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为了解黄秋葵抗南方根结线虫相关基因组学,利用Illumina Hi-seq TM2500高通量测序技术研究受南方根结线虫侵染后黄秋葵种质12C2转录组基因的差异表达。结果表明,接种南方根结线虫18 h后,从接种和未接种的黄秋葵种质12C2根尖中共获得71.49 Gb有效数据,Q30碱基百分比均达到94.0%以上。共获得2 318个差异表达基因(DEGs),包括1 156个上调基因,1 162个下调基因,其中功能注释基因2 202个。根据unigene库序列进行GO、KOG和KEGG注释,细胞壁代谢相关基因——内切葡聚糖酶基因家族、聚半乳糖醛酸酶基因家族、葡聚糖内-1,3-β葡糖苷酶基因家族和果胶裂解酶基因家族下调表达,植物激素代谢相关基因——生长素响应蛋白基因、生长素流入运输载体基因下调表达,茉莉酸合成酶基因上调表达,调控相关基因表达的WRKY和MYB转录因子基因家族上调表达,参与植物细胞的膜联蛋白基因家族上调表达,植物细胞周期蛋白基因家族下调表达。本研究结果为开展黄秋葵抗南方根结线虫基因组学和分子生物学研究奠定了基础。 相似文献
ABSTRACT A pot experiment was carried out to investigate the tolerance of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) to root-knot nematode after inoculation with Glomus intraradices. Plants were inoculated with G. intraradices for four weeks and then transplanted in soil treated with Meloidogyne incognita for a further five weeks. The low phosphorus (P) loamy soil was amended with 50 and 100 mg P kg?1 soil. Mycorrhizal colonization increased shoot dry weight, shoot length, leaf numbers, root fresh weight and shoot P concentration, whereas nematode penetration and reproduction were significantly decreased. Similarly, P fertilization usually increased shoot growth and significantly decreased the number of galls and the number of egg masses and eggs per g root. Our results indicate that inoculation with G. intraradices and P fertilizer confer tolerance of cucumber plants to M. incognita by enhancing plant growth and by suppressing reproduction and/or galling of nematodes during the early stages of plant growth. 相似文献
Mohsen Mohamed Elsharkawy Mai Nakatani Mitsuyoshi Nishimura Tatsuyuki Arakawa Masafumi Shimizu 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science》2013,63(6):575-580
Ralstonia solanacearum and Meloidogyne incognita are two soilborne pathogens that cause serious damage and great losses in the production of tomato. For this purpose, a bacterial isolate, Bacillus thuringiensis CR-371, and an actinomyces isolate, Streptomyces avermectinius NBRC14893, were examined for their ability to protect tomato from root-knot nematode and bacterial wilt diseases under glasshouse conditions. Treatment of tomato roots with B. thuringiensis CR-371 and S. avermectinius NBRC14893 followed by challenge inoculation with R. solanacearum and M. incognita significantly decreased disease severity of bacterial wilt alone, root-knot nematode alone, or mixed infection by both pathogens compared to the control. Furthermore, pretreatment of tomato roots with B. thuringiensis CR-371 and S. avermectinius NBRC14893 significantly reduced bacterial proliferation of R. solanacearum both in pathogen alone inoculated plants and in plants co-inoculated with R. solanacearum and M. incognita. In conclusion, our results suggest that the treatment of tomato roots with B. thuringiensis CR-371 and S. avermectinius NBRC14893 simultaneously suppresses bacterial wilt and root-knot nematode diseases. Therefore, B. thuringiensis CR-371 and S. avermectinius NBRC14893 could provide new options for integrated pest management strategies against plant diseases, especially against bacterial-nematode disease complexes that cause synergistic yield losses. 相似文献
The potential of the invertebrate communities in agricultural and natural soils to suppress Meloidogyne incognita on coleus (Coleus blumei) was evaluated in two greenhouse experiments. Soil from adjacent natural and agricultural habitats was collected from four locations that had very different soil types (loamy sand, muck, sand and rock). Soil of each type was placed into pots, planted with coleus seedlings, inoculated with 2000 eggs of M. incognita, and arranged in a 4 × 2 factorial design. Root-knot nematodes were suppressed in natural soil compared to agricultural soil for loamy sand, sand and rock soils, but not for muck soil. Plants grew larger and had less root galling in natural soils than in agricultural soils. Free-living nematodes (bacterivores, fungivores, omnivores and predators) were monitored but did not show population patterns consistent with the suppression of root-knot nematodes observed in natural soils. Reasons for the opposite result (higher root-knot levels in natural than in agricultural soil) on muck soil are unknown, but this soil type was very different from the other soils in its unusually high organic matter content and very low levels of omnivorous and predatory nematodes. The agricultural muck in particular was unusually low in fungivorous nematodes and extremely high in levels of sodium and macronutrients. Despite the exception on the muck soil, the relative suppression of root-knot nematodes in natural compared to agricultural soils of the other three soil types (loamy sand, sand and rock) support the idea that potential for nematode suppression may be greater in natural than in agricultural soils. 相似文献
Rajneesh R. P. Sharma N. K. Sankhyan Rameshwar Kumar 《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2017,48(18):2193-2209
The present study was undertaken in the ongoing long-term fertilizer experiment initiated during 1972 at experimental farm of Department of Soil Science, Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur (India). Soil samples collected from three depths (0–0.15, 0.15–0.30, and 0.30–0.45 m) were analyzed for pH; organic carbon; CEC; available N, P, and K; and micronutrients cations. Continuous use of optimal dose of fertilizers and FYM-influenced pH, organic carbon, CEC, available NPK, and DTPA extractable micronutrient cations significantly. The contents of organic carbon, available N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were higher in top soil layer (0–0.15 m) compared to lower depths (0.15–0.30 and 0.30–0.45 m). Highest productivity of wheat (89.89 q ha?1) and maize (156.52 q ha?1) was recorded under 100% NPK + FYM, which was at par with 100% NPK + lime. Application of 100% NPK along with amendments (FYM/lime) recorded significantly higher NPK uptake over other treatments. 相似文献
白花曼陀罗叶提取物对南方根结线虫生长发育的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究了白花曼陀罗(D a tura m etel L inn.)叶提取物对南方根结线虫(M eloid ogyne incogn ita Ch it-w ood.)生长发育的影响。结果表明,白花曼陀罗叶提取物对南方根结线虫胚胎发育和胚后发育有抑制作用。1%白花曼陀罗叶提取物处理48 h,仅有19.88%的卵完成胚胎发育,且变异卵增多;胚后发育历程、初侵染、初产卵日分别推迟2、4、6 d,雌虫产卵量降低。 相似文献
采用溶液培养和田间试验研究水稻根长增长和氮磷钾吸收动态。在改进蔬菜根长和养分吸收动态模型基础上,建立了适用于一个生长周期的水稻根长增长模型、单位根表面积氮磷钾吸收速率模型及其累积吸收动态模型。6个根长增长模型和18个根表氮磷钾吸收速率模型以及36个氮磷钾吸收动态模型的模拟效果达统计显著水平。结果表明,随着种植时间的推移,水稻根长增长和氮磷钾累积吸收量在整个生育期呈现S型特征;根表养分吸收速率在生长前期随种植时间迅速提高并达到最大值,过后则按指数规律下降。溶液培养试验看出,生育期120 d水稻最大根长增长速率和最大根长分别为播种后(68.85.4)d和(108.43.9)d,品种间差异很小;最大根长增长速率和根长则为(4531.51529.4)cm/( pot?d)和 (2.8931 0.6237)105 cm/pot,品种间差异较大。田间试验看出,不同施肥处理的氮磷钾吸收速率基本同步,早晚稻插秧后约50~60 d根系养分吸收能力达到峰值,临近成熟时养分吸收量达到高峰。研究结果为水稻中后期养分管理提供了科学依据。 相似文献
【目的】明确旱地条件下高产小麦品种籽粒锌含量差异与氮磷钾吸收利用的关系,为品种选育和科学施肥提供依据。【方法】于2013—2016年连续三年在黄土高原旱地进行田间试验,试验采用裂区设计,主处理为不施肥(CK)和施肥(NP),副处理为来自我国主要麦区的123个品种。施肥处理为N 150 kg/hm^2 (尿素,含N46%)、P_2O_5 100 kg/hm^2 (过磷酸钙,含P_2O_5 16%)。成熟期在每个品种中间2行随机抽取30穗小麦,连根拔起后,从根茎结合处剪断弃去根系,分为茎、叶、颖壳(含穗轴)和籽粒,称风干重。分析了样品中氮、磷、钾、锌含量,计算了养分的吸收量及转移量。【结果】施肥条件下高产小麦品种籽粒锌含量存在显著差异,高锌品种比低锌品种显著高54%。高锌品种的籽粒氮、磷含量分别比低锌品种显著高9%、7%,钾含量无显著差异,施肥使两组品种的氮含量显著提高,磷钾含量降低。高产高锌品种具有更高的籽粒和地上部氮、磷吸收能力,钾吸收能力与低锌品种相比无显著差异,施肥可使高锌品种的氮磷钾吸收量增幅高于低锌品种;两组品种间的氮、磷转移能力无显著差异,而高锌品种的钾转移能力较低,且两组品种的氮磷钾转移能力因施肥降低幅度一致。【结论】旱地条件下土壤养分供应充足时,高产高锌小麦品种的氮磷吸收能力强,钾转移能力弱,籽粒氮磷含量高,与低锌品种相比钾含量无显著差异。通过品种选育可同时提高旱地高产小麦籽粒锌和蛋白质含量,并提高磷含量。考虑到磷含量高时会降低籽粒锌的生物有效性,生产中通过施肥措施,适当调控磷肥,增加氮肥,在提高小麦籽粒氮锌含量的同时提高籽粒锌的生物有效性。 相似文献
D. S. Ogundijo M. T. Adetunji J. O. Azeez T. A. Arowolo 《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2017,48(8):943-954
A field experiment was conducted on an Alfisol (kandic paleustalf) in Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria, for two seasons to assess the influence of inorganic and organic fertilizers on nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), nutrient uptake and maize yield. The treatments consisted of three rates of organic fertilizer 0, 5 and 10 t ha?1 in the form of poultry manure and NPK fertilizer (20:10:10) applied at 0 and 120 kg ha?1. Maize (Zea mays) was used as the test crop. The results showed that the combined application of 10 t ha?1 poultry manure and 120 kg ha?1 NPK fertilizer enhanced the uptake of N, P and K better than other treatment combinations. Application of 10 t ha?1 poultry manure alone gave the highest grain yield, which was 67.02% higher than the control in the first season. Complementary application of 5 t ha?1 poultry manure with 120 kg ha?1 NPK 20–10-10 was recommended for grain yield. 相似文献
A field experiment was conducted during 2003–2005 and 2004–2006 at the Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, India
to study the effect of Trichoderma viride inoculation in ratoon sugarcane with three trash management practices, i.e. trash mulching, trash burning and trash removal.
Trichoderma inoculation with trash mulch increased soil organic carbon and phosphorus (P) content by 5.08 Mg ha−1 and 11.7 kg ha−1 over their initial contents of 15.75 Mg ha−1 and 12.5 kg ha−1, respectively. Soil compaction evaluated as bulk density in 0- to 15-cm soil layer, increased from 1.48 Mg m−3 at ratoon initiation (in April) to 1.53 Mg m−3 at harvest (in December) due to trash burning and from 1.42 Mg m−3 at ratoon initiation (in April) to 1.48 Mg m−3 at harvest (in December) due to trash mulching. The soil basal respiration was the highest during tillering phase and then
decreased gradually, thereafter with the advancement of crop growth. On an average, at all the stages of crop growth, Trichoderma inoculation increased the soil basal respiration over no inoculation. Soil microbial biomass increased in all plots except
in the plots of trash burning/removal without Trichoderma inoculation. The maximum increase (40 mg C kg−1 soil) in soil microbial biomass C, however, was observed in the plots of trash mulch with Trichoderma inoculation treatment which also recorded the highest uptake of nutrient and cane yield. On an average, Trichoderma inoculation with trash mulch increased N, P and K uptake by 15.9, 4.68 and 23.6 kg ha−1, respectively, over uninoculated condition. The cane yield was increased by 12.8 Mg ha−1 with trash mulch + Trichoderma over trash removal without Trichoderma. Upon degradation, trash mulch served as a source of energy for enhanced multiplication of soil bacteria and fungi and provided
suitable niche for plant–microbe interaction. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(20):2534-2552
We investigated the effects of split applications of nitrogen (N) on N, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) uptake and use efficiency of rice under basal surface-application and incorporation methods. Different amounts of N were applied at the basal, tillering, and panicle initiation stages in five N split treatments. Basal incorporation provided greater NPK uptake than basal surface application until initiation of the panicle. In basal surface application, N2 (25:50:25) resulted in the greatest total NPK uptake, use efficiency, and N recovery efficiency. In basal incorporation, N1 (50:25:25) resulted in greater values for all parameters. The N5 (50:0:50), which included omitting N at tillering, resulted in low N recovery efficiency and uptake, both under basal incorporation and basal surface application. These results emphasize that split applications of N influence N recovery efficiency and total NPK uptake and use efficiency of rice. 相似文献
Wakayama Prefecture is one of the important districts of citrus production in Japan. The citrus groves are located in the northern districts of the prefecture along the watershed of the Kii, and Arita rivers. Geologically, the rocks in these districts are classified into crystalline schist, Palaeozoic Upper Chichibu and Mesozoic Cretaceous systems. The associated soils are chiefly members of the Red Yellow Podzolic and Lithosol group.7) 相似文献
A field study evaluated the effects of NPK (21:17:17) and compost on vegetative growth, proteins, and carbohydrates of Moringa oleifera. The experimental design was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with six treatments replicated three times. Compost and NPK fertilizers were applied together which include control (without fertilizer) 5 t ha?1 (Compost), 120 kg ha?1 (NPK), 50 + 50% ha?1 (NPK + Compost), 10 + 50% ha?1 (NPK + Compost), and 50 + 10% ha?1 (NPK + Compost) per plot. For NPK fertilizer, the rate was 10 and 50% of 120 kg ha?1 and for compost it was 10 and 50% of 5 t ha?1. The measured growth parameters were plant height (cm), stem girth (mm), number of leaves, and number of branches per plant. Results showed that 120 kg ha?1 (NPK) treatment produced plants of more height, stem girth, more number of leaves, maximum number of branches as compared to other treatments at week 8 with higher protein. Carbohydrate content was high in 50 + 50% (NPK + Compost) compared to others. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(5):605-618
A field experiment was conducted for five kharif seasons (2006–2011) in an Alfisol to study the effect of integrated use of lime, mycorrhiza, and inorganic and organics on soil fertility, yield, and proximate composition of sweet potato. Application of graded doses of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) significantly increased the mean tuber yield of sweet potato by 44, 106, and 130 percent over control. Green manuring along with ½ NPK showed greater yield response over that of ½ NPK. The greatest mean tuber yield was recorded due to integrated application of lime, farmyard manure (FYM), NPK, and MgSO4 (13.69 t ha?1) over the other treatments. Inoculation of mycorrhiza combined with lime, FYM, and NPK showed a significant yield response of 10 percent over FYM + NPK. Conjunctive use of lime, inorganics, and organics not only produces sustainable crop yields but also improve soil fertility, nutrient-use efficiency, and apparent nutrient recovery in comparison to NPK and organic manures. 相似文献
脲酶—硝化抑制剂缓释肥对不同土壤氮素释放特性及黄瓜NPK吸收利用的影响 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
为了提高黄瓜氮素利用率,减少氮肥对环境污染,采用恒温培养和土培试验研究了专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥(CSRF1和CSRF2)在酸、碱、中性土壤中的氮素释放特性以及对黄瓜生长、NPK吸收利用的影响,其中缓释肥中包含抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(nBPT)、氢醌(HQ)、双氰胺(DCD)。结果表明:在酸、碱、中性3种不同土壤中,氮素释放累积量均表现为普通复合肥(OCF)商品缓释肥(MSRF)自制专用肥(CCF)自制专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥1(CSRF1)自制专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥2(CSRF2);不同施肥处理对于3种土壤类型影响下的氮素累积释放量顺序为碱性土最大,中性土次之,酸性土最小。铵态氮、硝态氮的累积量大小顺序也为碱性土最大,中性土次之,酸性土最小。不同形态氮在3种土壤中的累积释放量动态以应用一级动力学方程拟合最好(r=0.952**~0.993**)。通过一级动力学方程,反映了3种形态氮素的最大释放量N0值大小顺序:总N最大,NH_4~+-N次之,NO_3~--N最小,此结果与土壤中不同形态的氮素累积释放特性变化规律相一致。2种专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥(CSRF1和CSRF2)显著提高了黄瓜产量(果实干物质量),较OCF、MSRF和CCF处理分别增加了59.1%,30.3%,33.8%(CSRF1)和46.2%,19.7%,22.9%(CSRF2)。与普通复合肥相比,2种专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥处理的NPK相对养分利用效率增加了18.52%~24.20%(N),19.27%~20.02%(P),28.54%~35.69%(K)。相较于普通复合肥,黄瓜专用脲酶—硝化抑制剂缓释肥的施用能够延缓肥料中的氮素释放,提高黄瓜NPK养分利用率和黄瓜产量。 相似文献
A field experiment was conducted for two crop cycles during 2003–2005 and 2004–2006 at the Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow in subtropical India. Trichoderma viride and Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus amended farm yard manure (FYM) increased organic carbon (19.44 Mg ha−1) and available nitrogen (260 kg N ha−1) content of soil from 14.78 Mg ha−1 (OC) and 204 kg N ha−1 observed under farmer's practice (sole N application). Application of bioagents amended FYM improved soil porosity and reduced compaction (bulk density—1.39 Mg m−3 over 1.48 Mg m−3 under farmer's practice). Sugarcane ratoon crop removed the highest amount of nitrogen (N—165.7 kg ha−1), phosphorus (P—24.01 kg ha−1) and potassium (K—200.5 kg ha−1) in the plots receiving FYM with Trichoderma and Gluconacetobacter. Inoculation of FYM with bioagents improved population of ammonifying and nitrifying bacteria in the soil. Phosphorus and potassium uptake of the crop was greatest in the plots receiving FYM, Trichoderma and Gluconacetobacter. Bioagents (Trichoderma and Gluconacetobacter) amended FYM increased ratoon cane (70.2 Mg ha−1) and sugar yields (7.93 Mg ha−1) compared with control (62.3 and 7.06 Mg ha−1 ratoon cane and sugar yields, respectively). 相似文献
通过田间试验探讨钾肥对苜蓿植株吸收氮、磷、钾的影响。结果表明,在播种当年,施钾肥降低了苜蓿植株中N和P2O5的百分含量,增加了K2O的百分含量。苜蓿植株中N、P2O5和K2O的积累量均可用曲线方程Y=eb0 b1/X来表达,拟合良好。高钾处理降低了苜蓿干草中N和P2O5的积累量,施钾均增加了K2O的积累量,但K2O的积累量不随施钾量的增加而持续增加。施钾对N的吸收速率影响不明显,但有利于提高K2O的吸收速率;施相对低水平钾可提高磷的吸收速率,高水平钾则降低了磷的吸收速率。 相似文献
采用田间试验方法,连续两年对1~3年树龄的幼龄骏枣开展研究,探讨氮磷钾肥对不同树龄骏枣幼树的生长和结果的影响。结果表明:(1)适量的氮磷钾施肥水平可以促进幼龄骏枣的生长,提高枣果产量和品质,但施用过量将会产生肥害;(2)与本试验土壤肥力相似的土壤中,氮磷钾的适宜配比为3.7∶3.6∶1,即1年生幼龄骏枣的适宜施肥量为N 55 g/株、P2O554 g/株、K2O 15 g/株;2年树龄骏枣N 110 g/株、P2O5108 g/株、K2O 30g/株;3年树龄骏枣N 220 g/株、P2O5216 g/株、K2O 60 g/株。 相似文献
Takashi Sato Hiroyuki Yashima Norikuni Ohtake Kuni Sueyoshi Shoichiro Akao James E. Harper 《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》2013,59(4):635-645
The hypernodulation soybean mutant lines (NOD1-3, NOD2-4, NOD3-7) and their parent Williams, and the mutant En6500 and its parent Enrei were cultivated in a sandy dune field in Niigata, and the nodules and root bleeding xylem sap were sampled at 50, 70, 90, and 120 d after planting (DAP). The nodule size distribution patterns and concentration of leghemoglobin components were determined. The number of nodules of the hypernodulation mutant lines was about two to three times higher than that of the parent lines irrespective of the sampling date. At 50 DAP the nodule size was relatively smaller in the hypernodulation mutant lines, and the total dry weight of the nodules was almost the same in the mutant lines and their parents. At 70 DAP and 90 DAP, the size distribution of the hypernodulation mutant nodules became .almost the same as that of the parent lines, and both the number and total dry weight of the nodules were higher than those of the parent lines. The concentration of four Lb components was separately measured by capillary electrophoresis. The concentration of the Lb components in the hypernodulation mutant lines tended to be lower than in the parents, but the component ratios were not different between the hypernodulation mutants and their parents. Under field conditions, plant growth and nodulation characteristics were more similar between mutants and parents than in the hydroponic culture reported previously, although the mutants did exhibit hypernodulation traits. These findings suggest that the decrease in the Lb concentration and the different Lb components ratios in the mutants may be caused by secondary effects of excess nodulation, such as photosynthate deficiency, rather than by a genetic defect in mutation. The concentration of major nitrogenous compounds (allantoic acid, allantoin, asparagine, aspartic acid, and nitrate) in the xylem sap was also measured by capillary electrophoresis. The concentration of ureides and nitrate in xylem sap decreased with the plant age, but the asparagine concentration increased during the same period. The concentrations of ureides and asparagine were higher, and the nitrate concentration was lower in the mutant lines than in their parents, possibly due to the higher dependence on N2 fixation than N03 - utilization. In the xylem sap, nitrate was the major inorganic anion followed by phosphate, sulfate, and chloride, and potassium was the major cation followed by calcium or magnesium and sodium. 相似文献
为提高番茄肥料的利用效率,该文采用恒温培养和土培试验研究了自制番茄专用缓释肥(special slow-realease fertilizer for tomato,TSRF1和TSRF2)在酸、中、碱性土中的氮素释放特性以及对番茄产量、NPK养分吸收利用的影响。结果表明,在3种不同土壤中,氮素释放累积量均表现为普通复合肥(ordinary compound fertilizer,OCF)>商品缓释肥(commercial slow-release fertilizer,MSRF)>自制专用肥(special compound fertilizer for tomato,TCF)>自制专用缓释肥1(TSRF1)>自制专用缓释肥2(TSRF2),且各施肥处理在3种不同土壤类型上的氮素累积释放量大小表现为碱性土>中性土>酸性土。在整个培养期,各施肥处理在3种不同土壤中氮素相对累积释放率大小总体表现为碱性土>中性土>酸性土,且土壤中不同形态氮素累积量均是铵态氮大于硝态氮。铵态氮、硝态氮的累积量大小也表现为碱性土>中性土>酸性土。不同形态氮在3种土壤中的累积释放量动态释放以一级动力学方程拟合最好(r=0.963~0.998)。采用一级动力学方程,不同形态氮素的最大释放量表现为总N>NH4+-N>NO3--N,这与土壤中各形态氮素养分的累积释放特性变化规律表现一致。在土培试验中,两种专用缓释肥(TSRF2和TSRF1)显著提高了番茄果实干物质量,较TCF、MSRF和OCF处理分别增加了18.18%、7.24%、31.40%和13.45%、2.96%、26.15%,且番茄产量在各处理之间的差异达到显著水平。各处理对氮素的积累量大小顺序为TSRF2>TSRF1>MSRF>TCF>OCF,对磷的吸收上表现为TSRF1>TSRF2>MSRF>TCF> OCF,钾素吸收积累量的趋势与氮素基本相同。与普通复合肥相比,两种专用缓释肥处理的N、P、K利用率分别增加了10.66%、20.53%和18.62%(TSRF1),14.94%、18.48%和21.95%(TSRF2)。两种专用缓释肥(TSRF2和TSRF1)在抑制剂的作用下,能够延缓肥料中N素养分的释放,增加番茄植株对氮磷钾养分的吸收,从而提高了NPK养分利用率和番茄产量。 相似文献