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[目的] 在“双碳”战略实施背景下,准确评估陆地生态系统固碳现状、速率与潜力对实现“碳中和”目标意义重大。陕西省横跨3个气候带,南北气候差异大,植被类型丰富。近年来,由于多项生态工程(退耕还林还草、三北防护林等)的实施,陕西省植被覆盖度进一步提升至60.7%,固碳能力巨大。陆地生态系统NPP(植被净初级生产力)是反映植被固碳能力的重要指标,然而,关于陕西省NPP的时空动态变化,以及NPP未来潜力的空间分布鲜有研究。[方法] 以陕西省陆地生态系统为研究对象,利用CASA模型和邻域相似空间分布法评估陕西省植被NPP及其潜力的时空分布特征。[结果] (1)陕西省植被总固碳量在2000年和2020年分别为687,1 020 Tg,增加333 Tg,增幅为48.5%。(2)陕西省NPP呈南高北低,中间存在最高值或最低值的空间分布态势,平均值在2000年和2020年分别为333.2,494.8 gC/m2,共增加161.6 gC/m2,增加幅度呈北高南低的分布态势。(3)陕西省生态系统NPP的实际最大潜力为2 304 Tg,相比于2020年增加41.3%,空间分布态势表现为由南到北逐渐降低,且空间分布特征均表现高度空间自相关特性,但局部差异较大。[结论] 陕西省植被总固碳量在2000—2020年显著增加,同时,未来植被固碳潜力巨大。评估和预测陕西省区域尺度生态系统NPP时空动态变化及潜力空间分布特征,可为科学评价提升区域碳汇能力提供一定的评价体系和理论参考。  相似文献   

鸡粪发酵液培养的小球藻水热液化制备生物原油及其特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为探索沼液资源再利用,以鸡粪沼气发酵液培养的小球藻为原料,采用水热液化技术制备生物原油。采取正交试验,在温度250~330℃、时间30~90 min及含固量15%~25%下,探讨了水热反应后各相产物特性及元素回收效率。生物原油产率为13.23%~23.83%,最高产油率在330℃、60 min、15%时取得。生物原油中碳、氢及氮回收率分别是16.13%~31.14%、19.18%~34.89%及5.97%~14.32%,最高碳回收率及最低氮回收率分别在330℃、60 min、15%及250℃、30 min、15%时获得。水热液化各相产物中,碳、氢及氮回收率在水相中占主导地位,分别为48.74%~60.43%、46.81%~62.13%及74.84%~82.67%。热重分析暗示生物原油可能适合制备润滑油。此外,GC-MS分析表明生物原油中烃类物质质量分数为16.14%~24.91%,主要为低碳链烃类,如甲苯及二氢茚等。  相似文献   

Background: The fertilizer value of phosphorus (P) in waste products relies heavily on its availability to the subsequent crop. Aim: We studied the link between extractable P in waste products and apparent P recovery (APR, i.e., difference in plant P uptake between P amended and un‐amended soils divided by the amount of P added) using spring barley grown on three sandy soils. Methods: The products included sewage sludge, biomass ash, struvite, compost, meat and bone meal, biochar from sewage sludge, and industrial sludge. Soft rock phosphate and triple‐superphosphate (TSP) were included for comparison. Availability of P was characterized by extraction with water and solutions of sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, oxalic acid, hydrochloric acid, ammonium acetate, ammonium fluoride and anion exchange resin membranes. TSP was used to establish mineral‐fertilizer‐equivalents (MFE). Water and bicarbonate extractions were also applied to products incubated with soil before extraction. Results: The APR ranged 26 to 31% for TSP and 0 to 30% for waste products. APR correlated most strongly with bicarbonate extractable P. The correlation increased when products were incubated with soil before extraction. Conclusions: We conclude that bicarbonate extraction is a good indicator of potential P availability. However, interactions between waste products and soil properties modify P availability.  相似文献   

A field test with the traditional rotation of paddy rice/upland crop (wheat) was carried out on a paddy soil derived from red earth to elucidate the effect of organic manure on the phosphorus adsorption-desorption by soil and its P availability. Soil samples were taken from different treatments at rice harvesting stage and analysed. The isothermal adsorption of P by the samples fitted very well with Langmuir equation, and hence, the parameters in the equation, i.e., maximum adsorption (qm), constant related to bonding energy (k) and their product (k × qm) could be used as a comprehensive index to characterize the potential P adsorptivity of the soil. Organo-inorganic fertilization and organic manuring could decrease qm and k, while mineral P application had little effect on them. The isothermal desorption of P was significantly correlated with initially added and isothermally adsorbed P. Part of P added was fixed, which represented the P fixation capacity of soil, and organic manuring could obviously lower the P fixation. The content of soil available P had a significant negative correlation with qm, k and fixed P. It is concluded that organic manure could increase the P availability of paddy soil derived from red earth by decreasing qm, k, maximum buffering capacity (MBC=k × qm) and fixation capacity.  相似文献   

We compared differences in soil phosphorus fractions between large earthworm casts (Family Glossoscolecidae) and surrounding soils, i.e., Oxisols in 10 year-old upland agroforestry system (AGR), pasture (PAS), and secondary forest (SEC) in the Central Brazilian Amazon. AGR and PAS both received low-input fertilization and SEC received no fertilization. We found that earthworm casts had higher levels of organic hydroxide P than surrounding soils, whereas fertilization increased inorganic hydroxide P. Inorganic P was increased by fertilization, and organic P was increased by earthworm gut passage and/or selection of ingested materials, which increased available P (sum of resin and bicarbonate fractions) and moderately available P (sum of hydroxide and dilute acid fractions), and P fertilizer application and land-use increased available P. The use of a modified sequential P fractionation produced fewer differences between earthworm casts and soils than were expected. We suggest the use of a condensed extraction procedure with three fractions (Available P, Moderately Available P, and Resistant P) that provide an ecologically based understanding of the P availability in soil. Earthworm casts were estimated to constitute 41.0, 38.2, and 26.0 kg ha−1 of total available P stocks (sum of resin and bicarbonate fractions) in the agroforestry system, pasture, and secondary forest, respectively.  相似文献   

There are few reliable data sets to inspire confidence in policymakers that soil organic carbon (SOC) can be measured on farms. We worked with farmers in the Tamar Valley region of southwest England to select sampling sites under similar conditions (soil type, aspect and slope) and management types. Topsoils (2–15 cm) were sampled in autumn 2015, and percentage soil organic matter (%SOM) was determined by loss on ignition and used to calculate %SOC. We also used the stability of macroaggregates in cold water (WSA) (‘soil slaking’) as a measure of ‘soil health’ and investigated its relationship with SOC in the clay‐rich soils. %SOM was significantly different between management types in the order woodland (11.1%) = permanent pasture (9.5%) > ley‐arable rotation (7.7%) = arable (7.3%). This related directly to SOC stocks that were larger in fields under permanent pasture and woodland compared with those under arable or ley‐arable rotation whether corrected for clay content (F = 8.500, p < .0001) or not (F = 8.516, p < .0001). WSA scores were strongly correlated with SOC content whether corrected for clay content (SOCadj R2 = .571, p < .0001) or not (SOCunadj R2 = 0.490, p = .002). Time since tillage controlled SOC stocks and WSA scores, accounting for 75.5% and 51.3% of the total variation, respectively. We conclude that (1) SOC can be reliably measured in farmed soils using accepted protocols and related to land management and (2) WSA scores can be rapidly measured in clay soils and related to SOC stocks and soil management.  相似文献   

Few studies address nutrient cycling during the transition period (e.g., 1–4 years following conversion) from standard to some form of conservation tillage. This study compares the influence of minimum versus standard tillage on changes in soil nitrogen (N) stabilization, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, short-term N cycling, and crop N use efficiency 1 year after tillage conversion in conventional (i.e., synthetic fertilizer-N only), low-input (i.e., alternating annual synthetic fertilizer- and cover crop-N), and organic (i.e., manure- and cover crop-N) irrigated, maize–tomato systems in California. To understand the mechanisms governing N cycling in these systems, we traced 15N-labeled fertilizer/cover crop into the maize grain, whole soil, and three soil fractions: macroaggregates (>250 μm), microaggregates (53–250 μm) and silt-and-clay (<53 μm). We found a cropping system effect on soil Nnew (i.e., N derived from 15N-fertilizer or -15N-cover crop), with 173 kg Nnew ha−1 in the conventional system compared to 71.6 and 69.2 kg Nnew ha−1 in the low-input and organic systems, respectively. In the conventional system, more Nnew was found in the microaggregate and silt-and-clay fractions, whereas, the Nnew of the organic and low-input systems resided mainly in the macroaggregates. Even though no effect of tillage was found on soil aggregation, the minimum tillage systems showed greater soil fraction-Nnew than the standard tillage systems, suggesting greater potential for N stabilization under minimum tillage. Grain-Nnew was also higher in the minimum versus standard tillage systems. Nevertheless, minimum tillage led to the greatest N2O emissions (39.5 g N2O–N ha−1 day−1) from the conventional cropping system, where N turnover was already the fastest among the cropping systems. In contrast, minimum tillage combined with the low-input system (which received the least N ha−1) produced intermediate N2O emissions, soil N stabilization, and crop N use efficiency. Although total soil N did not change after 1 year of conversion from standard to minimum tillage, our use of stable isotopes permitted the early detection of interactive effects between tillage regimes and cropping systems that determine the trade-offs among N stabilization, N2O emissions, and N availability.  相似文献   

Biochar amendments offer promising potential to improve soil fertility, soil organic carbon (SOC) and crop yields; however, a limited research has explored these benefits of biochar in the arid and semi‐arid regions. This two‐year field study investigated the effects of Acacia tree biomass‐derived biochar, applied at 0 and 10 t ha?1 rates with farmyard manure (FYM) or poultry manure (PM) and mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizer combinations (100 kg P ha‐1), on maize (Zea mays L.) productivity, P use efficiency (PUE) and farm profitability. The application of biochar with organic–inorganic P fertilizers significantly increased soil P and SOC contents than the sole organic or inorganic P fertilizers. Addition of biochar and PM as 100% P source resulted in the highest soil P (104% increase over control) and SOC contents (203% higher than control). However, maize productivity and PUE were significantly higher under balanced P fertilizer (50% organic + 50% mineral fertilizer) with biochar and the increase was 110%, 94% and 170% than 100%‐FYM, 100%‐PM and 100% mineral fertilizer, respectively. Maize productivity and yield correlated significantly positively with soil P and SOC contents These positive effects were possibly due to the ability of biochar to improve soil properties, P availability from organic–inorganic fertilizers and SOC which resulted in higher PUE and maize productivity. Despite the significant positive relationship of PUE with net economic returns, biochar incorporation with PM and mineral fertilizer combination was economically profitable, whereas FYM along biochar was not profitable due to short duration of the field experiments.  相似文献   

Isolierung und Kennzeichnung des labilen organischen Phosphor‐Pools in Böden des Langzeitdüngungsexperimentes Askov Labiler organischer Phosphor (Po) im Boden spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der P‐Ernährung der Pflanzen und ist bedeutend hinsichtlich der Gewässereutrophierung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden neuere Ergebnisse zu den Eigenschaften des labilen Po und seiner Reaktion auf unterschiedliche Düngungssysteme diskutiert. Die Untersuchungen fanden an Böden des Langzeitexperimentes zur organischen und anorganischen Düngung in Askov statt. Unser analytischer Ansatz basierte auf einer Kombination der Extraktion von labilem Po mittels makroporösem Anionenaustauscher‐Harz und der Kennzeichnung von Struktur und Herkunft des NaOH‐extrahierbaren Po mittels 31P‐NMR‐Spektroskopie. Die Analysen wurden an der Feinerde und an Korngrößenfraktionen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Harz‐Extraktion einen aktiven Pool an Po isoliert, welcher v.a. aus mikrobiell synthetisierten Strukturen besteht. Die Größe dieses Pools variiert im Jahresgang und hängt von der P‐Düngung ab. Die Art des Düngers (NPK gegenüber Stallmist und Gülle) scheint demgegenüber den labilen Po kaum zu beeinflussen. Der größte Teil des leicht verfügbaren Po ist in der Tonfraktion lokalisiert. Es ist daher zu schließen, dass diese Fraktion wichtig im kurzfristigen Umsatz von Po ist.  相似文献   


The influence of the long-term combination of rice straw removal and rice straw compost application on methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and soil carbon accumulation in rice paddy fields was clarified. In each of the initial and continuous application fields (3 and 39?51 years, respectively), three plots with different applications of organic matter were established, namely, rice straw application (RS), rice straw compost application (SC) and no application (NA) plots, and soil carbon storage (0?15 cm), rice grain yield and CH4 and N2O fluxes were measured for three years. The soil carbon sequestration rate by the organic matter application was higher in the SC plot than in the RS plot for both the initial and continuous application fields, and it was lower in the continuous application field than in the initial application field. The rice grain yield in the SC plot was significantly higher than those in the other plots in both the initial and continuous application fields. Cumulative CH4 emissions followed the order of the NA plot < the SC plot < the RS plot for both the initial and continuous application fields. The effect of the organic matter application on the N2O emissions was not clear. In both the initial and continuous application fields, the increase in CH4 emission by the rice straw application exceeded the soil carbon sequestration rate, and the change in the net greenhouse gas (GHG) balance calculated by the difference between them was a positive, indicating a net increase in the GHG emissions. However, the change in the GHG balance by the rice straw compost application showed negative (mitigating GHG emissions) for the initial application field, whereas it showed positive for the continuous application field. Although the mitigation effect on the GHG emissions by the combination of the rice straw removal and rice straw compost application was reduced by 21% after 39 years long-term application, it is suggested that the combination treatment is a sustainable management that can mitigate GHG emissions and improve crop productivity.  相似文献   


The influence of long-term application of different types of compost on rice grain yield, CH4 and N2O emissions, and soil carbon storage (0 ? 30 cm) in rice paddy fields was clarified. Two sets of paddy fields applied with rice straw compost or livestock manure compost mainly derived from cattle were used in this study. Each set comprised long-term application (LT) and corresponding control (CT) plots. The application rates for rice straw compost (42 years) and livestock manure compost (41 years in total with different application rates) were 20 Mg fresh weight ha–1. Soil carbon storage increased by 33% and 37% with long-term application of rice straw compost and livestock manure compost, respectively. The soil carbon sequestration rate by the organic matter application was 23% higher with the livestock manure compost than with the rice straw compost. The rice grain yield in the LT plot was significantly higher than that in the corresponding CT plot with both types of compost. Although the difference was not significant in the rice straw compost, cumulative CH4 emissions increased with long-term application of both composts. Increase rate of CH4 emission with long-term application was higher in the livestock manure compost (99%) than that in the rice straw compost (26%). In both composts, the long-term application did not increase N2O emission significantly. As with the rice straw compost, the increase in CH4 emission with the long-term application of livestock manure compost exceeded the soil carbon sequestration rate, and the change in the net greenhouse gas (GHG) balance calculated by the difference between them was positive, indicating a net increase in the GHG emissions. The increase in CH4 and net GHG emissions owing to the long-term application of the livestock manure compost could be higher than that of the rice straw compost owing to the amount of applied carbon, the quality of compost and the soil carbon accumulation. The possibility that carbon sequestration in the subsoil differs depending on the type of composts suggests the importance of including subsoil in the evaluation of soil carbon sequestration by long-term application of organic matter.  相似文献   

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