arterial blood pressure (MBP) were monitored continuously with an ECG and direct arterial blood pressure monitor. Atipamezole (ATI, 110 μg/kg i.v.) was administered to half of the dogs ( n  = 6) following surgery to evaluate the speed and quality of arousal from anaesthesia. Anaesthesia was characterized by excellent muscle relaxation, analgesia and absence of purposeful movement in response to surgical castration. Arousal following antagonism of mede­tomidine was significantly faster ( P  < 0.05) than in unantagonized dogs. Recoveries were smooth but recovery times following atipamezole administration were highly variable among dogs (sternal time range 6–38 min, standing time range 9–56 min). Medetomidine caused a significant ( P  < 0.05) increase in SBP, DBP and MBP. Atropine prevented the medetomidine induced bradycardia. In conclusion, this combination provided adequate surgical anaesthesia in healthy beagle dogs. At the dosages used in this study, it seems prudent that this combination should be reserved for dogs free of myocardial disease.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the suitability of a reversible, injectable anaesthetic combination including medetomidine, butorphanol and atropine to produce the degree of immobilisation required to allow blood sampling in young pigs.

METHODS: Twenty 6-week-old crossbred, intact male pigs were sedated with an intramuscular (I/M) injection of 80 µ'g/kg medetomidine, 200 µ'g/kg butorphanol and 25 µ'g/kg atropine. Heart and respiratory rates and rectal temperatures were monitored. Excessive salivation, gagging, laryngeal reflex, presence of pedal reflex and deep and surface analgesia were noted. Time of injection and the time when pigs reached mild and full sedation were also recorded.

RESULTS: Mild sedation was produced in 90% of pigs after 5.6 (SEM 0.96) min (n=18; median 5, range 2–16 min), and full sedation (lateral recumbency and loss of jaw tone) in 60% of pigs after 12.5 (SEM 2.14) min (n=12; median 10, range 5-28 min). The depth and duration of sedation were very variable and most animals were easily aroused. Ninety percent of the animals required the administration of halothane by mask to allow blood sampling, but the amount of halothane required was small. Heart and respiratory rates decreased (p<0.001) but remained within the normal range. Rectal temperature was above normal at the time of sedation and at the time of blood sampling when the ambient temperature was 29° C but not when the ambient temperature was reduced to 25°C.

CONCLUSIONS: The combination of medetomidine, butorphanol and atropine at these doses produced sedation of variable depth and duration that was insufficient on its own to allow blood sampling in the majority of pigs. Hyperthermia can occur in temperature-controlled environments when using medetomidine, butorphanol and atropine in pigs. Reduction of stress and a quieter environment may improve the effects of the anaesthetic combination.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the suitability of a reversible, injectable anaesthetic combination including medetomidine, butorphanol and atropine to produce the degree of immobilisation required to allow blood sampling in young pigs. METHODS: Twenty 6-week-old crossbred, intact male pigs were sedated with an intramuscular (I/M) injection of 80 microg/kg medetomidine, 200 microg/kg butorphanol and 25 microg/kg atropine. Heart and respiratory rates and rectal temperatures were monitored. Excessive salivation, gagging, laryngeal reflex, presence of pedal reflex and deep and surface analgesia were noted. Time of injection and the time when pigs reached mild and full sedation were also recorded. RESULTS: Mild sedation was produced in 90% of pigs after 5.6 (SEM 0.96) min (n = 18; median 5, range 2-16 min), and full sedation (lateral recumbency and loss of jaw tone) in 60% of pigs after 12.5 (SEM 2.14) min (n = 12; median 10, range 5-28 min). The depth and duration of sedation were very variable and most animals were easily aroused. Ninety percent of the animals required the administration of halothane by mask to allow blood sampling, but the amount of halothane required was small. Heart and respiratory rates decreased (p < 0.001) but remained within the normal range. Rectal temperature was above normal at the time of sedation and at the time of blood sampling when the ambient temperature was 29 degrees C but not when the ambient temperature was reduced to 25 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of medetomidine, butorphanol and atropine at these doses produced sedation of variable depth and duration that was insufficient on its own to allow blood sampling in the majority of pigs. Hyperthermia can occur in temperature-controlled environments when using medetomidine, butorphanol and atropine in pigs. Reduction of stress and a quieter environment may improve the effects of the anaesthetic combination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine stress-related neurohormonal and metabolic effects of butorphanol, fentanyl, and ketamine administration alone and in combination with medetomidine in dogs. ANIMALS: 10 Beagles. PROCEDURE: 5 dogs received either butorphanol (0.1 mg/kg), fentanyl (0.01 mg/kg), or ketamine (10 mg/kg) IM in a crossover design. Another 5 dogs received either medetomidine (0.02 mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.1 mg/kg), medetomidine and fentanyl (0.01 mg/kg), medetomidine and ketamine (10 mg/kg), or medetomidine and saline (0.9% NaCI) solution (0.1 mL/kg) in a similar design. Blood samples were obtained for 6 hours following the treatments. Norepinephrine, epinephrine, cortisol, glucose, insulin, and nonesterified fatty acid concentrations were determined in plasma. RESULTS: Administration of butorphanol, fentanyl, and ketamine caused neurohormonal and metabolic changes similar to stress, including increased plasma epinephrine, cortisol, and glucose concentrations. The hyperglycemic effect of butorphanol was not significant. Ketamine caused increased norepinephrine concentration. Epinephrine concentration was correlated with glucose concentration in the butorphanol and fentanyl groups but not in the ketamine groups, suggesting an important difference between the mechanisms of the hyperglycemic effects of these drugs. Medetomidine prevented most of these effects except for hyperglycemia. Plasma glucose concentrations were lower in the combined sedation groups than in the medetomidine-saline solution group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Opioids or ketamine used alone may cause changes in stress-related biochemical variables in plasma. Medetomidine prevented or blunted these changes. Combined sedation provided better hormonal and metabolic stability than either component alone. We recommend using medetomidine-butorphanol or medetomidine-ketamine combinations for sedation or anesthesia of systemically healthy dogs.  相似文献   

Cefuroxime pharmacokinetic profile was investigated in 6 Beagle dogs after single intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous administration at a dosage of 20 mg/kg. Blood samples were withdrawn at predetermined times over a 12‐h period. Cefuroxime plasma concentrations were determined by HPLC. Data were analyzed by compartmental analysis. Peak plasma concentration (Cmax), time‐to‐peak plasma concentration (Tmax), and bioavailability for the intramuscular and subcutaneous administration were (mean ± SD) 22.99 ± 7.87 μg/mL, 0.43 ± 0.20 h, and 79.70 ± 14.43% and 15.37 ± 3.07 μg/mL, 0.99 ± 0.10 h, and 77.22 ± 21.41%, respectively. Elimination half‐lives and mean residence time for the intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous administration were 1.12 ± 0.19 h and 1.49 ± 0.21 h; 1.13 ± 0.13 and 1.79 ± 0.24 h; and 1.04 ± 0.23 h and 2.21 ± 0.23 h, respectively. Significant differences were found between routes for Ka, MAT, Cmax, Tmax, t½(a), and MRT. T > MIC = 50%, considering a MIC of 1 μg/mL, was 11 h for intravenous and intramuscular administration and 12 h for the subcutaneous route. When a MIC of 4 μg/mL is considered, T > MIC = 50% for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration was estimated in 8 h.  相似文献   

Medetomidine (200 μg/kg) was administered orally and, on a seperate occasion, im to 7 cats. Peak serum drug concentrations were reached more slowly after oral (43.6 ± 14.3 min) than after im administration (21.6 ± 10.0 min). The onset of sedation and recumbency lagged after oral administration. There were no statistically significant differences between the 2 routes of administration in peak serum concentrations, systemic drug availability or extent of sedation. However, there was considerable variation in these parameters between individuals after oral administration. The extent of salivation correlated negatively with systemic drug availability after oral administration. Where excessive salivation did not occur, systemic drug availability and the depth of sedation were comparable to, or even higher than, were obtained after the corresponding im administrations. In conclusion, oral administration of medetomidine induced a clinical sedation but, when accurate dosing is a necessity, the oral route may not be very reliable due to possible drug losses through salivation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate disposition of butorphanol after i.v. and i.m. administration, effects on physiologic variables, and analgesic efficacy after i.m. administration in llamas. DESIGN: Nonrandomized crossover study. ANIMALS: 6 healthy adult male llamas. PROCEDURE: Butorphanol (0.1 mg/kg [0.045 mg/lb] of body weight) was administered i.m. first and i.v. 1 month later. Blood samples were collected intermittently for 24 hours after administration. Plasma butorphanol versus time curves were subjected to pharmacokinetic analysis. Two months later, butorphanol (0.1 mg/kg) was administered i.m., and physiologic variables and analgesia were assessed. RESULTS: Extrapolated peak plasma concentrations after i.v. and i.m. administration were 94.8 +/- 53.1 and 34.3 +/- 11.6 ng/ml, respectively. Volume of distribution at steady state after i.v. administration was 0.822 +/- 0.329 L/kg per minute and systemic clearance was 0.050 +/- 0.014 L/kg per minute. Slope of the elimination phase was significantly different, and elimination half-life was significantly shorter after i.v. (15.9 +/- 9.1 minutes) versus i.m. (66.8 +/- 13.5 minutes) administration. Bioavailability was 110 +/- 49% after i.m. administration. Heart rate decreased and rectal temperature increased. Somatic analgesia was increased for various periods. Two llamas became transiently sedated, and 2 became transiently excited after butorphanol administration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although i.v. administration of butorphanol results in a short half-life that may limit its analgesic usefulness, the elimination half-life of butorphanol administered i.m. is likely to be clinically useful. The relationship among plasma butorphanol concentration, time, and analgesia differed with the somatic analgesia model; clinically useful analgesia may occur at lower plasma concentrations than those reported here.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of diphenhydramine (DPH) in healthy dogs following a single i.v. or i.m. dose. Dogs were randomly allocated in two treatment groups and received DPH at 1 mg/kg, i.v., or 2 mg/kg, i.m. Blood samples were collected serially over 24 h. Plasma concentrations of DPH were determined by high‐performance liquid chromatography, and noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analysis was performed with the commercially available software. Cardio‐respiratory parameters, rectal temperature and effects on behaviour, such as sedation or excitement, were recorded. Diphenhydramine Clarea, Vdarea and T1/2 were 20.7 ± 2.9 mL/kg/min, 7.6 ± 0.7 L/kg and 4.2 ± 0.5 h for the i.v. route, respectively, and Clarea/F, Vdarea/F and T1/2 20.8 ± 2.7 mL/kg/min, 12.3 ± 1.2 L/kg and 6.8 ± 0.7 h for the i.m. route, respectively. Bioavailability was 88% after i.m. administration. No significant differences were found in physiological parameters between groups or within dogs of the same group, and values remained within normal limits. No adverse effects or changes in mental status were observed after the administration of DPH. Both routes of administration resulted in DPH plasma concentrations which exceeded levels considered therapeutic in humans.  相似文献   

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