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The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of bull excretory products on the resumption of postpartum luteal function in primiparous, restricted-suckled cows. Hypotheses tested were that resumption of luteal function or proportions of cows that initiate luteal cycling did not differ among cows exposed to a bull (BE), exposed to excretory products of bulls (EPB), not exposed to a bull (NE), or exposed to excretory products of cows (EPC). Two-year-old Angus x Hereford cows were assigned 35 d after calving to one of the four treatments (n = 15, 16, 16, and 15 for BE, EPB, NE, and EPC, respectively). Cows in the EPB and EPC treatments were placed in enclosures for 10 to 12 h, between 1830 and 0800 daily. Each enclosure was occupied by bulls (EPB) or left empty (EPC) for 10 to 12 h (0800 to 1830) daily. All cows were restricted to suckling twice daily (0800 and 1800) beginning on d 0. Blood samples were obtained from each cow on d -1 and every third day of the study thereafter. An increase in progesterone concentrations in three consecutive samples that exceeded 1.0 ng/mL was used as evidence of resumption of luteal function. Interval from d 0 to resumption of luteal activity was less for (P < 0.05) BE and EPB cows than for NE cows, but did not differ between BE and EPB cows. Interval for EPC cows did not differ from that for NE cows; however, interval for EPC cows was greater (P = 0.06) than that for BE cows and was longer (P < 0.05) than that of EPB cows. Proportions of cows that resumed luteal function by d 40 and 50 did not differ between NE and EPC cows; however, proportions of EPB and BE cows that resumed luteal function were greater (P < 0.05) than those for NE and EPC cows by d 40 and 50. Proportions of cows that resumed luteal function by d 70 were greater (P < 0.05) for BE, EPB, and EPC cows than for NE cows; however, proportions of BE and EPC cows did not differ. The proportion of EPB cows that resumed luteal function was greater (P = 0.058) than that of EPC cows, but the proportion of BE cows that resumed luteal function did not differ from that of EPC cows by d 70. We conclude that exposing primiparous restricted-suckled cows to excretory products of bulls or crowding estrus-cycling cows in an enclosure hastened postpartum resumption of luteal function. Therefore, the biostimulatory role of bulls and the crowding effect of cows seem to be mediated by a pheromone (or pheremones) present in their excretory products.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that domestication has turned cattle from seasonal breeders to annual breeders. This study examined the seasonal differences in early postpartum ovulation and subsequent reproductive performance in 542 Holstein cows. Cows displaying corpora lutea in the ovary at 26 days postpartum were defined as early ovulators. Factors affecting the occurrence of early ovulation were analyzed, and subsequent reproductive traits were compared between cows with and without early ovulation. During the summer season, 70.6% of calving cows showed early ovulation, whereas 48.7, 39.2, and 47.2% presented this condition in autumn, winter, and spring, respectively (P < 0.01). Third parity cows showed early ovulation more often than their first parity counterparts (P < 0.05). Cows with a 2.50 to 3.00 or > 3.00 body condition score (BCS) more frequently became early ovulators than those with BCSs < 2.50 (P < 0.01). Calving year was a risk factor, and uterine abnormalities were also often risk factors for early ovulation. The survival analysis showed that seasonal differences in the occurrence of early ovulation did not completely affect the time to first service and pregnancy. Proportional hazard regression analysis revealed that calving year, parity, and early ovulation were risk factors for the time to first service and that calving year was a risk factor for the time to pregnancy. In conclusion, domesticated dairy cows maintain seasonality in postpartum ovarian activity but not in subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

The effect of bull exposure on the resumption of estrous activity following parturition was studied in an experiment using mature Hereford and Hereford X Angus beef cows. In the spring of 1981 and 1982, cows were assigned by breed and calving date to one of two treatment groups. Cows were exposed to bulls either from 3 to 85 d postpartum (BE; n = 45, 1981; n = 35, 1982) or from 53 to 85 d postpartum (NE; n = 39, 1981, n = 36, 1982). Blood samples were collected from all cows once weekly from calving until 85 d postpartum to determine progesterone concentrations. The first increase in progesterone, which indicated onset of estrous cycles occurred at 43 +/- 2 vs 63 +/- 2 d (P less than .01) in 1981 and at 39 +/- 2 vs 61 +/- 3 d (P less than .01) postpartum in 1982 in BE cows and NE cows, respectively. Early postpartum exposure of cows to bulls reduced the postpartum anestrous interval.  相似文献   

The influences of body condition score (BCS) at calving and postpartum nutrition on endocrine and ovarian functions, and reproductive performance, were determined by randomly allocating thin (mean BCS = 4.4 +/- 0.1) or moderate condition (mean BCS = 5.1 +/- 0.1) Angus x Hereford primiparous cows to receive one of two nutritional treatments after calving. Cows were fed to gain either 0.45 kg/d (M, n = 17) or 0.90 kg/d (H, n = 17) for the first 71 +/- 3 d postpartum. All cows were then fed the M diet until 21 d after the first estrus. A replication (yr 2; M, n = 25; H, n = 23) was also used to evaluate reproductive characteristics. Concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, NEFA, and thyroxine were quantified in plasma samples collected weekly during treatment and during 7 wk before the first estrus. Estrous behavior was detected by radiotelemetry, and luteal activity was determined based on concentrations of progesterone in plasma. All cows were bred by AI between 14 and 20 h after onset of estrus, and pregnancy was assessed at 35 to 55 d after AI by ultrasonography. Cows that calved with a BCS of 4 or 5 had similar endocrine function and reproductive performance at the first estrus. During treatment, H cows gained BW and increased BCS (P < 0.01), and had greater (P < 0.05) concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, and thyroxine in plasma than M cows. However, during the 7 wk before the first estrus, plasma concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, NEFA, and thyroxine were not affected by time. Cows previously on the H treatment had a shorter (P < 0.01) interval to first postpartum estrus and ovulation, and a larger dominant follicle (P < 0.01) at first estrus, than M cows, but duration of estrus and the number of mounts received were not influenced by nutrient intake. Pregnancy rate at the first estrus was greater (P < 0.03) for H (76%, n = 38) than for M (58%, n = 33) cows. Increased nutrient intake after calving stimulated secretion of anabolic hormones, promoted fat deposition, shortened the postpartum interval to estrus, and increased pregnancy rate at the first estrus. Concentrations of IGF-I and leptin in plasma were constant during 7 wk before the first estrus, indicating that acute changes in these hormones are not associated with the resumption of ovarian function in primiparous beef cows.  相似文献   

Changes in follicular and luteal structures were assessed and concentrations of estradiol and progesterone were measured in 13 Hereford X Angus suckled beef cows during resumption of estrous cycles. Transrectal ultrasonography was used to monitor follicular size, ovulation, and formation and regression of the corpus luteum (CL). The interval from parturition to first postpartum ovulation (FO) was 82 +/- 4.7 d. Serum progesterone remained low before FO. One cow exhibited standing estrus, two cows showed other signs of estrus, and 10 displayed no signs of behavioral estrus preceding FO. All cows exhibited standing estrus before the second postpartum ovulation (SO). All cows had a short luteal phase after FO, with an average interval of 8.5 +/- .2 d between FO and SO. Concentrations of estradiol in serum during the 8 d preceding ovulation were similar before FO and SO. Maximal diameter of the preovulatory follicle was similar before FO and SO. However, the ovulatory follicle was larger in diameter at 2 d (P = .02) and 3 to 8 d (P less than .005) before FO than before SO. The time from detection until ovulation was less (P = .005) for the ovulatory follicle preceding SO than for the follicle associated with FO (8.5 vs 10.2 d, respectively, SE = .4). The second-largest follicle was larger (P less than .005) in diameter during the 8 d preceding the FO than before the SO. The difference in size between the ovulatory follicle and the second-largest follicle on the day before ovulation was greater (P less than .005) preceding SO than preceding FO (8.7 vs 6.6 mm, respectively, SE = .4).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although treatment of cycling cows with low concentrations of melengesterol acetate (MGA) results in formation of persistent follicles, in the absence of corpora lutea, it is not known whether persistent follicles form in anestrous cows in response to a similar treatment. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of long-term MGA treatment (14 d) on follicular dynamics and the secretion of estradiol in anestrous postpartum beef cows. Treatment groups (replicated over 2 yr) included the following: anestrous control (AC; n = 11), anestrous MGA (AM; n = 16), and cycling MGA (CM; positive control; n = 16). Angus-crossbred cows were assigned to treatment by age, cow body condition, and days postpartum. Cows were fed carrier (AC group) or 0.5 mg MGA x animal(-1) x d(-1) (AM and CM groups) for 14 d beginning approximately 38 d postpartum. Cows allotted to the CM group were injected with PGF2alpha, on the first day of MGA treatment to induce luteolysis. The preceding treatment (CM) results in formation of persistent follicles and secretion of elevated concentrations of estradiol. Ovaries of each cow were examined daily by transrectal ultrasonography beginning 5 to 7 d preceding the initiation of feeding MGA or carrier and continued until ovulation or 7 d following MGA feeding. There was no difference among groups in the stage of follicular wave or diameter of the largest follicle at the start of carrier or MGA feeding. The length of the follicular wave present at the start of MGA feeding was greater (P < 0.01) for cows in the CM (14.5 d, yr 1; 18.3 d, yr 2) group compared to the AM (9.4 d, yr 1; 7.9 d, yr 2) or AC (9.7 d, yr 1; 10.7 d, yr 2) groups. Maximum follicular diameter over both years was greater (P < 0.01) for the CM (20.6 mm) group than the AM (15.1 mm) or AC (16.4 mm) groups. Circulating concentrations of estradiol were also increased (P < 0.05) in the CM group compared to the AM or AC groups. However, MGA appeared to have no effect (P > 0.05) on the number of follicles recruited, growth rate of the dominant follicle during the first 6 d oftreatment, or growth rate to the maximum follicular diameter. In summary, MGA treatment did not increase the duration ot the follicular wave, maximum follicular diameter, or secretion of estradiol in anestrous postpartum cows, nor did MGA affect the number of follicles recruited or growth rate of dominant follicles in cycling or anestrous animals.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine if continuous exposure to bull urine alters resumption of ovarian cycling activity of primiparous, suckled beef cows. We tested the hypotheses that interval from urine exposure to resumption of luteal activity and proportions of cows that resume luteal activity by the end of the urine-exposure period do not differ between cows exposed to mature bull urine or steer urine. Thirty-eight Angus (A) x Hereford (H) cows, 4 mature A x H bulls and four 10-mo-old A x H steers, were used in this study. Cows were stratified by calving date, cow BW, calf BW, calf sex, dystocia score, and BCS; fitted with a controlled urine delivery device 2 wk before the start of treatments; and assigned randomly to be exposed continuously (24 h/d) to bull urine (n = 19) or steer urine (n = 19) beginning 40 d after calving. Urine was collected from bulls and steers every third day of the experiment. Blood samples were collected from cows starting on d 0 and every third day thereafter until the end of the exposure period (approximately 64 d). Likewise, controlled urine delivery devices were filled and refilled on the same schedule. Neither interval from urine exposure to resumption of luteal activity nor proportions of cows that resumed luteal activity during the urine-exposure period differed between cows exposed to bull urine or steer urine. We concluded that continuous exposure to mature bull urine does not affect resumption of luteal activity of primiparous, suckled beef cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if factors associated with the biostimulatory effect of bulls alter breeding performance of primiparous, suckled beef cows using a progestin-based estrous synchronization protocol. We tested the hypotheses that the estrous synchronization response and AI pregnancy rates differ among cows exposed to bulls, continuously exposed to bull urine, and exposed to fence-line contact with bulls or cows not exposed to bulls or bull urine. Data were collected from 3 experiments performed over consecutive years. Cows were assigned to the following treatments: bull exposure (BE; n = 26) or no bull exposure (NB; n = 25) in Exp. 1, bull urine exposure (BUE; n = 19) or steer urine exposure (SUE; n = 19) in Exp. 2, and fence-line contact with bulls (BFL; n = 26) or no bull exposure (NB; n = 26) in Exp. 3. Synchronization protocols in each experiment included the use of a controlled internal drug release device (d -10), PGF(2alpha) (d -3), and GnRH and fixed-time AI (TAI; d 0). Cows that were observed in estrus by 60 h after PGF(2alpha) were inseminated 12 h later. Cows not observed in estrus by 60 h after PGF(2alpha) were TAI at 72 h and given GnRH (100 mug). Pregnancy was determined by ultrasonography 35 d after TAI. In Exp. 1, 2, and 3, cows were exposed directly to bulls, bull urine, or bull fence-line contact for 35, 64, and 42 d, respectively. Data were analyzed between treatments within each experiment. The proportion of estrous cycling cows did not differ between treatments at the beginning of each experiment; however, more (P < 0.05) BE and BFL cows were estrous cycling at the beginning of the estrous synchronization protocol than NB cows in Exp. 1 and 3. The proportion of cows that showed estrus and interval to estrus after PGF(2alpha) did not differ between treatments in Exp. 1 and 3. However, in Exp. 2, more BUE cows tended (P = 0.09) to have shorter intervals to estrus and to exhibit estrus after PGF(2alpha) than SUE cows. Overall, AI pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.05) for BE and BUE cows than for NB and SUE cows in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively. There was no difference in AI pregnancy rates between BFL and NB cows in Exp. 3. The presence of bulls and exposure to bull urine appeared to improve breeding performance of primiparous beef cows using a progestin-based estrous synchronization protocol, whereas fence-line bull exposure was insufficient to cause this biostimulatory effect. We propose that a novel urinary pheromone of bulls may be responsible for the enhancement of fertility in the primiparous, postpartum cow.  相似文献   

Partitioning of energy during lactation of primiparous beef cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For a beef cow to continue in an annual production cycle, she must rebreed within 3 mo after calving. Malnutrition during this period frequently results in failure of the cow to become pregnant. The energetic needs of the cow are increased by lactation, and additional energy is required for growth of the primiparous cow. Determining energy expenditures during the first 40 to 60 d postpartum is critical to developing feed programs that will allow cows to become pregnant with a second calf. Sixty-seven balance trials were conducted on 25 MARC III cows (4-breed composite: (1/4) Hereford, (1/4) Angus, (1/4) Red Poll, and (1/4) Pinzgauer) that were between 3 and 53 d in milk. Cows' BW were 481 +/- 4 kg. Metabolizable energy intake ranged from 14.8 to 28.9 Mcal/d. Milk yields ranged from 4.7 to 13.3 kg/d. Recovered energy (RE) increased linearly with increased ME intake. Forty-seven observations were obtained with cows in negative tissue energy (TE) balance, and 20 observations were obtained with cows in positive TE balance. Estimated zero RE from regression analysis of RE on ME intake was 146 kcal of ME/kg of BW(0.75). Efficiency of conversion of ME to lactation energy (LE) was 72%. The efficiency for conversion of ME to TE and the conversion of TE to LE was 78%. Our findings suggest that, even though their milk production is lower, the overall efficiency of energy retention in young beef cows is similar to that of dairy cows.  相似文献   

Vitamins with antioxidative functions are commonly used as supplements to improve fertility in dairy cows. However, according to field test results uncertainty exists about the effect of these vitamins, especially in vitamin A and vitamin E, on ovarian functional activity. This study was performed to reveal the physiological characteristics of cows receiving enough feed and the ovaries of which were activated in the early postpartum period. Six of 12 primiparous cows showing the corpus luteum on 25 to 27 days after parturition were classified as early responders (PER); the remaining six were classified as late responders (PLR). Among 11 multiparous cows, nine were early responders (MER), and the remaining two were late responders (MLR). Plasma concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the PER were lower than those in the PLR (P < 0.01). The ratio of plasma all‐trans‐retinol to intake α‐tocopherol or β‐carotene were increased in the following order: MER < PER < PLR (P < 0.01). The milk lactose (P < 0.025) and plasma glucose (P < 0.01) of the early responders tended to be lower than those of the late responders. These may have been associated with the availability of vitamins or energy balance. Thus, we suggest the possibility that the cows which were able to utilize antioxidants and energy from the feed efficiently may have earlier resumption of ovaries postpartum.  相似文献   

Effects of supplemental degradable (DIP) and undegradable (UIP) intake protein on forage intake, BW change, body condition score (BCS), postpartum interval to first estrus, conception rate, milk production and composition, serum metabolites and metabolic hormones, and calf gain were determined using 36 primiparous Gelbvieh x Angus rotationally crossed beef cows. On d 3 postpartum, cows (average initial BW = 495 +/- 10 kg and BCS = 5.5 +/- 0.1) were randomly assigned to one of three dietary supplements (12 cows/treatment). Date of parturition was evenly distributed across treatment (average span of calving date among treatments = 2.4 +/- 2.5 d). Individually fed (d 3 through 120 postpartum) dietary supplements were 0.82 kg of corn and 0.23 kg of soybean meal per day (DIP), the DIP + 0.12 kg of blood meal and 0.13 kg of corn gluten meal per day (DIP + UIP), and 0.82 kg of corn, 0.07 kg of blood meal, and 0.08 kg of corn gluten meal per day in an isonitrogenous replacement of soybean meal (UIP IsoN). Cows had ad libitum access to native grass hay (8.5% CP) and trace-mineralized salt. Total OM intake was greater (P = 0.06) for DIP + UIP than UIP IsoN cows. At 30 d postpartum, DIP + UIP cows produced more milk than UIP IsoN, with DIP being intermediate; however, at 60 d postpartum, DIP + UIP and DIP cows were not different, but both had greater milk production than UIP IsoN (treatment x day interaction; P = 0.08). A treatment x day interaction (P = 0.06) for BCS resulted from DIP + UIP cows having the greatest BCS at 60, 90, and 120 d d postpartum and DIP having greater BCS than UIP IsoN cows only on d 60 postpartum. Serum insulin concentrations were highest (treatment x day interaction; P = 0.09) for DIP + UIP cows at 30 d postpartum but did not differ among treatment thereafter. Serum insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP)-2 (34 kDa) and -3 (40 and 44 kDa) were greatest (P < 0.0003) for DIP cows. Serum urea-N concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in DIP + UIP cows than in either DIP or UIP IsoN cows. However, postpartum interval to first estrus, conception rate, and calf weaning weights were unaffected (P = 0.35, 0.42, and 0.64, respectively) by treatment. Although UIP in addition to or in replacement of DIP affected milk production and blood metabolites, the productivity of these primiparous beef cows was not altered. Thus, the type of supplemental protein does not seem to influence productivity of primiparous beef cows in production systems with conditions similar to our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate the normal changes in lipid metabolism occurring in the suckled Brahman crossbred female during the postpartum period (Exp. 1) and to examine the function of induced corpora lutea (CL) in postpartum cows fed diets with normal (2.8%) lipid or elevated (8%) lipid content (Exp. 2). Multiparous and primiparous females (n = 20), maintained on pasture without energy or protein supplementation, were used in Exp. 1. A linear increase (P less than .001) in plasma lipid metabolites was observed between the 1st and 8th wk after calving, reaching a plateau of 221 +/- 18.3 and 74 +/- 3.4 mg/dl for total cholesterol and triglycerides, respectively. Seventy percent of all postpartum females exhibited luteal activity within 50 d (x = 34.7 d), and 59% of these animals exhibited short luteal phases (less than 12 d). In Exp. 2, primiparous and multiparous females (n = 32) were assigned to receive a control (n = 16) or high-lipid (HL) diet (n = 16; 30% whole cottonseed) between d 1 and d 38 after calving. The HL diet increased (P less than .001) total cholesterol and triglycerides 1.7- and 1.4-fold, respectively, relative to controls, and increased (P less than .05) the spontaneous occurrence of low-level progesterone elevations. Forty-eight-hour calf removal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH; .22 mg/kg BW i.v.) were employed between d 21 and 26 after calving to induce ovulations. Mean concentrations of progesterone in the HL group were markedly higher (P less than .01) than in controls between d 5 and 8 of the induced cycle, and average lifespan of induced CL was approximately twice that of controls (P less than .01).  相似文献   

Thirty beef cows, approximately 3 yr of age, were randomly assigned to be slaughtered on d 7, 14, 28, 42 or 56 postpartum. Each cow suckled one calf until slaughter. Data from cows slaughtered on d 42 and 56 were pooled and further classified as anestrous or cyclic based on the presence of a corpus luteum and elevated serum concentrations of progesterone at slaughter. Specific binding of [3H]naloxone (3H-NAL) to homogenates of tissue from hypothalamus (HYP), preoptic area (POA) and basal forebrain (BF) was assessed using multiple-point Scatchard analyses. Nonspecific binding was estimated in the presence of 10(-6) M naloxone. Separation of bound from free 3H-NAL was achieved by centrifugation at 20,000 X g. Concentration (fmol/mg original tissue wet wt) of 3H-NAL binding sites in POA tissue was higher (P less than .05) on d 28 postpartum in anestrous cows than in cyclic cows on d 42 + 56 postpartum (2.58 +/- .32 vs 1.58 +/- .10). When all anestrous cows were compared with cyclic cows, concentrations of 3H-NAL binding sites in POA tissues and in BF tissue were higher (P less than .05) in anestrous cows (anestrous POA, 2.12 +/- .17, cyclic POA, 1.58 +/- .10; anestrous BF, 2.94 +/- .41, cyclic BF, 2.19 +/- .16). Compared across brain regions for all cows, the concentration of specific binding sites for 3H-NAL was greater (P less than .01) in BF (2.5 +/- .2) than in POA (1.9 +/- .1) and greater (P less than .01) in POA than in HYP (1.5 +/- .1).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Serum concentrations of IGF-I in postpartum beef cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four experiments assessed changes in serum IGF-I under various physiologic conditions in postpartum cows. In Exp. 1, anestrous suckled cows (n = 25) were infused for 6 d with either saline or glucose at two different infusion rates. In Exp. 2, anestrous cows (n = 29) received either a saline (weaned and suckled controls) or 3 g/d phlorizin (weaned phlorizin) infusion for 3 d. Calves from the weaned groups were removed from 15 h before and throughout infusions. In Exp. 3, cycling suckled cows (n = 20) received prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) when the 5-d saline or phlorizin infusion began. In Exp. 4, suckled cows (n = 20) had ad libitum access to feed or received 50% of control feed consumption from 30 to 40 d postpartum. Increasing glucose availability (Exp. 1) increased (P less than .05) serum IGF-I by 30 to 35%. IGF-I remained stable after weaning (Exp. 2) in phlorizin-infused cows (128.8 +/- 12.7 ng/ml), but increased (P less than .05) by 3 d after calf removal in weaned control cows (152.2 +/- 7.5 ng/ml). IGF-I also remained stable in phlorizin-infused cows following PGF2 alpha injection (Exp. 3), but increased in control cows by 2 d after PGF2 alpha (156.8 +/- 18.3 on d 2 vs. 133.7 +/- 9.8 ng/ml pre-injection; P less than .05) and remained elevated (P less than .05) during the periovulatory period. In cows receiving restricted feed intake (Exp. 4), IGF-I decreased by approximately 50% within 4 d of feed restriction (71.3 +/- 9.4 vs 137.4 +/- 16.6 ng/ml; P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The postpartum uterine bacteriology, histology, resumption of ovarian activity and polymorphonuclear granulocyte (PMN) number and function in 18 Swedish dairy cows were studied. Cows were milked either 2x (n = 9) or 3x per day (n = 9). Endometrial biopsy samples for bacteriological and histological investigations were collected during 8 weeks postpartum, starting within one week after calving. Milk samples for progesterone determination were collected twice a week until the cows had shown normal reproductive cyclicity. Blood samples for granulocyte function (phagocytic capacity and total number) were collected from each animal on the same days as when the biopsies were obtained. All animals in both groups were free from bacteria at the latest after 6 weeks post-partum and there was no difference regarding bacterial elimination and bacterial species between milking groups. No difference regarding uterine histology between milking groups was seen. In both groups, 8 cows had normal to slight infiltration of leukocytes in the endometrium at the end of sample collection. No changes in granulocyte function could be seen in the 2 milking groups. Resumption of ovarian activity was detected on day 45.6 +/- 9.3 (mean +/- SD) postpartum in the 2x milking group and 36.6 +/- 9.0 (mean +/- SD) post-partum in the 3x milking group (p = 0.05). Based on our findings, an increased milking frequency from 2 to 3 times a day did not influence the uterine function postpartum.  相似文献   

Early weaning can improve body condition and reproductive performance of cows. The objectives of this study were to examine and compare oestrous cycling resumption, behaviour and blood parameters of yak cows following four different strategies of calf weaning. Twenty‐six yak cows (4–8 years) and their calves (94.3 ± 2.4 days) were studied in which calves were: weaned naturally with free access to their mothers (NW; n = 13); weaned abruptly and separated permanently from their mothers (PW; n = 5); separated temporarily from their mothers for 15 days (TW; n = 5); and fitted with nose plates for 15 days, but allowed free access to their mothers (NP; n = 3). Yak cows with sucking calves (NW) spent more time grazing in the cold season (from d 39 to 84). Based on serum progesterone concentrations, none of nine NW yak cows resumed oestrous cycling during the study, while seven of nine yak cows with weaned calves resumed cycling (3/3 for PW; 2/3 for TW; and 2/3 for NP yaks). We concluded that early weaning improved postpartum reproductive performance of yak cows on the Qinghai‐Tibetan plateau and that abrupt and permanent weaning was an appropriate strategy.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of biostimulation (exposure to bulls or androgenized females) on various reproductive variables in suckled beef cows. Bulls or testosterone-treated cows (TTC) were introduced to cows, randomly allotted to one of four groups, within 72 h postpartum. In Exp. 1, Groups 1 and 3 were exposed to bulls and Groups 2 and 4 were exposed to TTC. In Exp. 2, Groups 1 and 3 were exposed to bulls and Groups 2 and 4 served as controls (isolated from biostimulation). In Exp. 3, Groups 1 and 3 were exposed to TTC and Groups 2 and 4 served as controls. Mean postpartum intervals to estrus were not different between cows exposed to either bulls or TTC in Exp. 1 (P greater than .10). However, in Exp. 2 and 3, cows exposed to either bulls or TTC had reduced postpartum intervals to estrus (44 and 41 d, respectively) compared with control cows (52 d; P less than .05). Fewer control cows were in estrus at either 40 d (P less than .05; Exp. 2 and 3) or 60 d (P less than .05; Exp. 3) postpartum than were cows exposed to bulls or TTC. No differences were observed between groups in any experiment for postpartum intervals to pregnancy (P greater than .10). These data indicate that cows exposed to biostimulation from either bulls or TTC immediately after calving return to estrus earlier than do cows isolated from biostimulation.  相似文献   

Effects of norgestomet on follicular development in postpartum beef cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To examine effects of norgestomet pretreatment on development of follicles and their response to administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), 45 pluriparous suckled beef cows were assigned at random to receive a 6-mg implant of norgestomet for 9 d (inserted 24 d postpartum) or serve as untreated controls. Ovaries were obtained 48 h after removal of implants or 10 to 11 or 20 to 22 h after im administration of 150 micrograms GnRH at 48 h after removal of the implant. The largest follicle (F1) and all follicles within 3 mm in diameter of the F1 were dissected from the ovaries. Theca, granulosa and follicular fluid were separated and assayed for steroids and prostaglandins. Diameters and weights of F1 and weights of follicular components remained unchanged in control cows, but increased by 10 h and declined by 20 h in norgestomet-pretreated cows (treatment X time, quadratic, P less than .05). Ovarian volume and numbers of follicles at the surface of the ovary did not differ with treatment, but the diameter of the second-largest follicle (F2) was smaller (P less than .05) in norgestomet-pretreated cows than in controls (6.0 +/- .9 vs 8.2 +/- .7 mm). The F1 were embedded in the ovary in fewer norgestomet-pretreated than control cows (2/22 vs 8/23; P less than .05). Changes in steroids in F1 paralleled those in size (treatment X time, quadratic, P less than .05). Overall, F1 from norgestomet-pretreated cows had higher (P less than .05) contents of estradiol. Contents of prostaglandins in F1 follicles did not differ with treatment, but increased (P less than .05) following treatment with GnRH. The F2 had lower contents of estradiol than F1. It is suggested that norgestomet effected the maturation of a single follicle which produced more estradiol.  相似文献   

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