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Four experiments were conducted with weanling pigs fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum, to determine the effect of phytase supplementation to four diets on the apparent ileal digestibilities (AID) of CP and AA, and the apparent total-tract digestibilities (ATTD) of CP and DE. Phytase (Natuphos, DSM Food Specialties, Delft, The Netherlands) was supplemented at rates of 0, 500 or 1,000 FTU/kg to the four diets. A 20% CP (as-fed basis) corn-soybean meal diet was used in Exp. 1; a 20% CP wheat-soybean meal diet in Exp. 2; a 20% CP wheat-soybean meal-canola meal diet in Exp. 3; and a 19% CP barley-peas-canola meal diet in Exp. 4. In each experiment, six barrows, fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum, were fed the basal plus phytase-supplemented diets according to a repeated 3 x 3 Latin square design. Each experimental period comprised 14 d. The piglets were at fed 0800 and 2000 daily, equal amounts for each meal, at a daily rate of at least 2.4 times the maintenance requirement for ME. Feces were collected from 0800 on d 8 until 0800 on d 12 of each experimental period. Ileal digesta were collected from 0800 to 2000 on d 12, 13, and 14. Chromic oxide was used as the digestibility marker. The average initial and final BW (average of all experiments) were 7.9 and 16.5 kg, respectively. Phytase supplementation did not improve the AID of CP and AA in Exp. 1, 2, and 4; however, there were improvements (P < 0.05) or tendencies (P < 0.10) toward improvements in the AID of CP and AA or the ATTD of CP and the content of DE with phytase supplementation in Exp. 3. These results suggest that the AA response factor to microbial phytase supplementation depends on diet composition.  相似文献   

通过对4个安装了简易T型瘘管的断奶仔猪研究表明,添加植酸酶并没有提高玉米-豆粕型日粮(试验组1)、小麦-豆粕型日粮(试验组2)和大麦-豌豆-菜籽粕型日粮(试验组4)粗蛋白和氨基酸的回肠表观消化率(AID),而使小麦-豆粕-菜粕型日粮的粗蛋白和氨基酸回肠表观消化率或粗蛋白和消化能的总消化道表观消化率(ATTD)得到了显著的提高(P<0.05)或呈提高的势态(P<0.10)。这些结果表明,氨基酸对细菌性植酸酶的反应因子取决于日粮的组成。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that methionine, isoleucine, valine or nitrogen either singly or in combination are limiting in an 11% crude protein, lysine-tryptophan-threonine-supplemented, corn-soybean meal diet for growing pigs. A 16% crude protein diet was used as a positive control in each experiment and all amino acid additions were made, at a minimum, to equal requirements. Average initial weights were 21.3 kg, 23.0 kg and 19.1 kg in Exp. 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The experiments averaged 4 wk in duration. In Exp. 1 and 2, neither the addition of glutamic acid as a source of nitrogen, nor methionine to the 11% diet resulted in any improvement (P greater than .20) in rate or efficiency of growth. Addition of the combination of isoleucine and valine to the 11% diet resulted in an increase (P less than .05) in both growth rate and feed efficiency to a level not different (P greater than .20) from that of the pigs consuming the positive control diet. The addition of valine to the 11% crude protein diet with supplemental lysine, tryptophan and threonine (Exp. 3) caused an improvement in daily gain (P less than .05) but not feed efficiency (P greater than .10). Isoleucine addition tended to reduce pig performance. The results of these experiments suggest that an 11% crude protein, corn-soybean meal diet fortified with lysine, tryptophan and threonine is not limiting in sulfur amino acids or nitrogen. Valine may be the only limiting amino acid.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to determine the ileal digestibility values of NDF, CP, and AA associated with NDF in different samples of wheat shorts consisting of different proportions of wheat bran, shorts, and flour, hereafter referred to as wheat fractions. Six barrows (average initial BW 37.2 kg, and fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum) were fed one of six experimental diets, formulated to contain 17% CP (as-fed basis), according to a 6 x 6 Latin square design. Diets A, B, C, D, and E contained 17.53% soybean meal (SBM), which contributed 50% CP to these diets. The diets contained shorts, bran, or flour alone or in combination, contributing the remaining 50% CP to these diets. The proportions of shorts, bran, and flour in the wheat fractions were 70% shorts and 30% bran in diet A, 85% shorts and 15% bran in diet B, 100% shorts in diet C, 85% shorts and 15% flour in diet D, and 70% shorts and 30% flour in diet E. Diet F contained 35.05% soybean meal, which provided the sole source of dietary CP. Chromic oxide was used as a digestibility marker. During the first experimental period, the daily dietary allowance was provided at a rate of 5% (wt/wt) of the average BW. Thereafter, the allowance was increased by 100 g at each successive period. Each experimental period comprised 12 d. Following a 7-d adaptation period, feces were collected for 48 h and ileal digesta for a total of 24 h. The contribution of CP and AA associated with NDF gradually decreased from wheat fraction A to E, reflecting a decrease in NDF content from 42.3 to 29.5%. Of the indispensable AA in wheat fraction A, the contributions ranged from 12.9 to 15.9%. In wheat fraction E, these values ranged from 9.0 to 11.3%. The ileal digestibility values of NDF ranged from 11.8% in diet E to 17.1% in diet C (P > 0.05). There were usually no differences (P > 0.05) in the ileal digestibilities of AA associated with NDF between the wheat fractions. However, with the exception of lysine and tyrosine, there were negative correlations (P < 0.05) between the apparent ileal AA digestibilities and the content (%) of CP associated with NDF in the wheat fractions. Furthermore, there was no effect (P > 0.05) of the diets containing wheat fractions on the recovery of bacterial protein and mucin in ileal digesta.  相似文献   

The study was carried out to estimate basal ileal endogenous crude protein and amino acid losses (IAALB) and standardized ileal digestibilities (SID) of crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA) originating from casein in newly weaned pigs from linear relationships between ileal recoveries and dietary intakes of graded levels of CP and AA. A total of 14 (12 + 2 for replacement) 3‐week‐old barrows weighing 5.7 kg was fitted with simple T cannulas at the distal ileum. At 28 days of age, the pigs were randomly allocated to the six experimental diets with two pigs per diet in four weekly repeated measurements. Corn starch‐based diets, containing six graded levels of CP from casein (90, 155, 220, 285, 350, 415 g/kg CP as‐fed basis respectively), were formulated. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) was included as a digestibility marker. Each experimental period consisted of 7 days. Ileal digesta were collected for a total of 24 h during day 6 and 8. Splitting the total range of 90 to 415 g/kg CP into smaller ranges, i.e. from 90 to 220, 220 to 350 or 285 to 415 g/kg CP, provides estimates for CP and AA recoveries which are not significantly different from zero. As a result, dietary CP and AA originating from casein are completely digested and absorbed until the end of the small intestine. In addition, the use of large ranges of dietary CP levels showed that IAALB were affected (p < 0.050) by the dietary CP content. Accepting that ileal recoveries of CP and AA are exclusively of endogenous origin when purified corn starch casein‐based diets are fed, IAALB were estimated as a function of the dietary CP level. There were linear increases (p < 0.050) in IAALB when the dietary CP content was increased from 90 to 415 g/kg. Average IAALB expressed in g/kg dry matter intake (DMI) were 16.3, 0.7, 0.2, 0.9 and 0.2 for CP, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan respectively. These values are in close agreement with IAALB obtained in grower‐finisher pigs.  相似文献   

试验旨在通过采用T型瘘管法,研究精油对生长猪蛋白质和氨基酸等回肠末端表观消化率的影响。试验选用6头(杜×长×大)去势公猪([28.6±1.3)kg],采用3×3双拉丁方试验设计,分别饲喂正对照日粮:玉米-豆粕型基础日粮+抗生素;负对照日粮:无抗基础日粮;精油组日粮:负对照+0.01%精油。每个试验期为7 d,前5 d为适应期,后2 d为食糜收集期。结果表明,在日粮中添加精油可提高(P<0.05)蛋白质、能量、精氨酸、赖氨酸、亮氨酸、色氨酸、蛋氨酸、丙氨酸、总必需氨基酸、总氨基酸的回肠末端表观消化率,并有提高干物质、苏氨酸、天冬氨酸、丝氨酸和酪氨酸表观消化率的趋势(P<0.10)。在日粮中添加0.01%的精油可提高生长猪蛋白质、能量、总必需氨基酸和总氨基酸的回肠末端表观消化率,并有提高干物质表观消化率的趋势。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to compare apparent total tract protein digestibilities and apparent ileal digestibilities of protein and amino acids in growing pigs and adult pregnant and lactating sows. Twelve growing pigs and 12 sows were used and surgically fitted with simple T-cannulas at the distal ileum. Six experimental diets based on corn, barley, wheat, soybean meal, canola meal, or meat and bone meal were formulated, and each diet was fed to growing pigs, gestating sows, and lactating sows for 7 d. Chromium oxide was included in all diets as an indigestible marker (.25%) for calculating nutrient digestibilities. Fecal material was collected on d 5 of each feeding period by grab sampling, and ileal samples were collected for 12 h/d during the last 2 d of each feeding period. Apparent fecal protein digestibilities for all feed ingredients were higher (P < .05) in gestating and lactating sows compared to growing pigs, but no differences between the two groups of sows were observed (P > .05). At the distal ileum, no differences (P > .05) in protein digestibilities were detected between sows and growing pigs regardless of feed ingredient. For all feed ingredients tested, lactating sows had apparent ileal digestibilities of most amino acids that were two to six percentage units higher than those obtained in growing pigs, but not all of the differences were significant. Gestating sows had digestibilities of most amino acids that were intermediate between those of growing pigs and lactating sows. The combined results from the six feed ingredients showed that lactating sows had higher (P < .05) digestibilities of all indispensable amino acids except arginine, and gestating sows had higher (P < .05) digestibilities of five of the indispensable amino acids than did growing pigs. The results of this experiment indicate that apparent fecal protein and apparent ileal amino acid digestibilities obtained in growing pigs are not always representative of digestibilities in either gestating or lactating sows.  相似文献   

The mobile nylon bag technique (MNBT) may offer a simple, rapid means for assessing ileal AA digestibility of pig feed ingredients. In the present study, the effects of washing bags recovered from digesta, the amount and fineness of feeds, and feed trypsin inhibitor activity on apparent ileal digestibilities (AID) of CP and AA were determined with the MNBT. Twenty-four ileorectal anastomosed pigs (Yorkshire x Chinese Black barrows, 30 kg initial BW), of which 12 were fitted with duodenal T-cannulas, were used. Not washing the bags recovered from ileal digesta resulted in a reduction (P < 0.05) in apparent ileal digestibilities of CP and AA determined by MNBT. Washing the bags for more than 4 min overestimated (P < 0.05) the apparent ileal digestibilities of CP and AA compared with those determined with the anastomosed pigs. Sample size and fineness of grinding also affected (P < 0.05) apparent ileal digestibilities of CP determined by MNBT. The apparent ileal digestibilities of CP determined by MNBT were reduced (P < 0.05) when sample size exceeded 0.75 g and when feed was ground through screens with a mesh size of more than 1.0 mm. The closest agreement between results obtained by MNBT and a conventional ileal digestibility assay occurred when 0.75 g of feed ground through a 1.0-mm mesh screen was used per bag and bags were washed for 2 min after retrieval from digesta. Further studies are warranted to investigate the use of the mobile nylon bag technique for predicting the ileal digestibilty of AA for feeds containing antinutritional factors.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of CP level in corn- and soybean meal-based diets on apparent (AID) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of AA. Six pigs (initial BW, 47.1 ± 1.0 kg) fitted with T-cannula at the distal ileum were fed 6 diets for 6 periods in a 6 × 6 Latin square design. The 6 diets consisted of a nitrogen-free diet and 5 corn- and soybean meal-based diets that contained CP of 68, 105, 141, 177, and 214 g/kg. Each period consisted of a 5-d adjustment period and 2 d of ileal digesta collection for 10 h on each of d 6 and 7. The ratio of corn:soybean meal was fixed at 3 to 2 by weight and cornstarch was added to dilute the CP concentration. Chromic oxide was added at 5 g/kg as an indigestible marker. The results showed basal endogenous loss ranged from 65 mg/kg of DMI for Met to 3,104 mg/kg of DMI for Pro. Proline and Gly (1,053 mg/kg of DMI) were the 2 most abundant AA in endogenous flow and together accounted for approximately 43% of the total endogenous AA flow. Of the basal ileal endogenous CP, total AA accounted for 82%. The AID were 80.9 to 84.7%, 85.1 to 87.4%, 72.9 to 79.5%, and 86.5 to 87.9% for Lys, Met, Thr, and Trp, respectively, with corresponding SID being 86.6 to 89.0%, 87.5 to 90.5%, 82.7 to 88.2%, and 90.2 to 94.6%, respectively, as dietary CP increased from 68 to 214 g/kg. There were linear increases in AID of N, Arg, Gly, Ile, Lys, Ser, Thr, Tyr, and Val (P ≤ 0.05) as CP increased and linear decreases in SID of N and all AA measured in this study except Lys, Met, and Pro (P ≤ 0.05). Both linear and quadratic effects were observed in AID for Pro (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the protein content of corn-soybean meal diets evaluated in the current study affected SID of most indispensable and dispensable AA, excluding Lys, Met, and Pro.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of reduced dietary crude protein (CP) levels supplemented with or without exogenous phytase on growing pigs. Six dietary treatments arranged in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangements of 3 CP levels (containing 14%, 16%, and 18% CP) supplemented each with or without 5,000 FTU/g phytase enzyme. Thirty growing pigs (average weight of 17.80 ± 0.10 kg) were allotted to the six dietary treatments in a complete randomized design. The final weight, daily weight gain, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) increased significantly with increasing CP levels. While, phytase supplementation improved (p = .044) FCR in pigs. Total solid and volatile solid content of the slurry were higher (p = .001) in pigs fed 14% and 16% CP diets supplemented with phytase when compared with other treatment groups. Concentration of methane gas emitted was lowest (p = .001) in the slurry of pigs fed 14% CP diet with or without phytase and those fed 16% CP diet with phytase supplementation. In conclusion, reduction in dietary CP levels resulted in reduced weight gain and poor FCR. While, reduced CP with phytase supplementation reduced concentration of methane gas emitted.  相似文献   

Two N balance experiments were conducted on growing pigs to study the effect of essential and nonessential amino acids added to a protein-free diet on N retention. In Expt. 1, the addition of sulphur amino acids, threonine and tryptophan to a protein-free diet at levels two times the maintenance requirements reduced (p > 0.1) daily N loss from –131 to –108 mg/kg0.75. A further addition of nonessential amino acids equivalent to 250 mg N/kg0.75/d resulted in a marked increase (p < 0.01) in daily N retention to 28 mg/kg0.75. In Expt. 2, nonessential amino acids were added to a protein-free diet supplemented with sulphur amino acids, threonine and tryptophan at levels corresponding to 100, 200 and 300 mg N/kg0.75/d. N retention increased linearly as dietary nonessential N increased. The slope of the best-fit regression line indicated that the marginal efficiency of nonessential N utilization for protein accretion was 0.26. The results suggest that nonessential amino acids may be a limiting factor for the re-utilization of amino acids released by body protein breakdown or that they may serve as precursors for de novo synthesis of amino acids by gut microorganisms, thus contributing to the amino acid requirements of the pig.  相似文献   

The effect of phytase and xylanase supplementation of a wheat-based pig diet on the ileal and total tract apparent digestibility of dietary components and minerals were studied in eight growing pigs fitted with a PVTC cannula in a randomized block design experiment. The diets (A and B) were similar in major ingredient composition and in nutrient content. In diet A, part of the limestone was replaced with di-calcium phosphate to increase the content of available phosphorus (P). Diet B was fed without or with supplementation with phytase (500 FTU/kg; diet BP), xylanase (4000 XU/kg; diet BX) and phytase + xylanase (500 FTU and 4000 XU/kg; diet BPX). There were no differences (P > 0.05) between diets in the ileal or total tract digestibility of organic matter (OM), NDF and crude protein (CP). The ileal and total tract digestibility for P and Ca differed (P < 0.05) between diets, while there were no treatment effects for Zn. The ileal and total tract digestibility for P and Ca was higher (P < 0.05) on diets BP and BPX than on the other diets. In conclusion, phytase improved the utilization of dietary P and Ca in a wheat-based diet, while xylanase had no additional benefits in terms of OM and CP digestibility or mineral utilization. Phytase had no effect on the digestibility of OM, CP or NDF.  相似文献   

生长猪添加植酸酶对植物性蛋白饲料磷消化率的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用4个3×3拉丁方设计对12头平均体重(42±5)kg杜×长×大阉猪进行消化试验,在基础日粮中分别添加0,250,500,1000 U/kg的植酸酶,评定植酸酶对菜籽粕、棉籽粕植酸磷和总磷消化率的影响.试验结果表明:(1)菜籽粕、棉籽粕中植酸磷消化率与植酸酶的添加量呈极显著二次曲线关系(P<0.001).当植酸酶添加量分别为945U/kg和873 U/kg时.菜籽粕、棉籽粕中植酸磷消化率达到最优.(2)菜籽粕、棉籽粕总磷消化率随植酸酶添加量的增加而增加.(3)植酸磷的消化率与总磷表现消化率存在极显著线性关系(P<0.001).  相似文献   

In 36 growing pigs (30 to 60 kg), N balance and amino acid (AA) composition of weight gain were measured to evaluate the interactive effect of the ratio between N from essential amino acids (EAA(N)) to nonessential amino acids (NEAA(N)) and total N level (T(N)) in the diet on N retention and utilization of N, EAA(N), NEAA(N), and AA. Nine diets composed from ordinary feedstuffs and supplemented with crystalline AA were used (three EAA(N):NEAA(N) ratios of 38:62, 50:50, and 62:38 at three T(N) levels of 18.8, 22.9, and 30.0 g/kg). Pigs were fed restrictedly, at a level of 2.8 x energy for maintenance. In all diets, EAA (including arginine) supply was according to or slightly above the recommended ratios to lysine. Measurements were done in four blocks of nine pigs each. In a concomitant slaughter experiment, the AA composition of deposited body protein was determined to estimate AA utilization. The effects of T(N) and EAA(N):NEAA(N) and their interaction for N retention and utilization were significant. Nitrogen retention increased with higher T(N) in the diet. Increasing EAA(N):NEAA(N) from 38:62 to 50:50 improved N retention only at the two lower T(N) levels. Increasing EAA(N): NEAA(N) above 50:50 failed to improve N retention significantly at any of the three T(N) levels. Lowering T(N) improved the utilization of total and digested N and of EAA(N) and NEAA(N). The increase in EAA(N): NEAA(N) consistently resulted in a lower utilization of EAA(N), but this was compensated by a higher utilization of NEAA(N). The utilization of T(N) was improved by increasing EAA(N):NEAA(N) from 38:62 to 50:50 at the two lower T(N) levels and was relatively unaffected by EAA(N):NEAA(N) at the highest T(N). However, a lower utilization of N was observed at a ratio of 62:38 at a T(N) level of 22.9 g/kg. The effects were similar for utilization of individual EAA and NEAA. Utilization of alanine, aspartic acid, and glycine was close to or >100% at the highest EAA(N):NEAA(N), which was expected because all of these AA are synthesized in pigs. Also, the utilization of arginine was >100% in most of the treatments, which confirms the semiessential character of this AA for maintenance. We concluded that the required ratio of EAA(N):NEAA(N) for optimal N retention and utilization is approximately 50:50. The EAA(N):NEAA(N) is more important at lower dietary protein levels. This study indicates that EAA(N): NEAA(N) can be increased up to 70:30 without lowering the utilization of N. Thus, deaminated EAA(N) was efficiently utilized for the synthesis of NEAA(N).  相似文献   

Based on current recommendations of the CVB (1996) in the Netherlands and the GfE (2002, 2005) in Germany, a standardization of methods for the determination of ileal amino acid digestibilities in growing pigs is proposed. Differences and similarities between these protocols in terms of (i) animals, housing and feeding conditions (ii), methods for digesta collection and handling, and (iii) approaches to determine ileal amino acid digestibilities are described.  相似文献   

根据荷兰CVB(1996)和德国GfE(2002、2005)的最新规定,提出了生长猪回肠氨基酸消化率测定的一个标准化方法。本文从①试验动物、猪舍环境和饲喂条件,②消化糜的收集及处理,③回肠氨基酸消化率测定方法三个方面比较了这些规定之间的差异和相似性。  相似文献   

选用体重约30kg的杜长大三元杂交生长猪96头,随机分成4个处理组,每组6个重复,每重复4头猪,公母各半。A组为对照组,饲喂基础饲粮,B、C、D组为试验组(每千克饲粮分别以250、500、750U植酸酶取代基础饲粮中的40%、60%、80%磷酸氢钙)。以研究玉米-豆粕型饲粮中添加植酸酶对生长猪生长性能和血液生化指标的影响。42d的饲养试验结果表明:与对照组相比,B、C、D组的平均日增重分别提高了1.05%(P>0.05)、4.09%(P<0.05)、2.64%(P>0.05);料重比与对照组相比分别降低了2.18%、2.62%、1.75%;每千克增重的饲料成本分别是对照组的97.38%、97.03%和97.73%。血清中钙含量分别提高了4.22%、4.22%、8.12%(P<0.05);血清中磷含量分别提高了1.46%、0.36%、14.23%(P<0.05),其它生化指标各试验组间无明显差异。  相似文献   

Ten 56-d-old, 15-kg barrows were surgically fitted with a postvalvular T-cecum cannula at the ileo-cecal junction to evaluate the effect of microbial phytase on apparent and true ileal AA digestibility and N utilization. A semipurified cornstarch- and soybean meal-based diet was formulated to contain 3.4 Mcal of DE/kg, 17.0% CP, 0.8% Ca, and 0.6% P but had a low phytate-P concentration (0.13%; all on an as-fed basis). Chromic oxide and dysprosium chloride were used as indigestible markers. The basal diet was supplemented with 0 or 1,000 phytase units/kg of microbial phytase. Postprandial plasma urea N and alpha-amino N concentrations, excretion of Ca, P, and N in feces and urine, and ileal AA digestibilities were determined 3 times at 4-wk intervals beginning at 70 d of age. The homoarginine (HA) method was used to determine endogenous AA flow by replacing 50% of the basal protein with guanidinated protein. Microbial phytase had no effect on apparent ileal digestibility (AID) or on true ileal digestibilities of N and most AA but did increase AID for arginine (P = 0.006) and methionine (P = 0.037). However, in HA diets, phytase increased the AID of CP (P = 0.01) and several AA. Addition of microbial phytase had no effect on the postprandial alpha-amino N concentrations in plasma but increased overall plasma urea N concentrations (P = 0.035). Barrows fed phytase-supplemented diets had decreased P in feces (P = 0.003) and greater P in urine (P = 0.001) but comparable total P excretion compared with barrows fed no phytase-supplemented diets. In conclusion, the addition of phytase to a semi-purified soybean meal-based diet did not affect the AID of several AA. In addition, differences between the basal and HA diets in N digestibilities indicated that that guanidination may limit the use of the HA method in determining endogenous protein losses.  相似文献   

The apparent DE and ME values of crude glycerol for growing pigs were determined in 5 experiments using crude glycerol (86.95% glycerol) from a biodiesel production facility, which used soybean oil as the initial feedstock. Dietary treatments were 0, 5, or 10% glycerol addition to basal diets in Exp. 1; 0, 5, 10, or 20% glycerol addition to basal diets in Exp. 2; and 0 and 10% crude glycerol addition to the basal diets in Exp. 3, 4, and 5. Each diet was fed twice daily to pigs in individual metabolism crates. After a 10-d adjustment period, a 5-d balance trial was conducted. During the collection period, feces and urine were collected separately after each meal and stored at 0 degrees C until analyses. The GE of each dietary treatment and samples of urine and feces from each pig were determined by isoperibol bomb calorimetry. Digestible energy of the diet was calculated by subtracting fecal energy from the GE in the feed, whereas ME was calculated by subtracting the urinary energy from DE. The DE and ME values of crude glycerol were estimated as the slope of the linear relationship between either DE or ME intake from the experimental diet and feed intake. Among all experiments, the crude glycerol (86.95% glycerol) examined in this study was shown to have a DE of 3,344 +/- 8 kcal/kg and an ME of 3,207 +/- 10 kcal/kg, thereby providing a highly available energy source for growing pigs.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine the effect of diets containing low-phytate barley or supplemented with phytase on P balance and excretion in grower pigs. In Exp. 1, eight 32-kg barrows were assigned to a repeated, 4 x 4 Latin square design and fed 4 diets that contained 96% barley: normal-phytate hulled barley (HB), low-phytate hulled barley (LPHB), normal-phytate hull-less barley (HLB), and low-phytate hull-less barley (LPHLB). The barley cultivars contained 0.16, 0.05, 0.24, and 0.03% phytate, respectively. Inorganic P (iP) was added to the HB and HLB diets to meet the 1998 National Research Council recommendation of available P (aP, 0.23%), whereas LPHB and LPHLB contained sufficient aP. The diets were fed at 2.5 times the maintenance requirement for ME. The apparent total tract digestibilities (ATTD) of P did not differ between the hulled and hull-less barley diets, but P retention (%) and excretion were greater in pigs fed the hull-less barley diets (P < 0.05). The ATTD of P was greater and P excretion was 35% lower in pigs fed the low-phytate compared with the normal-phytate diets (P < 0.001). The amount of P retained (g/d) was greater (P < 0.001) in pigs fed low-phytate barley, reflecting an ATTD of P of 65 and 49% for low-phytate and normal-phytate barley, respectively (P < 0.001). In Exp. 2, eight 21-kg barrows were assigned to a repeated, 4 x 4 Latin square design and fed 4 diets based on barley and soybean meal (SBM): HB-SBM, HB-SBM + iP, HB-SBM + phytase, and LPHB-SBM. The HB-SBM and HB-SBM + phytase diets were deficient in aP, whereas the HB-SBM + iP and LPHB-SBM diets had adequate aP. The feeding regimen was similar to that of Exp. 1. Adding iP to the HB-SBM diet did not affect the ATTD but increased the amount of P retained (g/d) and excreted (P < 0.001). The ATTD and amount of P retained (g/d) did not differ among pigs fed the HB-SBM + iP, HB-SBM + phytase, and LPHB-SBM diets. However, pigs fed the HB-SBM + phytase and LPHB-SBM diets excreted 32 and 29% less P, respectively, than pigs fed the HB-SBM + iP diet (P < 0.05), confirming that low-phytate barley is as effective as supplemental phytase in improving P digestibility and utilization and decreasing P excretion in grower pigs.  相似文献   

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