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Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) was isolated from tissues of aborted fetuses and weaned and suckling piglets from 4 different pig farms in Quebec. The farms were experiencing reproductive failure in sows of different parities concomitant to respiratory problems in suckling and postweaning piglets. At necropsy, gross lesions were confined to the lung and consisted of pulmonary congestion and edema of various degrees. Lesions of multifocal interstitial to proliferative pneumonia were found in the lungs of these piglets. Bacteriologic examination of various tissues from necropsied pigs yielded no pathogens in most cases. No significant antibody titers against 3 swine viruses (transmissible gastroenteritis virus, porcine parvovirus, and swine influenza virus) and two bovine viruses (bovine viral diarrhea and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis viruses) were detected in the sera of convalescent pigs. The Quebec EMCV isolates were antigenically related to the reference ATCC-VR129 strain of EMCV, as demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence, serum neutralization (SN), and Western immunoblotting. However, one of the Quebec isolates could be distinguish by SN. EMCV-specific SN antibody titers up to 1:12,800 were detected in thoracic and ascitis fluids of aborted fetuses and in sera of convalescent pigs. A possible pneumotropic EMCV variant in swine may exist.  相似文献   

Three doses (75 micrograms, 25 micrograms, and 25 micrograms) of purified toxin isolated from a toxigenic strain of type D Pasteurella multocida were given (by atomizer) into the right nasal cavities of each of 10 gnotobiotic pigs on the 21st, 24th, and 27th days of age, respectively. Inoculated pigs (usually 2) and 1 noninoculated control pig each were necropsied on 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 days after inoculations were given. Severe bilateral atrophy of turbinates occurred in all toxin challenge-exposed pigs. Atrophy was more severe in the inoculated nasal cavity than that in the noninoculated side in 2 of the 10 pigs. Microscopic changes in turbinates of toxin challenge-exposed pigs were more severe in pigs killed at later dates. Dominant changes included degeneration and necrosis of osteoblasts, markedly accelerated osteoclastic osteolysis, replacement of the osseous core by a highly cellular mesenchymal stroma, and multifocal atrophy of submucosal glands. Seemingly, a protein toxin isolated from toxigenic type D strains of P multocida produced rapid atrophy of turbinates and may be a contributing factor in development of clinical progressive atrophic rhinitis in swine.  相似文献   

Six 8-week-old ascarid-naive pigs which were experimentally infected with 72,000 embryonated Baylisascaris procyonis eggs of raccoon origin developed lesions limited to the intestines and liver. Intestinal lesions consisted of multifocal areas of inflammation by macrophages, eosinophils, and lymphocytes in the mucosa and submucosa, in association with Baylisascaris larvae; similar lesions were seen in the mesenteric lymph nodes. Typical white, granulation type, multifocal interstitial hepatitis ("milk-spots"), 1 to 5 mm in diameter, were seen in the livers by 7 days, with resolution by 47 days. Microscopically, these consisted of multifocal areas of marked periportal and interlobular edema, and influx of eosinophils, and large intralobular aggregates of eosinophils. At 47 days, hundreds to thousands of small white granulomas were seen on the serosa of the intestines; microscopically, they were discrete collections of macrophages, lymphocytes, and eosinophils in the submucosa and muscle layers surrounding nonviable remnants of Baylisascaris larvae. Larvae or lesions were not seen in other tissues, including the brain. These experiments indicated that B procyonis will undergo limited migration in swine and can produce typical white spots in the liver. The larvae were killed by cellular reactions in the intestinal wall and liver, and, unlike the situation in most other animals infected with this parasite, no somatic migration or CNS disease occurred after infection.  相似文献   

To study the clinicopathology and histopathology of African swine fever (ASF), and to explore the internal relationship between pathological changes and disease occurrence and development and its pathological mechanism, 13 Landrace pigs with bodyweight about 20 kg were intramuscular injected with African swine fever virus (ASFV), strain Pig/HLJ/18 at a dose of 102HAD50·mL-1. During the experiment, all the dead pigs were systematically dissected and sampled, paraffin sections were produced, and haematoxylin-eosin staining was performed. Clinicopathological evaluation standards for acute ASF were established, then pathological lesions (classification variables) were expressed by counting frequency and percentage, and the lesion degree (continuous variables) was graded and scored according to different pathological changes of various tissues and organs. The results showed that all infected pigs were in line with the clinical characteristics of ASF, including acute, febrile and highly infectious, with a 100% incidence rate and 100% mortality. The dead pigs showed typical characteristics of septicemia, cadavers prone to corruption, blood clotting adverse or hemolysis, rigor mortis incomplete. The main pathological lesions were hemorrhagic necrotizing lymphadenitis, acute inflammatory splenomegaly (septic spleen), cerebral edema, pulmonary edema and lung consolidation et al. The spleen and lymphonodus are the target organs attacked by ASFV, with the most significant lesions, the earliest occurrence time, the longest duration and the highest frequency. The most prominent pathological changes are blood circulation disorders, including multiple pathological manifestations such as edema, hyperemia, congestion, hemorrhage, infarction, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and the most important characteristics are hemorrhagic lesions. The inflammatory reaction of lymphocytic exudation caused by ASFV runs through the whole process, especially in the middle and later stages of the course. The results suggest that the main pathological process of acute African swine fever is a typical immune/inflammatory cascade reaction and severe systemic blood circulation disorder, which resulted in the high incidence rate and high mortality rate of acute ASF.  相似文献   

急性非洲猪瘟的实验病理学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在通过对非洲猪瘟临床病理学和组织病理学的研究,探讨病理学变化与疾病发生发展的内在关系及其病理机制。选用体重20 kg左右的长白猪13头,肌内注射非洲猪瘟病毒毒株Pig/HLJ/18,剂量102HAD50·mL-1。试验期间的死亡猪,全部进行系统剖检和取材,制备石蜡切片,苏木素伊红染色。建立病理学评价标准,病变(无序分类变量)用频率和百分比表示,病变程度(有序分类变量)按各组织器官的不同病变进行分级和评分。结果表明,发病猪符合非洲猪瘟急性、热性、高传染性等临床特征,发病率100%,病死率100%。病死猪表现败血症典型特征,尸体易腐败,血凝不良或溶血,尸僵不全。主要病理损伤为出血性坏死性淋巴结炎、急性炎性脾肿(败血脾)、脑水肿、肺水肿和肺实变等。脾和淋巴结是非洲猪瘟病毒攻击的靶器官,病变最为显著,出现时间最早,持续时间最长,发生频率最高。病理变化以血液循环障碍尤为突出,包括水肿、充血、淤血、出血、梗死和弥散性血管内凝血等多种病理表现,出血性病变为其最主要的特征。非洲猪瘟病毒引发的以淋巴细胞渗出为主的炎症反应贯穿始终,在病程的中后期表现更为明显。结果提示,急性非洲猪瘟的主要病理过程为典型的免疫/炎症级联反应和严重的全身血液循环障碍,共同导致急性非洲猪瘟的高发病率和高死亡率。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify organs and cells to which the edema disease verotoxin (VT2e) could bind in pigs. Frozen 4-5 microns thick sections of organs usually affected in edema disease (colon, spinal cord, cerebellum and eyelid) and organs not usually affected (liver, ileum) from two 5- to 6-week-old weaned pigs were permeabilized with acetone, then exposed to VT2e. Unbound VT2e was removed by washing and bound VT2e was detected by immunohistochemistry. In the eyelid, double-label immunofluorescence was used to identify the cells to which VT2e bound. VT2e was shown to bind to all six organs that were examined. The toxin bound to arteries in all organs, to veins in all organs except the liver, and to enterocytes in the ileal crypts. Double labelling of eyelid with monoclonal antibodies specific for von Willebrand factor or alpha-smooth actin and VT2e showed that the toxin bound to endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. The binding of VT2e to endothelium is consistent with findings for other verotoxins but binding to vascular smooth muscle has not been reported for other verotoxins. It is concluded that i) factors other than the presence of receptors for VT2e influence the development of lesions in edema disease, and ii) smooth muscle necrosis, which is characteristic of the vascular lesions in edema disease, may be due to a direct action of toxin on smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Mycotoxin research in the Hungarian Central Veterinary Institute   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mycotoxin research conducted in the Hungarian Central Veterinary Institute is reviewed briefly. The effect of zearalenone was studied by experiments in several animal species (cattle, pig, sheep, chicken, goose, duck, guinea fowl, fish) and in cell cultures in vitro. The chicken (Gallus domesticus) has proved to be resistant to the toxin. In the susceptible species zearalenone causes the most severe damage to the sexual organs. The metabolism of zearalenone, T-2 toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol was also studied. These toxins are resistant to physicochemical factors but are easily transformed in biologically active environment. The acute toxicity study of trichothecene toxins is described along with morphological changes, with particular respect to those of the lymphoid and myeloid organs. Trichothecene toxins impair the natural defence mechanism of the organism and result in the manifestation of different diseases (swine dysentery, caecal coccidiosis). Deoxynivalenol contamination of the feeds, first of all of wheat, is common in Hungary. Its effect on pig fattening was investigated in a field trial. The toxins of different storehouse moulds were also examined.  相似文献   

An experimental model for subclinical edema disease was developed in weanling pigs. In multiple experiments, 3-week-old pigs were weaned, then inoculated intragastrically with 10(10) colony-forming units of an SLT-IIv-positive strain of Escherichia coli originally isolated from a pig with edema disease (principals). Control pigs were inoculated with a nonpathogenic E coli strain. Of 39 principals, 8 developed clinical edema disease within 14 days after inoculation. However, 20 of 21 principals that did not develop clinical signs of edema disease, but were submitted for necropsy examination at 14 days after inoculation, had characteristic vascular lesions of edema disease. Vascular lesions, found principally in ileum and brain, consisted of segmental necrosis of myocytes in the tunica media of small arteries and arterioles. None of the pigs inoculated with a nonpathogenic strain of E coli developed edema disease or vascular lesions. None of the principals necropsied at 2 days after inoculation had vascular lesions. Development of vascular lesions by 14 days after inoculation was used as the end point for detecting subclinical edema disease in the model.  相似文献   

A 7‐week‐old male pig was presented with signs of a central nervous system disorder. An MRI of the head and cervical spine was performed immediately after euthanasia. The MRI revealed multifocal bilaterally symmetric T2‐weighted hyperintense lesions in the brain and spinal cord, likely due to a toxic metabolic process. Histopathological examination supported the MRI findings and confirmed the diagnosis of edema disease due to Shiga‐like toxin produced by Escherichia coli. This is the first case published of the MRI findings in an edema disease affected pig.  相似文献   

为了研究四川乐山某猪场爆发的保育猪严重呼吸道疾病的主要病原,试验采用病理剖检、病毒检测、细菌分离鉴定、生化鉴定、动物回归试验以及多杀性巴氏杆菌种特异性KMT基因的PCR检测对病原进行鉴定。结果表明:发病猪有严重肺炎症状,支气管内部有少量泡沫,腹股沟淋巴结出血、水肿,其他实质器官未见明显病理变化;病毒检测结果显示为蓝耳病病毒阳性,猪瘟病毒、伪狂犬病毒、圆环病毒2型阴性;从病猪肺脏中分离获得大肠杆菌和1株蓝耳病病毒继发的高致病性多杀性巴氏杆菌;该分离菌株对多种药物均高度敏感。  相似文献   

Experimental colibacillary (Escherichia coli) enterotoxemia as described in this report mimics natural edema disease both clinically and in gross pathology. The histopathology is characterized by accumulations of non-inflammatory edema and by arteriopathy. The smaller arterial and arteriolar changes recorded here are similar to those described in natural edema disease. The vascular changes described in recovered cases of experimental colibacillary enterotoxemia concur with those reported in so-called subacute and chronic edema disease. The arteriolar changes that occur in colibacillary enterotoxemia of swine are comparable to those associated with hypertension.

Thin sections of cerebral cortex from four pigs with acute experimental edema disease were examined by electron microscopy in an attempt to demonstrate brain edema. Sections from one pig taken during the convulsive phase of disease revealed dilatation of perivascular glial processes. However, examination of sections taken from three other pigs during an earlier phase of the neurological disturbance revealed no significant lesions. We were unable to ascertain the role of brain edema in the pathogenesis of the nervous system disturbance in these experiments.


Shiga toxins (Stx) produced by Escherichia coli cause systemic vascular damage that manifests as edema disease in swine and hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans. In vitro, Stx inhibit protein synthesis and, depending on circumstances, induce necrosis, apoptosis, or both. The mechanism of in vivo Stx-mediated vascular damage is not known. The ability of Stx to cause apoptosis of vasculature in vivo was studied in pigs with edema disease that was produced by oral inoculation with Stx-producing E. coli. Arterioles of ileum and brain were evaluated by terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assay for DNA fragmentation in myocytes (10 infected pigs, 5 control pigs) and by transmission electron microscopy for ultrastructural changes characteristic of apoptosis (17 infected pigs, 8 control pigs). In comparison with controls, increased numbers of TUNEL-positive arterioles were detected in 6/10 (60%) subclinically affected pigs 14-15 days after inoculation. Ultrastructurally, lesions in myocytes consisted of lysis (necrosis), with cytoplasmic debris and nuclear fragments contained between intact basement membranes. Endothelial cell changes ranged from acute swelling to necrosis and detachment from basement membrane. Subclinically affected pigs (n = 14) tended to have changes predominantly in myocytes, whereas pigs with clinical illness (n = 3) more commonly had changes in endothelial cells. The arteriolar lesions and clinical signs of edema disease are attributed to the effects of Stx on vasculature. Therefore, our findings suggest that the Stx-induced arteriolar lesions seen in this study were primarily necrotic, not apoptotic. We suspect that necrosis was the principal cause of the DNA fragmentation detected.  相似文献   

Enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium perfringens type D in sheep is believed to result from the action of epsilon toxin (ETX). However, the sole role of ETX in the intestinal changes of the acute and chronic forms of enterotoxemia in goats remains controversial, and the synergistic action of other C. perfringens toxins has been suggested previously. The current study examined 2 goats that were found dead without premonitory clinical signs. Gross lesions at necropsy consisted of multifocal fibrinonecrotic enterocolitis, edematous lungs, and excess pleural fluid. Histologically, there were multifocal fibrinonecrotic and ulcerative ileitis and colitis, edema of the colonic serosa, and proteinaceous interstitial edema of the lungs. Clostridium perfringens type D carrying the genes for enterotoxin (CPE) and beta2 toxin (CPB2) was cultured from intestinal content and feces of 1 of 2 goats, while C. perfringens type D CPB2-positive was isolated from the other animal. When multiple colonies of the primary isolations from both animals were tested by Western blot, most of the isolates expressed CPB2, and only a few isolates from the first case expressed CPE. Alpha toxin and ETX were detected in ileal and colonic contents and feces of both animals by antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. CPB2, but not CPE, was identified in the small and large intestines of both goats by immunohistochemistry. These findings indicate that CPB2 may have contributed to the necrotic changes observed in the intestine, possibly assisting ETX transit across the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

The influence of immunosuppression by T-2 mycotoxin on the fungal disease aspergillosis was investigated in rabbits. Four groups of rabbits (groups 1A, 1B, 3A, and 3B) were given 0.5 mg of T-2 toxin/kg of body weight/day, PO; in addition, rabbits of groups 3A and 3B were exposed to aerosols of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia from days 7 through 16. Rabbits of groups 2A and 2B were exposed to A fumigatus aerosols, but were not given T-2 toxin, and rabbits of group 0 served as controls. Two rabbits of group 1A, 1 rabbit of group 1B, and 1 rabbit of group 3A died before scheduled necropsy. Rabbits of groups 1A, 2A, and 3A were killed and necropsied on day 17, and the remaining rabbits (groups 0, 1B, 2B, and 3B) were killed and necropsied on day 28. Changes caused by T-2 toxin included leukopenia, marginal anemia, and increased number of and morphologic changes in nucleated erythrocytes by day 21, followed by a regenerative hematologic response. Serum alkaline phosphatase and sorbitol dehydrogenase activities and antibody response to A fumigatus (as measured by an indirect hemagglutination test) were decreased by T-2 toxin ingestion. Rabbits with aspergillosis had leukocytosis, increased PCV, and increased antibody response to A fumigatus. Histologic lesions consisting of centrilobular hepatocellular swelling, portal and periportal fibrosis, and lymphocyte necrosis and/or depletion within secondary lymphoid tissue were observed in most rabbits treated with T-2 toxin. Normal defense mechanisms against A fumigatus infection were compromised by T-2 treatment, as evidenced by the severity and extent of lung lesions, greater number of hyphal elements observed, and greater number of colonies of A fumigatus isolated from rabbits of groups 3A and 3B. There were no significant changes in group-0 rabbits.  相似文献   

Twenty-one weaned Yorkshire-Landrace pigs were injected intravenously with graded doses of purified Shiga-like toxin-II variant (edema disease toxin). In a preliminary study, three pigs (Nos. 1, 2, 3) were injected with 48, 24, and 12 ng, respectively, of SLT-IIv/kg of body weight. Subsequently, three groups (Nos. 4, 5, 6) of six pigs each were injected with 6, 3, and 1.5 ng, respectively, of SLT-IIv/kg of body weight. Severe clinical signs and histologic lesions characteristic of edema disease developed in pigs Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and all six pigs in group No. 4. Eight of these pigs were euthanatized in extremis (mean time to death was 34 hours) and one died of the disease (52 hours). Moderate signs and lesions of edema disease were observed in all pigs in group No. 5, and three pigs were euthanatized (mean time to euthanasia was 42 hours). Mild signs and lesions were observed in three pigs in group No. 6. The most common gross pathologic changes were edema of the eyelids, submucosa of the stomach, and mesentery of the spiral colon and hemorrhage of the colon and cerebellum. Microscopic lesions were associated with vascular injury and included vessel necrosis, perivascular edema and hemorrhage, and superficial colonic and cecal erosions. The vascular lesions were observed in the cerebellar folia, submucosa and mucosa of the stomach, cecum, colon, and sporadically in the retina. None of the clinical signs associated with endotoxin were observed.  相似文献   

Effects of Escherichia coli Shiga-like toxins (verotoxins) in pigs.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Escherichia coli K12 strains TB1(pCG5), with the genes for Shiga-like toxin IIv from an edema disease isolate of E. coli and TB1(pCG5-1), with the toxin genes inactivated by transposon mutagenesis, were used to test the hypothesis that Shiga-like toxin IIv was the same as edema disease principle. Ammonium sulfate precipitated culture supernatants from the pair of E. coli K12 strains and from a wild edema disease isolate of E. coli (E145) were tested for their ability to induce signs and lesions of edema disease in intravenously inoculated weaned pigs. Similar preparations from E. coli which produce Shiga-like toxins I and II were also tested. Preparations from E. coli TB1 (pCG5) and E145 contained high levels of Shiga-like toxin IIv and induced signs and lesions similar to those seen in edema disease, whereas preparations from E. coli TB1 (pCG5-1) failed to induce signs or lesions of edema disease. All Shiga-like toxin preparations produced delayed neurological signs, fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles and hemorrhages in the cerebellum of pigs. High doses of Shiga-like toxin IIv were associated with superficial necrosis of the colonic epithelium and vasculitis. Shiga-like toxins I and II resulted in kidney lesions but no enteric pathology. Shiga-like toxin II preparations had the lowest median lethal dose for pigs, Shiga-like toxin IIv was intermediate and Shiga-like toxin I was the least toxic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The mycotoxin T-2 toxin and Salmonella Typhimurium infections pose a significant threat to human and animal health. Interactions between both agents may result in a different outcome of the infection. Therefore, the aim of the presented study was to investigate the effects of low and relevant concentrations of T-2 toxin on the course of a Salmonella Typhimurium infection in pigs. We showed that the presence of 15 and 83 μg T-2 toxin per kg feed significantly decreased the amount of Salmonella Typhimurium bacteria present in the cecum contents, and a tendency to a reduced colonization of the jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon and colon contents was noticed. In vitro, proteomic analysis of porcine enterocytes revealed that a very low concentration of T-2 toxin (5 ng/mL) affects the protein expression of mitochondrial, endoplasmatic reticulum and cytoskeleton associated proteins, proteins involved in protein synthesis and folding, RNA synthesis, mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling and regulatory processes. Similarly low concentrations (1-100 ng/mL) promoted the susceptibility of porcine macrophages and intestinal epithelial cells to Salmonella Typhimurium invasion, in a SPI-1 independent manner. Furthermore, T-2 toxin (1-5 ng/mL) promoted the translocation of Salmonella Typhimurium over an intestinal porcine epithelial cell monolayer. Although these findings may seem in favour of Salmonella Typhimurium, microarray analysis showed that T-2 toxin (5 ng/mL) causes an intoxication of Salmonella Typhimurium, represented by a reduced motility and a downregulation of metabolic and Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 genes. This study demonstrates marked interactions of T-2 toxin with Salmonella Typhimurium pathogenesis, resulting in bacterial intoxication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the sequence of cardiovascular and blood gas changes induced by ingestion of fumonisin-containing culture material in swine and to examine the temporal relationship of these changes to plasma sphinganine and sphingosine concentrations. ANIMALS: 12 healthy castrated pigs (38 to 50 kg). PROCEDURE: Pigs were instrumented to permit cardiovascular monitoring and collection of blood samples. Baseline values were obtained, and pigs were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups. Control pigs (n = 6) were fed a standard grower diet, whereas culture material that contained 20 mg of fumonisin B1/kg of body weight was added to the feed of treated pigs (n = 6) each day. Hemodynamic data, results of arterial and mixed venous blood gas analyses, and plasma sphinganine and sphingosine concentrations were recorded every 12 hours until treated pigs were euthanatized because of impending death from pulmonary edema. RESULTS: Sphinganine and sphingosine concentrations were increased in plasma of treated pigs within 24 hours of initial fumonisin exposure and continued to increase dramatically until euthanasia. Fumonisin-treated pigs had increased respiratory rate, mean pulmonary artery pressure, and pulmonary artery wedge pressure, along with decreased heart rate and cardiac output in the 12-hour period before euthanasia. Fumonisin-treated pigs also had systemic arterial hypotension, arterial and mixed venous hypoxemia, metabolic acidosis, decreased oxygen delivery, and increased oxygen consumption immediately before euthanasia. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Fumonisin-induced pulmonary edema in swine is probably caused by acute left-sided heart failure. Onset of hemodynamic changes was associated with plasma sphinganine concentration > or = 2.2 microM/L and plasma sphingosine concentration > or = 1 microM/L.  相似文献   

A juvenile Yorkshire cross pig with rapidly progressive acute renal failure was submitted for necropsy. There was marked edema and disseminated petechiation of both kidneys, producing the "turkey-egg" appearance that is characteristic of exotic diseases such as African and classical swine fever. Microscopic findings included renal tubular epithelial necrosis with extensive interstitial edema and hemorrhage; lymphoplasmacytic, eosinophilic, and histiocytic tubulointerstitial nephritis; and numerous botryoid intracytoplasmic inclusions within the renal tubular epithelium and interstitial macrophages. Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) was readily identified within these lesions by both PCV2-specific immunohistochemistical staining and electron microscopy. Tests for African and classical swine fever viruses, as well as bacterial cultures, were negative. The striking renal lesions in this pig were attributed to PCV2 infection and are distinct from those that are typical of other PCV2-associated diseases.  相似文献   

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